What a profitable business to open in a small town. Traditional business ideas in a small town

Many people who have no experience think that starting their own business is very difficult. In reality this is not the case.

Any person with start-up capital and desire can. No special knowledge is needed. The main thing is to carefully study the type of business that you want to do, take into account all the points and nuances.

Decisive at the start will be- find a good supplier, if this is a store and location. This is very important. Many people, out of inexperience, opened stores in places with poor traffic, saving on rent and going broke. As for the quality of the product, this is also a key point, since we need regular customers. A person who has bought a product from you once must be satisfied so that he will return to you again.

So, what kind of business to start in a small town? In our article we will look at the most profitable ones. Production requires a large start-up capital, so we will not consider this type of activity.

So, you can either open a store or provide some services. First, let's look at which stores are the most profitable.

Which store is better to open in a small town: 7 ideas

1. Grocery store

Perhaps the most profitable option for a small business in a small town. But to start you need a large amount. A minimum of 20-30 thousand dollars, and this is provided that you rent the premises and not buy them. Few people have such an amount in a small city.

Again this type of business has many nuances and pitfalls. If you don’t have experience, then I wouldn’t recommend opening a grocery store to start with.

2. Second-hand clothing store

A thousand dollars is enough to get started. You rent a room, buy display cases and goods. Second-hand clothes are sold (purchased) by the kilogram and are inexpensive. The markup is usually 400-500 percent, which is very good. Most people in small towns are poor and willingly buy used clothes.

3. Shop fish meat

To start you need at least 3-4 thousand dollars. Profitability is 100-150 percent. Meat, such as pork, is purchased for 130-150 rubles per kg. and you can sell it for 300-400 rubles.

4. Pharmacy

To open a pharmacy in a small town you need an amount of 15-20 thousand dollars. The markup on medicines is 30-100 percent, which is not much, but due to turnover the pharmacy makes a good profit.

5. Fresh flower shop

To start, you don’t need such a large amount. You can make shelves for flowers yourself from boards. Flowers, for example roses, are purchased for 30 rubles and sold for 80-120. You can calculate for yourself how profitable the flower shop is.

6. Clothing store

To open such a business, you need 5-10 thousand dollars to purchase commercial equipment, the first batch of goods and rent the premises (the first month).

7. Cosmetics and perfumery store

To start a small store, 10 thousand dollars is enough. There is always a demand for this product. The girl may not eat, but she is unlikely to leave the house without makeup. Markup on cosmetics is 50-150 percent.

What service business is best to open in a small town: 7 ideas

1. Hair salon

You can open both men's and women's. Or maybe both together. It all depends on the starting capital. To start, 1-2 thousand dollars is enough. Let's try to estimate how profitable a hairdressing salon, for example a men's one, is.

The average price of a haircut is 250 rubles. It takes 20-30 minutes, let’s round it up, let’s say 30. Out of an 8-hour working day, let’s say the master will be busy with work for 6 hours. The total is 3000 rubles per day. You can calculate how much it will be per month.

2. Husband for an hour

To open such a business, you need little - the employees are handy and you need to purchase tools.

3. Plumber services

The main thing is to find and hire non-drinking, intelligent employees who are well versed in plumbing.

4. Nail salon

You can start with a very small amount. In this case, the location is not so important. The main thing is to provide high-quality services and keep prices low.

5. Massage parlor

You can complete massage courses yourself or hire an employee. The first option is preferable, since over time your employee will start slacking and poaching clients. Without your knowledge, he will go to their home and provide massage services.

6. Computer repair at home

You can work on your own (if you know how) or find a smart young man. For example, installing Windows costs 1000-1500 rubles and in my city the service is in demand. You can serve 3-4 clients per day.

Even if we estimate that the average cost of repairs will be 1000 rubles, that works out to 3000-4000 rubles per day. A per month it turns out to be approximately 70-90 thousand rubles, if you work with one day off. This is much better than working for your uncle for 15-30 thousand rubles. per month. And in small towns, salaries are exactly the same.

7. Funeral services

Very profitable in a small town, but to create a full-fledged company you will need decent funds.

Many will wonder what to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. I would advise opening an individual entrepreneur, taxation is easier, but for an LLC you will most likely have to hire an accountant as well.

We have listed the best types of business for small towns. It’s up to you to decide which profitable one to open. But keep in mind that before opening, you need to carefully study this type of business.

This is mandatory, since any unaccounted little detail can ruin yours at the start.

Many people living in cities with small populations are interested in what business ideas there are for a small town, because everyone wants to become the owner of their own business and receive a stable, independent income. In a small town it is even easier to start your own business than in a big city, where there are already a bunch of enterprises operating and there is a lot of competition in almost all areas.

For your business to become profitable in a small city, all you need is one that will be unique and original in its area to attract independent clients. If there are no competitors nearby, then every business will begin to flourish, bringing in considerable income.

What kind of business can you open in a small town with minimal investment?

When organizing their business from scratch, every individual entrepreneur thinks about how to invest less and get more income. Speaking about this issue, we can give some important tips:

  • When deciding what to do, start from what interests you, what you understand and what you can do.
  • If you want to invest less money, then first decide what resources you will need to start and whether you have the opportunity to find them at a low cost and in a short time.
  • Choose an area with the least competition, then with minimal investment you can get maximum profit.
  • If you have real estate where you can organize a business, then you should choose a business for which it is suitable, then you can save on rent.
  • If there is no space for a business, then you can choose a business where rent is not needed, for example, something from the service sector or handicrafts.

Without investments and with their minimal value, you can do:

  • Repair and construction work;
  • Installation of fences, windows, doors to order;
  • Joint purchases with advance payment;
  • Services of a nanny, nurse, massage therapist, hairdresser, cosmetologist at home and on-site;
  • Other similar works and several more with more or less significant investments, which we will talk about in more detail below.

Promising and profitable small business ideas for a small town in 2019

Before starting your own business, it is very important to understand that any business always comes with risk. The most difficult year for any business is the first. During these 12 months, more than 90% of all newly opened cases are closed or fail. If we take the chance of leaving a job in comparison, it will be lower even if the employee has low qualifications.

But if your business does not fail and makes a profit, then it will be money that cannot be compared with the average salary in your region, definitely. Business is work for you and your pocket, not your work for your boss or anyone else. Therefore, your task before starting a business is to choose the right direction and think through all the details in order to reduce the risk to a minimum.

What you decide to do should be something you enjoy. This will give you a guarantee that you will not be guided only by the money issue and will not give up at the slightest problem. Here you will try to stay in business, come up with new solutions and look for prospects. If you provide a competent approach to your business, then in the end the business will go uphill, expand, gain popularity and new clients and, as a result, bring you more and more profit.

Let's talk about what's relevant from a business point of view in 2018, and look at the TOP 9 ideas.

Idea No. 1: Cafe (mini-pizzeria)

Catering is always a profitable and profitable business. But, naturally, there are also difficulties here. But, as you know, the more difficulties, the higher the profit. Investments in a cafe will be decent, plus all issues regarding personnel, sanitation, freshness of food and other nuances will need to be resolved.

We suggest you open a small pizzeria where you can have a quick snack during a break, on the way to work or while waiting for transport. For this, a small tent is best suited, where you can place a couple of tables, chairs and organize a small kitchenette.

For the full functioning of such an enterprise, you will only need a couple of employees who will work in shifts and perform all duties from cooking and checking out customers to wet cleaning after the shift. You will be responsible for accounting, advertising and other organizational issues.

Why pizza? Well, because it is a high-calorie product that is loved by everyone. Your task is to make your dishes original, tasty and affordable for visitors. If this is so, then there will be no people from customers. Even if there are competitors nearby, the main thing is that they do not offer the same products that you will have. Therefore, it is not worth opening such a cafe next to another pizzeria.

A pleasant bonus for visitors is free delivery of fresh pizza in the area, ordering it by phone and promotions for large orders.

Idea No. 2: Beauty salon

Opening a salon where you can perform cosmetic procedures, get a haircut, styling, manicure and pedicure is also a popular option. This business is a profitable, interesting and profitable business for a woman. But nothing prevents a man from doing such a thing.

Here, the first thing you need to do is understand for yourself what services you will provide in your salon, and from this you can draw conclusions about the initial investment, monthly expenses, personnel and other issues.

A great option for a small budget would be a one-room space with a couple of hairdressers and a manicure table. Low prices for services that can be performed by generalists, with low investments, will bring quite a decent income, allowing you to expand in the future and begin to provide clients with a wider range of services.

The most important thing is the quality of work, the better your employees work, the more satisfied clients there will be, and then many people will know about you through word of mouth and the whole area will come to you, especially if there are no competing salons nearby.

Idea #3: Shoe repair

Every successful businessman knows that the key to a good income is a sought-after business. Every person wears shoes, almost everyone has a pair of shoes that are very valuable to him and he would not want to simply throw them away if the zipper breaks, the heel wears out, or some other problem. In this case, a person goes to a shoe repair specialist.

But in winter, such services are especially important, because winter shoes are something that is bought, mainly, for more than one season and of good quality. And if suddenly in the cold and snow a heel breaks or a zipper comes apart, then everything will need to be urgently and quickly restored.

There are no special expenses required for starting a shoe repair business. It will be enough to simply rent a corner of a very public place and place a sign nearby indicating how to find you if someone needs it. Plus, you need to purchase the necessary materials and a workbench. And then all that remains is to wait for the influx of clients.

Such a business can be opened together with clothing repair, but then a little more investment will be required, but then two masters will not be bored working in one closet. And, as they say, a satisfied employee is a good employee.

Idea No. 4: Veterinary clinic

Many people have pets today. Many cat and dog lovers even make money by selling kittens and puppies of purebred pets. But, unfortunately, it happens that the animal may get sick or require some preventive procedures.

If you love animals, then this will be not only a profitable but also an interesting business for you with minimal investment. If you have a veterinary education, it will, of course, be easier for you to cope with the organization and planning of work, but even without it, it is quite possible to devote yourself to this area by studying organizational issues and hiring competent specialists for the job.

In a small city there is unlikely to be much competition in this area, and if the city or at least some part of it specializes in livestock farming, farming and agriculture, then your business will be in great demand.

Here you will need to decide whether you will provide animal doctor services yourself or hire a specialist. Next, you need to choose a suitable place to organize a clinic, arrange the premises, purchase consumables, furniture and medicines, and advertise. Clients won't have to wait long.

Idea No. 5: Repair of household appliances

Every person has household appliances in their home. Therefore, starting a business based on the repair of such equipment is in demand and profitable. Again, you can hire employees and organize a workshop or provide services to visit the client’s home.

If you have the necessary skills, you can provide repair services yourself, advertising your business through the Internet and advertisements.

To start, you won’t need such a large initial investment; you will only need to purchase tools, the most popular types of spare parts and consumables, and you can wait for calls and work orders.

If there are enough clients, then it will make sense to rent space for a workshop, where you can pick up equipment for complex repairs or where clients will bring it themselves.

Idea #6: Clothing store

Business in inexpensive and high-quality clothing is probably one of the most popular areas today. Organizing such a business in a small town will not be difficult. Even if competitors settle not far from you, customers will still come to you, because the range and prices may vary.

The first option for this is to rent a premises and open a boutique in it. You can work as a franchise, or you can come up with everything yourself. It all depends on your desire and initial budget. The emphasis should be on quality at an affordable price and selling products that can be worn every day:

  • T-shirts;
  • Home clothes;
  • Inexpensive outerwear;
  • Children's clothing;
  • Underwear.

The second and very convenient option is to organize an online store. In this case, you can save on rent, but you will have to invest more in advertising, creation and promotion of the website. Such a business does not make any special demands on its owner. You buy wholesale and it’s cheaper, and you sell it retail and it’s more expensive. Everything is simple and clear.

Idea #7: Tutoring

For those people who are knowledgeable in any scientific field or, best of all, have a pedagogical education, tutoring will be an excellent option. For an hour of work, a tutor earns much more than when working with an entire class of students in an educational institution.

It doesn’t matter whether a child studies in a big city or a small one, but the Unified Exam is the same for everyone, and the qualifications of teachers may differ in a small and large city. That is why in small towns responsible parents very often resort to the services of tutors for their children. In addition to individual lessons, you can also provide services such as:

  • Assistance with writing scientific papers, essays, coursework, dissertations and other works;
  • Preparation for exams when entering a university or for final exams, as well as even for state educational standards;
  • Preparatory classes to prepare children for school;
  • Learning to play an instrument or vocals if you have certain skills.

There are a lot of opportunities in this area. You can also not teach children and students yourself, but also organize an agency for selecting tutors, receiving a percentage of their orders.

Children are the flowers of life, but sometimes you want to leave them somewhere for a couple of hours, go to the movies or spend time somewhere else. And there are a lot of people who want it. such a business is very profitable, even if your locality is small.

Such a room is in demand, most often in the entertainment sector. It would be very suitable to rent a room near a cinema, any other entertainment establishment or in a shopping center and organize a children's room there.

For the business to function, you will need to furnish the room for the needs of children, hire a couple of animators, put a pool with balls, a TV with cartoons, tables for drawing and a corner with toys. It is also necessary to provide all precautions for children's games so that the kids do not get hurt, and just in case there must be a first aid kit.

If there is high traffic, you will always have customers; all you need to do is make a colorful sign and get to work.

Almost everyone drinks coffee today. On the way to work, if you have a minute, a person will definitely buy a glass of delicious coffee. During the lunch break, to maintain performance in the afternoon, many people also want to drink espresso or latte.

Therefore, organizing a small coffee shop on wheels when placing it in places where there are no competitors nearby and there is a lot of traffic is the best idea for a modern entrepreneur with a small budget.

The entrepreneur will need to organize a van that can comfortably accommodate all the equipment for making the hot drink that everyone loves. You can install such a van permanently at one point with high traffic or, if necessary, transport it to several points.

You will need to design yours beautifully and attractively. An original and attractive name will also be a big plus for advertising. And most importantly, your coffee should be delicious. In addition, you can come up with your own coffee-based drinks according to your own recipes. For example, cold ones are for hot days of summer.

Advantages and disadvantages of starting a business in a small town


  • In a small town, competition is much lower than in a large town and when organizing a business, the risk of being crushed by competitors is much less;
  • It is in a small city that it is easier to adapt a business to the needs and requirements of local residents, which will attract a larger percentage of clients;
  • Here you will need lower initial investments when starting a business than in a big city;
  • In a small city, advertising works much more efficiently, quickly attracting new customers and clients.


  • The population of a small town has its own habits and habits, so they may not properly perceive any business that differs from their opinions or habits;
  • The level of wealth and income of citizens living in a small town is usually low, so the profit here will be corresponding;
  • If there is a big city nearby where you can easily buy goods at a lower cost than yours, then the locals are unlikely to come to you, they would rather go to a neighboring city.

Thus, we have looked at what business ideas for a small town are in demand in 2019. Don't forget that any business is a responsibility. Therefore, everything needs to be approached with a good plan, taking into account all the nuances and little things. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Do you live in a small provincial town and dream of running your own business in a metropolis? In order to become a successful businessman, it is not at all necessary to go to conquer the capital, because you can become the first where you live now. Take advantage of some of the ideas we offer for small town entrepreneurs and open your own business in your “small homeland”.

What are the differences between small businesses in a big and small city?

In a small city, compared to a large metropolis, the following features for doing business:

  • Limited sales market or the need to spend money on logistics and deliver products to the end consumer in other localities;
  • The absence of any barriers to starting a business and a minimum of competitors, but undeveloped market demand and low purchasing power of the population;
  • Cheap labor, but at the same time difficulties in finding highly qualified specialists without flaws;
  • Low costs for organizing production - lower rental rates, more available commercial space, more affordable repairs, less pathos and the need for extra costs;
  • Cheap local raw materials, but expensive imported resources due to transportation costs;
  • Availability of benefits for business development and support from various official authorities;
  • The high value of reputation - mistakes are not forgotten here and new clients are difficult to find.

If in a large district or regional center, in order to create your own business, significant start-up costs will be required (after all, space, advertising, and personnel are expensive), then in a city with a small population you can minimize this contribution required to open your own business.

Yes, in a small town there are fewer opportunities and not every idea is suitable for implementation in such a limited space, but the owner of the company will be able to easily manage all processes and not lose control over his enterprise. The scale here is not the same. You can handle all the responsibilities as a family contract and not hire outsiders.

What kind of business can you open in a small town?

Of course, you can open another store, as others do, but it is better to choose an idea that no one has used in your city before you. What is suitable for implementation within a small city:

You can choose many options and determine what kind of business you can open in your small town by looking at the experience of neighboring regions, for example, on the Avito website.

As an example, we can cite an entrepreneur from a small seaside town, who at the beginning of his activities purchased an inflatable slide and now - after 4 beach seasons - there are more than two dozen children's sea attractions and even a water slide for adults on the coast throughout the area. All of them are in demand and there is no end to vacationers in the summer months. The business is seasonal, but profitable. It is fortunate that this holiday destination is chosen not only by residents of a small town, but everyone comes here from large centers.

There is another example of success. A small private bakery began in a home kitchen with supplies to a nearby stall, three years have passed and it now supplies not only all the city’s retail outlets with fresh baked goods, but also supplies baked goods outside the area.

In the subsidized area, almost all loggers exported wood outside the region, and one of the sawmills decided not only to produce boards, but also to open a carpentry shop on its territory. Already in the first year of operation, the workshop was provided with orders for a long time - they make country and home furniture from natural wood, make souvenirs and make gazebos.

How to positively use the conditions of small towns for the development of small businesses

Business can be successfully developed in a small town. The main thing is to optimally use the existing advantages and avoid disadvantages. You need to choose those options for your own business that allow you to organize production and sales at minimal cost without special logistics costs.

What will help an entrepreneur in a small town?

  • First of all, we can note such a fact as the lack of competition and free niches in the market in many areas of activity. By becoming the first in the city in your chosen field, you can win over all consumers and not be afraid of the actions of competitors.
  • Minimum thresholds for entering the market - you don’t have to start an expensive advertising campaign, spend money on kickbacks, go to hell because of competitors, and in general, all the costs of starting a business in a small city are much lower.
  • And not only can you save money when creating an enterprise - you also won’t need to spend too much in the course of your business. In a small town, real estate, many materials and raw materials, especially local ones, are cheaper, and wages are incomparably lower than in a large settlement.
  • There are more opportunities to receive support from local authorities - in the provinces, every new enterprise becomes a plus for the entire city and region, so officials help the beginning entrepreneur in every possible way; there is no tough competition for grants and subsidies.

Whatever business you choose for a small town, it is important to organize your work correctly so that all residents of the city quickly learn about you from a positive side. “Word of mouth” in small settlements can be both an excellent help at the start and a hindrance to development.

The attitude of clients is only in your hands, so you will have to earn trust first, but this is easier to do in small towns.

It is reputation in such cases that is more important than profitability; remember this when opening your own business.

Video: interview - how I opened my own hairdressing salon

If you offer something that people need, your business will prosper. A hairdresser is a profitable business in a small town, as well as in a big one.

There is an opinion among ordinary people that starting a business in a big city is much easier and more promising than in a populated area with a population of no more than 50,000 people. Undoubtedly, in a big city there is more demand, more opportunities, but at the same time there are many more problems there.

If you think that small towns are unattractive for starting and developing your own business, then this opinion is wrong. It doesn’t matter where you live - you can learn to make money anywhere and, most importantly, .

If you are interested in how to start a business in a small town, where to start, how to avoid making many mistakes at the very beginning of the journey, and what to pay attention to first, then this article will be useful for you.

Business from scratch in a small town: pros and cons

So, if you have made the final decision to open a business in a small urban settlement, then you need to look at the situation realistically and weigh all the pros and cons of this venture.

Remember: you need to take starting your own business seriously, because if you make even the slightest mistake at the beginning, you will not be able to avoid big losses in the future.

What are the disadvantages of running a small business in a small town?

Positive points

If you have read everything written above and are a little upset, there is no need to do this. Remember: where there are minuses, there will definitely be pluses. You need to try to find something positive in everything. Otherwise, you shouldn't get down to business.

Let us outline the advantages of small business in a small locality.

  • Rent cost. This can be called the most “fat” and decisive advantage. In a small town you can rent a huge room for a purely nominal fee. And a beautiful, presentable office can be rented for mere pennies.
  • Lack of competition. If you manage to occupy a free niche in the market and thoroughly gain a foothold in it, then it is unlikely that anyone will be able to promote you. You will be able to have exclusive rights to a certain type of activity for a long time.
  • You will be able to hire for your company cheap labor. In small towns there is a problem with employment, so many are happy with even the minimum wage.
  • Small towns are much easier to conquer credit trust from clients. If you manage to please one or several influential townspeople, you will soon be able to feel how quickly and effectively word of mouth works, and the whole town will be talking about you as a good businessman.

What kind of business can you start in a small town?

Let's say you decide to open your own business. “What to do in a small town?” - you ask. Let's consider which areas of small business are advancing most successfully in small towns.

  • According to statistics, the most profitable small business in Russia is sales. It will always exist. People will always be selling and buying things. What kind of store can you open in a small town? Particularly beneficial for building materials, clothing and household chemicals.
  • Many aspiring entrepreneurs succeed in the field provision of services for and health.
  • Active and creative people can express themselves in organizing various holidays. This does not require large investments, other than the purchase of musical equipment to accompany events and costumes.
  • It is considered a profitable small business idea for a small town. For placement mini-workshops you won’t need large spaces, which means you can save money on rent. This could include production of sausages and dairy products, as well as small canneries.
  • Maybe not bad earn money And on the Internet. What do you mean? Creation of websites or blogs, online consultations, etc.

Ideas for a profitable business in a small town

What kind of store to open in a small town: an idea with a flower boutique

An idea related to . is perfect for a small town. If there are not many such retail outlets in your city, then you can try your luck in this type of entrepreneurial activity.

How to open a flower shop in a small town?

  • Approximate cost for opening – 180,000-200,000 rubles.
  • Profit– you can actually earn an average of 50,000 rubles and more. Do not forget that trade in this product is seasonal.
  • Payback fresh flower store - 10-12 months.
  • Approximate profitability flower boutique is from 30 to 35%.

How to organize pizza delivery?

What does it take to open in a small town? For a small establishment, a room of 25 square meters will be sufficient. m. The main thing is that everything complies with SES standards.

Pizza delivery as a business idea from scratch for a small town includes:

  • cost for opening – from $10,000 to $15,000;
  • profit on average - from 70,000 rubles;
  • payback– 1.5-2 years;
  • profitability – 25%.

Minor household repairs, or husband for an hour

This type of business, providing small household services to the population, appeared in the late 2000s and has been developing quite successfully since then.

The life of a modern person passes at such a pace that he has practically no time left for household chores. Therefore, many people prefer to use the help of a repairman.

If such a service company is organized at the proper level, it can bring good profits.

At the moment, an enterprise like “Husband for an Hour” has a wide target audience, and such services are in demand not only in big cities, but also in small regional centers.

Before you get started, you will need to buy a set of necessary tools or use what you already have.

  • Average size costs– from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • If you have a sufficient number of orders, then on average you can earn from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles for 30 working days.
  • Payback– 2 months.
  • Profitability reaches 50%.

Growing green onions as an example of a successful small business

If you own a small space (60-80 sq.m.), then you can consider this area as a fairly promising business.

As an example, let's study the main financial indicators of growing onions hydroponically:

  • starting investments– from $1,800 to $2,000;
  • every month for one cycle of growing young onions you will need to be spent$200 (this includes the costs of watering, lighting, heating and planting material);
  • profit. If you find a wholesale buyer, then in 22 days you can earn $1,100 (550 kg of onions for $2). In this case, the net profit will be $800;
  • payback project - 3 months. This payback period is considered a record among all areas of business activity;
  • profitability business for growing greens - more than 40%. This is a very high figure.

Small business idea at home: handmade

Today, more and more people are trying to make money on what they do best with their own hands -. But do not forget that this type of earnings will bring a certain profit only to those who know how to do at least something professionally.

What kind of business can there be for women in a small town? For example, knitting, sewing, decoupage, beading, soap making, making greeting cards and many others.

  • Dimensions investment can fluctuate within very wide limits - from several hundred to several thousand rubles;
  • Profit– from 40% of invested funds;
  • Payback business - record time - 1-2 months;
  • Profitability - 100%.

Second-hand clothing as a profitable business idea in a small town

The crisis phenomena, which are acutely felt by residents of all regions of our country at the moment, are the reason that many ordinary people are forced to turn their attention to cheap stores - or second-hand stores. Some people are hesitant to admit that they visit these retail outlets, but, nevertheless, almost all of us have a couple of second-hand items in our wardrobe.

Approximate financial indicators of a second-hand store:

  • at the start for you will be needed at least $3,000-6,000;
  • in the first few months profit will be $250-500, in the future these numbers will grow;
  • payback of this enterprise – 1 year;
  • profitability– these indicators are very difficult to express in numbers. Some experts talk about 40-50%.

Prospects for small business development

If you have already decided what kind of business to start in a small town, then keep in mind that, despite the fact that in our country there are many problems associated with small business, there are still good prospects for its development in the coming years.

Experts who work in the field of small business development have made approximate calculations, according to which it becomes clear that small businesses have good reserves in order to successfully develop further.

What specific steps have been taken by government agencies to support small businesses?

Several years ago a number of important changes to the regulatory framework:

  • significantly simplified the registration procedure;
  • the number was reduced to a minimum;
  • special bodies have been created that successfully protect the rights of entrepreneurs in banks;
  • reduced the maximum income so that you could switch to;
  • small and medium-sized businesses began to be allowed to participate in government procurement orders.

The state offers a helping hand to small and medium-sized enterprises. And businessmen note that this help is quite noticeable.

At the moment, there is an active discussion of issues related to the revival of Russian entrepreneurship. Perhaps this is the only way out of the economic crisis for our country.

There are quite a lot of opportunities for implementing small business ideas in a small town in Russia. The main characteristic features that an entrepreneur must have are ideology and patience.

The government of the Russian Federation is successfully solving strategic problems related to the development of small businesses. To achieve this goal, all kinds of tools are used.

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Possible only in large cities, where money and highly qualified personnel are concentrated, but this is not the case. Of course, the specifics of entrepreneurship will be different from those inherent in megacities, but the income will not be long in coming. Moreover, the costs of organizing it will be significantly lower, and if you calculate well and come up with a development strategy, you can completely capture the market in the region.

Starting a business from scratch in a small town can be profitable for several reasons:

  1. Small starting capital. In small towns, costs associated with renting premises, utilities, advertising and personnel are significantly lower.
  2. Low level of competition, because many niches are free due to the limited presence of goods and services.
  3. Small businesses in an “average” regional city can easily be developed by reaching new frontiers.
  4. High efficiency of free advertising (“word of mouth”). In small towns, the demand for a product or service largely depends on the level of customer satisfaction. If an entrepreneur offers a high-quality product or provides good services, then rumors about his activities will instantly spread throughout the city, which will attract a lot of new customers.

Advice: the situation with word of mouth can also work in a negative direction. You should not skimp on quality; this can lead to a drop in financial profits and bankruptcy of the enterprise.

Speaking about organizing your business in a small town, one cannot fail to mention its weaknesses:

  1. Low traffic. In a small town, an entrepreneur has a limited number of clients. It is better to choose those places that are convenient for the client (walking distance, access roads, etc.).
  2. Low wages. Small towns are characterized by low purchasing power.
  3. Lack of qualified personnel. The right thing to do would be to choose a promising business that does not require the involvement of specialists - they are very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to find in a small town.

What kind of business can you open in a small town?

It all depends on what goal the entrepreneur pursues. If money is a priority, then it is necessary to consider the most profitable areas of activity. If the whole idea is for pleasure and earning a living, then everything is much simpler here.

When pursuing maximum profit, the first thing you need to do is analyze the market and identify the 5-10 most profitable areas in the region of interest. Then select the most optimal option from the presented list and begin its implementation. There is one unspoken rule that should be followed. If an entrepreneur wants to succeed, then his services must be of higher quality than those of competitors, at least they should not be worse. After all, the determining factor influencing the client’s choice is price and quality.

If the priority goal is “business for pleasure,” then you should choose an idea to your liking. This could be, or other interesting solutions. It is better to give preference to a business that will make you want to do business in 2-5 or more years. It is worth noting that even “business as a hobby” can bring in very good money.

What to consider when choosing a field of activity?

When choosing what to do, an entrepreneur must rely on his own knowledge, skills and desires.

  1. Having experience. A person who is going to hairstyle must understand hairstyles, hair cosmetics, equipment and tools. If a businessman wants to engage in trade, then it is in his interests to know the answers to the questions: where to buy goods, what assortment is most in demand, how to arrange everything correctly, etc. Before opening an unfamiliar business, you need to consult with more experienced specialists or take information from books and forums.
  2. Availability of free time. In the first year, you will have to devote all your free time to the business, even if it has a staff working for it.
  3. Presence of interest. Running a business is always accompanied by risk, headaches and endless worries. If you can easily quit a boring job, then you won’t be able to quit your own business. The owner will have to constantly fight for a place in the sun and resolve issues that arise. At least at first.
  4. Demand for goods and services. An entrepreneur should answer two questions: will his services be popular and will he be able to ensure a sufficient influx of clients.

Advice: When planning to do an interesting and unfamiliar business, the first thing you should do is study this area in more detail. It will be useful to get a similar job. 2-3 months of employment will allow you to get the missing information and experience “from the inside.”

How to start your own business from scratch in a small town?

Opening your own business from scratch is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are many ideas available for starting a business without initial capital, and almost all of them are in the service sector. To start making money with your own hands, an entrepreneur should determine which area is closest to him.

Every person is an expert in something. Some people are professionals in several fields at once. If a future entrepreneur sews well, then it’s time for him to provide repair and sewing services; if you are fluent in Photoshop tools, then provide advertising services; understands the structure of a car - offer assistance in car repairs; knows how to bake - make custom cakes, etc.

The primary task of a novice businessman is to become independent from the employer. This will allow you to devote all your time to organizing and developing your business. It is also important to take care of the reserve of funds so that it is enough for life, at least for the first time.

A prerequisite is the high-quality provision of all services; it is desirable that each of the work performed be accompanied by a guarantee with a minimum period of 6 months.

At first, there is making money and creating a customer base, which in the future will become the main backbone of the business. They will continue to buy goods and services in the future.

To further develop the business, you need to start accumulating savings, otherwise it will be impossible to take the business to a new level. In the process of work, certain expenses will arise associated with the purchase of materials necessary for the provision of services.

It is worth noting that services are always in demand, regardless of the season. It’s just that during the season the demand is much higher, but there is also work throughout the year. And the main task of a businessman is to attract clients to himself.

Ideas for business in a small town with small investments

The most popular types of small businesses are trade and services. For a business in a small town with small investments, a store is not the right solution, because one way or another you will need a large sum to purchase goods. It’s easier when a person knows how to do something with his own hands and does it well. For example, the services of plumbers, hairdressers, massage therapists, and seamstresses are in demand always and everywhere. Registration as an individual entrepreneur will allow an entrepreneur to provide professional services on a completely legal basis.

It is unlikely that such a business can make its owner a millionaire, but a small and stable income is an expected prospect, especially if you manage to acquire a regular clientele. If over time your own efforts are not enough, then you can think about hiring help. The main goal of this business is to transfer the business in the future from the category of “handicraft” services to a full-fledged company serving the public. This is often what the path of most successful local businessmen – owners of repair shops, sewing shops, hairdressers, etc. – looks like.

Business ideas - services to the population in a small town

The service sector is always relevant if we consider it as a business project: investments are minimal, the main thing is to have the necessary skills.

Organizing any business requires the presence or absence of initial investments. Some ideas do not require any costs at all.

Business ideas without investment

  1. Tutoring. This field is suitable for people who are fluent in a musical instrument or have experience working in educational institutions. All you need to teach is to place an ad and recruit students.
  2. Mini studio and clothing repair. This job requires a sewing machine and relevant experience. Data , especially in small towns where buying new clothes poses challenges associated with significant costs.
  3. Cleaning services. Each housewife has a certain set of cleaning products. Cleaning the office, tidying up the premises after special events - all this is a reason to offer your services and get paid for your work. If desired, you can attract several assistants who will help turn your “handicraft” business into a large cleaning agency.

Business ideas with minimal investment

  1. Husband for an hour. The higher the professionalism, the richer the client base. Short-term household work, repairs of damaged items and appliances, plumbing and electrician services - all this requires the necessary qualifications and a modest set of tools, which will become the first investment. At the beginning of the work, the cost may be 1000-5000 rubles.
  2. Creation and sale of handmade goods: jewelry, soap, invitations, cards, bouquets of sweets, designer toys, interior decor. Costs for materials will be about 2000-3000 rubles.
  3. Hairdressing services (haircuts, hairstyles). The cost of tools and hair styling products will be approximately 3,000 rubles. If desired, you can complete hairdressing courses. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this will entail additional costs.

I have premises - what business should I start?

If you have a garage, it can be considered an ideal place to organize your small business. Such a business can bring a stable income. However, the amount of profit will depend on what the entrepreneur intends to do and how much effort will be invested in promoting the business. Having your own free space is a big plus, because you immediately eliminate the need to rent. Of course, a garage is not exactly a suitable place to open a bakery or cafe. But there are many other options.

When thinking about what kind of business to open in a garage, many make the same mistake. Often people use the most common idea. Auto repair shops are often set up in garages. However, this option can be considered outdated and it is better to discard it immediately.

Firstly, because this area is highly competitive. Car repair services are provided by many individual entrepreneurs who have large premises and expensive modern equipment. Those cars that are covered by insurance are repaired in workshops that cooperate with insurers.

Secondly, because the required areas are usually not available. No more than two cars can be accommodated in one room at the same time, and this is subject to a double garage. But in order to provide high-quality services, you need special equipment, which, as a rule, has large dimensions. Which means it won't fit in the garage.

Thirdly, due to the “impassable” location. To ensure an influx of customers, the auto repair shop should be located in a convenient and accessible location. To popularize such a business, large expenses are also required.

Ideas for small businesses can be divided into three areas:

  1. production;
  2. trade;
  3. provision of services.

Production in garage for sale

  1. Cabinet furniture. Manufacturing and assembly of kitchen units, wardrobes, dressing rooms, etc. This work requires financial costs, tools, as well as experience working with chipboard and wood. The markup on these products is at least 100%.
  2. Garden sculptures. Organizing a small production of flowerpots and sculptures for the garden in the garage is not at all difficult. The required materials for manufacturing are gypsum and concrete. The production technology is quite simple and does not require large investments. Finished products can be sold both directly and through intermediary stores.
  3. Artistic forging. People who have experience working with metal can produce small forged products in the garage that are in stable demand, for example, grilles, lamps, candlesticks, balcony railings, etc. Of course, to equip a garage for a small forge, significant investments are required, but this should not confuse a novice businessman, because this business is characterized by a quick payback.
  4. Airbrush. Even if an entrepreneur lacks artistic skills, this does not prevent him from turning an ordinary car into a work of art. In addition, drawings using this technology can be applied to almost all objects, giving them greater individuality.

Provision of services

  1. Warehouse services. Clients can be online store owners or managers of small businesses. Seasonal services can also be provided. One way or another, you will have to build a large number of shelves. In addition, this business will require costs for installing an alarm system or insuring property.
  2. Renting. This is not the most popular service, since the proceeds will only be enough to pay for the membership fee and electricity. Renting out a garage is usually a concern for those who lack the time and desire to deal with it.
  3. Tire service. It was mentioned earlier that a garage is not the best option for a car repair shop. However, an entrepreneur can provide seasonal services for “re-shoeing” cars. This business can bring good income. During the season, the demand for such services increases sharply, and car services cannot cope with the large influx of customers. The necessary equipment can be rented. This will help you save money and make a good profit.

What can you sell in a small town?

Despite the fact that trading has always been a profitable business, it has not only strengths, but also weaknesses. What is profitable to sell in a small town is an age-old question that almost every beginning businessman asks. It can be answered only after conducting marketing research.

An entrepreneur who wants to make efforts in the trading field must clearly understand what he wants and what is profitable for him to trade specifically for him.

For example, trade in food products has always been and will be a profitable area. Products constitute a constant cost item for each family. And if prices are lower than those of neighbors, this will ensure stable profits. However, this business has its drawbacks. Firstly, products deteriorate over time, and special conditions are needed to preserve them. Secondly, this activity is under the close attention of sanitary services.

Industrial products do not have an expiration date, but they are not purchased every day. Thus, the demand for office supplies increases in August and September, while in other months there is a lull.

When starting any business, demographic and geographic factors must be taken into account. It is also worth taking into account that a business that will bring big profits in a large city may fail in a small one.

What store to open in a small town?

Of course, the most win-win option for any locality is opening a grocery store. But there are other promising solutions:

  1. Products for children. This is a stable business that does not depend on the season or the size of the locality. As a rule, parents do not save on their children, which allows them to put higher markups on children's goods. This determines the good profitability of the business and the possibility of implementing a flexible pricing policy. You can trade anything: children's shoes and clothing, food, toys, strollers and other related products.
  2. Products for animals. The greatest demand is for products for cats and dogs, as well as everything related to aquariums. You can sell food, litter trays, toys, decorations, vitamins and minerals, cages, carriers, beds, etc. Such a store should be located in a passable place: near a bus stop or in a busy place.
  3. Hardware store. The range of these products is quite wide. The main groups of household goods include household chemicals, garden and household goods. Profitability of trade ensures high turnover.
  4. Automotive accessories store. In the modern world, where every family owns a car, business in this area is very relevant. The list of such products includes deflectors, windshield wipers, video recorders, interior and luggage mats, navigators, radar detectors, etc.

Business for a woman in a small town

While on maternity leave, many women begin to feel an acute lack of money. But at the same time, they are not ready to send their small child to kindergarten or do not have such an opportunity, as a result of which they cannot return to work. The only way out for them is a home business, which will allow them to devote time to their children and earn money at the same time:

  1. Manicure at home. Having the necessary knowledge or having studied in special courses, you can begin to host clients who want to improve the quality and appearance of their nails. High quality work will ensure a large influx of clients, which will allow you to earn a full-fledged income in the city.
  2. Nanny services. While staying at home with a child, you can take in another one and, most likely, he will not become a burden. The main thing is to love children. Each person has the right to set the amount of remuneration at their own discretion, based on the average statistical cost of these services.
  3. Photography class. Knowing how to take beautiful and interesting photographs, as well as process them using special programs, you can post your work on photo banking sites. There they will most likely be noticed by website creators, where they will be sold out for a certain amount. Of course, the payment is low, but if you post high-quality photos every day, you can earn good money.
  4. Handmade. Handmade products are in good demand. You can sew, knit, embroider, weave with beads, create soft toys, soap, etc. Even a lack of experience is not a barrier, since everything can be learned on the Internet.
  5. Online consultations. If daily communication with people by phone, Skype, etc. does not cause embarrassment, then you can get a job in some company that sells goods via the Internet.

And this is not a complete list of “women’s” business ideas. For example, a businesswoman can start, etc. These projects are more suitable for those who live in their own home and have at least a small plot of land.

The most profitable business today in a small town

Below is a brief overview of the most for a small city with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants. New projects and know-how will not be touched upon here, but only proven solutions that, with the proper approach, are sure to bring profit:

  1. Internet business. Having a computer or laptop, as well as certain knowledge, allows you to open your own business on the Internet. This is a profitable and very convenient business idea: the entrepreneur does not need an office, he can work at any convenient time, because the business is not affected in any way by location. A person can choose any option he likes: website creation, SEO optimization, copywriting or online store.
  2. Shop of flowers and indoor plants. Flowers are not an essential item, but, oddly enough, they are in great demand. Especially during major holidays: September 1, February 14, March 8, etc. Flowers are also often needed on ordinary days - for dates, as a thank you for a service.
  3. Beauty salon. Beauty has always been and will be a successfully marketed product. There are several business models. One of them is economy; this is the most successful option for a small town where inexperienced residents live. Services can be very simple (haircut, coloring, styling, nail service, light cosmetic services).
  4. Fitness center. Many modern people pay great attention to their health and, in particular, physical development. This is a rather specific type of business, so before opening it, you need to consult with experienced people. You should also study all the features of sports equipment in order to buy the right exercise equipment and other equipment.

In summing up, I would like to give several recommendations aimed at developing business projects in a small town. First of all, you should take on what is well known and does not raise many questions. This will allow you to cope without staff for the first time. It is better to choose those areas of activity that maintain stable demand for goods and services for a long time. Their list includes food products, entertainment, medicine, etc. You should also not forget about the pricing policy: goods that help save money will always be a priority for residents of small towns.

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It should also be remembered that the basis for promoting any business is competent advertising. The Internet can provide considerable assistance in this matter: a rich target audience and availability of resources will allow you to earn the trust of potential clients in the shortest possible time.



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