Who needs forehead frontoplasty and when, reviews from cosmetologists and patients. Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift: features of the operation, advantages and possible consequences

Frontoplasty- this is a special operation aimed at correcting the shape of the forehead. Thanks to this method, you can become noticeably younger and increase your self-esteem. The right choice of clinic and experienced surgeon is important.

Contour plastic surgery of the forehead and eyebrows allows you to:

  • correct unwanted distortions of the frontal region;
  • “erase” wrinkles;
  • eliminate the consequences of forehead deformation and align the symmetry of the halves of the face;
  • Also, with this operation you can increase or decrease the size of the forehead and eyebrows;
  • The procedure helps restore a sense of self-confidence.

- those who have complaints about appearance;

— who has impaired symmetry of parts of the face and requires the help of a specialist;

- people who have received injuries (at birth or in the process of life), due to which the aesthetic attractiveness of the face is impaired.

Who is this procedure contraindicated for?

- persons under 18 years of age;

- patients suffering from cancer;

- patients who experience inflammatory processes in the tissues involved in the operation;

- people who have impaired blood clotting, as well as those who take medications that reduce it;

- patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as various infectious diseases.

Before you decide to have surgery, you will need to meet with the surgeon (if necessary, there may be several such conversations). Discuss with your doctor all possible options for carrying out the procedure, study in detail the theoretical material that the specialist will recommend to you. Talk to people who have already had positive experiences with similar plastic interventions. Complete all necessary examinations and arrange for a simulation.

How does it go?

As with any such surgery, to reduce any area, you will need to either move individual bones or remove some parts of them. As for the required expansion of the area, it occurs through one’s own tissues or through the use of silicone implants.

Plastic surgery on the forehead is performed in two versions. In the first case, the frontal bone is “transferred” slightly back. In the second, the frontal bone, on the contrary, is pushed forward. In this case, the surgeon does not touch the intracranial part of the head. If the frontal bone needs to be pushed forward, the doctor will use an implant.

It is important that during this procedure the specialist focuses not only on the center of the forehead, but on the entire face. It is necessary to take into account the jawline, the location of the nose and cheekbones in order to create uniform proportions.

Progress of the operation

First, an incision is made from one ear to the other. The incision is made along the hairline. The doctor inserts the implant using carefully selected microplates. In cases where it is necessary to perform surgery to reduce the height of the forehead, the bone bridges are first removed. Next comes skin tension. After this, the surgeon sutures the tissue. At the end of the operation, a loose bandage is applied.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. It may take 2.5 to 3 hours to reshape your forehead. The patient becomes free to move outside the hospital within 24 hours after the end of the operation. You just need to see a doctor every week to get dressings done.

After a week and a half, the stitches will be removed. The patient needs to be prepared for the fact that he may experience hematomas and swelling. They will last for a while and go away on their own.

The results of the surgeon’s work will be summarized 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

Postoperative period. What should the patient prepare for?

Like any complex operation, forehead plastic surgery (see photo) has a number of not very pleasant consequences. They are not so much painful as aesthetically unattractive:

  • a slight heaviness appears in the eye area. This occurs because the frontal tissues swell;
  • during the first three to four months the patient experiences decreased sensitivity, but over time it returns to normal;
  • discomfort, pain for a number of days after the operation.

Any disruption of natural processes in the body, and especially such a procedure, cannot pass without leaving a trace. It will take time and effort to recover. You need to be prepared in advance for the fact that your lifestyle will change noticeably and you may even have to not go to work during the first postoperative month.

Aesthetic surgery makes it possible to correct all areas of the face, including the forehead. This operation is called frontoplasty. With its help, the forehead can be made higher or narrowed, age-related changes can be removed, and the overall facial expression can be softened.

Read in this article

Indications for frontoplasty

Forehead correction surgery is performed for a number of deficiencies:

  • asymmetry of its sections;
  • excessive size that violates the overall proportions of the face;
  • small size;
  • forehead too protruding, overhanging brow ridges;
  • wrinkles;
  • defects acquired due to injuries (lumps and dents).

Frontoplasty is performed on men and women. It is also indicated in combination with other interventions carried out during gender reassignment. The operation is performed for aesthetic reasons, if the patient’s own appearance does not suit him and provokes the development of complexes.

Contraindications to surgery to reduce or enlarge the forehead

Some patients, despite the presence of forehead imperfections, do not undergo surgery. Reasons for refusal may include:

  • inflammatory process developing in the tissues of the corrected area;
  • cancer;
  • pathologies in which blood clotting is impaired;
  • severe diabetes;
  • any infection;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • inflammation or infection in the frontal or nasal sinuses;
  • age under 18 years;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Preparing to correct the shape of the forehead and brow ridges

Before undergoing surgery, the patient must go through a preliminary stage. An examination is necessary to confirm the absence of contraindications, and also to identify the structural features of the forehead bones and the size of the sinuses. It includes:

Then the patient awaits a consultation with a surgeon, during which the nature of the necessary changes to obtain the desired result is determined. A conversation with an anesthesiologist is also necessary, since general anesthesia is used during the operation. You should tell your doctor about all medications you are taking and any allergies you have had.

At the preparation stage, that is, 2 weeks before surgery, you should not drink alcohol, take blood thinning medications, and it is advisable to quit smoking.

Technique for frontoplasty of the forehead and brow ridges

The nature of the changes that the intervention provides concerns the size of the forehead and the location of the brow ridges. They can be combined, or during frontoplasty only one defect is corrected. The operation lasts from 2 to 3.5 hours, the duration is determined by the scale of the necessary changes.

How does an increase or decrease in forehead height occur?

Correction of the size of an aesthetically unsatisfactory area is carried out according to a similar scheme:

  • First, the doctor makes marks on the skin with a marker. This is necessary for the accuracy of cuts and improvements in different areas.
  • The patient is given anesthesia. Then you need to wait for it to take effect.
  • Using a scalpel, the doctor makes an incision along the hairline. Its length ranges from one ear to the other.
  • The features of the main stage depend on the existing shortcomings and the desired effect. If the forehead needs to be reduced, the bone bridges are removed and the surface of the bones in the area of ​​the frontal tubercles is polished. For the last step, special cutters are used. At the end of these manipulations, the scalp is moved slightly downward. If it is necessary to make the forehead more convex or increase the size, an implant is installed.

You can also add volume by transplanting your own tissue, such as fat. The same techniques are used for asymmetry. Both frontal lobes are corrected by resurfacing the bone or adding volume with an implant.

  • After the main stages of correction, including the removal of part of the skin tissue when reducing the forehead, the wound is sutured. The operated area is protected with a sterile bandage.

To learn how frontoplasty is performed, watch this video:

How is brow ridge correction performed?

If in general the height of the forehead is satisfactory, but in the eyebrow area it sticks out too much or, conversely, looks too smooth, this defect can be corrected. The operation includes several stages:

To make the forehead more feminine, the latter are removed. The edges of the bone in the area of ​​the brow ridges are polished with a medical cutter. If it is necessary to enlarge this area, implants are placed. The edges of the brow ridges do not undergo any other changes.

  • Movement of bone fragments. They are placed in a new position, at a different angle, controlling the nerve connections, and fixed with medical glue or titanium plates. Sometimes, in conclusion, excess skin tissue that appears due to a decrease in bone volume is excised. The operation is completed with stitches and a bandage.

Result before and after frontoplasty

The effect of the intervention in reducing the forehead, making it more feminine, consists of several favorable changes:

  • the corrected part of the face looks more proportional and loses asymmetry;
  • there are no irregularities or bumps that give the appearance a masculine appearance;
  • the brow ridges are smoothed out, and the eyebrows themselves move slightly upward, making the look more open;
  • the skin loses age-related folds and looks younger;
  • the hairline moves down, which makes it possible to wear any hairstyle, including one that opens the forehead;
  • bald spots are eliminated.

If the forehead was too narrow, after adjusting the height, the result is:

  • greater expressiveness of this part of the face, usually due to giving a clear shape (round in women, slightly square in men);
  • moving the hairline upward;
  • increase in forehead convexity;
  • eliminating the asymmetry of its sections;
  • smoothing out wrinkles due to the presence of an implant.

A special effect is achieved by increasing the brow ridges. At the same time, the eyes look deeper set, the gaze is harder, which gives the appearance of masculinity.

Recovery period after frontoplasty

Since the intervention involves the use of general anesthesia, the patient will have to stay in the hospital for at least a day after it. Rehabilitation has the following features:

  • at first there is swelling, which gradually moves from the forehead to the lower parts of the face;
  • there are hematomas resulting from vascular injury;
  • For several days I have been bothered by pain in the forehead and heaviness in the eye area;
  • You cannot wash your hair or comb your hair for 3 - 4 days, then all these manipulations must be done with great care;
  • To get rid of discomfort and prevent infectious complications, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed;
  • sutures need to be treated with antiseptics 2 times a day;
  • they are removed after 10 - 12 days in the doctor’s office;
  • swelling and hematomas disappear after 2 - 3 weeks;
  • To make these signs disappear faster, you need to sleep on a high pillow, without turning over on your stomach or side;
  • During the rehabilitation period, you should not stay in one position for a long time, you need to move, give the body a small load;
  • serious sports activities will have to be postponed for a month;
  • All this time you should also not visit the bathhouse, and prefer a warm shower to a hot bath;
  • to avoid the formation of blood clots and for the speedy regeneration of damaged tissues, you should drink a lot of water;
  • During this time, the skin on the forehead will be less sensitive than before the operation.
  • The initial effect of frontoplasty will appear after 4 weeks. It is better to stay at home during the entire period, doing only recovery and avoiding stress. The final result can be assessed after 3 months. At this time, the internal tissues will heal and the scars will smooth out.

    If you do not follow the rules of rehabilitation, the recovery period may be complicated by the emergence of new problems:

    • bleeding;
    • severe pain;
    • wound infection;
    • the formation of blood clots;
    • numbness of the forehead;
    • disruption of the muscles of the operated area;
    • the appearance of noticeable scars;
    • skin hyperpigmentation;
    • hair loss in the seam area;
    • tissue necrosis;
    • asymmetry in the forehead and eyebrows;
    • dissatisfaction with the result of the operation.

    Complications can also arise for reasons beyond the patient’s control. The culprits are doctor errors or previously unidentified features of the body.

    Cost of frontoplasty to correct the shape of the forehead and brow ridges

    Intervention to correct the forehead is a technically complex manipulation that requires high qualifications and sufficient experience from a plastic surgeon and the availability of special equipment. Therefore, its cost is high. The use of implants increases the price, especially when they have to be made individually. If you do frontoplasty in Russia, it will cost at least 100,000 rubles.

    Surgical correction of the forehead is not performed for health reasons. If you can improve this part of the face with makeup and hairstyles, you may want to avoid surgery. But if there is no other option, you need to do it, making sure of the surgeon’s qualifications and following the recommendations.

    An operation that can be used to change the shape of the forehead. Thanks to plastic surgery, there is a chance to radically change your appearance:

    • raise your forehead too low;
    • lower your high forehead a little;
    • make the depressed forehead convex;
    • adjust the volume of tissue if the forehead protrudes too far forward;
    • raise drooping eyebrows;
    • change the shape of the brow ridges.

    Very often frontoplasty is performed together with (during one procedure). As a result, a person gets rid of cosmetic defects and looks much younger and more attractive.

    Frontoplasty: price and features of the procedure

    The cost of frontoplasty depends on the amount of work, the individual characteristics of the patient and the qualifications of the doctor. The price of frontoplasty is more than 100,000 rubles.

    Frontoplasty is a fairly traumatic operation that can take about three hours. The surgical intervention is carried out in several stages:

    1. The patient is given general anesthesia.

    2. The doctor makes a skin incision at the top of the forehead(from ear to ear) 2-3 centimeters from the hairline, and peels away the soft tissue to provide access to the frontal bones. Further actions depend on the purpose of the operation and can be used all together or separately:

    • if the task is to enlarge (make more convex) the forehead, then a special implant is installed, for fixing which microplates or special glue are used.
    • if the forehead is too prominent, then resort to removal of bone bridges.
    • There are situations when both stages are combined and the implant is installed after bone tissue is removed - for example, to make the forehead rounder and the overall appearance more feminine.

    3. Stitching and a compression bandage.

    If necessary, the shape of the brow ridges is changed to match the new forehead shape. If the forehead is too high, then transfer hairline(scalp moves forward). To remove wrinkles, the skin of the forehead is tightened, while you can raise your eyebrows.

    There are two different techniques used for frontoplasty:

    1. Installation of implants- used in cases where: the soft tissues of the forehead are unevenly distributed or the forehead has a flat shape. Correcting the shape of the forehead with implants is relevant if the forehead is “sharp” and the addition of tissue is required to smooth out the angularity of the shape.
    2. Lipolifting- used in cases where implant rejection is predicted or it is necessary to add a very small amount of tissue. Fat is collected from the thighs, buttocks or abdomen. The resulting fat tissue is put through a centrifuge to remove blood clots and some components that can cause infection. The prepared material is introduced into the correction area.

    Frontoplasty: how to behave after the procedure

    As after any surgical intervention, the procedure is followed by a rehabilitation period, which can last up to a month. Swelling and hematomas disappear within 10 to 14 days; stitches are usually removed two weeks after surgery. Taking anti-inflammatory and pain medications will help reduce discomfort and speed up tissue healing. Patients who have undergone frontoplasty note a decrease in sensitivity in the corrected area, but after 3-4 months, skin sensitivity is restored.

    The upper part of the face plays a special role; it determines its overall expression. This fact determines the importance of maintaining youth and elasticity of the forehead skin and clear eyebrow line.

    Brow lift is one of the most popular procedures in the modern world of cosmetology. And this is not surprising, because beautiful eyes, a clear eyebrow line, a smooth forehead are the most noticeable and outstanding indicators of youth and attractiveness. Age-related changes are inevitable, eyebrows droop and begin to hang over the eyes, the face creates an overweight impression, one’s own photos and reflection in the mirror cause melancholy. Fortunately, these problems can be solved in a variety of ways.

    Forehead and eyebrow lifting is most suitable for the age group of people over 40 years old. It is at this age that the signs of aging begin to appear most clearly. Ideal age is from 35 to 60 years. But if circumstances and doctor’s recommendations require it, this procedure can be performed on younger people.

    • Lowering of the eyebrows.
    • Deep wrinkles.
    • Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.
    • Severe drooping of the skin of the upper part of the face and the appearance of excess tissue at the top of the nasal area.
    • Eyebrow ptosis.
    • The effect of fatigue and anger due to the location of the eyebrows.
    • Ptosis of the upper eyelid.
    • Flabbiness of the skin in the forehead area, in the corners of the eyes, on the temples.
    • The face creates an unhappy or sad impression.

    Before carrying out any of the procedures, the doctor analyzes the general health of the patient, the condition of his skin, identifies contraindications, and studies tests. The specialist first conducts a thorough examination of the face, muscles and bones of the skull.

    It is very important to report in detail about all problems, ailments and characteristics of the body, as well as previously performed surgical interventions, if any.

    There are several types of lifting, which are selected depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body:

    Endoscopic brow lift is performed under general anesthesia for 1 or 3 hours.

    Several (about 3-4) small incisions up to 2 centimeters long are made in the forehead and temple area. Incisions are made behind the scalp. Endoscopes (special instruments with a mini-camera) are inserted into them. Thanks to the microcamera, the doctor can see all his actions under the skin, as the image is displayed on the monitor. The forehead tissues are peeled off, ligaments and some muscles that form wrinkles and folds are dissected, then the eyebrows are raised and fixed at the desired level and in the new desired position.

    • low invasiveness;
    • almost absolute absence of scars;
    • low likelihood of complications;
    • fast rehabilitation period;
    • high efficiency and effectiveness of the procedure.

    An endoscopic brow lift can be performed simultaneously with any other type of face, neck, eyelid lifting, or with an eyebrow lifting procedure.

    • high cost of endoscopic brow lift due to expensive equipment;
    • the likelihood of changes in facial expressions after the procedure;
    • problematic and slow healing of incisions;
    • infections;
    • bringing the hair closer to the eyes.

    Almost every procedure has before and after photos of patients. There is also a photo after endoscopic lifting.

    Coronary lift is a simple and classic, well-known type of lifting.

    But if earlier such a brow lift was popular and many people resorted to it, now it is recommended to do it only for people with severe ptosis of the upper part of the face, with very deep wrinkles on the forehead and writing of the skin above the bridge of the nose.

    An incision is made in a specific location, which allows manipulation of the soft tissues of the forehead. During the procedure, the doctor removes excess skin (one or two centimeters in size) and then applies stitches.

    The procedure takes place under general anesthesia.

    There are three options for incisions for this lift:

    Standard cut: suitable for people who need correction of head proportions. The incision is made behind the hairline (at a distance of approximately eight centimeters) from the forehead to the ears. Next, tension and excision of excess skin occurs.

    Modified cut: It starts at the temporal zone, bends at the frontal zone and goes along the hairline and comes to the other temple. Due to the modified incision method, the width of the forehead may be reduced as the hairline is lowered.

    Incision along the marginal hairline: strips of skin one or two centimeters long are excised. The width of the forehead is not modified after this incision, so it is recommended for people who have a high forehead or receding hairline in the temporal and frontal area.

    • high efficiency;
    • long-term retention of the effect after surgery;
    • no scars from the operation visible to the eye (since the incisions are made in the scalp).
    • The marginal hairline changes. This may cause discomfort for people who originally had a high forehead;
    • hair growth disorders at the incision site;
    • numbness at the surgical site for six months;
    • high level of injury;
    • Patients prone to alopecia (pathological hair loss) should choose an alternative to this operation. Otherwise, in case of hair loss, the scar will be visible.

    Photos before and after the procedure

    Eyebrow lifting with endotins is used for various purposes and has virtually no contraindications. The procedure belongs to the group of endoscopic techniques and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

    Endotins are an innovation in cosmetology, which are small plates (or endoprostheses) with teeth.

    Very small incisions are made in the skin and tiny absorbable endoprostheses are inserted through them. 6 months after lifting, endotypes are completely dissolved and removed from the body, and the collagen fibers created in their place create a lifting effect for a long period.

    • brow lift is minimally invasive;
    • endoprostheses reliably fix facial tissues;
    • fast recovery period;
    • no likelihood of complications, allergic reactions or endotin rejection;
    • optimal cost of the procedure.

    Photos before and after surgery

    Brow lifting eliminates the so-called “crow’s feet” and raises the outer ends of the eyebrows.

    This type of brow lift is suitable for both older and younger patients.

    To raise the eyebrows, incisions are made in the temple area in the hairy area and excess skin is excised. Due to such manipulations, wrinkles are smoothed out, the cheekbone area is tightened, and the outer corners of the eyes are raised. The operation lasts no more than an hour.

    • high performance;
    • the operation is low-traumatic;
    • a small list of contraindications;
    • the possibility of combination with other anti-aging techniques;
    • fast rehabilitation;
    • the operation has an optimal cost.

    The disadvantage of this lifting is that it does not eliminate wrinkles on the forehead.

    This operation through the upper eyelid corrects drooping outer corners of the eyebrows. The outer part of the eyebrows moves upward and is anchored to the periosteum, thus raising the eyebrows.

    • the procedure does not require special equipment;
    • ease of operation;
    • does not leave scars;
    • effectively raises the eyebrow line.

    Excision of the muscles of the glabella eliminates deep and pronounced wrinkles on the forehead and in the bridge of the nose, and also raises the inner corners of the eyebrows, thus lifting eliminates the frown.

    The muscles of the glabella are excised through incisions in the upper fold of the eyelid. The operation lasts from one to three hours. For greater effectiveness, the operation is usually combined with a temporal lift.

    The effectiveness of this procedure is very high and can be compared with Botox injections, but this method retains the result much longer.

    Brow lifting with threads is a minimally invasive technique to rejuvenate and add beauty and definition to the look. Lifting is carried out under general or local anesthesia, the procedure lasts no more than half an hour.

    Using injections, special threads that are biocompatible with the human body are introduced under the skin, which are fixed and tighten the skin. There are different types of threads: notched, smooth, absorbable, non-absorbable. Many cosmetologists recommend threads with notches because they are very firmly attached under the skin and do not require additional fixation.

    The recovery period takes from two weeks to twenty days. After this time, swelling and bruising completely disappear.

    There is a possibility of complications such as numbness in the operated area and inflammation.

    After a thread lift, the face does not lose its natural mobility and facial expressions.

    The technique has been used for a very long time, but it is outdated and irrelevant due to its traumatic nature, after which there is a possibility of an unnatural look. The incision is made above the eyebrow and leaves a very noticeable scar. Ideal candidates for this type of lifting are elderly people with low and wrinkled foreheads, since it is in them that the scar will be least noticeable after surgery. The effect of the procedure does not last long.

    The operation does not take much time and is performed under local anesthesia.

    The characteristics and duration of recovery depend on the chosen lifting technique. As a rule, the average healing time for hematomas, swelling, and scars takes two or three weeks. After this time period, you can easily return to your normal lifestyle, but with a younger and more beautiful face.

    All about forehead and eyebrow lift (upper lifting)

    Frontoplasty is performed for aesthetic reasons. There are no medical indications, that is, body conditions that negatively affect the patient’s health and quality of life, for frontoplasty.

    The dominant motive for turning to a plastic surgeon is dissatisfaction with appearance, namely with the way the frontal region and the upper third of the face as a whole look. A source of dissatisfaction may be a forehead that is too high or low. The problem may be an increase in the frontal tuberosities in the frontal or lateral projection or their flattening due to developmental disorders of the facial skeleton. Overly defined or asymmetrical brow ridges are another common problem.

    Many people are concerned about age-related changes in the form of wrinkles, ptosis of the eyebrows, a vertical furrow above the bridge of the nose, and drooping of the lateral corners of the eyes. Although age-related changes are not a direct indication for forehead surgery, they can be corrected during frontoplasty while improving the shape, height and symmetry of the frontal area.

    Frontoplasty is of interest not only to the fair sex. Men turn to plastic surgeons for congenital and acquired defects. The most common “male” problems include deformation of the frontal region as a result of injury received at work, in an accident, at home, or during sports.

    Types of frontoplasty

    Augmentation frontoplasty is performed by installing implants or lipofilling. The same methods are used to correct asymmetry. To reduce the height and projection of the forehead, manipulations are performed on the frontal bone.

    The strategy, tactics and methods of surgical correction are determined by the specifics and severity of the aesthetic defect. Other factors are also taken into account, in particular, the anatomical features of the facial skeleton, age, gender, condition of soft tissues and hair.

    Frontoplasty with reduction of forehead height

    Surgeries aimed at reducing the height of the forehead involve manipulation of the frontal bone. During reduction frontoplasty, the surgeon can reduce the thickness of the bone by grinding with special cutters or open the frontal sinuses with subsequent treatment of the septa, removal of bone bridges and recessing of the bone covers.

    When reducing the height of the forehead, manipulations are carried out without contact with the intracranial surface of the frontal bone!

    Frontoplasty with increasing forehead projection

    An increase in the projection of the frontal tuberosities or forehead height is achieved through the installation of implants. Currently, three types of endoprostheses are used in facial plastic surgery:

    • Silicone implants.
    • Implants made of porous polymer.
    • Implants made from your own cartilage tissue.

    The best material is considered to be implants made from cartilage tissue grown from the patient's stem cells. Such implants have full antigenic compatibility with body tissues and do not cause a response from the immune system. Cartilaginous tissue is integrated into the histological structure of the recipient zone, grows with blood vessels and does not have a negative effect on the frontal bone.

    Silicone and polymer implants are immunologically inert and do not cause allergic reactions or an immune response. Their disadvantage is that silicone and porous material is foreign to the body, and therefore is delimited from surrounding tissues by a capsule of fibrous tissue.

    Access for frontoplasty is above the hairline. The surgeon makes an incision from ear to ear, separates the soft tissue and exposes the bone, and then performs the necessary manipulations. The scar after forehead surgery is hidden under the hair and, in fact, invisible.

    Frontoplasty in a complex of rejuvenating operations

    Simultaneously with changes in the height and projection of the bone, rejuvenation of the frontal region can be performed during the operation. The surgical approach used in frontoplasty allows one to lift drooping eyebrows and the lateral corners of the eyes. According to indications, excess skin is removed and soft tissue is moved in the superolateral direction.

    Combining frontoplasty with anti-aging surgeries provides maximum and natural aesthetic results. The patient receives the effect of several plastic surgeries during one recovery period.

    Preparation for frontoplasty

    In preparation for frontoplasty, a full medical examination is prescribed. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about two hours. To minimize operational risks, the surgeon and anesthesiologist must have complete and up-to-date information about the patient's health status. According to indications, additional methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are prescribed, as well as consultations with specialists.

    A mandatory stage of preparation for frontoplasty is computed tomography of the frontal region. The purpose of the diagnostic procedure is to determine the size of the sinuses of the frontal bone and the thickness of the bone tissue. Additionally, facial anthropometry is performed to assess the proportions of the facial skeleton. CT and anthropometry data are used in computer modeling of the results of the operation.

    Rehabilitation after frontoplasty

    The duration and complexity of the rehabilitation period depends on the specifics and scope of the surgical intervention. Recovery after frontoplasty with the installation of implants is faster and with minimal discomfort. If bone tissue was affected during the operation, swelling, minor pain, and hematomas persist for 7-14 days.

    Symptoms of the recovery period are successfully relieved by taking analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the operating surgeon. To reduce swelling, you can apply cold compresses to the frontal area. A proper diet with a minimum of salty, hot and spicy foods with a maximum content of vitamins, microelements and protein helps speed up recovery.

    It is imperative to follow the rules of the recovery period specific to frontoplasty:

    • For 2 weeks after frontoplasty, you need to sleep on high pillows or with the head of the bed raised.
    • In the first few days, you should not wash your hair or comb your hair.
    • Until complete recovery, you should use only soft combs.

    One of the symptoms of the recovery period after frontoplasty may be a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the eye area. This is a temporary phenomenon caused by swelling of the tissues located in close proximity to the surgical area. Numbness of the skin of the frontal area is also possible. Sensitivity of the skin is restored as the tissue heals and swelling decreases.

    Contraindications to frontoplasty

    • Age up to 18 years.
    • Incomplete growth of the facial skeleton.
    • Chronic endocrine, somatic or cardiovascular pathology in the stage of decompensation.
    • Oncological disease.
    • Acute or chronic frontal sinusitis.
    • Inflammation of the skin in the forehead area of ​​infectious, autoimmune or allergic etiology.
    • Lactation, pregnancy.


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