What is the most effective laxative? Irritating intestinal motility

Constipation, unfortunately, is not uncommon these days. They occur in many people for various reasons (poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, the influence of antibiotics, pregnancy and others). Having decided to buy pills for constipation, we usually ask for advice from friends or a pharmacist because there are a lot of such drugs on the pharmacy window. Each drug has its own nuances (indications, contraindications, composition). In any case, laxative tablets do not eliminate the cause of the unpleasant condition; they only dilute the stool and promote bowel movements.

Anyone who is already exhausted by constant constipation is looking for a quick-acting medicine, without thinking about the fact that initially it is necessary to identify the cause of bowel dysfunction and then eliminate it. This is the only way to get rid of annoying constipation. You should not listen to every adviser, try recommended medications on yourself, trying to find one that will help. After all, you are not a guinea pig. Take care of your body, reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition.

Before you start using tablets for constipation, try to resolve the problem using the tips below:

  1. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to drink a glass of warm water (it is recommended that it be at room temperature). Any mineral water, but without gases, is ideal. It is advisable to drink water before breakfast (30 - 40 minutes before it). This procedure helps cleanse the stomach and start the digestion process.
  2. Try to stick to a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle. To improve intestinal motility and prevent, you should include prunes, beets, apricots, cabbage, and any fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  3. Drink coffee, honey.
  4. Perform abdominal massage.
  5. You need to consume fresh kefir before bed.
  6. It is recommended to use castor oil as a quick-acting laxative.

Before purchasing, using any laxative, you must carefully study the instructions to find out the components of the drug and possible side effects. Experts do not recommend taking the same remedy for constipation over a long period. For chronic constipation, it is necessary to give preference to prebiotic drugs. They help restore microflora and stimulate intestinal activity. It is these drugs that will have a stable, long-term therapeutic effect.

Medicines are considered the fastest, most effective remedies for constipation. They have a laxative effect, easing the patient's condition. Medicines for violation of normal bowel movements are produced in various forms:

  • pills;
  • syrups;
  • candles;
  • drops;
  • chewable tablets for constipation.

There are also many herbal remedies in the pharmacy:

  • rhubarb root;
  • Castor oil;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • senna leaves;
  • Joster fruits.

The advantages of all of the above remedies for constipation lie in the speed of their action. If you take any of these remedies in the evening, the patient will feel a laxative effect in the morning. Such a rapid laxative effect is achieved through a chemical, which is what provokes increased peristalsis. Due to this stimulation of the colon, defecation is observed within 6 to 10 hours after taking the medicine.

  • "Glycelax".
  • "Glycerin suppositories".

These products promote easy passage of feces through the intestines due to their lubricating effect. These drugs stimulate and irritate the intestinal mucosa.

If such medications are used over a long period, the physiological process of bowel movement may noticeably weaken.

Prebiotics are considered slow-acting laxatives. They are considered the safest medications that can be used to combat constipation. These drugs are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. They are represented by food ingredients (carbohydrates), the digestion of which is impossible in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Once they reach the colon, they stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora inside the intestine.

The following substances are considered popular prebiotics:

  • lactulose;
  • inulin;
  • fructooligosaccharides.

These drugs manifest their effect slowly, but their advantage lies in the safety and durability of the therapeutic effect.

The following preparations are made based on lactulose:

  • "Stada Lactulose".
  • "Normaze."
  • "Lactulose Poly".
  • "Duphalac".
  • "Romphalak".
  • "Portalak syrup."
  • "Livolyuk-PB".
  • "Good luck".

The following medications are made based on lactitol:

  • "Importal N".
  • "Exportal".

These drugs can cause the following side effects: discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence.

Osmotic drugs

If constipation is chronic, it is not advisable to use osmotic laxatives. They are safe, they can be taken for a long time (about 3 months), but their effect is manifested only in eliminating the symptoms, but not the cause of constipation.

Such drugs have an important advantage: they do not weaken muscle tone and are not addictive. The group includes the following salt preparations:

  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • citrate;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • Carlsbad salt.

Constipation sufferers often use the following medications from this group:

  • "Fortrans".
  • "Forteza Rompharm".
  • "Lavacol."
  • "Forlax".
  • "Realaxan".
  • "Osmogol."
  • "Transipeg."

They normalize intestinal function and maintain its functioning at a stable level in the future.

Natural fillers (bulk) can be natural or synthetic. Their peculiarity is that they are difficult to digest; they are not absorbed, due to which they significantly increase the volume of feces and accelerate the act of defecation.

The popularity of such drugs is not very high due to the presence of side effects such as:

  • pain;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling.

Drugs in this group:

  • Agar-agar.
  • Methylcellulose.
  • Flax seed.
  • The husk of plantain seeds is ovoid, oval.
  • Sterculia.
  • Fleawort seeds.
  • Wheat bran.

Herbal remedies for constipation

Popular herbal remedies for constipation are:

  • Phytolax.
  • Buckthorn fruits.
  • Kafiol.
  • Laminaria thallus.
  • Proctophytol.
  • Laxative collection No. 1.
  • Licorice root powder.
  • Laxative collection No. 2.
  • Rhubarb palmate roots.
  • Stalnik tincture.
  • Stalnik tincture.

Any remedy for constipation should be selected after consultation with a specialist. He must initially establish the causes of this pathology in order to prescribe the most effective, fast-acting remedy.

If constipation is unbearable and you can’t go to the doctor, then take a quick-acting laxative (this is also possible at home). Firstly, you can stock up on medications in advance “just in case.” And secondly, there are a great many proven folk methods of cleaning the intestines from fecal stagnation. Solving the problem is just a matter of having the right tool and time.

What to put in the first aid kit?

Laxatives should be in the medicine cabinet not only for people suffering from chronic problems with bowel movements. Constipation can also be accidental, due to dietary errors, stress or other reasons. Pharmacology offers a wide selection of drugs that have a laxative effect, both synthetic and natural. According to the mechanism of influence on the intestines and fecal output, they can be divided into the following groups.

  1. Drugs that irritate the inner wall of the intestine. They should not be used to relieve chronic constipation. And in case of a one-time difficulty, these drugs are quite suitable. Of these, we can highlight: , regulax, senade and others.
  2. . They have a mild laxative effect and can be used for a long time. But you shouldn’t count on an immediate effect. They manifest their effect gradually, having a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Among them: medulac, other lactulose analogues, and a new generation drug that has no analogues yet and contains its derivative lactilol instead of lactulose.
  3. Volume-creating drugs. Such remedies for relieving constipation, once in the intestines, increase in volume and create mechanical pressure on its walls. In response to irritation of the receptors, peristalsis increases, and the contents come out. These include: bran, shells or husks of psyllium seeds and others.
  4. Osmotic laxatives. Such preparations are solutions of salts. They help to increase the osmotic pressure inside the intestinal lumen, which causes its contraction. As a rule, they act quickly. They are often used to prepare a patient for upcoming diagnostic tests or operations. These are: magnesia, fortrans, forlac and other drugs.
  5. Plant-based products. These include various food supplements containing extracts of any plants that have a laxative effect, as well as herbal preparations. Despite the fact that they are based on plant materials, herbal remedies can have a powerful effect on the intestines. Among them: phytolax, kafiol, proctophytol and others.
  6. Another group of remedies to get rid of constipation is. Depending on their composition, they can lead to defecation within 5-20 minutes after administration. Some of them contain components that have a number of other actions, for example, relieve inflammation or heal. Among the drugs in the form of suppositories are: bisacodyl, glycelax, relief. This group of products includes microlax in the form of microenemas.

Attention! When purchasing a laxative yourself, you need to remember that each has contraindications and side effects. Therefore, you should not use the medication without first consulting your doctor.

Folk remedies for relieving constipation at home

It is not at all necessary to rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine for constipation, since in every home there is a product or remedy that helps solve this problem. Of course, not all traditional methods work instantly, but they are safer for health.


Milk heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees will help get rid of problems with bowel movements. Despite the fact that there will be no immediate results, this is a good laxative for constipation, especially chronic ones. It should be drunk after waking up on an empty stomach, adding a little honey to taste.

Drinking hot milk with honey on an empty stomach will help relieve constipation.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is useful not only for boosting immunity, but also for constipation. It is known to have a cleansing effect on the intestinal walls; it is even added to enemas. The product should be ingested freshly prepared and mixed with warm water. This laxative must be taken several times a day.

Important! The water should be exactly warm. There will be no laxative effect from cold or hot.


Some fruits have the ability to have a laxative effect. As a rule, oranges, pears, plums, and papaya are used for this purpose. To get rid of constipation, it is enough to spend one fasting day, consuming only them. A greater effect can be achieved if you combine hard fruits with freshly squeezed juice (from the same fruits). You don’t have to eat them all at once; each one separately will also lead to bowel movements. How long this will take depends on the characteristics of the body. For some, the effect may occur within 6-8 hours.

On a note! Eating fruit salads or purees will have a less effective effect.

Apple vinegar

This product is also a good laxative. In addition to the fact that it can be added to an enema, it should also be taken orally. Any apple cider vinegar, either home-made or purchased, is suitable for this. Only when purchasing, you need to make sure that the label says: 100%. Before each meal, you need to drink a glass of water with apple cider vinegar added to it (2 tablespoons).


Figs are a mild laxative. It can be consumed fresh, boiled and dried. To obtain a healing composition, boiled figs are crushed and then mixed with its decoction. Such puree, consumed during the day (at night necessarily), can relieve constipation in 1-2 days. It helps soften stool and stimulates intestinal motility.


Flax seeds are great for preventing and eliminating existing constipation. This laxative is rich in fiber, which has a powerful therapeutic and preventive effect on the intestines. For a faster effect, you need to grind the seeds to a powder state, and then add a tablespoon to a glass of water and drink. The frequency of administration is at least twice a day. An excellent addition would be to consume flaxseed oil throughout the day.

Another laxative is spinach. This product is also rich in fiber. Its use stimulates the work of the muscular and mucous layer of the intestine, which leads to increased peristalsis and subsequent emptying. Among other things, spinach is rich in vitamins and microelements. It can be consumed fresh and also cooked. In the first case, it has a stronger laxative effect. Spinach juice is mixed with the juices of other vegetables during fasting days.

Spinach is an excellent remedy for relieving constipation; it is rich not only in fiber, but also in vitamins.

Plum juice

Plum is considered one of the most effective herbal laxatives that can have a quick effect on the intestines. However, the juice from this fruit has an even greater effect. For this purpose, you should not buy plum juice in the store; relief from constipation is guaranteed if the product is freshly prepared. The result can be expected in about 8-12 hours, nothing more.

Attention! In addition to the laxative effect, plum juice has a diuretic effect and promotes the outflow of bile.

Very quick ways to relieve constipation

This collection contains folk methods for relieving constipation, which can have a laxative effect within 1-2 hours after administration.

  • Pour boiling water over buckthorn (10 grams of bark per glass of water). Leave for half an hour, then drink half. Drink the remaining infusion after 60 minutes.
  • Add 10 ml of vegetable oil to a glass of kefir. Drink before bed.
  • Every 20-30 minutes, drink fresh viburnum juice (20-30 ml). You can add honey for taste.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and drink. It is an osmotic laxative.
  • Prepare fresh orange juice (one glass). Drink on an empty stomach. After a quarter of an hour, eat a portion of hot oatmeal.
  • A very fast laxative is horse sorrel. It should be taken 1 gram.
  • Make a candle out of soap (laundry or baby soap) and insert it into the rectum.

Attention! Do not forget that any material presented on the Internet, including in this article, is not a guide to action. Before using any product, you should consult your doctor.

Enemas for bowel problems

Staging is used when other methods do not have an effect, or constipation needs to be eliminated immediately. This is the best laxative, or rather, a method that immediately after use causes bowel movements. There are three types of enemas, which affect the specifics of the procedure.

  • Osmotic. The injected liquid contains salt, which, by creating osmotic pressure in the intestine, attracts water into it. The stool becomes soft, the intestines, irritated by salt, contract, and defecation occurs. To perform such an enema, you need about a glass of water and regular salt in the amount of 15-25 grams. The effect can be expected in 15-20 minutes.
  • With butter. You can use any oil with a volume of about 0.1 liter. Once in the intestines, it envelops the feces, and they move more easily to the exit. The result is usually obtained after 10 hours.
  • Cleansing. In this case, instead of a pear, an Esmarch mug is used. Water helps cleanse the intestines mechanically. The effect will occur in 10-15 minutes, which you need to wait so that the water washes well the accumulated excrement.

A laxative like an enema also has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • hemorrhoids in the period of exacerbation;
  • volvulus;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestinal tract.

Important! Frequent administration of enemas can lead to constipation becoming more frequent.

Exercises and massage for constipation

At home, physical exercise and massage will provide a quick laxative effect. They will be especially effective in combination with any of the remedies described above. They should also be performed to prevent constipation.

Among the exercises aimed at eliminating problems with bowel movements, the following can be noted:

  • walking in place or around the room with your legs raised high (pull your knees as close to your chest as possible);
  • squats;
  • bending to the sides with tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • in a lying position, do a “bicycle” or simply pull your knees towards you;
  • kneel down and then squat to the sides;
  • in the knee-elbow position, make retracting movements with the stomach.

In general, any exercise that actively involves the abdominal muscles is suitable. They need to be performed at an energetic pace after taking a laxative. To prevent constipation, exercises are done in the morning and evening an hour after meals.

How to choose tablets to treat constipation when the market offers such a wide choice?

When choosing a medicine, each of us wants to get a safe and effective remedy.

At the same time, no one wants to overpay for much-needed medications.

We will talk about the most effective and inexpensive drugs for cleansing the intestines in this article.

How to choose a laxative?

When choosing tablets, you need to determine which class is required, take into account side effects and contraindications:

  1. it is important to find out the active ingredients and study the annotation;
  2. for chronic constipation, it is better to choose prebiotics to restore microflora and stimulate intestinal function.

What drugs are there to cleanse the intestines and how do they work?

Tablets for relieving constipation have different spectrums of effects. First you need to find out the cause of constipation, and then choose a drug:

Watch a video about choosing a laxative:

Effective and inexpensive fast-acting tablets


This laxative medication contains bisacodyl, a derivative of diphenylmethane.. Activates peristalsis, causing an increase in the volume of electrolytes and fluid. Helps ease defecation by softening and increasing the volume of feces and normalizing intestinal motility.

The desired effect is achieved after 6-12 hours.

Available in the form of tablets with a coating that dissolves in the intestines. The tablets are taken orally and must be taken with large volumes of liquid.:

  1. children over 10 years old and adults take 1-2 tablets;
  2. at the age of 4-10 years – 1 tablet.

ADVICE: Do not take Dulcolax with food, which causes a decrease in the acidity level of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Common side effects are:

  • diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, colitis;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • excessive sensitivity, angioedema.

Contraindications include:

  • bisacodyl intolerance;
  • obstruction in the intestines;
  • obstructive conditions;
  • exacerbation of pathologies;
  • acute inflammation;
  • dehydration;
  • stomach ache;
  • age up to 4 years.

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting a fairly fast action, and can be used by children from 4 years of age.

The disadvantages include a large number of contraindications and addiction after long-term use.

The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 230 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.


The medicine has a laxative effect. The principle of function is determined by an increase in the production of mucus in the intestines, an increase and acceleration of its work.

Stimulates nerve endings in the mucous membrane. Effective 6-8 hours after administration.

Release form: coated tablets. Take 1 tablet orally in the evening before bed. If there is no effect, then the dose is increased to 2-3 tablets. Children over 6 years old are prescribed 1 tablet in the evening.

Side effects:

  • bloating, nausea;
  • abdominal pain, heaviness;
  • excessive loss of water with long-term use;
  • decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure).


  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute inflammation in the peritoneum;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • insufficient potassium;
  • bleeding;
  • acute cystitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

The advantages include speed of impact and low price.

The downside is that it has an irritating effect on the intestines and is addictive.

Average cost of the drug for 30 tablets. – 30 rub.


The drug is classified as a contact medication. Normally, sulfatases are synthesized by beneficial bacteria, breaking down components into simple elements. When microflora sulfatases and Slabilen components combine, metabolites appear that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Peristalsis increases, water absorption decreases. No spasms during bowel movements.

Available as coated tablets. Doses and features of use are selected for each individual separately. Taken orally in the evening before bedtime.

Side effects - diarrhea.


  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • bleeding;
  • dehydration;
  • children under 4 years old.

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the absence of spasms in the intestines under the influence of drugs, and the permissibility of use from 4 years.

Cons: a large number of contraindications.

Average cost for 20 tablets. – 170 rubles.


This laxative drug gives results 10-12 hours after administration.

ATTENTION: The active form, which is formed due to hydrolysis under the influence of intestinal microbes, directly excites the nerve endings of its tissue, thus accelerating the passage of feces and reducing the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Available in the form of drops, not in tablet form. Taken orally before bedtime:

  1. from 10 years and older – 12-24 drops;
  2. at the age of 4-10 years – 6-12 drops.

Among the negative effects:

  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • dehydration;
  • decreased water balance;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • impotence.

Contraindications include:

  • strangulated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding;
  • dehydration;
  • acute inflammation;
  • children under 4 years old;
  • hypersensitivity.

Advantages: liquid form, which is easier and faster absorbed by the body, can be taken from 4 years of age.

Cons: contraindications, irritating effect on the intestines.

Cost for 10 ml – 170 rubles.


This medication is a derivative of triarylmethane. Affects only the large intestine. The active ingredients stimulate receptors in the large intestine.

The effect develops after 6-12 hours.

Taken orally with plenty of water in the evenings:

  1. children over 10 years of age and adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets;
  2. at the age of 4-10 years – ½-1 tablet.

Side effects:


  • strangulated hernia;
  • obstruction;
  • acute inflammation;
  • bleeding;
  • spastic constipation;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • dehydration;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • cystitis;
  • allergy to components.

The advantage is that the drug acts only on the large intestine in a fairly short time.

Disadvantages: impossibility of taking it in the first trimester and a large list of contraindications.

Average price 240 rub. for 20 tab.

Watch a video about Guttalax laxative tablets:


The medication increases the absorption and excretion of ammonia molecules. Lactulose activates the growth of acidophilic microbes and stops the proliferation of proteolytic microbes. There is a decrease in the synthesis of toxins.

Self-medicating constipation is not a good idea. If problems occur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

The effect is achieved after a few days of taking the tablets.

Available in tablet form. Used with food:

  1. adults require 4-5 tablets 2 times a day;
  2. children over 5 years old – 1 tablet. 3 times a day.

Side effects: on the first day of use, flatulence may occur, which goes away after 3 days.

IMPORTANT: Among the contraindications: galactosemia and allergies to the components of the drug. Advantages in a small list of side effects and contraindications, mild effect on the intestines, possibility of long-term use.

Disadvantages – cost and inability to accept children under 5 years old.

The average price is 290 rubles per package.


Due to the content of plantain husk, the medicine has a gentle effect on the intestines and normalizes stool during diarrhea.

Plantain swells and irritates intestinal receptors, which causes peristalsis to normalize, increasing the volume and softening of feces.

The effect is achieved after 6-10 hours.

Available in capsule form. Can be used regardless of food intake. The dose is adjusted by the doctor based on the effect obtained. Suitable for long term use.

Side effects: bloating, feeling of fullness in the intestines. They pass on their own.

When taking Defenorm, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Among the contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe diabetes;
  • age up to 12 years.

Advantages of the drug: natural composition, possibility of long-term use, low number of adverse reactions.

Disadvantages: inability to accept children under 12 years of age.

The average cost is 150 rubles.


Anthraglycosides, when broken down into anthronols and anthrones, irritate the intestinal receptors. As a result, the absorption of water and electrolytes is disrupted. This helps increase the volume of stool and soften it. This speeds up peristalsis.

The required effect is achieved after 8 hours.

Release form: tablets. Use once a day with water. Dose size for adults: 1-2 tablets. Children – 1 tablet. The course is selected by the doctor.

Side effect:

  • stomach ache;
  • anorexia;
  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • hematuria;
  • atony;
  • digestive disorders.

Among the contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • bleeding;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal pathologies.

Pros: use for chronic constipation, natural ingredients, can be used from 6 years of age, cheap drug.

Cons: a large number of contraindications, impossibility of long-term use due to dehydration.

Average price – 25 rubles.

Poslabin Lactulose

Under the influence of the medication, the flora in the intestine changes, and the number of lactobacilli increases. This increases acidity in the intestinal lumen, stimulates work, and increases the volume of feces. The result is a laxative effect without affecting smooth muscles and mucous membranes..

Available in tablet form. The dose is selected individually.

Contraindications include galactosemia and allergies to the products in the composition.

Side effects are minor and go away on their own.

Cost – 105 rubles for 30 tablets.


This probiotic is a lyophilized mixture of kefir fungi and lactobacilli, containing lactobacilli acidophilus. The tablets have an antimicrobial effect. Acipol regenerates natural microflora, helps normalize the synthesis of vitamins and other active substances.

Produced in capsule form. Prescribed for children from 3 months and adults. It is taken orally without biting. Doses and duration are selected individually. Children 3 months old – 3 years: 1 capsule 2-3 times per day. Children over 3 years old and adults -1 caps. 3-4 times a day.

There are no side effects. Contraindications include hypersensitivity.

Pros: no side effects, can be used by children from 3 months.

Cons: price.

Cost – 320 rubles for 30 capsules.

What chewable capsules are there for constipation?

A medicine called Fitolax is available in the form of chewable tablets. It has many advantages, and compared to laxatives, it not only regenerates stool, but also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients:

  • senna extract;
  • apricot pulp;
  • dill seeds;
  • plantain.

This drug is classified as a dietary supplement that can be taken for chronic constipation, which manifests itself due to minor dysfunction. Usually prescribed for indigestion and intestinal atony.

Features of use during pregnancy

ATTENTION: You should not take constipation pills during pregnancy. Almost all of them irritate intestinal receptors, which can cause uterine contractions.

Preparations with lactulose are allowed only under the supervision of a doctor.

Medicines for children

Children are more often prescribed syrups than tablets. But among drugs in the form of tablets we can distinguish:

  • lactulose-based prelax and normolact;
  • Duphalac (based on natural ingredients).

Only a doctor should select the appropriate medicine. You should not conduct experiments; it is better to consult a specialist if health problems arise.

Many people have encountered such a problem as constipation in their lives. It can be solved in many ways, but mostly people resort to using laxatives.

Here it is important not just to buy the first drug you come across, but to choose a mild laxative to cleanse the intestines.

Why use mild laxatives?

When a person experiences constipation, the first thing he wants to do is get rid of it as soon as possible. But people do not care about the harm this or that drug can cause to their body.

A mild laxative does not always work as quickly as possible, but it is more beneficial to your health and has far fewer side effects.

Here you can choose either a light and safe laxative or a quick-acting remedy, there is no third option.

To choose the right mild laxative and effective remedy you need:

  • Seek advice from a doctor; only a specialist will be able to identify the cause of constipation and check for more serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Having found out the cause of constipation in your particular case, ask your doctor which medications are best to use;
  • If constipation is rare for you and you do not want to see a doctor, then you can take an effective, but not particularly safe remedy, like or, whichever you like best. But Such drugs should not be used often, since they are extremely harmful to the intestines and your health;
  • If you have acquired constipation, then you need to act carefully and gradually. Only mild laxatives should be used; they are better suited for daily use for constipation.
  • Carefully read the instructions for the laxative; you need to find out if you are allergic to its components and whether it can be used at your age;
  • If constipation happened to you once, and the cause was stress or, then you do not need to choose a laxative for long-term use, since once the problem is eliminated, the constipation will go away on its own, the main thing is to help in the first few days;
  • So that the laxative prescribed to you is taken at night, then in the morning the effect will come and there will be no unnecessary troubles;
  • Necessarily ask the pharmacy for analogues, the purchased drug. Expensive - not always high quality. Do not think that a high price is the key to a successful drug. A cheaper product sometimes works no worse than its expensive counterpart.
One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Which laxative drug to choose?

All laxative drugs can be divided into five groups according to their action and components:

Laxatives that irritate the intestinal mucosa.It’s hard to call them mild, but rather effective and quickly eliminating constipation. By irritating the mucous membrane, they stimulate peristalsis, and if you take them every day, the body will quickly get used to it and stop moving feces on its own. These drugs include Guttalax, Regulax and others.
Osmotic laxatives that retain water in the intestines.They do not allow it to be absorbed into the walls, but bind the molecules together, thereby helping to soften the stool and make it easier to move through the intestines. Such drugs include magnesia, Endofalk and Forlax, which has a more harmless effect on the body.
Laxatives that restore intestinal microflora.Their main task is to restore the balance of intestinal microflora so that the body itself begins to cope with the problem. Prebiotics are the best medicine for constipation; their gentle effect and simple use are their main advantages. These laxatives include Lactulose, Normaze, Duphalac and other drugs whose active ingredient is lactulose.
Herbal laxatives are good if used infrequently.They are harmless to the body, the main thing is to choose drugs whose components will not cause you allergies.
Oils.These laxatives act directly on stool, softening it and moving it through the intestines. However, they have side effects, especially on the liver.


Why do you need to take laxatives?

Laxatives are used mainly in cases of constipation. Since if the body accumulates feces for a long time, the process of absorption of toxins into the blood through the intestinal walls begins.

If constipation is not treated, a person will experience headaches, general malaise and weakness, pain in the abdomen and anus, and may even have a fever.

Release form and cost

Laxatives are now available in various forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • powders;
  • syrups.

There are also rectal tablets and suppositories. You can choose a good and inexpensive substance that will be most convenient for you to use. Their prices vary, but that's the main thing. That imported drugs are always more expensive, and our domestic ones, although cheaper, are also not inferior in quality.

The most popular laxatives

Having studied the consumer demand for certain laxatives, you can make a rating of the most popular drugs for constipation.

  1. . It rightfully takes first place on the list, since it not only helps treat constipation, but also restores the intestinal microflora, helping it cope with the problem itself. It has no contraindications and can be used from small to large.
  2. . A very common remedy for children. It can be used not only to treat constipation, but also to treat dysbiosis. It helps soften stool, facilitates its easy passage from the intestines, and also reduces its acidity.
  3. Guttalax. Although this is dangerous, it is a popular remedy for constipation. It irritates the intestinal walls, stimulates the movement of feces, thereby causing bowel movements in a very short time. Speed ​​is a plus, addiction is a minus. But for isolated cases this is a very good drug.
  4. . Its active ingredient (macrogol) reduces the absorption of water in the intestines, thereby helping to soften stool, and stimulates peristalsis. This is also a mild laxative that is suitable for any age.
  5. . The good thing about this laxative is that it has many forms and consists of natural ingredients that help get rid of dysbacteriosis. But it can only be used from the age of 14.
  6. . It also consists of natural ingredients and is allowed for absolutely everyone (if there is no individual intolerance to the components), even pregnant and nursing mothers. But it can only be used from 12 years old.

    It is best to consult a doctor. He will be able to examine the problem from all sides and prescribe a laxative that is right for you.

Constipation is an extremely unpleasant situation that can significantly impair a person’s comfortable life. The treatment of the disease must be approached with all seriousness. First, review your diet. The source of the problem lies in the lack of fiber and roughage in the daily diet. However, if an unpleasant situation takes you by surprise, you need to use special, the most effective laxatives for constipation.

How do laxatives work?

All laxatives for constipation begin to act in the colon. Their main goal is to soften hardened stool, increase osmotic pressure inside the intestine and activate peristalsis. Some laxatives help not only empty the intestines, eliminating constipation, but also successfully restore its natural microflora. Release form: tablets, suppositories or powder for administration in liquid form.

Strong irritant laxatives

In most preparations, the main active substance is of plant origin: castor oil, rhubarb root, etc. There are completely synthetic medications for constipation: Guttalax, Bisacodyl. By irritating receptors located in the colon, these drugs stimulate peristalsis. Moving forward, feces empty the intestines. Defecation is carried out once, 8-10 hours after ingestion of the drug.


Once in the intestines, the soluble fibers of the drug attract liquid, increasing in volume up to 10 times, forming a mucous gel. Thanks to it, stool softens and painless cleansing of the intestines occurs. Insoluble dietary fiber provides additional stimulation.

Ingredients: Plum fruits, psyllium seed husks.

Indications: Constipation, excess weight, hemorrhoids.

Application: 1-4 sachets per day. The composition is pre-diluted in water or juice.


Bisacodyl is a completely synthetic drug for constipation. Once in the body, it can cause defecation within 6-8 hours. The laxative effect of Bisacodyl manifests itself in the form of diluting stool and accelerating intestinal motility. The drug is prescribed when it is necessary to quickly empty the intestines (childbirth, planned surgery) naturally.

Ingredients: Diacetoxydiphenylpyridyl 4,4, lactose, powdered sugar.

Application: Orally 1-3 tablets or rectally 1-2 suppositories at night.

Osmotic laxatives

They retain water in the intestinal lumen, which leads to softening and increasing the volume of stool. A large volume of mass increases the osmotic pressure on the intestines, which leads to an active influx of water from adipose tissue and blood plasma. Defecation occurs naturally, gently, unobtrusively. Elderly people should use osmotic laxatives with caution.


An osmotic laxative is prescribed before surgery on the intestines or an X-ray or endoscopic examination of the intestines. This constipation remedy is for adults only. Does not penetrate the circulatory system and is not absorbed in the intestines. Not recommended for persons with cardiovascular diseases. Elderly people can take the drug only under strict medical supervision.

Ingredients: Sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, macrogol, potassium chloride.

Indications: Acute constipation, intestinal lavage before surgery.

Application: The contents of 1 packet are diluted in a liter of water and drunk. Maximum dosage – 4 packets.

Carlsbad salt

Saline laxatives can be either natural or artificial. The water temperature should not be higher than 30 C˚. Warm water significantly reduces spasms and gastric motility, and also reduces the production of gastric juice. On the contrary, cold water enhances peristalsis and causes a laxative effect. You must take this salt strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you risk causing serious harm to your health.

Composition: Salt ions and sodium cations.

Indications: Constipation, stimulation of digestion, restoration of water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Application: 1 tablespoon per 0.5 cup of water. Take half an hour before meals.

Laxatives – prebiotics

Prebiotics – easily relieve constipation. These are special food ingredients that are not digested in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, reaching the large intestine unchanged, where they actively stimulate the growth of beneficial fermented milk microflora. Like osmotic laxatives, they help attract additional water into the intestinal lumen. And the organic acids that are formed during the fermentation of prebiotics stimulate the intestinal muscles to active peristalsis.


Once in the human body, this anti-constipation drug is broken down into organic acids in the large intestine without residue. Osmotic pressure increases, followed by an increase in fecal masses, and peristalsis is stimulated. The result is bowel movement and restoration of natural microflora. The completed course of treatment can completely eliminate constipation and restore the physiological rhythm of bowel movements.

Ingredients: Lactulose syrup, water.

Indications: Constipation, restoration of microflora.

Application: Adults 15-45 ml, children 5-15 ml. After meal.

Serotonergic agents
Vegaprat. Serotonergic drugs affect the receptors of the biologically active substance serotonin located in the intestine and normalize intestinal motility. In contrast, the drug Vegaprat effectively treats constipation, and at the same time, even with long-term use, does not wash away the minerals and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It can be alternated with other laxatives if addiction to them has already occurred or in advance - to prevent addiction.
Indications for use: Intended for symptomatic treatment of chronic constipation in women in whom laxatives have not provided sufficient effect in eliminating symptoms.
Application: Regardless of food intake, adults 2 mg 1 time per day, elderly (over 65) start with 1 mg 1 time per day, if necessary, the dose is increased to 2 mg 1 time per day.

Find out more about the drug for adults and children.


Normaze is prescribed to pregnant women and women during lactation if they are concerned about constipation. The drug has no contraindications for use in children, even the youngest age category. But this medicine should be prescribed with caution to patients suffering from diabetes and intestinal obstruction.

Ingredients: Lactuolose, water, citric acid.

Indications: Constipation, disturbance of colon flora.

Application: Orally after meals. Adults 15-45 ml, children 5-15 ml.

Natural laxatives of plant origin

Once in the intestines, such a remedy for constipation absorbs water - it swells, and its walls stretch. Next, a propulsive (contractile) wave is excited, and the act of defecation occurs due to a reflex reaction. The active ingredient is natural plant substances that are practically not digested by the stomach, but perfectly absorb liquid in the intestines.

Natural laxative Fitolax

This natural herbal laxative is excellent for relieving constipation. Produced by Evalar. It acts softly and delicately. Sold in the form of chewable dragees or tablets. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women or during lactation.

Ingredients: Dried apricot pulp, plantain and senna leaves, dill fruits, senna extract.

Indications: Constipation, intestinal atony.

Application: 1-2 tablets before bedtime. The course of treatment will take 14 days.


The laxative effect of senade is achieved after 8-10 hours due to increased peristalsis. The drug is contraindicated for cystitis, acute inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, and intestinal obstruction. Senade is contraindicated for people with acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, intestinal obstruction and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ingredients: Active substance: senna leaf extract.

Indications: Constipation, poor peristalsis, hemorrhoids.

Application: Orally, 1 tablet before bedtime.

How to make laxatives at home

In addition to medications, there are also folk remedies that help fight constipation:

  • Almost every home has magnesium or magnesium sulfate in powder. The packaged powder is diluted in a glass of water and drunk. The result of using the drug is observed 1.5 hours after administration. Magnesia is a cheap drug for constipation and is available in every pharmacy.
  • Another inexpensive way to cleanse the intestines is to eat beet salad. The recipe is as follows: 1-2 medium-sized root vegetables must be boiled without peeling until cooked. Cool, cut off the peel, grate. Season the finished mass with vegetable oil, this can be a sunflower or olive version of the dressing. Beets have excellent laxative properties, but you should not count on an instant effect.
  • Figs will help empty your intestines easily and quickly. This fruit is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach or a healing decoction is prepared from it, which is drunk throughout the day.

Safe laxatives for pregnant women and children

Medicines for constipation in pregnant women and laxatives for children should be gentle on digestion, not interfere with the absorption of nutrients, and not cause addiction, since expectant mothers sometimes have to take laxatives for a long time. Homeopathic medicines are also harmless means to combat constipation. They are based on natural ingredients: medicinal herbs or medicinal fruits. An “oil” diet helps soften stool.

Find out what they are for adults and children.



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