Is it possible to enlarge lips with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid for correcting the shape and volume of lips

Numerous examples in the photo and video show how hyaluronic acid injected into the lips works, so it will not be difficult to compare how noticeable the difference is before and after the procedure and to indicate its effectiveness.

The use of this substance is common in various salon and cosmetic procedures, and is also suitable for home use, the main thing is to adhere to the measures and rules of use.

Hyaluron is a natural polysaccharide produced by the human body, so the acid is quite safe. There are misconceptions that hyaluronic acid is an analogue of silicone, but this is not so.

Hyaluronic acid on lips before and after photos

This is a substance that is completely natural, it is found in tissues, and plays a binding role in the spaces between cells. To enlarge lips, hyaluronic gel is injected subcutaneously using a syringe. Such injections are painless because manufacturers obviously add the anesthetic Lidocaine to the filler.

Due to the fact that the acid has the properties of binding water molecules, after the injection has been administered, the hyaluron composition begins to work on this area of ​​​​the skin and fill it with moisture. The result is natural, voluminous lips.

The effect can be noticed instantly after the procedure, which does not take much time (maximum 15-20 minutes).

However, it is important to study the compositions before injections, since each manufacturer makes gels with different effects.

Lip proportions: what can be called ideal?

Even biologists study the proportions of lips; they drew conclusions based on research: men are attracted to women with full lips, which look natural and make up only 4.5% of the entire face.

According to experts, we can say that if a woman decides to enlarge her lips, she should adhere to natural proportions and not overdo it with hyaluron or silicone.

Many women who begin to do cosmetic procedures on this part of the face very often begin to overdo it with injections, and this far from beautifying their appearance. Many celebrities plump up their upper lip more than their lower lip, but this is considered disproportionate from an aesthetic point of view.

Desired volume: how to achieve?

Hyaluronic acid injected into the lips can slightly emphasize the contour, as well as make them clearly plump; before and after photos will help you choose the right option. To achieve the desired lip volume, before the procedure, you should discuss all the points of interest with a doctor, who will show examples of work and from among them you can choose the appropriate size.

Some gel formulations are considered to be incompletely hydrated. This means that during the first day after injection the gel will absorb water. And only after 24 hours will you be able to see the final result. Gels after the procedure can add even more volume to the lips.

Girls who do not want to greatly enlarge this area of ​​the face should study the compositions and discuss in advance with a specialist what effect should be obtained in the end. But if a woman suddenly doesn’t like the too voluminous result, this can always be corrected by introducing a special enzyme - hyaluronizade.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Using the example of stars, hyaluronic acid in the lips before and after photos motivates many women to undergo this procedure. This method has a controversial reputation, but still to draw conclusions It is worth paying attention to the positive qualities of hyaluron injection:

Security Issues

There is no need to prepare in advance for the procedure; injections are given on an outpatient basis. But every doctor or cosmetologist must adhere to safety standards and know the rules when not to inject a patient.

For example, when:

  • severe allergic reactions in the patient or some forms of chronic skin rashes;
  • diabetes mellitus and reduced blood clotting;
  • infections, wounds and inflammations on the skin around the lips and oral mucosa.

It is also worth warning the doctor if the patient is taking medications such as aspirin, Ibuprofen and Naproxen. Otherwise, side effects such as hematomas may appear.

The doctor must discuss anesthesia with the client in advance, which also has a number of contraindications.

Pain relief occurs by injection into the gum. Lidocaine is already pre-packaged in disposable sealed syringes that are completely sterile. It is worth noting that the specialist must work in disposable gloves and carry disinfectants and antimicrobial agents.

Are there any contraindications?

The popular hyaluronic acid is injected into the lips; before and after photos show how quickly you can achieve the result of enlarging this part of the face.

Despite the fact that the composition of the gel is completely natural, there are some contraindications such as:

Women who have the above contraindications should consult a doctor, postpone the procedure for a while or refuse it completely.

Can complications arise?

The introduction of hyaluronic acid is not considered a surgical procedure, but complications still arise in some cases:

  • Pain and bruises. After the injection, the patient may feel pain at first. This may be due to a deep needle puncture. Ice cubes can help reduce pain, and if you use chamomile decoction rather than just water as a base, there will be an additional disinfecting effect. The occurrence of bruises is not considered a rare occurrence. They arise due to rupture of internal capillaries when the needle is inserted.
  • Edema. This phenomenon occurs in almost every patient after injections and goes away within one week. If suddenly the swelling does not go away after this time, then it is believed that the doctor injected too much of the drug under the skin. In this case, an injection of hyaluronidase, which neutralizes excess hyaluronic acid, can help. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, this means that an infection was introduced during the procedure.
  • Lumps and balls. May occur if the drug is administered in too small doses. To prevent this, an experienced doctor, during injections, massages the places where the gel may accumulate. But if suddenly the balls do form, they will pass in 7 days. And to help the drug dissolve faster, it is recommended to do self-massage.
  • Allergies and infections. Such ailments can occur due to individual intolerance to the drug. To avoid complications, you need to consult a doctor in advance and undergo an examination. Also, after the administration of hyaluron, herpes may occur in a woman if she is predisposed to this infection.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, it is recommended to undergo an examination and be tested for the presence of herpes or other infectious diseases. Also, sometimes before injections, the doctor may prescribe a preventive course of certain medications, which only a specialist can advise.

How is the procedure done?

After a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, the procedure itself begins, which takes 15-30 minutes at most. The conditions are outpatient and a local anesthetic is used. After pain relief, the doctor injects hyaluron using a thin needle.

After administering the drug, the specialist massages the skin so that lumps do not form at the injection site. Very often, after injections, patients experience swelling, but this is a completely normal phenomenon that goes away quickly.

Rehabilitation period

Hyaluronic acid injected into the lips gives an amazingly quick effect, which can be appreciated from the before and after photos. For the maximum effect of lip augmentation, you need to undergo a short rehabilitation period, which includes several rules:

Additional restrictions after injections include going to the pool and sauna. Experts also recommend refraining from kissing for several days.

Side effects

Despite all the safety of hyaluronic acid, in rare cases, experts have noticed side effects from this drug, sometimes even very serious.

If the doctor violates the technique of performing the procedure, this can lead to serious problems for the patient, such as:

To avoid the above problems, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to choosing a cosmetology clinic. The establishment must have licenses and certificates of specialists.

You should not save on your health and contact cosmetologists who perform the procedure at home.

Also, before the injection, the patient signs an agreement that will guarantee assistance from medical personnel in unforeseen circumstances.

Injections with this acid are recommended not only for enlargement, but also to eliminate some defects. Using this procedure, it is possible to carry out a certain reconstruction of the lip contour and correct their asymmetry. You can also help those people who are not satisfied with their mouth shape.

Hyaluronic acid addresses these issues through a gel that fills skin cells with a substance called non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan. An undoubted advantage is that such injections do not pose a health hazard, only in rare cases.

How long does the effect last?

For each organism, the duration of the filler is individual. The most popular gels of medium viscosity can maintain volume for up to 1 year or even more. Drugs with a less viscous composition are eliminated from the body much faster, their effect lasts approximately six months. But even if hyaluron is removed by the body too quickly, the plumpness of the lips is still more pronounced than before the procedure.

Numerous before and after photos confirm the fact that hyaluronic acid, which is injected into the lips, significantly improves the appearance of this part of the face. The most important recommendation is to adhere to measures so that beauty does not turn into a disadvantage.

Expressive, plump lips are the dream of many women, which can be achieved with hyaluronic filler. The main thing for the patient is to follow all the above rules in order to avoid side effects in order to maintain the effect of the procedure for as long as possible.

Video about hyaluronic acid on lips

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid filler:

Doctor's opinion on lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid:

Fresh, plump lips are one of the most striking signs of beauty, and the dream of many women. However, not everyone has been generously endowed by nature. And for some, insidious age-related changes have taken away a piece of their beauty.

Modern cosmetology comes to the rescue, which can correct and enlarge lips in a simple and safe way - by introducing hyaluronic acid.

This substance provides the skin with much-needed moisture and resists dehydration, which is the main cause of aging and loss of volume.


Hyaluronic acid is responsible for the amount and composition of the intercellular fluid of the skin tissue. Thanks to this substance, regenerative processes in the skin are ensured. However, a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid is produced in the body until approximately 25 years of age.

After 25 years, hyaluronic acid is not produced in the body.

Further, its formation decreases, and the one that exists is increasingly subject to destruction. Hyaluronic acid injected into the lip area can fill the lips, make them a little larger and correct their shape.

In addition, after the injection of preparations containing hyaluronic acid, lips become fresher, look younger and more attractive.

Thin women's lips are not held in high esteem today. The beauty canons of the last decade are uncompromising: lips should be plump, sexy, sensual and nothing else. Making them like this is not a problem. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid has long become a common and affordable procedure. Injection cosmetology has nothing in common with the “great and terrible” plastic surgery: no scalpels, anesthesia and months of recovery. Just one injection of hyaluronic acid - and you can admire instantly prettier lips.

“Hyaluronic acid” is not an invention of chemists from the cosmetic industry. This substance is an important component of the human body. This component, produced by connective tissues, is responsible for the redistribution of fluid: it transports it to those cells that especially need it. The merit of scientists is that they were able to synthesize an artificial analogue of hyaluronic acid in the laboratory and gave us the chance to maintain beauty and health with the help of this useful compound.

Hyaluronic acid particles have the valuable ability to attract and hold water molecules up to 1000 times their own weight. It is this property that has found application in cosmetology.

The introduction of hyaluronate-based preparations into the skin promotes intensive hydration and filling of wrinkles, creases and other epidermal defects resulting from dehydration and age-related loss of tissue elasticity. Injection of gel with hyaluronic acid allows you to quickly and painlessly enlarge your lips, correct their shape, and smooth out wrinkles.

Photo: Hyaluronic acid - a revolution in cosmetology

Most girls who want to make their mouth as expressive as possible are haunted by the laurels of Hollywood film star Angelina Jolie with her truly outstanding lips. The desire to be like your idol and meet modern beauty standards is not always justified and sometimes contradicts common sense.

How harmoniously full lips will look on a face that is destined by nature to have small features is often not taken into account. And an excessive passion for “beauty injections” does not lead to any good: at some point the sense of proportion fails, and instead of a piquant swelling you get an ugly “duck”.

Having the most natural result due to delicate augmentation or a mouth that covers half the face is just a matter of taste for every woman. But when nature has clearly been stingy, giving the girl thin threads instead of lips, it is very advisable to inject hyaluronate. And this is just one of the cases that can be attributed to direct indications for injection correction. Let's list them all:

A study of public opinion shows that more than a third of young and middle-aged women have already resorted to lip augmentation using injections. Girls under 30 years old do this procedure mainly to obtain the desired volume, older women begin to struggle with the first signs of aging, and the desire to make their mouth more sexy is not alien to them. Ladies over 40 already need to eliminate age-related imperfections: wrinkles, folds, blurred contours, drooping ends.

Although the lip augmentation procedure is considered simple, it should only be performed by a qualified cosmetologist. A good master, having listened to the wishes of the patient, will select the optimal drug for injection, correctly calculate the required volume, guided not so much by the amount of his earnings, but by a sense of proportion.

For lip augmentation, only certified biodegradable gels from well-known manufacturers should be used. The doctor must have documents confirming the authenticity and quality of the drug in his hands.

The procedure itself takes about a quarter of an hour. The entire lower part of the face is treated with an antiseptic. Then, at the patient’s request, local anesthesia is given: an injection with lidocaine or Emla cream. Most cosmetologists claim that the injection of the gel is not so painful to use anesthesia, and prefer to work “live” in order to better control the process of administering the drug.

Indeed, many women believe that the pain during the procedure is tolerable, but ladies with a low pain threshold will still be sensitive.

Gel injection technique

Depending on the patient’s initial data, the type and volume of the drug, and the desired result, the doctor can use two lip correction techniques.

  1. Tunnel method of injecting gel. This is a deep injection, during which the needle of a syringe with filler is inserted entirely under the skin. Slowly pressing the plunger, the doctor gradually removes the needle, evenly distributing the drug along the entire length of the lip.
  2. Superficial intradermal injections. The cosmetologist makes several subcutaneous injections of hyaluronate with a small thin needle into those areas of the lips where correction is required.

A good cosmetologist must master both methods and use them as needed in different cases; sometimes both methods are required at the same time.

It is not recommended to immediately inject a large volume of gel. Significant lip augmentation is best done in several steps, assessing the intermediate result and, if necessary, finishing the drug after 1 - 2 weeks. Although the increase is usually noticeable immediately after the injection, the lips acquire their final shape just after half a month, when the hyaluronic acid takes effect and concentrates additional liquid in the lips.

Which drug is better?

Today, cosmetologists work with such popular hyaluronic acid preparations as Juvederm, Teosyal, Surgiderm, Perlane, Restylane. It is impossible to clearly determine which of them is considered the best: they are all safe, biocompatible, hypoallergenic and self-degradable.

Which drug will be used depends on the tasks and individual nuances. Most doctors use 1–2 drugs in their practice. In general, the difference between the gels is insignificant. They differ in concentration, viscosity, and syringe volume. In any case, the selection of filler should be done by a specialist.

You should not change the drug if pinning occurs regularly, even before the previous portion is absorbed. Mixing different gels is not recommended, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences. If there is any drug left in the syringe, it can be saved for the next procedure.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid does not require a recovery period. Immediately after the procedure, you can go to work or do other things. Swelling on the lips, slight bruises and bruises at the puncture sites, and asymmetry may persist for several days. Discomfort and soreness, if present, can be relieved with paracetamol-based painkillers.

After 2-3 weeks, the result can be appreciated in all its glory. Swelling and bruising will go away, lips will take their final size and shape.

For two days after the increase, it is advisable to limit sports, kissing and fluid intake.

How much does it cost to enlarge lips - prices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tyumen

The cost of the gel is the main pricing factor of the procedure. The brand of the drug and its quantity will determine the financial component of lip augmentation. Additional payment is made for the work of a cosmetologist, the first consultation, and anesthesia. The territorial factor also influences: traditionally prices differ in different cities. For comparison:

Saint PetersburgMoscowTyumen
Surdgiderm-lips (price)14 700 15700 12600
Restylane LIP (0.5 ml) (price)10300 11300 10300
Restylane LIP (1.0 ml)15 960 17960 15960
Sujiderm 30 (0.8 ml)13300 13300 10080
Juvederm Ultra 3 (0.8) (price)13300 13300 12 273
Juvederm Ultra 3 (1.1)16500 16500 16 490
Juvederm Ultra Smile (0.55) (price)9900 10900 8 990

As you can see, the price for beautiful lips is not prohibitive, but considering that the drug may require more than 1 syringe, and the result of the enlargement is short-lived, the final amount is impressive.

Is it worth enlarging your lips?

Lip filling with fillers is considered one of the safest and most effective procedures:

  • preparations based on hyaluronate, which is related to the human body, are favorably accepted by the skin, do not cause an immune response, and extremely rarely have an allergic reaction;
  • gels are biodegradable, that is, they are absorbed by the body over time without any negative consequences;
  • due to the fact that the compound is capable of self-resorption, the result obtained is reversible - if the woman did not like the effect or the doctor was clearly overzealous with the amount of gel, after a few months the lips will return to normal;
  • there is a special enzyme - hyaluronidase, which is an antagonist of hyaluronic acid: when the solution is administered, the gel disintegrates in the lips in a matter of days;
  • Once in the lips, hyaluronic acid not only physically fills them, but also promotes increased skin hydration and overall rejuvenation: the acid stimulates the production of its own elastin and collagen;
  • quick results – the first effect can be assessed immediately after the procedure, and the final effect – after a couple of weeks;
  • cumulative effect - each time the drug will be required less;
  • The procedure itself is non-traumatic, does not require long-term rehabilitation and “loss of life”, and has a minimum of side effects.

But, unfortunately, even such a simple and useful procedure cannot exclude negative consequences. First of all, they are associated with the illiteracy of the cosmetologist and violation of the technology of the operation. Here you can define:

The second reason for undesirable consequences after lip augmentation is the individual reactions of the body. This may be an allergy to the drug, scarring and hematomas. Such consequences can be avoided if you carefully prepare for your appointment with a cosmetologist by looking through your medical records, remembering known allergic reactions, and collecting information about previous diseases. Under no circumstances should you conceal from your doctor information about toxic shocks, a tendency to bleed, poor tissue healing, or keloid disease. Also, when collecting anamnesis, mention should be made of previously performed procedures on the lips.

Contraindications to lip filler injections are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to excipients;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • the presence of another gel in the lips;
  • allergy to lidocaine and other anesthetics;
  • acute and chronic skin diseases;
  • herpes in acute form;
  • viral or bacterial inflammation;
  • menstruation.
Main disadvantages

And now about the main disadvantages of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid.

Firstly, this is its fragility. On average, the effect of plump lips lasts six months, sometimes up to 8 months. Then you need to re-inject and then do this constantly. In some cases, the body “eats” the hyaluronic acid so quickly that after a few weeks not a trace remains of it. In such a situation, the doctor suggests trying to administer another drug, and if this does not help, then it is useless to inject fillers.

Secondly, financial investments “into the lips” start at $1,000 per year and have no limit: the first injection of filler, several procedures to bring the lips to an ideal shape, additional pinning to increase volume, periodic procedures to maintain the effect.

Thirdly, with the systematic introduction of gels, the body adapts to them in its own way. Fibrous tissue forms in the lips. On the one hand, it allows you to use a smaller amount of the drug in the future. On the other hand, the lips will never return to their original state; hard contours and compactions may be felt in them.

Fourthly, sooner or later, an addiction to the supply of hyaluronic acid from the outside occurs, and the skin of the lips ceases to independently produce this compound in its cells.

Fifthly, the most common side effect is psychological dependence on injections. The woman’s lips always seem to be insufficiently full, and she adds more and more portions of the gel, joining the ranks of “big-lipped” young ladies with an unimaginably large mouth. At the slightest drop in volume, the dependent girl panics and rushes to a cosmetologist for help. Conscientious doctors usually turn the patient in the opposite direction in such situations, refusing to carry out another puncture. 99% of patients get hooked on injections, in a smaller form, but still can no longer imagine their lips without the gel.

With a reasonable approach, adherence to measures and the “golden hands” of a cosmetologist, hyaluronic acid injections are an excellent solution for those who dream of plump lips. Feeling beautiful, sexy, confident is expensive - much more expensive than the money paid for a syringe with gel. Sensual lips can transform a woman’s face, making it more attractive and younger. There are many fans of the lip augmentation procedure, and their number is growing every day. Reviews from happy owners of beautiful lips eloquently confirm this.

Watch the video: Lip Augmentation. Before and After. My Experience

Here you can find and look at lips before and after hyaluronic acid, photos of which were taken by the participants in this procedure themselves. We can say that they have good results.

Today, the lip augmentation procedure probably won’t surprise anyone. More and more representatives of the fair sex are deciding to do this.

I’ll say right away that I haven’t been nurturing this idea for years. I always treated this procedure calmly and was not interested in it at all.

I just suddenly wanted it, my sister did it, I liked the result. I read it, studied it, called my cosmetologist and went!

This is what my lips looked like the day before the procedure.


The cosmetologist and I chose Juvederm Ultra 3. It is quite thick and is designed specifically for lip volume, + it comes with ice caine (additional pain relief). The syringe contains 1 ml of filler (a preparation based on hyaluronic acid) and 2 needles for it. In general, the package contains 2 syringes of 1 ml each and 4 needles.

Most people are afraid of pain. And I was worried about the result. Because some insisted that 1 ml would lead me to dumplings, while others said that this was nothing at all, nothing would really increase.

Enlargement process:

  1. The lips and area around the mouth were cleaned, Emla anesthetic cream was applied for 25 minutes, and a film was sealed on top. Numb.
  2. The cosmetologist unpacked the drug in front of me, showed everything and started.
  3. I have a low pain threshold. I am very sensitive to pain, but I am very patient and persistent. I can tolerate it. I was in pain, even despite the anesthesia and ice caine in Juvederm Ultra 3. I could feel the punctures themselves and how the drug was administered. My eyes were watering and my nose was running. It is especially painful to pierce the “bird” and the upper lip in general; the lower lip is easier. But after eyebrow tattooing, wisdom tooth removal, biorevitalization, and especially childbirth, this is all quite tolerable. Moreover, it didn’t take long, they injected for about 20 minutes.
  4. Basically, the drug was injected into the upper lip, and a little into the lower lip.
  5. My puncture sites were bleeding heavily, I even felt it dripping from my upper lip to my lower lip. But it didn’t shock me; I handled everything fine. I didn’t feel dizzy, I didn’t feel bad.
  6. We're done. The cosmetologist thoroughly kneaded the lips so that the gel was distributed normally and there were no seals. I was afraid to look in the mirror because I knew that my lips would blur.)

YES, they are swollen! And in my case, the swelling was also accompanied by hematomas on the left side of the upper and lower lips and bruises at the puncture sites. Especially on the top! A bloody lump swelled up. My skin is sensitive, including my lips, and is prone to bruising. And this is what happened. Photo one hour after the procedure:

After 1st day

These are the hematomas:

After this acupuncture you CANNOT:

  • during the day, drink hot drinks, laugh, kiss and apply lipstick and gloss;
  • drink alcohol within two days;
  • for two weeks, sunbathe, visit the solarium, bathhouse and steam rooms in saunas.

I followed everything.

The cosmetologist also warned that the swelling might increase the next morning. But for me it has not increased, it seems to have even become smaller. Only the bruises and hematomas became more pronounced.

Here on the second day after the procedure:

On the third day the swelling became even less:

But the bruises disappeared on the 8th-9th day:

A week later, I saw a cosmetologist, she felt everything again, examined it, and discussed a further plan of action.

My impressions and opinion:

  1. In general, the procedure is not pleasant, but it is tolerable, especially since it does not last long.
  2. I expected a more pronounced increase in volume from 1 ml. Yes, the upper lip has risen well, but mainly in the “bird” area, the lower lip is quite a bit, almost not noticeable. So don’t be afraid that 1 ml will give you dumplings or sausages. You have to work hard and work hard! Well, unless your lips are already plump to begin with)
  3. The wrinkles on the lips were smoothed out well, the lips became smoother and even, more expressive (a little more voluminous), the contour was clearer.
  4. Lipsticks/glosses apply better and look more interesting. I no longer need to draw out the contour of my lips so diligently; I began to use a contour pencil even less often.
  5. The first two days after the procedure, the upper lip was not sensitive at all, just like mine, I felt thick. Then it gradually passed. Now it’s like family)
  6. The first week my lips were dry. This, as the cosmetologist explained, is due to the icecaine in Juvederm ultra 3. From the second day, I lubricated them with jojoba oil and solcoseryl. Perfectly nourishes, heals and eliminates dryness. But the skin peeled off 3 times. Still, due to the swelling, it still stretches.
  7. When the swelling went down (on the 3-4th day), it seemed that the lips were completely “blown away”) But it only seems.
  8. Almost two weeks have passed, but I still have a lump from the hematoma on the left upper lip and a lump on the lower left. Because of them, the lips on the left side are a little thicker, not pronounced, but I can see it and I naturally don’t like it, plus these bumps. But in theory they should go away after 3-4 weeks, let's wait a little longer.

These are the bumps (after 2 weeks):

Well, the “NUDE” lips themselves after 2 weeks:

And with lip gloss:


Overall I like the result. Lips become smoother and fuller. In moderation and naturally, I think. The corners of the lips are raised. By nature they look down on me, kind of dissatisfied. Now I'm happy)

But I expected a little more volume. I hope that these bumps will resolve in a month, I will definitely write back.

The price in my case is very reasonable - 8,000 rubles.

Juvederm ultra 3 lasts for about 1 year. Then the procedure can be repeated, if desired.

I recommend the lip augmentation procedure to those who are not satisfied with the volume of their lips and who want to make them smoother and emphasize the contour. And, of course, for those who want to correct the asymmetry. You can be patient, the swelling goes away quickly enough. Many people get by without bruises and hematomas, unlike me. So don't be scared! In the end, there is a drug that dissolves the injected filler. You can return everything.

But, of course, you need to know when to stop! You get used to the result and most people want to increase it more and more. Girls, don't overdo it! It’s good when it all looks natural and does not change the natural shape of the lips, much less disturb facial expressions.

I took off one star for the soreness, the “bruised” appearance for the first 5 days and the bumps, which I hope will really resolve in 4 weeks.

This procedure has contraindications! So everyone should familiarize themselves with them.

And finally, BEFORE and AFTER:

I’m ready to listen to your opinions, suggestions and even reasonable criticism) Well, just discuss the procedure. Write. I will update the review.

I'm updating my review

1 month after the procedure, the lump on the upper lip on the left and lower lip on the left has not resolved. They have become smaller, but feel good. Outsiders can’t see them (the bottom one is small, it looks like a bubble, the top one is inward, but it’s not small), but, of course, they don’t make me happy. Apparently, due to hematomas in these places, the drug concentrated there (I will soon go to a cosmetologist about this...

Hooray! After 1.5 months, the lump on the upper lip from the hematoma finally resolved. Now nothing gets in the way there. But the small bubble on the bottom still remains. But he is almost invisible.

After 1.5 months.

I'm updating my review

1 month and 3 weeks after the procedure, I still went for correction. The reasons are as follows.

Still, after the first procedure, the main amount of the drug goes directly to the circuit. It was well emphasized and the upper lip was raised. BUT, the volume was not enough.

And then many will say: “Well, that’s it, Ostap is screwed!”) And I’ll explain! I had no goal of doing even more.

The upper lip lifted, but remained flat. Compared to the bottom one, this was noticeable, not critical, of course, but with lipstick it was more obvious. On the lower one, only 3 injections were made for volume (this is where the drug ended). And when all the hematomas disappeared, it became noticeable that there were not enough of them, in one place there was a kind of depression. Also not an obvious curvature, but again the lipstick emphasized it all.

Therefore, after consultation with a cosmetologist, it was decided to carry out a correction.

Again Juvederm Ultra 3, 1 ml syringe. Emla for 20 minutes under the film. Everything is the same. It took about 0.6-0.7 ml of the drug for correction. The rest goes into the nasolabial for prevention)

This time the pain was no longer felt as much, apparently “immunity” had already developed. Already knowing my peculiarity of bleeding and tendency to form hematomas, the cosmetologist paid special attention to massage. This way we avoided bruises, but there were bruises again.

And this is what happened:

after 1 month after correction

Now I'm 100% satisfied. And I don’t even think about adding more. I will walk quietly for 1-1.5 years until the next correction.

P.S. This often happens after the first procedure, when the contour is done first, and the rest is done for volume; correction is required. Especially if your lips are rather large (by the way, mine are small/narrow, but it still wasn’t enough) or very thin, but you want volume. And I was basically ready for this. So, girls, keep in mind that the first procedure may not be enough for you. But The main thing(!): stop in time!

I'm updating my review

6 months after the first procedure and 5 months after correction. The volume gradually began to go away. It has already decreased by about 10%. First of all, from the upper lip, unfortunately. It has become less voluminous and the contour is softer and less clear. Small balls began to be felt on the lower inner side, but they were not visible. This also indicates that the volume has decreased, and later they will begin to diverge. The smoothness of the lips decreased slightly, and wrinkles began to appear again. I expected the decrease to start later. The cosmetologist said that the filler will last well for 1-1.5 years and the reduction will begin gradually by the year after the procedure. By the time I'm a year old, it looks like I won't have anything left of him. Perhaps for me earlier, because I drink little water, hyaluronic acid is absorbed faster by the body. She also warned about this. I noticed that if I drink a lot of water in the evening, then in the morning my lips swell and become plumper again, but after an hour this goes away.

I'm not going to add it yet. Perhaps in the spring - by summer. We'll see how it goes, the decrease is gradual, but still disappointing, because you're already getting used to the volume.

Here is a photo after 8 months. The result is still holding, but continues to gradually subside. Lips became softer and less voluminous. Slightly wrinkles appear again, the contour is less clear. I think about 30% is gone. But to the touch the drug is still felt well on the lips.

After 8 months, it's declining

A year later.

Yes, I still haven't updated the procedure yet. Because from 8 to 12 months “after” nothing has changed dramatically! Juvederm ultra 3 did not leave me long enough to add another milliliter. And I didn’t want “dumplings” anyway)

There is a decrease, but in recent months at a minimal pace. I am very pleased with the work of the cosmetologist and the durability of Juvederm Ultra 3 . The second year has begun!

For clarity, I am attaching a photo comparison. Left - "before", right - "after" a year later!" :

Injections of hyaluronic acid into lip tissue are one of the many ways to use this substance in aesthetic medicine. If by nature this area of ​​the face is deprived of the desired volume, there is asymmetry of the lips, pronounced age-related changes have developed (lips become thinner with age), etc., the introduction of hyaluronate allows you to correct these defects in appearance. The before and after photos, which can be seen on the websites of beauty clinics, show that the procedure can really solve certain aesthetic problems.

In addition to injections, acid can be delivered to the lip tissue when using external cosmetics, which we will also talk about in this article, but there will not be such a noticeable effect as after injections.

Lip correction with hyaluronate: indications

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance, a polysaccharide, which is produced in the human body and performs a number of important functions. Those. this is not a substance foreign to the body, therefore such procedures are considered one of the safest.

Most often, women turn to specialists who want to achieve the ideal shape and fullness of their lips. Indications for the procedure:

  • thin, asymmetrical lips;
  • fuzzy contour (correction of the red border);
  • loss of tissue elasticity (age-related);
  • atrophy of subcutaneous tissue;
  • age wrinkles around the mouth.

Often this correction is carried out in parallel with other anti-aging procedures: if this anatomical area is not affected, against the background of tightened skin and a younger-looking face, the lips will look unaesthetic. Injections with acid into the contours and corners of the lips allow you to straighten the creases of purse-string wrinkles, improve the condition of the skin of the lips themselves, and make them more attractive, which, of course, has a positive effect on appearance in general.

Biorevitalization - lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

One of the most popular procedures, which allows you to increase the volume of the lips, give them the desired shape and eliminate a number of age-related changes, is to inject a drug with hyaluronate into this anatomical area. According to patient reviews, the effectiveness of the procedure is quite high: it allows you to give the necessary volume to your lips and make the contours more expressive.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the procedure, patients undergo mandatory consultation with a specialist:

  • indications and desired effect are determined;
  • possible contraindications are identified;
  • the optimal drug is selected;
  • The locations of acid injection are outlined.

Hyaluronic acid is injected into the lips under local anesthesia: a special anesthetic drug is used, which is applied to the intended injection sites. In some cases, injections of an anesthetic into the tissue are used (a procedure similar to anesthesia during dental procedures). Some drugs contain an anesthetic component, so preliminary anesthesia is not required.

The whole procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. Immediately after anesthesia, injections with acid are performed: the doctor uses a sterile syringe with the thinnest needle and injects into pre-designated points. Most often, the drug is already packaged in sterile syringes, which minimizes the introduction of infection into the tissue.

The injection site of the gel and its quantity depend on the desired result:

  • The drug is injected vertically into the grooves and along the contour of the lips if necessary to correct the severity of the contours. At the same time, natural features are preserved and the volume of tissue does not increase;
  • if lip fullness is corrected, the number of punctures can reach 20, which are carried out using linear, volumetric and combined techniques.

The procedure may consist of several sessions - the need to return to the clinic for injections and its duration is discussed with the doctor.

How much does hyaluronic acid cost for lips?

The cost of the procedure in Moscow averages 5-25 thousand rubles per procedure. The price depends on many factors: the prestige of the clinic, the drug, the number of injections, etc.

Side effects

In most cases, the administered drug is not rejected and does not cause negative reactions (the exception is an allergy that the patient did not know about). However, this is a controversial issue, which largely depends on the degree of purification of hyaluronic acid in the drug (the higher, the lower the risk of side effects), the quality of the drug itself, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, and the body’s response.

How long does the effect last?

You should not expect that the achieved effect will last a lifetime. The duration of the effect depends on the drug: if it is based on herbal components, then these substances are eliminated by the body quite quickly, within about six months. Preparations with synthetic additives or stabilized hyaluronic acid provide a longer effect, up to 1 year.

Resorption of the injected drug occurs gradually, so there is no sudden reverse cosmetic effect.

However, injections can be repeated after a year or even earlier: hyaluronic acid is not perceived by the body as a foreign substance, so the procedures are safe and can be repeated at the required frequency.

Review of popular drugs (fillers) for biorevitalization, allowing you to make lips the desired shape

Name Scope of application and features
Repleri Viscous gel based on stabilized hyaluronate of non-animal origin, intended for correction of the red border and shape of the lips. Injected into the middle layer of the dermis, it is resorbed and biodegraded over time. The effect of the procedure lasts 6-12 months.
Belotero Intens Gel for creating lip volume. This is the first thermal fill with a cohesive polydensified matrix. During its production, acid macromolecules are cross-linked into a single network polymer, becoming more stable and breaking down more slowly, i.e. provide a longer and more lasting effect.
Stylage Injectable implant to improve lip contour and augmentation. The drug is of non-animal origin, the acid in the drug has cross-links.
Surgiderm 30 Physiological solution of hyaluronic acid, free from pyrogens, intended for lip augmentation and contour correction. The drug is of non-animal origin, the acid in the drug is linked by a transverse intermolecular bond.
Juvederm 24 and 30, Ultra 3 and 4 One of the most popular American drugs, which is used to increase volume and correct wrinkles in the corners of the lips. It is obtained by the method of biological synthesis of cattle skin. The acid molecules are firmly connected to each other, in addition, the preparations contain a phosphate buffer, which prevents the occurrence of inflammation. Therefore, the risk of side effects and allergies is significantly reduced. The “ultra” series contains lidocaine, an anesthetic component that eliminates the need for preliminary anesthesia.
Juvederm lip fillers The Juvederm product line includes special volumetric fillers that provide excellent external results:
  • Juvederm Voluma. Used for lip augmentation: the effect lasts up to 18 months;
  • Juvederm Volbella. Used to smooth out wrinkles on and around the lips.
  • Juvederm Ultra Smile. This drug is intended exclusively for lip augmentation and correction of their shape (others can also be used for the face). Suitable for both young girls and older women.

The described drugs have strict contraindications and can cause side effects, so the decision on choosing one or another drug is made by the doctor.

Laser biorevitalization

In addition to injection biorevitalization, a number of beauty salons and clinics offer laser biorevitalization - the latest technique that allows you to deliver acid to tissues without compromising their integrity. Patients do not experience any discomfort or pain during exposure, but the effect will be less noticeable than after injections. Laser biorevitalization does not allow the concentration of the drug in tissues to be brought to the required level and, in fact, only affects the outer layers.


Another popular procedure allows you to pump up your lips with hyaluronic acid, in addition to which the injections contain the patient’s own fat cells (tissue is taken from the abdomen, buttocks or thighs using a special syringe, i.e. without incisions in the skin). It has a good effect on insufficient lip volume and subcutaneous tissue atrophy.

This is a more complex procedure than biorevitalization and requires careful preparation. After examination to the required extent, the doctor will determine the donor area from which the adipose tissue is taken. To collect the material, use a regular syringe with a hollow tube. The adipose tissue is cleaned using a special machine, separating intact, viable fat cells. The final stage of the procedure is the transplantation of the drug, into which the necessary components are introduced, including hyaluronic acid. It is performed similarly to biorevitalization.

Lips after hyaluronic acid

Lips certainly change in appearance after injections, so the patient needs time to get used to them. After the procedure, slight swelling, redness and swelling remain. Lip swelling after hyaluronic acid goes away after a few days.

For a week after lip surgery, you cannot visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, or solarium. Hot baths are prohibited. For a few days you should give up cosmetics (glosses, lipsticks).

It is mandatory to visit the doctor on the day he prescribes. This usually occurs 10-14 days after the injections. During the follow-up examination, the doctor checks whether the drug has taken root well, whether the lips are symmetrical, etc.

If at any time after the procedure the patient notices pain, significant redness and swelling of the tissues at the injection sites, suppuration and other negative reactions, you should visit the doctor without delay!

Cosmetic care products with hyaluron

The cosmetics industry produces many different lip care products with hyaluronic acid - creams, balms, gels, glosses, etc. The effect that can be achieved with their help is deep hydration of the lips, due to which they will look more voluminous and attractive. Of course, such agents cannot penetrate deep into the tissue and it is impossible to achieve serious correction of the shape of the mouth with their help.

Contraindications and restrictions

Lip injections with hyaluronic acid are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the injection drug;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, development of acute pathologies;
  • presence of: autoimmune diseases, connective tissue diseases, oncopathology, severe hypertension, diabetic angiopathy, tendency to scar formation;
  • blood clotting disorder and the period of treatment with drugs that affect clotting;
  • scars and scars on the lips. Unfortunately, this procedure is not able to solve serious cosmetic problems of appearance;
  • inflammation, moles, tissue damage in the area of ​​drug administration.

It is not advisable to carry out this procedure during menstruation.

What is better for pumping up lips – preparations with hyaluronic acid or artificial fillers?

It is better not to interfere with nature, but the pursuit of beauty and the desire to look seductive leads to the decision to change one’s natural features. Artificial fillers are attractive because they provide a longer and more noticeable effect that lasts up to 5 years. However, there are also risks - over time, the drug may migrate into the lower jaw, scars may appear, and the lips will begin to look unnatural. Preparations with hyaluronate undergo natural biological absorption within tissues and do not have such serious adverse reactions.



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