Who suffered from psoriasis. Who suffers from psoriasis among the stars, celebrities, famous people? How they hide their illness and what they refuse

Psoriasis is a merciless disease, and not only ordinary people, but also celebrities can get it. According to statistics, psoriasis affects from 1% to 8% of the world’s inhabitants, so it’s not surprising that there are many celebrities among the patients. It is reliably known that the following famous celebrities suffer from psoriasis:

  1. Cameron Diaz.
  2. Britney Spears.
  3. Tina Karol.
  4. Kara Deleville.
  5. Kim Kardashian.
  6. Caridy English.

The most amazing thing is that the skin condition of these people is excellent, as if they were not sick at all. Using their example, you can see what high-quality dermatological care and a responsible attitude towards one’s health can provide. Anyone can get this result if they follow the recommendations of their doctor.

Caridy English doesn't give up hope

Caridy English, like many other psoriatic sufferers, learned of her diagnosis as a teenager. Since the age of 15, she has been fighting against an incurable disease and only periodically manages to stabilize her condition. During this period, the celebrity's body is almost completely covered with scaly plaques. Despite this, the actress is full of vitality. Caridi reaches new professional heights and takes an active part in public life. The actress recently gave birth to a child who has no symptoms of the disease. Caridi recommends that all people facing psoriasis not lose their will and passion, fight the problem, and stay positive.

Cara Delevingne treats psoriasis

English celebrity Cara Delevingne has suffered from psoriasis for many years. The popular and sought-after model Cara Delevingne often appears on the catwalk with a rash on her slender legs. However, she remains a favorite and idol of the crowd, always greeted with warmth and admiration. In recent years, Cara Delevingne has become a real idol for many young girls.

Kara says that her disease is incurable, but she helps herself to maintain good skin condition with the help of high-quality medications. They often relax together with Tina Karol. Cara Delevingne uses medicinal cosmetics constantly, this is her main prevention of relapse. Even in the busy rhythm of photo shoots and castings, Cara Delevingne does not forget about. No patient with psoriasis, even if she is a model, should go hungry or eat junk food.

Cameron Diaz does not hide his diagnosis

The bright representative of the stars Cameron Diaz has been suffering from psoriasis for many years. Her rash is localized under the knee joints and in the elbow area - anyone can see it. The star often wears revealing outfits and is not shy about her skin. Despite the cosmetic defect, the film actress successfully films. The fact that she won an Oscar proves that society does not treat people with psoriasis so badly.

The actress gives advice for people who are sick: in her opinion, positive emotions are the best treatment.

Britney Spears vs psoriasis

The representative of the world of stars fell ill for a long time, but at first she did not pay any attention to the skin rash. Over the years, the star's ankles became increasingly covered in rashes. Spears notices periodic exacerbations and believes that this is due to many stressful situations and a fast-paced lifestyle. There are many publications in the press on this subject, but not a single dermatologist has unequivocally confirmed her diagnosis.

Does Kim Kardashian also have psoriasis?

The star Kim Kardashian feels beautiful and delightful; in every photo she smiles at her fans. Despite the fact that the star was diagnosed with psoriasis, she does not lose her zest for life. Kim inherited the disease from her mother, like many other victims of genetic pathology.

A beautiful, confident lady who takes her health very seriously. She promptly stops the exacerbation, tries to avoid stress, leads a healthy lifestyle, has given up and. Kim's skin condition is simply excellent, if not for her mother's revelations, no one would have suspected psoriasis.

It is important to understand that anyone can get sick, no matter whether it is a famous person or not. Patients should not despair, because the example of celebrities clearly shows that competent prevention gives excellent results.

This disease is merciless. Its victims are people in different parts of the world. Children and old people are horrified to discover psoriatic plaques on their elbows and head, knees and stomach. The first question that a person in despair usually asks himself in such a case is: why did I get sick? Not only patients, but also doctors do not know the answer. But a huge list of stars and famous people who suffer from psoriasis has been compiled. Read about their lives and try to change your attitude towards the disease. It made some stronger, more assertive. This is not a sentence. This is a small mark of nature that makes a person special, so he should not hide from people, he must respect himself and love.

Famous people with psoriasis

This is one of the most mystical diseases. In ancient times it was dubbed the imperial disease. It is not by chance that such a name appeared. Psoriasis was very common among famous people, although they did not always talk about it publicly. But they were marked by fate, but were able not to dwell on the disease, but to achieve success in life.

Robert Bruce one of the most famous fighters for Scottish independence. The king did a lot for his country. He was not despised in society because he had a diseased body covered with psoriatic rashes.

Millionaires are not always in excellent health. An example of this is Rockefeller suffering from psoriasis. He was the first in the world to increase his fortune to an unimaginable figure ($1 billion), but found himself helpless in the face of illness. Rockefeller established a prize and promised it to anyone who would find a cure for the insidious disease. Money still cannot find its owner, although many remedies guarantee 100% relief from the disease.

Churchill, who promised to erect a monument of pure gold to the one who would overcome psoriasis, also suffered from the disease. The Nobel Prize-winning politician was an outstanding figure for his country, but he was so tired of fighting an illness that prevented him from working at his full capacity.

Impregnable, cruel, great Joseph Stalin I also knew what psoriasis was on the body. The dictator could do anything. However, he was powerless against the skin disease. Perhaps it was sent to him for the aggression and despotism that he showed towards people?

Psoriasis in Russian and foreign celebrities

The stars take the stage and it seems to everyone that their lives are free from illness and misfortune. But this is not always the case.

I have been suffering from psoriasis for many years now. Cameron Diaz. Her disease manifests itself under the knees and on the elbows. The film actress and model leads an active lifestyle. She is successfully removed. For her services she received an Oscar and a number of other awards. Its demand does not decrease due to the fact that psoriatic spots are sometimes very noticeable.

Britney Spears I got psoriasis a long time ago, but at first I didn’t pay attention to it. Over the years, scaly patches have become increasingly visible on her ankles. They are also on Britney's feet. The singer notes that her frequent relapses of the disease are most likely associated with the fast-paced lifestyle that she has to lead and the stress present in the life of a star.

The model feels happy and successful Kim Kardashian, despite the fact that she was also included in the list of patients with the imperial disease, which she inherited from her mother. Everything is great in her life. She achieved success not only in her work, but also managed to find love and give birth to a child. Looking at the photo of this beauty (at the top of the page), I don’t want to believe that her skin is periodically covered with terrible plaques.

Speaking about psoriasis in stars and celebrities, one cannot fail to mention CaryDee English. This girl declared herself as a successful actress. She is also a model and hosts the show Pretty Wicked. The skin disease has been present in her life for more than 15 years. About 70% of the body during exacerbations is covered with scales and red spots, as in the photo. She has become a spokesperson for the National Psoriasis Foundation and talks to people about how to live without feeling cursed by having this disease.

English celebrity Cara Delevingne I also have psoriasis. The model works a lot, she often appears on the catwalk with spots on her legs, but the audience still adores her. The model is sure that salvation from the disease has not been found, but you can help yourself with rest. As soon as an exacerbation begins, you need to go on vacation. A complete lack of stress, the sea, and fresh air quickly defeat the disease, albeit temporarily.

Did you have psoriasis? Oleg Gazmanov, remains a mystery. However, there are many stories online that he was able to overcome his illness with the help of Dyusupov’s disks. Gazmanov shares this with the audience in one of the episodes of the program “Let Them Talk,” where he tells the audience and A. Malakhov how he managed to overcome the disease.

Tina Karol gained enormous popularity after Eurovision 2006 and New Wave. However, wild success brought not only fame. Articles compromising the singer began to appear in the press. Fame and dirty gossip went hand in hand. She could not stand it, stress and depression began. As a result, Tina Karol was diagnosed with psoriasis, which she lives with to this day.

This disease is merciless. Its victims are people in different parts of the world. Children and old people are horrified to discover psoriatic plaques on their elbows and head, knees and stomach. The first question that a person in despair usually asks himself in such a case is: why did I get sick? Not only patients, but also doctors do not know the answer. But a huge list of stars and famous people who suffer from psoriasis has been compiled. Read about their lives and try to change your attitude towards the disease. It made some stronger, more assertive. This is not a sentence. This is a small mark of nature that makes a person special, so he should not hide from people, he must respect himself and love.

Famous people with psoriasis

This is one of the most mystical diseases. In ancient times it was called the imperial disease. It is not by chance that such a name appeared. Psoriasis was very common among famous people, although they did not always talk about it publicly. But they were marked by fate, but were able not to dwell on the disease, but to achieve success in life.

Robert Bruce one of the most famous fighters for Scottish independence. The king did a lot for his country. He was not despised in society because he had a diseased body covered with psoriatic rashes.

Millionaires are not always in excellent health. An example of this is Rockefeller suffering from psoriasis. He was the first in the world to increase his fortune to an unimaginable figure ($1 billion), but found himself helpless in the face of illness. Rockefeller established a prize and promised it to anyone who would find a cure for the insidious disease. Money still cannot find its owner, although many remedies guarantee 100% relief from the disease.

“We have implemented a national Russian development that can get rid of the cause of psoriasis and destroy the disease itself in a few weeks. "

Churchill, who promised to erect a monument of pure gold to the one who would overcome psoriasis, also suffered from the disease. The Nobel Prize-winning politician was an outstanding figure for his country, but he was so tired of fighting an illness that prevented him from working at his full capacity.

Impregnable, cruel, great Joseph Stalin I also knew what psoriasis was on the body. The dictator could do anything. However, he was powerless against the skin disease. Perhaps it was sent to him for the aggression and despotism that he showed towards people?

Psoriasis in Russian and foreign celebrities

The stars take the stage and it seems to everyone that their lives are free from illness and misfortune. But this is not always the case.

I have been suffering from psoriasis for many years now. Cameron Diaz. Her disease manifests itself under the knees and on the elbows. The film actress and model leads an active lifestyle. She is successfully removed. For her services she received an Oscar and a number of other awards. Its demand does not decrease due to the fact that psoriatic spots are sometimes very noticeable.

Britney Spears I got psoriasis a long time ago, but at first I didn’t pay attention to it. Over the years, scaly patches have become increasingly visible on her ankles. They are also on Britney's feet. The singer notes that her frequent relapses of the disease are most likely associated with the fast-paced lifestyle that she has to lead and the stress present in the life of a star.

The model feels happy and successful Kim Kardashian, despite the fact that she was also included in the list of patients with the imperial disease, which she inherited from her mother. Everything is great in her life. She achieved success not only in her work, but also managed to find love and give birth to a child. Looking at the photo of this beauty (at the top of the page), I don’t want to believe that her skin is periodically covered with terrible plaques.

Speaking about psoriasis in stars and celebrities, one cannot fail to mention CaryDee English. This girl declared herself as a successful actress. She is also a model and hosts the show Pretty Wicked. The skin disease has been present in her life for more than 15 years. About 70% of the body during exacerbations is covered with scales and red spots, as in the photo. She has become a spokesperson for the National Psoriasis Foundation and talks to people about how to live without feeling cursed by having this disease.

English celebrity Cara Delevingne I also have psoriasis. The model works a lot, she often appears on the catwalk with spots on her legs, but the audience still adores her. The model is sure that salvation from the disease has not been found, but you can help yourself with rest. As soon as an exacerbation begins, you need to go on vacation. A complete lack of stress, the sea, and fresh air quickly defeat the disease, albeit temporarily.

Did you have psoriasis? Oleg Gazmanov, remains a mystery. However, there are many stories online that he was able to overcome his illness with the help of Dyusupov’s disks. Gazmanov shares this with the audience in one of the episodes of the program “Let Them Talk,” where he tells the audience and A. Malakhov how he managed to overcome the disease.

Tina Karol gained enormous popularity after Eurovision 2006 and New Wave. However, wild success brought not only fame. Articles compromising the singer began to appear in the press. Fame and dirty gossip went hand in hand. She could not stand it, stress and depression began. As a result, Tina Karol was diagnosed with psoriasis, which she lives with to this day.

Elena Malysheva: “How did I manage to defeat psoriasis at home in 1 week, without leaving the couch?!”

Which celebrities have psoriasis?

Not only ordinary people, but also celebrities suffer from psoriasis. Foreign stars are not ashamed of this disease. Ordinary people who have received a diagnosis of psoriasis begin to worry greatly about this, leading the disease to a state of exacerbation. To calm down, just find out which celebrities suffer from psoriasis.

It turns out there are a lot of them. These people are constantly on public display; it is difficult for them to hide their illness. But no one suffers from an inferiority complex because of this.

Politicians and businessmen

Not many people know that celebrities with psoriasis are famous public figures and industrial tycoons. Among ancient politicians, the Roman general Sulla suffered from this disease.

The most famous businessmen were Henry Ford and John Rockefeller, and among the politicians:

  • Stalin,
  • Churchill,
  • Franklin.
  • Neither money nor power helped them overcome the disease. However, only a small number of people from their immediate circle knew about their illness.

    The misfortune did not spare creative people either. If we talk about which celebrities suffer from psoriasis, we need to mention Vladimir Nabokov, a well-known writer, translator, entomologist, as well as the American writer J. Updike and the producer of the film “Vidocq” Dominique Farrugia.

    When political celebrities have psoriasis, it is inconvenient and uncomfortable, but when it appears on a fashion model, who, due to her profession, must periodically show naked parts of her body, it is simply a disaster.

    But this is at first glance. It turns out that many star models who suffer from psoriasis manage to make a dizzying career.

    These include:

    Successful fashion model Kim Kardashian, who inherited the disease from her mother.

    English model Cara Delevingne, who often appears on the catwalk with psoriasis plaques on her legs.

    American model and actress Cameron Diaz, who has elbow and knee psoriasis.

    American Carey Dee English, winner of the reality show “America’s Next Top Model.”

    During periods of relapse, beauties prefer to relax on the sea coast or at a resort with healing springs and mud. Yes, celebrities have this disease, but they don't make a tragedy out of it.

    Looking at their half-naked bodies, it is difficult to imagine psoriasis spots covered with scales, however, they periodically appear.

    Many people have recently been talking about Gazmanov’s illness, but this version remains unconfirmed.

    But it is known for sure that the following celebrities are on the list of stars suffering from psoriasis:

  • Tina Karol, Ukrainian singer, winner of Eurovision 2006.
  • Leigh Anne Rimes, country music singer.
  • Emmy Whitehouse, composer and singer from England.
  • Tom Waits, actor, composer and performer.
  • Britney Spears, singer and actress.
  • It follows from this that celebrities with psoriasis do not give up on their careers and dreams, do not run away from people, hiding from prying eyes.

    On the contrary, they calmly, even demonstratively show stains from the stage, podium, podium, without worrying about it at all.

    It has long been known that psoriasis can only be suppressed temporarily. However, the duration of remission will be facilitated by the regimen and diet. It is the right lifestyle that famous people lack.

    Realizing this, they prioritize quiet rest, proper nutrition and healthy, restful sleep in treatment. The main thing, most stars believe, is to be less nervous.

    Famous people with psoriasis

    Description and features of psoriasis

    One of the unpleasant diseases that causes discomfort and in some cases leads to moral and mental disorder is psoriasis. Despite the fact that the disease has existed for a long time, doctors still cannot explain the exact reason for its formation and development. The same can be said that there is no effective drug that would completely cure psoriasis and permanently eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease.

    In general, psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by a monomorphic rash. Psoriasis manifests itself in the form of flat papules of different sizes, which are small at first, and subsequently increase in size and merge into large pink or reddish sores, covered with white scales. In addition to the skin, nails, joints and even the mucous membrane can be affected.

    The reasons for the development of psoriasis are the following main factors:

  • congenital predisposition;
  • heredity;
  • nervous tension;
  • stress and depression;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.
  • As noted above, the problem of psoriasis has been around for a long time. This disease is common not only to ordinary people, but also to celebrities in various fields and fields of activity. However, famous people still cannot find an answer to the question “how to treat psoriasis”.

    Celebrities with psoriasis

    For the first time, the disease psoriasis affected Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138 BC), a famous emperor, was a military leader, famous for his statesman, dictator, government reformer, and also the organizer of bloody proscriptions. He was called a cruel tyrant, and maybe that’s why he was able to conquer the Eternal City by force. Second place goes to Robert the Bruce (July 11, 1274 - June 7, 1329) - King of Scotland and one of the greatest monarchs, was the organizer of the defense of Scotland at the beginning war in the struggle for independence against England and acted as the founder of the royal dynasty of the Bruces. At that time, healers and healers, just like now, could not find an effective remedy for treating the disease.

    Benjamin Franklin (01/17/06/04/17/1790) is a famous politician, scientist, diplomat, publisher, journalist and inventor. He was one of the leaders of the war for the independence of the United States of America. He suffered from psoriasis in the same way as previous figures.

    John Rockefeller is one of the famous American entrepreneurs, was a billionaire, famous for philanthropy, one of the richest personalities in US history. He was one of the founders of the Rockefeller Foundation, donated a huge amount for such activities as: the implementation and conduct of medical research (the fight against yellow fever), education. Founded the University of Chicago and Rockefeller University. John Rockefeller suffered from psoriasis for many years and all this time he tried to get rid of the disease that caused him discomfort. However, specialists and doctors of that time could not help this rich man get rid of psoriasis. However, he established a special prize for anyone who can develop a unique remedy and save him from this rather unpleasant disease. However, such a drug has not yet been invented.

    Henry Ford is one of the famous industrialists, the owner of the Ford Motor Company, a plant for the production of FORD cars. He dreamed and strived to release the ideal model of “a car for everyone.” He realized his dream, and even the disease psoriasis from which he suffered did not prevent him from doing this.

    Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich - famous political, state, party and military figure of the USSR. He held the position of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, was Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, People's Commissar of the Armed Forces and Defense of the USSR, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and State Control of the RSFSR. During all the years of his reign and activities, illness always accompanied him. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort caused by the disease, Stalin did not stop moving towards his intended goal.

    Vladimir Nabokov was known as a Russian and at the same time American writer, poet, translator, entomologist, and remarkable literary critic. He lived, created, and strived for perfection, despite his illness, which accompanied him until the end of his days.

    Celebrities with psoriasis

    Psoriasis in stars manifests itself in the same way as in everyone else. The symptoms of the disease are no different, and the disease itself cannot be cured in any way. The only help in treating psoriasis in stars is various creams and products that somehow help temporarily hide or eliminate the factors and symptoms of this disease.

    On television and cinema screens, we are accustomed to seeing Hollywood stars in all their glory, and sometimes it seems to us that these people do not have any illnesses, sufferings or diseases. However, this is our erroneous opinion. Stars, just like everyone else, get sick and suffer, including from psoriasis.

    Cameron Diaz is a Hollywood star, a popular actress, an American model who has received numerous awards and awards, has starred in famous films, and suffers from psoriasis. This became known only recently, but the actress is not worried at all, since in any case she remains a sought-after actress. However, the actress's disease manifests itself on the elbows and under the knees - the most prominent places.

    Tina Karol, a singer from Ukraine, one of the Eurovision participants in 2006, also suffers from psoriasis. However, this does not in the least prevent the singer from enjoying life, since she has been happily married for three years.

    Britney Spears - relatively recently, sensational news was published that the young and famous American singer Britney Spears has long suffered from psoriasis. Previously, the actress tried not to pay much attention to the disease, since the symptoms did not bother her very much. However, now psoriasis worries the singer much more and is progressing. The singer attributes her situation to constant stress. Britney's psoriasis appears on her feet and ankles, and it is almost impossible to hide these places from view.

    CariDee English, an American model, is also a victim of psoriasis. Photos of her recently came out showing much of her stunning body being affected by psoriasis. At least the model is not at all sad and claims that psoriasis is not a disease.

    Kim Kardashian is an American actress and model, socialite, presenter, and participant in the TV show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” Today she is one of the sought-after and famous actresses in Hollywood. As Kim admits, the disease was inherited from her mother, who also suffers from psoriasis. However, the actress is not at all worried and continues to pursue her dream - to win the heart of everyone.

    As can be seen from the description, no disease chooses people; it can affect anyone, despite his position and place in society. The same can be said about psoriasis. The disease affects famous people, figures, stars and celebrities. However, famous people with psoriasis fight their illness whenever possible and continue to pursue their dreams, enjoying life.

    Famous people with psoriasis

    Many people who are diagnosed with psoriasis for the first time succumb to panic, thereby further provoking psoriatic manifestations. Every patient should know that psoriatic disease is not a death sentence; in addition, many celebrities suffer from psoriasis without suffering from inferiority complexes at all.

    No one doubts that psoriatic disease requires serious treatment. Psoriasis affects all groups of patients, including the elderly and children. Before starting treatment, anamnestic data and a hereditary factor are identified (whether there are those in the family who suffered from psoriatic disease) and only after a complete examination of the symptoms and causes of the disease is the patient prescribed adequate antipsoriatic therapy.

    Psoriasis has long been a mystery to many healers and scientists. People around them treated patients with caution, considering psoriatic manifestations to be a sign of higher powers. No disease acts selectively on specific people, including psoriasis; many of those who suffer from psoriatic manifestations stubbornly fight it, continuing to enjoy life.

    Among the most famous people suffering from psoriatic diseases are the following individuals:

    Famous people who were ill in the past

  • He became famous for his state reforms and bloody conquests. Sulla was not at all ashamed of his psoriatic disease and called it “the disease of emperors,” classifying himself as a member of the privileged caste.
  • In second place for psoriatic disease among famous personalities is the greatest monarch, the Scottish king from the Bruce dynasty, who fought for the independence of his country from England, Robert the Bruce. In those days, doctors did not know how to treat psoriasis, and the king’s disease took a severe form. However, the monarch died of leprosy (leprosy), not psoriasis, in 1329.
  • Benjamin Franklin, who was a diplomat, politician, famous scientist, journalist, inventor and publisher, also suffered from psoriasis. This outstanding person left a bright mark on himself as a comprehensively developed personality, despite the fact that psoriatic disease accompanied him all his life.
  • Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England, suffered from psoriatic manifestations from an early age and, despairing of ever getting rid of this disease, promised to erect a golden monument to a person who could cure this disease.
  • Those who were diagnosed with psoriasis include the famous American entrepreneur, billionaire and famous philanthropist - John Rockefeller. He was a patron of much medical research, such as the development of drugs to treat yellow fever. Rockefeller became the founder of the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller University and his own monetary Foundation. The billionaire suffered from psoriatic manifestations throughout his life, trying with all his might to get rid of them, but in vain. At that time, none of the doctors had sufficient knowledge to help him with this. Desperate, he promised anyone who found a way to get rid of psoriasis a large monetary reward. To date, no one has received this award.
  • One of the famous personalities who had this disease throughout his life was the famous industrial magnate, owner of the Ford Motor Company factories producing cars. Ford dreamed of releasing an “absolute” car model, accessible to all segments of the population. He went to achieve this goal, no matter what, including psoriasis. Many historians believe that the “secret” of Henry Ford’s vital activity was his special attitude towards ordinary people. It was at Henry Ford's enterprises that an 8-hour work shift, a 6-day schedule, days off and paid vacation were introduced. In addition, he introduced additional financial rewards for non-drinking and non-smoking employees, thereby encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to this approach, there was no turnover at the Ford plant and product quality increased dramatically.
  • The most prominent personality with psoriatic manifestations, whom the whole world knows, was I.V. Stalin is a famous politician, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the USSR. Despite numerous controversies about this man, his biography and life evoke conflicting feelings among many biographers. However, few people know that throughout his life Stalin suffered from psoriasis, which did not prevent him from maintaining vital activity. Of course, the figure of Stalin gives rise to many contradictions. For example, from a feature film about E.I. Chazov (personal physician of many rulers of the USSR), with the title “Medical Secret. Kremlin Doctor" viewers are provided with information that I.V. In 1938, Stalin shot the famous professor Kazakov, who unsuccessfully tried to treat his psoriasis. It’s hard to believe, but the very fact that Stalin suffered from psoriatic manifestations has indeed been confirmed.
  • The list of patients with psoriasis also includes the famous writer, poet, entomologist and translator V. Nabokov. Despite his illness, he wrote wonderful things that are enjoyed by many readers in modern society. Biographers claim that the writer had a severe psoriatic form of the disease, with periodic exacerbations. During one of these psoriatic attacks, he wrote to his wife that he was undergoing ultraviolet radiation every day and felt much better than before the start of treatment, when he was visited by thoughts of suicide from unbearable suffering.
  • Alexander Men, an archpriest of the Orthodox Russian Church, theologian, preacher and author of numerous books on Christian doctrine, had psoriatic disease. Unfortunately, his life was short, and he died at the hands of a maddened criminal, but many people remembered him as a bright personality.
  • Among the celebrities with psoriatic manifestations is the American writer John Updike, who in his novel “Centaur” described the suffering of the main character from psoriasis. In addition, in his literary work “Self-Consciousness,” D. Updike highlighted a whole section on psoriatic manifestations, which he called “At War with Your Own Skin.”
  • Celebrities with psoriasis today

    • In addition to politicians and writers, many movie stars suffer from psoriatic disease, but this does not prevent them from enjoying the popularity and love of viewers. For example, Cameron Diaz, an American popular model and actress who has won many awards in cinema, has been suffering from psoriatic rashes on her knees and palms for a long time. However, this did not stop her from being one of the most popular film actresses and simply a beautiful woman.
    • Recently, the public was struck by the news about the psoriatic disease of the famous and beloved American singer Britney Spears. The singer did not attach serious importance to this disease, but recently it has begun to progress, which Britney attributes to stressful situations. The star's symptoms of psoriatic disease are characteristic, affecting the ankles and feet. The singer regularly undergoes treatment for psoriasis and tries to control her disease.
  • Psoriatic disease is also present in the top American model Caridi English. Not so long ago, a glossy magazine published her photographs, in which the body of a beautiful girl is covered with psoriatic plaques. However, for the model this disease does not pose a problem, since in her opinion, psoriasis is not a disease, but just an individual characteristic of the body.
  • Among those who are familiar with this insidious disease first-hand is the popular singer from Ukraine Tina Karol, who participated in Eurovision 2006. Despite everything, psoriatic disease did not prevent her from becoming popular, finding happiness in marriage and fully enjoying life.
  • Few people know that the famous TV show host and fashion model Kim Kardashian has been suffering from psoriasis for quite a long time, which was passed on to her from her mother. However, Kim does not focus on psoriatic disease and confidently moves towards her goal. Today, Kim Kardashian is the most sought-after actress and model in Hollywood.
  • All of them, despite the incurability of psoriatic disease, are quite successful. This allows us to assert that psoriatic manifestations in no way can interfere with a successful career and a happy family life.

    How stars cope with psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a merciless disease, and not only ordinary people, but also celebrities can get it. According to statistics, psoriasis affects from 1% to 8% of the world’s inhabitants, so it’s not surprising that there are many celebrities among the patients. It is reliably known that the following famous celebrities suffer from psoriasis:

    1. Cameron Diaz.
    2. Britney Spears.
    3. Tina Karol.
    4. Kara Deleville.
    5. Kim Kardashian.
    6. Caridy English.

    The most amazing thing is that the skin condition of these people is excellent, as if they were not sick at all. Using their example, you can see what high-quality dermatological care and a responsible attitude towards one’s health can provide. Anyone can get this result if they follow the recommendations of their doctor.

    Caridy English doesn't give up hope

    Caridy English, like many other psoriatic sufferers, learned of her diagnosis as a teenager. Since the age of 15, she has been fighting against an incurable disease and only periodically manages to stabilize her condition. During the period of exacerbation of the pathology, the celebrity’s body is almost completely covered with scaly plaques. Despite this, the actress is full of vitality. Caridi reaches new professional heights and takes an active part in public life. The actress recently gave birth to a child who has no symptoms of the disease. Caridi recommends that all people facing psoriasis not lose their will and passion, fight the problem, and stay positive.

    Cara Delevingne treats psoriasis

    English celebrity Cara Delevingne has suffered from psoriasis for many years. The popular and sought-after model Cara Delevingne often appears on the catwalk with a rash on her slender legs. However, she remains a favorite and idol of the crowd, always greeted with warmth and admiration. In recent years, Cara Delevingne has become a real idol for many young girls.

    Kara says that her disease is incurable, but she helps herself to maintain good skin condition with a vacation to the Dead Sea and with the help of quality medications. They often relax together with Tina Karol. Cara Delevingne uses medicinal cosmetics constantly, this is her main prevention of relapse. Even in the busy rhythm of photo shoots and castings, Cara Delevingne does not forget about proper nutrition. No patient with psoriasis, even if she is a model, should go hungry or eat junk food.

    Cameron Diaz does not hide his diagnosis

    The bright representative of the stars Cameron Diaz has been suffering from psoriasis for many years. Her rash is localized under the knee joints and in the elbow area - anyone can see it. The star often wears revealing outfits and is not shy about her skin. Despite the cosmetic defect, the film actress successfully films. The fact that she won an Oscar proves that society does not treat people with psoriasis so badly.

    The actress gives advice for people who are sick: in her opinion, positive emotions are the best treatment.

    Britney Spears vs psoriasis

    The representative of the world of stars fell ill for a long time, but at first she did not pay any attention to the skin rash. Over the years, the star's ankles became increasingly covered in rashes. Spears notices periodic exacerbations and believes that this is due to many stressful situations and a fast-paced lifestyle. There are many publications in the press on this subject, but not a single dermatologist has unequivocally confirmed her diagnosis.

    Does Kim Kardashian also have psoriasis?

    The star Kim Kardashian feels beautiful and delightful; in every photo she smiles at her fans. Despite the fact that the star was diagnosed with psoriasis, she does not lose her zest for life. Kim inherited the disease from her mother, like many other victims of genetic pathology.

    A beautiful, confident lady who takes her health very seriously. She promptly stops exacerbations, tries to avoid stress, leads a healthy lifestyle, and has given up smoking and alcohol. Kim's skin condition is simply excellent, if not for her mother's revelations, no one would have suspected psoriasis.

    It is important to understand that anyone can get sick, no matter whether it is a famous person or not. Patients should not despair, because the example of celebrities clearly shows that competent prevention gives excellent results.

    Psoriasis also affects celebrities!

    Psoriasis occurs in celebrities with the same frequency as in ordinary people. Despite the aura of idealization and impeccability that often hovers around celebrities, nothing human is alien to them, including illness. Although a skin disease can greatly darken life, many successful people, despite difficulties, have become shining examples of the fact that an incurable pathology is not a death sentence.

    Great People Suffering from Psoriasis

    This is a disease that has been affecting people from completely different walks of life for several centuries, regardless of rank and service to the state.

    The first mention of psoriasis was about Lucius Cornelius Sulla, an emperor who lived before our era. This was a great military leader - he was the first Roman who managed to capture the Eternal City twice. He organized bloody proscriptions and was a reformer of government. For posterity, he remained in memory as a formidable dictator and cruel tyrant who voluntarily renounced unlimited power.

    It is also known that King Robert the Bruce of Scotland, who ruled in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, could not get rid of this illness. The best healers of that time tried to save him from the disease, but nothing worked. Unfortunately, modern specialists cannot boast of success in the treatment of psoriasis.

    Benjamin Franklin was a truly great man who left his mark on history. He fought for the independence of the United States, was an inventor, and a politician, despite the illness that tormented him.

    Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill, who did a lot during the Second World War to defeat fascism, suffered from psoriasis since childhood. There is even a legend that he promised to erect a golden monument to the one who would find a cure for the harmful disease. Judging by the fact that there was no golden monument in Great Britain, no one managed to find a panacea for psoriasis.

    The world-famous American entrepreneur John Rockefeller was one of the richest people in American history. He donated a lot of money to research into the treatment of various diseases, including psoriasis, which he struggled with all his life. Unfortunately, no one was able to help the billionaire.

    Interesting! He established a special award for the first developer of a cure for the disease, but the award has not yet been presented to anyone.

    One of the brightest personalities in Russian history, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the USSR, could not get rid of the disease all his life. This is a little known but confirmed fact. Many famous scientists tried to help him with this problem, but all to no avail.

    The owner of the multimillion-dollar automobile company Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, suffered from psoriasis, but was able to achieve incredible success despite everything.

    Vladimir Nabokov was a unique artist, a professor, whose lectures are read even several decades after his death. Extremely serious manifestations were sometimes unbearable to the point that he contemplated death. After irradiation with ultraviolet rays, his severe form of psoriasis began to torment the writer less.

    Of the great patients, John Updike is especially interesting. The writer described all the suffering from psoriatic manifestations in his novel “Centaur,” where the main character was ill. Also in the book “Self-Awareness” he highlighted an entire part where he described all the details of his illness; the section was given the strong title “At War with Your Own Skin.”

    Fact! Indeed, these people were at war with their own bodies, but at the same time they continued to live full lives and did much greater things than their healthy contemporaries.

    Disease in our time

    Despite the fact that medicine is moving forward, the manifestations of psoriasis cannot be reduced. It's hard to realize that numerous plaques appear on your body - this can greatly lower your self-esteem. But foreign and Russian celebrities live with psoriasis and show by their example that nothing can interfere with a normal, happy existence with this disease. And patients with psoriasis find new strength in themselves to fight the disease.

    Foreign celebrities with psoriasis

    The famous American actress Cameron Diaz does not limit herself because of rashes on her knees and palms. She actively acts in films, receives awards for this, and is a fashion model.

    Not long ago, Britney Spears, a famous American actress, told the world about her problems. The disease began to manifest itself more and more due to stress on the lower part of the legs. The singer is trying to fight her disease by undergoing various procedures.

    American model Carey English has an interesting relationship with psoriasis, which affects her body in many places. She believes that this is not a flaw, but her unique feature, which she does not want to hide.

    For reference! She even has a number of photographs confirming that her body is almost 60% covered with red plaques. In addition, she is a representative of the National Psoriasis Foundation, providing moral support to people who are just faced with this disease.

    The famous presenter Kim Kardashian inherited psoriasis from her mother. She tries to reduce stress in her life, switched to proper nutrition, giving up alcohol and smoking. This does not stop her from being one of the richest and most famous personalities in Hollywood.

    The English model and actress Cara Delevingne, who has become very popular, suffers from an illness, but does not hide it, but continues to appear on the catwalk with noticeable papules. The girl believes that the best treatment for illness is rest; you need to reduce stress by getting proper rest. This way the relapse goes away much faster, but it still comes back afterwards. Of course, she does not forget about proper nutrition; under no circumstances should she eat junk food or go hungry.

    Russian stars suffering from psoriasis

    There is very little information about patients with psoriasis represented by domestic stars. It is not completely known whether Oleg Gazmanov has psoriasis, but the singer himself shared with the audience of “Let Them Talk” about how he fought this disease and what helped him.

    Ukrainian singer Tina Korol, who participated in New Wave and Eurovision 2006, also suffers from psoriatic manifestations. She started having them due to numerous stress and depression, but she is struggling with her illness in every possible way. The singer is now happily married.

    Life does not end because of an incurable and annoying disease. You can achieve amazing success with numerous skin rashes. Nothing can ever stop a person moving towards his goal - famous people with psoriasis are a vivid example of this.

    Psoriasis in celebrities

    Diseases do not select people by status or age. So is psoriasis - anyone can get it, even big celebrities, and no amount of money can help them get rid of it, since, unfortunately, scientists have not yet found a way to treat this disease. Nevertheless, many people find the strength to live fully, achieve great success and worldwide fame.

    Among them are such outstanding personalities:

    • Winston Churchill- British politician and statesman, Prime Minister of Great Britain. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and an honorary member of the British Academy. He did a lot to end the Second World War.
    • Benjamin Franklin- politician and diplomat, excellent inventor and scientist, publisher and journalist. History remembers him not only as a signer of the American Constitution, but also as the “face” of the $100 bill.
    • Robert Bruce- Scottish king of the 19th century, who went down in history as one of the ardent champions of the independence of his country.
    • CaryDee English- American model. She recently showed her photographs in which 70% of her beautiful figure was affected by psoriasis, and said that people should not hide psoriasis from society, because it is not just a disease, it is a personal characteristic of everyone, and others need to learn to accept those suffering from this disease just the way they are.
    • Lucius Cornelius Sulla- Ancient Roman statesman, emperor, military leader. The first Roman to capture the Eternal City.
    • John Rockefeller- American entrepreneur, the first “dollar” billionaire in human history, philanthropist.
    • Henry Ford- American industrialist, owner of the Ford Motor Company - factories for the production of FORD cars. His dream was to make “a car for everyone,” and illness did not stop him from realizing it.
    • Cameron Diaz- American actress, model. She fell ill recently when she was already famous, but still remains a sought-after actress of our time.
    • Tina Karol- Ukrainian singer, Eurovision participant in 2006. She has been happily married for three years, and she and her husband are building their own country estate.
    • Vladimir Nabokov- Russian and American writer, translator, poet, entomologist, excellent literary critic. He lived and worked despite his illness.
    • Kim Kardashian- American fashion model, actress, socialite. Today she is one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood. As we see, beautiful and talented people have lived and are living at all times, whom illness could not stop on their way to their dreams.

    Psoriasis in celebrities is quite common. It is believed that it occurs against a background of weakened immunity, stress, poor nutrition, and after illness.

    The listed factors make up the lifestyle of most stars. A busy work schedule, constant travel and lack of rest negatively affect the functioning of the immune system. We are used to seeing our idols on TV screens, and they seem perfect to us. Their appearance is so perfect that it doesn’t even occur to us that any of them might suffer from some serious diseases. However, this same psoriasis is often hidden under layers of makeup. Which celebrities suffer from it?

    Imperial disease

    Psoriasis is popularly called imperial disease. Indeed, many politicians and the richest people on the planet were and are suffering from this disease to this day. An example would be John Rockefeller- representative of the richest family on the planet. He offered a generous reward for a drug that would cure psoriasis forever. Hundreds of doctors have offered various methods, creams, ointments and tablets, but an effective remedy has not yet been found.

    Rockefeller is not the only one who decided to offer a reward for a cure. Winston Churchill, suffering from psoriasis, also motivated doctors to search for the treasured cure. He even proposed to erect a golden monument to this doctor during his lifetime, but no one deserved the monument. Churchill was a great man and played a big role in world history, but the constant struggle with psoriasis took away his time and energy, which he could have used much more productively.

    The insidious disease did not spare the great Russian leader either. Joseph Stalin. Psoriasis affected his body at an early age and he suffered throughout his life trying to overcome this disease. Maybe his cruel and despotic disposition was due to the presence of psoriasis? Who knows how this disease affected his mental development, and therefore the fate of thousands of people and world history.

    Celebrities with psoriasis

    Famous Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz I have been suffering from psoriasis for many years. The disease affects the most visible places - under the kneecaps, on the bends of the elbows. However, the constantly recurring disease does not prevent her from living. She actively takes part in the filming of famous world bestsellers, for which she has already received an Oscar. Many producers invite her to star in their films, despite her very noticeable illness.

    Psoriasis Cara Delevingne did not ruin the career of this famous model. She is the idol of millions of women and constantly participates in fashion shows. Psoriasis appears annually on her legs. But despite this, she goes on the catwalk even when her clothes do not hide the red spots. This may seem disgusting to some, but Kara’s fans are not decreasing.

    She has her own secret to fighting the disease. Every year, when plaques begin to appear, she takes a vacation and flies away to rest. Kara believes that only proper rest, sleep, sea water and sun can quickly cure psoriasis. And in no time at all, she is ready for work again. Yes, she has to adjust her entire life to a recurrent disease, but this does not prevent her from gaining more and more fame every year.

    Living with psoriasis on your ankles and feet Britney Spears. She has only had it for a few years. The star herself believes that she developed psoriasis as a result of a difficult lifestyle. Her body is sometimes too exhausted, and against the backdrop of a weakened immune system, the disease struck her down too.

    It is interesting that Britney often does not seem to pay attention to the scabbed areas of her legs and does not try to cover them with shoes or clothes. She was recorded more than once at various events at the time of relapse of psoriasis, and was not at all embarrassed about it, like many celebrities who suffer from psoriasis.

    Famous model Kim Kardashian I inherited psoriasis from my mother. Periodically, her skin becomes covered in terrible plaques and scabs. However, the disease did not prevent her from gaining worldwide fame as one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Her career is growing rapidly, Kim is one of the most sought-after models. She won the hearts of millions of men around the world. At the same time, Kardashian and psoriasis get along well together.

    The disease did not prevent her from entering into a happy marriage and giving birth to healthy children. It is not yet known for certain whether the daughter or son inherited a dangerous disease from their famous mother. There are rumors that daughter North West also suffers from psoriasis, but there is no clear evidence of this yet; perhaps these are just rumors that have surrounded the Kardashian family for the last few years.

    Caridy English– the famous actress, model and TV presenter has been suffering from psoriasis for more than 15 years. The form of her disease is very pronounced. Approximately 60% of her body is covered with red plaques of psoriasis and it is almost impossible to hide them with such a quantity. Of course, psoriasis manifests itself in this way only during an exacerbation period, approximately once a year. Carey has learned to live with this disease and now considers it her duty to help others learn to cope with the complexes that arise due to this disease. She tells how to continue living despite the fact that the body periodically becomes covered with scales and red plaques.

    Caridi joined the National Psoriasis Foundation and is now one of its main representatives. She provides moral support to everyone in need and helps to improve their lives, find work and love, if previously complexes prevented this from happening. To show by her example that psoriasis does not need to be hidden, she published a series of photographs that clearly show that almost the entire body is covered with spots.

    She became famous thanks to the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 and a participant in the New Wave project. Tina Karol also suffers from psoriasis. She developed the disease against a background of severe overload and stress. The celebrity could not cope with the fame that befell her, and at the same time, the stream of gossip, rumors and dirt that suddenly poured out on the star, taking to heart all the nasty things that envious people wrote about her on the Internet. And while also doing a busy tour, the singer developed psoriasis, which she now cannot cure. Now the beauty understands how important it is to take care of her health despite her rapid career advancement and all the hardships associated with it.

    Unfortunately, psoriasis in celebrities is quite common. During the period of exacerbation, our beloved idols suffer greatly from a terrible illness.

    Since ancient times, there have been myths that this is a special disease and that great people are really marked with it, but modern medicine believes otherwise.

    Perhaps psoriasis is caused by severe overload or weakening of the body, and that is why celebrities suffer from it so often. Medicine has not yet given a definite answer. It is unknown how treatment methods for this disease will develop; we can only hope for the best.

    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease accompanied by periodic rashes and mild itching. The disease is difficult to treat, so patients usually have to simply hide its unpleasant symptoms.

    The editors have compiled a selection of Russian and foreign stars who suffer from psoriasis.


    The Hollywood actress has been struggling with psoriasis for several years. The disease affects noticeable parts of the celebrity’s body - the kneecaps and elbows - but does not interfere with life. The actress continues to participate in the filming of best-selling books, won an Oscar and is popular with the most famous film producers.


    Model and actress Caridy English has suffered from psoriasis for many years. The form of the disease is complex. 60% of the beauty’s body is covered with red plaques; it is impossible to hide such a rash. Fortunately, the disease does not visit the model so often - once a year.

    English has learned to live with the disease and believes that she has an obligation to help others facing this problem. The actress said that psoriasis is not something to be ashamed of or hide.


    The Ukrainian singer developed psoriasis due to nervousness. Fame fell on the performer, and the woman could not cope with this stress. In addition, Karol took to heart untrue gossip about her in the press and society. Illnesses among stars attract more attention than among ordinary people, but Karol tries in every possible way to hide his illness.

    The English model often appears on the catwalk with a rash. Star psoriasis is often visible on the legs. Delevingne is in high demand, so she has to work in this state.

    At fashion shows, fashion models' outfits cannot always hide the rash. However, she has become an idol for young girls and is always greeted with warmth and admiration.

    The singer has been suffering from psoriasis for many years. Over time, the rashes became more frequent and began to affect the skin more than before. The artist attributes this to stressful situations related to work issues. Spears suffers from ankle pain, and it's almost impossible to hide.


    The model inherited the disease from her mother. The TV personality's photo sessions are often carried out in the nude, so she cannot hide the signs of the disease. Despite this, the star, who suffers from psoriasis, is successfully building a career.

    The socialite said that she tries to avoid certain foods that can cause aggravation. When it became known about Kardashian's psoriasis, fans were surprised.



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