Skin diseases in children. Frequent skin diseases in children Manifestations of skin diseases in children


This skin infection (what it looks like - look at photo 2) is caused by a fungus that lives off of dead skin, hair, or nail cells. The infection initially appears on the skin as a red, rough patch or welt, which then develops into an itchy red ring with swollen, rough edges. Ringworm is transmitted through physical contact with a sick person or animal, as well as through contact with the patient’s personal belongings (towel, clothing, personal hygiene items). Ringworm usually responds to topical treatment with antifungal creams and ointments.

"Fifth disease" (erythema infectiosum)

Contagious disease ( photo 3), which is usually mild and lasts about 14 days. Initially, the disease manifests itself as a cold, but is then accompanied by symptoms such as rashes on the skin of the face and body. The risk of infection is highest in the first week of the “fifth disease” (before the rash appears), which is transmitted by airborne droplets.

The course of treatment includes constant rest, drinking plenty of fluids and painkillers (which should be prescribed by a doctor). But be on the lookout for other symptoms that may indicate a more serious condition. Also check with your doctor if your baby is sick and you are pregnant.

Varicella (chickenpox)

Being an extremely contagious disease, chickenpox ( photo 4) spreads easily and appears as an itchy rash and small sores all over the body. The nature of the rash varies depending on the stage of chickenpox: the formation of blisters, then their opening, drying and crusting. Complications from chickenpox can lead to serious consequences such as pneumonia, brain damage, and even death.

People who have had chickenpox are at risk of getting shingles in the future. Parents are now advised to vaccinate their children against chickenpox. The vaccine is also recommended for adolescents and adults who have not had chickenpox and have not yet been vaccinated.


An infectious disease caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria. Impetigo ( photo 5) appears as red sores or blisters that may open, causing yellow-brown crusts to form on the skin. Ulcers can appear anywhere on the body, but they most often form around the mouth and near the nose. Scratching existing sores can cause them to appear in other parts of the body. Impetigo is transmitted both through direct physical contact and through personal items (towels, toys). This disease is usually treated with antibiotics.


These raised skin formations ( photo 6), caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), can form after contact with an HPV carrier or with his things. As a rule, warts appear on the fingers and hands. Warts can be prevented from spreading throughout the body by isolating them (using a bandage or plaster). And make sure your child doesn't bite his nails! In most cases, warts are painless and disappear on their own. If they do not go away, it is recommended to resort to freezing them, surgical, laser and chemical treatment.

Miliaria (tropical lichen)

Formed when the sweat channels (ducts) are blocked, prickly heat ( photo 7) appears as small red or pink bumps on the head, neck and back of babies. As a rule, this type of rash appears due to excessive sweating during hot, stuffy weather or due to the fault of overly diligent parents who dress the child in clothes that are too warm. Therefore, be careful and do not overdo it.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis ( photo 8) is a skin reaction to any kind of contact with plants such as poison ivy, sumac and oak. Pathogens can even be soap, cream or food products that contain elements of these plants. Typically, the rash occurs within 48 hours of exposure to the pathogen.

In mild cases, contact dermatitis appears as mild redness of the skin or a rash of small red spots. In severe cases, it can lead to swelling, severe redness of the skin and blisters. Typically, contact dermatitis is mild and goes away after you stop interacting with the irritant.

Coxsackie (hand-foot-mouth disease)

This is a common contagious disease among children ( photo 9) begins as painful sores in the mouth, a non-itchy rash and blisters on the hands and feet and sometimes on the legs and buttocks. Accompanied by high body temperature. Transmitted by airborne droplets and contact with diapers. So wash your hands as often as possible when your child has coxsackie. Home treatment includes taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen and drinking plenty of fluids. Coxsackie is not considered a serious disease and goes away within approximately 7 days.

Atopic dermatitis

Manifestations of the disease ( photo 10) are dry skin, severe itching and extensive skin rashes. Some children outgrow atopic dermatitis (the most common type of eczema) or deal with a milder form of it as they get older. At the moment, the exact causes of this disease have not been established. But often patients with atopic dermatitis suffer from allergies, asthma and have a sensitive immune system.


Urticaria ( photo 11) looks like a red rash or scar-like formation on the skin that is accompanied by itching, burning and tingling. Hives can appear on any part of the body and last from a few minutes to several days. Hives can also indicate serious health problems, especially if the rash is accompanied by difficulty breathing and swelling of the face.

The causative agents of the disease can be: medications (aspirin, penicillin), food products (eggs, nuts, shellfish), food additives, sudden temperature changes and some infections (for example, pharyngitis). Urticaria resolves after cessation of interaction with the pathogen and the use of antihistamines. If the illness persists for a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

Scarlet fever

Disease ( photo 12) consists of an inflamed larynx and skin rashes. Symptoms: sore throat, fever, headache, abdominal pain and swollen tonsils. After 1-2 days from the onset of the disease, a rough red rash appears, which disappears within 7-14 days. Scarlet fever is extremely contagious, but washing your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap reduces the risk of infection. If you suspect your child has scarlet fever, consult a doctor immediately! In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed for treatment to prevent complications of the disease.

Rubella (“sixth disease”)

This contagious disease photo 13) of moderate severity most often occurs in children aged 6 months to 2 years, much less often - after 4 years. Symptoms include respiratory illness followed by high body temperature for several days (sometimes causing epileptic seizures). When the hot flashes stop abruptly, red rashes appear on the body in the form of flat or slightly swollen red dots. The rash then spreads to the limbs.

Based on materials from prepared Lyudmila Kryukova

According to medical statistics, children are more susceptible to skin diseases than adults. And not only because they are less careful and, without hesitating for a minute, will take a stray puppy into their arms or enthusiastically begin to look for “treasures” in a heap of trash thrown away by someone.

There is a risk in this. But the main danger is that children are more susceptible to infections than their mothers and fathers.

They do not have such a “hardened” body, so many things in the world around them that are natural for an adult cause a painful reaction in them.

Doctors warn: treatment of skin diseases in children can only begin after the doctor has determined an accurate diagnosis. The symptoms of many diseases are similar, but the treatment required is different.

If you take the wrong path, you can waste time and make the problem worse. And yet, the more fully informed parents are about possible dangers, the higher the chances that they can be avoided.

Frequent infections

Erythema infectiosum At first it occurs like a classic cold. Then rashes appear on the face and body.

The disease spreads by airborne droplets; an infected person is especially dangerous to others at the early stage of the disease, before a rash appears.

Medicines (including painkillers) are prescribed by a doctor. The baby should drink more fluids and adhere to bed rest. Active games and physical activity are contraindicated.

Toxic (infectious) erythema. Advice for parents from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

Chicken pox reveals itself as a rash that causes itching and a constant desire to scratch the skin, so the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body.

Small wounds form at the site of redness. In later stages of the disease, the skin becomes covered with blisters, which open, dry out, and turn into scabs.

Coxsackie disease has a second name - “hand-foot-mouth”. First, sores appear in the mouth, then blisters and a rash (not causing itching) on ​​the arms and legs, and sometimes on the buttocks. Body temperature rises sharply.

The infection spreads through airborne droplets and through the diapers of a sick child. Doctors prescribe Acetaminophen to the patient, recommend drinking more fluids, and caring adults to wash their hands more often.

Disease of the palms, feet and mouth - Coxsackie enterovirus, advice to parents from Pediatrician Plus:

Experts explain its nature by problems of heredity and the baby’s weak immune system (by the way, 80 percent of cases are children under 7 years of age).

The treatment is long-term, since it is necessary not only to get rid of the external manifestations of dermatitis, but also to eliminate the threat of relapse.

This problem is common in young children, especially if parents dress them too warmly: the child sweats, and the body reacts to this with the appearance of a rash. They fight it with the help of talc and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Problems due to changes in the nervous system

Diseases in this group include neurodermatitis(redness and thickening of skin areas, the formation of nodules on them - papules) and psoriasis(flaky areas of different sizes and shapes).

Both diseases are chronic and difficult to treat with medication.

They are often “family”, passed down from generation to generation, and their outbreak is provoked by any previous illness, stress, or disruptions in the immune system.

How to prevent

In the article, we indicated the names, gave a description and showed what common skin diseases in children - newborns, preschool and older children - look like in the photo, and briefly talked about the treatment of childhood diseases of a dermatological nature.

Many skin problems (whatever their nature) can be avoided if you teach your child hygiene from the earliest years of his life.

You also need to keep the entire house clean, avoid allergenic foods and stressful situations for children.

If a problem does arise, you need to take it seriously and seek help from a doctor as quickly as possible.

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Skin is the largest organ of the human body. Another feature of the skin is that diseases can not only be independent pathologies, but also a consequence of problems with other organs. In addition, they can be triggered by a variety of external stimuli.

A distinctive feature in children is also the fact that they do not proceed in the same way as in adults. For the most part, this is due to the immune system, which in children, especially the youngest ones, is not fully developed.

Types of skin diseases in children

Dermatitis is a skin lesion that is inflammatory in nature. There are several forms:

Atopic dermatitis

Atopy is a genetic predisposition to produce too much immunoglobulin E when exposed to certain environmental allergens. The term “atopy” itself is of Greek origin and means foreign.

External manifestations of this feature of the body are a variety of allergic reactions. The word “allergy” itself is often used in diagnosing diseases that are provoked by the mediator immunoglobulin E, however, in some people suffering from allergic reactions, the level of this protein is normal.

Atopic dermatitis can be called one of the most common diseases of the epidermis in children. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in the first six months of life and often occurs periodically in adulthood.

Most of the cases are infants under one year of age who have relatives suffering from similar problems. Atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by certain diseases, both allergic and related to the respiratory system.

Atopic dermatitis includes three variants of the course of dermatitis:

  1. Infant, which occurs in children under two years of age. The infant form is characterized by localization of rashes on the face and bends of the limbs. Sometimes, but much less frequently, the disease affects the skin of the torso. The rash is characterized by dry skin and the appearance of crusts. Infantile atopic dermatitis also differs in that periods of its exacerbation may coincide with the time of teething.
  2. Children's, common among children between two and thirteen years of age. The childhood form is characterized by the appearance of rashes mainly on the flexor surface of the limbs. Manifestations of the disease in this case are skin thickening, swelling, erosion, plaques, scratching and crusts.
  3. Adult, which affects adolescents over thirteen years of age and adults.

As the name implies, it occurs due to direct contact with an allergen.

There are two types of this disease:

  1. Acute form, when the disease makes itself felt immediately after contact with the allergen, all manifestations are also easily eliminated after determining the root cause and starting treatment measures.
  2. Chronic form, when the disease manifests itself fully upon repeated contact with what causes the allergy. Exacerbations in this case are quite difficult, and treatment takes a lot of time.

Diaper dermatitis

It often affects the child’s torso and represents an inflammatory reaction to chemical, mechanical and microbial factors.

The cause of this disease may be the following factors:

  • violation of personal hygiene rules, as a result of which the child’s skin was in contact with urine and feces for too long;
  • skin infection by fungi;
  • increased temperature and humidity;
  • poor child nutrition.

The disease is expressed in the appearance of foci of inflammation, namely redness of the skin and increased sensitivity. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to determine the root cause of the disease and eliminate it.


This is a skin dermatitis of an allergic nature. This disease differs from others in the appearance of pink blisters. This manifestation quickly spreads over the skin and is accompanied by itching. The blisters are somewhat reminiscent of nettle burns, which gives the rash its name.

The appearance of this in children may be associated with the development of the endocrine and immune systems; the list of reasons may also include:

  • bacterial infections;
  • taking certain medications;
  • air and contact allergens;
  • viruses.

Prickly heat

This is a red rash that can sometimes be accompanied by whitish blisters. A similar rash can appear on a variety of parts of the body, however, it most often occurs on the bends of the limbs, as well as in other places where there are many sweat glands.

It does not pose a particular threat, however, the itching that accompanies it can cause anxiety for the child and, if the blisters are scratched, infection in the wounds.

Miliaria can occur on the skin of children in the following cases:

  • when wearing clothes that are too tight or too small;
  • when wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • when using diapers;
  • using hygiene products of inadequate quality.

Pimples and boils

Acne is an inflammation that develops due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pimples can appear anywhere on the body. Boils are in most cases larger than pimples and painful. Inside such a formation there is pus, which is most often localized in the center of the boil. When pressure is applied to such inflammations, a light yellow substance is released. Here you can read more about purulent formations and see.

Common pimples and boils are the result of a microbial infection entering the deep layers of the skin. Despite the fact that acne most often occurs in teenagers, it can appear on the skin at any age, even at a very early age. In addition, it is worth considering that such manifestations may indicate serious diseases, for example, diabetes, or indicate a depressed state of the immune system.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is an infectious disease of a viral nature. The root cause is the herpes simplex virus, which affects the mucous membranes and epidermal cells. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the form of a rash, and in especially severe cases it is accompanied by fever. This virus is transmitted by airborne droplets.

It is believed that the sooner a person gets chickenpox, the easier it will pass. Infants under six months of age rarely suffer from this disease, since mothers pass on their immunity.

Children under five years of age are most susceptible to chickenpox, however, their disease is relatively mild. Children who have reached the age of ten, and even adults, are less likely to get chickenpox, only if the immune system deteriorates, however, their course is the most severe.


Skin formations such as warts quite often appear in children when they have already begun to walk. This phenomenon is associated not only with infection with the human papillomavirus, but also with a decrease in immunity. Also, the appearance of warts can be caused by damage to the skin and insufficient hygiene. The method of removing warts depends on their location and number.


Dermatomycosis includes a large number of varieties, since there are quite a few types of microscopic fungi that are the causative agents of this disease. However, it most often appears in the form of spots that are brighter pink than the rest of the skin. The spots may peel and affect the hairline.

Infection can occur in a variety of ways, from contact with soil to contact with animals or an infected person. Treatment will also be different and determined by the type of disease, the location of the spots and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


A disease such as childhood psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease that affects the skin of children under ten years of age.

Sometimes the first signs of psoriasis can be found in infants in the first months of life. It is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory foci, the surface of which is covered with formations called papules, white in color.

Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment. He can also diagnose correctly, since the manifestations of the disease may be similar to other dermatitis. It is worth noting that psoriasis is a chronic disease, so it cannot be cured forever.


Keloid is a fibrous growth that occurs at the site of damage to the skin. Most often these are postoperative scars or scars that appear after the burn has healed. Sometimes keloid formation occurs as a result of healing of a closed injury. The reasons for the formation of keloid scars are still unknown.

Most experts believe that this is an individual tissue reaction to damage, as well as to the presence of a foreign body. Such a formation is distinguished by the fact that it is dense and non-extensible, and also does not grow with the growth of surrounding tissues.

This is especially dangerous in childhood because may cause tissue deformation. Especially with extensive damage to the skin. Keloid can be eliminated in a variety of ways. In the simplest cases, you can get by with special ointments. In the most severe cases, surgery is necessary.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The appearance of seborrheic dermatitis in children is accompanied by a mild inflammatory reaction of the epidermis, which occurs as a result of internal and external effects on the child’s body. in young children is accompanied by the formation of gneiss in the head area, which is yellow scaly crusts.

This is what scares adults, however, there is no need to be afraid. Half of babies experience similar seborrhea; sometimes yellowish crusts can be found not only on the scalp, but also on the surface of the neck, face and even chest.

In this case, seborrheic dermatitis is not accompanied by pain or any other negative manifestations. The treatment prescribed by a specialist in the vast majority of cases is not long-lasting.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of blisters, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, etc. The reasons may be different, depending on which there are several types of dermatitis, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

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Treatment of skin diseases in children

A general method for eliminating skin diseases in children has not been invented, since there are a very large number of varieties of these diseases. The rules of treatment are determined by the severity of the disease, the age group of the child, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.

Drug treatment may involve taking general medications. In some cases, doctors are limited to prescribing only external use. Sometimes, in general, no specific therapy is needed, just a general strengthening of the immune system is enough, which will suppress the root cause.

Prevention of skin diseases in children

  1. Proper, completely balanced nutrition in accordance with the age-related needs of the body, which involves limiting, or even completely eliminating, foods containing allergens.
  2. Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene, as well as maintaining cleanliness in residential areas.
  3. Eliminating the occurrence of stressful situations in the child’s daily life.
  4. Wearing clothes only made from natural materials that ensure optimal air circulation.
  5. Timely treatment of skin damage such as scratches, inflammation and abrasions.


In general, it is unlikely that you will be able to protect your child from skin diseases, if only because they are natural for the process of developing immunity. Parents can only prevent some of them and minimize the consequences of diseases. This requires prevention and timely treatment.

Skin diseases in children are much more common than in adults. This is because children are more sensitive and susceptible to infections. Skin diseases in children are often allergic in nature. Treatment of the disease should begin only when the diagnosis is accurately established and confirmed.

Let's look at diseases that are more common than others.

Atopic dermatitis

is a chronic, genetically determined inflammatory skin disease.

The first and most important reason for the onset of the disease is genetic predisposition (relatives suffering from various allergies);

Important! Atopy is the tendency of a child’s body to develop allergies. You can read about allergy treatment.

  1. Increased hyperreactivity of the skin (increased sensitivity to external factors).
  2. Disruption of the child's nervous system.
  3. Using tobacco products in the presence of a baby.
  4. Bad ecology.
  5. Food contains a lot of dyes and flavor enhancers.
  6. Dry skin.

Important! This type of dermatitis affects children under 12 years of age; at older ages it is extremely rare.

With atopic dermatitis, the child’s skin becomes dry, begins to peel, and a rash appears in spots, especially in certain places: on the face, neck, on the bends of the elbows and knees. This disease has a wave-like course, periods of remission (extinction of symptoms) are replaced by periods of exacerbation.

Diaper dermatitis

- this is an irritable and inflammatory process that occurs under the diaper, due to limited air flow to the skin of the perineum or prolonged moisture. This is a good environment for bacteria to grow.

Important! Occurs in babies who wear diapers, regardless of age.

When using diapers and diapers, irritants are:

  1. High humidity and temperature.
  2. Prolonged contact of feces and urine with the skin.
  3. Accelerated development of fungal infection.

Fungal infection plays a major role in this case. Scientists have proven that many children suffering from diaper dermatitis have a fungal infection, which is the causative agent of candidiasis.

Important! At the first manifestations of a rash, it should be remembered that the baby may be allergic to new soap, cream, or even new diapers, provided that there have been no hygiene violations.


  1. Children with diaper dermatitis experience severe inflammation of the skin in the perineum and buttocks.
  2. Hyperemia of the skin, blisters or even small wounds may be detected.
  3. Very severe inflammation is observed in the skin folds and between the buttocks.
  4. In this case, the baby will be restless, whiny, and nervous.
  5. He will pull his hands into the groin area and try to remove the diaper.


is a skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of itching, and after the appearance of blisters, the blisters at the beginning of the disease are single, later merge and form an inflamed area, which can cause an increase in temperature and disruption of the stomach and intestines.

Reasons that contribute to the appearance of skin diseases:

  1. Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  2. Foods that contain many allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, honey).
  3. Medications.
  4. Dust or pollen, animal hair.
  5. Infectious and viral diseases.
  6. Cold, heat, water, UV rays.
  7. Insect bites.


  1. The first things to appear with hives are blisters and a red rash that causes itching and a desire to scratch (like a nettle burn).
  2. The child scratches these blisters, causing them to coalesce.
  3. Localized around the lips, on the cheeks, in the folds of the skin, on the eyelids.
  4. The body temperature rises, sometimes nausea and...

Prickly heat

- This is one of the forms of dermatitis that appears as a result of skin irritation due to increased sweating.

According to symptoms, prickly heat is divided into three types:

  1. Crystalline prickly heat - newborn babies are more often affected by this type; the elements of the rash look like white blisters about 2 mm in size. The rash may coalesce and form large white areas; these blisters are easily damaged, resulting in areas that peel off. The rash is localized on the neck, face, and upper half of the body.
  2. Miliaria rubra - with this type, a rash appears in the form of nodules around which hyperemia appears along the periphery. This rash does not merge, itches and causes pain when touched.
  3. Miliaria profunda - with this type, a rash appears in the form of beige or pale pink blisters. The rash can be located not only on the neck, face, but also on the legs and arms. This rash goes away as quickly as it appeared, leaving no traces or scars.

But this type most often affects adults who have suffered from prickly heat more than once, but there are exceptions when children suffer from it.

Important! If a child develops a rash on the skin, under no circumstances should it be smeared with cosmetic creams or ointments that you once used. Remember - the health of your child is only in your hands!

Causes of the disease:

  1. Very thin and delicate skin.
  2. Active blood supply, as a result of which the baby quickly overheats.
  3. Poorly developed sweat ducts.
  4. High skin saturation with water (92%).


Acne in children is a disease of newborns, which manifests itself in small white rashes that are localized on the chin and cheeks of the baby. They can appear in the first 6 months of a child’s life, this is due to hormonal changes that occur in the baby’s body.

Important! Also, this type of skin disease can manifest itself during adolescence.

  1. Blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Changes in the child's hormonal levels.
  3. Excessive amounts of estrogen (female hormones) entering the body.

Symptoms: Acne appears as single papules, white or slightly yellowish.

Over time, they can turn into blackheads. Acne usually goes away quickly, within 14 days, after it subsides there are no scars or spots left on the skin.

But the situation can be complicated by acne infection. Signs of infection are swelling of the skin where acne is present and redness. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.


Boils in children are a skin disease caused by staphylococci. The presence of boils on the child’s body indicates serious disorders in the baby’s body.

The reasons for the appearance are divided into 2 types:

  1. Mechanical effects (wearing clothes that are too tight and do not fit).
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules (scratching the skin with dirty hands, rarely changing diapers, irregular bathing).


  1. Malnutrition of the child.
  2. Diseases of the baby's endocrine and nervous systems.
  3. Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

The boil has its own stage of development, which is determined by the symptoms:

  1. First, a hard infiltrate appears with unclear boundaries, which gives pain.
  2. Swelling forms along the periphery, around the boil, and the pain increases. After which the boil itself opens and the purulent contents and the core, which is formed from dead leukocytes and bacteria, come out of it.
  3. After this, the ulcer on the skin heals, leaving behind a scar.

Important! A boil located on the head is especially dangerous; it can infect other areas of the skin.


A carbuncle can also form - this is an inflammatory process of several boils united with each other.

In this case, the general condition of the child is disrupted:

  1. The child's weight may decrease.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. The skin turns pale.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes, near a nearby boil.

Making a timely and correct diagnosis is a direct path to success in treating your child’s skin disease, remember this!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs