Menstruation during early pregnancy. Scanty periods as a sign of pregnancy

This is an important topic for a woman.

The question often arises: is pregnancy possible during menstruation? You may hear many stories about women you know for whom menstruation is the best method of contraception. On the contrary, gynecologists argue that menstruation does not protect against pregnancy, and sexual intercourse itself on menstrual periods is fraught with many infections.

Anatomy and physiology of the female body

Nature prepares a girl to be a mother even during intrauterine development. Many eggs are laid in the ovaries, and after puberty, every month one of them goes on a journey to meet the sperm. In case of fertilization, the fertilized egg descends along the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it is implanted, this moment is considered

If this does not happen, the egg is destroyed and the inner layer lining the uterus is separated. All this is excreted along with the blood, and menstruation begins. There may also be an option such as pregnancy during menstruation. The implantation was successful, but part of the endometrium still peels off, causing bleeding.

Possibility of conception during menstruation

Contrary to the popular belief that pregnancy during menstruation is impossible, there are many living examples that prove the opposite. The complexity of the female body and instability is also complemented by the vitality of sperm. They can remain active and fertile for up to 8 days; as you understand, during this time menstruation will have ended and a new egg may be released.

In modern life, stress, poor nutrition, various diseases and many other factors contribute to hormonal imbalance and cycle disruption, which means it is almost impossible to accurately calculate when ovulation occurs.

Safe days - can this method be trusted?

We often receive important information from unreliable sources. This is how girls tell each other that on their menstrual days (as well as the last ones before them) they are reliably protected from conception by nature itself. This is fundamentally wrong. Pregnancy the day before your period is just as possible as during it.

Only the first day, when menstrual flow is especially heavy, is relatively safe. But often a woman’s well-being is not conducive to sexual intercourse on this day.

It is safer to use suitable contraception at all times than to rely on chance.

Are menstruation and conception mutually exclusive?

Theoretically, these concepts are incompatible, but in practice, pregnancy during menstruation is possible, and spotting (in rare cases) can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child. All cases can be divided into two categories:

  • The woman knows about her interesting situation, and suddenly bleeding begins.
  • The expectant mother does not suspect that she is not alone; menstruation occurs regularly, on time, without leading to such thoughts.

If the first case requires urgent medical intervention, then the second case is more complicated. They give rise to numerous questions from expectant mothers - do you have periods during pregnancy? This phenomenon occurs, but occurs infrequently, usually in the first trimester. Only an examination by your gynecologist will help eliminate any cause for concern, so do not neglect the consultation.

If a woman carefully observes her cycle, she will probably notice the difference between normal menstruation and menstruation. They differ in a number of ways: duration, abundance, color, smell.

Normal menstruation or spotting

From a physiological point of view, normal menstruation is incompatible with pregnancy. Because if there is a rejection of the inner lining of the uterus into which the embryo is implanted, then there is a threat to its life. Therefore, gynecologists call any discharge during pregnancy more correctly - bleeding.

Why does bleeding begin exactly on time, according to the usual cycle? It's all about hormones: somewhere the pituitary gland malfunctioned and, from old memory, starts the usual process. Because of this, some women cannot recognize pregnancy, their stomach hurts, how menstruation begins, all the sensations during PMS and pregnancy may also coincide (weakness, drowsiness, nausea, breast swelling), but a test or examination by a doctor will put everything in its place.

What do these periods mean?

Often, bleeding during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the life of the mother and child. But a woman needs to focus primarily on her own well-being. The absence of pain, vigor and good appetite mean that everything is fine with both of you, and a slight hormonal shift is not a problem at all.

However, be very careful, heavy bleeding, too dark or watery discharge, especially if they are accompanied by acute pain, is a reason to immediately call an ambulance. Such symptoms may indicate a threat of miscarriage, serious inflammatory processes, or an ectopic pregnancy.

Reasons for menstruation during this difficult period

Whether you have periods during pregnancy or not, this does not mean that your baby cannot be born full-term and healthy. What could be the reason?

  • The very first thing that can be assumed is an error in the calculations. That is, the last critical days are included in the period of pregnancy, although it came immediately after them.
  • - this is the moment of direct attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. Usually only a few drops of blood are released, which are mistakenly taken as the beginning of menstruation.
  • The first period during pregnancy may occur due to the fact that the egg was fertilized at the very end of the cycle, and by the time it was implanted in the uterus, the process of menstruation had started automatically.
  • Quite rarely does a different scenario happen. Of the two mature eggs, only one was fertilized, however, according to the laws of physiology, they both return to the uterus, where one is implanted and the other is destroyed, causing menstrual bleeding.
  • Mechanical damage to the cervix during sexual intercourse.
  • Serious hormonal imbalance, decreased estrogen levels.

The pace of modern life, constant stress, and hormonal medications make any of these reasons possible. Therefore, only a gynecologist can find the only one, yours.

Menstruation in the first months after conception

Usually this problem concerns the first trimester, when the body has not had time to properly respond to pregnancy. Your period has begun, but the embryo continues to develop in the uterus, and by the next month the hormonal levels will level out, which will prevent the mistake from happening again.

Often there is a cycle failure, for example, menstruation began ahead of schedule. The pregnancy continues as usual, although the mother does not yet suspect it. If bleeding continues at a later date, the doctor should select a program to correct hormonal levels.

Do periods during pregnancy pose a threat to the fetus?

As noted earlier, bleeding during this period is not something out of the ordinary. Mom just needs to soberly assess the situation. Thus, discharge, comparable in strength and duration to menstruation, in almost 100% of cases means the loss of a child. The same can be said about bleeding with severe, cramping pain.

Scanty discharge, even appearing with enviable regularity, does not pose a threat to the life of the fetus, but is still the reason for a visit to the gynecologist. There are unique cases when menstruation continues throughout the entire period, and it all ends with the birth of a healthy child, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Why is this happening? The body, according to old memory, creates a hormonal background every month that is critical for bearing a child.

Menstruation during early pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence that does not harm either the mother or the child.

What to do if you are pregnant and your period has begun?

Assess the nature of the discharge and your well-being. If they are minor and you feel great, you can ask about the reasons during your next consultation. At the slightest change for the worse, call an ambulance; do not take unnecessary risks. It’s better to let the doctors assess your condition.

Sharp pain, bright scarlet copious discharge - all this indicates immediate hospitalization. Typically, hormonal medications, treatment of existing infections, and long-term maintenance therapy are prescribed.

Important date, last menstruation before pregnancy

The doctor will ask this question first when registering. Using this date, obstetricians calculate the due date of the baby's birth and the mother's maternity leave. If menstruation continues during pregnancy, it will be determined based on the results of the examination.

The gestational age for the last menstrual period is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. This is easy to do, just know this date and duration of pregnancy, namely 280 days or 40 weeks. Count 40 weeks from there and get the baby's date of birth.

What to do if pregnancy has already occurred, but your period continues? An ultrasound will help determine the due date, and with greater accuracy than calculating the last menstrual period. In addition, by waiting for the first movement, you can confirm the date of birth of the baby. You just need to add 20 weeks to this day.

Let's sum it up

A woman can become pregnant on any day of her cycle; the complexity of the reproductive system and its close connection with hormones do not allow us to reliably calculate safe days. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is not uncommon to experience bleeding that is different from normal menstruation, which can be considered normal. But if it appears in the later stages (more than 12 weeks), you need to consult a doctor.

If bleeding is comparable to menstrual bleeding, it cannot be considered acceptable during pregnancy - this is a myth. It puts the life of a woman and child at risk. Even the slightest bleeding requires competent study and search for its causes. Heavy and prolonged discharge (as during normal menstruation) indicates termination of pregnancy.

If, despite the development of your baby and good general health, regular bleeding (menstruation) continues, it means your body categorically does not want to say goodbye to its hormonal regime. At the same time, you become one of the unique women, and here, no matter how much doctors say that this does not happen, the main criterion is how you feel.

Visit your gynecologist regularly, take the necessary tests and listen to yourself. A good mood and an optimistic attitude will only benefit both you and your unborn child.

Can I have periods during pregnancy?

In this material we will tell you in detail about and in what cases discharge with blood can be dangerous for a woman during this period.
It is generally accepted that during pregnancy There cannot be menstruation, and if spotting appears, then the woman is not pregnant. But sometimes in the first trimester, menstruation occurs as usual, and the expectant mother is not even aware of her situation.

If fertilization occurs in the last days of the cycle, the body does not have time to readjust, the hormonal levels remain at the same level and menstruation appears at the appointed time . After 4 weeks, the woman will have a delay and she will find out that she is carrying a child for two months. In pregnancy time You need to monitor your condition more closely and register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible. Pregnancy during menstruation may not manifest itself in any way and the woman may not even suspect that she is already pregnant.

Menstruation in the first month is normal. The discharge is not as heavy as usual.
For most women, ovulation begins 7-9 days after their period. When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches to its wall, the embryo acts on the blood vessels and they signal pregnancy . If the body does not have time to recognize the signal, the hormonal levels do not change, and the next menstruation begins.

Can I get my period later in pregnancy? In the second month of pregnancy or later there should be no discharge. This is a deviation from the norm, which indicates a problem with sex hormones, and in this case you should not delay a visit to your gynecologist. Discharge may be a warning sign of miscarriage , not everyone sees the difference between menstruation and bleeding. Miscarriages most often occur in the first trimester. If there is a threat, heavy bleeding is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen and painful sensations similar to contractions.

Reasons for menstruation during pregnancy:
- menstruation during pregnancy may appear if the egg has attached not far from the myomatous node, or there is a focus of endometriosis next to it.
- Scanty brown discharge occur during ectopic pregnancy. Another common symptom with this diagnosis is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
- When the level of the sex hormone androgen in a woman’s body significantly exceeds the norm (hyperandrogenism), the fertilized egg may detach and discharge may occur.
- Fetal defects, fetal failure and genetic disorders can lead to termination of pregnancy, which will be manifested by discharge.
- If the corpus luteum functions poorly, the level of progesterone in the female body is low, pregnancy develops at an insufficient rate, and menstruation occurs.

Can menstruation occur a month after conception during pregnancy? As we explained above, if menstruation occurs during pregnancy continue after a month, then we can talk about possible pathology in the woman’s body, dangerous bleeding. It is imperative to consult a gynecologist if an ultrasound scan reveals pregnancy and bleeding continues. Below we will tell you in more detail why pregnancy during menstruation is a reason to immediately contact a specialist and for what reasons may menstruation occur during pregnancy.

We told you in detail about why some women continue to menstruate during pregnancy. I would like to emphasize once again that regular gynecological examinations can minimize the risk of consequences of an ectopic pregnancy and prevent the threat of miscarriage if pregnancy is confirmed. Now you know, Can you get your period during pregnancy? and in what cases bleeding poses a threat to the health of the expectant mother and the fetus developing in her womb.


Pregnancy and menstruation are incompatible concepts. To understand this well, you need to study the basics of human anatomy.

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The uterus has three layers - outer, middle and inner mucosa. The endometrium is the most mobile layer of the uterus, and as soon as a new life is born, it thickens so that it is not interrupted.

If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium is detached and menstruation begins. This is why menstruation is impossible during pregnancy. Do periods in early pregnancy always warn of danger?

Causes of menstrual bleeding

Indeed, during early pregnancy, periods may indicate danger, but not always. Of course, if menstruation appears at the beginning of pregnancy, this is a kind of pathology, but it may not pose a threat.

Be sure to consult a doctor

Scanty periods during pregnancy do not pose a threat if...

  1. The fertilized egg does not yet have time to attach to the walls of the uterus before the onset of menstrual bleeding in the mucous layer. Then, it is likely that menstruation can occur in early pregnancy. This stage does not involve hormonal changes in the body, so menstruation can continue.
  2. Two eggs matured in different ovaries at once, one of which was fertilized. Then the second one is rejected and can cause menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal balance is disrupted. For example, a woman has a predominance of androgens - male hormones, or an insufficient level of progesterone. Both cases do not pose a threat to the unborn child. These problems can be easily corrected with the help of hormonal drugs; the main thing is to consult a specialist.

Pathologies that can cause menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy.

  1. Menstrual bleeding, which is observed at the beginning of pregnancy, may indicate detachment of the ovum, which leads to miscarriage.
    The body can solve this problem itself if the detachment is small. Then progesterone begins to be actively produced, and the discharge has a scanty, spotting character. If the case is more serious, pain and heavy bleeding are observed.
  2. It happens that during early pregnancy, minor periods occur, which appear due to mechanical damage to the vagina and cervix. For example, after a doctor’s examination and taking swabs, a girl may develop a small amount of blood.
  3. Minor bleeding may occur during sexual intercourse. This should not be a cause for concern, but to be completely sure it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan and also monitor the development of the embryo.
  4. Heavy periods during pregnancy can be observed due to ectopic development of the fetus. In this case, the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube, and as soon as the fetus begins to grow, it becomes crowded, so the tube may rupture. This leads to internal bleeding, which is life-threatening. In almost all cases, the woman’s life can be saved, but her reproductive system may be truncated, because the fallopian tube cannot be restored.
  5. Menstruation during early pregnancy can occur if there are any genetic disorders or pathological conditions of the fetus caused by intrauterine diseases. It is almost impossible to save the child in such cases.

Damage to the uterus

Should I call the loop myself?

Lack of menstrual bleeding, breast swelling, a nervous state and early toxicosis may indicate the development of a new life inside you, sometimes not entirely desired. Then many begin to wonder: “How to provoke menstruation?”

As a rule, few people go to the doctor, because everyone is trying to find ways on the Internet using various herbs and drugs. Every woman understands that if menstrual bleeding begins, the pregnancy will stop, so they try by any means possible to purchase the necessary mixture or pills at the pharmacy.

This is a fundamentally wrong decision. First of all, you should consult a specialist who will tell you the most effective and safe method for you. For example, some people will benefit from an injection that will trigger menstruation. As a rule, oxytocin is used for this purpose, a medication that causes rapid contractions of the uterus.

No less effective drugs that can quickly induce menstruation are Pulsatilla, Postinor, Norkolut. It is also possible to induce menstruation with Duphaston or Utrozhestan.

Don't call yourself - it's dangerous

All of the above drugs are very dangerous for a woman’s health, because they radically change hormonal levels and can lead to subsequent infertility. That is why, before taking any medications, visit a doctor.

How to prepare yourself?

The key to the health of the unborn child is not only the physiology of the mother, but also her emotional state. All experts recommend thinking through some aspects in advance. If you have a feeling of doubt or discomfort, delay conception.

As sociological statistics show, antenatal depression is known to about 10% of pregnant women. Having thoroughly studied all the early signs of pregnancy before the start of a missed period, they are often unprepared for what awaits them, because they will no longer be able to control their body and life.

State of depression

The state of depression and despondency is transmitted to the growing fetus. To avoid negative consequences, you need to psychologically prepare yourself for this event.

Prenatal depression can be caused by:

  1. High expectations. Some girls are sure that preparing for bearing a baby implies a kind of plan according to which everything goes. The only thing they will need is to monitor all aspects from the moment of conception to the day of birth.
  2. Unforeseen changes in the process of bearing a child can provoke high anxiety, stress or a nervous breakdown. It is necessary to accept in advance that it is impossible to control all aspects of life, so all situations that arise should be accepted calmly.
  3. Social interest. Not every girl is ready for the fact that her position will cause increased attention from people around her. Bad advice and intimate questions are sometimes asked not only by close people, but also by colleagues and acquaintances.
  4. As soon as the earliest signs of pregnancy appear even before your period is missed, you must immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you may have to learn to give the correct rebuff if the recommendations of strangers are inappropriate.
  5. Family problems. The fairy tale that a child is able to save a family is known to this day. Sometimes boundless faith in it leads to unjustified hopes. That is why, at the first signs of early pregnancy, even before your period, you need to solve all the problems with your partner in order to know for sure whether you need this child, whether it will be desired.

Let's look at a few reviews from women who had their periods at the beginning of pregnancy.

To the question “Can menstruation occur during pregnancy,” any specialist in the field of gynecology will answer that from a theoretical point of view this is impossible. The explanation for this is simple: during the menstrual cycle, the inner layer grows in the female body, namely in the reproductive organ. When a certain moment comes, the unfertilized egg, along with the contents of the endometrium, comes out. Accordingly, if conception occurs, the endometrium is not rejected. But! There are many cases when, in the early stages of bearing a child, expectant mothers discover bloody discharge from the vagina.

Menstruation occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy when fertilization occurred in the previous cycle. This explains the fact that the fertilized egg did not have time to reach its “dislocation” site. That is why doctors determine the gestational age by the first day of the last menstruation. The exception is in vitro fertilization.

Bleeding at different stages

There may be scanty discharge mixed with blood even if the fertilized egg already exists. As we have already figured out, this is possible if fertilization occurs at the end of the cycle. But there is another “scenario” for the development of events. The female reproductive system includes two ovaries. So, eggs can mature in each of them. The one that is fertilized is attached to the wall of the uterus, the other comes out, causing bleeding.

Can you get your period in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy? They can, and this is a common phenomenon. Under such circumstances, a woman may not even be aware of her interesting position. But, if spotting occurs during the first trimester, then this is considered to be a dangerous condition. The fact is that there is a high probability of termination of pregnancy even without a disruption of the menstrual cycle. The cause of pathological changes is hormonal imbalance. This often happens to those who take birth control pills, so when preparing to conceive a child, it is better to stop taking them at least six months in advance.

Another reason for menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy may be the rejection of an embryonic organ that ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. Such pathological changes are one of the reasons for termination of pregnancy. In the second trimester, bleeding is also dangerous. Placental abruption after 12 weeks is unlikely, but possible. Sometimes scanty discharge in the middle of the term is a symptom of an infectious lesion in the vaginal area.

Under no circumstances should such violations be ignored. You need to take urine, blood, and a smear from the cervical canal for analysis. This will allow you to clarify the diagnosis and decide on treatment.

Reading reviews from mothers on forums, you can find out that bloody spotting also happens at the end of pregnancy. There are different reasons:

  • placenta previa/abruption;
  • rubbing the cervix during sex, which is very sensitive;
  • earlier removal of the plug.

The relationship between frozen pregnancy and menstruation

Unfortunately, there are often situations when, while still in the womb, the fetus stops developing. It is no longer possible to save him and the woman’s health comes first. It is difficult to name the exact cause of the pathology. This may be caused by:

  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • infectious lesions of the body;
  • harmful addictions;
  • shocks to the nervous system.

The influence of negative factors does not always take place; sometimes the development of the embryo stops even without their participation. The only way out of this situation is curettage. After cleaning, an ultrasound is performed a few weeks later to assess the current condition. In most cases, the patient is treated with antibacterial and hormonal therapy.

When menstruation begins after surgery, it depends on the following indicators:

  • blood hormone levels;
  • patient's age;
  • duration of pregnancy.

It usually takes 30 to 45 days for the top layer of the uterine lining to grow and then be replaced, but this is provided there are no health problems. Sometimes spotting occurs earlier; their presence indicates healing of the damaged surface of the reproductive organ.

  • Such cases, of course, are not frequent. The presence of menstruation during pregnancy depends on the duration and health of the woman’s hormonal system. Sometimes bleeding tends to be confused with menstruation, when the presence of pregnancy is not yet known
  • To deal with such a difficult problem as menstruation during pregnancy, it is necessary to consider various causes and situations.

Is it possible to have periods in early pregnancy?

  • From an anatomical point of view, menstruation during pregnancy is impossible. It is necessary to remember the anatomy course in order to understand that full periods in the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus are fraught with miscarriage
  • However, on the other hand, the pregnancy process does not occur instantly. In order to reach the uterus, a fertilized egg needs from 7 to 14 days
  • So, if the egg is still “making its way”, and menstruation should begin according to schedule, then, in principle, this is quite possible
  • In fact, you will not yet be pregnant during this period. The egg will reach the right place before the bleeding stops
  • In rare cases, menstruation occurs during pregnancy if two eggs have matured, but only one has been fertilized

Why do I have periods during pregnancy?

  • Quite often, periods are simply confused with bleeding. This happens especially often in the early stages, when pregnancy is unknown.
  • In the first month of pregnancy, menstruation is quite acceptable. Further it is simply impossible
  • In late pregnancy, there is also spotting from the vagina. This is not menstruation, but only discharge from damaged vessels
  • Sometimes discharge can begin due to hormonal imbalance in the body

Why do my periods come with clots during pregnancy?

  • Heavy bleeding with blood clots is abnormal during pregnancy. This indicates serious problems in the course of pregnancy.
  • A miscarriage is often accompanied by heavy bleeding with clots, as well as severe pain in the lower abdomen
  • Another pathology is the death of the embryo due to a lack of development or other pathologies.
  • An ectopic pregnancy can sometimes be accompanied by bleeding and severe nagging pain in the abdomen
  • Placental presentation during pregnancy also causes bleeding

Heavy periods during pregnancy

  • Menstruation during pregnancy from 2 months is no longer normal
  • To find out exactly the cause of heavy bleeding, you need to consult a doctor.
  • If the pregnancy test shows a negative result, but your periods have changed (discharge color, pain), then you should also consult a doctor. Very often the test is negative for an ectopic pregnancy

How long do periods last during pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy and the presence of bleeding during the first period of gestation are quite common problems. However, if you do not improve your hormonal balance, there can be tragic consequences.
  • At later stages, the presence of bleeding is already a dangerous sign - this can pose a serious threat of miscarriage
  • There are no full periods during pregnancy. Bleeding during pregnancy varies in color, consistency and pain.

Menstruation and ectopic pregnancy

  • An ectopic pregnancy is a pathological course of pregnancy. It carries fetal loss and a number of complications for the mother
  • In the early stages, it is very difficult to recognize an ectopic pregnancy. It either does not manifest itself at all, or proceeds like a normal pregnancy.
  • The essence of an ectopic pregnancy is that the fertilized egg did not reach the uterus, but attached to the fallopian tubes
  • In the future, ectopic pregnancy leads to an inflammatory process, internal bleeding and often to infertility
  • Full periods are impossible even with an ectopic pregnancy. The discharge that will appear is only slight bleeding.
  • Discharge during an ectopic pregnancy will occur spontaneously, and not in conjunction with menstruation. In addition, they are often accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen

  • Quite often, women themselves confuse menstruation with bleeding.
  • This happens due to irregular visits to the gynecologist and failure to monitor your menstrual cycle.
  • If a pregnancy test shows a negative value (and this happens quite often), then the woman may not be aware of her situation
  • Sometimes a woman is quite plump, and her position is not discovered until 4 - 5 months of pregnancy
  • There are quite a lot of such cases in medical practice. Therefore, to avoid this, regular examination by a gynecologist is necessary.

How to distinguish periods from bleeding during pregnancy?

  • By color. Your period is usually a darker burgundy color. And the color of bleeding is scarlet
  • According to pain. When bleeding, the pain is usually much more noticeable than during menstruation.
  • By consistency. Periods are thicker than blood when bleeding
  • Menstruation and bleeding differ in the way they occur. As a rule, menstruation has 1 day when the discharge is small. Bleeding usually begins spontaneously

Why do menstruation occur during pregnancy?

  • The main purpose of calling your period during pregnancy is to interrupt it
  • However, this process is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And especially not harmless. It is fraught with serious health complications for women
  • As a rule, menstruation is induced with special medications under the supervision of a doctor. This is a kind of medical abortion. It is possible in early pregnancy
  • There are also traditional ways to induce menstruation during pregnancy. But resorting to them is under no circumstances acceptable.

  • Anatomically, menstruation is impossible during pregnancy
  • During pregnancy, periods are often confused with bleeding or discharge.
  • Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy is possible with a long journey of the egg to the uterus and with a short menstrual cycle (21 days)
  • Bleeding is abnormal at any stage of pregnancy. If they are present, you should consult a doctor
  • If you are not sure that you are not pregnant, and your periods have changed in nature, be sure to be examined by a gynecologist
  • The presence of bleeding during pregnancy is fraught with miscarriage and a number of health complications
  • Inducing menstruation during pregnancy means stopping it

Video: Menstruation during pregnancy



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