How to bandage your leg with an elastic bandage. How to bandage an elastic bandage correctly

Despite the variety of types of compression garments that exist today, the elastic bandage for varicose veins still does not lose ground. Many people suffering from this disease are accustomed to it; it is available, inexpensive and sold in any pharmacy. And the effect of its use is in no way inferior to the effect of the most modern ones. But to achieve a positive result, it is important to be able to use the bandage correctly.

Varicose veins are a common disease of the human venous system. The lower extremities are most often affected. The following symptoms appear:

  • pronounced venous pattern;
  • bulging, tuberous veins;
  • noticeable;
  • , especially after a long walk or standing;
  • swelling.

In advanced cases, the disease threatens with thrombosis, trophic ulcers on the legs, and blockage of veins, which can lead to death. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment for varicose veins in a timely manner.

To treat this disease, vascular tone-increasing and blood-thinning drugs are used, both for internal use ( ), and for local application ( and gels).

The disease cannot be cured with external remedies alone, since they are aimed primarily at alleviating symptoms: eliminating swelling, relieving pain and heaviness in the legs.

Special tablets can strengthen blood vessels from the inside. Therefore, therapy for varicose veins must be comprehensive.

How bandages and compression garments help

Compression bandages for varicose veins occupy an important place in complex treatment. Their essence is that the necessary pressure is created in the legs, while the veins stretch less, proper blood flow is normalized, swelling is reduced and the risk of thrombosis and trophic ulcers is reduced.

Compared to compression stockings and knee socks, this bandage also has disadvantages. Significantly thickens the ankle, which makes wearing shoes not very comfortable. It is also too noticeable, it needs to be covered with clothes or thick tights, which is not always acceptable in the summer.

During the hot season, the skin under the bandage sweats a lot, causing discomfort.

Despite all this, headbands are still popular. They are cheaper than expensive compression garments; you don’t mind throwing away a worn-out bandage and replacing it with a new one. Bandaging can be adjusted as needed, and the product itself is available in any pharmacy.

Types of bandages against varicose veins

There are many varieties of this remedy, so before you figure out how to use an elastic bandage for varicose veins, you need to know which one is better and for what purpose.

You need to remember: the lower the extensibility, the stronger the compression - that is, the pressure exerted on the legs. Such bandages are indicated for severe severity of the disease, with severe swelling.

Long stretch bandages are suitable for prevention and at the first signs of varicose veins. Medium, respectively, for moderate severity.

Important! There is no need to try to determine the severity of your disease and choose a compression device yourself. This should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor. After all, an incorrectly chosen bandage will not help at best, and at worst it will aggravate the situation.

Mistakes when using a bandage

Without knowing how to properly apply an elastic bandage for varicose veins, you can make many mistakes that obviously will not add benefit to diseased veins. Common mistakes when applying a bandage:

Important! To avoid common mistakes, you should bandage your feet for the first time in the presence and under the supervision of a doctor. He will immediately point out even minor shortcomings and help you avoid them in the future.

How to apply a bandage correctly

Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to bandage your legs with an elastic bandage for varicose veins correctly:

The correctness of the winding can be determined by the sensations. The pressure should be felt, but not cause discomfort.

Important! For compression to be correct, the greatest pressure must be created in the area of ​​the foot and ankle. The higher you go, the weaker the bandage should be.

In conclusion, a few useful notes on using the bandage:

And of course, if you have the slightest doubt, and if something goes wrong, you need to consult a doctor. He will not only advise you on the bandage, but will also show you how to do it all correctly.


It is important to understand: an elastic bandage is not a medicine, and it cannot replace proper therapy for varicose veins. This simple invention is useful as an aid.

Together with medications and ointments that support blood vessels, it will relieve symptoms, relieve exacerbation of the disease, and eliminate swelling. It will also reduce the risks of such serious consequences as thrombosis and trophic ulcers.

In contact with

Your doctor will definitely tell you why your legs are bandaged before surgery. This procedure is an important part of preparation for surgery in order to prevent complications.

Bandaging the legs before surgery is an effective prevention of one of the most common complications - blood clots and pulmonary embolism. After all, even minor surgical intervention affects the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood, changing its parameters. Especially if the operation is performed under general anesthesia, it involves deep penetration into tissues and organs, and is also accompanied by massive blood loss.

Surgery leads to the formation of factors that increase the risk of thrombosis:

  1. During surgery and in the early postoperative period, the person remains immobile, which helps slow blood circulation, especially in the vessels of the lower extremities. This increases the risk of venous stagnation, especially in the presence of predisposing factors - for example, varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.
  2. Before surgery, medications that increase blood viscosity are often used. They are prescribed to prevent the development of bleeding. Especially if there is a risk of damage to large blood vessels.
  3. An operation is a strong stress for the human body, which mobilizes all internal forces. In response, hormones and other substances begin to be produced that promote rapid blood clotting and prevent blood loss.
  4. During general anesthesia, blood pressure drops slightly, and as hypotension develops, the heart rate decreases and the blood flow rate decreases. This provokes the occurrence of venous stagnation.

Why do you need an elastic bandage?

Leg bandaging will help reduce the risk of complications such as pulmonary embolism during surgery as much as possible. This procedure especially minimizes the risk of complications among high-risk patients.

You can bandage your legs with an elastic bandage or use special compression stockings. Lingerie is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of concomitant diseases and the required degree of compression on the veins.

An elastic bandage will provide the necessary level of pressure on the walls of the blood vessels of the lower extremities. With its help, you can reduce the lumen of the veins and bring the valve leaflets closer together. This activates blood circulation and prevents blood from flowing back. The risk of developing congestion is minimized.

In some cases, it is recommended to apply elastic bandages not only before surgery, but also for several days or weeks after surgery. This depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the risk of developing blood clots and pulmonary embolism.

After vein operations, elastic bandaging of the lower extremities is a mandatory measure. The duration of application of compression to the legs is up to several weeks. In this case, both must be bandaged. The degree of compression in each case is selected individually, that is, taking into account the patient’s health condition and the degree of complexity of the operation.
The medical staff will do the leg binding before surgery. In the postoperative period after being discharged home, you will need to do this yourself. Elastic bandages should be worn correctly, taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Here is an approximate algorithm:

At-risk groups

Not everyone needs to bandage their feet; there are certain indications for this procedure.

First of all, this is indicated for people suffering from varicose veins in the legs, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. This category of patients must necessarily bandage their legs after the operation for several days, and not just during the operation.

Compression of the lower extremities is mandatory for patients over 40 years of age. The list of indications also includes excess weight; overweight people have a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and a tendency to form blood clots.

Bandaging is necessary for many chronic ailments. These are diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the blood coagulation system.

The risk group includes pregnant women. During this period, there is an increased load on all organs and systems, and varicose veins of the lower extremities often develop. Therefore, even during natural childbirth, the use of compression stockings or bandaging may be necessary. This process is often accompanied by soft tissue injuries, which is a predisposing factor to thrombosis.

To prevent complications from occurring during planned surgery, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination. This will help to identify risk factors in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.

The question of how to properly bandage a leg with an elastic bandage for varicose veins is quite common, because the disease is relevant, and it is important to know what to do. Elastic bandages have come into the medical field not so long ago, so it is important to know how to use them correctly.

Elastic bandages and their characteristics

Elastic bandages are reusable and can be used over and over again. They also have different degrees of elasticity:

  • Small. They are used for varicose veins, severe chronic venous insufficiency, and postthrombotic disease.
  • Average. Used after surgical interventions to reduce the risk of complications with varicose veins.
  • High. Used during pregnancy, heavy physical activity, after surgery.

In each individual situation you need to know which type to use.

There are a number of cases when the use of such dressing material is prohibited:

  • Diabetes. But only in those stages when trophic and vascular disorders develop.
  • Infection and inflammatory process on the skin in the area where dressing is needed.
  • Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis, endarteritis. All diseases in which closure of the lumen of the arteries occurs.

The effect of the dressing is based on different pressures on parts of the legs. The greatest pressure is applied to the ankle and lower leg. On the knee, the pressure is less, and the minimum value is achieved in the upper part of the thigh, which promotes the movement of blood from top to bottom. It is important to know how to properly apply an elastic bandage to your leg for varicose veins. In the case when the dressing is carried out only on the knee joint, the intra-articular formations are tightened, and this in turn leads to their anatomical integrity under load.

Video on how to bandage a leg with varicose veins with an elastic bandage

The video shows in detail how to use an elastic bandage for varicose veins. If a person does not have problems with varicose veins, then you can read about that in detail here.

Today there are a number of ways to change dressings. There are compression stockings, socks and tights. Many patients find it difficult to choose the right size for themselves; not everyone strictly fits into the size chart of the models. Therefore, it is more effective to apply an elastic bandage for varicose veins. The basic rules for dressings include:

  • The procedure is carried out in the morning, until the patient gets out of bed. If he has already walked, then he must be allowed to lie down for ten minutes. This will help the fluid drain out. At the time of dressing, the patient assumes a sitting position. The leg is straightened; it should not bend at the knee.
  • The left limb is bandaged clockwise, and the right one counterclockwise. This is anatomically correct to swing, since when squatting, the kneecaps will mix left and right.
  • The procedure begins from the outside under the kneecap. After the first turn, we raise the bandage so as to capture a third of the previous turn. Continue until it rises the width of the bandage above the cup.
  • After this, a downward turn is carried out crosswise. The loop is wrapped crosswise under the knee from below. Then down and up again. The result is two crosses. Then in the same place we bandage in the usual way with straight turns.
  • To secure, carry out the last turn. You need to insert your thumb between the knee and the material. We then insert the tail of the bandage into this space and tighten it as necessary. To remove the bandage, you only need to remove the end of the bandage.

You need to wrap an elastic bandage around your leg for varicose veins correctly, otherwise you shouldn’t expect a positive effect from the dressings. Sometimes it is necessary to know how to apply venous tourniquets to help the patient.

You can find out which one here.

Disadvantages of dressings:

  • The technique of applying an elastic bandage for varicose veins is simple, but sometimes even doctors apply the bandage incorrectly. Therefore, the patient needs to learn to do this himself.
  • You can fix the limb too tightly, and great damage will be done to the veins. You need to clearly monitor your sensations.
  • The bandage may slip off. And this causes the patient severe discomfort.
  • Bandaging limits your choice of clothing. In summer heat, such a bandage should not be used.
  • Poor quality bandaging material can cause rashes and allergies.

How can you tell if the bandage is wound incorrectly?

If you wear an elastic bandage correctly for varicose veins, there will be no visible discomfort. When a mistake is made during dressing, the following effects are possible:

  • If 10 minutes after bandaging there is no sensitivity in the toes. This means the bandage is too tight and the blood is not flowing to the fingers.
  • When the bandage is too tight.
  • Knee pain interferes with normal movement.
  • If the patient feels a pulse in the leg.

All these are the main signs of improper dressing. In each individual case, the application of material may differ. You can read about it in detail here.

The use of elastic bandages for varicose veins is a common practice. A number of simple tips will help “newbies”:

  • A doctor should provide assistance in choosing an elastic bandage. There are so many different ones, it’s hard to choose the right one on your own.
  • One pack of material is enough for 15 dressings.
  • Wash the material every day in soapy water. Dry between two terry towels.
  • It is advisable to use such bandages for those who are on their feet all day. This method is good not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of varicose veins.
  • After surgery, the dressing is applied for at least two months.
  • The first bandaging should be carried out by a doctor and shown how to do it. It will help you determine the degree of elasticity and length of the bandage.
  • Incorrect bandaging leads to damage to the kneecap. Therefore, it is important to learn how to carry out the procedure correctly.

Such simple tips help reduce discomfort from the disease and carry out prevention.


Varicose veins are a disease that affects a large number of people of different ages. For many years, elastic bandages have been used for treatment after surgical interventions and in the initial stages. True, special compression stockings, tights and socks have now become fashionable, but not all patients can choose the right size for themselves, so elastic bandages are still relevant and popular.

The method is used to prevent the expansion of veins and return them to their normal state. But, if you rewind it tightly, then ischemia is possible, the blood flow will be impaired, and if it is weak, then there will be no effect. It will not be possible to completely cure the disease with bandages alone, but you can significantly reduce the symptoms, and if you combine it with medications, the expected result will not be long in coming.

Also, dressings are a good preventive measure against varicose veins. They are needed for those who engage in heavy physical exercise and active sports.

There are ways to bandage limbs. These rules must be strictly followed. The first time, the doctor should help in choosing the type of dressing material and show how the dressing should be carried out. You also need to make sure that the patient can use the method. After all, even dressings with such material have a number of contraindications. These include diabetes, infections and inflammations of the skin, and atherosclerosis.

And only after all this, you can bandage your knee yourself.


Varicose veins are a serious disease that cannot go away on its own. The pathology causes unpleasant symptoms and painful sensations in the lower extremities. This is explained by poor circulation in the legs, the venous channels swell and begin to hurt. Using a bandage for varicose veins is one of the methods of compression therapy.

Elastic bandages are prescribed less and less by medical specialists. It is easier for a person to purchase special clothing that does not require dressings or adjustments and is used as everyday clothing.

The class of knitwear is not always suitable for the patient; it may happen that it is not possible to find the right size. An elastic bandage for varicose veins in such situations becomes one solution.

Operating principle

How does an elastic bandage work, how does the therapeutic effect occur when bandaging the legs?

  • An elastic bandage on the leg for varicose veins compresses the veins. Compression therapy prevents congestion in the blood vessels.
  • When the veins narrow under the influence of a compression bandage, the speed of blood circulation increases and the viscosity of blood cells decreases. The risk of blood clots is reduced.
  • In the area of ​​edema, the pressure on the skin tissue increases, and extracellular fluid returns more quickly to the capillaries. The swelling begins to decrease and goes away.

However, the described mechanisms of action begin to operate if the elastic bandage is wound correctly. If you know the rules of how to bandage your legs with an elastic bandage for varicose veins, you can achieve relief from the clinical manifestations of the pathology.

  • Elastic bandages can reduce pain in the veins, swelling, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • The likelihood of blood clots in blood vessels decreases.
  • The swelling in the legs subsides or goes away completely.
  • If you know how to bandage legs for varicose veins, you will be able to stop the development of the disease and reduce the risk of relapses after surgical therapy.


There are 3 types of compression bandages, which differ in technique:

  • From fabric.
  • Knitted bandages.
  • Compression bandages on a synthetic basis.

The first type has a high degree of wear resistance, lasts about 12 months, and does not stretch well. Knitted elastic bandages stretch quickly; the length of this type of bandages needs to be shortened from time to time.

One of the important points is how to properly bandage a leg with an elastic bandage for varicose veins and choose the right one. Compression bandages vary in their degree of stretch.

  • Bandages with a low degree of elongation, which stretch by 45–60%, are used in severe stages of the disease. This category includes a compression bandage of the Intex brand. Included with the bandage itself are special fasteners that hold the bandage on the leg.
  • Medium-stretch compression bandages are recommended by medical experts to use such bandages in the initial stages of the disease. The bandage does not stick to the legs and is easy to put on and wrap. The bandage is easy to use thanks to the serrated clasps. It has a low monetary value and is able to maintain its shape and original length.
  • There are bandages with a degree of elongation of more than 1.4 times. Medical experts recommend their use as preventive measures or in the first stages of pathology development. One of the models in this category is the Lauma bandage, which differs in the degree of elasticity and the presence of fastening.

If you have a category 3 bandage, you can increase the compression effect; for this you need to be able to apply it correctly. The Lauma bandage is bandaged in several layers, increasing pressure on the damaged area of ​​the leg.

When using a bandage from the first category, painful sensations may occur during its operation. In such a situation, medical experts advise using a category 2 bandage.

An elastic bandage on the leg for varicose veins must be secured without the use of physical force; the pressure on the affected area should not be allowed to be high.

Advantages and disadvantages

Employees of medical institutions advise people suffering from varicose veins to use a compression bandage. It does not matter at what stage of development the disease is.

  • If you know how to bandage your feet correctly, you can achieve an effect similar to the use of medicines. The compression bandage has no side effects and will not affect human health.
  • The elastic bandage is used repeatedly and for a long period.
  • There are cases where the use of an elastic bandage made it possible to avoid surgical treatment.

However, we should not forget about the disadvantages of using a bandage.

  • When using an elastic bandage under clothing, it may happen that your foot will not fit into your usual shoe size or will cause severe discomfort when walking. In this case, doctors recommend taking care in advance of looser shoes that will not restrict movement.
  • If the bandage has been dislodged, the pressure on the affected area is reduced.
  • If the rules for applying an elastic bandage are not followed, there will be no effect from wearing it.
  • During hot months, wearing an elastic bandage can cause irritation. Although it has a good degree of breathability, the bandage consists of dense materials.

It is advisable to carry out the first bandage dressings under the supervision of a medical specialist, who will point out possible errors. If you distribute the pressure incorrectly when wrapping a bandage, you can aggravate the situation and cause harm to the body.

How to wrap a bandage correctly?

Even medical specialists cannot always bandage a patient’s leg with varicose veins correctly. It is important to learn how to fix a compression bandage, otherwise there will be no sense in applying the bandage.

  • It is necessary to bandage the lower limbs in the morning before the person gets out of bed. If the patient gets up before bandaging, you need to lie down for 10–20 minutes before starting to fasten the compression bandage.
  • The foot should be perpendicular to the shin.
  • First, the foot is wrapped; a compression bandage should be applied on top and around the foot through the bone that protrudes near the big toe.
  • Then the bandage is twisted around the ankle, making a figure eight, this will strengthen the bandage. After this, the patient needs to make a turn again to the bottom of the ankle.
  • After this, the turns begin up to the knee, wrap around the shin with minimal tension, gradually loosening it as you move up.
  • To distribute pressure evenly, the coils should be positioned perpendicular to the shin.
  • At the end, it is advisable to secure the bandage with a reliable, but not sharp, material. An adhesive plaster is best.

Care should be taken not to create too much pressure. Otherwise, the blood circulation in the leg will suffer, which will only worsen the situation. The bandage must be removed while sleeping. When wrapping, you must ensure that there are no foreign objects inside the bandage and creases should be avoided.

Common Mistakes

Some people make a lot of mistakes when bandaging their feet.

  • Some patients only wrap the damaged areas; this does not bring any therapeutic effect. The entire leg needs to be bandaged.
  • Some people incorrectly distribute pressure on the surface of the leg; it should increase from top to bottom.
  • It is not recommended to secure the bandage with sharp objects, as this can lead to serious injury.
  • Some people do not do the so-called figure eight, as a result, sufficient pressure is not created in the area of ​​​​the foot, and the bandage weakens over time.
  • Some people use an old bandage that has long stretched and lost its quality. There is no sense in such a bandage.
  • If the elastic bandage is applied unevenly, the compression will have a low degree of effectiveness.


A compression bandage is an effective remedy that, although it does not cure the disease, weakens its clinical manifestations, prevents the development of swelling, and eliminates pain. If you start applying an elastic bandage at the initial stages of development of varicose veins, you will be able to avoid complications and surgical therapy in the future.



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