Monastic herbal collection of Father George. Monastic healing collection: composition and beneficial properties

Recently, many people are turning to alternative medicine, trying to abandon “chemistry” in favor of natural healing substances and recover with the help of folk remedies.

Various teas that are offered for purchase on many websites promise a lot of positive results and are presented almost as a balm for absolutely all diseases.

What exactly is the famous monastery gathering? Is it worth purchasing it, and what to expect after using this product? And what exactly is tea: a really very necessary drink, made according to ancient recipes? Or another advertising ploy that replaced goji berries? Is this tea just another scam or is it true?

Is there such a tea?

We need to start with the fact that in individual churches it is actually you can buy herbal teas. But they are not designed to treat so many diseases that are talked about on various websites. These are more simple general strengthening agents or additional herbal teas for auxiliary healing. And cunning people decided to take advantage of this and launched a full advertising campaign on the Internet. But in most, or maybe even in absolutely all cases, they do not sell real herbal infusions, but their own industrially selected set of plants.

Composition of the product

The product consists of natural ingredients, growing in the Russian Federation and Belarus, such as:

The composition may vary depending on the manufacturer. In addition, in numerous versions, it arrives by mail as a package with a label that contains nothing except the name.

In essence, all components of the collection declared on the websites , are represented by antioxidants, having general strengthening properties. Manufacturers hide the absolute composition of tea or, by and large, do not show it at all. However, they emphasize that it was made according to the recipes of the monks, who from time immemorial collected medicinal products and treated numerous diseases.

The St. Elisabeth Church, located in Belarus, most often appears in advertising as the manufacturer of this product, but this is only according to the statements of the sellers. The buyer is encouraged to use at least 2-3 cups per day instead of regular tea or coffee. After a month of taking this drug, you will be able to feel the initial results. However, one pack is never enough, and you will be persistently asked to take several at once!

What does the continuous use of the collection promise?

You can get this effect:

  1. Blood sugar levels return to normal.
  2. Metabolism resumes.
  3. The activity of the pancreas is normalized.
  4. Appetite and weight decrease.
  5. The development of diseases stops.

Diabetes collection

As is known, diabetes is a very dangerous disease. The disease causes a lack of insulin, which is involved in the metabolic process of body tissues. More than 3% of people on our planet suffer from this disease. They receive medications that do not cure, but only remove the signs of the disease. For this reason, patients with diabetes often seek other treatment methods in the hope of being completely free from the disease.

Diabetes mellitus is a serious endocrine disease and it is possible that the advertised tea can improve the patient’s condition, but only if it contains natural necessary herbs. However, the desire for complete healing from this dangerous disease with the help of tea threatens to worsen the situation.

Using tea for weight loss

Monastic tea for weight loss reviews attribute excellent characteristics. However, you should understand that when using it you will need to constantly go to the toilet. The drink sometimes actually reduces hunger, according to some reviews. This only happens during the period of taking it, however, it is more likely due to the result of a placebo or simply moderate poisoning.

Reviews also credit monastery tea with helping against acne. However, some say that the collection helps if they appear from digestive problems. The action of monastery tea against acne lies in its supposed anti-inflammatory effect.

Drink for prostatitis

The advertisement promises to protect a patient with prostatitis from pain in the perineum and rectum. However, the collection no anesthetic components included. It is known that the disease in most cases is caused by bacteria, which can only be eliminated with the help of medications.

No doctor will prescribe you a collection under a well-known name for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. It is offered only by sites interested in selling “remedies for absolutely all diseases.”

Father George's collection against bad habits

Perhaps this tea is a general strengthening remedy for the body. If it actually includes the noted herbs, then it is able to renew strength, improve mood, and relieve depression, however, it is not able to cure all diseases for sure.

There is no need to be deceived that a person addicted to alcohol or a smoker will quit his own harmful habits with the help of tea. There are comprehensive programs available to help alcoholics, but they often fail to help the person stop drinking. Drinking is a real addiction which should be treated in combination. In addition, nicotine is a very strong drug, the addiction to which can only be overcome if you sincerely desire it. However, the placebo result, as is well known, is scientifically confirmed. Therefore, maybe the collection can help someone a little, but not more.


However, one must realize that All helminths are divided into 3 key types:

  • nematodes;
  • cystodes;
  • trematodes.

There are more than 2000 species in total. And even in recognized medicine there is no universal substance that can instantly destroy all of them. And any folk remedies are effective mainly only against helminths living in the intestinal tract.

What Elena Malysheva says

You can watch an excerpt from E. Malysheva’s program, where she comments on her own participation in advertising on websites selling the famous monastery tea. In general, Malysheva, Myasnikov, Andrei Malakhov and other stars can be found in various advertisements for miracle remedies. All this is really just by numerous advertisers.

Drink price

On the Internet you can find many original infusions of this tea of ​​various compositions: for diabetes, drunkenness, prostatitis, hypertension, or for weight loss. The monastic fee of Father George costs approximately 1000 - 1200 rubles.

To increase buyer confidence, sellers prefer to write on their own websites that the monastery fee sold in regular pharmacies Also.

No matter how many times I ran into pharmacies, no one had this “miracle remedy” - so this is a common marketing ploy. There are many other tested herbal infusions in pharmacies and their cost is more reasonable - around 150 rubles.

Is it worth purchasing

Any natural medicine, no matter how useful it may be for some people, may have various contraindications. In addition, all kinds of herbs must be accurately dosed. And they need to be brewed in ways that are often different for each herb.

Nobody fully understands what is in tea bags. What is the ratio of herbs in the collection, and how much it spent in the warehouse is unknown. In addition, it is unknown who exactly collected and produced it. But people who understand a little know - either they were simply making a fake, or it was definitely not collected by monks.

How to prepare monastery tea? Real healing tea should be made from herbs collected only by hand, far from highways and harmful industries. Tea that you make yourself will bring maximum benefits to the body.

Very often certain people use this name for their own purposes. Customers are purchasing packages of weed of unknown origin through the mail without any instructions. Not a single person knows what this tea consists of, how to take it and what to expect from it.

To avoid falling into a trap, before purchasing you should determine the characteristics of this product. If you are offered only positive feedback about it and stories that the collection heals everything, beware and do not believe in fairy tales.

If customers are told that the tea was brought from a monastery, do not be lazy to find the mobile phone number of this place. When you call, you will find out that this turned out to be a simple lie. Don't be fooled.

Before purchasing, you need to research the composition of the product, the level of grinding, characteristics and contraindications. Your goal is to make a correct conclusion about the effectiveness of this remedy. The main problem with acquiring a collection lies in the fact that there is initially a lot of deception around it.

Some claim that it is produced:

  • in Belarus;
  • in the Krasnodar region;
  • in Ukraine, but it is unclear in which place exactly.

But the product that arrives to you by mail will contain information from some organization, not a church; or it will simply be a package, without any guidance at all. It is only when advertising that they hide behind the name of the church, which once again proves that the monastery fee is a scam.

I made an attempt to contact the St. Elisabeth Monastery, which for most advertisers is the manufacturer of this herbal collection. The answer I received from them was:

“God bless you! Everything that is advertised on websites is fake, and has nothing to do with us.”

As they say, they actually sell herbal infusions directly in the monastery store in small quantities for very affordable money (150 rubles). However, they say that this is tea collected with prayers and has a precisely prescribed composition.

On their website, in the “Store” section, they have a lot of everything, including souvenirs and books, and ending with icons, dishes and other handmade products. However there there is not even a mention of the described tea or any other similar fee, and they do not send it by mail.

Is this still a scam?

All statements that this wonderful collection was collected by monks in special places, prayers were conducted over it, etc., are nothing more than an invention of advertisers. By mail you will receive either a package with a label from some organization that manufactured it, or simply a set of something unclear in plastic packaging.

The composition may entirely include declared herbs. It will only give restorative properties, however, will not give the tea the power to cure diabetes, obesity, prostatitis and addiction. For these purposes, specialized herbs and infusions that have been proven over the years are more appropriate, rather than the universal “miracle tea” that has recently begun to be imposed on all people.

In the West, nothing is known about this tea. This demonstrates that advertising activities began only in the CIS countries.

If there were a remedy that could instantly cure all diseases, humanity would have long forgotten about the existence of such diseases. Man is given common sense, and if it is used correctly, one can learn to distinguish truth from fiction.

Therefore, answering the questions “Monastery tea - is it true or a scam, are the reviews real or not?”, we can safely say that You shouldn't put any hopes on him. Taking into account that advertisers even lie about its manufacturer, hiding behind the name of a famous monastery, just so as not to harm themselves when taking it. And the worst thing is that people no longer fear the Lord and are trying to make money on the name of the saints and the cathedral, as well as on the health of those who categorically refused other methods of healing for the sake of this tea.

Despite the rapid development of science and medicine, alternative methods of treatment continue to be in demand. One of the most popular areas is herbal treatment. Most patients believe that herbal medicines cause fewer side effects than traditional drugs. The monastic collection of Father George is a popular herbal composition, which is credited with miraculous powers, and, according to reviews from doctors and patients, the collection can relieve serious illnesses and improve a person’s quality of life!

The tea was subject to multi-stage studies that were conducted in 2014. More than a thousand people suffering from all kinds of diseases took part in the event. Participants took a healing decoction for 30 days, and the results obtained exceeded the expectations of even experienced doctors.

The collection had a positive effect on most patients. Some managed to get rid of chronic diseases completely, including problems with blood pressure and diabetes. For others, their general well-being and body condition improved.

A collection of medicinal herbs can have an effect on the diseased organ. Thanks to well-chosen ingredients, tea is equal to expensive products of modern pharmacology. The decoction is absolutely safe for regular use!

Popularity that arose for a reason

Father George's monastery tea is a product that is not a modern development - it was invented quite a long time ago. The collection was first used in the monasteries of Ancient Rus'. At that time, the remedy was considered universal and was used in the treatment of most known diseases. Even then, the product showed the desired effect - it easily raised seriously ill patients to their feet.

A little later, the recipe was lost, and a “second life” was given to it in the second half of the 20th century by the rector of the Holy Spiritual Monastery, Father George. The remedy helped people heal for many years, and many citizens of the former USSR came to the miracle worker for it.

Monastic tea has already provided invaluable help to many suffering people; people have been able to get rid of diseases and improve their quality of life, which means that a collection of sixteen herbs will definitely help you too!

Today in pharmacies it is presented a large number of various collections, the main ingredients of which are herbs. By the way, many drugs are called “Monastic Collection”, however, not every product is able to have the desired effect, so it is recommended to purchase original tea on the official website of the distributor.

During clinical studies, specialists were able to find out that the collection helps fight many serious pathologies, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from both medical specialists and consumers who managed to test the effect of the product on themselves.

  • Migraine.
  • Emotional stress, loss of strength.
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances of a chronic nature.
  • Injuries and diseases of the muscular system.
  • Tea is effective for intoxication.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, helps with weight loss.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the immune system, restoring its functions.
  • The collection saturates the body with valuable vitamins, which is especially important in the cold season.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure and is effective for hypertension.
  • Recommended for liver pathologies.
  • Helps with kidney and urinary tract diseases (cystitis, urolithiasis, etc.).
  • Colds, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Painful condition of the facial skin (pimples, comedones).
  • It is used as a prophylactic agent that helps to recover as quickly as possible after injuries and surgical procedures.

Important! The collection has a number of contraindications, according to which the use of the decoction should be stopped or limited. Thus, tea is not recommended for pregnant women, during lactation, or if there is an allergic reaction to the components included in the product. The collection is also contraindicated for young children. Before starting use, you should consult your doctor!

During clinical studies, it was found that the decoction has a therapeutic effect for the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus at any stage.
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Gastritis and other stomach diseases.
  • Pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas.
  • Herpes.
  • A condition called hypertensive crisis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system.
  • Headache.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Stress.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Poisoning.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Joint injuries.
  • Systematic sleep disorders.
  • Oncology.

Composition of the medicinal collection

The product consists of 16 herbs that have a positive effect on the patient’s body:

Interestingly, to produce the product, the herbs are harvested manually. This allows you to get rid of the inclusion of impurities, and also contributes to the preservation of useful substances during the processing of raw materials.

The recipe for brewing tea is not complicated:

  • Grind the composition.
  • Proportions: 1 tablespoon of herbs per 0.5 liters of water;
  • Let the composition brew for half an hour;
  • Drink the decoction 2-4 times daily, 100-150 ml. The course of treatment varies from one to three months.
  • The first results can be obtained within 14 days after the start of use!

The benefits of Father George’s Monastery Tea are undeniable:

  • The product consists exclusively of natural ingredients.
  • An ancient recipe is used to make a healing product.
  • Plants are collected by hand in an ecologically clean region of the Caucasus.
  • It does not cause side effects and has a minimal set of contraindications.
  • The effect is already within two weeks, which is supported by clinical studies.
  • You can buy the collection at an affordable price!

Quite often, traditional medicine, supported by faith in healing, becomes an effective assistant in curing various diseases. There are many recipes for infusions and decoctions designed to get rid of all sorts of ailments, and now we will talk about such a remedy as the monastery collection of Father George.

Father George (1942-2011) – famous church minister, rector Holy Spiritual Monastery of Timashevsky, located in the mountains of the Krasnodar region. The “worldly” name of George’s father is Yuri Yuryevich Savva. Father George gained particular fame among people thanks to his abilities as a healer, because many people came to him for help. While still a young novice living in a monastery, Yuri communicated with the elder, a former professor of medicine, and received from him many ancient unique recipes for herbal medicine. One such recipe is herbal collection of 16 medicinal herbs.

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Why plants help and how they affect the body

In order for our body to function successfully, it needs carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as vitamins and microelements. Without vitamins and microelements, metabolic processes in cells slow down. Tea prepared according to the recipe of Father George is a rich source of essential vitamins and microelements, and it would be completely unreasonable to ignore this source.

The healing monastery tea of ​​Father George has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • cleanses the blood and improves the composition of lymph;
  • at the cellular level cleanses the intestines of carcinogens;
  • reduces the toxic effect of synthetic drugs in case of their prolonged use;
  • neutralizes the effects of stress, negative environmental influences, prolonged mental and physical stress;
  • improves the general condition of both a healthy person and a person with any diseases;
  • strengthens the body's immune defense and increases its resistance to infections;
  • normalizes metabolism (water-salt, mineral, carbohydrate);
  • activates enzyme systems;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, biliary tract, and digestive tract;
  • strengthens the heart and hematopoietic organs, normalizes blood pressure;
  • activates the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • renews the body, supplying it with necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • exhibits antitumor activity.

What diseases does Father George’s monastery tea help get rid of?

During clinical trials, it was found that tea made from 16 medicinal herbs helps with many diseases. This is confirmed by reviews of the monastery collection of Father George not only from doctors, but also from grateful buyers - a lot of such reviews can be found on forums and on social networks.

The use of monastic collection is shown:

  • with frequent headaches;
  • if emotional exhaustion is observed: depression or phobia, loss of interest in life, stress is often repeated, insomnia and sleep disturbances appear;
  • if physical exhaustion is observed: during prolonged physical exertion, loss of strength and weakness;
  • if a musculoskeletal injury occurs;
  • in case of poisoning or intoxication of the body;
  • in case of sudden weight loss;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • with impaired metabolism;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • for disorders of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, etc.);
  • for hypertension and unstable blood pressure;
  • if there are abnormalities of the circulatory system;
  • for various liver diseases (cirrhosis, hemangioma, cholecystitis);
  • in case of disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system,
  • if abnormalities of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract are observed;
  • for women and men with diseases of the reproductive system;
  • for respiratory diseases;
  • if colds recur frequently;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • as an adjuvant in the postoperative period.

It should be noted that the composition of the monastery collection of Father George is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications to drinking tea prepared from it are pregnancy, breastfeeding, and allergies to certain components. This tonic herbal mixture should not be drunk by small children.

Composition of the collection

The benefits of this herbal complex can be judged even by its composition. Each of the 16 herbs from the monastery collection of Father George has special healing properties, and all together these plant components also enhance each other’s effects.

Collection components:

  1. Wormwood.
  2. Dog-rose fruit.
  3. Bearberry leaves.
  4. Birch buds.
  5. Chamomile flowers.
  6. Dried annual flower (cat's paw).

It has a strong anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect, it removes toxins from the body. It also enhances the process of hematopoiesis and increases hemoglobin levels, and activates general metabolism. This plant contains a lot of organic acids, beta-carotene, flavonoids, tannins, microelements (chlorine, selenium, copper).

is a herbal antibiotic, it contains microelements such as manganese, chromium, magnesium, zinc, nickel. This plant is capable of accumulating large doses of lithium, which is an essential chemical fragment of the cells of the pancreas and respiratory organs.

By stimulating the work of hepatocytes, it promotes the formation of bile and is used to treat the liver and gallbladder. Immortelle reduces the amount of cholesterol, and also normalizes kidney function and kills pathogenic microorganisms present in them.

It greatly enhances the effects of immortelle and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. It has a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

Dog-rose fruit rich in vitamins, microelements, flavonoids, as well as citric and malic acids - this combination helps improve immunity and the body’s resistance to disease. Gives positive dynamics in oncology.

It has a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis and blood clotting, stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands, and inhibits the growth of tumors.

Bearberry leaves rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which prevent the development of mutated cells and delay the development of malignant tumors.

Order the monastery collection of Father George

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– is a source of molybdenum and selenium, which enhance choleretic processes and have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

It has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, helps stop the development of cancer.

Birch buds rich in nickel, boron, aluminum, manganese - they increase the body’s overall resistance to cancer and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Contains a lot of iodine - it has a beneficial effect on the production of thyroid hormones and promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. Aluminum present in buckthorn is very important for the renewal of blood plasma cells.

Contains a lot of iron, which is included in cellular metabolic processes and promotes hematopoiesis. This plant helps reduce blood pressure, restore compensated blood circulation, takes part in the construction of kidney cells, and inhibits the development of tumors.

Rich in the element copper. Copper is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, in the production of pituitary hormones and insulin. Copper and iron atoms take part in redox reactions of cellular metabolism.

Lowers blood pressure, reduces pain during renal colic, and has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Chamomile flowers help strengthen the immune system because they are rich in various beneficial microelements. Chamomile is very effective for insomnia and is often used as a sedative.

Dried flower (cat's paw) has a choleretic and diuretic effect, is useful for kinks and inflammation of the gallbladder, prevents the formation of spasms of intestinal vessels, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. A decoction of dried flowers is drunk for colds, as it removes phlegm well and frees the lungs from bacteria.

How to use the healing herb correctly

The recipe for making tea from the monastery collection is quite simple, and the effectiveness of its use will be maximum if you strictly follow the instructions.

So, first you will need to additionally grind the components of the collection of 16 herbs into smaller particles. Then you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After the tea has been steeped for 25-30 minutes, you can drink it 3-4 times a day, 100-150 ml each, for 1-3 months.

This product is extremely popular throughout almost the entire former Soviet Union, which is why many fakes have appeared on the market. Taking this into account, in order to be sure of purchasing the original product, you should contact the official website of the monastery collection of Father George. A collection purchased from dubious traders may turn out to be neutral at best, but it can often lead to negative health outcomes. Therefore, before purchasing, ask for monastery tea.

Prices for the monastery fee of Father George on the official website:

Now that you have almost all the information about the healing collection of 16 herbs, it’s time to think about how to use this information. Whether to order and buy the monastery collection of Father George or not is up to you, because taking care of your own health is your prerogative!

Order the monastery collection of Father George

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Monastery tea has a unique composition, in which medicinal herbs are correctly selected. The combination of such ingredients helps to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect in many diseases. Tea can be taken continuously as a main drink. It has strengthening properties, so regular use of the collection will help support the body and prolong its youth. Father George is considered the creator of this unique medicinal tea.

Composition of the collection

According to ancient monastery recipes, the medicinal mixture is prepared from 16 herbs. All components are organically combined with each other, which provides a powerful healing effect.

All herbs are combined in certain proportions, which were developed by Father George. That is why the original name of the tea is the collection of Father George. Most of the medicinal tea contains sage, which gives the drink a rich color and original taste.

Clinical researches

Monastic tea is recognized by official medicine, as its effectiveness has been clinically proven. The conducted studies helped to reveal that all patients with various diseases who regularly took tea as their main drink began to feel significantly better after some time.

The first participants in the experiment took only the medicinal mixture as the main treatment, the second drank it together with medications. Both groups were completely healthy after the experiment was completed. It is noted that patients with diabetes and hypertension, as well as the initial stage of oncology, began to feel much better, the unpleasant symptoms went away within a few days after starting to take the collection.

Medicinal properties

Father George's collection helps to cope with acute and chronic diseases.

Among the main medicinal properties the following are mentioned:

  • increasing the protective functions of the body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improvement of blood pressure;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increasing the absorption of iodine in the body;
  • elimination of cancer cells.

Among the main indications for use are:

  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • oncology;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • frequent colds;
  • overwork;
  • headache;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • inflammation of various types;
  • poisoning;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • CNS disorders;
  • skin problems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral hernia.

In order for tea to have the desired effect on the body, it is important to prepare it correctly. There are several proven folk recipes for preparing medicine at home.

The medicinal mixture can be brewed like regular tea and drunk regularly. However, when treating diseases, the infusion should be taken according to a specific recipe.

  1. 1. For chronic diseases, brew 1 tbsp. l dry collection 1 l boiling water. The infusion is prepared for 60 minutes, then take 150 ml three times a day before meals.
  2. 2. For severe illnesses, including cancer, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated infusion. 2 tbsp. l. Herbal mixture is brewed in boiled water - 2.5 l. The mixture simmers on fire for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and left in the refrigerator for a day. The concentrate is taken daily for 8 weeks, one tablespoon before each meal.

Treatment should be carried out in courses, with breaks of at least 2-3 weeks. In the case of constant use of the collection as the main medication, addiction may occur. Before use, you need to consult a specialist, since many herbs included in the composition have strong active substances that can cause side effects.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine, there are several recipes for the monastery collection, which are used for various health problems.

  1. 1. For weight loss, brew 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs 500 ml boiling water. Leave in a water bath for 10 minutes and take throughout the day in equal portions.
  2. 2. An infusion of 1 tbsp will help with thrush. l. collection and a glass of boiling water, which is infused for 30 minutes. The medicine is then taken orally as a regular drink. Using the infusion, you can do douching. The course of treatment for candidiasis is 1 month.
  3. 3. 1 tbsp helps with osteochondrosis. l.tea, brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for 15-20 minutes, then taken orally.
  4. 4. For pancreatitis, you can prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon of dry herbs and 1 cup of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 25 minutes. Strain the drink and drink. You can additionally add sugar or lemon.
  5. 5. Monastery tea will be a real salvation for older women. During menopause, you should brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink without adding any additional ingredients.

To create medicines, it is important to follow the preparation technology, otherwise the drink will be ineffective. For people prone to allergic reactions, it is important to remember that the collection consists of 16 herbs, each of which can provoke allergies, so before use you should study the composition and instructions for the collection.

It is important to buy tea from a trusted place so as not to stumble upon a fake. Some believe that this product is a “scam” and has no beneficial properties. Most likely, such people purchased tea without a guarantee of quality. The effect of the monastery collection has been clinically proven. Elena Malysheva recommends taking monastery tea to people suffering from chronic diseases, and also as a general tonic.

Father George's collection is a herbal collection of 16 of the most beneficial herbs, which was selected over the years by a man who believes in the laws of nature and spent his life in prayer in a monastery. His recipe has survived to this day, which was kept by monks for years and used to heal sick people. Of course, this is a completely natural, environmentally friendly product, safe, but effective and healing. It can be treated either separately or in combination with other drugs at home. Manufacturers confirm the effectiveness of the monastery collection of Father George through clinical trials, in addition, leading Russian doctors left positive reviews about the collection. So, more details...

Cost of monastery fees and where to buy?

Our blog site does not sell anything, please do not write to us on the site in the comments with questions about the purchase and delivery of goods. The monastery’s healing fee can be purchased in the online store by clicking on the banner:

Price of tea (collection of Father George):

  • in Russia - 990 rubles
  • in Ukraine - 359 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 5600 tenge
  • in Belarus - 30 Belarusian rubles.
  • in Moldova - 380 lei

Useful properties of the monastery collection of Father George

It is no secret that the monks resorted to prayer and herbal remedies to rid themselves of ailments. It is likely that this method was effective, which is why it has survived to this day. The first positive property of this treatment is simplicity. At minimal cost, you can restore the human body and cure a wide range of diseases, for example:
  • circulatory system (atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, various anomalies, headaches);
  • respiratory organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • digestive organs (poisoning, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, metabolic disorders, gastritis, ulcers, sudden weight loss, etc.);
  • diseases of the nerves (depression, insomnia, phobias, exhaustion, etc.);
  • diseases of the pelvic organs, both female (infertility) and male;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, injuries, etc.);
  • oncology;
  • postoperative treatment.
Although treatment with herbal infusions (can be both primary and secondary), the procedure is lengthy and has a cumulative effect, but still, there are no side effects from this treatment.

The herbs from the monastery collection of Father George (and let me remind you that there are 16 of them) were selected in such a way that they could complement and enhance each other’s actions. For example, when treating bronchitis, the heart muscle and immunity are strengthened, digestion and blood circulation are improved.

Finally, the last property is the pleasantness of the procedure. You take the collection as tea, and you receive not only an energy boost, but also support in the form of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, health improvement, and weight normalization. A cup of this herbal mixture is much healthier than a cup of morning coffee!

Composition of the monastery collection of Father George

The rich herbal content of the monastery collection makes it safe and environmentally friendly, and not just useful. Even if you do not have serious illnesses, you can always diversify your diet with infusion and get all the healing substances of natural products. The components of Father George include:
  1. Young nettle. Relieves intoxication, removes toxins, increases hemoglobin and improves blood composition, makes the process of hematopoiesis faster, relieves inflammation, improves digestion.
  2. Thyme. It also stops inflammatory processes, stops the development of tumors, and is used in the treatment of cancer.
  3. Immortelle. A very useful herb for digestion: it has a choleretic effect, lowers cholesterol levels, and smoothes out hepatotoxicity during chemotherapy.
  4. Sage. A natural antibiotic containing chromium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, nickel and many other trace elements. Strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal system.
  5. Buckthorn. In the monastery collection, this herb is used to support the functioning of the thyroid gland (it contains a lot of iodine), it affects the synthesis of hormones, helps renew blood plasma cells, and improves the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
  6. Birch buds. For a weakened body, they contain almost everything: aluminum, manganese, nickel, boron, etc. Birch buds in Father George’s herbal collection increase the body’s resistance to infections, tumors that have already appeared, and inhibit the development of cancer cells.
  7. Linden flowers. Contains copper, which is necessary for hematopoiesis, helps the production of insulin and pituitary hormones. Improves metabolism at the cellular level.
  8. Motherwort. Known to calm nerve endings. In addition to the fact that it has a calming effect on the central nervous system, it relieves severe pain (for example, with renal colic). Reduces blood pressure and prevents tumors from developing.
  9. Marsh dry grass. Many components of Father George's collection resist the development of oncology; cudweed is also known for similar properties. Its abilities also include helping the kidneys restore cells and build them, restore compensated blood circulation, and reduce blood pressure.
  10. Bearberry. It contains a lot of antioxidants, flavonoids and some elements that resist the development of mutations, incl. tumor growth. Diuretic.
  11. A series. Positively affects the processes of hematopoiesis and blood clotting. Stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands, resists the growth of tumors.
  12. Yarrow. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties, restores the functioning of many body systems, and enhances choleretic processes.
  13. Cat's paw or dried flower. It is taken for spasms of muscles and blood vessels. Like many herbs in the monastic composition of Father George, it stops the growth of cancer cells and harmful microorganisms. Cat's paw grass helps the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
  14. Sagebrush. It enhances the properties of immortelle, has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and also works as an analgesic. Wormwood is known as a choleretic agent and helps the stomach function.
  15. Chamomile. Helps the stability of the immune system, is known as a calmer of allergic reactions, inhibits the growth of tumors, and in general, contains a sea of ​​useful microelements.
When you re-read all this, it seems that there is no disease in the world that the monks could not cure. Unfortunately, if this were true, we would live forever. Therefore, always carefully read the composition of all kinds of preparations, find out the contraindications and monitor the expiration date.

Method of using Father George's herbal collection

The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging of their product how to use it correctly. And if you follow the instructions, the effectiveness of the product will be maximum. Therefore, read each point carefully, especially regarding herbs.
  • First: Father George’s herbal collection requires additional grinding. That is, before you want to brew it, put it in a teapot, cut it into smaller pieces with a knife;
  • Second: for 1 tablespoon you will need half a liter of boiling water. Place the crushed monastery collection in a teapot and fill it with water according to this calculation;
  • Third: 30 minutes is the time during which Father George’s healing drink is infused;
  • Fourth: as for the drinking procedure, 100–200 ml 3 or 4 times a day will be just right. The course should last no less than a month and no more than 3 months. Then a break for two months.


You shouldn’t expect an immediate effect from herbs; they “work” for sure, but cumulatively. In order for the improvement in well-being to become noticeable, you need to drink the monastery collection for several days (without a break). This time is enough for:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of condition after illness;
  • activate enzyme systems;
  • improve sleep and mental state.
It will take several weeks to get rid of the disease. By the way, for old and chronic diseases, including, the manufacturers of the collection according to the recipe of monk George indicate the cure of female infertility, hypertension, diabetes, and oncological tumors. Weeks of consumption of herbal drink:
  • restore immunity and resistance to infections;
  • remove toxins and cleanse the blood;
  • will restore the proper functioning of the liver, gall bladder and other organs;
  • strengthen the heart muscle;
  • slow down the development of tumors.


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