Cough in the evening: what are the reasons for its development. Types and causes of cough

A dry cough in the evening in an adult may be an unremarkable symptom of the disease, but over time, even the most inattentive people note that a cough in the evening is strange and suspicious. Evening coughing attacks most often occur in children, because their respiratory system has not yet fully adapted to environmental conditions. But this symptom can also occur in adults. You should not treat it with disdain - an evening cough can be the first key, the first step in finding a pathological process in your body. In this article we will look at what causes it, what diseases can cause this phenomenon, and also how to deal with such an ailment.

Most patients are interested in why the symptoms of the disease appear only in the evening. To understand this feature of the pathological process, one should turn to how the human immune system works. If we rest well during the night, get enough sleep, and our body receives the necessary relaxation, the immune system is in good shape by morning. This means that it is ready to protect our body all day long from various bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. If you work all day, go to school, or do some business, your body gets tired, which certainly affects the activity of immune processes.

The reason for the appearance of an evening cough may be that when the body is in a horizontal position, it is difficult to walk with mucus, but when a person lies down vertically, his body and muscles are relaxed, the mucus in the bronchi begins to drain, which causes a cough. This is a reflex act, which only therapy for the underlying disease can help cope with. An evening cough may be associated with any disease of the upper respiratory tract, for example, rhinitis, sinusitis. The reason for the cough in this case is that mucus from the nasal cavity descends down the respiratory tract and irritates the mucous membrane.

If you notice that you have a cough in the evening, you should under no circumstances ignore this symptom. The first thing you need to do is try to establish the cause, and also characterize the type of cough for yourself.

What are the types of cough?

  • Dry cough. It is quite obvious from the name that this type of cough does not produce sputum. You cough very badly, but it is very difficult to get rid of the attack.
  • Wet cough. It is a consequence of the appearance of mucus in the respiratory tract. A wet cough has more favorable symptoms, it is not as painful and it is much easier to deal with. During a coughing attack, you will experience relief when the phlegm comes out.
  • This symptom is rare and is a sign of serious lung diseases, for example, emphysema, obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • It can even occur with bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • This type of cough most often occurs in people with allergies, whose body is prone to a sudden reaction to any allergen.
  • Dull cough. Infrequently, a similar symptom appears with bronchial obstruction or inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

The nature of the cough is a very important diagnostic sign, so you should definitely focus on what type of cough is bothering you. By the nature of the sputum discharged during a cough, you can determine what kind of disease you have. After performing an analysis, the doctor can say exactly which pathogen “visited” you.

Etiology of dry cough

We have already discussed above what types of cough there are and why this symptom can only appear in the evening. Now let's look at what diseases can cause such an anomaly.

  • Bad environment. People who live in regions with polluted air very often experience respiratory diseases. The manifestation of the disease in the evening is due in this case to the fact that during the day foreign particles accumulate in the human body, and in the evening the body gets the opportunity to get rid of them;
  • Chronic bronchitis. This disease is a natural continuation of untreated acute bronchitis. This means that the inflammatory process is in your bronchi all the time and does not disappear anywhere. Chronic bronchitis can manifest itself at any time of the day and at any time of the year. But it is possible that evening cough may be associated with this disease.
  • These are quite dangerous and serious diseases that are characterized by increased reactivity of the body in response to the ingress of various allergens (haptens). Bronchial asthma can be either congenital or acquired.
  • Chronic and acute diseases of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. By getting rid of diseases of the nose and nasopharynx, you will also get rid of cough;
  • Diphtheria. Although it seems that diphtheria is a thing of the past, today not only children, but also adults are increasingly affected by it. There are two types of diphtheria: diphtheria of the pharynx and diphtheria of the larynx. In the second option, a fibrous formation appears in the wall of the respiratory canal. It comes off with difficulty, and when you try to exhale, it doesn’t allow air to get out. Because of this, a person develops hypoxia, which very quickly leads to death. In fact, diphtheria has many characteristic symptoms.
  • This disease most often affects young children who have not been vaccinated against this disease. The danger of whooping cough is that almost until the very end it resembles ordinary dishes. It is characterized by a slight cough, and then a very strong paroxysmal cough.
  • This disease has nothing to do with the respiratory system at all, but can also manifest itself as a cough. It develops when the sphincter, located on the border between the stomach and the esophagus, is insufficiently toned, which is why chyme from the stomach enters the esophagus, irritating its mucous membrane. This causes not only gagging, but also coughing before bed in adults. In the evening, reflux disease can make itself felt if you recently had dinner and decided to lie down.
  • Heart failure can affect the blood supply to the blood vessels of the lungs, causing fluid to accumulate in the latter. It is the stagnation of blood in the veins and arteries of the lungs that leads to coughing.
  • Bad habits. People who frequently smoke or engage in passive smoking may be susceptible to diseases of the respiratory system. It is possible that they also develop an evening cough.

Medicines to treat cough

The choice of drug is entirely up to your doctor, so we cannot give specific advice on which medications you should take. However, we can point out popular remedies that are prescribed for coughs.

  • And . This group of drugs promotes the transition of a dry cough into a wet one, making expectoration of mucus painless.
  • . This category of drugs does not have therapeutic value, but affects the receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which is why the cough reflex is significantly reduced.
  • . This category of cough suppressants is aimed at treating people who suffer from allergies.

Everyone knows how unpleasant it is to be sick when the temperature rises, a runny nose and cough are tormented. It is especially disgusting when it intensifies at night. A cough can deprive a person of normal sleep.

In the morning, a person with a cold wakes up with a heavy head, completely exhausted, and absolutely not rested. Why does the cough get worse at night when lying down? The thing is that after 9 pm all processes that occur in the human body slow down. And, as a result, blood circulation deteriorates significantly, so sputum almost does not resolve, mucus accumulates and irritates the nerve endings. So the cough bothers me in the evening and at night, preventing me from fully falling asleep and relaxing.

Diseases that cause a person to become strong

Let's understand in more detail what can cause it and disrupt normal life:

  • Croup Here the person has seizures and is not allowed to take full breaths.
  • Acid reflux. This is not a cold, but a digestive phenomenon.
  • Asthma or bronchitis. Here, coughing attacks at night are also accompanied by a strong whistle. This is especially true for obstructive bronchitis.
  • Whooping cough. An infectious disease, and it is characterized by a night cough. The disease is most severe in young children under one year of age.
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis. Another reason for a bad night's sleep. Let us also note here chronic adenoiditis.
  • Heart failure. Here it is no longer possible to treat a cough with simple means, because its cause is not at all inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

These are common illnesses that can cause coughing. Each of them must be treated and not neglected, so as not to suffer from a sore throat later.

Why does the cough get worse at night?

When a sick person goes to bed, the mucus practically stops dissolving. Phlegm begins to clog the nose and throat, causing a strong, coughing cough.

A similar process can be observed in the lungs, because when the body assumes a supine position, blood circulation slows down and is disrupted.

It was also noticed that in the dark the composition of the air changes. It becomes much drier, cooler, different from daytime. This can also lead to reflex coughing attacks because the mucous membrane begins to be irritated.

But be that as it may, cough must be treated in any case and preferably under the supervision of a specialist. After all, the nature of its appearance can be varied and choosing treatment on your own is dangerous. First of all, eliminate the cause of the disease, not its consequence.

Why does my cough get worse at night? How to fight

Of course, lying down all night and coughing is very bad. A person does not get enough sleep, the body does not fully rest, and therefore is not treated. This will help you get rid of the unpleasant condition and fall into a sound sleep.

A very good remedy is a glass of warm milk with butter and honey. Some people recommend adding a little baking soda to it.

A simple air humidifier will also help to cope with the problem.

If the cough continues to bother you, try inhalation. They will warm the neck perfectly, and this will help cope with the disease.

Let us also recall the effective action of some medications. These are "Sinekod", "Codelac", "Libexin" and "Dextrometofan".

But it is advisable to use them in the treatment process after consultation with the attending physician. The drugs help improve sleep, but can cause an allergic reaction.

Why does a child's cough become severe at night?

Little children are very exhausted at night by a strong cough, it literally brings them to real stress. During the daytime, the tickle doesn’t bother the kids as much, parents calm down a little and don’t turn to doctors for help, but when night comes, there’s another cough, and again insomnia.

In order to stop the suffocating sounds, you need to visit a pediatrician to determine the cause of the disease, and you can also use old grandmother’s recipes to help fight the disease.

Causes of cough at night in babies

The body tries to get rid of the excess fluid accumulated in it, and causes a cough. It is a protective reaction of the body, giving a sign that treatment is necessary.

Drugs that can eliminate a child’s cough have a bad effect on the body, they eliminate the disease only superficially, sputum remains in the bronchi, and this is dangerous because the disease develops into pneumonia.

Therefore, it is advisable to use proven medications and drink plenty of fluids.

Consequences of night cough in a child

Why does a child's cough get worse at night? After a baby has suffered an acute respiratory infection or a severe cold, which most often could be caused by hypothermia or a virus, he may continue to have a severe cough at night for a long time. It especially often accompanies those whose colds have not been properly cured.

Therefore, this consequence must be eliminated as quickly as possible by contacting a doctor who will prescribe the necessary conservative treatment and complete the treatment of everything that was carelessly missed at one time. With the right approach, the baby and his parents will forget about what a cough is in two or three days.

Why does cough get worse at night in adults?

Why does an adult's cough get worse at night? The tickle caused by asthma differs from a simple cough by loud whistling sounds, as well as heaviness in the chest and severe difficulty breathing.

Dry coughing at night is also observed when there is heart failure, and shortness of breath also appears. At night, insufficient oxygen enters the lungs due to the horizontal position of the body.

Another reason for coughing at night may be gastroenterological problems, when the nerve endings of the patient’s esophagus are affected by irritating factors and the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

This will require adequate treatment and observation by a specialist.

Why does the cough get worse at night when you have bronchitis?

This problem is not new for most people. It is with bronchitis that a strong cough is observed in the dark.

In a supine position, the fluid that separates from the lungs stops circulating and does not come out. That is, the sputum begins to stagnate, and a severe cough and sore throat manifests itself. The body tries to get rid of mucus, trying to cleanse the lungs and bronchi.

Why does night cough worsen with whooping cough?

Why does it get worse at night?? This disease is infectious and is especially dangerous for young children. The cough is very strong, accompanied by high fever and even vomiting.

The reasons for the appearance of whooping cough at night are not particularly different from those already listed above. This and:

  • Accumulated mucus in the lungs.
  • Incorrect body position during sleep.
  • Poorly ventilated area, too dry air.
  • Drink little fluid at night.
  • Lack of regular treatment.
  • Vomit is not regularly expectorated and accumulates in the bronchi.

Whooping cough needs to be treated intensively, with regular inhalations, drinking plenty of fluids and taking tablets, mixtures, and herbal decoctions.

How to deal with a cough

We have found out the reasons why the cough is getting worse, and now we will give some useful recommendations on how to deal with it at home.

We offer a couple of simple but effective recipes.

  1. Honey will help cope with coughing attacks. Dissolve a teaspoon of viscous liquid in a glass of hot water and drink in small sips.
  2. Lemon. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps block a sore throat at night. Mix the juice of half a lemon with honey and cinnamon. We take a teaspoon several times a day; it is advisable to also take a medicinal product at night.
  3. Radish. It's great if it's black. It has been helping in the fight against coughing attacks for many years. For treatment you will need one radish. She washes thoroughly, cuts a hole in the vegetable, and pours warm honey into it. We leave the medicine to simmer for a day. Afterwards, the juice that flows out of the radish, mixed with honey, is used as a cough mixture.
  4. Onion and garlic. Squeeze the juice from the cloves of garlic and onion and mix it with sugar. Boil everything over low heat, at the end pour a glass of milk and keep it on the fire for another five minutes.

Now you know exactly how to cure a cough and forget about it for many years. Do not get sick and do not delay the treatment process, and also seek help from specialists.

Very often people try to ignore a cough, considering this symptom to be a manifestation of a cold or a consequence of hypothermia. Meanwhile, a cough can be a harbinger of trouble. If coughing attacks often begin to bother you in the evening, and traditional methods and cold pills do not help, this may indicate heart problems.

Cough in the evening

Why does cough occur in the evening?

Quite often, coughing in the evening accompanies the presence of cardiovascular pathology in the body. In particular, persistent low productivity often occurs when the body is susceptible to manifestations of mitral stenosis and left ventricular failure. Moreover, cough may be the only symptom of this pathology. The most common cause of cough in those suffering from heart disease is blood stagnation, which affects the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. In almost all cases, this cough worsens in the evening, as well as when exposed to physical activity. Also, the cough may be accompanied by sputum production, sometimes with bloody discharge, and subside after taking cardiotonic medications. This is the so-called cardiac cough, which gets its name from the disease, or rather from the organ affected by the disease, leading to cough.

Causes and symptoms of cardiac cough

The cause of cardiac cough is heart failure. The symptoms of this cough are similar to those of bronchitis, only with a cardiac cough there is no sputum production, and in especially severe cases, bloody discharge appears. A cardiac cough results from stagnation of blood in the lungs. In other words, such a cough occurs in almost all cases with left ventricular heart failure. With this disease, the right ventricle fills the lungs with blood, and the left ventricle is characterized by the inability to pump out this blood properly. The result of this state of affairs is the filling of the lungs with blood, swelling of the bronchial mucosa, which in turn leads to irritation of the cough center - in this case, a cough occurs. Sometimes this condition is referred to as “cardiac bronchitis.” Cardiac cough is dry, without sputum production. It intensifies when a person takes a horizontal position. Frequent accompaniments of a cardiac cough are increased heart rate, a feeling of lack of air, and shortness of breath.

That is why the most correct treatment option for cough is to eliminate the cause that caused it. Therefore, when it comes to treating cough, the most important thing is the correct and timely diagnosis of the disease.

Cough in the morning

Many people are concerned about the manifestations of a seemingly causeless symptom - they are bothered by a cough every day in the morning. More recently, 10 - 15 years ago, such a characteristic cough in most cases would have been characterized as a manifestation of chronic bronchitis. Meanwhile, this disease is most often not a correct diagnosis based on the presence of a morning cough.

Causes of cough in the morning

Today it is known that cough in the morning manifests itself in almost all cases as a consequence of the most common bad habit - smoking. Among doctors, a disease caused in 80 percent of cases by smoking, as well as inhaling various substances dangerous to the human body while working in hazardous industries or living in polluted environmental areas is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Regular exposure to nicotine and other substances inhaled by humans leads over time to narrowing of the bronchi and destruction of lung tissue (emphysema occurs).

Why is COPD dangerous?

The danger of COPD also lies in the fact that the initial course of this disease in most cases is ignored by people due to the absence of alarming symptoms. Over time, the so-called smoker's cough, most often accompanied by sputum production. The disease progresses, and by the age of 45 - 50, those suffering from COPD notice the presence of shortness of breath - initially during physical activity (it becomes difficult to climb stairs, and jogging causes insurmountable difficulties), and subsequently at rest.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, like any chronic disease, leads to a systemic effect and can gradually undermine the health of almost all body systems. A person experiences a loss of muscle mass, which leads to a deterioration in exercise tolerance, sometimes even leading to disability. In addition, there is a danger of developing “pulmonary heart” - a symptom when, due to improper functioning of the respiratory system, an increased load is created on the right ventricle.

Statistics say that 8% of the adult population of our state is susceptible to COPD. And every year is accompanied by a sad statement of fact - the number of patients is increasing.

To prevent the disease at the very beginning, at the first manifestation of symptoms, the main one of which is a cough in the morning, it is necessary to urgently consult a pulmonologist or therapist, and also undergo a lung test - spirography.

Cough at night

Coughing is a natural defense reaction of the body that allows foreign bodies to be expelled. That is, this is a natural phenomenon, but how much anxiety it brings to the person exposed to it, especially for such a nuisance as a night cough. To achieve better sleep, the simple tips below will help.

It is worth noting that many actions that are usually taken after sleep has been interrupted by a dry and frequent cough do not give the expected effect. Rubbing the chest with a strong-smelling ointment, cough syrups, cold medicines, heating the room, sometimes even antibiotics, are not considered by experts to be methods capable of stopping a cough.

Causes of cough at night

The fact is that a common cause of night cough is a viral infection. Do not forget that antibiotics are powerless against viruses, so their use is inappropriate and ineffective. Due to the fact that through coughing the body turns on an important mechanism that results in cleansing the lungs, the cough should not be completely neutralized. When the body is exposed to a viral infection, its natural defense mechanisms are characterized by a temporary inability to function effectively. As a result of coughing, the lungs are cleared of bacteria and other irritants, so when the cough is completely eliminated, important protection against a more serious bacterial infection, which can even be pneumonia, is lost.

Therefore, most often leaving a cough that occurs at night alone is the best solution. But the discomfort caused by coughing can be quite severe, so you can take some measures to prevent it. Let us note once again that these measures are not aimed at completely getting rid of cough, but are intended only to ensure more restful sleep.

How to stop coughing at night?

Need to drink more. Yes, this recommendation may seem banal, but it really works and relieves cough. This is true because fluids are needed for mucus production and expectoration. They have the ability to soften dry and hard coughs, as well as help in removing phlegm. In addition, unlike cold medicines, regular tea and juice have no contraindications.

The second is warmth. It is clear that the air in the room for sleeping should be warm. Hot drinks will also help keep you warm. At the same time, one should not forget about humidifying the air in the room. Dryness causes irritation in the throat and makes the night cough even worse. Therefore, the air must be humid.

Today we will together find the answer to the question of why the cough gets worse at night. There is probably not a single person in the world who does not know how unpleasant it is to be sick. High fever, runny nose and wheezing are all hard on the body. A particularly unpleasant sensation is caused by a cough, which tends to get worse in the evening and at night. It deprives you of sleep and rest. In this regard, a sick person wakes up in the morning completely broken.

So why does the cough get worse at night when lying down? The answer to this question is quite simple. Now you can see this for yourself. The whole point is this: in the evening and at night, the processes occurring in the body slow down, including blood circulation. This leads to poor resorption and accumulation of sputum. The latter, in turn, can irritate the nerve endings, thereby causing a cough. But we will try to understand this issue in more detail, paying attention to the causes of cough and its treatment.

Diseases that cause cough

So, let's begin a closer study of the question of why dry cough worsens at night. What causes it to appear? In fact, there are a lot of them. Here is just a small list of the most common of them:

  • the inability to take a full breath, terrible coughing attacks can cause croup;
  • a digestive disease called acid reflux (as strange as it may sound, it is related);
  • severe coughing attacks, especially at night with a characteristic whistle, indicate the presence of asthma or bronchitis;
  • a very common disease that causes restless sleep and is difficult to tolerate at an early age - whooping cough (the peculiarity of this infectious disease is a night cough);
  • Here is another small list: sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, heart failure (in these cases, medications that are designed to eliminate inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx are not suitable; special therapy is needed here).

Everything listed above is only a small part of the causes of night cough. Here are the common diseases that cause such an unpleasant symptom. Please note that coughs should be treated immediately. If you miss the moment and start the disease, then it will take a very long time to eliminate the problem of tickling, which is also extremely unpleasant.

Causes of increased cough at night

As mentioned earlier, in the evening and at night, all processes taking place in the body slow down. The result of this phenomenon is poor blood flow. So the sputum practically does not resolve, but accumulates, irritating the nerve endings. Sputum in a lying position gradually clogs the nose and throat, and this is a provocation for the cough reflex.

  1. The most effective and proven method is a glass of warm milk. For a good effect, you can add a little butter and honey to it. There are other recipes, many advise adding a little soda to the milk.
  2. If you have the opportunity to inhale or humidify the air in the bedroom, you can use these methods. Inhalation can not only warm the throat, but also thin and remove mucus. As a result, the disease will pass much faster.
  3. Don’t forget about medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy. When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date, dosage and age restrictions. Don't forget that self-medication sometimes leads to dire consequences. Before purchasing medications, be sure to consult with your doctor. The most common and effective cough remedies are: Bromhexine, Ascoril, Sinekod, Codelac and so on. Remember that medications help eliminate cough, but most of them are allergenic.

Night cough in a child

Now let’s look at the question in more detail - why does a child’s cough get worse at night? Little children are literally exhausted when coughing at night. It is important to know that this symptom can bring them to real stress. Like an adult, children’s cough and sore throat subsides a little during the day, which becomes the reason for parents’ inaction. Mom and Dad calmed down and decided to postpone the visit to the doctor, what if it was all over? But as soon as the baby goes to bed, the pattern repeats itself - severe cough and insomnia.

Of course, you won’t drag your child to the clinic late in the evening or at night. Try to eliminate the cough using traditional recipes. And in the morning, urgently go to the pediatrician or call him at home. He must find out the reason why your baby’s cough gets worse in the evening and at night, and prescribe the correct treatment, which is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also at the cause of their occurrence.

Cause of night cough in a baby

The answer to the question of why cough gets worse at night in children is the same as for adults. Coughing is a reflex, a kind of protective reaction of the body. With the help of this symptom, a signal is sent to the brain that not everything is in order and treatment is required. The cough is caused by accumulated fluid that the child's body is trying to expel.

Many parents make this mistake: without going to the pediatrician, they buy well-known medications to treat this particular symptom and decide that the problem is solved. In fact, everything is not so, these medications do not fight the cause of the cough, they are superficial. After taking them, sputum still remains in the bronchi, which can have a bad effect in the future. This is dangerous because a harmless disease can develop into inflammation. Be sure to consult with your pediatrician, drink only proven remedies and drink more fluids (be sure to be warm: tea, milk, water, compotes and juices). You should temporarily forget about water from the tap or compote from the refrigerator.

Consequences of coughing at night in a child

We have voiced the cause of coughing in young children at night, now we move on to the next question. After suffering from an illness, such as an acute respiratory infection or a common cold, caused by hypothermia or a virus, the baby may still have a cough for quite a long time. As mentioned earlier, during the day its manifestations are rare, but at night it becomes clearly noticeable. This symptom is often observed in those people who have not fully treated the disease. These consequences must be quickly and urgently eliminated. This can only be done by contacting a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment. If you choose the right approach, you can forget about the cough after a couple of days of therapy.

Why does cough worsen at night in an adult?

Let's immediately highlight the next disease - asthma. If tickling and coughing have a loud whistling sound, then we are dealing with this particular disease. In addition, a symptom that causes difficulty breathing may occur. A dry, severe cough may also indicate the next problem - heart failure. Another symptom is shortness of breath. This is due to the fact that during sleep, namely in a horizontal position of the body, a sufficient amount of oxygen does not enter the lungs.

Another reason for night cough is problems related to gastroenterology. If there is an effect of irritating factors on the nerve endings of the esophagus, then the mucous membrane can easily become inflamed. In all of these cases, consultation with an experienced specialist is required before treatment. Self-treatment can not only be a waste of time and money, but also make the situation worse.


Now we will cover the question in a little more detail - why does cough worsen at night with bronchitis? This is a fairly common disease, and it’s no secret that its characteristic feature is increased coughing at night. Why is this happening? Since we are in a horizontal position at night, phlegm begins to accumulate without having any way out. Fluid stagnation occurs, which leads to a severe cough and sore throat.

Whooping cough

Now you will find out why with whooping cough the cough gets worse at night. First, a preface: whooping cough is an infectious disease that is very dangerous for young children. In addition to cough, there may be other symptoms:

  • high body temperature;
  • vomit.

Cause of cough:

  • accumulation of sputum;
  • horizontal body position;
  • dry air;
  • poorly ventilated area;
  • did not drink the required amount of liquid;
  • lack of treatment;
  • accumulation of vomit in the bronchi.

For whooping cough, enhanced therapy is necessary: ​​inhalations, tablets, mixtures, drink plenty of fluids, use herbal decoctions.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical stress; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.



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