What is the best way to remove warts? What is the best way to remove a wart: cauterization or freezing? Professional help in the treatment of warts

Any new growths on the skin do not paint a person, and therefore the removal of warts is a popular procedure. There are many ways to get rid of papillomas and growths. However, before resorting to one of the procedures, it is necessary to correctly determine the species of the neoplasm. This is the only way to choose the appropriate treatment method.

Warts - causes and treatment

This tumor is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is transmitted through household contact and sexual contact. In the first case, the virus penetrates through lesions on the skin, as well as during a handshake and when there are common objects of use. There are several types of warts:

  1. Vulgar (they are also called ordinary)– in 70% of cases, these neoplasms are diagnosed in schoolchildren and younger children. The area of ​​their localization is the back of the hand, between the fingers, near the lips, on the face. Their color does not differ from the color of healthy skin.
  2. Plantar– based on the name, one can judge the location of such a neoplasm. They are distinguished by their round shape with a rough, porous surface. Due to the fact that it is constantly under pressure, it begins to grow inside.
  3. Flat– differ in pinkish or light brown color. Such warts are located in groups. More often, these formations cover the back, chest, neck, arms, face and even genitals.
  4. Pointed– they are considered the most unpleasant. Such growths affect the skin and mucous membrane. They appear on the genitals, in the perineum, in the mouth, and so on.

Before treating warts, you should definitely seek qualified medical help. You can't handle this on your own. A dermatologist deals with the elimination of such neoplasms. He knows what a wart is, what causes it to appear and how this disease is treated. In some cases, a biopsy is necessary. To do this, part of the tumor is removed, and then it is sent to the laboratory for further examination.

Here's how to get rid of a wart - the most effective methods:

  1. The use of chemicals with a cauterizing effect. Salicylic acid, Tretinoin or Glycolic acid are used for this. Such products can be used daily and at home.
  2. Application of Bleomycin– antitumor drug. It is injected directly into tumors. Such drugs have negative sides. For example, their administration is painful.
  3. Uses of Cantharidin- a medicine that, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes burns and blisters. It is applied to the tumor, and a week later the “crust” is removed.

Removal of warts is often accompanied by immunotherapy. It is aimed at strengthening the body's defense system. One of the types of such immunotherapies is the application of Difentsipron to the skin. An allergic reaction occurs around the formations (this is what helps strengthen the body’s defense system). Another option for immunotherapy is the injection of Interferon into the wart. This drug boosts immunity and helps fight.

Do warts need to be removed?

A dermatologist will be able to give an accurate answer after a thorough examination of the tumor. He will make the final verdict on whether the warts should be removed. Some tumors go away on their own. They have a short “life cycle”. However, there are also those that require surgical intervention. For example, it is imperative to get rid of genital warts. They can grow to large sizes and cause serious problems for their owners.

More often, wart removal is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if the patient experiences pain when palpating this neoplasm;
  • the wart rapidly increases in volume;
  • the adjacent skin areas become inflamed.

Wart removal - consequences

This radical method has negative sides. After removing a wart, the following consequences are possible:

  • pain that can last 1-2 days;
  • a trace of a burn or burn remains on the skin;
  • if the tumor is large, a repeat course may be necessary.

Wart removal methods

There are many ways to combat this tumor. You can remove a wart using the following methods:

  • physical – implies surgery, cryodestruction, or laser exposure;
  • chemical - involves the use of Condilin, Solcoderm, nitric or trichloroacetic acid.

Laser removal of warts

This method of combating tumors is based on the thermal effect of the beam. The laser gradually removes individual layers of skin, while preventing injury to adjacent tissues. At the same time, this beam seals the blood vessels, so laser removal of warts is not accompanied by bleeding. To minimize the likelihood of burns, the device used was equipped with a special cooling system.

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen

In official medicine, this procedure is called “cryodestruction”. Under the influence of liquid nitrogen, the neoplasm freezes and subsequently dies. If the area to be treated is large, Novocaine or another painkiller is administered before the procedure. After such an injection, at least 10 minutes should pass, and only then the doctor begins to remove the wart. If the papilloma is small, the procedure is carried out without the use of an anesthetic.

Removing warts with nitrogen is performed as follows:

  1. The doctor dips a wooden stick with cotton wool wrapped in liquid nitrogen.
  2. With slight pressure, he touches the surface of the wart. Contact time varies from 5-20 seconds.
  3. A 2-minute break is taken, during which the doctor tries to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. By that point in time, the affected area becomes white. After 2-3 minutes, the wart begins to peel off.
  4. If necessary, the “freezing” procedure is repeated.

Electrocoagulation of warts

This method involves heating tissue using high-frequency current. Electrocoagulation is a safe and at the same time effective way to remove warts. It is more often used to get rid of superficial and vulgar tumors, and it copes better with fresh growths. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It looks like this:

  1. A thin metal loop is placed over the wart.
  2. Current is supplied through it. As a result, thermal damage to tissue cells occurs and they die.
  3. A dense crust forms on the surface of the treated area, which disappears in the future.

Radio wave removal of warts

This is a non-contact method of destroying a tumor. It is used when it is necessary to remove small warts located on the feet, palms, face, neck and even intimate organs. The procedure is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus. The operation of the device is based on the directed action of radio waves. Under their influence, the liquid present in the cells boils, which leads to tissue destruction and allows you to get rid of the wart. At the same time, cauterization of adjacent areas occurs. This prevents bleeding.

Wart remover in a pharmacy

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of medications, the purpose of which is to get rid of tumors on the skin. However, any such wart removal product, although can be used at home, must be used under the supervision of a doctor. Only an experienced dermatologist is able to choose the right drug treatment that will give visible results. Self-medication will be useless at best.

Warts can be removed using the following groups of medications:

  • tablets;
  • creams;
  • ointments;
  • acids;
  • solutions;
  • drops;
  • patches and so on.

Wart removal pencil

This is a topical application that is highly effective. There are several types of pencils. Some are based on acids or alkalis. Others have a different mechanism of action on the tumor - these are cryopencils. The following means are most often used:

  • Wartner wart removal pen;
  • felt-tip pen Superclean;
  • cryopencil Cryopharm.

Wart removal patch

This topical treatment is easy to use. To ensure that the result does not keep you waiting, the affected area must be prepared for gluing the patch. To do this, it should be steamed in warm water for at least 5 minutes. Next, wipe the skin dry with a cotton towel and only then apply the patch. The following products are most often used to remove warts:

  • Suda Epitact;
  • Mediplast;
  • House Hi Tech.

Preparations for removing warts

At the pharmacy you can purchase various medications used to combat growths. Among them are necrotizing drugs:

  • Feresol;
  • Verrucacid;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Vartek.

Keratolytic drugs are also very popular. The mechanism of their action is to soften tissue and painlessly remove the stratum corneum. The following medications are most often prescribed:

  • Collomak;
  • Salipod;
  • Salicylic ointment.

In addition, drugs with the effect of cryotherapy can also be used:

  • Wartner Cryo;
  • Cryopharma.

Immunomodulatory drugs are also prescribed:

  • wart removal gel Viferon;
  • Ridoxol ointment;
  • Panavir gel;
  • creamy drug Imiquimod.

Removing warts using traditional methods

There are many alternative ways to get rid of growths. The most popular is the removal of warts. The poison contained in this plant has a negative effect on skin neoplasms. It is recommended to use this medicinal herb during its flowering period. Its yellowish juice should be used to lubricate warts. At that time of year, when the plant has already bloomed, you can use healing ointments prepared on its basis.

Table vinegar can also be used to combat warts. This method is so safe that it is also used in childhood. Treatment with this “drug” looks like this: a tampon soaked in vinegar is applied to the growth, fixed with an adhesive plaster and left overnight. Garlic lotions have a similar effect. To do this, you need to mix a paste of 2 cloves with 1 teaspoon of almond oil or glycerin. The compress is applied for 3-5 hours. The duration of treatment with vinegar and garlic depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology.

Even just the thought of warts makes most people disgusted. And if warts have settled on your body, it’s not very pleasant at all. Moreover, in addition to being an aesthetic problem, they can pose a serious threat to your health. Removing warts using modern means can only partially solve the problem.

Microtraumas in the skin allow the virus to enter the body. You can receive it “as a gift” through contact with an infected person, or you can become infected in a swimming pool, gym, or sauna through wet surfaces that the “carrier” of warts had previously come into contact with.

During pregnancy, women must be tested for carriage of this virus. The result may be positive even if you have never seen warts on your body. It often happens that HPV lives in the body for years without causing problems. It’s just that the immune system doesn’t allow it to manifest itself. But as soon as the immune system weakens, the virus becomes active and here it is - the first acquaintance.

Main manifestations of human papillomavirus

Common warts - painless keratinized papules, rarely larger than a pea. They have an uneven, fleecy surface.

The most common occurrence is common warts on the hands. They are usually not dangerous, but can cause severe psychological discomfort, especially for women and adolescents.

Of course, education in the hands of men will not be a joy to the owner, but women suffer much more. Even the most beautiful hands with delicate skin and a magnificent manicure want to be hidden - the sight of some formations is disgusting.

Plantar warts - This is a variety of ordinary ones, but, due to their particular harmfulness, they deserve a separate description.

Where plantar warts cannot grow on the surface of the foot (at support points, in places of greatest pressure), they begin to grow inward. You've probably heard the common name "thorn", it clearly comes from the word "thorn".

The sensations when walking are quite painful - as if every time you step on something sharp. Your gait is changing, it’s painful to even think about high-heeled shoes... It’s unknown what is more unpleasant – the increasing pain, or thoughts about something foreign, slowly but surely growing inside your leg.

Flat warts are considered the most harmless type of s, often occurring in children and adolescents.

Round skin-colored nodules settle on the knuckles, wrists, elbows and knees, sometimes found on the face and neck, and spread very quickly over the skin of their owner. Despite their harmlessness, they do not decorate the appearance and seriously complicate life at a young age.

Condylomas acuminata - small pink nodules that merge into one soft-bodied growth on the base in the form of a stalk.

They can develop on the eyelids, genitals, buttock and inguinal folds. The opening of the urethra and the canal itself are often affected. They belong to a special species and are considered the most dangerous.

How dangerous are warts and how to treat them?

As a rule, specialists are contacted if warts are in a visible place or begin to grow rapidly. A possible complication is the addition of a secondary infection - bacterial or fungal. But while the tumors do not cause any particular problems, people usually look for a remedy for warts on their own, re-reading dozens of recipes and recommendations.

All methods of combating warts can be grouped according to the method of influence:
Destruction of the growth structure by corrosive plant sap or chemicals

Following well-known recipes, you can use applications made from a mixture of flour and vinegar, cauterizing preparations such as solkovagin and the caustic juice of some plants.

Celandine and other natural remedies against warts

The generally recognized leader among herbs that can help in the destruction of formations is celandine. The juice of its stems helps against warts. The effectiveness of the application is explained by the presence of a number of acids in its composition, as well as the antiviral and antibactericidal properties of the plant.

Many people know the pharmaceutical preparations “Chistotelo”, “Superchistotel”, “Mountain celandine”.

Keep in mind: not everything that contains the word “celandine” in the name contains its extract in the composition. For example, the composition of the drug "Superclean" includes only sodium and potassium hydroxides; and “Mountain Celandine”, although it contains a plant extract, its main active ingredient is ammonia. How to remove a wart at home using one of these remedies is described in detail in the instructions for the medications.

Traditional methods are questionable

There is an opinion that if you leave the growth without air access or limit blood flow, the wart will quickly die

To do this, the growths are rubbed with cement and starchy vegetables, sealed with an adhesive plaster, or they try to block the blood flow by pulling the growth tightly with a thread. Those who like to experiment should keep in mind that rubbing various dubious compounds into a wart can cause an infection, and the injured wart grows even more actively, and the risk of it becoming malignant increases.

Local application of antiviral agents and vitamin solutions

Various interferon preparations are used to treat warts. Imiquimod ointment, which is an immunomodulator, has proven itself well. The greatest effectiveness of interferon is noted in the treatment of genital warts.

Folk recipes that help get rid of warts at home include the use of solutions of vitamins “A” and “E,” garlic gruel, salicylic ointment, tea tree oil, dandelion juice, and ficus. A positive effect is possible, but a very long period of use is required.

Unconventional methods in the fight against warts

Some authors explain the causes of all diseases by the internal psychological disharmony of a person. This approach is followed by famous foreign writers Louise Hay and Liz Burbo, as well as the Russian author of books on psychology V. Zhikarentsev. They propose to cure all diseases with psychological attitudes that correct the perception of the surrounding world and oneself.

Of course, there is a lot of interesting information in books on popular psychology; a large number of people are interested in such literature. But if you, dear reader, have a problematic wart, it is better to remove it. And then you can calmly continue to engage in introspection.

The area of ​​psychological attitudes includes various conspiracies for warts, and folk remedies that involve the performance of certain “magical” rituals.

Traditional Treatments

Perhaps, if you very strongly believe that after tying knots on a thread and burying it in the ground, all your warts will disappear, then they really will disappear... personally, the author is not aware of such cases. Well, for skeptics it is better to advise standard methods of treatment.


Cryodestruction - freezing, exposure to cold. Liquid nitrogen is used in hospital settings.

The procedure is effective and practically painless, but it has its drawbacks: the method does not allow you to control the depth and direction of the effect.
There are home remedies for warts based on cryotherapy. In the pharmacy you will find the Cryopharma system. But it should be used only in the simplest cases. If the growth is large, most likely you will only violate the integrity of the wart without destroying its root and bed, and this guarantees a relapse. On the other hand, healthy tissue can be damaged, and this will contribute to the growth of the papule.

Modern surgical treatment

Getting rid of warts surgically includes several well-known methods:

Electrocoagulation method - heating with high-frequency current. The good thing about this method is that it blocks the virus from accessing healthy tissues, disinfects and ensures no bleeding. But it is used only for superficial warts.

Argon plasma excision used to get rid of small genital warts and pedunculated papillomas. The bed of large warts is also treated with an argon plasma torch after they have been removed with an electrode.

Laser therapy - the most popular and highly effective method of wart removal. The laser beam allows you to remove the thinnest layers of several microns, which means you can precisely control the depth and direction of the impact. During treatment, the vessels are sealed, so bleeding is almost impossible.

All types of surgical removal of formations are carried out under local anesthesia. The material is sent for research to eliminate the risk of cancer.

Many people put off going to the doctor as a last resort. You, too, may be stopped by a subconscious fear of a bloody picture involving a scalpel, but modern medicine allows you to avoid pain and bleeding. You will spend ten minutes in the medical office and will be able to breathe happily and freely...

What to do to prevent warts from appearing again

Unfortunately, with any method of treating warts, relapses are possible. Therefore, it is best to try to prevent re-infection.

Cultivate a healthy sense of disgust in yourself: use special shoes in public swimming pools, saunas, and sports locker rooms. When visiting a pedicure salon, monitor the quality of the tools and do not allow pumice stones to be used on the soles.

If one of your family members has a wart, treat the bathtub more often with disinfectants and add such a product to the water for washing the floor. Use different towels, and always offer a separate towel for guests.
Avoid shoes that make your feet sweat, and regularly use antibacterial foot products.

If infection does occur, increased care for the condition of the entire body is necessary. It's good if you learn to avoid stress - it negatively affects the immune system. A nervous person is an excellent target for both the papilloma virus and a whole bunch of other diseases.

Surely almost each of you will have your own answer to the question “how to get rid of warts?” You may know a good recipe for removing them or have experience using the methods described here.

Warts are benign neoplasms that can appear on any part of the skin and mucous membranes of a person due to infection with the human papillomavirus. It affects epithelial cells by penetrating through lesions on the skin (cuts, punctures, cracks), as well as through direct skin contact with infected cells (shaking hands, sharing objects with a person who has warts).

There are a wide variety of medical and home methods for removing these growths. Let's look at the most effective ways to remove warts.

To choose a treatment method, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the emerging tumor. For these purposes, the doctor resorts to visual examination, palpation, and in some cases, to exclude suspicion of a malignant growth, a histological examination is required.

Depending on the type of their structure and location on the body, warts are divided into:

  • Ordinary (vulgar) - in everyday life the names “thorn”, “thorn”, “thorn” are used for them. These are dense growths with a hard, rough surface, round in shape, with their roots going deep into the skin. May cause significant pain when pressed;
  • Condylomas are pointed and flat soft growths that rise above the surface of the skin;
  • Flat (youthful) - growths with a smooth surface, yellowish-brown in color.

Warts can be quite contagious. It is often a family disorder. To choose the most effective method for yourself, it is worth considering in detail the treatment options that deserve trust.

Treatment of warts

All existing methods of treating neoplasms are aimed at physically eliminating the growth. After the examination, the doctor will suggest the most optimal method. Modern medicine offers surgical removal and destruction of warts using chemical agents.

The effectiveness of certain methods can be judged by the speed of removal, the speed of healing, and the absence of recurrence of growths.

Laser method

Today, the use of a laser to excise growths is one of the most popular and fastest methods. It is preferred in the treatment of pregnant women and children. In skillful hands, the laser will not cause pain. It can be used to remove any warts on any part of the body. The advantage of this method is its bloodlessness and short recovery period. After laser exposure, a crust forms at the site of the growth, which will spontaneously fall off as the skin heals.

There are two treatment options, one of which is chosen depending on the type of tumor:

  • Carbon dioxide laser;
  • Erbium laser.

The essence of the method: the impact of a laser beam on infected cells, during which they are evaporated layer by layer. In one session of laser destruction, several warts can be removed at once, and it will not take much time. In most cases, there are no recurrent tumors or scars after the procedure.

Radio wave removal method

Non-contact method of destruction of tumors. It is used to eliminate benign growths on the face and neck, on the palms and feet, as well as in the intimate organs. After its use, there are practically no traces or scars left.

The essence of the method: a special device, popularly called a “radio knife,” converts electricity into radio waves that cut tissue. This way, the growth can be cut out without disturbing surrounding healthy tissue or causing bleeding.

The procedure may take about half an hour. It is contraindicated in persons with glaucoma, with an installed pacemaker, during exacerbation of diseases, persons with epilepsy, cancer, diabetes mellitus and pregnant women.


Removing growths using electric current is an effective method, the side effects of which are minimized. Used to get rid of growths on the skin and mucous membranes. In some cases, pain relief may be required. The procedure takes a few minutes, is bloodless, and allows you to take a sample for histological examination.

The essence of the method: exposure of tissue to alternating and direct current devices, as a result of which the protein folds and the growth actually burns out. After surgery, a dry crust appears at the site of the wart, which spontaneously falls off after about a week. As a rule, there are no scars left afterwards.

Surgical removal

This is a full-fledged operation using local anesthesia and suturing. It is used in cases where drug treatment has not produced results.

The essence of the method: the surface of the growth treated with an antiseptic and the adjacent healthy skin are anesthetized, and the infected tissue is cut out using a scalpel (a sample of them can be sent for histology). After this, a tight bandage is applied to stop the bleeding and a cosmetic suture is applied. The recovery period can last several weeks and requires compliance with certain rules: do not wet the seam, treat it with an antiseptic, bandage it.

Depending on the extent of the growth, a mark may remain after healing.

Removing the growth using a scalpel is justified in several cases:

  • If it is not possible to use a more modern method;
  • Suspicion of malignancy of the neoplasm;
  • When it is necessary to eliminate extensive growth.


The removal procedure using liquid nitrogen is one of the most popular. It causes virtually no pain in the patient and takes a period of time measured in seconds.

The essence of the method: using a special applicator immersed in liquid nitrogen, the wart cells are frozen and they die. The blood vessels are clogged, thereby preventing infection through the blood. The dead tissue turns white and forms a scab, under which the wound heals.

During the procedure, it is difficult to control the depth of exposure. If the wart is large and deeply embedded in the epithelium, additional sessions may be required, so the method cannot be called the most effective.

Chemical cauterization of warts

One of the most accessible ways to combat tumors is to treat them with a chemical that leads to tissue necrosis. It is better to entrust the procedure to a medical professional in the clinic to eliminate the risk of damage to healthy skin. In addition, before getting rid of a wart in this way, you need to check whether it is benign.

In medical practice, drugs based on salicylic acid are most often used. They are used to remove flat and vulgar warts. To remove growths in the intimate organs, products called Podofilox and Podofilin are used.

Neoplasms that are difficult to treat can be injected with an antiviral drug, such as Bleomycin.

Removal at home

Small growths can be removed using pharmaceutical preparations. The following products showed good results:

  • "Verrukacid"– an improved analogue of the discontinued drug “Ferezol”. A liquid containing metacresol is applied pointwise to the wart. Depending on the size of the growth, one to four applications may be required. Repeated treatment can be carried out after a week. On the day of treatment, avoid contact of the neoplasm with water. It is unacceptable to remove growths on the mucous membranes with “Verrucacid”;
  • "Super clean"(“Clandestine”) - a balm based on sodium and potassium alkali causes tissue necrosis after application to the growth. Subsequently, they peel off and fall off. This is a very effective caustic agent, during the use of which it is necessary to observe safety precautions: do not allow contact with healthy skin, do not use on mucous membranes, and do not treat children and pregnant women with it;
  • Solcoderm– a Swiss necrotizing drug based on several acids. Used for mummification of tumors. Apply to the wart using an applicator. If there is a stratum corneum, it is first cut off. The procedure is repeated until the result is achieved. The break between sessions is several days. During application, you need to monitor the amount of substance so as not to damage the deeper layers of the skin. It is preferable to entrust the therapy to a medical professional.
  • Cryopharma– a product based on dimethyl ether and propane. The essence of the method is to freeze pathologically altered tissues. To do this, you need to press the applicator included in the kit onto the wart for 10-40 seconds (depending on the type and size of the growth). After about two weeks, the treated area of ​​skin will fall off. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Among the folk methods, the most effective are:

  • Rubbing the growth with fresh juice of celandine - a plant that is deservedly popular in the treatment of skin diseases. The procedure is repeated several times a day until the wart falls off;
  • Rubbing garlic juice, applying a clove to the growth, as well as making mixtures based on garlic mass in combination with vinegar, which are rubbed into the growth and sealed with an adhesive plaster. Repeat daily until the desired result appears.


In addition to eliminating tumors, an important role in further maintaining skin health is compliance with recommendations aimed at strengthening the immune system, as well as hygienic measures:

  • Eating healthy foods;
  • Getting rid of bad habits;
  • If necessary, take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Maintaining physical activity;
  • Elimination of sweating of extremities;
  • Treating wounds with an antiseptic, washing hands after visiting public places;
  • Avoiding using other people's personal belongings, clothes, shoes.

Video on topic

A bunion on the foot may appear when visiting a swimming pool, sauna, or gym and causes discomfort. The growth looks like an ordinary callus, but it causes pain when walking. There are several ways to get rid of this problem: treatment at home using folk remedies, removal of plantar warts with laser, liquid nitrogen, or electric current.

What is a plantar wart

These are benign skin tumors caused by the penetration of the papilloma virus into the human body. Moreover, most of them are localized on the foot. It is worth knowing that even when infected with a virus, the growth of papillomas is not always possible. The appearance of growths is provoked by a weakened immune system, the presence of open wounds or abrasions, some types of chronic diseases, foot deformities, friction and pressure of the skin from wearing uncomfortable shoes.

How to distinguish from a callus

The photo shows that the spine has clearly defined boundaries. They are round or oval in shape, with a diameter of up to 2 centimeters. At the initial stage, the growth has a smooth surface, but as it increases in size, the upper layer of the epidermis becomes rough, keratinized cells and a gray-yellow tint of the skin appear. Small growths often go away on their own; papillomas with indentations require surgery.

Unlike calluses, which are single in nature, plantar warts can have multiple forms. If there are a lot of secondary growths, a mosaic pattern is visible on the affected area of ​​the body. Since a single neoplasm is difficult to distinguish from other skin diseases, it is better to consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and choice of treatment method for the disease.

How to remove a wart on the sole of the foot

The difficulty in treating thorns is to destroy the root and avoid relapses. It is better to remove overgrown ones in modern clinics using special equipment or at home using progressive medications. There are several effective methods for getting rid of spines in adults and children:

  • physical removal of foot warts using laser, liquid nitrogen or high temperature;
  • folk remedies - celandine juice, nettle leaves, onions and garlic;
  • treatment at home with pharmaceutical products with an aggressive composition - Cantharidin, Amikvinod, keratolytic gels, Supercleaner;
  • immunotherapy aimed at restoring the body's protective functions.

Plantar wart removal with laser

It is considered the safest method with rapid healing of the postoperative wound. A significant disadvantage is the high cost of laser removal. In Moscow, the price varies from 2400 to 5000 rubles. For the operation, one of three types of laser is used:

  • Carbon dioxide laser – emits waves up to 10600 mn. Helps remove papillomas that are rooted deep in soft tissues. After laser exposure, there is a high risk of scarring.
  • Removing heel warts with an erbium laser is considered the safest. Its wavelength does not exceed 2940 mn, which allows you to regulate the depth of destruction and prevent the appearance of scars.
  • A pulsed dye laser selectively targets soft tissue. This method is the most painless and has a lower percentage of scar formation after wound healing.

Laser removal of plantar warts is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor disinfects the skin, after which the laser evaporates the growth to the very root. A crust forms at the site of exposure, which disappears after 2 weeks. The procedure takes from 2 minutes to half an hour, depending on the size of the spine. Taking into account all the advantages of laser removal, the procedure is contraindicated if:

  • skin inflammation;
  • malignant processes;
  • herpes on the skin;
  • infectious viral diseases;
  • pregnancy.

How to get rid of plantar warts using cryodestruction

The method of removing plantar warts using liquid nitrogen gives a good cosmetic effect. At the same time, the likelihood of scar tissue formation is less than with laser exposure. In addition, many patients are tempted by the cost of treatment - for the removal of one plantar wart you need to pay from 100 to 1000 rubles. Cryodestruction is carried out using a technical cryoapplicator.

The tip is pressed into the head of the growth for several seconds. As the liquid nitrogen evaporates, the doctor gradually increases the nitrogen supply. To completely remove plantar warts, you need to undergo 3-4 sessions. It is not recommended to resort to cryodestruction if:

  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • the presence of herpes, open wounds or abrasions, cracked heels;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​application;
  • high blood pressure;
  • epilepsy, somatic disorders.

Electrocoagulation - pros and cons of the procedure

The disadvantage of this method is that its use is only advisable for superficial removal of small papillomas that have grown shallowly into the skin. In this case, a small scar or scar almost always remains at the site of exposure. The duration of the manipulations takes from a few seconds to 10-15 minutes, depending on the amount of work.

The affected area of ​​skin is pre-treated with an antiseptic solution, and sometimes local anesthesia is administered. The protruding edge of the growth is then cut off using an electrode, which has the shape of a needle, loop or knife. Each layer of skin is carefully removed, and the localization site is cauterized. The scab is regularly treated with a solution of potassium permanganate until it is completely rejected. Such removal of plantar warts is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor;
  • herpes;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to anesthesia;
  • exacerbations of somatic diseases.

How to remove a plantar wart with a radio wave scalpel

This technique is similar in many ways to surgical excision, but uses high-frequency waves instead of a metal scalpel. A radio signal is applied to the spine from the tip of the active electrode, as a result of which liquid evaporates from the tissue and dissection occurs, followed by removal of the plantar wart. In this case, healthy tissues are not harmed, and there are no blood clots inside the wound.

There are no scars left at the treatment site, and a small wound heals quickly. In addition, the procedure itself is completely painless and takes only a few minutes, after which the patient is sent home. However, radio wave removal of plantar warts also has contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • herpes;
  • ARVI, sore throat, influenza and other infections.

Chemical removal of warts

To cauterize spines at home, various acids and alkalis are used. They act on the principle of chemical reagents. One of these drugs is Cantharidin acid. Apply the liquid strictly to the center of the wart, after protecting the healthy skin around it with a thick cream or patch. To achieve the best effect, it is better to steam the growth before applying Cantharidin. The course of therapy is at least 6 procedures.

Another drug, Imiquimod, works on a different principle. The product is available in the form of a cream, which contains only one active component - an immune response modifier - imiquimod. It stimulates the body to produce interferon to fight viruses and bacteria. Apply the cream once a day three times a week, for a course of 8 to 10 weeks. Imiquimod should not be used if:

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • you are a carrier of HIV;
  • use other drugs for treatment;
  • you are allergic to imiquimod.

How to remove a wart on the foot

To get rid of warts, they often resort to immunotherapy, due to which plantar warts are removed independently. These are drugs such as Interferon, Cycloferon, Dekaris. This method is advisable to use for fresh tumors, and ingrown growths are best removed with the help of more powerful medications:

  • salicylic ointment or patches;
  • lapis pencil;
  • Supercleaner;
  • Viferon ointment;
  • keratolytic gels.

Salicylic ointments and patches

The acid may be contained in a special corn patch or sold as a concentrated solution or ointment. The effect of treatment with such drugs is achieved after a few weeks. During therapy, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Before applying the solution, ointment or patch, steam or wet the skin area. This will help the active components reach the root of the growth faster.
  2. The concentrated solution must be applied pointwise to the center of the spine, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin.
  3. It is better to carry out manipulations at night, covering the growth with a bandage or fixing the lotion with a bandage.

lapis pencil

The pencil is easy to use. You need to remove the protective cap from the drug, dip the tip in cold water and apply it pointwise to damaged areas of the skin. To completely remove papillomas, it is recommended to lubricate the skin several times throughout the day, for a course of no more than a week. It is forbidden to use a pencil if it is necessary to remove growths on the face, for patients with hypersensitivity to silver ions, and for small children.

Viferon ointment

An immunomodulatory drug with an antiviral effect helps restore the immune system. The ointment is applied to damaged areas 3-4 times a day. lasting from 5 to 7 days. In most cases, the ointment does not cause side effects, but sometimes there may be a slight burning sensation at the site of application, slight redness and itching, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components of the composition.

Super clean

The product, which was developed on the basis of strong alkalis, has nothing in common with ordinary celandine. The drug is available in the form of a concentrated solution. The liquid must be applied strictly to the center of the papilloma, protecting healthy skin with a band-aid. Among the side effects, it is worth noting allergies, redness, itching, burning. It is strictly forbidden to be treated with Superclean in case of:

  • the presence of open wounds;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • blood diseases;
  • presence of moles near the treated area.

Keratolytic gels

Products that promote better rejection of keratinized skin cells, soften rough tissue, and help reject the hypertrophied stratum corneum. Such drugs include:

  • Roaccutane is a capsule whose main active ingredient is isotretinoin. The product suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves the inflammatory process, and normalizes cell differentiation. The tablets are not recommended for use during pregnancy, renal and hepatic failure, hypervitaminosis and children under 12 years of age.
  • Arievich ointment is a product based on salicylic and lactic acid. Effectively exfoliates dead skin areas and softens the dense layers of the epidermis. The method of use and dosage are determined only by the attending physician.

Traditional methods for removing warts on the foot

Home remedies are best used in combination. Most folk recipes help deliver the active components of medications to the root of the problem. However, before getting rid of a wart on the foot using these methods, it is still better to consult a doctor. The most popular recipes are:

  • cauterization of the spine with celandine juice;
  • onion lotions with bite;
  • nettle compresses;
  • softening baths with Kalanchoe;
  • compresses using raw meat.

Celandine juice

If you have access to natural celandine during its flowering period, you can prepare a burning extract at home. To do this:

  1. Cut a branch of the plant at a distance of 2-3 cm from the root.
  2. Lubricate the growth with the protruding juice, after protecting the healthy tissue with an adhesive plaster.
  3. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times during the day.
  4. Carry out treatment for 1.5-2 weeks.

Onions with vinegar

Vinegar therapy helps to get to the base of the growth. To carry it out you will need a medium onion and 9% table vinegar. To make a compress, follow the instructions:

  1. Chop the onion into a fine paste.
  2. Pour the mixture with vinegar so that it does not subsequently spread over the skin.
  3. Apply a compress to the problem area and secure with a bandage.
  4. In the morning, remove the lotion and rinse your skin with water.
  5. For the spine to disappear, you need to carry out 3-4 such procedures.

Young nettle

This folk remedy shows good results even in advanced cases, when there are a lot of plantar warts:

  1. Pick fresh nettle leaves and chop.
  2. Wrap the pulp in a clean burdock leaf.
  3. Wrap the compress around the sore leg and secure it by putting on a sock.
  4. In the morning, remove the lotion and rinse your foot with water.
  5. To remove growths, you need to carry out 3-4 such sessions.

Baths and compresses with Kalanchoe

Hyperthermia is another effective folk method against papillomas. Steaming your feet in warm water helps dilate blood vessels and improve your overall health. To obtain an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, it is recommended to add pure Kalanchoe juice to the baths. It is recommended to do such procedures 2-3 times a week, alternating with compresses of a clean Kalanchoe leaf on the problem area.

Traditional method using raw meat

Traditional healers cannot reliably answer how plantar warts are removed using raw meat. However, many patients do note that the method is effective for small lesions:

  1. Steam your foot in warm water.
  2. Dry thoroughly and place a piece of fresh meat on the spine.
  3. Bandage and do not wet it with anything for 3-4 days.
  4. Then remove the lotion. If the root does not come out, repeat the procedure.


Many dermatologist patients come to their appointments complaining of the appearance of growths on the body, calling them “warts.” In most cases, such skin growths are only a cosmetic problem. Doctors remove warts only after diagnosing the nature of the disease - infectious or non-infectious, benign or malignant. The appearance of outwardly similar growths is caused by the human papillomavirus, age-related skin changes and other factors.

Types of warts

Skin defects appear when the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Most known types of warts are benign skin formations that appear under the influence of HPV. They look unpleasant and can cause pain and discomfort. Growths of various shapes and locations on the body occur when exposed to different types of papillomavirus, as well as in the case of age-related changes in the skin.

HPV penetration into the skin occurs through household and sexual contact. The papilloma virus is activated in cells when the immune system is weakened or infected with other infections. Chronic diseases of internal organs, stress, and endocrine disorders contribute to the growth of warts. The virus penetrates more easily through various damage to the skin: scratches, cracks, abrasions, cuts.

Before removing a wart, you need to learn about the causes and types of skin tumors.

  1. Vulgar. Hard, lumpy neoplasms appear on the hands, less often on the nose and other parts of the face.
  2. Flat (youthful). These are round or oval growths that usually appear on the arms, face, and occasionally on the legs. Color - pink, brown, yellow.
  3. Plantar. Hard growths on the soles of the feet, as in one of the photos below. Causes pain when walking.
  4. Thread-like. Most often they form in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, and eyes. They are flesh-colored or pearl-colored and have an elongated shape.
  5. Periunguals. They grow around and under the nails, are much more difficult to treat, and often reappear after removal.
  6. Genital. Genital warts form in the area of ​​the external genitalia. These are growths of varying consistency, light pink or yellow-brown in color.

The origin of soft fibromas, senile warts and cutaneous horns is not associated with HPV. These neoplasms arise as a result of various changes in the skin itself. Cell proliferation can be caused by aging, impaired keratinization, and excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Senile warts (age-related keratomas) are raised plaques or dome-shaped growths, round or elongated. The surface is smooth or uneven, warty, the color varies from gray and yellow to black-brown.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods for removing benign tumors

Getting rid of skin growths is most often done for cosmetic purposes. These formations are also removed in case of persistent irritation and/or damage. Pharmacological drugs, aggressive chemicals, thermocoagulation and other types of effects on pathological tissues are used.

Basic methods for removing warts:

  • Cryodestruction.
  • Radio wave "knife".
  • Laser destruction.
  • Traditional surgical excision.
  • Destruction by aggressive chemicals.

Low-temperature substances - liquid nitrogen and diethyl ether - freeze tissue. The skin tumor dies and disappears spontaneously after a few days. In addition to freezing pathological tissues, there are various means for destroying viral warts - acids, alkalis, salts and phenols.

Any methods of getting rid of skin growths have both advantages and disadvantages.

Excision of warts with a scalpel (surgically) is an opportunity to get rid of a cosmetic defect and obtain a sample of the removed area for histological study. However, this method has many more disadvantages, as the doctors themselves mention. This is damage to neighboring tissues, the possibility of infection, as well as the appearance of a rough scar. Modern and more expensive procedures are laser destruction, plasma coagulation and radio wave surgery.

Advantages of removing moles and warts with laser, radio wave “knife”, plasma:

  • high precision of impact on wart tissue;
  • no bleeding;
  • prevention of wound infection;
  • postoperative scars are neat and small in size.

The pathological tissues of a plantar wart are mainly located in the skin, “digging” into it like a sharp thorn (spike). Therefore, this type of neoplasm causes severe discomfort and pain. If you watch the work of the surgeon quickly “burning out” the plantar spitz with a laser in the video below, you will notice a rather deep wound after removing the wart. An almost bloodless hole with smooth edges is formed on the patient’s heel.

The cost of services for removing warts with a laser, radio knife or plasma is in the same price range. For example, in Moscow, in a large medical center, getting rid of a growth with a diameter of 1–2 mm will cost the patient from 1,100 to 2,200 rubles. Prices depend on the size of the tumor, its location, and the equipment used.

Reviews about wart removal methods

Doctors guarantee that after radio wave and laser manipulations, new lesions will not appear in the same areas of the skin. The patient is also promised the absence of pain, infection of wounds and swelling. However, there is an ambiguous opinion after reading patient reviews. Some people find the procedures painful and the recovery period too long.

One of the cosmetologists’ patients lists disadvantages in the form of noticeable marks after the removal of a wart and the active appearance of new growths. The other one seemed very difficult and had a long healing period. The most positive reviews are about the results of laser treatment.

Medications to get rid of warts

At first, the growths that appear on the skin barely reach the size of a pinhead, but gradually increase in diameter. This is how vulgar warts grow on the hands and plantar warts on the soles of the feet. The latter are the most painful. The surface of the growths is initially smooth, then covered with hard, keratinized papillae.

Painless removal of papillomas and warts is ensured by the use of the following pharmaceutical drugs:

  • Superclean is a cosmetic liquid containing alkaline substances.
  • Collomac - salicylic acid, polidocanol and lactic acid.
  • Dermisil is a solution of castor oil and occidental thuja oil.
  • Antipapillom is a gel based on alkaline substances.
  • Verrucacid is a liquid containing phenol and tricresol.
  • Salipod is a patch with salicylic acid.
  • Dermavit - gel with sodium hydroxide.
  • Feresol is a phenol with tricresol.

Acids, alkalis or phenol in pharmaceutical preparations cause necrosis of pathological tissues that form a skin tumor. Gradually, the wart mummifies - it dies and disappears. This process takes several days, and in the case of large lesions lasts 1–3 months.

What you need to do to remove a wart yourself using drugs from a pharmacy:

  1. Consult your doctor before purchasing and using the medicine yourself.
  2. Steam the warty growths using a soap and soda bath or compress to soften the keratinized tip.
  3. Cut off the thick layer of keratin with nail scissors.
  4. Apply the selected pharmaceutical according to the instructions supplied with it.
  5. Protect healthy skin around the wart from exposure to aggressive substances (lubricate with Vaseline or fatty cosmetic cream).

Skin tumors should not be cut, torn or scratched. You should also remember that there is no 100% effective method or remedy for removing warty growths. Treatment with radio waves and lasers can get rid of warts in approximately 75–95% of cases. Modern techniques leave a minimal chance for tumors to reappear in the same areas of the skin. Cryotherapy, popular pharmaceutical products with acids, alkalis and phenol, provides visible aesthetic results in approximately 65-85% of cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the problem of getting rid of various growths on the skin is discussed, then the conversation always turns to the methods, advantages and disadvantages of various means. A burning topic is where to remove a wart: at home, in a beauty salon or clinic. Folk remedies and pharmaceuticals are used at home in accordance with recommendations, recipes, and instructions.

Is it possible to remove warts by freezing at home?

Cryopharm freezing aerosol and similar preparations are suitable for getting rid of small skin tumors of viral origin. The disadvantage of ways to get rid of warts at home is the inability to determine the nature of the tumor. Doctors recommend contacting medical institutions for treatment of large protruding growths.

What kind of doctor removes warts?

First, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor, if necessary, will perform a dermatoscopy and prescribe a biopsy. It is possible to involve other specialists - an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT doctor, gynecologist, surgeon (depending on the location of the skin tumor).

Dermatologist-cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist treat skin diseases. The specialist conducts an initial examination, determines or clarifies the diagnosis, and selects a method for removing warts depending on the location and size of the skin tumor. The doctor decides whether the procedure is safe for the patient’s health.

Is it painful to remove warts?

Anesthesia is performed at the client's request. Much depends on the location and size of the wart, and on the pain threshold. Some patients can tolerate it, while others require pain relief.

Is it possible to get rid of seborrheic or senile warts on your own? Experts classify age-related neoplasms as a group of borderline tumors (precancerous conditions). Seborrheic keratosis begins to appear after 40–50 years in the form of keratinized crusts and gray-brown scales on the cheeks, temples, and chest. Such growths cannot be removed independently; these tumors can degenerate into squamous cell skin cancer.

What is relapse after removal?

Warts grow, change shape, and spread over the skin of the body. Relapse is the appearance of a growth on the same area of ​​skin where removal has already been performed. It happens that after an injury or self-removal, a wart begins to bleed, changes color, and becomes painful. If a malignant degeneration of the lesion occurs, doctors call this process “malignancy.”

Does the choice of removal method depend on the location of the wart?

Benign skin tumors of small diameter are “cut off” with a radio wave “knife” and cauterized during electrocoagulation. Liquid nitrogen is used for cryodestruction of warts on the feet and hands. New growths with a diameter of about 2 cm are removed with a laser. Larger skin tumors and warts in the oral cavity are removed during a classic surgical operation. The doctor recommends, explains, and the final choice of technique remains with the patient.



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