Ointment for bursitis of the knee joint. Treatment of bursitis with medications and folk remedies

Patients faced with the problem of bursitis come to the doctor with the sole purpose of receiving prescriptions and recommendations that will help overcome the disease. Bursitis is inflammation or swelling of the bursa (synovial bursa).

In its structure, the bursa resembles a small sac filled with liquid. This element in the joint performs a function between muscles, tendons and bone tissue. Thus, the bursa reduces friction between the constituent parts of the joint.

The human body has approximately 160 such bags. different sizes, but they are predominantly located in large joints.

Causes of bursitis

The surface of the joint capsule is represented by synovial cells that synthesize fluid, rich in protein and collagen. During the inflammatory process, the bursa becomes overfilled with joint exudate and puts pressure on the tissue. The patient experiences severe pain. In addition to pain, swelling and redness of the joint occurs.

Most often, bursitis develops in large joints (inflammation of the elbow, femur, knee joint). The causes of the disease are usually various injuries (sprains, dislocations), but infection can also provoke inflammation in the joint capsule.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on identifying the source of pain and swelling. On x-ray the doctor can observe calcium deposits at the site of inflammation.

For recurrent and chronic bursitis, the effectiveness of X-rays is also high.

Treatment of elbow, knee and shoulder bursitis

Treatment for knee, shoulder, elbow and any other inflammation of the bursa can only be prescribed by a doctor. Therapy depends entirely on the degree of complexity of the pathology, changes that have occurred in the tissues of the joint and on the severity of symptoms.

  1. If the disease is in acute stage, appoint drug treatment. In addition, the patient needs to be provided with absolute rest and immobilization of the affected area.
  2. If you have a disease of the elbow or shoulder joint A special splint is used to fix the limb.
  3. Acute painful sensations may disappear on their own, but if this does not happen, the patient is prescribed aspirin.
  4. If aspirin does not relieve pain, the doctor prescribes strong anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  5. Novocaine or hydrocortisone is injected directly into the synovial bursa.
  6. The inflammation can resolve if warm compresses are applied to it.
  7. Physiotherapy sessions are effective.
  8. Dressings are made with Vishnevsky ointment applied.

Chronic inflammation of the joint capsule can be a consequence of previous injuries. Treatment of this form of the disease requires surgery.

This is due to the fact that with chronic bursitis, a large deposition of calcium occurs on the tissues of the joint, as a result of which the joint loses mobility. The doctor removes calcium deposits using a special needle or surgery.

For non-infectious inflammation of the bursa, temporary limitation of limb mobility is typical. The arm or leg should be in an elevated position, and application should be applied to the site of inflammation. cold compress. Treatment requires the following medications:

  • Naproxen.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Indomethacin.

If the illness lasts for a very long time and therapeutic measures do not bring results, the doctor prescribes a joint puncture to the patient, which involves removing the bursa from the cavity synovial fluid followed by washing the bag.

When treating acute elbow or knee inflammation of the bursa, therapeutic measures should take place in combination:

  1. Using a warm compress.
  2. Application of an immobilizing bandage.
  3. Applying an anti-inflammatory ointment, for example, Collagen Ultra.
  4. A course of drugs from the chondoprotector group.
  5. Exercise therapy complex.

For chronic bursitis, with large calcium deposits in the area of ​​inflammation, surgery is performed. To avoid relapse of the disease, the bursa is removed.

NSAIDs for elbow bursitis

Inflammation of the synovial bursa of the elbow is often accompanied by intense pain. This is especially typical for post-traumatic bursitis. To alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve inflammation, the doctor prescribes a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

This group of medications includes Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide and other medications. All of them guarantee analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. For elbow diseases, NSAIDs are prescribed for oral, injection and topical use.

The most strong impact Diclofenac provides inflammation at the source. The drug can be prescribed as an injection or as rectal suppositories. Nimesulide is a non-steroidal drug of the latest generation.

They resort to his help in cases where it is required long-term treatment. has minimum quantity side effects, how it differs from first generation drugs.

Along with systemic NSAIDs, NSAIDs are almost always prescribed for external use in the form of ointments, creams and gels. The most popular bursitis cream in the area elbow joint:

  • Ortofen.
  • Diclogen.
  • Diclofenacol.
  • Diklak.
  • Voltaren.

Any of these drugs copes well with inflammation, relieves pain syndrome, redness and swelling, provides a cooling effect, restores lost motor function in the joint.

Method of use: liniment is applied in a small amount to the skin in the elbow area and the product is rubbed in with circular massaging movements. The procedure should be repeated at least three times a day. The therapeutic course lasts 10-14 days.

Preparations based on Piroxicam also belong to the group non-steroidal drugs. These are Erazon, Finalgel, Piroxicam gel. Medicines effectively relieve muscle and joint pain and reduce swelling. The gel should be applied four times a day, treatment can be long-term (up to three weeks).

Liniments with the active ingredient Ketoprofen:

  • Fastum-gel,
  • Artrosilene,
  • Ketoprofen gel,
  • Ketonal.

The principle of influence of these local drugs similar to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, Ketoprofen-based creams and ointments are considered more effective and safe than other NSAIDs. The gel is applied three times a day. You need to rub it in carefully, using massaging movements. Since these drugs have virtually no side effects, treatment can be lengthy.

Bursitis is an inflammatory process in the joint, accompanied by pain and dysfunction of the limb. One of the components of treatment is the use of drugs local action. These include bursitis ointments, creams and gels with various properties.

General characteristics

Treatment of bursitis with ointments, creams and gels is carried out on a par with taking medicines inside. Topical drugs ensure delivery medicinal substance directly into the joint tissue. Therapeutic effect observed 10-15 minutes after application of the product.

External medications for bursitis are divided into several groups depending on the effect they provide:

  • NSAIDs;
  • Glucocorticoids;
  • Painkillers;
  • Warming;
  • Local antibiotics.

Ointments are prescribed by a doctor depending on the origin of bursitis and the severity of symptoms. Ointments for bursitis are used to eliminate inflammation, pain, and speed up recovery.

Each product must be used strictly according to the instructions. Even external medications have their contraindications and side effects.


Drugs in this group have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They are used for any inflammatory processes in the joints, including bursitis. Drugs in this group are widely used due to their good effectiveness and low cost.


Ointment more often Russian production. As active substance contains 5% ibuprofen. Has a moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. At constant use reduces morning stiffness joints.

Anti-inflammatory ointment for bursitis is applied to the affected joint in the morning and evening, lightly rubbing. It is recommended to use 2-3 weeks daily. Side effects rarely observed - burning, allergic reaction.

Use with caution when serious illnesses liver, kidneys, blood clotting disorders. In pregnant women it is allowed after the second trimester. The cost of packaging does not exceed 100 rubles.


The gel is applied to the affected joint 2-3 times a day, rubbing it over the skin. The duration of treatment is two weeks. From side effects burning and skin irritation are noted, which quickly disappear.

The drug has some contraindications:

  • Age under 12 years;
  • Third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Presence of individual intolerance to diclofenac;
  • Bronchial asthma.

The cost of Voltaren packaging varies from 300 to 750 rubles, depending on the volume.


Drugs in this group have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Prescribed for the treatment of common bursitis of allergic or autoimmune origin.


Most often, glucocorticosteroids are used in the form of a suspension for intra-articular administration. But if it is impossible to give an injection, ointment is used.

Hydrocortisone ointment contains 1% hydrocortisone acetate.

It is a moderately active glucorticoid. Used to treat persistent inflammatory process in the joint. Helps reduce swelling and prevents its occurrence.

The ointment is applied to the affected joint in the evening. The duration of treatment is no more than 10 days. Side effects may include burning of the skin, and rarely allergic reactions.

The drug is contraindicated if there is open wounds on the skin, acute bacterial or viral infection. It is not recommended to use the product in pregnant or lactating women. The cost of packaging is 50 rubles.


Bursitis ointment can be used as pain relief. Pain is caused directly by the inflammatory process, as well as by stretching of the synovial capsule due to edema.


The active ingredient of this drug is 2.5% ketoprofen. The substance has a pronounced analgesic effect and additionally eliminates inflammation.

The gel is applied to the knee or other sore joint twice a day. The medicine should be rubbed in gently. The duration of treatment is as long as the pain syndrome persists. Side effects include a slight burning sensation of the skin, and rarely allergic reactions.

Treatment with Fastum-gel is contraindicated in the presence of open wounds on the legs or individual intolerance to ketoprofen. It is not recommended to use the medicine in pregnant women. The price of a tube is 350 rubles.


Effective combination drug containing:

  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Heparin sodium;
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Thanks to the combination of components, it has an analgesic effect, promotes the healing of external injuries, and improves microcirculation.

The gel is applied to the affected joint up to four times a day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, a fabric bandage is applied on top. The duration of use depends on the severity of bursitis symptoms.

From adverse reactions redness and burning of the skin are noted. The drug is contraindicated in severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, and heart. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women. The price of a tube is 400-700 rubles, depending on the volume.


The use of ointment with a warming effect helps reduce pain and eliminates muscle spasm, reduces swelling.


Combined product containing:

  • Dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • Camphor;
  • Turpentine;
  • Benzylnicotinamide;
  • Nonivamide.

Has a local irritating and warming effect. This improves microcirculation and relieves joint pain.

To treat bursitis, Capsicam is applied to the affected joint, gently rubbing. Frequency of use: morning and evening. To improve the warming effect, it is recommended to wear a wool sock or make a wool compress.

Side effects may include burning and slight swelling skin. The medicine is contraindicated in the presence of ulcers or open wounds. Use in pregnant and lactating women is not recommended. The cost of the drug is 350 rubles.


Combined balm containing:

  • Camphor;
  • Cobra Venom;
  • Methyl salicylate;
  • Eucalyptus oil.

The ointment does not warm as much as it irritates nerve endings. Due to this, blood flows to the joint and pain is reduced.

To treat bursitis, apply to the affected area before bed. Duration of use – no more than 10 days.

Adverse reactions include local skin irritation. Contraindicated if you are allergic to snake venom or have open damage skin. The price of the medicine is 200 rubles.


Local antibacterial agents are used infrequently for bursitis - mainly when the inflammation of the bursa is traumatic nature, combined with external damage.

Vishnevsky ointment

The medicine contains birch tar and xeroform. Vishnevsky ointment is one of the most common antibacterial agents local application. Renders antimicrobial effect, stimulates regeneration.

To treat bursitis, ointment is applied to the affected area in the morning and evening. To prolong the effect, apply a bandage on top. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance components. The price of the ointment is 80 rubles.

Bursitis of the knee joint is inflammatory disease, in which the bursa (the synovial bursa of the joint, filled with a small amount of joint fluid) becomes inflamed.

In this article, we will look at the symptoms and treatment of knee bursitis and give the reader valuable recommendations to alleviate the patient’s condition.

Symptoms of knee bursitis

The manifestations of bursitis are strictly individual and depend on many facts, for example, lifestyle, the state of its joints at the time of the onset of inflammation, diet (the amount of salt consumed, sugar and other products that tend to accumulate in the body), etc. Based on this, self-diagnosis unacceptable. Only a specialist can accurately determine the symptoms of knee bursitis or another disease.

But in addition to individual manifestations, there are also general symptoms bursitis of the knee joint, which are observed in most patients:

Suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint manifests itself as a soft elastic swelling.

Chronic bursitis manifests itself acutely and only during exacerbations.

Prepatellar bursitis manifests itself acute pain when trying to stand on a sore joint. The swelling is superficial and is easily determined by palpation (feeling).

As a rule, athletes are susceptible to the infrapatellar type of inflammation. It occurs due to sudden and heavy load on the joint. The source of inflammation is located next to a large tendon.

Purulent bursitis of the knee joint can affect all tissues of the joint. Usually, it is accompanied by severe pain, increased general body temperature, and extensive swelling. May exhibit symptoms of arthritis. In advanced cases, pus can come out (breaking through the skin).


Bursitis is an inflammation of the periarticular bursa (a soft pocket filled with fluid that acts as a cushion between tendons or muscles and bones). Periarticular bursae are located between tendons and bones, that is, in areas where significant mechanical pressure, where the synovial bursae are located.


The leading symptom of bursitis is the appearance of a local, round, fluctuating swelling, often painful on palpation and movement, in the area of ​​which the temperature is usually elevated. However, according to the course of the disease, acute and chronic bursitis are distinguished.

Acute bursitis begins suddenly with severe pain, intensifying with movements. Depending on the location of the inflammation of the bursa, pain is provoked by movement in a specific joint. For example, with shoulder bursitis, it is difficult for a patient to place his hand behind his head (when combing his hair). There is an extremely painful point above the inflamed joint, where the pain often radiates into the neck or down the surface of the arm. It may become so intense at night that the patient sits on a chair all night, unable to either fall asleep or lie down.

With chronic bursitis, the pain is milder, but lasts longer. And the tissue growing around the joint seems to connect the bones, which sometimes leads to permanent limitation of the movement of the joint.

Bursitis in the elbow joint most often develops as a result of chronic trauma during professional activities or playing sports. The subcutaneous bursa is mainly affected olecranon, less commonly the radiohumeral bursa at the lateral epicondyle.

In the area hip joint the superficial and deep bursae become inflamed most often greater trochanter. It is difficult to diagnose iliopectineal bursitis, because... this synovial bursa often connects to the joint cavity and its inflammation resembles coxitis. Swelling and tenderness are determined along the anterior inner surface of the thigh below the inguinal ligament. Increased pain is noted when the hip is extended. When the ischial bursa, located at the site of muscle attachment to the ischial tuberosity, is inflamed, the pain intensifies when the hip is flexed.

In the knee joint, the superior patella and anterior subcutaneous prepatellar bursae are most often affected. Synovial bursae are often connected to the joint cavity or to each other, and their inflammation is accompanied by symptoms. When the synovial bursae become inflamed in the area of ​​the posterior internal surface of the joint, a Baker's cyst sometimes forms, which can fill the entire popliteal fossa and part of the posterior surface of the lower leg. This may cause compression tibial nerve with the development of paresis of the leg muscles.

In the foot area, inflammation of the heel tendon bursa (Achilles bursitis) and also the heel bursa (heel bursitis) are most common. Inflammation and dystrophic process in this area lead to the formation of heel bone spurs.


Usually joint inflammation is associated with its improper or excessive "use". Bursitis can also occur due to injuries to the periarticular bursa or nearby tendons. Bursitis can be caused by repeated physical stress, such as the golf swing. A condition known as "maid's knee" or "water knee" is an inflammation of the bursa resulting from kneeling while cleaning. Other possible reasons- arthritis and - cause inflammation of joints and tendons throughout the body, and accordingly, can also affect bursae. Such damage may be accompanied by decreased joint mobility, redness, swelling and, rarely, increased temperature in the joint area.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Treatment for bursitis depends on the degree pathological changes in the tissues of the affected bags, their prevalence, the ability of the infection to spread and the resistance of the patient’s body.

Treatment acute bursitis conservative. As a rule, it is carried out in outpatient setting. In the first 5–7 days, rest is recommended, a plaster splint is applied and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. However, treatment with rest should not last more than ten days. Once or twice a day, even if it hurts, you need to bend and straighten the inflamed joint; do not leave it completely immobile, since if you do not work with the joint, then irreversible limitation of joint mobility may develop in the future.

In some cases, they inject into the joint capsule hormonal drugs(kenalog-40 or hydrocortisone) in combination with antibiotics. After eliminating the symptoms acute inflammation appoint alcohol compresses at night, hydrocortisone phonophoresis, UHF therapy and UV irradiation are performed.

With purulent bursitis, patients are referred to a surgeon, since in this case a puncture or operation is indicated - opening the synovial bursa and removing pus, followed by treatment of the wound according to the general rules.

Chronic post-traumatic bursitis is treated promptly, but it must be remembered that with chronic post-traumatic bursitis, relapses are possible. And therefore the best prevention exacerbations is to prevent re-traumatization of the synovial bursae.

Bursitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes joint capsules(burs). The disease is accompanied by increased accumulation of fluids in the joint cavities. Pathology musculoskeletal system occurs frequently. Experts include athletes and people exposed to increased physical activity in the risk category.

Types of bursitis

The most common triggers for bursitis are injuries or infections in the joint. The most frequent and painful types Doctors call it bursitis of the heel and elbow joint. Also, the disease of elbow diarthrosis has professional character in specialties with increased load to this joint (jewelers, miners, watchmakers).

Clinical picture

The disease affects all joints, even small ones. Inflammatory processes often form in the area large joint. The shoulder, elbow, knee, hip joint and heel suffer. They account for a large share of physical activity.

The main symptom of the pathology is the formation of a rounded swelling in the area of ​​the affected area, visually similar to a lump. During palpation, this formation will cause painful sensations. Motor functions the affected area can be significantly limited and cause pain. At the site of pathology the following are also noticed:

  • swelling;
  • local increase in skin temperature;
  • pigmentation.

Heel bursitis

Doctors divide bursitis into the following forms:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

During chronic stage the pain is less pronounced. In the area of ​​the articular capsule, a calciform formation is likely, which is why the motor abilities of the affected area are significantly limited.

During the exacerbation stage, the accumulation of fluids in the bursa. This increases the likelihood of a hygroma (a cystic cavity containing fluid).

The problem can be diagnosed only after communicating with the patient, based on his complaints, X-ray images affected area and a thorough examination by a doctor.

Therapeutic measures

Performed by a surgeon or orthopedist. It is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. Treatment of the acute stage of bursitis is carried out with day hospital. In case of progress chronic form illness there is a possibility of hospitalization.

Elastic bandage
  • cold - periodically the affected area must be massaged through the tissue with a bag containing ice;
  • elevation - the sore joint should be elevated using available means;
  • rest - the area of ​​the diseased joint must be immobilized (fixators and bandages are used for this);
  • compression - bandaging the joint elastic bandages, you can reduce pain.

The primary goal of therapy is the elimination of infections, prevention probable complications, reducing the number of exacerbations. The specialist prescribes to the patient antimicrobial agents, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of ointments and gels is also recommended.

Dosage and schedule medicines prescribed by a specialist. It takes into account the specifics clinical picture. Also prescribed during bursitis ultrasound treatment and physical therapy.

In the chronic stage of bursitis, in case of unsuccessful conservative therapy carried out surgery- the inflamed joint capsule is cut, adhesions are removed and washed with solutions with an antiseptic effect.

The use of ointments in therapy

Treatment of disease in the heel and elbow joint area consists of the use of ointments, physiotherapeutic measures and other means traditional medicine. The most effective treatment is ointments. The product is quickly absorbed into the skin. The necessary therapeutic effect. In most cases, treatment of the inflammatory process consists of using non-steroidal ointment in the area of ​​the heel and elbow joint.

Gel Voltaren Emulgel

The most commonly used ointments are:

  • Pepper ointments, camphocin and capsitrin, promote warming and improve blood flow, speed up the rehabilitation period.
  • "Voltaren Emulgel" is an analogue drug of diclofenac. Gel treatment helps to get rid of the main manifestations of the disease and is highly effective.
  • Gel "Deep Relief". Treatment quickly eliminates pain.
  • Absorbable ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect: viprosal, apizartron. The drugs are based on the venom of bees or snakes.
  • Gels with a warming effect: gymnastogal, finalgon, mellivenone.
  • "Fastum gel", which is based on ketoprofen. Is non-steroidal drug, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Any of these products are rubbed or applied to the affected area, to entire areas of the skin - 3-4 times a day. It is also possible to apply the product to the area of ​​elbow diarthrosis under a fixing bandage.

Disease Prevention

To prevent bursitis, you should avoid any movements that cause pain in the area of ​​the affected joint. Doctors recommend constantly monitoring your physical fitness.

The main goal of prevention is to avoid repeated injuries to the joint capsules, wearing protective bandages for the heels and elbow joint. Before choosing an elbow brace, you should consult with an orthopedist. Wounds should be treated with antiseptics, after which a protective bandage or bactericidal patch should be applied.



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