Application of wax moth tincture. Tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs

Traditional medicine can work real miracles. Today she uses different approaches to treatment with herbs, flowers, roots or honey. For centuries they have been healing diseases and helping to maintain health for many people. One of the amazing and effective medicines For many ailments, wax moth tincture is used, the main component of which is insect larvae.

Features of the insect

Wax moth is an inconspicuous gray butterfly of small size, which is considered a real threat to beekeeping. This winged pest of honey bees is familiar to every beekeeper. The insect has an odor very similar to honey. It is for this reason that bees accept wax moths as “one of their own,” which allows them to gain access to honey.

The inconspicuous-looking butterfly itself does not pose a danger to bees. She only lays eggs on bee honeycombs, from which harmful larvae emerge after a while. On initial stage they feed on honey and beebread, and during development, on wax honeycombs mixed with the remains of the cocoon.

Eating wax, voracious caterpillars damage the honeycombs, covering the trajectory of their movement with silk. In addition, they eat honey and brood, and also damage frames and insulation for hives. At large cluster insects, caterpillars are able to eat even their own kind. Such destruction affects bee colonies, resulting in many dying or leaving their homes. But caterpillars, due to their gluttony, transform into very useful animals. medical point insect vision.


Used since ancient times. About amazing healing properties oh, our ancestors knew this insect back in the 17th century. Tincture of wax moth larvae was then used by healers to treat heart diseases.

Secrets of preparing wax moth larvae tincture

A tincture of wax moths (moths) is prepared from moths that have not yet transformed into pupae. The uniqueness of the body of these creatures lies in the production of cerrase - a special enzyme, thanks to which it is broken down and absorbed beeswax. That is why wax moths use bee waste products as food.


According to many beekeepers, it is better to use larger larvae to prepare the tincture, as they contain more useful substances. The recipe for making wax moth tincture is quite simple, which allows you to make it at home. To obtain 10% you will need 10 g of larvae per 100 ml of alcohol. The recipe for 20% tincture is distinguished by a 2-fold increase in the number of caterpillars.

The recipe for making wax moth tincture is quite simple, which allows you to make it at home. To obtain 10% extract you will need 10 g of larvae per 100 ml of alcohol. The recipe for 20% tincture is distinguished by a 2-fold increase in the number of caterpillars.

Preparing the tincture is not at all difficult: these components must be placed in a glass container and left for a month in a cool place protected from light. The medicine is light brown in color and has a delicate honey-protein aroma. Before use, the tincture must be strained. The shelf life of this medicine is up to 3 years.

The medicinal properties possessed by the tincture of wax moth larvae are explained by the chemical composition of the product. It contains:

  • Vitamins and amino acids;
  • Enzymes and lipids;
  • Bioflavonoids and peptides;
  • High molecular weight proteins and serotonin-like substances;
  • Hypoxanthine;
  • Nucleotides and steroid hormones;
  • Fatty acids and minerals.

The use of wax moth tincture has wide range actions thanks to such rich chemical composition alcohol extract.

Indications for use

And this is not all the indications that wax moth tincture cures. It is also used in gynecology and surgery. The extract is used in oncology, as it reduces the rate of spread malignant tumors. The presence of psychotropic substances in the drug promotes recovery nervous system: relieving fatigue, stress, tension, improving mood and memory.

Wax moth tincture is also actively used by athletes during preparation for competitions, which involve large physical activity. The drug has also found use in hematology. It is prescribed for anemia and other blood diseases. Wax moth extract promotes wound healing and protects against fungal infections.

"In the off-season and during viral diseases We take wax moth tincture with the whole family. The result is the absence sick leave and absences from school. I recommend."

Svetlana, Astrakhan

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that traditional medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of tincture of wax moth larvae, so the drug should be used with caution. It is advisable to consult a doctor and not replace the prescribed medical supplies on your own for tincture.

“As a doctor who has been practicing for more than 10 years, I cannot confirm miraculous properties wax moth tinctures. Moreover, replacement potent drugs prescribed by a doctor for serious illnesses is fraught with deterioration of the patient's condition. I do not recommend it to my patients instead of officially registered drugs that have been tested and confirmed their effect on the body. I attribute the positive reviews about the tincture to the placebo effect. You need to trust traditional medicine, not healers or beekeepers!”

Alexander Petrovich, St. Petersburg

Contraindications for use

Like any other medicine, in addition to its benefits, tincture of wax moth larvae can be harmful to human health. It should be taken with extreme caution by children, as the body small child very sensitive. Contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture are as follows:

  • Individual intolerance to bee products, which can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction, headache, weakness;
  • Acute hepatitis;
  • Allergy to bee products;
  • Stomach ulcer (exacerbation period);
  • Chronic pancreatitis.

Directions for use

You need to know how to take wax moth tincture, as the dosage may vary. Instructions for use indicate how to drink and how many days to take the drug when a certain disease. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to consume alcohol and products containing preservatives.

The course of treatment must be at least 3 months. This duration of therapy is explained by the need to accumulate useful substances, after which their potential is already used.

Universal application

In most cases, a tincture based on wax moth is used in 15-20 drops of 10% extract (at the rate of 3 drops per 10 kg of human weight). The medicine is diluted with water or other liquid. It is recommended to drink a 20% solution 7-10 drops 2 times a day. For preventive purposes, this dose is taken once a day.

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the disease. To avoid doubtful moments, before using the drug, consultation and prescription of a doctor is necessary.

External use

Wax moth extract is often used for external application, as it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, wound healing properties. Therefore, it is widely used for the treatment of skin diseases, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, thrombophlebitis. In addition, a cream or ointment based on wax moth larvae extract helps eliminate bedsores, bruises, sprains, and wounds of various origins. The tincture is effective for furunculosis, trophic ulcers ah, herpes.

“I have been familiar with wax moth tincture for more than 10 years, since I prepare it myself and am an experienced beekeeper. This excellent remedy, I use it to save myself from migraines, chest pain and colds.”

Ivan Ilyich, Uralsk

“I’ve heard about the healing properties of fireweed for a long time. But you need to know how to take the tincture correctly. After the first dose, red spots appeared on the body. I don’t know, maybe the product is simply not suitable for my body.”

Liliya Ivanovna, Tambov

“I learned about the many properties of wax moth tincture from a friend. I decided to try the product externally first. Using a moth, I got rid of a terrible scar (4 cm in diameter). The surface of the skin in that place became even, became softer and noticeably whitened.”

Elena, Chelyabinsk

According to reviews, wax moth tincture has helped many patients get rid of migraines, gout, and many of the above diseases. However, in some patients, after stopping the drug, unpleasant symptoms return again. There are also patients for whom taking the extract did not bring positive results, and even caused side effects in the form of allergies and headaches. In such cases, it is recommended to stop taking the drug.

Where to buy

Wax willow tincture is not produced or sold by any licensed pharmaceutical company. Its preparation is carried out by beekeepers themselves or small private companies that specialize in the sale of beekeeping products.

Therefore, in order to avoid deception and not harm your health, it is better to purchase the drug from familiar beekeepers. You can also use the Internet and order the drug on the website of a farm that is interested in customers and protects its reputation. It is better to avoid purchasing from online stores that sell a variety of goods.

“I couldn’t find a tincture based on it anywhere for a long time. I searched all the pharmacies until a neighbor recommended a beekeeper she knew. I ordered the product from him.”

Some companies producing tinctures do not provide instructions for use. Taking such medications causes concern, since the dosage depends on the concentration of the solution. This is another nuance that you need to pay attention to when purchasing wax moth tincture.


Everyone knows that beekeeping is a unique biological treasure active substances. Starting from honey and ending with waste products of bees. It is widely known about the use of traditional medicine such bee products, like wax, bee bread, propolis, death. The bee industry is so diverse that even for beekeeping pests there are methods of application for treatment various kinds pathologies.

Tincture of wax moth larvae. Bee pest or powerful medicine?

The wax moth (moth) is a small nocturnal butterfly that lives exclusively in bee hives. The food product for its larvae is wax, deposited by bees to build honeycombs. The vital activity of an adult is not dangerous for the products in the hive. All the beekeepers' attention is directed to the moth larvae. It is believed that the larvae contain in their enzyme composition a product with which wax is digested. This determines the indications for the use of alcohol tincture of moth larvae for treatment various pathologies. Not only the larvae, but also the products of their vital activity, have biological activity. Moth excrement also has a high content of active digestive products.

To make sure high value excrement, studies were conducted on the activity of the tincture from the moth larvae themselves with the effectiveness of the tincture from excrement (digestion and vital activity products). The method of obtaining the tincture in both cases was the same. Prepared 20% alcohol solution for 10 days. Studies using the Voll method have shown that the level of activity alcohol extract moth excrement exceeds that of the alcohol product by a factor of 10. Thus, it is absolutely advisable to use in folk medicine not only moth larvae as medicinal raw materials, but a much more valuable product of its vital activity (excrement).

Video: Wax moth tincture

Application areas

Rich enzyme composition, presence high content biologically active products, a narrow range of contraindications, the relative availability of raw materials, and its environmental friendliness make the method of treating many diseases using extracts from bee pests (wax moth larvae) very attractive.

It is the above-mentioned diversity that determines the indications for the use of bioproducts:

  1. Cordially - vascular diseases. It is believed that wax moth infusion is effective in eliminating the consequences of myocardial infarction (active scar healing), improving nutrition, nerve conduction heart muscle, antibacterial effect for rheumatic lesions.
  2. Pathology of the upper respiratory tract. Bronchitis, alveolitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, viral and bacterial etiology. Activation local immunity lung tissue, general immunomodulatory effect.
  3. Gynecology. Absorbing effect on adhesions fallopian tubes, good reviews during therapy inflammatory processes female genital organs (oophoritis, colpitis, vaginitis).
  4. Phthisiology. The infusion is especially widely used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
  5. Hematology. Activation of hematopoiesis, treatment of anemia.
  6. Geriatrics. Prevention senile dementia, sclerosis, positive reviews in the prevention of premature aging processes.
  7. Pediatrics. Activation immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infections.
  8. Sports medicine. Preparing athletes for competitions, recovering from hard training, strengthening and improving metabolic rates.

Good reviews about high activity composition in relation to the prevention of atherosclerosis and vascular thrombosis. A method of using moth waste products for the treatment of thrombophlebitis internally and externally in the form of applications.

Video: How and why to use fire

Chemical composition

The presence of a wide range of amino acids in the extract explains therapeutic effect in the treatment of trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins

Amino acid composition of the alcoholic extract of moth larvae:

The extract contains a wide variety of microelements. The presence of substances such as manganese, selenium, molybdenum, zinc provides support for the vital functions of organs and body systems at the biochemical level. These chemicals plus the diversity of the amino acid spectrum work at the level of mediators (activators) of nerve conduction processes in tissues.

The amino acids listed above are not synthesized in the human body, can only be supplied from the outside, and are considered essential. The alcohol extract of wax moth larvae and excrement contains an optimally balanced composition of microelements and amino acids in a bioavailable form. This combination makes it possible to use the product to improve the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus(hypoglycemic effect). The method and regimen of administration is selected individually. Depends on the degree of the disease, blood sugar level, and the presence of diabetes-associated diseases.

Effects of application

Excellent reviews after a course of therapy were received from patients with blood pressure problems. Interestingly, it is possible to regulate blood pressure numbers with the help of a drug obtained from moth, in people with both high blood pressure and blood pressure and prone to hypotension. All components natural medicine work as natural regulators of blood circulation processes. Pressure indicators reach optimal levels, which ensures full functioning of patients. The activity of aerobic metabolic processes in myocardial tissue increases, which is also the prevention of post-infarction complications.

High activity of the drug was detected in relation to the causative agent of tuberculosis (mycobacterium, Koch's bacillus). The effect of application is ensured when complex treatment This serious illness is due to the extraordinary ability of products from moth larvae to break down the proteins of the bacterial shell and activate the process of its decay. Mycobacterium is highly resistant to antibacterial agents various chemical groups. The method of treating tuberculosis using wax moth products has received wide recognition: chemotherapy drugs reach their target more easily, and therapy is more successful.

In geriatric practice, the use of bee products is becoming a promising trend. Almost the only contraindication is individual intolerance, allergies. It is especially important for older people to receive biologically active drugs without side effects.

A method for treating senile dementia, solutions for cardio- vascular problems To relieve anemic conditions, take the tincture orally. Common practice involves the following diagram: from 10 to 21 drops, 1-3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Course intake is 3 – 5 weeks.

IN pediatric practice acts as an excellent way to activate natural protective forces body. Wax moth application: for frequent colds in children, diseases bronchopulmonary system, anemia. Doses are taken at the rate of 1 drop per 1 year of life. Dilute the tincture in a small amount of liquid (alcohol preparation), drink before meals, several (1 - 4) times a day.

For sports medicine relevant natural ways activation of natural anabolic processes. A tincture of wax moth larvae and excrement is ideal for this purpose. All the above properties work great in healthy body athletes, which gives broad prospects for using the product in this area.

Video: Wax moth

Method for making an alcohol extract of wax moth larvae and instructions for use

Place 7 grams of young larvae in a dark glass container, pour 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Leave direct access without sun rays 7 days.

Take the product orally 13-21 drops, first dilute with water up to 3 times a day. For children, it is necessary to calculate a single dose according to age (the number of years is equal to the number of drops).

Despite the fact that the wax moth is the main enemy of beekeepers, sometimes destroying entire hives, in folk medicine this insect is valued as a means to combat tuberculosis and infertility. Below we will take a closer look at the features of treatment with wax moth tincture.

Wax moth tincture: description

The wax moth, or bee moth, is the most dangerous pest of bee hives, since it is in them that it lays its eggs. The emerging larvae immediately begin to devour the honeycombs, since wax and honey are the basis of their diet. After the wax moth, only holey honeycombs, thickly wrapped in the silk of these insects, remain in the hive. In such a situation, bees have no choice but to leave the hive and look for another place to collect honey and winter.
However, due to the fact that the bee moth feeds specifically on beekeeping products, it itself has become very important product to create healing tinctures and ointments that help in the treatment of a very wide range of diseases. Main secret The beauty of the wax moth lies in an extract or enzyme called cerrase, which it produces itself and thanks to which it manages to digest beeswax. It was because of cerrase that the bee moth and its tincture began to be used to treat tuberculosis.

Did you know? The first scientist who paid attention to the wax moth was I. Mechnikov. He suggested that since this insect manages to digest wax, its enzyme can also break down the waxy shell that covers the Koch bacillus. Thanks to this, with the concomitant use of antibiotics and wax moth tinctures, the shelf was completely destroyed.

Chemical composition of the product

Fire tincture contains countless amounts useful elements, 50-60% of which are free amino acids. These include:

Among the micro- and macroelements, the extract of wax moth larvae also contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. Also, the extract of these insects is rich in glucose and sucrose,

Beneficial properties of wax moth: how is it beneficial for the human body?

The healing properties of wax moth have already been recognized even traditional medicine and a tincture of it is prescribed by doctors to treat many diseases.

It has the following list of properties:

  • antimicrobial effect;
  • antiviral effect;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood microcirculation;
  • auxiliary effect on scar resorption;
  • immunostimulating effect;
  • normalization of the nervous system (improved sleep);
  • stimulation of the male and female reproductive systems;
  • stimulation of growth muscle mass(a kind of analogue of anabolic steroids).

It is even used in the treatment of infertility, both in men and women. It can also be used by pregnant women, since its effect on the body allows this tincture to practically get rid of the symptoms of toxicosis. There are also no contraindications for the use of drugs and tinctures based on bee moth for children, for whom it becomes a source of energy and protection against viral infections.

How to prepare wax moth tincture?

To prepare wax moth tincture, it is necessary to use only young larvae that lead active image life (they eat the products of bees) and are not yet going to turn into pupae. In order to obtain all the necessary enzymes from them, insects are soaked in alcohol with a strength of at least 70%.

Important! To prepare bee moth tinctures, it is extremely important to use those insects that were found directly in the bee hive and fed on natural honeycombs, wax and honey. If you use wax moth grown in artificial conditions, the tincture obtained from it will not have any medicinal properties.

To prevent the tincture from becoming too concentrated, the number of insects should be only a tenth of the volume of alcohol (10 grams of wax moth larvae per 100 ml of alcohol). It is noteworthy that when preparing the tincture, insects do not even need to be pre-treated, since alcohol will still not allow any microbes to survive during the infusion period. It is only important to place the wax moth larvae in a dark glass container, which can be used as any empty medicine bottle that has a wide neck. Infusion of wax moth should last from 10 to 14 days. Throughout this period, it is important to regularly shake off the larvae at the bottom. After the specified time, the tincture can be used for treatment as prescribed by a doctor.

Did you know? A tincture of wax moth larvae was prepared back in Ancient Greece and Egypt. In these countries, the insect was called the “golden butterfly” and it was believed that thanks to its enzymes the aging process could be stopped. As it turned out, the tincture can really rejuvenate the skin.

What is treated with tincture: medicinal properties of wax moth

Described healing agent can be used to treat a wide range of diseases, but it is important to know how to take wax moth tincture correctly so as not to cause side effects or overdose. If we are talking about children under 14 years of age, then the dosage is prescribed one drop per one year of the child’s age. That is, if a child is 7 years old, then during the day he can drink only 7 drops of this medicine regardless of the disease (if a 10% tincture is taken, then for 1 year of age children can drink 2 drops). As for adults, the dose for them is calculated based on body weight:

Important! At serious illnesses It is not recommended to prescribe treatment with wax moth tincture on your own. Even if your doctor has nothing against taking it, the tincture can only act as an auxiliary medicine and not as the main drug for treatment.

The described tincture is also useful for other diseases, however, due to individual characteristics It is important to discuss their course, administration and dosage of the tincture with specialists. It's about about:

  • diseases of the bronchus, including bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • anemia;
  • heart attacks;
  • ischemic heart diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • problems with liver function;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus

In any case, it is recommended to take the product half an hour before meals. Adults can drink the tincture at pure form, while for children it needs to be diluted with water. Ideally, you should only use ¼ cup of liquid because large number water will slow down the absorption of the tincture.

As for the duration of taking the tincture, for preventive purposes adults should drink it for at least 4 weeks, after which it is important to take a break for 1 month. Well preventive treatment It is better to reduce children to 3 weeks, taking a break of the same duration. But if the tincture is used to treat some specific diseases, then the course of taking it can last for 3 months, which depends on the complexity of the disease, as well as medical recommendations.

Wax moth extract is one of the many folk remedies that are actively used today against a variety of diseases. Made from larvae. The production of this product is justified, since it is one of the methods that allows you to usefully get rid of pests from hives. However, it has not been proven that this kind of medicine helps cure any disease.

Manufacturers and beekeepers say that such products contain a special kind of enzyme - cerrase. It promotes the digestion of bee products, including wax. The outer shell of most harmful and beneficial bacteria consists of a compound called lipopolysaccharide. His chemical nature similar to wax.

This feature allows you to destroy harmful bacteria, which means that many diseases can be cured. However, there is a nuance: science knows nothing about the cerraz enzyme; only the manufacturers of this product mention it.

There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the tincture. Moreover, if we call upon logic, then this remedy should destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, because the structure of the outer shells in both cases is similar. Then the principle of action should be akin to an antibiotic, however, no, it is believed that the extract of wax moth larvae acts only against pathogens. It is not known for certain what causes this selectivity of the substance.

What does the remedy treat?

According to the manufacturer, the use of tincture, for the production of which wax moth larvae were used, is justified in a number of cases:

  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis/bronchial asthma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Anemia
  • Depressive states
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract (for example, ulcers, gastritis, etc.)
  • Performance deterioration female body V menopause, maintenance men's health(for impotence)
  • Thrombophlebitis.

An extract (for example, produced under the brand name Melonella) is used when the body’s condition deteriorates after a myocardial infarction, to maintain health during serious diagnoses(heart disease, blood flow disorders, scars on the heart muscle, myocarditis), and also if there is a violation heart rate. In addition, moth extract is characterized antibacterial properties, so it is used to treat infectious diseases.

How to make it yourself?

It is allowed to use a store-bought drug (for example, Melonella) and medication homemade. To implement the second option, you should prepare by studying the cooking technology. So, you will need raw materials (larvae) of a certain age.

For 100 ml of substance you will need 10 g of bee moth larvae.

It is believed that just before pupation, the caterpillars' body stops producing an important enzyme. Prepared at home alcohol tincture, for which medical alcohol (70%) is used.

Sequence of actions:

  1. An incubator hive is used to raise the larvae.
  2. When the time comes, a flat table, previously heated in the sun, is placed nearby.
  3. Take out and lay out the honeycombs. It is enough to leave them for 10 minutes so that the larvae separate from the cells.
  4. Alcohol is poured into a dark glass container. The larvae are placed here with tweezers. For 100 ml of substance you will need 10 g of raw material. This is how a 10% tincture is prepared. You can make the product more concentrated (25%), then the number of larvae increases. The butterfly's offspring are immediately immersed in alcohol to avoid loss of nutrients. It is important to ensure that the larvae are completely covered with liquid.
  5. An important condition for preparing the product is sealed packaging.
  6. The tincture is left alone for 1-1.5 weeks.

For 1 liter of vodka take 200 g of larvae. The product must be infused for at least 2 weeks.

After the required time, the product is filtered. The prepared tincture should be stored in the refrigerator, and it can be stored for 3 years. Can be used instead medical alcohol vodka. In this case, the ratio of the components changes. For 1 liter of vodka take 200 g of larvae. The product must be infused for at least 2 weeks. When it is ready, filter it and add 0.5 liters of water.

Dosage and duration of use may vary. IN medicinal purposes It is recommended to use this remedy three times a day. If it is used for prophylaxis, the dose is reduced to 1 r./day. Children under 14 years of age are not recommended to drink vodka infusion. If necessary, alcohol medicine at this age can be taken in quantities of 1-2 drops for each year of the child’s life. Adult dosage: up to 20 drops at a time.

You should take 15-20 drops of tincture diluted in any other liquid 3 times a day

The use of a product with alcohol is more justified than its analogue with vodka, since the second option is less effective and has a weak effect. Alcohol medicine is drunk according to the scheme in two variations:

  • The treatment lasts for a month, then you need to take a break for a week and continue treatment.
  • The product is used for 21 days, after which a break is also taken for 3 weeks.

Important to consider possible reaction for bee products. The duration of taking the drug will depend on this. Vodka medicine has its own characteristics. So, for treatment, the frequency of administration is the same - 3 times / day. For prevention, drink it twice a day before meals in the morning and evening. Recommended dose – 0.5 tsp.

With normal tolerability of the drug, treatment can be long-term, and the dose is gradually increased to 3 tbsp. l./day

Release form and brand

The product is sold in herbal pharmacies, it can be bought online or directly from beekeepers. The price will vary accordingly. So, ready-made drugs offered under the Melonella brand. The product in an amount of 50 ml can be purchased for 250-300 rubles.

However, the price is also determined by the concentration, and not just the quantity of the substance (you can find a 100 ml product). Another factor is also involved in pricing, namely the concentration of the substance (10%, 25%). Release form: infusion/extract (liquid structure); capsules. To distinguish natural product from a fake, you need to pay attention to two parameters: the container glass is dark; the product contains larvae.

Interesting video:Bee products - wax moth extract


The use of the infusion is limited to children under 14 years of age, but if necessary, it can be given minimum doses. In addition, pregnant women and women during lactation should not take the product. Conspicuously absent from the composition hazardous substances in addition to alcohol, but if consumed regularly it can negatively affect the fetus and the body infant. Application is also limited by possible allergic reaction for the drug. It should be borne in mind that it contains bee products.

Is it possible to combine the infusion with medications?

Considering the simple composition and minimum quantity chemical compounds, it is permissible to use such a medicine simultaneously with any pharmaceutical drugs. For this reason you should not stop taking medications when moth larvae extract is introduced.

Popular wisdom glossitis – the most valuable thing in every person’s life is health. But people think about it, like other things, when they lose it. Every year health fades - poor ecology, poor nutrition, stress - do their job, affecting the condition human body. Today people rarely remember traditional medicine, using achievements for treatment medical science. Forgetting that the world around us is rich in the gifts of nature that will cure and prevent many diseases.

Many specialists traditional medicine To maintain health, they use very amazing substances that seemed to do no good to humans. One of these amazing remedies is wax moth tincture.

This miracle remedy has been known for a long time, but has not been fully studied. More and more beneficial effects on the human body are being discovered.

Description of the bee moth

The bee moth, also known as the wax moth, belongs to the moth family. This is a very dangerous beekeeping pest. The period from laying eggs to the formation of pupae, the pest remains in the hives. It feeds on honeycombs, honey, and wax.

The benefit of wax moth larvae lies in the accumulated useful substances from bee products. The insect takes them from food, accumulating nutrients about 25 – 30 days.

The tincture is prepared from young larvae that have not pupated. Large caterpillars are especially beneficial. The product using the bee pest has a fairly wide range of applications.

History of the use of wax moth larvae

The priests in Ancient Egypt knew about bee moth larvae and their properties. The healing properties of these small creatures were widely used by the pharaohs, wanting to prolong their youth and preserve their beauty.

The healing properties of small insects were widely used in Asian countries. Information about them can be found in many ancient recipes of ancient healers in Rus'. In manuscripts of the 17th century, it was mentioned about the healing of patients with drugs from the goose wax moth. Thanks to this remedy, infertility and consumption were cured.

For the first time, from the point of view of science, moth caterpillars were studied by I.I. Melnikov. in 1889 at the Pasteur Institute (Paris). He assumed that the substances that insects are rich in could destroy the waxy film of bacteria that provoke consumption. The research data provided positive result. The indications for the use of moth larvae for tuberculosis patients were confirmed.

Further research by Metalnikov S.I., Zolotarev I.S., Mukhin S.A. showed: the remedy from wax moth caterpillars has excellent indications for use in tuberculosis, diphtheria, cardiovascular and many other diseases.

Today, beekeepers breed the moth in individual conditions. The study of its chemical composition continues.

The mechanism of action of the miracle tincture

Tincture from wax moth larvae is known as one of effective means treatment of respiratory organs and tuberculosis. But you should be careful with this product, they warn traditional healers. Despite research, healing properties moths have not been fully studied.

Many doctors believe that this is folk remedy It is popular only because it has minimal contraindications. Although it has been experimentally proven that tuberculosis patients recover much faster when they take the tincture.

Doctors do not fully explain these healing properties. It is believed that the moth is capable of secreting a certain enzyme during digestion, which has a detrimental effect on the tuberculosis bacillus. This enzyme helps insects digest wax in hives.

Only live larvae are suitable for making the drug. They contain more concentrated unique enzymes. Although the existence of this miracle enzyme is disputed by many chemists.

Miracle remedy: indications

Initially, the main indications for the use of wax moths were for tuberculosis. Over time, traditional medicine specialists discovered a wider range of indications.

  • The tincture can have a detrimental effect on Koch bacillus bacteria. Thanks to it, foci of changes in the lungs resolve, and tuberculous cavities gradually heal. She has wide indications in the treatment of lungs and airways. An excellent helper for expelling tuberculosis.
  • Helps increase the human body's resistance to various diseases. Increases immunity, making a person more physically active.
  • Has indications for treatment cardiovascular system. Stops angina attacks, reduces obvious signs heart failure. Recommended for vein blockage and thrombophlebitis. Has a positive result in the treatment of angina, hypertension, myocardial infarction.
  • A strong antioxidant, beneficial in the treatment and prevention of coronary artery disease.
  • The infusion contains proteolytic enzymes. They promote the resorption of scars and various adhesions that form after operations or inflammation.
  • There are facts that this tincture helps patients as a component of prostate adenoma therapy.
  • At active occupation sports, heavy loads on muscles, the drug increases their endurance, restores tissue, activating growth. Encourages the body to produce additional hemoglobin.
  • The drug with fire is characterized by good psychotropic qualities: it has a positive effect on a person’s memory and mood.
  • It will help normalize blood characteristics.
  • An excellent assistant in the treatment of various gynecological disorders. Has indications in the treatment of infertility.
  • For men, this remedy is a good “friend and helper”. It increases sperm activity, increases sexual desire, helps with impotence, prostate.
  • The extract is recommended for use in the treatment of diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  • The tincture has proven itself well as a remedy for skin diseases.

Tincture from moth larvae is used to treat and prevent various diseases. The product is non-toxic, does not belong to the pharmacological risk group, and combines well with other drugs. Excellent storage (up to 5 years), has minimal contraindications.

Contraindications for the miracle drug

The medicinal drug from fireweed has minimal contraindications.

  • Individual intolerance to bee products.
  • Should not be taken by children under 14 years of age.
  • Should not be used by pregnant and nursing mothers.

Instructions for use

Internal use. When using a medicinal product, be sure to shake the container with the drug thoroughly and drink it half an hour before meals. The tincture of wax moth larvae is famous for its versatility, but the dosage for the treatment and prevention of each disease is different, and it will also vary depending on the weight and age of the patient. Full course taking the remedy for wax moths - at least 3 months, with a break of 15-30 days. Before starting a course of treatment, consulting a doctor will be useful.

External use. This tincture is excellent not only for internal but also for external use. In this case, it relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Has an antiseptic, healing effect.

Effectively helps with osteochondrosis, arthrosis, neuritis. Excellent treatment, so unpleasant skin diseases like: furunculosis, herpes. Helps cope with bedsores, irritations, bruises, scars after surgery.

Making a tincture of wax moth larvae at home

An infusion of wax moth larvae can be purchased at a pharmacy. But in 10 days at home, easily, without special expenses, if you have the raw materials, you get an excellent tincture.

  • Only young caterpillars are suitable for this recipe. Before pupation, insects lose biological activity.
  • Live larvae are poured into glass jar or a bottle, preferably with dark glass. If there is none, avoid sunlight and keep in a dark place.
  • Pour alcohol, observing the proportions. 1:10.
  • Seal the container tightly and leave in a dark place for 10 days.
  • Strain before use.
  • Keep homemade tincture maybe 3 years.

Unfortunately, o medicinal tincture Not everyone heard moths on the larvae. But lately the number of fans of the drug is growing. After all, in medicinal product There are almost no contraindications, and the benefits are limitless; new indications for the use of moth larvae are being discovered.



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