Treatment of ringworm in dogs. Characteristic manifestations of trichophytosis in dogs, signs of colonization of pathogenic flora and treatment of a contagious disease Advanced trichophytosis in a dog, what to do

Trichophytosis is a fungal skin disease of dogs. Simply this. This is an infectious disease not only of animals, but also of humans.

It is caused by imperfect fungi of the genus Trichophyton. These form a large number of spores that spread easily and widely. Fungi are very resistant to disinfectants and heat, and live for a long time in the external environment: in the soil, on litter, on wooden objects.

They can be carried by rats and mice, and stray dogs. Superficial damage to the skin and adverse weather conditions also contribute to the appearance of ringworm. Most often, puppies, as well as animals with reduced immunity and poor nutrition, suffer from lichen.

Symptoms of trichophytosis in dogs

Trichophytosis is a chronic disease. It becomes noticeable when areas of the animal's skin appear where broken hairs are noticeable. These areas are also covered with crusts and scales. Often the spots are round in shape, and the crusts and scales are asbestos-gray in color.

Most often, the lesion appears on the skin of the neck, head, and limbs. If the case is advanced, then multiple spots can cover large areas of the body and merge. Itching is mild or absent. There is also a deep form of trichophytosis, when pus accumulates under the crusts - this is suppuration of the hair follicles. Trichophytosis can also affect the claws - they become deformed and become thick. The dog tries to scratch and lick the affected area.

Treatment of trichophytosis in dogs

  • It is better not to treat the animal yourself.
  • It must be shown to a veterinarian, who will make a diagnosis based on clinical signs and the results of microscopic examination of skin scrapings and ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas.
  • Sowing on special nutrient media can also be done.
  • If the lesion on the dog's skin is local, the hair at the edges of the plaque is cut off and the skin is washed with betadine solution, removing dead scales.
  • It is necessary to treat the affected areas daily with a fungistatic solution, cream or ointment.
  • If the affected areas are infected, they need to be treated with an antibiotic.
  • For severe lesions, it is better to cut off all the hair and treat the dog twice a week with a fungistatic liquid.
  • Oral medications are also prescribed: griseofulvin (fulvicin).

For the prevention and treatment of lichen, highly effective inactivated vaccines are used.

Trichophytosis in animals is a fungal skin disease, in other words, “ringworm.” This disease is quite dangerous; it is transmitted not only from animal to animal, but also from animal to human. Any dog ​​can become infected with trichophytosis, regardless of age and breed. This disease is transmitted from rodents, through contaminated liquid, food, or any other object. Such things can be dishes, furniture, bedding, toys, etc.

The following groups of animals are most vulnerable to infection with trichophytosis: stray dogs, dogs with weak immune systems, hungry animals, dogs with lice and worms, and puppies that have just suffered stress.

Symptoms of trichophytosis

Ringworm becomes noticeable on the dog's body only when rounded areas with broken hair appear. Such affected areas are covered with scales and crusts and are gray in color.

Typically, areas affected by trichophytosis occur on the neck of dogs, as well as the head and limbs of the animal. If the disease is left to chance, the areas with lichen will grow and eventually merge into a single diseased area. There is also a more severe stage of the disease, which is accompanied by suppuration of the subcutaneous layer. Ringworm can also affect the nails, in which case they become rough and thick, which causes discomfort to the animal.

Treatment of trichophytosis in dogs

For trichophytosis, self-medication is not recommended; you must contact a veterinary clinic for consultation with a doctor. After the veterinarian has made a diagnosis, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed - injections and tablets must be combined with ointments and.

Trichophytosis in dogs is such a common occurrence that every breeder must know its causes and the basic principles of treatment, because the disease is dangerous not only for the animal, but also for humans.

According to statistics, outbreaks of the disease occur in autumn and winter, which is due to a natural decrease in the dog’s immunity. In the summer, it is more difficult to become infected, since the body’s strength becomes stronger, and the external environment is unfavorable for the fungus, which dies under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Most often, homeless animals suffer from ringworm, however, pets also have a high chance of becoming infected with the fungus, especially under conditions of stress.

Development of the disease

It cannot be said that if a fungus gets on the skin of an animal, it will necessarily cause illness. For healthy dogs, this contact may be asymptomatic. With provoking factors, the following will happen:

  • the mycelium penetrates the thickness of the epidermis and grows there;
  • hair follicles are affected, where inflammation begins.

The difficulty of treatment is that the disease does not manifest itself immediately, but after about 2 weeks. Before this, it is almost impossible to suspect a Trichophyton infection, because in the early stages the disease can only manifest itself in changes in the dog’s behavior.


During the incubation period, the animal begins to itch. The first thing that owners suspect is a flea infestation. After observing your pet, you can immediately assume lichen: the dog will itch in one place. The first stage is the appearance of redness and swelling. As a rule, there are no rashes at first. Just a red spot, which is often confused with ordinary dermatitis and attempts are made to identify the allergen.

Single lesions are localized on the paws, head, neck, and at the base of the tail; when the fungus spreads, spots appear on the face, abdomen, and even at the base of the claws. Secondary damage to the epidermis is more dangerous for the animal. The stronger the disease manifests itself, the greater the itching becomes, as a result of which the dog itself injures the upper layer of the epidermis - a favorable environment for the growth of mycelium.

If the animal is not treated, then small foci of lichen merge, covering large areas of the body. In place of the primary spots, scabs form, which, when opened, degenerate into an ulcer. Further ignoring the problem leads to pyoderma, purulent inflammation of the skin. The dog becomes lethargic, loses its appetite, its body temperature rises, and when tested in the blood, an increased number of leukocytes is detected.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you suspect a disease, you should contact your veterinarian. Trichophytosis in dogs is diagnosed in several ways:

  • examination of epidermis and hair samples under a microscope;
  • illumination of the lesion with “black light” under a Wood’s lamp;
  • sowing biomaterial into a nutrient medium. Usually this method gives 100% results.

Once diagnosed, treatment should be started immediately. This process is long. What you definitely shouldn’t do is try to get rid of red spots on your own. First, you need to cut the hair in the affected area, even if the process of hair loss has already begun. The more thoroughly the wound is cleaned, the easier it is to treat. The cut hairs are burned to prevent the spread of the disease.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to soften the crusts. The second step is treatment with an antiseptic, for which you can take regular chlorhexidine. But these are only the first measures to alleviate the condition in the affected areas. Trichophytosis is a fungal disease, so you can’t do without special medications.

To combat the fungus, medications are used in the form of ointments, tablets and vaccines. Also in therapy, preparations based on iodine are necessarily used, which fungi simply cannot tolerate. The two most common antifungal agents are Intraconazole and Griseofulvin, and Nystatin and Ketoconazole have also been used with success.

For minor skin lesions and in the absence of generalized areas, the drugs are used in the form of an ointment; in case of complications, they are used orally, and the animal is also bathed with a special shampoo containing ketoconazole.

Griseofulvin is an antibiotic that destroys the cell membrane of the fungus. When using it internally, it is necessary to provide the dog with adequate nutrition. The diet must include fatty foods, as the drug affects the gastric mucosa. The disadvantage of griseofulvin is that it cannot treat pregnant bitches, as well as older animals with impaired renal function. A prerequisite is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise nausea and diarrhea may occur during therapy.

Intraconazole is considered safer, since it does not destroy, but blocks the spread of mycelium, which gives a good effect in complex therapy. This drug is less toxic and causes fewer side effects.

Veterinarians often use sulfur-based ointments to treat trichophytosis. They treat the affected areas of the skin, carefully ensuring that the dog does not lick itself. Plus, it is advised to increase the number of baths. The convenience of sulfur-based ointments is evident in the fact that the treated areas of the skin are always visible, because sulfur-containing preparations have a yellowish tint.

Vaccines against trichophytosis have been successfully used. They can be administered both for prophylaxis and directly during treatment. The most popular drugs are Vakderm, Microderm and. Their disadvantage is the impossibility of use during complications resulting from this disease. It should also be remembered that often after the administration of the drug, the symptoms of trichophytosis intensify, but after a while they pass: this indicates the correct reaction of the animal’s body to the treatment.

To protect your pet from infection with the Trichophyton fungus, it is necessary to pay special attention to increasing the animal’s immunity, as well as monitor the dog’s hygiene and limit its contact with stray dogs.


Chapter 1. Ringworm (trichophytia) in dogs



Chapter 2. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention and control measures for trichophytosis in dogs

Chapter 3. Medical history of a puppy diagnosed with trichophytosis




Relevance of the work.Domestic veterinary medicine and mycology are faced with the urgent issue of improving existing and developing new methods for diagnosing dermatomycosis, as well as indicating the causative agents of mycoses in environmental objects. Changes in the environmental background in a number of republics and regions, urbanization processes and associated changes in the structure and boundaries of the nosoareas of these diseases are making serious changes in epidemiology and affecting the nature of the clinical course of modern zoonotic dermatomycosis in animals and their owners. This contributes to the spread of zoonotic dermatomycosis in areas of the country that differ in climatic, geographical, economic and environmental conditions.

The studies of N.A. are devoted to the study of the problems of trichophytosis caused by zoophilic trichophytons. Medvedeva (1968), P.N. Pestereva (1988), E.V. Chistyakova (1992). They highlight the features of the morphology of pathogenic fungi, issues of epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and treatment of these mycoses. However, over the last decade, the spectrum of pathogens and clinical manifestations of trichophytosis have changed, which indicates the need for further study of the ethnological originality and clinical features of the latter. The problem of the pathogenesis of trichophytosis, including the study of immunogenesis processes in this mycosis, is the subject of research by Yu.A. Medvedev (1989) and other authors.

A characteristic feature of all dermatomycosis and trichophytosis in dogs, in particular, is a modification of the microbiota. If previously the most common causative agents of dermatomycosis were anthropophilic fungi, now they account for no more than 1% of the mycobiota. Zoophilic fungi became the main causative agents of microsporia and trichophytosis. For trichophytosis, these are Trichophyton verrucosum and T. mentagrophytes var. gypseum.

Goal of the work:study the characteristics of trichophytosis in dogs, make a medical history of a puppy diagnosed with trichophytosis.

Subject of work:trichophytosis.

Object of work:puppy diagnosed with trichophytosis.

Job objectives:

1. Give the concept of trichophytosis, epizootic data, characteristics of the causative agents of trichophytosis in dogs.

Consider the pathogenesis and clinical signs of trichophytosis in dogs.

Study methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trichophytosis in dogs.

Make a medical history of a supervised puppy diagnosed with trichophytosis.

Research methods:analysis of literature on this topic, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, observation, medical research.

Scope and structure of work.The course work is presented on 37 pages of printed text. The coursework consists of an introduction, three chapters, including paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references. The list of references includes 40 sources, of which 34 are domestic and 6 foreign authors.


.1 Definition of disease. Epizootic data. Characteristics of trichophytosis pathogens in dogs

Trichophytosis is a common disease among dog dermatomycosis, the main causative agents of which are Trichophyton verrucosum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. gypseum. Trichophytosis is a natural focal infection, the epidemic characteristics and frequency of outbreaks of which depend on geographical, environmental and a number of other factors.

The source of infection is a sick person, animals or soil. The pathogens are resistant to environmental influences; their dried spores remain viable for several months. Transmission occurs through contact with an infected person or animal or through household items. Changes in the pH of the environment play a certain role in the occurrence of pathological processes on the skin. In modern natural conditions, trichophytosis has a number of characteristic features - the species composition of pathogens has changed. The main pathogen is faviform trichophyton, the specific gravity of which is 80-85%.

The causative agent of this disease is a fungus belonging to the genus Trichophyton. The mycelium of the fungus is not resistant. The spores are very stable: they persist indoors for 4-10 years, on animal fur - 12-15 months, in soil - 1.5 years, in manure and slurry - 8 months, in pathological material (skin, hair) when dried - more than two years. Fungal cells consist of a shell of protoplasm, a nucleus and a number of inclusions. They contain fat, vitamins, glycogen and crystals of organic salts. Under natural conditions, dermatophytes form mycelium, which disintegrates into arthrospores, and when cultured on nutrient media, they usually experience abundant and varied growth. Spores are formed inside and outside the mycelium. Most fungi are aerobes.. mentagrophytes - small spores - 3-5 microns. Cultures grow quickly, colonies appear on the 3-5th day, mature on the 14-16th day. Colonies are white, cream, dark yellow, and may be powdery. Velvety. Spiral endings of spores are found. Microconidia are numerous, round or oval. There are no arthrospores. Club-shaped microconidia (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. gypseum

Verrucosum are large-spore fungi from 5 to 8 microns that affect hair in the ectotrix type (Fig. 2). Their elements are in most cases located outside the hair; the spore sheath is located at the base of the hair and is well defined. Mushrooms grow slowly on wort agar or Sabouraud agar. Mature colonies appear on days 15-25. Colonies are white, gray, leathery, raised or flat, folded or lumpy, the growing edge is smooth, radiant, cobwebby. The mycelium is branching, microconidia (aleuria) are oval, pear-shaped, arthrospores are round in shape. Chlamydospores are terminal or intercalary. Microconidia are elongated.

Rice. 2. Trichophyton verrucosum

Lesions are most often found on the scalp (near the nose, eyes), limbs, neck; may be in other places. In the affected areas, peeling of the skin and breaking off of hair are initially observed, resulting in the formation of bald spots. Then small, quickly drying bubbles appear on them, covered with grayish-white dry crusts. The affected areas gradually increase in size, expanding towards the periphery. In sick animals, body weight gain decreases, wool quality and the level of natural resistance decrease.

The carriers of pathogenic dermatomycetes are mice, rats and other rodents. In dogs and cats, ringworm occurs and easily spreads when zoohygienic rules of keeping are violated, so it is especially common in homeless, stray animals. Such animals pose the greatest danger to humans (primarily children). Adverse weather conditions and superficial damage to the skin contribute to the appearance of ringworm.

Most often, microsporia and trichophytosis affect young animals - puppies and kittens under the age of 1 year. The spread of diseases is facilitated by violation of zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary rules for keeping, feeding and exploitation of animals (violation of the normal microclimate, crowded housing, movement and regrouping of animals, as well as mass contact examination during exhibition events).

In the last 30-40 years, zooanthroponotic trichophytosis with an atypical form of localization of the pathological process has not been registered. The predominant (97.9%) causative agent of the disease is Trichophyton verrucosum. In 2011, 2.3 cases of trichophytosis per 100,000 dogs were registered in the Russian Federation. Trichophytosis is most common in the Southern Federal District (incidence rates were 5.7 and 6.7 per 100,000 dogs in 2010 and 2011, respectively). Regions with a high incidence of trichophytosis in dogs include the republics of Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, and Sakha (Yakutia). In the North-Western Territorial District of the Russian Federation (RF), trichophytosis in dogs is recorded sporadically, although in recent years there has been a tendency towards a gradual increase in incidence. This is facilitated by the active migration of the population from the southern regions of Russia and Central Asia, the weakening of veterinary control, and the low level of knowledge about the clinical picture of trichophytosis among dermatologists and doctors of other specialties.

1.2 Pathogenesis. Clinical signs of trichophytosis in dogs

Trichophytons multiply in tissues containing a horny substance - kerotene, which is found in the stratum corneum of the epidermis of the skin and in the hair. The pathogen secretes toxins and keratolytic enzymes that cause superficial inflammation and loosening of the stratum corneum of the skin. Under conditions favorable for development, the pathogen penetrates to the mouth of the hair follicles and into the neck of the hair, destroys the cuticle, internal hair sheath, and cortex, which leads to disruption of hair nutrition and hair loss. Hyperkeratosis develops at the site of the lesion.

Clinical signs . The incubation period lasts from a week to a month. The disease is chronic and is expressed in the appearance on the skin of small hairless spots of a round shape, covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts (Fig. 3). The skin of the head, neck, and extremities is most often affected. In advanced cases, multiple spots can merge and cover large areas of the body. Itching is absent or mild.

Rice. 3.Trichophytosis in a puppy

With a deep form of trichophytosis in dogs, suppuration of the hair follicles occurs, and a lot of pus accumulates under the crusts. Ringworm can also affect the claws (onychomycosis). In this case, they become thick and deformed. In mild cases, the disease occurs without itching. Scabs and scabs may appear on the affected areas, which later begin to become weeping. The dog licks them and tries to scratch them. Sometimes there is extensive skin damage. In mild cases, the disease leads to hair loss and local peeling of the skin.


In recent years, there has been a clinical diversity of trichophytosis in dogs, the presence of atypical and blurred clinical forms, which, in turn, complicates timely diagnosis. Atypical forms of the disease must be differentiated from lichen simplex in dogs, pink lichen of Zhiber, psoriasis, microbial and seborrheic eczema, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis, chronic pyoderma, vulgar sycosis.

Superficial, infiltrative and suppurative forms of trichophytosis represent successive stages in the development of the pathological process. The clinical picture of superficial trichophytosis is quite characteristic. Dogs develop one or more pink, round-oval lesions with clear boundaries and peeling; Follicular nodules may be located along the periphery of the lesions. In the infiltrative form, the lesions are sharply outlined, the skin is hyperemic, edematous, infiltrated and slightly elevated above the general level; isolated pustules and crusts of a purulent-hemorrhagic nature may occur.

As the process develops on the skin, vellus hairs are often affected, which leads to the development of ostiofolliculitis; when the head or beard and mustache area is affected, the hair breaks off. The suppurative form of trichophytosis in dogs most often develops on the scalp or in the growth area of ​​the beard and mustache due to further progression of the mycotic process.

Hyperemia of the skin in the area of ​​the lesion intensifies, multiple folliculitis appears, merging into a massive infiltrate, significantly protruding above the surface of the skin and painful on palpation. As a rule, with the suppurative form of trichophytosis, an increase in regional lymph nodes, an increase in body temperature, and a disturbance in the general condition of the animal are observed. With the infiltrative-suppurative form of trichophytosis, the hair in the affected areas is very easily epilated. Often, when scarring changes in the skin develop, the hair is not completely restored.

The clinical diagnosis of trichophytosis in dogs must be confirmed by laboratory data. In normal clinical practice, trichophytosis is limited to microscopic and cultural methods of examining infected material. Before microscopy, affected objects (skin scales, hair, vesicle covers) are pre-treated with a 10% solution of potassium hydroxide or a 25% solution of sodium hydroxide to clear the preparation. Therefore, this diagnostic method is often called the CON test. Microscopic identification of micromycetes directly in a clinical sample is a rapid diagnostic method, however, the presence of false negative results in more than 15% of cases indicates insufficient specificity and sensitivity of the method. This method can detect the presence of dermatomycetes, but their identification is not possible. This test is also limited by the subjective assessment of the laboratory technician. Thus, the sensitivity of direct microscopy for fungal infections of an animal’s head, according to a number of authors, varies from 67 to 91%.

In order to increase specificity and sensitivity, a number of techniques have been developed that make it possible to simply and quickly identify various types of micromycetes. In mycological laboratories, clearing of preparations for microscopic examination is carried out with a 15-30% solution of KOH, to which is added a 5-10% solution of dark blue ink from Parker (Parkers Superchrome Blue-Black Ink). With this method, the hyphae and spores of dermatomycetes are painted blue.

Recently, a new method of microscopy of native preparations using calcofluor white staining has been developed and put into practice. This reagent is used as a bleaching agent in the textile and paper industries. The combined use of calcofluor white with KOH makes it possible to identify both young and mature hyphae of dermatomycetes. The use of the calcofluor white staining method for the microscopic diagnosis of dermatomycosis allows for a 10% increase in the detection of fungal infections compared to the standard KOH method. The paint fluoresces in ultraviolet light (under short-wave irradiation). Imaging is done under a fluorescence microscope.

The PAS (periodic acid reaction) staining method is widely used for coloring histological sections of hair. The latter differs little from the procedure for staining tissue sections and is accompanied by staining of certain glycans (polysaccharides) located in the cell wall of dermatomycetes. In order to identify the most informative diagnostic method, J. Weinberg et al. compared four diagnostic tests, namely microscopic, culture, white calcofluor fluorescence microscopy and nail biopsy. The authors found the sensitivity of microscopy to be 80%, culture to be 59%, and nail biopsy to be 92%, compared with white calcofluor fluorescence microscopy, which was chosen as the primary method. The advantage of all of the above microscopy techniques is their fast and simple technique, however, they do not make it possible to identify the type of micromycetes.

To establish the species of the pathogen, the material is inoculated on Sabouraud's nutrient medium, followed by identification of the isolated culture. There is a known method for isolating dermatomycetes on solid Sabouraud medium with selective additives in the form of penicillin (20,000 units) or streptomycin (40,000 units), gentamicin (0.005 g/l), chloramphenicol (0.16 g/l). The disadvantage of this culture medium is the slow growth of the isolated cultures, which leads to long diagnostic times. In order to reduce the growth period of crops, a number of authors have proposed various modifications of the composition of Sabouraud's medium. A method for cultivating dermatophytes in a liquid medium containing keratin is described.

Z.R. Khismatullina et al. A method for identifying dermatomycetes was developed using Sabouraud's culture medium with keratin hydrolyzate, which makes it possible to reduce the time required for isolating fungi from the material of a sick animal. An increase in the growth rate of micromycete cultures occurs when the keratin hydrolyzate content in the nutrient medium is higher than 20 g/l. Seeding dermatophytes using the proposed method allows identification for Tr. mentagrophytes var. gypseum on the 4-5th day, for Tr. verrucosum - on the 7-8th day.

One of the attempts to improve and provide mass culture diagnostics of dermatomycetes is the development of a test medium for dermatophytes (DTM, delmatophyte test medium), containing Sabouraud agar with antibiotics, cycloheximide and a dermatophyte culture growth indicator. The introduction of the DTM medium gave birth to the concept of “office cultivation”, in which it became possible to observe growth in disposable dishes not in a special laboratory, but directly in the veterinarian’s office, since the culture grows at room temperature.

Even if all the rules for collecting material are observed, with the availability of equipment and the high professionalism of the laboratory staff, the number of positive results of cultural research detected is very small. The culture method is a specific diagnostic test that takes up to 8 weeks before a result is obtained. However, according to foreign literature, the proportion of positive cultural studies barely reaches 50%; in domestic studies, the pathogen cannot be isolated in 64% of cases. This is due to technical errors (violation of the rules for collecting material, its transportation, etc.), but most often due to previous (usually local) antifungal therapy in dogs by their owners. Dog owners often self-medicate their dogs with the use of external antimycotic agents, which leads not only to a change in the clinical picture, but also, naturally, to the appearance of false negative test results for dermatophytosis.

Some authors have repeatedly proposed various diagnostic approaches that would improve the identification of fungal infections, supplement or replace classical methods. Therefore, in addition to routine microscopic and culture methods, new possibilities, such as the determination of the Tr antigen, are being actively studied. verrucosum var. verrucosum by enzyme immunoassay, as well as direct DNA diagnostics of dermatomycetes. Molecular biology techniques such as RSI-RFLP, real-time PCR and multiplex PCR have been adapted for the detection of dermatomycetes in clinical samples. These molecular methods have good potential for the direct detection of dermatomycetes, but they still need to be standardized for routine clinical laboratories.

In 2004, the first genetic probes for direct diagnosis of dermatophytosis of the skin, hair and nails were developed and successfully used in clinical settings in Russia. This project was initiated in 2003 by the National Academy of Mycology to explore the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the detection of Trichophyton rubrum in clinical specimens. A similar method was then created for Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

Only a few authors have compared KOH microscopy and culture with the PCR method in clinical samples. In a study by Nagao et al. identified Trichophyton rubrum by nested PCR targeting the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) gene, which was negative by both KOH microscopy and culture data. Yan et al. compared randomly primed PCR with conventional methods and showed that randomly primed PCR is a faster, more sensitive and specific method for diagnosing dermatophytosis. Similar studies have not been conducted regarding the causative agents of trichophytosis in dogs.

In line with general trends observed in the diagnostic field, real-time PCR may become a replacement for direct microscopy and culture methods in the future. The high price of PCR today and the rarity of the use of this method in veterinary clinics is a limiting factor, but this may change as a result of decreasing prices on the reagent market and the emergence of savings caused by the replacement of conventional diagnostics.

Thus, traditional available methods for laboratory diagnosis of trichophytosis in dogs do not always allow one to determine the type of pathogen and, accordingly, choose the optimal method of treatment. The urgent need for methods for rapid and accurate identification of pathogens opens up prospects for the introduction of such a modern, highly sensitive and specific research method as the polymerase chain reaction method into the diagnosis of this disease.

After confirming the diagnosis of trichophytosis, a vaccine against trichophytosis is administered 2 or 3 times in dogs for therapeutic purposes. At the same time, agents with fungistatic and fungicidal properties are prescribed. In the initial period of the disease, the affected areas are treated with a solution of salicylic acid in 5% tincture of iodine, as well as liquids and pastes that have fungicidal properties. A number of ready-made fungicidal forms are quite widely represented: fungin, nitrofungin; ointments: undecin, zincundan, mycoseptin, “Yam”, clotrimazole, vedinol, ekalin, travogen; Niklofen solution, Epacid F, Apit. Lubricate or rub into affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the simultaneous administration of griseofulvin or nizoral. After recovery, Carbolici cristall, Ricini, etc. are rubbed into the affected areas of the skin to accelerate hair growth. Rubbed into the skin of a sick animal daily to stimulate hair growth.

Prevention of trichophytosis in animals creates the prerequisites for the elimination of trichophytosis in humans<#"justify">trichophytosis dog epidemic clinical


Clinical status

1. Type: dog

Gender: female

Breed: French bulldog

Date of birth of the animal: 04/15/2012

Nickname: Margo

Color: Fawn

Owner and address of the animal: Antonova K.P., Moscow.

Date of receipt of the animal: 07/08/12

Preliminary diagnosis: Trichophytosis

Final diagnosis: Trichophytosis

Date of illness outcome: 07/18/12


1. Anamnesis vitae . The puppy is 3 months old, kept in a comfortable apartment. Feeding 3 times a day; morning, lunch, evening. Approximate puppy diet: meat - 300 g/day, oatmeal - 100 g/day, potatoes - 40 g/day, cabbage - 40 g/day, carrots - 30 g/day, cottage cheese - 200 g/day. Walk 3 times a day for 15 minutes.

2. Amamnesis morbi. According to the owner, the puppy fell ill on the evening of July 4, which manifested itself in the appearance of a slightly noticeable rash on the chin, then the area of ​​the lesion increased, a reddish crust formed on the skin, and hair loss began at the site of the lesion. On July 6, the puppy developed a bald spot with clear boundaries in the affected area. Pus began to flow from under the crust.

Clinical examination

1.General condition - Status Praesens. Body type: correct, consistent with the breed. Constitution: dense. Position: natural, standing. Temperament: balanced. Fatness: good.

2. Examination of the skin and coat. The skin is dry, non-pigmented, elastic. The hair is shiny, firmly held, and distributed evenly over the entire surface of the body, except for the affected one. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small hairless spots of a round shape, covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. The itching is pronounced. There is a slight suppuration of the hair follicles.

Examination of lymph nodes. Submandibular, slightly enlarged, mobile, dense consistency, painless, local temperature is not increased. Inguinal - mobile, painless, oval-round in shape, not enlarged.

Examination of mucous membranes. The mucous membrane of the conjunctiva is pink and shiny. Without damage. The oral mucosa is pale pink and pigmented. The animal's body temperature in the rectum at the time of administration is normal.

The cardiovascular system. On palpation, the cardiac region is painless. The following borders of the heart were determined by percussion: anterior - along the anterior edge of the 3rd rib; upper - along the line of the scapulohumeral joint; posterior - up to the 7th rib. Absolute dullness of the heart in the 5th-6th intercostal spaces. On auscultation, heart sounds are loud, crisp, and clear. The arterial pulse on the inner side of the thigh is rhythmic, evenly filled, frequency 100 beats/min.

Respiratory system. Examination of the nasal cavity did not reveal serous discharge. Breathing is shallow, rhythmic, abdominal breathing predominates. Respiration rate: 30 breaths. dv./min. Palpation of the larynx and trachea is painless.

Digestive system. Appetite is reduced, food and water intake is free. The oral mucosa is pale pink, without damage. The tongue is moist, pink with a white coating. The arrangement of the teeth corresponds to the age of the animal. Palpation of the pharynx is painless. The salivary glands are not enlarged and painless. The shape of the abdomen is symmetrical. The abdominal wall is painless, moderately tense. With deep palpation, the stomach is revealed. There is no pain on palpation of the intestinal area, but on percussion the sound is tympanic.

Intestinal motility is moderate, peristaltic noises are heard. The intestines are painless, moderately full. On palpation, the liver is not enlarged, painless, and upon percussion the sound is dull. The area of ​​hepatic dullness is located on the right from the 11th to 13th intercostal space along the macular line, on the left in the area of ​​the 12th intercostal space. According to the owner, when defecating, the animal takes a natural position. Feces are dense without foreign matter and mucus.

Genitourinary system. The external genitalia of the dog are without pathological changes and correspond to the age and sex of the animal. There are no discharges from the genitals uncharacteristic of the animal. With deep palpation, two bean-shaped bodies are revealed - the kidneys; the left one is palpable better, due to its more convenient location in the area in the corner of the left iliac fossa. There is no painful reaction in the area of ​​the kidneys and bladder. In general, the puppy behaves calmly when palpated. According to the owner, urination occurs in a position that is natural for the dog’s age and gender. Urine is clear and watery.

Studies of the skull and spinal column. The skull is of regular shape, symmetrical, consistent with the exterior of the breed. The spinal column is without curvature. Palpation of the costal and vertebral processes revealed no signs of osteomalacia or displacement. The tail is straight and docked. The last ribs are whole, dense, without rickety beads; intercostal spaces are smooth.

Nervous system. The general condition of the animal is depressed. The coordination of movements is correct. Tactile and pain sensitivity are preserved.

Sense organs. Eye placement is correct, without deviations. The ocular media are clean, the pupils are slightly dilated, the reaction of the pupils to light is not slowed down. There are no corneal opacities. The iris is a normal brown color, as far as one can tell. The hearing is not weakened, the outer ears are intact, of regular shape, without redness. There are no unnatural discharges from the auditory openings.

Laboratory research

1.Complete blood count, complete urine test

General urine test dated 07/08/12. The color of urine is straw yellow. Protein negative. Urine is clear. Epithelium (squamous) 1-2 in p/z. Leukocytes 1-2 in p/z. Reaction is acidic. Weight 1010. Conclusion: within normal limits.

General blood test dated 07/08/12.

Red blood cells 4.5*10 12 /l

Leukocytes - 8.0*10 9

Neutrophils - 7

Band - 0

Segmented - 61

Lymphocytes - 29

Monocytes - 3

ESR - 10 mm/h

Conclusion: within normal limits

Blood chemistry

Biochemical blood test dated 07/08/12.

General Protein - 74 g/l

Bilirubin total - 19.4 µmol/l

Creatinine - 0.08 µmol

Thymol test - 2.0 units

AST - 14.8 units/l

ALT - 21.6 units/l

Conclusion: within normal limits

Analysis for fungi on the affected area of ​​the puppy's skin.

The fungi Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. gypseum.

4. Analysis of feces for worm eggs.

No worm eggs were found.

Diagnosis and its rationale

Based on the history and clinical examination of the animal, a diagnosis was made: trichophytosis.

Treatment prognosis

If all points of the puppy’s treatment plan are followed, the prognosis is favorable due to timely access to a medical institution and some competence of the experienced dog owner.

Treatment plan

Treatment of trichophytosis is complex. To eliminate the etiological factor of the disease, it is necessary to create optimal zoohygienic conditions for keeping and feeding the animal. For therapeutic purposes, the vaccine against trichophytosis is administered 2 or 3 times. At the same time, agents with fungistatic and fungicidal properties are prescribed. In the initial period of the disease, the affected areas are treated with a solution of salicylic acid in 5% tincture of iodine, as well as liquids and pastes that have fungicidal properties. A number of ready-made fungicidal forms are quite widely represented: fungin, nitrofungin; ointments: undecin, zincundan, mycoseptin, “Yam”, clotrimazole, vedinol, ekalin, travogen; Niklofen solution, Epacid F, Apit. Lubricate or rub into affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the simultaneous administration of griseofulvin or nizoral. After recovery, Carbolici cristall, Ricini, etc. are rubbed into the affected areas of the skin to accelerate hair growth. Rubbed into the skin of a sick animal daily to stimulate hair growth.


1. Rp.: Acidi salicylici 1.0rae jodi spirituosae 5% 10.0.D.S. External. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin and surrounding healthy tissue several times.

2. Rp.: Sol. Fuxini spirituosae 10.0 ml. Phenoli 5% 100.0 ml. borici 1,010,05,0.D.S. Fungicidal agent. Apply to affected areas of the skin (Castellani liquid).

Rp.: Sol. Fungini 20 ml

D.S. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

Rp.: Tab. Griseofulvini 0.125 N.40

D.S. Orally, 1 tablet, 1 tablet 2 times a day - 1 week.

5. Rp.: 01. Ricini 25.05.0aethylici 95% 150, 0. Sinapis actherei 2.0

M.D.S. Rub into skin daily to stimulate hair growth.

Course of the disease

Date °CPulse RR Symptoms Treatment 07/8/1237, 610030 Depressed state, general weakness, elevated body temperature, enlarged regional lymph nodes, decreased appetite. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. Itching. Suppuration of hair follicles. Introduction of vaccine against trichophytosis. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 times a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.07/09/1237,59932 Depressed state, general weakness, elevated body temperature, enlarged regional lymph nodes, decreased appetite. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. Itching. Suppuration of hair follicles. No deterioration is observed. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.10.07.1237,48734Depressed state, general weakness, elevated body temperature, enlarged regional lymph nodes, decreased appetite. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. Itching. Suppuration of hair follicles. No deterioration is observed. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.11.07.1237,29729Depressed state, general weakness, elevated body temperature, enlarged regional lymph nodes, decreased appetite. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. Itching. Suppuration of hair follicles. No deterioration is observed. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.12.07.1237,39430Depressed state, general weakness, elevated body temperature, enlarged regional lymph nodes, decreased appetite. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. There is no itching. The suppuration of the hair follicles decreases. No deterioration is observed. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day. 07/13/1237, 28531 General condition has improved, body temperature has decreased, regional lymph nodes have enlarged, and appetite has decreased. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. There is no itching. The suppuration of the hair follicles decreases. No deterioration is observed. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day. 07/14/1237, 19025 General condition has improved, body temperature has decreased, regional lymph nodes have enlarged, and appetite has decreased. In the area of ​​the chin on the skin there are small, hairless, round spots covered with scales and asbestos-gray crusts. There is no itching. The suppuration of the hair follicles decreases. No deterioration is observed. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day. 07/15/1237, 18828 General condition improved, body temperature decreased, regional lymph nodes decreased, appetite improved. There is no itching. The suppuration of the hair follicles has stopped. The peeling of the affected area has decreased. Lubricating the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.07/16/12379430General condition is satisfactory, the dog is mobile, body temperature is normal, appetite is normal. There is no itching. The suppuration of the hair follicles has stopped. Peeling is not pronounced. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.07/17/1236,99930General condition is normal, the dog is mobile, body temperature is normal, appetite is normal. The affected areas of the skin are restored. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day. 07/18/1236,99829 General condition is normal, the dog is mobile, body temperature is normal, appetite is normal. The affected areas of the skin are restored. Lubricate the affected areas with a solution of salicylic acid with 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 r. in a day. Griseofulvin orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day.

After recovery, to accelerate hair growth, Carbolici cristall, Ricini, etc. must be rubbed into the affected areas of the skin. Rubbed into the skin of a sick animal daily to stimulate hair growth.

Rice. 4. Graph of temperature, pulse and respiratory rate of a puppy with trichophytosis during the days of the disease.


Trichophytosis is a common disease among dog dermatomycosis, the main causative agents of which are Trichophyton verrucosum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. gypseum. Trichophytosis in dogs is more common than other dermophytosis. The disease usually affects puppies, poorly nourished dogs, as well as animals with reduced immunity due to another disease. The source of the pathogen is sick and recovered animals. This skin disease is transmitted to dogs from other animals through damaged areas of the skin, through contact with spores found in the ground, on toys and furniture.

Sick dog, French bulldog, female, born April 15, 2012. has been under treatment since 07/08. to 18.07. 2012 with a diagnosis of suppurative trichophytosis of the chin (1 lesion). Upon admission, the dog's owner complained of the appearance of a slightly noticeable rash on the puppy's chin, then the area of ​​the lesion increased, a reddish crust formed on the skin, and hair loss began at the site of the lesion. On July 6, the puppy developed a bald spot with clear boundaries in the affected area. Pus began to flow from under the crust.

An examination was carried out: physical, fungal analysis, CBC, OAM, blood biopsy.

Treatment was carried out: a vaccine against trichophytosis was administered. The affected areas were treated for 10 days with a solution of salicylic acid in 5% tincture of iodine, as well as fungin and Castellani liquid 2 times a day. At the same time, griseofulvin was administered orally, 1 tablet. 2 times a day. After recovery, to accelerate hair growth in the affected areas of the skin, it is recommended to rub Carbolici cristall or Ricini daily.

The disease in the puppy presented with typical clinical signs. The prescribed treatment had the desired effect, because... recovery occurred in the shortest possible time. A more expanded diet and more nutritious nutrition are recommended.


Trichophytosis - (Trichophytosis), trichophytosis, ringworm, an infectious disease of animals and humans caused by imperfect fungi of the genus Trichophyton, characterized in animals by the appearance on the skin of areas with broken hair, covered with crusts and scales. Distributed in most countries of the world, including Russia. T. verrucosum causes mainly trichophytosis in cattle, zebu, buffalo, camels, and less commonly in silver-black foxes and arctic foxes. T. mentagrophytes (gypseum) is the main causative agent of trichophytosis in dogs, rabbits, silver-black foxes, arctic foxes, voles, ground squirrels, as well as animals kept in zoos, nurseries, etc.

Trichophytosis affects animals of all types and ages. Sources of infection are sick and recovered animals. Transmission factors - infected premises, equipment. Mouse-like rodents are a permanent reservoir of T. mentagrophytes in nature.

Hay, straw, fluff, hair, and wool infected with trichophytosis pathogens serve as a source of infection for rabbits, fur-bearing animals, cattle, sheep, and horses. Microtraumas contribute to the introduction of the pathogen. In animal farms, rabbit breeding complexes, fattening state farms, nurseries, where a large number of animals is concentrated, trichophytosis can occur as an enzootic.


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Trichophytosis is a fairly common disease among street dogs. But it can also occur in pets, whose condition is constantly monitored by their owners. Let's talk about the causes of the disease, its symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention.

What is trichophytosis?

Trichophytosis in dogs is an infectious disease caused by a fungus. Popularly it is better known as

The fungi that cause the disease are characterized by a high level of resistance to temperature changes and disinfectants, and are also able to survive for a long time in environmental conditions: on wooden objects, litter and in the soil.

The disease is very dangerous, as it can be transmitted not only among animals, but also to humans. It is quite difficult to cure, especially if the disease was discovered too late and is already in an advanced stage.

Causes of the disease

Fungal skin diseases can affect absolutely any pet. Infection occurs through food, toys, or after contact with a sick animal.

The likelihood of developing lichen increases in the following cases:

The body of such dogs cannot resist the development of the fungus, as it is in a greatly weakened state. It is their disease that affects them first.

Symptoms of the disease

Trichophytosis in dogs may be accompanied by some specific symptoms. It is worth noting that during the incubation period, owners do not even realize that their pet has a disease, since there are no clear signs at this moment. But after about two weeks, the symptoms appear very clearly.

First of all, this is the appearance of a rash. It may be barely noticeable at first, but over time it enlarges and turns red. During the same period, hair loss occurs in the animal, as the fungus grows in the epidermis. The head, ears, lower parts of the paws and base of the tail are most susceptible to the influence of microorganisms. If left untreated, the infection spreads to other parts of the body.

As a rule, the resulting spots on the dog’s skin are very itchy and flaky. After some time, a crust forms on them. At this moment, it is important to pay attention to the health of your pet and begin timely treatment. Otherwise, pus will begin to form under the crust, and it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem. This condition is called "advanced trichophytosis in a dog." What to do in this case? Immediately contact a veterinarian who will help you select the necessary medications.

Preparing for treatment

What to do if a fungus (trichophytosis) is detected in dogs? Treatment primarily involves following some simple rules:

  1. Isolate your pet from other animals and children.
  2. During the treatment period, all family members should pay maximum attention to the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. The house or apartment where the sick dog is located should be wet cleaned regularly. It is important to use disinfectants.
  4. All other objects that the dog comes into contact with during the day are also subject to disinfection.

Drug treatment

We remember that trichophytosis in dogs is a fungal infectious disease. Therefore, it is logical that antifungal drugs are used to treat it, which can be presented in the form of ointments, tablets, and vaccines. In most cases, these products contain iodine, which is not tolerated by fungi. The most common drugs include:

  • "Itraconazole";
  • "Griseofulfin";
  • "Dermatol";
  • "Yuglon";
  • "Zoomicol";
  • "Nitrofungil;
  • "Betadine" (solution).

The price of each of the above products is quite low, but they are all very effective in combating fungus.

Before using any of the external products, some preparation is necessary. On the damaged area, you need to carefully cut off the remaining hair, rinse the skin with water and treat with iodine. Next, an antifungal drug is applied directly, for example Betadine (solution). Its price, by the way, is about 166 rubles per bottle. You can repeat the procedure up to 2-3 times a day.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that the dog does not lick the product after applying it. Alternatively, you can bandage the affected area.

Along with antifungal medications, your veterinarian may prescribe immunomodulatory medications, nutritional supplements, and vitamins for your pet.

How to treat lichen at home

It’s worth noting right away that it is important to first coordinate the use of any of the folk remedies with a veterinarian. In addition, this type of treatment is still recommended to be combined with drug therapy.

So, how to treat lichen at home? You can get rid of the problem with apple cider vinegar and iodine. In the first case, you need to lubricate the cleaned affected area about 4-5 times a day, and in the second - up to 3-4 times.

Trichophytosis in dogs can also be cured with garlic. To do this, you need to peel one of its cloves and lubricate it with lichen juice. Next, apply a mixture of plantain juice (1:1) to the affected area. In the absence of the latter, you can limit yourself to only garlic.

Disease prevention

Such troubles as trichophytosis in dogs can be avoided. To do this, you will need to follow some simple preventive measures:

Special attention should be paid to a special anti-infective vaccine. It can be used both to treat the disease and as a prophylactic agent. The most well-known drugs in this area are Microderm and Vakderm. They show the greatest effectiveness in combination with Baksin.

Vaccination is carried out in two stages, during which one vaccination is given. The interval between them is within ten days.

It is worth considering that after vaccination the dog’s condition may noticeably worsen. There is no need to be afraid of this process, since it is a completely normal phenomenon and the animal will soon return to its previous life, but with increased immunity.



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