Can kefir cause colic? What foods cause gas formation in children under one year of age? These crops include

It is believed that babies born in late spring - early summer are luckier than those born in autumn and winter. It seems that nature itself has made sure that all its benefits: warm sun, long daylight hours, an abundance of vitamins in the mother’s diet, contribute to the normal development of the child from the very first days of life.
However, sometimes young, inexperienced mothers unwittingly harm the body of the newborn. With the best of intentions, they include in their diet foods that are rich in nutrients (“My baby should get the best!”), but are not always healthy for the child. To avoid colic, constipation and tummy pain in your baby, you need to imagine

Features of the physiology of newborns

Most infants suffer from intestinal colic between the ages of about two weeks and three to four months. As a rule, by this time the colic has passed, but until then the baby will suffer from pain, and those around him will suffer from the crying of the baby, compassion for such a difficult development process at first.
Attacks of abdominal pain occur for two reasons. The first is the underdevelopment of the neuromuscular system, and hence the spasms, which lead to painful sensations. The second is increased gas formation: gases put pressure on the intestinal wall, and the baby is in pain.

Help with colic

Colic in a baby up to about 3 months is a painful phenomenon, causing both the baby himself and those around him a lot of suffering. Previously, it was believed that there was no need to treat colic, because, medically speaking, it is not the cause of the disease, but a symptom. The reason is the active formation of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of the neuromuscular system. However, modern research conducted at the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery shows that the frequency and intensity of intestinal colic can and should be prevented. For this, doctors have developed a special step-by-step therapy system, the main stages of which are:

. regularly placing the baby on the tummy, which facilitates easier passage of gas and stool;
. massage of the baby's abdomen, carried out shortly before feeding the baby and some time after eating. It must be done carefully, in a circular motion from outside to inside, gradually approaching the navel. The movements should not be stroking, but as if expelling gases from the intestines;
. applying a warm diaper to the baby's tummy: the warmth relieves spasms and reduces the likelihood of colic attacks.

Following the pediatricians' recommendations regarding feeding will greatly ease the baby's condition. So, in order to facilitate a difficult task in the first weeks of your child’s life - nutrition - you need, firstly, to properly attach the baby to the breast so that he does not take in excess air, and make sure that excess food is regurgitated from the digestive tract.
It is very important to observe intervals when feeding: the intervals between meals should be at least 2-2.5 hours. In this case, the baby’s digestive system will have time to cope with the loads placed on it, which will reduce the likelihood of developing colic. In addition, the use of herbal preparations with carminative action is indicated as a preventative measure for the disease. Thus, natural products based on fennel fruit extract and oil, for example, Plantex, create a favorable background in the intestines, because have a mild antispasmodic effect, enhance peristalsis, promote the passage of gases and stool. Fennel, which has a beneficial effect on baby’s digestion, provides good prevention of intestinal colic of any origin. Release in the form of a soluble drink allows you to alleviate the child’s condition from the third week of life - it can be consumed as a drink, and also dissolved in breast milk, and in “artificial” formulas - in infant formula.
If gases torment the baby severely, he cannot sleep, is capricious, refuses to eat, you need to resort to the help of drugs based on simethicone, an enema or a gas tube.

Mom's dairy kitchen

The best and most complete food a newborn can receive is breast milk. But its nutritional properties directly depend on what the nursing mother eats. You can often hear: to prevent a child from suffering from colic, you need to exclude from the diet all red vegetables and fruits, berries, cucumbers, cabbage, fatty meat and fish, coffee, soda, etc. Almost all authors tell you what you shouldn’t eat. Of the unconditionally safe foods, perhaps only cottage cheese, chicken, fish and buckwheat remain... But, alas, there is no hope for a complete and satisfying diet for the baby with such a meager diet for the mother. Therefore, let's go from the opposite: let's talk about

What can a nursing mother eat?

Let’s make a reservation right away: we do not include two common foods for nursing mothers, chicken and fish, in our “menu”. The reason is simple: fish is often a strong allergen, and you cannot always trust the quality of chicken meat available on store shelves. (But if you are lucky enough to live far from a big city and have the opportunity to eat only fresh chicken meat, you can safely prepare dietary chicken dishes.)
We will focus on the most problematic foods in a nursing woman’s diet: vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals.

So let's get started. You can:

. zucchini;
. potatoes (pre-soaked);
. Green pepper;
. green apples without skin;
. kiwi (a couple of times a week; for constipation in a baby - the best remedy, proven!);
. bananas;
. buckwheat;
. oatmeal;
. wheat;
. rice (uncommon);
. pasta (infrequently);
. turkey;
. beef;
. rabbit;
. hard cheese;
. cottage cheese;
. bran bread;
. fructose;
. dried apple compote.

Not the most meager diet, right? But here is not a complete list of dishes that can be prepared from these products:

The rabbit is in sour cream, and the broth is for soup (if the broth turns out to be fatty, you need to dilute it with water);
. chopped turkey cutlets (for 1 kg of turkey - 1-2 eggs, salt and white bread pulp);
. Navy pasta (with minced beef);
. macaroni and cheese;
. Potato and cauliflower stew with beef in a pot;
. beef/veal baked in foil (successfully replaces sausage);
. boiled potatoes with sour cream and herbs;
. oatmeal (without additives) in the morning with slices of cheese (delicious!);
. rice porridge;
. buckwheat;
. minced beef meatballs with buckwheat (prepared in the same way as rice “hedgehogs”, only with buckwheat);
. fried zucchini;
. cottage cheese casserole.

In general, there are a great many dishes made from “safe” products. The most important thing is to remember that the path to a baby’s happy smile lies... through the mother’s stomach! Proper nutrition, as well as constant attention and care, the ability to understand the needs of the baby, ultimately become the key to a good mood for your baby. Look, he’s still just a baby - and what a smile! What else is needed to make all family members happy?

It is considered a natural, common phenomenon. A caring parent should be able to help. During this period, the baby becomes restless and often cries. He is tormented by sharp and acute pain. The abdomen is bloated and hard. Calm occurs after the passage of gases or feces. At first, crying and fussing occur only once a week, lasting a few minutes. If you do not help, the intensity of the attacks will increase, their duration and frequency will begin to increase. The onset of colic in newborns occurs in the 3rd week of life and ends in 3-4 months. Doctors do not consider the appearance of the disease to be the reason for visits to the hospital and examinations. However, you should not ignore the manifestation of pain, and even more so if other symptoms have appeared.

The causes of unpleasant symptoms are different. The most important thing is the mother’s nutrition. Often, a nursing woman's diet consists of foods that cause bloating in the baby and provoke pain. Doctors recommend that young mothers follow a diet, noting which foods cause colic during breastfeeding. Only healthy and light foods should be consumed.

A small experiment will help determine the exact cause of colic. A woman should not consume foods that provoke flatulence for several days and see how the baby reacts. If the symptoms disappear and the baby does not cry, then the reason was in the diet.

Any mother wants health for her baby. Therefore, a woman tries to include the maximum amount of food in her diet, trying to provide the baby with adequate nutrition and the supply of all necessary elements.

Let's look at foods that cause colic in newborns.


Dairy products may cause bloating and colic. Basically what has been said concerns cow's milk. It is recognized as a healthy product, a source of calcium. But not every body is able to digest the milk sugar found in cow's milk. You need to know that after a glass of liquid drunk by the mother, the child’s intestines do not only cause colic. Cow's milk is often the cause of allergic reactions. Doctors' recommendations are aimed at avoiding consumption of the product until the child reaches the age of 4–5 months. For bottle-fed infants, the formula is prepared in water.

Fresh milk is included in the list of prohibitions in case of colic in a baby. The estrogen it contains interferes with normal milk production in the breast.

But milk consumption is possible in small volumes in a diluted form. It is drunk with tea. Reducing the consumption of dairy raw materials does not put restrictions or prohibitions on eating fermented milk products. Cottage cheese, yogurt, hard cheese, low-fat kefir - it is acceptable to feed both the child and the mother. Goat milk is safe, but has an unusual taste and smell.

Black bread

The production of bread products is based on the fermentation process. In the child's body, the formation of gas increases from bread and colic develops in the abdomen. Therefore, it is worth giving up consumption for a while. If you can’t do it without bread, a loaf of bread made from whole grains will do. It contains B vitamins, which help normalize the metabolic process and restore intestinal function. On forums, women share their impressions of the bread and note the improved condition of their nails and skin.

For nursing mothers, the option of eating bread made from bran flour with the addition of caraway seeds is acceptable. The mixture of components has a beneficial effect on the lactation process. There are no negative side effects for the baby. Increased iron content reduces the risk of anemia.

Legume family

The presence of these products on the menu of a nursing mother is undesirable; they provoke excessive gas formation. Beans, beans, corn and lentils should be removed from the diet.

For adults and children over 2 years of age, legumes are healthy and nutritious. The high protein content makes them indispensable in the diet. These products are known to be capable of... It is also the only product that does not cause allergic reactions.

At the same time, legumes are not suitable for the infant’s immature digestive system; they cause bloating, colic and abdominal pain.

Vegetables, fruits

Eating fruits and vegetables raw leads to indigestion; it is difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to break down and digest them. There is a risk of infection or poisoning inside. In the first and subsequent five months of a child’s life, they try to introduce thermally processed foods into the diet. The big plus is its good and quick digestibility. At the same time, temperature treatment will destroy pathogenic bacteria present on the surface of raw vegetables and fruits. All useful substances remain in the products.

There is no need to give up natural fruits; on the contrary, their presence in the diet of a nursing mother is mandatory. Any fruit or vegetable should be included in the menu gradually:

  • 0-2 weeks - the diet includes: potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, apples, pears, bananas.
  • 2 weeks and older - the diet contains tomatoes, cucumbers, apricots, peaches.

Citrus, exotic and other fruits containing bright colors should be taken with caution. They often cause allergic reactions. If a citrus fruit is eaten, you should carefully observe the child’s reaction.

Cabbage and beets should be left for a later period of 5-6 months. They are difficult to digest and cause excessive gas formation and painful colic in the child’s body.

Heat treatment involves boiling, stewing, baking or steaming. It is advisable for a woman who is breastfeeding to give up raw foods in the first 2-3 months. Reducing your consumption of fried foods will help your baby feel better. When breastfeeding, remove homemade pickles, sauerkraut, and marinades from the menu.


Chocolate, cream, creams, flour products are taboo when breastfeeding. The dyes, caffeine, and flavorings contained in sweets negatively affect the child’s body, causing flatulence, colic, and allergies. It is allowed to take a small amount of dark chocolate and dried fruits, oatmeal, biscuits.

Artificial seasonings (mayonnaise, ketchup, sauce) are prohibited goods. If you need to dress the salad, use sour cream, yogurt or vegetable oil.

Carbonated drinks and fast food negatively affect the adult body, causing upset, disruption of breast milk production, and poisoning. The consumption of unhealthy food affects the child's body as developmental arrest, intoxication, and intestinal irritation.


Treatment during the period of colic is not provided. The process is natural, and the source is often found in the mother’s diet. The main and central attention is paid to the diet of a nursing woman.

Nutrition rules

Maintaining water balance is the solution to half of the difficulties that arise due to dehydration. An adult should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. It doesn't have to be water. They drink tea, fruit drinks, compotes, juices, and fermented milk products. By following the water rule, the production of breast milk is stimulated, and toxins and other harmful substances are better removed from the body. Pharmacies offer a large selection of herbal teas for lactation. They have a stimulating effect.

The inclusion of products in the menu should occur gradually. In this case, you need to observe the baby’s reaction and then continue to introduce other dishes. If the baby shows signs of allergic reactions, it is necessary to remove the product and introduce it in a month.

Fatty or fried foods, smoked meats, pickles, marinades, delicacies, exotic fruits are postponed for up to 5-6 months.

Meals are taken in small portions, but it is worth increasing the number of approaches. Nutritionists' recommendations regarding mother's nutrition state that a nursing woman eats at least 5 times a day.

How to help your baby

The baby's position during feeding should be semi-sitting. This will allow excess air not to accumulate below in the stomach, but to move up to the outlet.

The mother must ensure that the nipple is latched correctly. When a baby takes the breast incorrectly, a lot of excess air gets into it along with the milk, which leads to increased accumulation of gases.

For artificial babies, the difficulty lies in the milk formula. If it is not chosen correctly, the digestive system cannot function normally, causing flatulence and colic. To make the right choice, you should consult your doctor. Before eating, place the baby on his tummy, excess gases come out, and the intestinal tract enters an active state.

One of the main concerns of a young mother is her balanced diet. The quality of mother's milk, which affects the health of the infant, directly depends on the diet of food consumed. Fermented milk products are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, they contain a small amount of carbohydrates and are easily absorbed by the body. Knowing this, many women are interested in the question: “Can a nursing mother have cottage cheese?” It is better to turn to specialists for an answer. Nutritionists and pediatricians say that cottage cheese helps increase lactation and has a positive effect on the nails, teeth and hair of a young mother. It contains vitamins of groups PP, A, B, C, E and microelements - calcium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, which means we can conclude that cottage cheese during breastfeeding is simply necessary for a nursing woman and should be present in her daily diet. diet.

We eat cottage cheese and smile sweetly

  1. What should cottage cheese be like for nursing mothers?

Cottage cheese is a perishable product. When purchasing in a store, a parent must pay attention to the release date of the product. Cottage cheese allowed for consumption should not exceed three days from the date of production. During lactation, it is recommended to consume low-fat calcined cottage cheese. You should not eat expired cottage cheese during breastfeeding; it will harm not only the baby, but also his mother.

  1. When to introduce cottage cheese into the diet of a nursing mother.

If a woman tolerates this fermented milk product well, then cottage cheese should be introduced into the diet from the moment the baby is conceived, or, in extreme cases, from the moment of his birth. Cottage cheese improves the development of the skeletal structure of a small child and has a beneficial effect on overall physical development as a whole.

  1. Compatibility of cottage cheese with other fermented milk products.

Can a nursing mother consume cottage cheese and sour cream or cottage cheese and kefir in one feeding? If a woman likes this compatibility and if she uses products with low fat content, then why not. In this duet, you should remember a very important rule: throughout the day, a nursing woman can eat fermented milk products in any combination, the main thing is that their total weight, taken together, does not exceed 500-600 g, otherwise the baby may experience constipation or intestinal colic. Also, to avoid liver problems, it is advisable to consume such mixtures in the first half of the day.

Adverse reactions that may occur in babies

  1. When answering the question whether cottage cheese can be used while breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of the child’s body to this dairy product. If the mother notices that within 12 hours after she eats cottage cheese, the baby develops a rash on the body, is bothered by colic, or has other manifestations of an allergic reaction, then in this case it is better to refuse cottage cheese. Perhaps the baby’s body is not able to digest lactose.
  2. Colic in the form of spasms or flatulence in the intestines of a baby can be caused due to excessive consumption of the product. If the mother makes a similar mistake and loves cottage cheese very much, then the father of the family needs to control his wife’s needs and not allow her to eat the product in large quantities. It is necessary to consume cottage cheese per day within 150 g with a fat content of up to 5% and no more than 500 g of low-fat product.

Curd menu

As we have already found out, cottage cheese during breastfeeding must be introduced into a woman’s daily diet. But if she constantly eats cottage cheese in its pure form, she will quickly get tired of it. The following list of cottage cheese dishes can diversify the diet of a young mother:

  1. Cottage cheese with sour cream
  2. Dumplings with cottage cheese
  3. Cheesecake with cottage cheese is a very tasty dish, but a nursing mother should not abuse it. Baked goods contain wheat flour and yeast; these two products can cause colic in a baby.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole during breastfeeding is prepared according to a special recipe.

Considering that flour causes intestinal colic in the baby, the casserole during breastfeeding is prepared using semolina. Cooking method:

Leave 2 tbsp semolina and 3 tbsp sour cream in a bowl for half an hour. If desired, soak raisins or dried fruits in boiling water for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, add 500g of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 3 tbsp to a bowl with sour cream and semolina. sugar, vanillin, a little salt, beat everything with a blender, add dried fruits or raisins dried in a paper towel. Place the resulting curd mass in a greased baking dish and grease the top with a small amount of sour cream. Heat the oven to 180C, place the pan and bake for 40 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole is useful to consume with green tea or other herbal drinks.

  1. Cheesecakes for nursing mothers are best steamed or baked in the oven, and flour should be replaced with semolina.

Conclusion and video recipe

Watch a video of making cottage cheese casserole for a nursing mother:

The nutrition of a woman who has given birth undergoes changes. Restrictions are especially strong in the first months of a baby’s life. The mother should exclude from the diet foods that cause colic in newborns while breastfeeding. But digestive problems in a child arise not only in early infancy. Colic often bothers a child with the introduction of complementary foods or when supplementary feeding with formula is necessary. The article discusses what infant colic is and how a nursing mother should eat to avoid the disease. A list of prohibited products, methods of helping infants, and situations requiring examination by a pediatrician are provided.

The term "colic" refers to pain in the colon. In infants, it manifests itself as sudden, sharp crying. It is impossible to calm a child by rocking him or her to the breast. Characterized by sudden movements of the arms, arching, pressing of the legs due to a spasm in the abdomen. You feel rumbling in your stomach and gas formation. The child blushes and groans. The crying ends as suddenly as it begins.

  • appear in the first 3 weeks of life;
  • last from 3 hours a day;
  • manifestations are present for at least 3 weeks;
  • ends by 3 months;
  • most often occur in the evening, before bedtime.

But at the same time, the child gains weight, develops mentally and physically correctly, without deviations. The malaise does not require treatment and goes away on its own, often by 3-4 months.

There is still no exact explanation for the causes of colic. It is believed that the disease is associated with the immaturity of the newborn’s intestines, the process of its maturation in the first year of life.

There is no reliable reason for the appearance of colic. There are several opinions:

  • immaturity of the digestive and intestinal organs;
  • allergy;
  • long stay in a horizontal position;
  • overfeeding the child;
  • congenital lactose intolerance;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • period of adaptation to the external environment;
  • psychosocial problems of the mother, affecting the condition of the baby;
  • immaturity of the nervous system;
  • improper nutrition of a nursing mother.

Each of the options does not stand up to criticism. But special attention is paid to the nutrition of a woman who has given birth, because substances from foods consumed by the mother enter the milk, causing the accumulation of gas in the intestines and colic. Knowing which foods cause colic in newborns while breastfeeding, a woman will be able to properly organize her diet.

The principle of nutrition for a nursing mother

After the birth of a child, a woman adheres to the rules of a healthy diet. The point of view that the mother’s nutrition is directly related to the child’s colic has not been precisely confirmed. But for the proper development of the baby and the recovery of the mother, the diet must be correctly composed. The absence of preservatives, fatty, spicy, salty foods is important. Food is prepared by steaming, stewing and boiling. We need vegetables and fruits that do not cause excess gas in a woman. This will protect the baby from unnecessary worry.

It is beneficial for both mother and baby if the food is:

  • fractional;
  • balanced.

Be sure to eat protein foods, lean meat, fish, and cottage cheese. Cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables should be present. For proper growth and development, the child’s body must receive the entire complex of necessary microelements and substances.

A breastfeeding mother introduces foods into the diet gradually and in small portions, so that she can monitor the baby’s reaction. In the first days after childbirth, you should stick to porridge with water and boiled meat. Every day a woman expands her diet by introducing a new product, monitoring the baby’s reaction. The principle of gradual introduction allows timely identification of an allergy or negative reaction of the child’s body. During the first month, the diet gradually expands. But there are also limitations. It is important to exclude foods that cause colic in newborns.

Products that cause discomfort in a child

Infant colic occurs with equal frequency during breastfeeding and bottle feeding. But some children have allergies and hypersensitivity to certain foods. These include breast milk. An allergy to it occurs, causing colic. Therefore, after childbirth, a woman excludes dairy and fermented milk products from her diet. They are introduced gradually, eating, for example, a piece of cheese in the morning, or a little cottage cheese, monitoring the child’s reaction throughout the day. When it appears, the product is excluded from the diet for 2 weeks, then you can try again. The remaining products are also introduced gradually, monitoring the reaction.

What not to eat

In the first month the following is excluded:

  • fat;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • canned;
  • roast;
  • food with dyes and flavor enhancers.
Attention! Prohibited foods include foods high in coarse fiber and those that take a long time to digest.

Should be excluded:

  • legumes;
  • grapes and their juice;
  • fresh and canned cucumbers.

After the birth of a child, a woman should give up black bread.

What to do if you eat something forbidden

Don't panic if mom ate some of the prohibited foods. There will not necessarily be a reaction from the child. The woman must monitor the condition of the baby. If colic, anxiety, crying or allergies worsen, the prohibited product is excluded for 2 weeks. If no changes in the baby’s behavior are noticed, the restriction is lifted.

Food diary

It is useful for a nursing woman to write down everything she eats during the day. This will reveal which foods cause colic in babies, allergies, and gas formation. The food diary records the new food eaten by the mother in the morning and the baby's reaction a few hours later, a day later and 48 hours later. Keeping a diary will help you remember which foods you need to eliminate and which you can continue to eat. Gradually, with the help of records, all the basic products necessary for a complete diet are introduced.

But doctors say that restrictions do not always save you from infant colic. The diet will reveal what causes colic in a newborn in the mother’s diet and whether it causes it at all, whether there is sensitivity or a negative reaction to something. If colic persists for 2 weeks, then restrictions should be lifted. Everything can be eaten in reasonable quantities and in compliance with the rules of food compatibility. You only need to exclude foods that are known to be harmful.

Colic during mixed feeding

If it is impossible to breastfeed the baby only, infant formula is used. Feeding can be mixed or completely artificial. In this case, colic is not excluded, but occurs even more often than with natural feeding.

  • unsuitable formula;
  • incorrect structure of the bottle nipple;
  • swallowing excess air during feeding;
  • lactose intolerance.

Note! It is important to choose a formula that is suitable for the child. The presence of palm oils increases colic and constipation.

If you are intolerant to milk protein, switch to a dairy-free formula based on soy products. It is important to choose the right orthodontic pacifier with an anti-vacuum system. This will avoid excess air swallowing. Proper organization of mixed nutrition will reduce problems with digestion and absorption of food. The child will become calmer.

Colic after introducing complementary foods

Introducing complementary foods correctly and following the pediatrician's recommendations will prevent colic from occurring. It is important not to give foods to an infant under 6 months. At this time, the gastrointestinal tract system is immature. After six months, vegetable puree is carefully introduced, then liquid porridge from gluten-free cereals, fruits, meat, and dairy products. Maintaining the order is necessary for the digestive organs to get used to new food.

Mashed vegetables do not cause gas, colic, constipation or vomiting if administered in small doses and without additives, in their pure form. Having become accustomed to vegetables, the child’s stomach and intestines more easily accept cereals, fruits, and difficult-to-digest meats and cottage cheese.

There are prohibited foods for children under one year old. Banned:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweets;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • seafood;
  • spices and hot seasonings.

Even if you really want to please your child with new tastes, you cannot give prohibited foods.

How to help a baby with colic

You can help your child if he or she is unwell with special ones that eliminate excess air in the intestines, bloating and gases.

Attention! You can use folk remedies, but only after consultation with a specialist.

There are a number of techniques to alleviate the condition of a baby:

  • abdominal massage;
  • a warm diaper on the stomach or a heating pad;
  • dill decoction;
  • gas outlet pipe;
  • bottles with anti-colic nipples;
  • laying on the stomach before eating.

When a doctor's help is needed

In cases where the behavior or condition of the child changes, anti-colic medications do not help, the help of a doctor is required. Do not attribute inflammatory processes to colic.

You should call a doctor or emergency help if you have symptoms that are not typical for your child:

  1. After taking a drug that eliminates colic, crying and restlessness do not stop.
  2. The temperature has risen.
  3. Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting appeared.
  4. Skin color has changed.
  5. The child is lethargic. He has no appetite.

These symptoms may be the beginning of a serious illness - appendicitis, an inflammatory process in the digestive organs. In young children, processes develop rapidly. Delay in diagnosis and timely treatment risks peritonitis, the development of complications that threaten the health and life of the baby.

Infantile colic affects more than 50% of infants. Parents should remain calm and help their baby cope with pain. Regular observation by a pediatrician and prevention will maintain health and ensure the harmonious development of the baby.

Before giving birth, the expectant mother eagerly awaits the birth of her baby, but has absolutely no idea what difficulties she may encounter. That is why all pregnant women are recommended to attend the so-called school of mothers. There, experienced specialists, neonatologists and pediatricians will tell the woman what problems she may encounter immediately after the birth of her baby.

Intestines after birth

One of the main and worrying problems is colic in infants. Immediately after birth, the baby’s intestines are not filled with any bacteria or microorganisms. In fact, it can be called completely sterile. In the womb, the unborn baby is fed exclusively through blood, thus receiving the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs. The intestines are absolutely not involved in food intake. The first stool a baby produces is called meconium. Usually it is completely sterile and has a fairly dark color, but do not be alarmed by this. This is exactly what the famous doctor Komarovsky tells everyone about.

Colic in infants

From the moment your baby was born, you are in seventh heaven, holding your baby in your arms. It seems that nothing can overshadow this state and unsettle you. But everything changes when babies begin to experience colic. Komarovsky describes this condition in detail, talks about its symptoms and causes, and also gives quite useful tips in the fight against this disease.

At the moment when your child cries from a pain in the tummy, it seems that the whole world around is collapsing and it will never end. Don't despair and give up. The child needs a calm mother who can help him cope with his troubling condition.


Colic in infants usually begins to show its severity towards the end of the first month of life, but there are children who experience this condition much earlier, already in the second week of extrauterine life. They can begin with the baby’s usual restlessness or show all their strength at once, causing discomfort and pain to the small tummy.

Many mothers ask this burning question: when will baby colic go away? Doctors and pediatricians do not give a definite and clear answer to it, but they indicate boundaries - approximately 3-4 months. Until this time, new mothers need to stock up on iron patience and help their newborn baby as much as possible.


It should be noted that colic in infants is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and it affects almost all children. If your baby is suffering from tummy pain, don't think that he is unwell. A little time will pass and everything will work out.

  • The first thing that causes colic in infants is the incorrect lifestyle of the nursing mother. Having bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. But, fortunately, such cases are extremely rare.
  • Large amount of food. It happens that a mother, worried about the baby’s possible starvation, feeds him quite often or in too large portions. Of course, we are talking about milk. When the first portion has not yet had time to be digested in a small tummy, and the second has already arrived, it is very difficult for him to cope, and various digestive disorders arise.
  • Incorrect breast latch when feeding. This happens when the baby has not learned to hold the nipple correctly or the mother does not know how to breastfeed; a large amount of air is swallowed along with the milk, thereby causing gas formation.
  • Poor nutrition. We are talking about babies who are bottle-fed for one reason or another. Perhaps the selected mixture is not suitable for the baby, and it needs to be changed. Or the bottle is not feeding correctly. Ideally, it should be at an angle of 45 degrees towards the child.
  • Poor nutrition of mother. Many pregnant women do not think about their diet and its benefits. Also, after the birth of the baby, they do not particularly worry about what they eat. In turn, many foods can cause anxiety in small tummies.


Many mothers ask: how to determine colic in a baby? Believe me, you definitely won't miss them. But nevertheless, there are a number of signs that indicate that your baby is worried about colic.

  • Unexpected restless behavior of the baby. When just a few minutes ago everything was wonderful and nothing bothered him.
  • When crying and restless, the newborn pulls his legs towards his small tummy or vigorously jerks them. This means that cutting, unbearable pain occurs in the baby’s intestines and stomach.
  • As a rule, increased gas formation in children begins to gain strength in the late afternoon. If your joyful and smiling baby has been screaming angrily for several evenings in a row, then perhaps he has colic.
  • While crying, the baby emits gases, which brings him temporary relief and he calms down.
  • The most common restless behavior occurs some time after feeding.
  • Malfunction of the intestines, which is expressed by frequent diarrhea or constipation.

Mom's nutrition

There are foods that cause colic in infants. That is why, while still pregnant, a woman should reconsider her diet and start eating healthy food even then. And with the birth of a baby, it is necessary to completely exclude some dishes from your diet. This:

  • Any type of cabbage.
  • Too salty foods and dishes with a lot of different seasonings.
  • Peas and corn.
  • Dairy drinks and products.
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as all types and varieties of fruits, with the exception of green apples.
  • Various types of nuts.
  • Coffee and strong tea.

Some young mothers remember about the necessary diet only when the baby begins to have abdominal pain. And they immediately return to their previous diet when the baby’s colic goes away. This is wrong, and you will not help your child in any way.

Helping your baby with colic

When, for one reason or another, colic appears in infants, the following tips will tell you what to do in this situation.

When will baby's colic go away?

Quite a few moms and dads are concerned about their baby's painful gas, but there's no need to worry too much about it. All children experience this condition and it does not harm them in any way. In the future, they won’t even remember that something like this ever happened to them.

Mothers believe that this is the most terrible and terrible period in their lives, when the child cries angrily, but cannot be helped. It would be correct to assure that in the future you will experience more unpleasant and alarming conditions than ordinary colic.

Pain in small tummies usually goes away by 3-4 months. In extreme cases, they can disturb for up to 5 months. It is by this time that the baby’s digestive system has already established normal functioning, and the intestines are populated with beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.


Quite a few doctors, adherents of outdated medicine, can give your child a similar diagnosis. But it is worth saying that modern science has stepped forward quite a long time ago. Professors and doctors of science, as well as famous pediatricians, have found that a newborn cannot be given this diagnosis.

Since dysbiosis itself is a violation of the quantitative number of bacteria in the intestines, when bad microorganisms predominate over good ones. As mentioned above, newborns are born with a sterile intestine, so they simply cannot have a bacterial imbalance.

If there is any restless behavior of a newborn baby, the mother should be wary. If your baby cries tirelessly, refuses to eat, and nothing helps him, you shouldn’t blame everything on these terrible colics and wait for them to pass.

Perhaps the baby is worried about other circumstances that the doctor should definitely know about. Go to an appointment with your child one more time; it certainly won’t hurt you, but it will dispel all doubts and answer any questions that interest or worry you.

Surely, if a child is bothered by, for example, a headache, a gas tube or tummy massage will not help him much, so do not look for answers on your own, but consult a doctor.

In conclusion it should be said

From the moment your baby is born and you become a mother, responsibility for his life and health falls entirely on your shoulders. Therefore, be attentive to your child, learn to understand and feel what he feels. Never be angry with your child if he cries. It is not the child’s fault that he feels bad. Right now, more than ever, the baby needs your affection, love and being nearby. Have more patience. Take care of your child - and you will be happy!



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