What should the bite be like? How to check your bite

Great value in the development of pathologies of the dental system has a human bite – relative position upper teeth and lower jaw when they are tightly and completely closed. All people are born with mandibular retrograde (the lower jaw in a newborn has a posterior position), but the formation of the bite continues during the first 15 years of life.

At the same time, this process is influenced various factors, as a result of which a person, at the time he reaches adulthood, can form a correct and malocclusion teeth.

Figure 1. Physiological species bites.

Diagnosis of dental occlusion

Correct diagnosis of a patient’s bite can only be carried out qualified specialist, since they are described in dentistry various types physiological and abnormal relationship of the jaws. However, you can find out whether a consultation with an orthodontist is required by first checking the relative position of the dentition at home.

First of all, you need to carefully examine your face in the mirror. At proper development dental system, its oval looks harmonious, and the symmetry of the lower part of the face is not broken.

How to determine dental malocclusion yourself?

The algorithm of actions is as follows: with a closed mouth, a person swallows saliva and closes his teeth, after which he fixes their position. Then, parting his lips, he examines the relative position of the jaws in the mirror. With a correct (physiological) bite, the following picture is observed:

  • absence of gaps in the dentition, incorrect position individual units in the jawbone;
  • the dental units of the upper and lower jaws close tightly and are located on a single line;
  • the lower incisors are slightly overlapped by the upper antagonists;
  • The midline of the face is located clearly between the first incisors of the upper and lower jaws.

The reason for contacting an orthodontist is the absence of one or more of the described signs. You should also consult a dentist if excessive accumulation of soft plaque is detected on individual teeth, long time Bleeding gums are observed.

This phenomenon is not due to correct distribution chewing load in oral cavity. A sign of abnormal bite formation can be a change in diction and a lisp. In such a situation, consultation with a speech therapist and an orthodontist is required.

Types of bite

With undisturbed development of the dental system, the relative position of the upper and lower dentition may be different. Distinguish the following types correct bite:

  1. Orthognathia– the upper dental units evenly overlap lower teeth, forming a single line. In this case, the incisors overlap the lower antagonists up to a third of the height of their coronal part. The cutting edges of the incisors form a cusp contact. This option physiological occlusion in dentistry is recognized as a standard and is practically not found among the population.
  2. Progenia– in this case, the patient’s lower jaw is slightly pushed forward.
  3. Direct (orthogeny)– the incisors in the upper and lower dentition form contact with their cutting edges.
  4. Bioprognathia– has the same characteristics as the orthognathic type of bite, however, the incisors of both jaws are inclined towards the vestibule of the mouth.

In all the cases described above, the biomechanics of the patient’s chewing movements is not disturbed and there is no risk of developing pathologies of the dental system.

Figure 2. Abnormal occlusion of teeth.

Causes of malocclusion

In orthodontics, the reason that leads to disruption of the process of bite formation in people has not yet been established. There are numerous provoking factors that contribute to the development of abnormal interposition of antagonist teeth. However, their absolute pathogenetic significance has not been established, since the presence of the same factor in different people does not always lead to the formation of malocclusion.

It can provoke the development of an abnormal relationship between the upper and lower dentition in a patient. artificial feeding, long-term use nipple in childhood (more than 1 year), improper introduction of complementary foods (feeding the child soft food for a long time), impaired nasal breathing in the child, curvature spinal column and so on.

Orthopedists talk about the development of pathology in cases where, when examining a patient, there is uneven development of the jaws, excessive protrusion of the lower jaw, and lack of contact between antagonists. Also, malocclusion is diagnosed in a patient if upper incisors cover more than half the height of the crown of antagonist teeth.

In orthodontics, numerous techniques have been developed for correcting malocclusion in patients of various age categories– through the use of plates, removable aligners, braces (see article about). In heavy clinical cases the dentist may recommend prosthetics or surgical treatment. Thanks to the significant development of orthodontics, pathologically formed occlusion can be corrected even in adult patients.


If signs of malocclusion are observed, consultation with an orthodontist should not be neglected. In case of absence specific therapy the consequences of a pathologically formed bite are quite serious.

Impaired distribution of the chewing load in the oral cavity leads to increased abrasion of tooth enamel, disruption of the symmetry of the oval of the face, and damage to the temporomandibular joint. Improper closure of teeth can cause disruption of the patient’s respiratory and chewing functions, as well as changes in facial expressions and diction.

Early application for specialized assistance helps prevent abnormal formation of the dental system, as well as significantly reduce the time required to correct the already established pathological relationship of the dentition.


Classification of malocclusion on video:

What is your BITE?

Accurately determine bite maybe an orthodontist. However, any person, knowing the main signs of physiological occlusion and occlusion pathology, can independently assess the condition of their dental system and, if necessary, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

When assessing your own bite, first of all pay attention to the symmetry of the lower half of the face. In people with physiological bite the face is almost symmetrical.

While eating, pay attention to whether you are equally comfortable chewing on the right and left side, what chewing movements you make while doing this. The predominance of vertical “crushing” movements over horizontal “rubbing” movements can occur in the presence of various blocks, when when the teeth are completely closed due to the reverse overlap of one or more teeth, it is impossible to grind food with movements of the lower jaw to the right and left.

The reason for contacting an orthodontist is also increased deposition of plaque on individual teeth. If plaque forms on some teeth, it means that these teeth do not chew!!! Wrong standing teeth They hardly participate in chewing and therefore do not clean themselves well.

Bleeding gums, especially in at a young age, can also be a consequence of bite pathology. The chewing load on teeth with an incorrectly positioned axis is aimed at gradual dislocation of the tooth. Ligamentous apparatus experiences pathological stress, inflammation occurs, which can be treated endlessly.

If your child has trouble pronouncing sibilants, do not rush to immediately take him to a speech therapist. Visit the orthodontist's office first to make sure that your child does not have a malocclusion. Otherwise, you may simply waste time. People with open bites and oblique bites often have a lisp.

a fold under the lower lip in a child may indicate distal occlusion, and perhaps even about deep things. This pathology must be treated.

How to check your bite yourself?

1. To assess the line of closure of the teeth, it is necessary to make a swallowing movement and fix the teeth in this position. Open your lips and look at the position of your upper and lower teeth. Normally, all teeth should touch!

2. The vertical line passing between the upper central incisors should coincide with the vertical line passing between the lower central incisors.

3. The upper incisors and canines should overlap the lower ones by no more than 1/3 of the height of the tooth crown. The cutting edge of the lower incisors should be in contact with the palatal surface upper teeth.

4. Buccal cusps of the upper chewing teeth(molars and premolars) should be located outside the buccal cusps of the lower teeth.

5. The palatal cusps of the upper teeth should lie comfortably on the chewing grooves of the lower teeth.

6. During chewing movements of the lower jaw to the right and left (as if you are grinding food with your teeth), the molars and premolars of the working side chewing on at the moment, should not lose contact with each other.

If you are unable to figure something out or have any doubts, you can always consult a specialist orthodontist.

Improving the patient's appearance
after correcting a malocclusion!

Violation of chewing function, violation of the aesthetic functions of the face and smile, in especially severe cases - misalignment of the jaw - all this can color a person’s life in sad tones. For timely diagnosis There are several methods that describe how to determine malocclusion. The dentist will identify the pathology during the examination, but the patient must notice the signs, otherwise he will not contact a specialist in time, and time will be lost.

Brings a lot of problems to its owner abnormal type bite It can be noticed even with the mouth closed, because asymmetry of the lower part of the face often occurs. There are several types of bite pathologies.

The most severe type of pathology is crossbite– rarely diagnosed. However, it is more difficult to treat than all other anomalies.

How to diagnose malocclusion?

To know how to determine whether a bite is correct or not, you need to avoid confusion with the natural type of closure of the dentition. The ideal physiological variant of the norm is called orthognathic - the teeth correctly overlap each other, touch, and provide an even load when chewing. All these functions - contact and the correct distribution of pressure during chewing - differ from the following normal variants, but the teeth are in a slightly different position:

  • biprognathic;
  • progenic;
  • direct.

In the first two types, there is a slight forward movement of the upper or lower jaw, in the last - straight - the teeth do not overlap each other, only touching. Requires attention if excessive enamel wear occurs.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

If the dental system does not perform its functions, and appearance If the face is asymmetrical due to problems with the position of the jaws, then there are signs of malocclusion.

To identify malocclusion, an orthodontist carries out:

  • interviewing the patient - what worries him, how it manifests itself;
  • visual inspection;

To identify the characteristics of a particular person’s bite, there are the following technical methods:

  • otropantomogram – panoramic shot gums, roots, teeth using x-rays;
  • teleroentgenogram - a side view of the skull to clarify the position and size of the jaws;
  • photometry - research using photographs;
  • diagnostic models - a plaster cast is created to assess the position of the teeth, their crowding or, conversely, too large interdental spaces;
  • exclusion of inflammation of the gums and impacted (unerupted) teeth - an x-ray of a specific tooth;
  • tomography of the temporomandibular joint – if inflammation is suspected;
  • experiments in the articular - a special device simulates the movement of the jaw so that the treatment takes place without harm to the temporomandibular joints.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Pain in the temporomandibular joint is one of the signs of improper closure of teeth and uneven distribution of load when chewing.

An orthodontist has everything necessary knowledge How to identify malocclusion. If there is a suspicion of pathology, and even more so when pain when chewing, you should consult a specialist.

How to do it yourself?

First of all, parents should know how to identify a child’s malocclusion on their own. In children, everything develops very quickly, but their treatment is faster and more successful. When parents notice the problem in a timely manner, they will contact the dentist on time.

Correct bite It can be determined like this:

  • mentally draw a line between the central incisors on the upper and lower jaws - it should match;
  • at the moment of closure, the upper teeth are in front of the lower ones, touching them, but not completely covering them - only by one third;
  • All teeth should touch - there should be no empty space between the tips.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Make sure that all teeth grow in the right places.

A very dangerous phenomenon is dystopia - teeth being out of place - for example, higher or lower proper place in the gum. The bite is formed with the participation of all teeth, so the displacement of one or more, the presence of wide interdental gaps - three - is a reason to go to a specialist.

Causes of malocclusion

Most causes of malocclusion are rooted in hereditary problems or develop in childhood. Main reasons:

  1. Bad habits (thumb sucking, pacifiers, in older people - pencils, pens, constant sleeping position on the side with an arm under the head).
  2. Lack of chewing load during tooth formation - lack sufficient quantity solid food in the diet.
  3. Problems during the mother's pregnancy or birth injuries.
  4. Disturbances during eruption.

Adults have their own reasons leading to jaw closure disorders:

  1. Trauma, tooth loss.
  2. Errors in prosthetics.
  3. Improper diet – lack of calcium, fluoride.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.

Parents should closely monitor their children, except bad habits and, if necessary, contacting a specialist in a timely manner. Best period to correct defects - from 9 to 15 years, however, specialist intervention may be required earlier. For example, if permanent tooth begins to appear before the permanent one falls out.


An incorrect bite is not a death sentence. There are treatment methods for correcting malocclusion:

  • or aligners - resemble a transparent jaw;
  • trainers – silicone splint made of elastic material;
  • – hold teeth in the correct position, used for children;
  • – for minor defects they are corrected external characteristics, similar to plates attached to the surface of the tooth;
  • – prevent further destruction and provocation possible violations closing of teeth.
  • - special clasps attached to each tooth and connected by an arc; for children there is a 2x4 option - only for the front incisors.

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a positive outcome. It is important to identify and eliminate the cause of the pathology, otherwise after treatment the problem will soon return. It is advisable to eliminate malocclusion in initial stages until it began to lead to problems with the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

How to determine malocclusion in a child? To avoid occlusion, you must immediately consult an orthodontist. Sometimes the disorder can be quite obvious if the teeth are noticeably close in a row or out of alignment. In other cases it may not be so obvious.

Even less obvious problems do not exclude the possibility serious consequences, if they are not corrected, which is why most specialists recommend an assessment and determination of the correct bite at the age of 7 years. This advice is based on the fact that during this period the permanent molars and some of the front teeth should be present in the oral cavity. If this is not the case, there may be a problem with the normal development of the tooth or its eruption. Therefore, it is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis, and try to independently recognize and correct the problem, and if there are signs of violations, or complaints from the child or, immediately contact an orthodontist for full diagnostics, and possibly subsequent treatment. Especially if a baby is susceptible to such a problem.

What are jaw alignment disorders?


There is a lot of variation normal development teeth for different people: both adults and babies. Therefore, evaluation by a specialist is important to determine whether there is a problem or just a normal variation in tooth development/eruption and whether correction is needed. If the patient has seen a doctor by age seven, a visit to the orthodontist will still be helpful in determining current situation. Although most patients do not require treatment younger age, addressing problems early if they exist can potentially prevent more serious future consequences.

Most doctors do not charge for the initial examination, so this may be in a valuable way obtaining information about the bite and development of teeth and jaws.

Your general dentist may also recommend seeing an orthodontist. Typically, the dentist will see patients every 6 to 12 months for cleanings and routine checkups. This is done to have a good idea of ​​the dental history and condition of the objects being examined in the oral cavity. Because teeth straightening can be a subjective and cosmetic decision, the patient or clinician may find this aspect difficult to discuss. If you have questions about teeth alignment or occlusion, don't hesitate to ask a professional.

Photos and videos with variants of malocclusion:

incorrect closure of teeth

Choosing a doctor

The process of finding an orthodontist is a vital one. This specialist will be involved in treatment within long period time, changing a very noticeable area - the smile. Specialists in this field are dentists who spend an additional 2 years after university in orthodontic residency. This will ultimately lead to a special certificate.

Dentists are allowed to practice in this area and identify and identify problems. If they have received the training or certification in their specialty mentioned above. Many orthodontists also have a Ph.D.

A friend or neighbor who has braces may be able to give you a recommendation. The best way to determine what type of help someone is receiving is to ask people you know who are currently in treatment. Such people can describe how the doctor and staff treat patients and their parents, and also talk about problems they may have encountered themselves. Would they recommend the orthodontist to their friends? Try to differentiate between painful or uncomfortable procedures and rough or indifferent attitude to the patient. Remember that braces cause toothache for everyone in varying degrees. Painful sensations does not necessarily mean that the orthodontist is a bad one.

displacements in the sagittal plane

The dentist may be great source information about specialists. The doctor is probably a master who treats his patients well. There are cases where dentists must refer them to certain people for insurance reasons.

Magazines, newspapers and the Internet sometimes publish articles about the "Best" or most highly rated dentists and specialists. Be careful with these types of articles as they do not necessarily represent people with the highest qualifications. Rating systems and basis for results can be suspect as they tend to be more popular than a true reflection of their ability. But your search will definitely lead you to the right doctor.

Initial consultation

This important aspect can be a valuable way to get the information you need. As a rule, details about occlusion, development, growth and other potential problems, as well as information about recommended treatment options and questions about costs. Most orthodontists typically offer free consultation as a service to its patients. Since there may be those who do charge a fee, it is a good idea to ask about this before making your appointment.

The initial consultation is usually quite easy for the patient. In most cases, the main contact and medical information, which is important for a better understanding of the patient's medical history, it also reflects his orthodontic problems. This is important because there may be different options treatment, but the main attention should be paid to the main problem - determining the correct bite.

To prepare for your initial visit, try to gather the following materials:

  1. Medical and dental history.
  2. Home address, your phone number.
  3. Insurance information.
  4. Main complaints.
  5. Relevant x-rays if available.

If the patient is a child, a parent or legal guardian must be present at the appointment. This will ensure an appropriate medical history and permission to examine the patient, as well as communication with the parent regarding concerns and recommended treatment.

In case of recently made x-rays, they may be useful to the orthodontist during consultation. If in lately a panoramic photo was taken, it may be useful. If you have a question about the need for an x-ray, call your orthodontist before your appointment to see if he or she needs to bring one to your appointment.

Once the paperwork is completed, the orthodontist will begin the examination using a dental mirror. This is painless, since only an examination of the oral cavity will take place, and during this appointment no special manipulations are performed at all. During the consultation, the specialist will evaluate the bite, teeth and jaws for any issues.

Once the orthodontist has completed the examination, the following information may be provided:

  1. Types of problems (preliminary diagnosis).
  2. Potential treatment options (plan).
  3. Necessity and timing of inspection.
  4. Duration of proposed treatment.
  5. Price.
  6. Possible alternatives.

Additional opinion

Most patients seeking medical or dental care know the importance of getting a second point of view. The basis for this is primarily to increase confidence in the proposed course of treatment. Unfortunately, sometimes a second or third opinion leads to various options healing, which can be quite confusing.

Many times patients wonder if they need to get a second opinion. Most people spend an incredible amount of time researching the purchase of their next car or boat. Why medical or dental care is less important? If there is any doubt about what the orthodontist has suggested, a second opinion may be a good idea. If a specialist describes a diagnostic and treatment plan that is fairly simple and has been highly recommended by a dentist or friend, this may not be entirely necessary. Although, besides the treatment plan, there are many other factors that can also be assessed. This includes the attitude of the doctor and staff, the environment of the clinic, the availability of appointments and the cost of treatment.

It is important to remember that different orthodontists may use different techniques and procedures for the same problems. In fact, there can be many good ways to solve the same problem. Orthodontists trained in different parts countries may have used various methods treatment.

There are times when efficiency and speed may be desirable for the patient. Many teens (and adults) are so excited that they start treatment right away. However, there are many factors to consider. Risks associated with insufficient understanding of the proposed treatment plan and possible complications, may be high.

The main thing is that general level comfort should be related to the orthodontist you ultimately choose for treatment. This is generally a subjective assessment as patients and parents will feel more comfortable with certain doctors and staff. Confidence in the doctor and, ultimately, the success of treatment can to a large extent based on trust between patient and doctor. If this is lacking, there may be dissatisfaction or disappointment in the treatment process.

This article is about checking the design of a complete removable denture. About mistakes (for example, overbite) and their correction.

In this article you will learn:

  1. How to check the design of a complete removable denture after the technician has placed the teeth?
  2. What mistakes might have been made before?
  3. And how to eliminate them?

Stages of testing the prosthesis design

After the technician has installed artificial teeth(this was in the last article), he gives it to me wax bases. Mandatory with teeth on the models and in the articulator. I, in turn, must make sure of the quality of the work. It’s just that now that the bases of the prosthesis are made of wax, any mistake will be easy to correct.

My train of thought:

1) First I evaluate working models. They should not have pores, damage or chips. Any inaccuracy on the model will make the prosthesis unbearable. So if I don't like the model, I shoot again functional impression. Of course, this is difficult and unpleasant. But it will be much more unpleasant to remake a finished prosthesis.

2) The model must have markings, a midsagittal line, etc. (we talked about them in the previous article). Some should be isolated anatomical features patient (tori, bony protrusions, incisive papilla, if it is hypertrophied). Then the base will not touch them and injure them.

3) Then I estimate the boundaries of the bases:

Firstly: they should be as thick as the edge of the functional impression.

Secondly: They must fit snugly to the model throughout.

Thirdly: they must end exactly along the border of the future prosthesis

(On upper jaw: 1-2 mm above the transitional fold, bypassing the frenulum upper lip and buccal cords. Distally, it overlaps the blind fossae by 1-2 mm (the place of transition hard palate to soft).

On the lower jaw: 1-2 mm below the transitional fold, bypasses the frenulum lower lip and buccal cords and completely covers the mucous tubercle in the retromolar region. On the tongue side, the border passes through the junction of the gums and the mucous membrane of the floor of the oral cavity.)

4) I check to see if the bases are balanced.

Balancing a prosthesis is an uneven fit of the base to the prosthetic bed. The prosthesis seems to swing on the jaw.

5) I evaluate the setting of the teeth. Do they correspond to anatomical landmarks? I check whether the shape of the dentition is correct. Are there compensatory curves (Spee, Wilson). Is uniform occlusion created?

6) After a thorough check in the articulator, I remove the dentures from the models and disinfect them. After that, I put them on the patient’s jaws and test them, so to speak, in vivo.

7) First, I examine the patient’s face: is the height of the face restored, are the lips and cheeks sunken. How are the nasolabial and chin folds expressed, are the corners of the mouth drooping, and are the muscles tense?

8) Then I look into the patient's mouth. I check the position of the borders of the base and make sure that they fit snugly to the mucosa. I check again to see if the prosthesis is balanced.

9) I evaluate the position of the occlusal plane. It should be parallel to the pupillary line in anterior section and the Camper line in the area of ​​chewing teeth.

10) I look to see if the midline of the face coincides with the line between the central incisors, and whether each tooth has two antagonists.

11) I check if balanced occlusion is created. Those. is it in contact same amount teeth on the left and right half jaws with any type of occlusion (lateral, anterior).

12) Checking the height lower section faces. Normally, it is 2-4 mm less than the resting height. I measure the distance between two points at rest and at the position of central occlusion.

12.1) I can also use a speech test. When pronouncing the sound [v, f], the upper incisors evenly touch the lower lip. They touch it exactly along the line of transition between the lip of the face and the lip of the vestibule of the mouth (dry to wet).

If the teeth are spaced and matched correctly, the patient will not have problems pronouncing these sounds.

13) And the last thing I check is aesthetics. The upper central incisors protrude from under the lip by 1-2 mm. When smiling, the lip rises to the level of the necks of the teeth. The gums are not visible.

14) I give the patient a mirror so that he can evaluate the prosthesis himself. Only after his approval do I give the prosthesis to the technician. He exchanges wax for plastic and prepares the prosthesis for delivery.

That is if everything went well. But there may be mistakes. I will tell you about them now.

Mistakes in the manufacture of complete removable dentures

Errors can be divided into 3 types.

  • — When determining the height of the lower part of the face
  • — When fixing central occlusion
  • — When determining central occlusion

Errors in determining the height of the lower part of the face.

  1. Overbite.

Why is this dangerous? With an overbite, the teeth are always in contact. The chewing muscles are tense. Because of this, there is a constant load on the prosthetic bed, which becomes injured and painful. Overload hurts and masticatory muscles. Teeth interfere with conversation and chatter. The patient has difficulty closing his lips. It is difficult to pronounce some sounds [p, b, m]. Joint damage may occur.

How to recognize? Height lower third faces are overpriced. The difference between central occlusion and physiological rest is less than 2-4 mm. The patient has a surprised expression on his face. There are no nasolabial and chin folds. The muscles of the face and lips are tense.

What to do? If the teeth of the upper jaw are positioned correctly, you need to remove the teeth from the lower jaw, make a new bite block and determine the height of the lower part of the face (anatomically and physiologically).

If the teeth on the upper jaw are not positioned correctly (for example, they stick out from under the lip by more than 2 mm), you need to remove teeth from both jaws and make two bite ridges.

  1. Underbite.

Why is it dangerous? The chewing efficiency of the denture decreases. Lips and cheeks are sunken. The chin protrudes forward. There may be drooling and angular cheilitis due to improper lip closure.

How to recognize? The height of the lower third of the face is reduced. The difference between central occlusion and physiological rest is more than 4 mm. The corners of the mouth look down. The nasolabial and chin folds are very well defined - an old face.

What to do? The algorithm is exactly the same as for overbite overestimation.

Errors in fixing central occlusion.

Anterior or lateral occlusions can be recorded by mistake.

  1. Anterior occlusion was recorded.

Why is it dangerous? The denture is constantly being reset. It is impossible to wear.

How to recognize? The bite is too high. The gap between the upper and lower incisors, only the chewing teeth are in contact.

What to do? Remove teeth from the lower roller. Redefine central occlusion and fix it correctly.

  1. Lateral occlusion was recorded.

It is also impossible to wear a prosthesis.

How to recognize? The bite is too high. The line between the central incisors is shifted to the left or right. On the displaced side there is no contact between the teeth. On the other side, the teeth meet cusp to cusp (lingual cusp of the lower teeth with the buccal cusp of the upper teeth).

What to do? The same as in the previous case.

Errors in determining central occlusion.

During the determination process, the base may become deformed, tear off from the prosthetic bed and move forward or backward.

  1. Detachment of the base from the mucosa during determination of central occlusion

How to recognize? There is no contact between the teeth in any one place (where the separation occurred). You can check with a spatula. They try to insert the spatula between the antagonist teeth, but normally it does not fit through. He climbs where there was a gap.

What to do? Take a strip of wax, heat it up and place it on the artificial teeth in this place. The patient closes his mouth and the wax restores the required height. The models are re-plastered. The teeth are rearranged.

  1. Mixing wax bases forward, backward, right or left.

How to recognize? The signs are the same as for improper fixation of the occlusion.

What to do? Teeth are removed from both jaws. Two bite ridges are made. And the central ratio is re-fixed.

  1. Deformation of bases.

How to recognize? The signs are the same as when the base is torn off. It is possible to balance the prosthesis.

What to do? Completely redo wax bases with occlusal ridges.

Mistakes happen sometimes, that's okay. They just need to be noticed in time.

Checking the Design of a Complete Removable Denture updated: December 22, 2016 by: Alexey Vasilevsky



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