Brief characteristics of ethanol. Is it possible to ingest medical alcohol without harm to health?

In 1985, with Gorbachev coming to power, the USSR began an active fight against alcoholism by limiting the sales of alcoholic beverages. As a result, people began to brew moonshine, drink various alcohol-containing liquids, even for technical purposes, and drink undiluted medical alcohol... In many cases, this led to catastrophic consequences for health and even life.

Sometimes you hear that it is dangerous to use, for example, methyl alcohol (methanol). But ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is relatively safe...

Several years ago, the book “Chemistry and Toxicology of Ethyl Alcohol” was published, written by a group of researchers led by the famous Russian toxicologist, Professor V.P. Necessary. It says that modern “Russian vodka,” which is a mixture of rectified water and water, is extremely toxic. In addition, the higher the degree of alcohol purification, the faster the drink becomes addictive.

Rectificate, unlike distillate, is not excreted from the body. First of all, quickly absorbed into the blood and penetrating into all organs, ethyl alcohol causes disturbances in the central nervous system. If we exceed the norm, then disruptions arise in the emotional sphere, perception of the surrounding world, problems with hearing, vision and orientation in space. At first the person becomes talkative and sociable, then he can become aggressive. We all know this well.

If you consume ethyl alcohol in excess of the norm, then signs of poisoning may appear - vomiting, confusion, fainting, bluish skin and hypothermia. Respiratory functions may be impaired, blood glucose levels may drop, liver damage and dehydration may occur... But this is not the worst thing. Ethyl alcohol poisoning can cause seizures, which can lead to the death of brain neurons and dementia. As a result of alcohol intoxication, death can occur - this is not so uncommon...

Long-term consumption of ethanol leads to cirrhosis of the liver, the development of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has also been proven that the main metabolite of ethanol, acetaldehyde, has carcinogenic properties and causes DNA mutations.

By the way, for reference, if you drink 400 grams of undiluted ethyl alcohol “at one time,” then in 30-50% of cases death will occur.

Ethyl alcohol can be recognized by its smell. However, it can only be distinguished in this way from substances that are very distant in structure. As for connections of one group with him, everything is more complicated. But this is also more interesting.

Composition and formula

Ethanol - and this is exactly what one of its official names sounds like - refers to simple alcohols. It is familiar to almost everyone under one name or another. Often it is simply called alcohol, sometimes the adjectives “ethyl” or “wine” are added; chemists can also call it methylcarbinol. But the essence is the same - C 2 H 5 OH. This formula is familiar, perhaps, to almost everyone since school days. And many people remember how similar this substance is to its closest relative - methanol. The only problem is that the latter is extremely toxic. But more on that later; first, it’s worth taking a closer look at ethanol.

By the way, in chemistry there are many similar terms, so do not confuse ethyl alcohol, for example, with ethylene. The latter is a colorless flammable gas and does not at all resemble a transparent liquid with a characteristic odor. There is also ethane gas, and its name is also similar to the name “ethanol”. But these are also completely different substances.

Methyl and ethyl

For many years, the problem of mass poisoning has remained relevant due to the impossibility of distinguishing two alcohols at home. Counterfeit alcohol, underground or simply low-quality production - all this increases the risk of poor cleaning and neglect of technological conditions.

All this is complicated by the fact that, in their basic properties, methyl and ethyl alcohols are almost identical substances, and a non-specialist without the necessary equipment simply cannot distinguish one from the other. Moreover, the lethal dose of methanol is 30 grams, whereas in the case of ordinary alcohol such a volume is completely safe for an adult. That is why, if you are not sure of the origin of the drink, it is better not to drink it.

Interestingly, the antidote for industrial alcohol is pure methanol. So, if you notice signs of acute poisoning, you need to administer the solution intravenously or take it orally. It is important not to confuse the state of methanol intoxication with ordinary strong alcohol intoxication or poisoning. In this case, as well as in case of poisoning with certain other substances, you should never take additional ethyl alcohol. The cost of a mistake can be very high.

Physical and chemical properties

Ethanol shares all the common characteristics and reactions of alcohols. It is colorless and has a characteristic taste and smell. Under normal conditions, it is liquid, turns into a solid form at a temperature of -114 o C, and boils at +78 degrees. The density of ethyl alcohol is 0.79. Mixes well with water, glycerin, benzene and many other substances. It evaporates easily, so it should be stored in well-closed containers. It itself is an excellent solvent and also has excellent antiseptic properties. Very flammable in both liquid and vapor states.

Ethanol is a psychoactive and narcotic substance and is included in all alcoholic beverages. The lethal dose for an adult is 300-400 milliliters of a 96% alcohol solution consumed within an hour. This figure is quite arbitrary, since it depends on a large number of factors. For children, 6-30 milliliters is enough. So ethanol is also a fairly effective poison. However, it is widely used because it has a number of unique properties that make it versatile.


There are several types of ethyl alcohol used for different purposes. They mainly reflect methods of obtaining a substance, but often talk about various processing methods.

Thus, the inscription on the package “Rectified ethyl alcohol” indicates that the contents have undergone special purification to remove impurities. It is quite difficult to completely clean it, for example, of water, but you can reduce its presence as much as possible.

Alcohol can also be denatured. In this case, the opposite is true: difficult-to-remove impurities are added to ethanol, making it unsuitable for internal consumption, but not complicating its use for its main purpose. As a rule, kerosene, acetone, methanol, etc. act as denatured alcohol.

In addition, a distinction is made between ethyl alcohol, medical alcohol, technical alcohol, and food alcohol. For each of these varieties there is a strict standard that provides certain criteria. But we'll talk about them a little later.

Among other things, the percentage of content is often indicated on the packaging. This is relevant, again, due to the fact that ethanol is difficult to completely purify from water, and usually there is no serious need for this.


The production of ethyl alcohol involves the use of one of three main methods: microbiological, synthetic or hydrolysis. In the first case, we are dealing with the fermentation process, in the second, as a rule, chemical reactions using acetylene or ethylene are involved, but the third speaks for itself. Each method has its pros and cons, difficulties and advantages.

First, let's look at ethyl alcohol, which is produced only for food purposes. For its production, only the fermentation method is used. During this process, grape sugar is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This method has been known since ancient times and is the most natural. But it also requires more time. In addition, the resulting substance is not pure alcohol and requires a fairly large number of processing and purification operations.

To obtain technical ethanol, fermentation is impractical, so producers resort to one of two options. The first of them is sulfate hydration of ethylene. It is performed in several stages, but there is a simpler method. The second option is direct hydration of ethylene in the presence of phosphoric acid. This reaction is reversible. However, both of these methods are also imperfect, and the resulting substance requires further processing.

Hydrolysis is a relatively new method that makes it possible to obtain ethyl alcohol from wood. To do this, the raw materials are crushed and treated with 2-5% sulfuric acid at a temperature of 100-170 degrees Celsius. This method allows you to obtain up to 200 liters of ethanol from 1 ton of wood. For various reasons, the hydrolysis method is not very popular in Europe, unlike the USA, where more and more factories are being opened that work on this principle.


All ethanol produced at the plants must meet certain standards. Each method of production and processing has its own, which indicates the main characteristics that the final product should have. A lot of properties are considered, for example, the content of impurities, the density of ethyl alcohol, and purpose. Each variety has its own standard.

For example, synthetic technical ethyl alcohol - GOST R 51999-2002 - is divided into two grades: first and highest. The obvious difference between the two is the ethanol volume fraction, which is 96% and 96.2% respectively. The standard indicates under this number both rectified and denatured ethyl alcohol intended for use in the perfume industry.

For a more prosaic purpose - use as a solvent - there is its own GOST: R 52574-2006. Here we are talking only about denatured alcohol with different volume fractions of ethanol - 92.5% and 99%.

As for this type of food grade ethyl alcohol, GOST R 51652-2000 applies to it, and it has as many as 6 grades: first (96%), highest purity (96.2%), "Basi" (96%). ), "Extra" (96.3%), "Lux" (96.3%) and "Alpha" (96.3%). Here we are talking primarily about raw materials and some other complex indicators. For example, the Alpha brand product is produced only from wheat, rye or a mixture of them.

Until now, many people draw, so to speak, parallels between two concepts: ethyl alcohol - GOST 18300-87, which was adopted back in the USSR. This standard has long lost force, which, however, does not prevent production from being built in accordance with it to this day.


It is perhaps difficult to find a substance that has such wide application. Ethyl alcohol is used in one way or another in many industries.

First of all, this is the food industry. A wide variety of alcoholic drinks - from wines and liqueurs to whiskey, vodka and cognac - contain the mentioned alcohol. But ethanol itself is not used in its pure form. The technology involves adding raw materials, for example, grape juice, and initiating the fermentation process, and the output is a finished product.

Another area of ​​wide application is medicine. Ethyl alcohol 95% is used most often in this case, because it has excellent antiseptic properties and also dissolves many substances, which allows it to be used to make effective tinctures, mixtures and other preparations. In addition, with various types of external use, it is capable of both effectively warming and cooling the body. By applying it to the skin, you can quickly reduce your high body temperature by a degree to one and a half degrees. Conversely, vigorous rubbing will help warm you up. In addition, when storing anatomical preparations, ethyl alcohol is also used.

Of course, another area of ​​application is technology, chemistry and everything connected with it. We are talking about paint coatings, solvents, cleaners, etc. In addition, ethanol is used in the industrial production of many substances or is a raw material for them (diethyl ether, tetraethyl pork, acetic acid, chloroform, ethylene, rubber and many others). Technical ethyl alcohol, of course, is completely unsuitable for food, even if it is purified.

Of course, in all these cases we are talking about completely different varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. Thus, rectified food grade ethyl alcohol is unlikely to be used for technical purposes, especially since it is subject to excise tax, which means its cost is much higher compared to unrefined alcohol. However, pricing will be discussed separately.

Application in new technologies

In recent years, there has been increasing talk about the use of ethanol as fuel. This approach has its opponents and supporters, and this is especially often discussed in the United States. The fact is that American farmers traditionally grow a lot of corn, which theoretically can serve as an excellent raw material for producing ethyl alcohol. The price of such fuel will definitely be lower than the cost of gasoline. This option removes the issue of dependence of many countries on oil supplies and energy prices, because alcohol production can be located anywhere. In addition, it is safer from an environmental point of view. However, we can already see the use of ethanol in this capacity, but on a much smaller scale. These are alcohol lamps - special chemical heaters, home mini-fireplaces, as well as many other devices.

This could be a truly promising area of ​​work in the search for alternative, renewable and fairly cheap energy sources. The problem for Russia here is mentality. Suffice it to say that the alcohol lanterns in Moscow did not last long - the workers who were engaged in their work simply drank the raw materials. And even if the fuel contains various impurities, it is unlikely that poisoning will be completely avoided. However, there are other reasons for the Russian Federation not to strive for such changes, since the transition to this type of energy threatens the country with a serious decrease in the volume of energy exports.

Effect on the human body

In the SanPin classification, ethanol belongs to class 4, that is, low-hazard substances. This, by the way, includes kerosene, ammonia, methane and some other elements. But this does not mean that you should not take alcohol lightly.

Ethyl alcohol, when ingested, seriously affects the central nervous system of all animals. It causes a condition called alcoholic intoxication, characterized by inappropriate behavior, inhibition of reactions, decreased susceptibility to various kinds of irritants, etc. At the same time, all blood vessels dilate, heat transfer increases, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent. In a state of slight intoxication, characteristic excitation is clearly visible, which, with increasing doses, is replaced by depression of the central nervous system. As a rule, drowsiness appears after this.

At higher doses, alcohol intoxication may occur, which seriously differs from the picture described earlier. The fact is that ethanol is a narcotic substance, but is not used as such, since effective euthanasia requires doses extremely close to those at which paralysis of vital centers occurs. The state of alcohol intoxication is exactly the point where a person can die without emergency assistance, which is why it is so important to distinguish this from intoxication. In this case, something like a coma is observed, breathing is rare and smells of alcohol, the pulse is rapid, the skin is pale and moist, and the body temperature is low. You should immediately seek medical help and also try to rinse your stomach.

Regular consumption of ethanol can cause addiction - alcoholism. It is characterized by changes and degradation of personality; various organ systems are also affected, primarily the liver. There is even a disease characteristic of “experienced” alcoholics - cirrhosis. In some cases, it even leads to the need for a transplant.

As for external use, ethyl alcohol irritates the skin, while at the same time being an effective antiseptic. It also thickens the epidermis, which is why it is used to treat bedsores and other injuries.

Implementation and its features

Standards are not the only thing those who produce ethyl alcohol deal with. The price of different varieties, brands and varieties varies greatly. And this is not without reason, because what is intended for consumption is an excisable product. The imposition of this additional tax makes the cost of the corresponding rectification noticeably higher. This allows, to a certain extent, to control the turnover of ethyl alcohol on sale, as well as the cost of alcoholic products.

By the way, this is also a substance subject to strict accounting. Since ethanol is used in the production of drugs, medical procedures, etc., it is stored in one form or another in pharmacies, hospitals, clinics and other institutions. However, this does not mean that by getting a job in the relevant specialty, you can easily and quietly obtain at least some amount of the substance for use. Ethyl alcohol is recorded using a special journal, and violation of the procedures is an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine. That the loss will be noticed in the shortest possible time.

What is ethyl alcohol, can you drink it? All alcoholic drinks are produced on the basis of this food alcohol. Wine alcohol, ethanol, methylcarbinol are other names for this drink.

Only ethanol can be used as a food product. Some mistakes can be very costly for anyone. Is it possible to drink ethyl alcohol 95%?

It is produced from plant materials by fermentation. As a rule, this absolute alcohol is distilled from fruits, potatoes or grains. It contains practically no water. This colorless, highly mobile liquid has a burning taste and characteristic odor.

However, it is impossible to buy pure ethanol in stores. Pure ethyl alcohol is offered for sale in pharmacies with prescriptions. When creating vodka, manufacturers dilute ethanol with distilled water. Cells of nerve structures are most sensitive to ethanol. This organic compound inhibits the activity of the central nervous system and is a strong depressant. Depending on the duration of exposure, concentration and dose, ethyl alcohol can have toxic and narcotic effects.

This flammable liquid is classified as a potent narcotic substance based on its pharmacological properties. The ethanol solution itself does not have carcinogenic properties, but the product of its metabolism is acetaldehyde. It is a mutagenic and toxic substance. It causes mutations in genetic material and provokes the development of oncology, since it has carcinogenic properties.

The benefits of ethanol

Can you drink ethanol? This alcohol is useful for the human body in small doses. You can only purchase ethyl alcohol 70% with a doctor's prescription.

This has a positive effect:

  • correction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevention of heart disease;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • promotes blood thinning.

In special cases, the most severe pain can be drowned out by the psychotropic effect of alcohol.

Methyl alcohol is dangerous. Only ethanol can be ingested. Methyl alcohol is used as a solvent in the paint and varnish and chemical industries. This poison has a detrimental effect on the vascular and nervous systems. Severe poisoning results from ingestion of 5–10 ml of methanol. Just 70 - 80 ml of methanol will lead to damage to the retina and optic nerve, and 110 - 130 ml is fatal.

It is important to promptly detect methyl alcohol in alcohol. How can you avoid drinking methanol if it tastes and smells no different from ethanol?

  1. To identify a dangerous liquid at home, you need to heat it over a gas burner and set it on fire. Then look at the color of the flame. Ethyl alcohol burns with a blue flame. A green flame is characteristic of methanol.
  2. You need to heat the copper wire well, and then lower it into a spoon with vodka. If it smells like rotten apples, it's ethyl alcohol. If it smells like formaldehyde, this vodka is made with methanol.

Harm of ethyl alcohol

What is the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body? The release of the hormone endorphin occurs as a result of the action of wine alcohol. This water-alcohol mixture, when used internally, has a sedative-hypnotic effect, which is expressed in the suppression of consciousness. Inhibition processes begin to predominate in the body.

A person who has taken a little alcohol understands and hears everything, but his reaction decreases. He is somewhat slow in his movements. In case of an overdose of ethanol, symptoms of alcoholic excitation first appear, and then inhibition of the central nervous system, a hypnotic effect, or stupor. There is a pathological effect of wine alcohol on the body.

Due to constant exposure to large amounts of ethanol, oxygen starvation. Brain cells die in large numbers. Memory weakens very quickly. Symptoms of insensitivity to pain occur. All organs and systems are affected by frequent alcohol consumption. Coma and severe ethyl alcohol poisoning occur with excessive consumption. Loss of potency is often observed in men. A person who drinks develops diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys.

This psychoactive substance can cause severe physical and psychological dependence. Often a person experiences uncontrollable drunkenness. Mental deformation is detected in an alcoholic in the final stages. Symptoms of personality degradation appear.

Drinks with ethyl alcohol

The medicine is tinctures of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks contain this substance. Food products that contain more than 1.5% ethanol are classified as alcoholic beverages. Russian sanitary rules define the requirements for alcoholic beverages. They must be safe and of high quality. These properties must be confirmed during the process of mandatory product certification.

Types of alcoholic drinks:

  1. Strong alcoholic drinks. Vodka, cognac, brandy, gin, whiskey, rum are strong drinks and contain 31 - 70% food alcohol. Liqueurs belong to the same group. These are balms, bitters, strong liqueurs. About 200 ml of pure ethanol is present in 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. Medium-alcohol drinks: strong beer, punches, creams, liqueurs, wines. Contains 9 - 30% ethanol.
  3. Low alcohol drinks. The ethyl alcohol content in malt drinks reaches 1.5 - 9%. As a rule, the ethyl alcohol content in beer varies from 3.5% to 5%. If you take alcoholic drinks containing ethanol in reasonable quantities, they will not cause harm to your health.

Alcohol for internal use

Pure 70% ethyl alcohol can be drunk, but it increases the degree of intoxication and severely irritates the throat. This can lead to the threat of severe ethyl alcohol poisoning. The alcoholic drink should be chosen correctly. If a person has an allergy, drinking beer may lead to a negative reaction to its herbal components.

Different alcoholic drinks should not be mixed. Ethyl alcohol poisoning often occurs, which will result in a severe hangover. Drink alcohol slowly. Monitor and limit the amount of alcohol you drink. If about 5 g/l or more of alcohol is found in the blood, this is a lethal dose of ethanol.

Do not drive after drinking any amount of ethanol. The ability to think rationally under the influence of alcohol deteriorates, so think about how to safely return home in advance. The lethal dose is 12 g of ethanol per 1 kg of body weight. Taking such a dose of ethanol is dangerous. Signs of severe intoxication appear. There is a threat of death. In case of intoxication with ethyl alcohol, emergency medical care is required.

What kind of alcohol can you drink and what kind can you not? Methyl alcohol is very dangerous. At home, it is difficult to distinguish the colorless poisonous liquid from ethanol. Ethanol can be drunk in small quantities. It may be of some benefit. However, if you go beyond what is reasonable, you can lose your health.

Ethyl alcohol 95% is very dangerous. This flammable substance contains the maximum percentage of alcohol. The least dangerous way to consume ethanol is to dilute it with water or juice. This almost completely eliminates the taste of pure alcohol and reduces the risk of negative consequences.

When taking ethanol, you need to do it wisely and be able to stop in time.

Ethyl alcohol can be recognized by its smell. However, it can only be distinguished in this way from substances that are very distant in structure. As for connections of one group with him, everything is more complicated. But this is also more interesting.

Composition and formula

Ethanol - and this is exactly what one of its official names sounds like - refers to simple alcohols. It is familiar to almost everyone under one name or another. Often it is simply called alcohol, sometimes the adjectives “ethyl” or “wine” are added; chemists can also call it methylcarbinol. But the essence is the same - C 2 H 5 OH. This formula is familiar, perhaps, to almost everyone since school days. And many people remember how similar this substance is to its closest relative - methanol. The only problem is that the latter is extremely toxic. But more on that later; first, it’s worth taking a closer look at ethanol.

By the way, in chemistry there are many similar terms, so do not confuse ethyl alcohol, for example, with ethylene. The latter is a colorless flammable gas and does not at all resemble a transparent liquid with a characteristic odor. There is also ethane gas, and its name is also similar to the name “ethanol”. But these are also completely different substances.

Methyl and ethyl

For many years, the problem of mass poisoning has remained relevant due to the impossibility of distinguishing two alcohols at home. Counterfeit alcohol, underground or simply low-quality production - all this increases the risk of poor cleaning and neglect of technological conditions.

All this is complicated by the fact that, in their basic properties, methyl and ethyl alcohols are almost identical substances, and a non-specialist without the necessary equipment simply cannot distinguish one from the other. Moreover, the lethal dose of methanol is 30 grams, whereas in the case of ordinary alcohol such a volume is completely safe for an adult. That is why, if you are not sure of the origin of the drink, it is better not to drink it.

Interestingly, the antidote for industrial alcohol is pure methanol. So, if you notice signs of acute poisoning, you need to administer the solution intravenously or take it orally. It is important not to confuse the state of methanol intoxication with ordinary strong alcohol intoxication or poisoning. In this case, as well as in case of poisoning with certain other substances, you should never take additional ethyl alcohol. The cost of a mistake can be very high.

Physical and chemical properties

Ethanol shares all the common characteristics and reactions of alcohols. It is colorless and has a characteristic taste and smell. Under normal conditions, it is liquid, turns into a solid form at a temperature of -114 o C, and boils at +78 degrees. The density of ethyl alcohol is 0.79. Mixes well with water, glycerin, benzene and many other substances. It evaporates easily, so it should be stored in well-closed containers. It itself is an excellent solvent and also has excellent antiseptic properties. Very flammable in both liquid and vapor states.

Ethanol is a psychoactive and narcotic substance and is included in all alcoholic beverages. The lethal dose for an adult is 300-400 milliliters of a 96% alcohol solution consumed within an hour. This figure is quite arbitrary, since it depends on a large number of factors. For children, 6-30 milliliters is enough. So ethanol is also a fairly effective poison. However, it is widely used because it has a number of unique properties that make it versatile.


There are several types of ethyl alcohol used for different purposes. They mainly reflect methods of obtaining a substance, but often talk about various processing methods.

Thus, the inscription on the package “Rectified ethyl alcohol” indicates that the contents have undergone special purification to remove impurities. It is quite difficult to completely clean it, for example, of water, but you can reduce its presence as much as possible.

Alcohol can also be denatured. In this case, the opposite is true: difficult-to-remove impurities are added to ethanol, making it unsuitable for internal consumption, but not complicating its use for its main purpose. As a rule, kerosene, acetone, methanol, etc. act as denatured alcohol.

In addition, a distinction is made between ethyl alcohol, medical alcohol, technical alcohol, and food alcohol. For each of these varieties there is a strict standard that provides certain criteria. But we'll talk about them a little later.

Among other things, the percentage of content is often indicated on the packaging. This is relevant, again, due to the fact that ethanol is difficult to completely purify from water, and usually there is no serious need for this.


The production of ethyl alcohol involves the use of one of three main methods: microbiological, synthetic or hydrolysis. In the first case, we are dealing with the fermentation process, in the second, as a rule, chemical reactions using acetylene or ethylene are involved, but the third speaks for itself. Each method has its pros and cons, difficulties and advantages.

First, let's look at ethyl alcohol, which is produced only for food purposes. For its production, only the fermentation method is used. During this process, grape sugar is broken down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This method has been known since ancient times and is the most natural. But it also requires more time. In addition, the resulting substance is not pure alcohol and requires a fairly large number of processing and purification operations.

To obtain technical ethanol, fermentation is impractical, so producers resort to one of two options. The first of them is sulfate hydration of ethylene. It is performed in several stages, but there is a simpler method. The second option is direct hydration of ethylene in the presence of phosphoric acid. This reaction is reversible. However, both of these methods are also imperfect, and the resulting substance requires further processing.

Hydrolysis is a relatively new method that makes it possible to obtain ethyl alcohol from wood. To do this, the raw materials are crushed and treated with 2-5% sulfuric acid at a temperature of 100-170 degrees Celsius. This method allows you to obtain up to 200 liters of ethanol from 1 ton of wood. For various reasons, the hydrolysis method is not very popular in Europe, unlike the USA, where more and more factories are being opened that work on this principle.


All ethanol produced at the plants must meet certain standards. Each method of production and processing has its own, which indicates the main characteristics that the final product should have. A lot of properties are considered, for example, the content of impurities, the density of ethyl alcohol, and purpose. Each variety has its own standard.

For example, synthetic technical ethyl alcohol - GOST R 51999-2002 - is divided into two grades: first and highest. The obvious difference between the two is the ethanol volume fraction, which is 96% and 96.2% respectively. The standard indicates under this number both rectified and denatured ethyl alcohol intended for use in the perfume industry.

For a more prosaic purpose - use as a solvent - there is its own GOST: R 52574-2006. Here we are talking only about denatured alcohol with different volume fractions of ethanol - 92.5% and 99%.

As for this type of food grade ethyl alcohol, GOST R 51652-2000 applies to it, and it has as many as 6 grades: first (96%), highest purity (96.2%), "Basi" (96%). ), "Extra" (96.3%), "Lux" (96.3%) and "Alpha" (96.3%). Here we are talking primarily about raw materials and some other complex indicators. For example, the Alpha brand product is produced only from wheat, rye or a mixture of them.

Until now, many people draw, so to speak, parallels between two concepts: ethyl alcohol - GOST 18300-87, which was adopted back in the USSR. This standard has long lost force, which, however, does not prevent production from being built in accordance with it to this day.


It is perhaps difficult to find a substance that has such wide application. Ethyl alcohol is used in one way or another in many industries.

First of all, this is the food industry. A wide variety of alcoholic drinks - from wines and liqueurs to whiskey, vodka and cognac - contain the mentioned alcohol. But ethanol itself is not used in its pure form. The technology involves adding raw materials, for example, grape juice, and initiating the fermentation process, and the output is a finished product.

Another area of ​​wide application is medicine. Ethyl alcohol 95% is used most often in this case, because it has excellent antiseptic properties and also dissolves many substances, which allows it to be used to make effective tinctures, mixtures and other preparations. In addition, with various types of external use, it is capable of both effectively warming and cooling the body. By applying it to the skin, you can quickly reduce your high body temperature by a degree to one and a half degrees. Conversely, vigorous rubbing will help warm you up. In addition, when storing anatomical preparations, ethyl alcohol is also used.

Of course, another area of ​​application is technology, chemistry and everything connected with it. We are talking about paint coatings, solvents, cleaners, etc. In addition, ethanol is used in the industrial production of many substances or is a raw material for them (diethyl ether, tetraethyl pork, acetic acid, chloroform, ethylene, rubber and many others). Technical ethyl alcohol, of course, is completely unsuitable for food, even if it is purified.

Of course, in all these cases we are talking about completely different varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. Thus, rectified food grade ethyl alcohol is unlikely to be used for technical purposes, especially since it is subject to excise tax, which means its cost is much higher compared to unrefined alcohol. However, pricing will be discussed separately.

Application in new technologies

In recent years, there has been increasing talk about the use of ethanol as fuel. This approach has its opponents and supporters, and this is especially often discussed in the United States. The fact is that American farmers traditionally grow a lot of corn, which theoretically can serve as an excellent raw material for producing ethyl alcohol. The price of such fuel will definitely be lower than the cost of gasoline. This option removes the issue of dependence of many countries on oil supplies and energy prices, because alcohol production can be located anywhere. In addition, it is safer from an environmental point of view. However, we can already see the use of ethanol in this capacity, but on a much smaller scale. These are alcohol lamps - special chemical heaters, home mini-fireplaces, as well as many other devices.

This could be a truly promising area of ​​work in the search for alternative, renewable and fairly cheap energy sources. The problem for Russia here is mentality. Suffice it to say that the alcohol lanterns in Moscow did not last long - the workers who were engaged in their work simply drank the raw materials. And even if the fuel contains various impurities, it is unlikely that poisoning will be completely avoided. However, there are other reasons for the Russian Federation not to strive for such changes, since the transition to this type of energy threatens the country with a serious decrease in the volume of energy exports.

Effect on the human body

In the SanPin classification, ethanol belongs to class 4, that is, low-hazard substances. This, by the way, includes kerosene, ammonia, methane and some other elements. But this does not mean that you should not take alcohol lightly.

Ethyl alcohol, when ingested, seriously affects the central nervous system of all animals. It causes a condition called alcoholic intoxication, characterized by inappropriate behavior, inhibition of reactions, decreased susceptibility to various kinds of irritants, etc. At the same time, all blood vessels dilate, heat transfer increases, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent. In a state of slight intoxication, characteristic excitation is clearly visible, which, with increasing doses, is replaced by depression of the central nervous system. As a rule, drowsiness appears after this.

At higher doses, alcohol intoxication may occur, which seriously differs from the picture described earlier. The fact is that ethanol is a narcotic substance, but is not used as such, since effective euthanasia requires doses extremely close to those at which paralysis of vital centers occurs. The state of alcohol intoxication is exactly the point where a person can die without emergency assistance, which is why it is so important to distinguish this from intoxication. In this case, something like a coma is observed, breathing is rare and smells of alcohol, the pulse is rapid, the skin is pale and moist, and the body temperature is low. You should immediately seek medical help and also try to rinse your stomach.

Regular consumption of ethanol can cause addiction - alcoholism. It is characterized by changes and degradation of personality; various organ systems are also affected, primarily the liver. There is even a disease characteristic of “experienced” alcoholics - cirrhosis. In some cases, it even leads to the need for a transplant.

As for external use, ethyl alcohol irritates the skin, while at the same time being an effective antiseptic. It also thickens the epidermis, which is why it is used to treat bedsores and other injuries.

Implementation and its features

Standards are not the only thing those who produce ethyl alcohol deal with. The price of different varieties, brands and varieties varies greatly. And this is not without reason, because what is intended for consumption is an excisable product. The imposition of this additional tax makes the cost of the corresponding rectification noticeably higher. This allows, to a certain extent, to control the turnover of ethyl alcohol on sale, as well as the cost of alcoholic products.

By the way, this is also a substance subject to strict accounting. Since ethanol is used in the production of drugs, medical procedures, etc., it is stored in one form or another in pharmacies, hospitals, clinics and other institutions. However, this does not mean that by getting a job in the relevant specialty, you can easily and quietly obtain at least some amount of the substance for use. Ethyl alcohol is recorded using a special journal, and violation of the procedures is an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine. That the loss will be noticed in the shortest possible time.

Ethanol is better known to our fellow citizens as alcohol. Even the ancient Slavic ancestors had information on how to create a cheerful drink through fermentation, using various berries and grains. In the famous mash (as alcohol-containing liquid was called in the old days), the ethanol concentration did not exceed 10-15%. A purer percentage of alcohol was obtained later, when people mastered the distillation process.

What is ethanol in medicines, why is an alcoholic substance added to medicines? In what cases does this harmful compound, which destroys the body, become useful? It's time to get answers to your questions and take an exciting journey into the “alcoholic” world.

People knew about ethyl alcohol many thousands of years ago

Saying that ethanol is alcohol is not entirely correct. In fact, ethanol is a monohydric alcohol (that’s how its designation sounds correctly). It is a volatile, flammable liquid, without color, but with a specific aroma and taste. The first mention of ethanol was obtained during archaeological excavations in China. Alcoholic beverages were described in drawings of the oldest ceramics, dating back 9,000 years..

People have been using ethanol since Neolithic times. Even then, prehistoric tribes were drinking alcohol, and the inhabitants were drinking alcohol with might and main.

But the very first case when alcohol was produced technically was recorded only in the 12th century. Industrialists from the Italian city of Solerno distinguished themselves. True, it was not pure ethanol alcohol, but an alcohol-water mixture. For the first time, an alcoholic substance in its pure form was created by the Russian pharmacist (German by birth) Johann Lovitz at the end of the 17th century.

Ethanol is widely used in various industries

The study of the ethyl substance was carried out by many scientists, leading chemists and pharmacists. All properties of the alcohol compound were carefully and thoroughly studied. To better understand what ethanol is, you should study where such a substance turned out to be useful and irreplaceable.

Fuel production

Alcohol liquid is actively used in the operation of jet engines. There is a known historical fact indicating that German designers during World War 1 used a 70% solution of aqueous ethyl alcohol as fuel for their famous V-2 ballistic missile.

Use of ethanol in the fuel industry

The modern world has made ethyl alcohol more widespread as a fuel additive. It is used in:

  • laboratory alcohol lamps;
  • internal combustion engines;
  • various heating devices;
  • tourist/military heating pads (the ability of ethanol to oxidize is used);
  • mixtures with petroleum liquid fuel (ethanol alcohol is suitable in this role due to its good hygroscopicity).

Chemical industry

Ethyl alcohol has successfully found itself in chemistry. The chemical formula of ethanol is C2H5OH. This compound is an excellent raw material for the creation of such irreplaceably important substances as:

  • ethylene;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • chloroform;
  • acetaldehyde;
  • tetraethyl lead;
  • acetic acid.

The alcohol compound is included in a variety of solvents for varnishes and paints. This is the main component of antifreeze, effective windshield washers. Ethanol is also widely used in household chemicals. Almost all detergents and cleaning products are created on its basis. You can often see ethanol in preparations intended for the care of glass and plumbing..

The use of ethyl alcohol in the chemical industry

Food production

Perhaps the most famous use of ethyl liquid is the production of all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Gin, cognac, whiskey, rum, vodka and even beer - they contain ethanol. It can be seen in minimal quantities even in kefir, kvass and kumiss.

Ethanol is widely used in the food industry (winemaking, baking, etc.)

The good solubility of ethanol is used in the manufacture of all kinds of flavorings. The alcohol solution is also used in the production of preservatives for the bakery industry.

Ethanol is officially registered in the food industry as a food additive under the code E1510. Its energy value is 7.10 kcal/g.

It is difficult to find a modern industrial sector that does not use an alcohol compound. And it is difficult to provide a complete list of substances where ethyl alcohol is used. There are too many of them. But the beneficial qualities of the alcohol substance were most appreciated in the pharmaceutical industry.

Ethanol and pharmaceuticals

First of all, ethyl alcohol has proven itself to be an excellent and powerful antiseptic. It is destructive for all groups of pathogenic microorganisms without exception. Ethanol mercilessly destroys the cell membranes of bacteria and fungi. Due to its powerful disinfecting properties, alcohol is used to sanitize operating instruments, tables, accessories and surgeons' hands.

Ethyl alcohol is most widely used in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

The alcohol additive has also found its way into the cosmetic and medical industry. It is included in effective cleansing lotions used to combat skin problems (acne, inflammation, acne). And this is far from the only possibility of medical use of the ethyl compound. What else does ethanol contain?

Solvent. Alcohol liquid is widely used for preparing various extracts and tinctures from healing plant materials. In this case, one of the amazing properties of alcohol is used - the ability to “pull” the necessary useful elements from phyto-raw materials, accumulating them.

The minimum concentration of ethyl alcohol used to prepare alcohol tinctures does not exceed 15-18%.

Numerous “grandmother’s” tinctures are made at home using alcohol. Although they are classified as alcoholic drinks, they are beneficial when used correctly.

How does ethyl alcohol work in the body?

Preservative. Ethyl alcohol is successfully used in the manufacture of effective rubbing. During feverish standing, ethanol provides a cooling healing effect to a person. But alcohol liquid is often used in the manufacture of warming compresses. In this regard, ethanol is completely harmless and does not cause damage to the skin (burns, redness).

Antidote. Paradoxically, ethyl alcohol is successfully used to detoxify a person as a result of poisoning with toxic alcohols. This effect is caused by the presence of competitive oxidation in the ethyl substance. That is, when taken after poisoning with ethylene glycol or methanol, a decrease in toxins that poison the body is observed. In addition, ethyl alcohol has found its medical use in the following cases:

  1. As an antifoam during artificial ventilation of the pulmonary organs (when oxygen is supplied to the patient).
  2. Under general anesthesia. Alcohol is included in the anesthetic mixture (if there is a shortage of necessary drugs).

Studying the usefulness of alcohol, we can say, considering medical ethanol, that this is a substance that can acquire the characteristics of a “chameleon”. That is, both being deadly and useful. It all depends on where exactly and in what quality the alcohol liquid is used.

Ethyl alcohol is most often used as an antiseptic.

In small concentrations and quantities, alcohol has a positive effect on the human body. It is successfully used for:

  • vasodilation;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • prevention of cardiovascular pathologies.

Why is ethanol dangerous?

Alcohol can cause persistent physical and mental dependence in a person. The presence of this factor indicates the development of alcoholism as a separate deadly disease. Excessive consumption of alcohol-containing drinks leads to severe intoxication of the body, in severe cases the result is the death of a person.

If consumed in excess, ethanol becomes a deadly substance.

Excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol causes disruption of the functioning of all internal organs:

  • weaker memory;
  • brain cells die;
  • problems arise in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and kidney diseases develop;
  • the cardiovascular system suffers;
  • complete degradation of personality occurs;
  • irreversible changes in the human central nervous system are noted.

What diseases does ethanol cause?

Alcohol itself is not considered a carcinogen. Acetaldehyde (the main metabolite of ethanol) is dangerous. The qualities of this compound were studied in scientific laboratories. The result was some interesting conclusions. Acetaldehyde is not just a toxic carcinogen. It turned out to be a mutagenic compound that can destroy the DNA chain and cause active growth of cancer cells. Long-term use of alcohol internally guarantees the development of the following diseases in a person (in addition to oncology):

  • cirrhosis;
  • ulcers and gastritis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • destruction of the stomach, intestines and esophagus.

Long-term use of ethyl alcohol provokes oxidative destruction of brain neurons. Alcoholism in the last stage is no longer treatable due to the massive death of neurons and ends in death. So, it is better to limit the use of alcohol for medical purposes to improve and prolong, rather than reduce, your life. Good health!



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