Sodium citrate 3 substituted formula. Medicinal reference book geotar

The term “food additives” or “preservatives” labeled “E” causes consternation among consumers and is strongly associated with harm to health. This also includes sodium citrate, known as the food additive E331, which some consider dangerous, others do not.

The benefits and harms of sodium citrate are due to a number of valuable properties and unique characteristics.

Is sodium citrate (preservative E331) harmful?

Sodium citrate is the sodium salt of citric acid, used as an antioxidant, preservative and flavor enhancer.

At the same time, it is not classified as an agent that causes allergic reactions, nor as a substance that is toxic and dangerous to the body.

The harmlessness of sodium citrate is clearly demonstrated by the fact that it is included in baby food, as well as by the fact that the daily intake of it in food products has not been established. While its use in medicines is strictly regulated by the instructions accompanying them.

E331 is included in the list of additives that are approved for use by the Russian food industry.

Characteristics and features of sodium citrate

E331 is produced from citric acid (E330) by neutralizing it with sodium hydroxide, its chemical formula: Na3C6H5O7.

Sodium citrate at room temperature appears as an odorless, white solid that has a salty, slightly sour taste. Because of this feature, it is also called “sour salt.” This crystalline powder is highly soluble in water and slightly soluble in alcohol, does not have explosive or toxic properties, is considered hypoallergenic for the body, due to which it is actively used for medical purposes, but when inhaled it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

The sodium citrate molecule can contain different amounts of sodium ions, and depending on this, there are three types:

  • 1-substituted (monosodium citrate);
  • 2-substituted (disodium citrate);
  • 3-substituted (trisodium citrate).

Is sodium citrate good for you?

The most popular of the group of sodium citrates, 2-substituent, or dihydrate, is a powerful antioxidant that can fight free radicals in the blood.

It demonstrates useful alkalizing properties, neutralizing excess acid in the blood and urine, that is, it acts as an acidity stabilizer that can prevent oxidative processes. It is well known that an increase in the internal acidic environment of the body above normal (below pH 7) provokes harm in the form of inflammatory processes. This can be solved using the so-called . The useful additive E331 can act as a regulator of the acid-base balance.

In the form of medications, it is prescribed for diagnoses of heartburn, cystitis, kidney inflammation, and it also neutralizes the effects of hangover syndrome.

Sodium citrate harm and side effects

Synthesized from citric acid, when consumed in moderate doses, sodium citrate is considered a compound with no apparent harmful health effects.

Harm can come from exceeding the norm for using the supplement (mainly as a medicinal product): then a disruption of metabolic processes occurs in the body, manifested by swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, diarrhea, headaches, and even neuralgic disorders.

In food products, sodium citrate is contained in small doses, and no facts have been established that indicate harm to health when consuming products with it.

Where is sodium citrate used?

For a long time, the benefits of sodium citrate were used only for medical purposes as an anticoagulant during blood transfusions, before its stabilizing and emulsifying properties were discovered, which became widely used in industrial food production technologies.

E331 is also usefully used for artificial insemination in livestock farming, in analytical chemistry, and is used to regulate the acidity level in coffee machines.

In the food industry

Industrial food production uses the beneficial properties of sodium citrate for the following purposes:

  • acidity regulation;
  • enhance taste;
  • melting cheese;
  • improving the organoleptic properties of products;
  • emulsification.

At the same time, all three of its types are involved in technological processes.

1-aqueous sodium citrate, obtained by removing sodium and crystallization, has a peculiar sour-salty taste, which is used to improve the organoleptic properties of food products and to regulate high acidity in dishes.

2-water sodium citrate, as the most concentrated in content, has useful properties to increase the shelf life of products, speed up the whipping of ice cream or creams, and salting of meat.

As an antioxidant, sodium citrate has the ability to preserve the color of food products and also prevent the appearance of bitterness in them.

The benefits of sodium citrate in combination with are important in providing the precise pH control required in many foods and beverages.

And 3-substituted citrate, citric acid, finds useful use in the production of carbonated drinks to enhance the taste of citrus.

In milk production, this type of sodium citrate is added as a preservative to produce pasteurized milk that can withstand long-term heat treatment and retain its beneficial properties.

An important benefit of sodium citrate is its low price, which helps the commercial benefit of product manufacturers.

In medicine

In the medical field, the benefits of E311 seem endless. It is used as:

  • an antioxidant that can eliminate free radicals;
  • a blood anticoagulant that reduces the tendency to form blood clots, which is beneficial for people of any age;
  • diuretic: salt has diuretic properties.
  • anti-urolytic: to dissolve cystine stones as a result of alkalinization of urine and normalization of pH.

Sodium citrate as a medicine has benefits for the body as a biologically active component.

Sodium citrate in the form of injections is administered during donor events to increase the body's positive reaction to transplants.

E331 has the property of enhancing the effect of ascorbic acid and also having a pronounced laxative effect.

Acid salt is also used to increase the shelf life of protein preparations. It can also hide the unpleasant taste of drugs.

The peculiarity of the compound formula is used in the production of instant drugs, for example, for hangovers.

In cosmetics

Sodium citrate is successfully used in the cosmetics industry due to its beneficial properties:

  • regulation of acid-base balance with cosmetic preparations;
  • neutralizing the harm of the alkaline effects of detergents on skin and hair;
  • removing white alkaline plaque from hair;
  • conditioning, softening, smoothing skin and hair;
  • increased shine and smoothness of hair;
  • straightening the cuticle;
  • stimulation of foam formation, giving foam stability;
  • preservative, thickening and emulsifying qualities.

In sports

E311 is sold in the form of sports nutrition to improve the quality of the body's activity during training.

In particular, 3-valent sodium citrate helps in sports

  • optimize the body's redox reactions;
  • increase muscle mass gain;
  • in the overall endurance of the body.

An example is its use in sports nutrition for bodybuilders.

In addition, the E331 supplement is a useful catalyst for the conversion of carbohydrates and amino acids, due to which it has the property of increasing the body’s energy reserves.

Sodium citrate perfectly demonstrates its beneficial properties in such cases.

  • to delay fatigue;
  • in anaerobic exercises, at the limit of the athlete’s capabilities;
  • in order to improve physical performance.

At the same time, an important aspect of the additive is the safety of its use.


The breadth of use of E331 leaves no doubt about the answer to the question: what are the benefits and harms of sodium citrate. As a natural component, sodium citrate has a beneficial effect on the body. The additive has found its use in a wide range of industries: in food production, medicine and pharmacology, cosmetology and others, while its harm can only be spoken of conditionally in cases of individual intolerance or exceeding the norm of drugs containing it.

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Let's talk about Sodium Citrate powder - in what cases does it help, methods of administration, dosage in all cases, contraindications, photo of the pack. The instructions for use highlight the following features:

  • During pregnancy: contraindicated
  • When breastfeeding: contraindicated
  • In childhood: contraindicated


Chemical name

Trisodium citric acid

Chemical properties

Sodium Citrate, what is it? To understand what sodium salt of citric acid is, we need to consider its structure. Chemical formula of the substance: Na3C6H5O7. The product has the appearance of a white fine-crystalline powder, has a salty-sour taste, and is odorless. Melts at 310 degrees Celsius. Molecular weight = 258 grams per mole. Tri-substituted Sodium Citrate is highly soluble in water, soluble in alcohols, and insoluble in organic solutions.

Harm and benefit

The chemical compound is actively used:

  • as a seasoning, spice, preservative under code E331, in the production of lemon-flavored soda, energy drinks, gelatin desserts, in baby food;
  • as a buffer to maintain a stable pH, as an anticoagulant, in coffee machines;
  • in pharmaceuticals, it is part of soluble forms of drugs, for example, for heartburn;
  • as a laxative in the treatment of genitourinary infections;
  • in analytical chemistry, when determining ESR;
  • in windshield wiper fluids.

Sodium Citrate, as a rule, does not cause harm to the human body. The substance is non-toxic and does not cause irritation upon contact with skin. It is better not to inhale the product. There have been no recorded cases of poisoning with this chemical compound.

pharmachologic effect

Alkalinizing, anticoagulant, restoring alkaline balance.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Sodium Citrate has the ability to bind calcium ions, which are plasma coagulation factor 4, and slow down the processes of hemocoagulation. The substance increases the concentration of sodium ions in the body, alkalinizes the blood, changes the pH of urine, and eliminates the symptoms of dysuria.

Indications for use

Sodium citrate is used to stabilize blood, symptomatic treatment of urinary tract diseases, cystitis; added to tablets for heartburn and hangover.


The substance should not be used if you have allergies.

Side effects

Sodium Citrate can cause loss of appetite, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, nausea, increased blood pressure, and allergic skin rashes.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The dosage and frequency of sodium citrate intake depends on the drug used.

When treating cystitis, the substance is taken three times a day for 48 hours. The dosage is selected individually.


There is no information about an overdose of the drug.


The substance does not interact with drugs. It should be remembered that the product alkalinizes the urine.

special instructions

Treatment courses with Sodium Citrate should not be repeated frequently. If symptoms persist after therapy, it is recommended to change treatment tactics.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the substance is used with extreme caution.

Drugs containing (Analogs)

Trade names of the product: Blemaren, disubstituted Sodium Citrate, Sodium Citrate dihydrate. The substance is contained in the following drugs: Trihydron, Glyugitsir, Gidrovit Forte, Regidron, Faglucid, CFDA-1, Kafanol, Ionica, Microlax, Re-Sol, Electral.

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THREE LIZUNES from two INGREDIENTS / GLASS / WITHOUT tetraborate / crystal slime

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Sodium citrate

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Sodium citrate

Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder, odorless, salty taste.


pharmachologic effect- anticoagulant, alkalinizing urine, restoring the alkaline state of the blood.

Binds Ca++ (plasma IV coagulation factor) and inhibits hemocoagulation (in vitro). Increases Na+ content in the body, increases alkaline blood reserves. Changes the reaction of urine from acidic to alkaline, contributes to the disappearance of symptoms of dysuria.

Application of the substance Sodium citrate

Blood stabilization. Symptomatic treatment of cystitis.



Restrictions on use

Heart disease, kidney disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, low-salt diet, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects of the substance Sodium citrate

Decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased blood pressure.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Sodium citrate

The course of treatment should not be repeated frequently. If, after completing the course, symptoms of cystitis remain, it is necessary to verify the diagnosis.

In men and children, cystitis is often bacterial in nature, so prescribing the drug to these patients is not recommended.

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkowski Index ®

Sodium citrate is a sodium salt. The peculiarity of sodium citrate is its sour-salty taste, for which substances of this group are often called “sour salts”. Used as an antioxidant, preservative and as a seasoning to improve the taste of food. Chemical formula Na 3 C 6 H 5 O 7.

The food additive E331 is known in the form of a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in, but poorly soluble in (calorizator). The substance is non-toxic, non-explosive, and non-flammable. There are several varieties of sodium citrates:

  • (i) Monosodium citrate;
  • (ii) Disodium citrate;
  • (iii) Trisodium citrate.

Currently, sodium citrates are produced chemically by neutralizing with sodium hydroxide and crystallizing the resulting substance.

Initially, at the beginning of the 20th century, sodium citrate was used in blood transfusions as an anticoagulant (substances that interfere with the process of blood clotting), then the ability of sodium citrate to affect the acidity of dishes was discovered and began to be used as a preservative.

Benefits and harms of E331

Sodium citrate is recognized as conditionally safe for health, but when inhaled it tends to irritate the upper respiratory tract, but no cases of the substance irritating the skin have been identified. E331 is used in medications that help with heartburn, hangover syndrome, cystitis and kidney inflammation. Side effects of taking medications based on sodium citrate include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and abdominal pain.

Application of E331

The main use of the food additive E331 is the production of soft carbonated drinks (including energy drinks), especially with the flavor and. E331 is also used as an acidity regulator in the production of products such as marshmallows, processed cheeses, marmalades, soufflés, baby food, and yoghurts.

Other areas of application of sodium citrate are medicine (as part of medications and as an anticoagulant when donating donor blood and its components); analytical chemistry; livestock breeding (artificial insemination). E331 is used to regulate the acidity level in coffee machines.

Use of E331 in Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of E331 Sodium Citrates as an antioxidant food additive is permitted.

Sodium citrate is a food additive E331, sodium salt of citric acid with a specific salty-sour taste.

Other common names for sodium citrate are sodium citrate, disodium citrate, trisodium citrate (sodium citrate, sodium citrates, disodium citrate, trisodium citrate).

Sodium citrate looks like a white crystalline powder. It dissolves well in water and poorly in alcohol, and is perfectly stored. The chemical formula of additive E331 is Na3C6H5O7.

Sodium citrate is obtained by neutralizing citric acid with sodium hydroxide or another source of sodium.

Sodium citrate is an officially approved food additive in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe. In addition, E331 is successfully used in medicine.

Sodium citrate – application in the food industry

E331 is used in the food industry as a preservative, stabilizer or flavor enhancer.

The main purpose of sodium citrate is to enhance the taste of carbonated drinks, imitating the taste of citrus fruits. Energy drinks from reputable brands also contain sodium citrate.

E331 is added to yoghurts, marmalade, soufflés, marshmallows, jelly, and processed cheese to regulate the acidity level.

Sodium citrate can be used as a seasoning for dishes.

The additive is used in sterilization, pasteurization of milk, production of fermented milk products, canned milk based milk, powdered milk, infant formula and other products, the production of which involves prolonged heat treatment of milk.

Use of sodium citrate in medicine

By adding E331 to donor blood, doctors ensure its safety - thanks to sodium citrate, it can not clot for a long time. Sodium citrate is also used to preserve other protein preparations and as an enhancer of the action of ascorbic acid.

Citrate prevents changes in pH levels, which is why it is used to relieve heartburn. The substance is prescribed for renal acidosis, cystitis (to alleviate symptoms).

The pharmaceutical industry uses sodium citrate in the production of instant drugs.

The substance is often included in medications that relieve hangover symptoms and is used as a laxative.

Harm of sodium citrate

A person may experience nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, and abdominal pain after consuming foods and medications containing E331. In this case, sodium citrate is most likely to cause harm after consuming medications, since the additive content in them is several times higher than in food products. There have been no documented cases of sodium citrate poisoning, so this supplement is considered harmless to humans.

Sodium citrate in its pure form is non-toxic and does not cause negative reactions if it comes into contact with the skin, but can irritate the respiratory tract if the powder is accidentally inhaled.



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