Methodological recommendations for teaching history. Methodological recommendations “On teaching history and social studies” in educational institutions of the Kaliningrad region in the academic year Recommendations for teaching history

“On teaching history and social studies”

in educational institutions of the Kaliningrad region

in the academic year

The teaching of the subjects “History” and “Social Studies” in educational institutions of the Kaliningrad region must be carried out in accordance with the regulatory and instructional documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad region:

1. Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

2. “On approval of the federal component of state standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education” (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 03/05/2004 No. 000).

3. Basic curriculum of the Kaliningrad region for the 2007/2008 academic year (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad region dated August 24, 2007 No. 000/1).

For information and methodological support for the modernization of historical and social science education, a special website has been created by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Prosveshchenie publishing house:, consultation line on the website of the Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers: http://www/

To search for information resources on the Internet on the problems of modernizing historical and social science education, it is recommended to use the information and methodological manual “Information system “Single Window of Access to Educational Resources”. Information and methodological manual for general education institutions. M., 2007:

Under the new Basic Curriculum, the history education system covers the second and third levels of general education. The state standard does not imply the teaching in primary schools of any separate propaedeutic course or educational module in history. At the same time, the content line “History of the Fatherland” is included in the mandatory minimum content of the course “The World around us” as the study of “individual, the most important and striking historical events; pictures of life, work, traditions of people in different historical times.”

As part of basic general education, the study of history is expected in grades 5-9, 70 hours per year /at the rate of 2 hours per week/. Thus, the total time allocated for studying history in basic secondary school is 350 hours.

At the level of secondary/complete/general education, the federal component of the educational educational program includes a set of basic and specialized general education subjects. History is part of the invariant part of subjects required to be studied at a basic level. The teaching time allocated in this case for the study of history is 140 hours/t. i.e. at the rate of 2 hours per week/. If history is selected for study at the profile level, then it is excluded from the invariant part, and the teaching time is 280 hours / t. i.e. at the rate of 4 hours per week/.

An approximate history program for a primary school provides for the implementation of the standard within the framework of two courses, “History of Russia” and “General History,” as well as a separate propaedeutic module “What history studies” at the beginning of the 5th grade.

It is expected that these two courses will be studied synchronously - parallel study with the possibility of integrating some topics from both courses.

The substantive novelty of the basic secondary school standard lies in the refusal to detail the content of history courses, strengthening the general educational, general cultural orientation of the educational process, and its ideological significance. In contrast to the Mandatory Minimum Content of 1998, the standard presupposes a mandatory study of the personalities of the most important historical figures; the history of the peoples living on the territory of our country is more fully considered.

The sample program establishes the approximate distribution of study time and the order of courses:

Amount of teaching time (federal


Sections of the sample program

Study time reserve

General history

Russian history

V-VI classes

What history studies – at least 10 hours

History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages – at least 75 hours.

History of Russia (from antiquity to the 15th century) – at least 30 hours.

History of modern times (XVI-early XX centuries) – at least 48 hours.

History of Russia (XVI - early XX centuries) – at least 72 hours.

Recent and contemporary history – at least 24 hours.

Recent and contemporary history of Russia – at least 36 hours.

It should also be taken into account that according to the new curriculum in grade IX, the number of hours for studying the history of the 20th century is reduced by a third, while it is during this period that the most complex problems of national history are studied, relevant for the successful socialization of modern schoolchildren, education of patriotism and citizenship, respect to the history and traditions of our Motherland. In accordance with the regional Basic curriculum, it is recommended to study integrated courses - “History of Russia” and “General History”, while the main volume (2/3 of the allotted study time) should be focused on studying the socio-economic, political, and ethnocultural aspects of the development of Russia in modern times.

In case inIXIn the class, an integrated history course is taught, and one final grade is given in the subject “History.”

In accordance with the regional basic curriculum of the Kaliningrad region, using teaching time from the regional component in grades VI – IX, it is planned to study the subject “History of Western Russia. Kaliningrad region" in the amount of 1 hour per week / 35 hours per year.

At the level of secondary (complete) general education, the teaching time allocated for studying history is 140 hours (i.e., based on 2 hours per week). If history is selected for study at the profile level, then it is excluded from the invariant part, and the study time is 280 hours (i.e., based on 4 hours per week).

An approximate history program for the level of secondary (complete) general education provides for the implementation of the standard within two courses - “History of Russia” and “General History” at both the basic and specialized levels:

in X grade– “History of Russia” (from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century); “General History” (from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century);

in XI grade– “History of Russia” (second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 21st century); “General History” (second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 21st century).

For a basic level of history study in high school, a sample program establishes the following distribution of instructional time:

Amount of teaching time



Sections of the sample program

Study time reserve

General history

Russian history

General history

(from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century) – at least 24 hours.

Russian history

(from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century) – at least 36 hours.

General history

(second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 21st century) – at least 24 hours.

Russian history

(second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 21st century) – at least 36 hours.

Thus, if the FBUP allocates 140 hours for compulsory study of the subject “History” at a basic level in high school (at the rate of 2 academic hours per week for two academic years), then the approximate program is designed for 120 academic hours. The reserve of free study time is 20 study hours.

For the specialized level of studying history in high school, the approximate program establishes the following distribution of teaching time:

Amount of teaching time



Sections of the sample program

Study time reserve

Russian history

General history

Russian history

(from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century) – at least 72 hours

General history

(from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century) – at least 48 hours

Russian history

(second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 21st century) – at least 72 hours

General history

(second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 21st century) – at least 48 hours

Thus, if the FBUP allocates 280 hours for the compulsory study of the academic subject “History” at the profile level in high school (at the rate of 4 academic hours per week for two academic years), then the approximate program is designed for 240 academic hours. The reserve of free study time is 40 study hours.

It is recommended to use the reserve of educational time for planning lessons of an introductory nature and repetition-summarizing with mandatory recording in the journal, and also when implementing a competency-based approach, to provide hours for practical and laboratory classes using anthologies and collections of documentary materials for practical classes in the course of the history of Russia and the World War. stories.

It is recommended to study the courses “History of Russia” and “General History” at the basic level in an integrated manner, therefore, in classes where history is not a core subject, it is expected that one grade in the subject “History” will be included in the certificate. At the profile level, where it is expected to teach two history courses: the history of Russia and world history, two grades are given in the certificate: in the history of Russia and in general history.

In accordance with the regional basic curriculum of the Kaliningrad region, at the expense of teaching time from the regional component in grades X – XI, educational institutions have the right to study the academic subject “History of Western Russia. Kaliningrad region" in the amount of 70 hours. (1/1).

Social studies in basic schools, according to the new basic curriculum, is introduced from grades 6 to 9 in the amount of 1 hour per week / 35 hours per year.

In high school (grades 10-11), 70 hours per year (2 hours per week) are allocated to study the integrated course “Social Studies” (with the mandatory inclusion of sections “Law” and “Economics”) at the basic level.

The sections “Law” and “Economics” are taught as independent subjects for 35 hours (1 hour per week). The sequence of their study in grades 10 and 11 is determined by the educational institution. In this version, the academic subject “Social Studies” is studied without the specified sections in the amount of 70 hours over 2 years of study.

3 hours per week are allocated for studying the “Social Studies” course in socio-economic classes (option 1) (105 hours in 10th grade and 105 hours in 11th grade). 1 hour per week is allocated for studying the “Social Studies” course in socio-economic classes (option 2) (35 hours in 10th grade and 35 hours in 11th grade).

Currently, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, a project is being implemented aimed at educational and methodological support for the strategy of updating school historical and social science education in general and teaching graduate courses in modern Russian history and social studies as a key link in school historical and social science education. Within the framework of this project, a program “Current issues of historical and social science education in secondary (high) school” has been developed, designed to provide teachers with theoretical and practical assistance in mastering modern approaches to teaching in high school courses “Modern history of Russia (years)” and “ Social studies: global peace in the 21st century.”

Program, thematic planning of the course “History of Russia. gg." and the textbook are designed to be studied for at least 26 hours. This amount of teaching time allows you to realize the main goals and objectives of this course at a basic level. To study this course at the profile level, you must allocate at least 70 hours of study time. In this case, the teacher should involve additional components of teaching materials (digital electronic resources and cartographic materials).

New course “History of Russia. gg." fits organically into the system of preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam. The methodological apparatus of the textbook includes test tasks of various types, historical texts, which in principle coincide with those tested using the Unified State Examination KIMs.

The teaching of a social studies course in grades 10–11 is organized with the obligatory use of the teaching materials “Global World in the 21st Century” (primarily books for teachers) - regardless of which programs and textbooks the integrated subject is studied in a given educational institution. When planning a course, teachers are recommended to provide time for studying the teaching materials “Global World in the 21st Century” in the amount of 35 hours (basic level) or 70 hours (profile level) - including through the reserve of teaching time provided for in the sample programs. These topics can be studied either separately - as an independent module, an elective course (grade 11), or included in the relevant sections of the Social Studies course at the basic and specialized level.

The issue of preparing students to take the exam in history and social studies in the form of the Unified State Exam is becoming increasingly urgent. Responsibility for the State Exam is doubled, since the Unified State Exam is simultaneously a graduation and entrance exam to a higher educational institution.

In a non-core school, the number of hours allocated to history (including the history of Russia) is reduced to a minimum, and experience shows that the number of graduates who choose history to take the exam in the form of the Unified State Exam is up to 30% of the graduating class. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in students various types of cognitive activity, based not on memorization, but on a deep understanding of historical facts and phenomena. The teacher should be more attentive to thematic planning. It is imperative that in each topic it is necessary to provide for repetition and generalization of the studied material: dates, events, historical personalities. These should include tests, oral and written questions. A well-thought-out system of repetitive and generalizing lessons develops the ability to systematize, classify historical materials, identify and compare the characteristic features of individual historical periods, confirm generalized judgments and conclusions with specific examples related to them, and correlate the series of information presented with each other.

The orientation of the educational process toward the development of independence and practical orientation of learning does not detract from, but rather enhances, the importance of solid historical knowledge and the ability to distinguish between facts, concepts, and opinions. It is desirable that active cognitive activity of students be organized at each lesson through the use of different forms of training sessions, new pedagogical technologies, including those that allow the implementation of a competency-based approach to learning. We are talking about a significant change in the nature of teaching history - the development of active cognitive activity of students, the inclusion of all types of educational information, the expansion of the practice of solving cognitive problems, and the implementation of a problem-based approach to the study of history.

In preparing for the Unified State Exam in history and social studies, the teacher must use printed collections of tests (necessarily with the FIPI stamp), a codifier of the elements of the content of the examination work, and study demonstration versions of KIMs in history and social studies for the years.

History teachers take an active part in the implementation of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006–2010”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2001 No. 422. The upcoming 2009/2010 academic year will be marked by anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The central theme of classroom and extracurricular work in the new academic year in history will be the 65th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War.

In accordance with Article 32 (clause 7) of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” “Competence and responsibility of an educational institution”, the competence of an educational institution includes “development and approval of work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules)”. As amended by the Federal Law dated December 1, 2007 (clause 5), it is established that the main educational program in an educational institution with state accreditation is developed on the basis of exemplary basic educational programs and must ensure that students achieve the results established by the relevant federal state educational standards. Consequently, the educational institution is obliged to develop working curricula for training courses based on sample curricula. The approximate program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours among the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account the age characteristics of students, the logic of the educational process, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 approved the federal component of state standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, on the basis of which the following were developed:

Approximate program of basic general education in history;

Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in history (basic level);

Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in history (profile level).

Sample program of basic general education in social studies;

Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in social studies (basic level);

Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in social studies (profile level).

Collection of normative documents / Comp. E. D. Dneprov, A. G. Arkadyev. – M.: Bustard, 2004. – 443 p.

Modern education. Story. Contents of education: collection of legal documents and teaching materials. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008. P. 87–157.

Modern education. Social science. Economy. Right. Contents of education: collection of legal documents and teaching materials / Comp. T. B. Vasilyeva, I. N. Ivanova. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008. – 256 p.

An exemplary history program promotes the implementation of a unified concept of history education, while maintaining conditions for variable construction of educational courses and the manifestation of creative initiative by teachers. The sample program is a guideline for drawing up variable (custom) educational programs. At the same time, the authors of variable educational programs can offer their own approach to structuring educational material within the framework of the main thematic blocks established by the sample program, determining the sequence of studying this material, ways to form a system of knowledge, skills, methods of activity, development and socialization of students.

The sample program defines the invariant (mandatory) part of the training course. The variable part of the course is formed on the basis of the reserve of free study time established by the sample program. The principles for constructing the variable part of the course are determined either by the authors of the curriculum or by the teacher himself. The relationship between training programs at different levels by status and options for developing working training programs is presented in the diagram:

Sample curriculum (“ministerial”)

(1) Work curriculum (“school”)

(2) Work curriculum (“school”)

When drawing up a working curriculum, the teacher can use as a basis either an exemplary curriculum (1) or any of the variable programs (2), maintaining continuity in teaching from grades 5 to 9 - at the level of basic general education and in grades 10 - 11 - at the level of secondary (complete) general education. The procedure for coordination and approval of the working curriculum for the subject is determined by the local regulations of the educational institution.

Associate Professor, Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, KOIRO

Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On teaching the subject “History” in the context of the introduction of the federal component of the state standard of general education” / the entire methodological letter can be found on the website http://www. ***** Center for Educational Legislation/.

Cm.: . Studying the topic “The Great Patriotic War.” To the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. // About teaching history in school. g.: methodological manual. – M.: MIOO, textbooks.” – 2009. – P. 46-65.

The authors offer effective solutions to current problems of school history education that teachers face in everyday practice. The authors are characterized by a modern interpretation of classic themes in the methods of teaching history at school. In search of new methodological solutions, the authors rely on modern achievements of world pedagogical practice, without forgetting the heritage of the best Russian teachers.

Non-standard chronological tasks.
Solve the proposed problems and explain how they differ from standard problems.

1. Alexander the Great was born in the year of the 105th Olympiad. In what year according to the Christian calendar was this?

2. In the summer of 6367, “the Varangians from overseas collected tribute from the Chuds, and from the Slovens of Novgorod, and from the Meri, from all the Krivichi, and the Khazars took from the glades, and from the northerners, and from the Vyatichi, a silver coin and a squirrel from the smoke " In what year according to the Christian calendar was this?

3. Continuing the work of Muhammad, the caliphs in 89 A.H. conquered North Africa and Spain, the river basin. Indus, and 40 years later they defeated the Chinese on the Talas River. In what years from the birth of Christ did these events take place? What was happening in Western and Eastern Europe during these years?

Topic 1. Cognitive capabilities of students and methods for diagnosing them in school history courses
Topic 2. Structural and functional analysis of educational historical material and methods for determining lesson goals
Topic 3. Formation of chronological knowledge and skills in school history courses
Topic 4. Formation of cartographic knowledge and skills in school history courses
Topic 5. Techniques for working with statistical information in school history courses
Topic 6. Methods of forming images of the main historical facts
Topic 7. Methods of studying theoretical material in school history courses
Topic 8. Ways to organize problem-based teaching of history
Topic 9. Methods of working with the text of a history textbook
Topic 10. Techniques for working with historical documents
Topic 11. Techniques for working with visual aids in school history courses
Topic 12. Teaching schoolchildren methods of academic work
Topic 13. Testing the knowledge and skills of students, the problem of assessing the results of learning history
Topic 14. Teacher preparation for a history lesson.
History Lesson Analysis
Recommended reading.

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1) What place does this lesson occupy in the study of the topic? Which stage of the thematic block does it correspond to? In this regard, how justified is the choice of this type (and kind) of a lesson?

2) What are the objectives of the training session? What are they due to? How do they reflect modern approaches to the goals and content of school history education?

3) To what extent does the educational material of the lesson comply with the Temporary requirements for the content of education in the educational field “Social Studies” (History)?

4) How the content of the lesson reflects new data from historical science, modern approaches to the analysis and assessment of the past, the presence of ambiguous versions and judgments about

facts being studied?

5) What (or who) was the main source of information for students on the new topic? How was it presented (the only and categorical one, one of the most reliable, original and controversial, etc.)? Did the teacher teach students how to critically analyze historical sources?

6) What was the educational work of schoolchildren? At what level of cognitive activity was it organized? What learning tools did they work with?

7) What techniques and means did the teacher update students’ knowledge, concentrate their attention, maintain interest in a new topic, intensify participation in the lesson, take into account and encourage children’s cognitive characteristics?

8) How interconnected and consistent were the stages of the lesson? How holistic and internally logical was the whole activity? How does this lesson prepare for the next one?

9) What are the results of the lesson? By what criteria do the teacher and students judge his effectiveness?

Problem analysis of a history lessonmay be devoted to one of the didactic problems, for example: the formation of chronological knowledge and skills of schoolchildren in the course of the history of the ancient world;

the formation of cartographic knowledge and skills (specifically which ones) when studying the topic “___”; the use of visual teaching aids to form vivid images of a historical era (specifically which one); teaching students to draw up stereotypical plans when studying homogeneous historical facts; diagnostics and development of students' creative abilities in history lessons; organization of creative research activities for schoolchildren when studying regional (local) history, etc.

An analysis of the lesson can also be carried out on one of the modern problems of school history education: the study of domestic (regional) history in the context of European and world history; developing a critical attitude among schoolchildren towards sources of historical information; educating schoolchildren in the spirit of tolerance, interest and respect for the history of their country and other countries of the world; use of family archives and materials from local history museums when studying modern history courses, etc.

Conduct a structural and functional analysis of the educational material of one of the lessons stated in the calendar-thematic planning, formulate its target setting and preparedetailed summaryin accordance with the chosen form.History lesson plan (sample).

Topic: "________________" Class ___

Lesson objectives:

Type (kind) of lesson Teaching aids:

1) Testing students’ knowledge and skills: (forms, techniques and means, cognitive tasks)

2) Generalization and leading students to study a new topic: (brief conclusions on the previous topic/lesson, formulation of a new topic, problem tasks) ______________

3) Studying a new topic:

Main questions of the topic

Teaching techniques and tools

Cognitive tasks for students

4) Primary repetition and generalization of new material (brief conclusions, control tests, cognitive tasks for the reproduction and transformation of educational historical material, checking advanced tasks) ________________

5) Organizing homework (detailed instructions): ____________________________________

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Among the factors that determine modern approaches to the study of history in school and, consequently, to assessing the quality of schoolchildren’s education, the most significant should be noted:

The goals and objectives of studying the subject are formulated in the form of a set of priority value orientations and personality traits for a given society, manifested in a broad social context. The main goal of school history education is to give the younger generation the opportunity to understand the historical experience of their country, humanity as a whole, and on this basis to understand their identity and value priorities in the modern world. In accordance with this goal, the objectives of studying the subject are determined “ story", requirements for the level of training of graduates, formulated in the state educational standard.

These requirements are aimed at implementing a personality-oriented approach, at ideological and spiritual development, at testing students’ mastery of knowledge and skills that are significant for their socialization.

The level of schoolchildren's preparation in history is determined taking into account the activity-based and competence-based approaches, in the interaction of the categories of “knowledge”, “attitudes”, “activity”. The tasks are aimed at identifying the level of mastery of key knowledge, skills, and methods of activity; skills - to apply them to solve practical problems.

As already noted, the content of the subject “history” includes the study of two courses - “History of Russia”, which occupies a priority place in terms of the amount of study time, and “General History”.

The course on the history of Russia gives an idea of ​​the main stages of the historical path of the Fatherland, while revealing both the originality and uniqueness of Russian history, as well as its connections with the leading processes of world history. The course of general history plays an important role in students’ awareness of the historical conditionality of the diversity of the world around them, knowledge and understanding of key events, and the characteristic features of different historical eras. Examination materials are focused on testing knowledge in general in the course of Russian history, however, as indicated above, a number of subjects require the use of knowledge in the course of general history.

Courses in the history of Russia and world history in teaching practice are studied synchronously - in parallel. When planning the educational process, the teacher can himself determine the optimal sequence for considering individual topics and plots for a specific pedagogical situation. In a number of cases, it is advisable to combine the study of subjects of national and world history (topics on the history of international relations and foreign policy of Russia, the history of world wars, individual issues of cultural history, etc.)

Let us name a number of directions in the organization of the educational process, designed to solve the above-mentioned problems and successfully prepare students for passing the exam in the subject “History”.

It is necessary to organize active cognitive activity, include all types of educational information, expand the practice of solving cognitive problems, and implement a problem-based approach.

The widespread use in the educational process of all types of tasks included in the GIA variants as training and then control tasks is justified. When studying each topic, it is advisable to use tasks similar to those types that are given in parts 1(A) and 2(B) of the examination paper, or close to them. Particular attention should be paid to the tasks of parts 1(A) and 2(B), which require grouping of events, phenomena, their results, consequences, etc., systematization of knowledge. General review lessons on individual topics should include the completion of similar tasks based on the materials studied.

Various forms of organizing students’ educational activities should be used, especially those that contribute to creating an atmosphere of discussion of materials, debatable issues of history, identifying one’s own opinions, using the ability to consider alternatives to historical development, and justifying one’s judgments.

When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to update previously acquired knowledge, not at a reproducing, but at a transformative, creative-search level: compiling chronicles of events, summarizing tables, preparing messages, etc.

It is advisable to focus on working with historical sources, taking into account the fact that all three parts of the examination work include sources of different levels of complexity.

It is necessary to use a problematic approach when studying such important issues as the evolution of the state system from antiquity to the present, the process of modernization, the formation and evolution of the social structure of society, the role of the individual in national history, the relationship between government and society, the process of formation of a new democratic Russia, etc. Coverage of these problems requires a close connection with world events, phenomena, processes, which makes it possible to highlight the general and special in the evolution of different societies, to emphasize the national specifics of the country.

Involving knowledge in the course of general history is possible in different methodological ways:

A combined study of a number of topics (for example: “The First World War”; “The Second World War. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union”, etc.);

Alternating study of individual topics;

Synchronization of two courses;

Organization of integrated lessons based on the use of intercourse and interdisciplinary connections (for example: “The contribution of Russian culture of the 19th century to world culture”, “World community at the beginning of the 21st century”, etc.).

In the codifier of content elements for the subject “History”, those content elements that require the use of knowledge in the course of general history are highlighted.

The most difficult methodological task is to develop in schoolchildren the cognitive actions necessary to complete the tasks of part 3(C).

The place and purpose of tasks with detailed answers (C) in the examination paper are determined on the basis of the requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of the basic school in history. These are the most difficult tasks included in the third part of the examination paper. They require writing detailed answers. With the help of these tasks, a wide range of historical knowledge and skills of the examinees are tested, the extent to which they master the main types of activities inherent in historical knowledge.

Tasks C1-C4 test the student’s ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis of historical sources; tasks C5, C6 - systematize the material, give a general description of a historical phenomenon, for example, a description of significant historical movements (the formation and development of the state, social movements, etc.) or large-scale events (the development of culture in a particular period, etc.). It is important to understand what the words “give an open, detailed answer” mean to the tasks of Part 3 (C), and how detailed the answer can be.

A detailed answer when completing tasks in Part 3 (C) should demonstrate the ability to clearly and consistently present your knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the task. The examinee should not perceive this formulation as an invitation to write as detailed an answer as possible. He should, in a few sentences or theses, reveal the most essential elements of the answer in strict accordance with the wording of the task. To do this, you need to read the task very carefully and understand its basic requirements.

The form of a detailed answer makes it possible to see how fluent the graduates are in historical material and allows, to a much greater extent than in a multiple-choice task, to assess the individual preparedness of the graduate. Thus, tasks of this type provide, firstly, a comprehensive test, secondly, not only quantitative, but also qualitative differentiation of student responses, and thirdly, it allows testing the most essential elements of graduate training in history. They play an important role in identifying the levels of individual preparedness of examinees in the subject, the degree of their knowledge of historical material, and their ability to apply knowledge to solve assigned problems. This kind of assignment makes it possible to best identify the strengths and weaknesses in the training of graduates, first of all, their ability to analyze and systematize historical information, reason, justify their point of view, etc. It is important to give students an algorithm for completing tasks in Part 3 (C) and to use them in the educational process.

When preparing for the exam, it is necessary to familiarize students in advance with the content, structure, types of tasks, methods of organizing and conducting the exam. A special place in implementing the requirements of the educational standard and preparing students to pass the exam should be occupied by general repetition lessons on topics and sections of the course. The direct use of exam assignments in current lessons should be educational in nature. In final classes they can be used as a means of deepening knowledge, summarizing specific historical material, and also as a way to test knowledge.

It is necessary to provide special pre-exam revision lessons to update students’ knowledge of the content elements tested within the GIA, familiarize themselves with all types of examination work in history, as well as to complete training tasks in all sections of the course. As part of the pre-exam revision, it is not possible to cover the entire volume of materials, so it is necessary to attract the attention of graduates to the key, basic issues of the course, to develop the ability to perform tasks of various types, to identify and work through the most complex issues. Schoolchildren should also be familiar with the plan of the examination work, the chronological framework, and the accepted periodization of the materials presented in it.

The proposed recommendations are aimed at improving the entire process of teaching history, organizing effective work to develop a complex of cognitive skills of students and mastering the content of the subject presented in the requirements of the educational standard.

The following materials posted on the FIPI website can provide methodological assistance to the teacher:

Documents regulating the development of control measurement materials for the 2010 state (final) certification in history in primary school (codifier of content elements, specification and demonstration version of the examination paper);

Educational and methodological materials for members and chairmen of regional subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with detailed answers to examination papers of 9th grade graduates;

List of teaching aids developed with the participation of FIPI;

List of teaching aids certified “Approved by FIPI for use in the educational process in educational institutions.”

The analysis of the results was carried out on the basis of processing data obtained from the basic regions of the Russian Federation

Methodological recommendations for teaching history and social studies in educational institutions of the Arkhangelsk region in the 2010-2011 academic year The modern education system of the Russian Federation is at the stage of profound changes. The latest regulatory documents of the federal center consistently consolidate the change in priorities in the educational policy of the state; it consists in the transition to an activity-based (competency-based) paradigm; the aspirations of the developers of the second generation of educational standards are aimed at implementing this problem. In terms of historical and social science education, the new documents suggest the following goals: - fostering patriotism, respect for the history and traditions of our Motherland, human rights and freedoms, and democratic principles of public life; - mastering knowledge about the most important events, processes of domestic and world history in their interrelation and chronological sequence; - mastery of elementary methods of historical knowledge, the ability to work with various sources of historical information; - formation of value orientations in the course of familiarization with historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions; - application of knowledge and ideas about historically established systems of social norms and values ​​for life in a multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, participation in intercultural interaction, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other peoples and countries. On the regulatory framework of a teacher of history and social studies The general regulatory documents of any teacher include: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Education”, the Federal Component of the State Educational Standard, the Basic Curriculum, sample and original programs in the subject, requirements for equipment of the educational process , training work programs. Currently, the development of the draft Federal Component of the State Standard of the second generation (for primary and secondary schools) is being completed; some of the materials have already been published for discussion (and guidelines for action too), some are undergoing the testing stage in a number of regions of Russia. Documents in italics in the text are concepts that were either absent or ignored some time ago and were not mentioned. Until new regulations are adopted, the previous regulations and orders should be followed. The Federal Component of the State Educational Standard establishes the norms and requirements that determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs of general education, the maximum volume of students' teaching load, the level of training of graduates of educational institutions, the basic requirements for ensuring the educational process (including material and technical, educational and laboratory, information and methodological and personnel support). FKGOS has determined the educational subjects required for study. “History” and “Social studies” are compulsory subjects in primary and secondary (complete) schools. The Basic Curriculum (2004) has not changed; all its provisions are in effect. In primary school History (per week) Total for the year Social studies (per week) Total for the year V 2 70 - VI 2 70 1 35 VII 2 70 1 35 VIII 2 70 1 35 IX 2 70 1 35 350 140 In secondary (full) school Basic level 10 11 total 2 2 140 2 2 140 Profile level 10 11 total 4 4 280 4 4 280 History (hours per week) Social studies, including economics and law (hours per week) If both subjects: “economics” and “law” ” are studied in separate courses, then the curriculum of the subject “Social Studies” is compiled without their content. Social studies (without 1 1 70 3 3 210 economics and law) When drawing up the Curriculum of an educational institution, you should pay attention to dividing the HISTORY line into two parts, for example, for grade 6 the entry will look like this: General history Middle Ages 24 hours HISTORY (70 hours .) History of Russia 46 hours This should be done when planning work in all classes where two history courses are studied. On the ratio of hours for the courses “General History” and “History of Russia” At the basic school stage, the following distribution of the total amount of hours by class is possible. Classes Amount of teaching time hour. (according to FKGOS) V - VI 140 VII - VIII 140 IX 70 Sections of the curriculum General history History of Russia What history studies (at least 10 hours) History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages (at least 75 hours) History of Modern Times (XVI - end XIX century) at least 48 hours Recent and modern history - at least 24 hours History of Russia (from antiquity to the end of the 16th century) - at least 35 hours History of Russia (XVI - late 19th century) - at least 72 hours Recent and modern history of Russia - at least 36 hours Reserve hour. 20 20 10 Possible distribution of the total amount of hours at the stage of secondary (complete) school (at the basic and specialized levels). Volume of training Sections of the curriculum Time reserve hour. Class hour. General history History of Russia (according to FKGOS) General history (from the ancient 140 X History of Russia (from antiquity until the end of the 19th century (at least 20 Basic level of the end of the 19th century) - at least 72 hours 280 48 hours) General history (from the ancient times History of Russia (from antiquity to 40 Profile level XI 140 Basic level 280 Profile level of times until the end of the 19th century (at least 96 hours) History of Modern times (XX - beginning of the 21st century) at least 48 hours at the end of the 19th century) - at least 144 hours History of Russia (XX - early XXI century) - no less than 72 hours 20 History of Modern Times (XX - early XXI century) no less than 96 hours History of Russia (XX - early XXI century) - no less than 144 hours 40 Please note that the study of the topic “What does history study? ” in 5th grade, only if students did not receive this knowledge in elementary school. The order of studying the courses “General History” and “History of Russia” is determined by the teacher, but as practice has shown, it is advisable to start studying with the course “General History”. Entries in journals when studying history courses should be separated, highlighting individual pages and signing them “General History. History of the Middle Ages”, “History of Russia” (6th grade entry) or “General History. History of Modern Times (part 1)”, “History of Russia” for 7th grade. Current and final grades are given separately for each subject. This provision must also be applied in secondary school in grades 10-11, but without indicating a specific section of the course “General History”. At the end of the study of each major topic, small test work should be provided, aimed at recording knowledge, skills and abilities; they can also be of a playful nature. The study of the courses: “General History”, “History of Russia” is completed by conducting final tests, the grades are recorded in the journal. According to the latest regulatory documents (Federal Law “On Education”), the responsibility for studying local history material is transferred to the subject of the Federation, we offer possible ways to study regional history. First. When drawing up thematic planning, indicate the topic of regional history in one of the points of the lesson plan, i.e. do not allocate separate lessons for studying the history of the Arkhangelsk region. Second. Introduction to the practice of teaching a separate integrated educational subject “Local History” or individual local history modules. This path is preferable, provided that there is an appropriate basis for introducing a new academic subject. When drawing up an educational work program, it is necessary to include material relating to local history and modernity (i.e., region, city, village...) Studying local history material is mandatory, but the choice of study model is the prerogative of the educational institution. When drawing up educational work programs, one should be guided by the sample programs prepared at the State Educational Institution “JSC IPPC RO” (see the collection “Regional component of general education in the Arkhangelsk region. History. Social science. Economics. Geography”, Arkhangelsk, 2006, p. 132). You can use the methodological manual of Kopitsa M.N. “History of the Arkhangelsk North from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century”, Arkhangelsk, 2009. Publishing houses for history and social studies teachers. Since 2008, information support for federal lists of textbooks has been entrusted to the Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers (APKiPPRO). The official website of the Academy ( constantly updates materials on the examination of textbooks, an approved list of federal textbooks, as well as additional and reference information, including information provided by publishers on the composition of educational and methodological kits. Within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010, APKIPRO is implementing the project “Formation of a system of public-state examination of textbooks and organizational and methodological support for the activities of the Federal Council for Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (FSU).” A specialized portal ( publishes materials discussing the features of using textbooks from federal lists and regularly holds online conferences with the involvement of teaching staff from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The federal list of textbooks for the 2010-2011 academic year traditionally contains two appendices. Appendix 1 is a list of recommended textbooks included in the completed subject lines. It consists of 1470 titles, including history textbooks (65 titles for the primary school course and 17 for the secondary school course), i.e. 6 and 8 sets, respectively, in social studies there are 23 for a basic school course and 16 for a secondary school course, which is 5 and 8 for basic and secondary (complete) education courses. .Appendix 2 - a list of approved textbooks, that is, single ones, with an unfinished subject line. The federal list contains several applications. It is necessary to emphasize that you should use teaching materials (programs, textbooks, methodological recommendations) of one author or a team of authors, since only in this case the ideas contained in them are fully realized. Textbooks with an unfinished subject line can also be fully used in the educational process. If textbooks are not included in the federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2008-2009 academic year, the educational institution does not have the right to work using them. More detailed information about educational literature and the contents of the set can be found on the website “All about textbooks on the federal list For example, in Appendix No. 1 we place a website page telling about the textbook of one of the sets. The site contains lists of textbooks starting from the 2007 - 2008 academic year. Six publishing houses produce textbooks on history and social studies and all related literature. The educational and methodological set on the history of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" is used in most educational institutions in the Arkhangelsk region. Along with the updated “traditional” textbooks, the publishing house has completed a line of textbooks prepared during the implementation of the “Academic Textbook” project. Textbooks on general history were published under the scientific editorship of the director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. O. Chubaryan. The scientific editor of the textbooks that form the line on the history of Russia is the director of the Institute of Russian History, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor A. N. Sakharov. The educational and methodological set on the history of the publishing house “Russkoe Slovo” is also widely used in educational institutions. Historians from Moscow State University and leading Russian methodologists were involved in the preparation of textbooks. The peculiarity of the set of textbooks from this publishing house is a clear, verified structure, thoughtful selection of the main content, and a rich illustrative series. The author of the textbook's methodological apparatus, S.I. Kozlenko, is the chairman of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiads in History. The Ventana-Graf publishing house has completed a new line of textbooks for primary schools. It should be noted that the textbook “History” (A. N. Maikov) is currently the only one that fully provides the study of the new section “Introduction to History” included in the federal component of state educational standards of 2004 (5th grade, 1 quarter). Provided that the material (about the role of auxiliary historical disciplines) was not studied in elementary school during the lessons of the course “The World Around us”. The textbook is highly recommended for use, especially for elementary school teachers who do not have a basic historical education. In the 5th grade of basic school it can be used as an independent block before studying the course “History of the Ancient World”. The educational and methodological set on the history of the publishing house "Mnemozina" is recommended for use in lyceums and gymnasiums. A special feature of the educational complex is its extensive methodological apparatus, built on the principle of a system of cognitive tasks solved by students in the course of educational activities. The kit should help the teacher (in the role of a consultant) formulate tasks and provide students with the necessary information to independently solve these problems. Since the student is required, first of all, to be able to solve educational problems, conditions are created for the inclusion of the mechanism of involuntary memorization, which, according to psychology, is more productive than the use of voluntary memory. One of the authors of this publishing house is Aleksashkina L.N., doctor of pedagogy. Sciences, one of the country's leading methodologists. The publishing house "Academy",, which traditionally produces educational literature for universities, is developing a teaching and learning complex for an integrated course of general and national history for secondary (complete) school (basic level). Textbooks for grades 10 and 11, ed. A.V. Chudinova and A.V. Gladysheva have been included in the list of those recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation since the 2009/2010 academic year. These textbooks, prepared for studying an integrated history course at a basic level, are distinguished by: - ​​relatively compact volume and simplicity of presentation of the material;  use of the necessary minimum of special terminology and definitions;  a shift in emphasis from categorical thinking to figurative thinking, from the flow of facts - to key events in world history and moments of interaction between different societies and civilizations, from monologue - to dialogue with the student; - emphasizing the educational function of history. The peculiarity of the educational and methodological set on the history of the publishing house "Drofa" is the comprehensive nature of the approach to its development. The publication is distinguished by a solid, high-quality methodological apparatus and illustrative series. The educational complex created by the Balass publishing house meets all modern requirements for educational publications. Implements the principle of continuity. The line of textbooks was created for the development and continuation within the framework of the basic school of the educational system “School 2100”, which is characterized by a problem-dialogical approach. In addition to textbooks and teaching aids, almost all publishing houses produce reference books, wall tables and maps, atlases and contour maps for students, scientific educational literature and manuals for elective courses on historical and social science topics. Educational literature on social studies, traditional by authors and publishers releasing it. VENTANA-COUNT Barabanov V.V., Nasonova I.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social science. 6th grade Soboleva O.B., Korsun R.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social science. 7th grade Soboleva O.B., Chaika V.N. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social science. 8th grade Nasonova I.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social science. 9th grade Education Bogolyubov L.N., Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I. and others. Social science. 6th grade Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. Social science. 7th grade Bogolyubov L.N., Ivanova L.F., Matveev A.I. and others. Social science. 8-9 grades Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I. Social science. 8th grade Bogolyubov L.N., Matveev A.I., Zhiltsova E.I. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Matveeva A.I. Social science. 9th grade Academic book/Textbook Korolkova E.S., Suvorova N.G. Social science. 6th grade Suvorova N.G., Korolkova E.S. Social science. 7th grade Kishenkova O.V. Social science. 8th grade Kishenkova O.V. Social science. 9th grade Russian word Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social science. 6th grade Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social science. 7th grade Kravchenko A.I. Social science. 8th grade [Russian word Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social science. 9th grade Bustard Nikitin A.F. Social science. 6th grade Nikitin A.F. Social science. 7th grade Nikitin A.F. Social science. 8th grade Nikitin A.F. Social science. 9th grade Completed lines of social studies textbooks for the high school course. . Bogolyubov L.N., Averyanov Yu.I., Gorodetskaya N.I. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [Enlightenment] Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Matveev A.I. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [Enlightenment]. Bogolyubov L.N., Ivanova L.F., Lazebnikova A.Yu. and others. Social studies (basic and specialized levels). 10-11 grades [Enlightenment]. Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Smirnova N.M. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu. Social studies (profile level). 10 grades [Enlightenment] Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N. Social studies (profile level). 11th grade [Enlightenment] Gurevich P.S., Nikolaeva E.Z. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [Mnemosyne] Gurevich P.S., Nikolaeva E.Z. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [Mnemosyne] Ionin L.G., Polyakov L.V. / Ed. Polyakova L.V. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [Enlightenment] Polyakov L.V., Neklessa A.I., Ionin L.G. etc. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [Enlightenment] Kravchenko A.I. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [Russian word] Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [Russian word] Nikitin A.F. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [Bustard] Nikitin A.F. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [Bustard] Nikitin A.F., Metlik I.V., Galitskaya I.A. / Ed. Nikitina A.F. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [Enlightenment] Nikitin A.F., Metlik I.V. / Ed. Metlika I.V. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [Enlightenment] Salygin E.N., Salygina Yu.G. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [VENTANA-COUNT] .Salygin E.N., Salygina Yu.G. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [VENTANA-GRAF] Soboleva O.B., Barabanov V.V., Koshkina S.G., Malyavin S.N. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social studies (basic level). 10 grades [VENTANA-COUNT] Vorontsov A.V., Koroleva G.E., Naumov S.A., Romanov K.S. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social studies (basic level). 11th grade [VENTANA-GRAF] All textbooks, with the exception of one set, are positioned by the authors as textbooks for a basic level, while almost all have specially prepared teaching aids, which give the author's recommendations on the use of the named teaching materials at the profile level. From this list of textbooks, we can only highlight the set from the Ventana-Graf publishing house, which is relatively new and received good reviews during its testing. The main advantage of this set, both for primary and secondary schools, is the careful selection of material and good methodological apparatus. Only this set has a workbook (organizer) for the teacher. (Pasman T.B., Kharlashova E.V. “Social studies. Man in society.” 10th grade. Organizer for the teacher. Lesson scripts., Moscow, “Vettana - Graf”, 2006. Please note that none of the sets textbooks are not ideal for preparing for the Unified State Exam or State Exam; in the real pedagogical process, the teacher should use additional sources that will expand both the content and methodological components of textbooks and manuals. Appendix No. 1 /card.asp?IDB=2733 Completed subject line: Line of teaching on general history by A.A. Vigasin - O.S. Soroko-9th grade. world. 5th grade [Enlightenment] Agibalova G.M. History of the Middle Ages. 6th grade. Yudovskaya A.Ya. History of modern times. Yudovskaya A.Ya., Baranov P.A., Vanyushkina L.M. History of modern times [Enlightenment] Soroko-Tsyupa A.O. . 9th grade [Enlightenment] UMK: "Vigasin A.A. (5-9)" The civilizational approach on which all textbooks in the set are based, and the careful selection of factual material allow the authors to maintain continuity between the courses of general history studied in primary school. New editions of well-known school textbooks have been updated taking into account the comments of teachers and students, as well as the requirements of the State Standard on History for complete general education (2004), the text and illustrations, and the methodological apparatus of the textbooks have been updated. The educational and methodological set for each textbook includes workbooks for students with a variety of cognitive and game tasks, teaching aids for teachers with various options for conducting lessons, additional questions, assignments, tests, as well as books for reading. Program 1) Programs of general education institutions. Story. Social science. 5-11 grades Manual 2) Goder G.I. Methodological manual on the history of the Ancient World. 5 grades 3) Yudovskaya A.Ya. Lesson developments on New history 1500-1800. 7th grade Teacher's manual. 4) Yudovskaya A.Ya. Lesson developments on New History. 8th grade 5) Soroko-Tsyupa A.O. Recent history of foreign countries. XX - early XXI centuries. Guidelines. 9th grade Workbook 6) Goder G.I. Workbook on the history of the Ancient world 5th grade. In 2 issues. Issue 1. Life of primitive people. The Ancient East. 7) Goder G.I. Workbook on the History of the Ancient World. 5 grades A manual for students of general education institutions. In 2 issues. Issue 2. Ancient Greece. Ancient Rome. 8) Kryuchkova E.A. Workbook. "History of the Middle Ages". 6th grade Workbook 9) Goder G.I., Rtishcheva G.A. Workbook on the History of the Middle Ages. 6th grade Workbook 10) Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M. Workbook on new history. 7th grade 11) Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M. Workbook on new history. 1800-1913. 8th grade. In two issues. Issue 1 12) Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M. Workbook on new history. 1800-1913. 8th grade. In two issues. Issue 2 13) Soroko-Tsyupa O.S., Soroko-Tsyupa A.O. Workbook for the textbook "Recent history of foreign countries. XX - early XXI centuries." 9th grade. Reader 14) Yudovskaya A.Ya. A book to read on new history. 1500-1800. Manual for 7th grade students. 15) Yudovskaya A.Ya. A book to read on new history. 1800-1913. 8th grade Electronic edition 16) Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M. Lesson developments on New history 1500-1800. 7th grade. 17) Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M. Lesson developments on New history 1800-1913. 8th grade. Electronic application 18) Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. Electronic supplement to the textbook. Ancient world history. 5 grades General educational institutions



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