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The female body during the period of expectation of a child is particularly susceptible to various diseases. Any health problem can have negative consequences for expectant mother and her long-awaited baby. Thus, ordinary chickenpox during pregnancy can provoke the development of intrauterine deformities of the fetus or even premature birth. early stages(miscarriage). How to protect yourself from such a disaster and why the simplest thing is dangerous childhood disease for a woman in an interesting position?

Characteristic signs

Chickenpox is a disease that primarily affects young children. As a rule, children calmly tolerate an unpleasant illness, quickly overcome pain and develop permanent immunity, lasting for life (with rare exceptions). TO characteristic symptoms diseases can be classified as:

  • moderately elevated temperature body (from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees);
  • itching preceding skin rashes;
  • general malaise (apathy, weakness, desire to sleep rather than stay awake);
  • a rash that crusts over time.

The virus is transmitted from person to person (regardless of age) by airborne droplets even at quite a considerable distance. Unfortunately, adults often suffer from chickenpox very seriously, with significant complications.

Illness in the first trimester

So, why is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy? First of all, it is worth noting that the disease does not always have a detrimental effect on the fetus - there is a fairly high percentage of cases when a woman successfully endures the disease, without harm to her unborn child. However, if the flooring disease is at the very beginning or at the end of the period of gestation, it can be dangerous.

First, let's talk about the difficulties in initial stage provokes chickenpox during pregnancy. The 1st trimester is characterized by the laying of all vital important organs child, so exposure to the virus can be detrimental. To the most sad consequences the illness suffered may include:

  • fetal death;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • central lesion nervous system and development of neurological diseases;
  • fetal limb hyperplasia;
  • vision problems;
  • skin defects.

Majority unpleasant consequences the disease can be definitely detected from the twentieth week of the child’s development in the womb through an ultrasound procedure ( ultrasound examination). If detected severe pathologies The gynecologist may recommend terminating the pregnancy. You should know that adequate treatment, started on time, can significantly reduce possible risks and avoid the most unpleasant consequences.

Illness in the second trimester

Chickenpox during pregnancy is most easily tolerated in the second trimester. The thing is that the baby is already reliably protected by the placenta, which means the risk of infection is negligible. Infection of the fetus can occur in approximately one case in a hundred, and if this happens, the consequences may be as follows:

  • pulmonary diseases;
  • scars on the skin;
  • blurred vision;
  • dysfunction of the urethra.

At this stage, the virus no longer provokes fetal death and does not lead to spontaneous birth.

Illness in the third trimester

What else is dangerous about chickenpox during pregnancy? The 3rd trimester (up to 36 weeks) is also quite quiet period- risk negative consequences at this time is minimal. However last month very dangerous, since the virus can easily infect a child. According to statistics, approximately every second baby in this case becomes infected, and every fifth is born with congenital chickenpox. The infant’s body has a hard time suffering from the disease, which can result in complications such as pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

Preventive measures

Chickenpox during pregnancy is an unpleasant and dangerous condition; do not tempt fate and try to prevent infection. For this purpose in mandatory Even at the planning stage for your baby, go through the appropriate research. You will need to take a blood test to detect the presence of antibodies to the virus. Similar procedures should be done if you did not suffer from the disease in childhood. In the absence of antibodies, it is imperative to get vaccinated, and only three months after it, start active actions by conception. Additional examination It will not be amiss for women even if you have already had chickenpox - despite immunity, cases are known reinfection. This is explained by a mutation of the virus or a significant decrease in the immunity of pregnant women.

How to avoid getting infected with the virus without vaccination?

Let us remind you once again that chickenpox during pregnancy is transmitted by airborne droplets. All you have to do is stand next to an infected person to catch the virus. You can minimize risks by avoiding visiting places with large crowds of people. Additionally, it should be remembered that the main carriers of the disease are young children (mostly kindergarten age). Chickenpox has one more feature that is not known to everyone. You should avoid contact not only with people with this disease, but also with those who suffer from shingles - both diseases have the same pathogen.

Pregnancy and chickenpox in a child

Quite often it happens that when having a second baby, young mothers do not evaluate all the possible risks. What to do if your older child brought this disease from kindergarten, and you didn’t have chickenpox as a child and didn’t bother with the issue of vaccination?

First of all, try to strengthen your immunity and eliminate additional factors risk. Among them bad habits and lack of regular sleep. You should definitely spend more time on fresh air, ventilate the apartment and reduce close contact with the child as much as possible - entrust the care of him to your parents or husband.

Form proper diet nutrition, add as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Eliminate stressful situations, allow yourself nap and regular rest. To strengthen your body, do special exercises physical exercise for expectant mothers. Such measures will help increase immunity and make it easier to cope with the disease in case of infection.


Chickenpox during pregnancy can be treated quite standard methods. High fever It is recommended to bring it down with the help of approved antipyretic drugs, for example, with the help of the drug "Paracetamol". All other prescriptions are aimed at relieving symptoms. Thus, it is recommended to treat the rash with ordinary brilliant green, and formations in the genital area or oral cavity- using special oral antiseptics. Try to limit as much as possible water procedures, make sure that water does not get on the rash. In case of painful itching, try dissolving a Validol tablet in water and treating the rash with it.

Chickenpox in early pregnancy can be treated with the drug "Acyclovir", but after the twentieth week it is not recommended to take this drug.

Remember that any treatment must be approved by a gynecologist. Do not try to cope with the problem yourself - this can lead to serious complications.

Illness and breastfeeding

Now you know how chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy. The 1st trimester and the end of the baby's waiting period are periods when you should take maximum care of yourself. After the baby is born, the course viral disease in the mother it goes the same way as in most adults. However, the child breastfeeding can easily catch the virus. Be sure to consult your doctor about prevention methods to rule this out. If your baby has any symptoms of illness, seek medical attention immediately. professional help see a pediatrician.

A few final words

These are the dangers of chickenpox during pregnancy. The consequences of the disease are quite serious - not so much for the mother, but for the unborn baby. Serious malformations, deformities and pathologies, miscarriage and fetal death - all this can be avoided. Take your health and the life of your child seriously. Screenings and vaccinations can prevent many problems in the future. Be healthy!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs