Jacket potatoes. Boiled new potatoes in jackets

Properly cooked jacket potatoes are not only tasty, but also healthy, they improve metabolic processes, stabilize blood sugar levels, protect against infectious diseases and viruses, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. We will look at the nuances of the recipe, knowing which even novice cooks will receive a delicious, satisfying dish. The whole process will take approximately 40 minutes.

The peel retains vitamins and microelements in the pulp. But jacket potatoes are useful only when they do not contain a high concentration of solanine and nitrates, which accumulate under the skin. If you are not sure about the quality of root vegetables, it is better to peel and boil them without the “uniform”.

Variety Jacket potatoes for salads are prepared from varieties that contain a minimum of starch so that the flesh does not crumble during cooking. Potatoes with a medium starch content are suitable for a regular dish; they taste better. It is not recommended to use varieties that are too starchy (usually late), since the pulp crumbles during cooking, resulting in an unattractive dish.

Size. Small and medium-sized tubers are suitable for boiling in their skins. It takes a lot of time to cook large potatoes, and they don't always cook well inside.

All potatoes should be approximately the same size and preferably the same variety. If the potatoes are different, small tubers need to be pulled out of the water earlier so that they do not overcook.

Ripeness. Young potatoes in their jackets are often more tender and do not need to be peeled. Old root vegetables are tougher and must be peeled. Soft, sprouted or green potatoes are not suitable because they contain a lot of harmful substance solanine, which accumulates near the skin.


  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2-3 liters (depending on the pan);
  • salt – 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water.

Recipe for boiled jacket potatoes

1. Place washed potatoes of approximately the same size in a saucepan.

2. Pour water over the tubers (it should completely cover the potatoes by at least 3-4 cm). Remember that when boiling, some of the water will evaporate. During the cooking process, individual parts of the potatoes should not be allowed to become dry, otherwise they will become tasteless.

3. Add salt, which not only affects the taste, but also protects the potatoes from cracking the skin and boiling.

4. Bring the potatoes to a boil over high heat, reduce power, and cover the pan with a lid.

How long to cook jacket potatoes depends on the size of the tubers: young small ones need 20 minutes, medium and large potatoes will reach the desired condition in 30-45 minutes from the moment of boiling. The finished potatoes should be easily pierced with a fork or knife to the middle of the tuber. Try to check the readiness as few times as possible; with each new puncture, some of the beneficial substances are boiled down.

5. Remove the pan from the stove and drain the water; the tubers can be thrown into a colander for quick drying. If jacket potatoes are being prepared for salad, immediately pour cold water over the tubers for a couple of minutes to make it easier to remove the peel later. If this is a separate dish, just let it cool.

Potatoes are the second bread. That's exactly what people say. This vegetable is healthy, inexpensive, and is included in many dishes. Boiled jacket potatoes are an excellent preparation or ready-to-eat product. But not every housewife knows how long to cook potatoes with their skins on so that they don’t crack, fall apart in boiling water, or remain soggy and tasteless.

Which potatoes to choose

Potatoes of the same size are suitable for this. Then it will cook evenly, and there will be no half-finished tubers at the end of cooking. If there are disproportionate potatoes, then it is better to cut the large fruit in half. You should never eat potatoes with green spots - this indicates that part of the potato was not in the ground, but under the influence of direct rays of the sun. And this contributes to the formation of toxic substances in it - solanine, which is a poison for humans, causing diseases.

When choosing a potato, it is important to pay attention to its skin - if it is flabby, it means the fruit has been frozen, and if there are eyes on it, it means it was stored improperly and the process of destruction of vitamin C has begun, as well as the conversion of starch into sugar.

It is better to take jacket potatoes:

  • new potatoes;
  • moderately dirty tubers, of the same size and variety;
  • potatoes with medium starch content - they are oval, yellowish in color;
  • Potatoes with a low level of starch in them are potatoes with a red thin skin, round or oval shape, and the flesh is waxy.

If you choose potatoes with rough, oblong skin (white or brown), the tubers may become boiled, since such potatoes contain a lot of starch.

How to cook jacket potatoes

After the correct potato has been selected, you need to wash it in warm running water, thoroughly cleaning the eye spots. After this you can do the following:

  • put a pan of water on the stove;
  • Before throwing the potatoes into the water, you can lightly pierce the skin;
  • You can immediately fill the pan with potatoes with water so that the water completely covers the tubers, and only then put it on the fire;
  • you can wait until the water boils and throw potatoes into boiling salted water (for 2 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of salt - regular or sea), the salt will not allow the potatoes to burst;
  • After boiling, cook the potatoes for 20-30 minutes; if the tubers are a little old, extend the cooking to 50 minutes;
  • take a knife or fork and pierce the potatoes (preferably several) to make sure the root vegetables are cooked. The fork should go in gently all the way to the middle;
  • Before the potatoes are completely cooked, you can throw a couple of bay leaves and rosemary into the water.

Other options for boiling jacket potatoes

If you cook young potatoes, then this process will take (from the moment the water boils) about 20 minutes, and if the potatoes have already been sitting for 2 seasons, then the cooking process will take 50-60 minutes. It is advisable to keep an eye on the potatoes. You need to cook it over high heat, with the lid open. There is one more nuance: you can add 1 tbsp to the water. l. vinegar so that the potatoes are evenly cooked, soft and do not fall into pieces.

When serving jacket potatoes as a complete dish, it is important to know that it is better to eat such potatoes with the skin: it contains a lot of vitamins, and when peeling the skin, 15% of the usefulness of the vegetable is lost. You can cook jacket potatoes like this:

  • boil water with salt - take 400 g of salt per 1 liter of water (a high concentration of salt is created to prevent the release of vitamins, starch, and minerals from the potatoes);
  • After adding salt to the boiling water, bring it to a boil and immerse the potatoes;
  • cook the dish for 15-40 minutes (depending on the size of the tubers, the longer the better);
  • remove the potatoes from the water onto a plate (you can see a thin crust of salt forming on its surface);
  • put butter, chopped herbs in the dish, and potatoes on top. Mix everything and serve hot.

If you plan to peel potatoes in their skins (for frying, baking or salads), then immediately after they are ready, it is better to fill them with cold water - then the peel will come off easier. Another important rule is that you should not leave cooked potatoes in water so that they do not become saturated with it and spoil their qualities.

Methods for cooking jacket potatoes

In addition to the traditional method of cooking potatoes over a fire in a pan, you can resort to alternative modern methods:

  • in a microwave oven: a microwave cooks potatoes faster than usual, but to do this you need to wash them, wipe them dry, make punctures to allow steam to escape and add a little salt. Place the plate in the oven, cook at maximum power for about 12 minutes;
  • In a double boiler or slow cooker, boil potatoes in their jackets for 15 to 20 minutes, which is also faster than usual.

When boiling jacket potatoes, the main thing is to choose the right vegetable itself so that it contains a minimum of starch. The product must be of the same type, size, and the water must completely cover the potatoes during cooking.

Hello dear readers of the site. Summer has come and the markets have their first vegetables and fruits. Among the fresh vegetables I really want to try new potatoes, since we eat apples, tomatoes and cucumbers all year round, but we don’t eat new potatoes. However, the prices for it are very high, so our housewives have to somehow get out of this situation in order to pamper us with a variety of dishes made from new potatoes.

As a rule, the price depends on the size, and, naturally, the larger the potatoes, the more expensive. While the price is high, my wife buys small new potatoes, also called “peas,” and makes an excellent dish out of them.

Take the same amount of potatoes as you usually fry in a frying pan and wash them thoroughly. Add sunflower oil to the frying pan, pour in the washed, unpeeled potatoes and place on medium heat.

When about 5 minutes have passed, cover the pan with a lid for the same time so that the potatoes steam a little.

Now remove the lid and simply fry the potatoes, and to check their degree of readiness, lightly press on them.

As the potatoes roast and brown, add onion, salt and pepper to taste.
Alternatively, you can add carrots along with the onions. Carrots will add an original sweetish taste.

Cooking jacket potatoes correctly is very simple. This does not require much time or labor. These potatoes are added to a variety of salads and eaten on their own. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Video recipe.

Properly cooked jacket potatoes are tasty and, most importantly, healthy. Because the peel retains more vitamins and microelements in the pulp. It prevents the healing properties from being removed from the root vegetable, which makes the dish more useful than just boiled potatoes. Potatoes boiled in their skins improve metabolic processes, protect against infectious diseases and viruses, stabilize blood sugar levels, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It is put in salads and eaten as a side dish. It is delicious with melted green onions, and especially with lightly salted herring. However, no matter how simple this dish may seem, not many housewives succeed in preparing it correctly so that the skin does not crack and the potatoes are fully cooked. If you know the cooking technology and all the secrets, then you can surprise the most spoiled gourmets with such a treat.

  • For salads, prepare jacket potatoes from varieties that contain a minimum of starch, then the flesh will not crumble when cooked. For a regular dish, potatoes with a medium starch content are suitable, because... it tastes better. It is better not to use tubers that are too starchy (usually late varieties), since the pulp crumbles during cooking and the dish looks unsightly.
  • The size of tubers for boiling in their skins is suitable for small and medium. Large potatoes take longer to cook and are often poorly cooked inside.
  • Choose all potatoes of approximately the same size and the same variety. Different tubers must be removed from the water at different times so that the small ones are not overcooked.
  • Soft, sprouted or green potatoes are not suitable for cooking, because... These contain a harmful substance - solanine, which accumulates near the peel.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 78 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 3-5 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 45 minutes


  • Potatoes - 3-5 pcs. medium size
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

Step-by-step preparation of jacket potatoes, recipe with photo:

1. Wash one size and place in a pan. Fill the tubers with water so that it completely covers the potatoes above 3-4 cm. Because when boiling, some of the water will evaporate. And during the cooking process, individual parts of the potatoes must not be dry, otherwise they will become tasteless.

2. Add salt. It affects the taste and protects the potatoes from cracking the skin and boiling. Also add bay leaf, it will add aroma and taste. You can also add any spices and roots that will add additional aroma and taste: cloves, garlic, allspice...

3. Bring the potatoes to a boil over high heat, reduce the flame to minimum, cover the pan with a lid and cook the potatoes. The cooking time depends on the size of the tubers: small and young ones will be ready in 20 minutes, medium and large ones, to reach the desired condition, 30-45 minutes from the moment of boiling is enough. Check the readiness of the vegetable by piercing a wooden stick; it should easily pierce the tuber to the middle. Check readiness as few times as possible, because... With each new puncture, some of the beneficial substances are digested. For the same reason, do not use a fork and knife to check readiness, because... they leave more punctures.

When the tubers are cooked, remove the pan from the stove and drain the water. Place the potatoes in a colander to dry. If you are preparing it for a salad, then immediately cover it with cold water for a few minutes, this will make it easier to remove the peel. If you cook jacket potatoes for a separate dish, then just let them cool.

Watch also the video recipe on how to cook jacket potatoes.

  • Article

The love for crumbly potatoes is passed on almost at the genetic level. Hundreds of dishes are created from it. The easiest way to prepare potatoes is to boil them in their skins on the stove or in the microwave. In a short time you can get an excellent side dish. Some people use it as an independent dish.

An unusual name is given to the root vegetable, which is usually boiled in its peel. This cooking method is most often used for further use of potatoes in salads. If you approach the heat treatment of the starchy root vegetable correctly, it will also come in handy as a side dish.

To boil potatoes in their skins, you must first carefully select the vegetables. They should be:

  • without rot;
  • without severe damage;
  • strong, so it’s better to take young potatoes;
  • without sprouted eyes.

If the root vegetable is old and flabby, then it is not suitable as a side dish. Although it can be used for other purposes.

Some housewives refuse the idea of ​​​​creating such a dish, because... They don’t like to peel hot root vegetables. They just don't know how to boil jacket potatoes.

Cooking process

The technology for creating this dish is simple. Consists of the following steps:

  • select potatoes for cooking;
  • wash them thoroughly;
  • place in a saucepan with water, which should cover the contents completely;
  • bring to a boil;
  • drain the water;
  • Serve on a plate with other dishes or greens.

To make the product tasty, you must remember to add salt almost at the very end of the process. If the water is 2 cm above the level of the potatoes, then there will be more opportunities for them to boil.

If the potatoes are young, they have a lot of starch and thin skin. It becomes crumbly during the cooking process without any problems.

Important! In the case of a mature root vegetable, you can resort to a little trick: after washing, cut the skin in a circle. This will create a similar effect: the product will become crumbly.

How long to cook jacket potatoes depends on the following factors:

  • size of potatoes;
  • stove type: electric, gas;
  • degree of old age of the root crop;
  • thickness of the bottom of the dish;
  • cooking purposes: for salads, you can cook for 5 minutes less; in the microwave, the time is reduced by 2 minutes.

The total cooking time is 20–25 minutes. Large root vegetables may need to stay in the pan longer. Experienced housewives count the time from the moment boiling water appears.

The nuances of cooking in a microwave oven

You can speed up the process of getting delicious potatoes by cooking them in the microwave. You need to do this correctly, otherwise the vegetable may tear. The product will then become unattractive and unsuitable for consumption.

To properly cook 1 kg of potatoes, it takes 11–12 minutes at the standard operating level of the device. If the power is set to higher, then the root vegetable needs to be in the microwave for a couple of minutes less.

You should proceed as follows:

  • wash the root vegetables and dry them with a towel;
  • you need to put the potatoes in a special bowl for microwave ovens;
  • add salt;
  • let bake in the microwave at 600 W;
  • remove the finished product and wait for the moisture to evaporate;
  • Serve with herbs, butter or sour cream.

To maintain the attractive shape of the potatoes, it is recommended to pierce them with a fork in several places after drying.

Another option for cooking a dish in the microwave will require the use of a thick plastic bag. Vegetables are placed in it and tied tightly. Evidence that the product is ready is when the bag inflates. After this effect, you need to cut it carefully so as not to get burned by the steam.

Cooking features

To make jacket potatoes rich in taste, you should not be afraid to add salt. The thicker the peel, the harder it is to penetrate inside. But the excess is easy to wipe off the surface when dried. It is impossible to over-salt potatoes in their jackets.

If a root vegetable is required for a salad, then the degree of its readiness can be determined not by time. If a fork easily pierces the vegetable, the product is ready. It is better to leave the option used as a side dish for a few more minutes.

Young potatoes should be consumed with their thin skin, which contains many vitamins. Once you learn how to make this dish, it will become a part of your family’s diet. After all, there is no tastier and healthier side dish than potatoes, and they are prepared in a few minutes.



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