How do nasal polyps appear? Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are a fairly common problem among both children and adults. Interestingly, male patients suffer from this disease almost three times more often. The polyps themselves are benign formations mucous membrane of the nasal passages. And if on initial stages development they cause only slight discomfort, but with further growth they become a dangerous and serious problem.

Nasal polyps: causes

As already mentioned, polyps are formed from the tissues of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. In fact, there are many reasons for their formation, including:

  • chronic inflammatory process in the nasal passages, accompanied by the release of pus;
  • infections of fungal origin;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • some metabolic disorders, including wrong exchange arachidonic acid;
  • individual intolerance salicylic acid.

Nasal polyps and stages of their development

Today, there are three main stages of polyp development. At the first stage, they are small formations that only partially cover top part nasal septum. But over time, the connective tissue grows, as a result of which most of the nasal passages are blocked - this is the second stage of development. The third stage is the most dangerous, as it is accompanied by complete blocking of the nasal passages, which leads to complications respiratory processes, loss of smell and other problems.

Nasal polyps: symptoms

The growth of polyps is accompanied obvious symptoms. A sick person constantly has a stuffy nose and finds it difficult to breathe. Because the tumors are compressed blood vessels and interfere normal operation mucous membrane, the patient is more susceptible to infections - he constantly suffers from a runny nose, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis. In some cases, patients also note frequent headaches, increased fatigue and drowsiness. As polyps grow, they affect the sense of smell. In more severe cases, the person's voice becomes nasal. Sometimes polyps even block the auditory tubes, which leads to hearing impairment, and in childhood- to violation normal development speech.

Nasal polyps: conservative methods treatment

As a rule, on initial stages drug treatment is used. In particular, it is necessary to treat first infectious diseases nose and paranasal sinuses. If a person suffers from constant allergies, then you need to identify the allergen, eliminate contact with it, and also start taking antihistamines. The doctor is obliged to determine the reasons for the growth of polyps and, as far as possible, eliminate the influence of these factors. Immunomodulatory therapy is also used. And in order to reduce swelling and make breathing easier, anti-inflammatory drugs of steroid origin are prescribed.

Nasal polyps and their removal

Unfortunately, conservative therapy is not always effective. Sometimes surgery is simply necessary. As a rule, surgical removal polyps are performed under general anesthesia. The doctor carefully removes the growths using a scalpel or laser. After this, the nasal sinuses are washed. As preventative measure After removal, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment.

Nasal polyps are benign formations found in the nasal cavity, which grow from the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Men are 2-4 times more likely to suffer from this disease than women, and it occurs in 4% of the population. Although the nature of the disease is benign, this problem must be taken seriously, because when the process is neglected, the risk of other ENT diseases increases significantly and the patient’s quality of life worsens.

In order to determine whether a patient has nasal polyps, the doctor analyzes the symptoms of the disease. In this article we will talk about possible reasons the appearance of this phenomenon, as well as what treatment doctors usually prescribe.

Causes of nasal polyps

Long-term allergic rhinitis can contribute to the formation of nasal polyps.

The following are the main reasons for the appearance of nasal polyps:

  • chronic rhinitis, as well as frequent infectious diseases accompanied by a runny nose;
  • chronic sinusitis (, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis);
  • deviated nasal septum, in which the nasal breathing and normal flow of mucus from the nose;
  • hereditary predisposition to hyperplasia of mucous tissue in the paranasal sinuses.

There are two types of polyps:

  • Antrochoanal polyps are formed from the mucous membrane maxillary sinuses, they are most often single, grow slowly (usually found in children);
  • ethmoidal polyps are much more common than antrochoanal polyps, are formed from the mucous membrane of the ethmoidal labyrinth, are usually multiple and bilateral, grow quickly (more often found in adults).

Stages of the disease

Depending on the size of the polyp and the disturbances in nasal breathing that it causes, three stages of the process are distinguished:

Stage 1: polyps cover a small part of the nasal cavity, symptoms of the disease are usually absent, polyps are often discovered when examined by a doctor for another disease;

Stage 2: expanded connective tissue covers up to 2/3 of the lumen of the nasal cavity, the symptoms of the disease are so pronounced that it is impossible not to notice them, but nasal breathing persists;

Stage 3: the nasal passage is completely blocked by polyps, breathing through it is impossible.

Symptoms of nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are round formations that can reach several centimeters in size. They are painless, displaceable, and insensitive to touch.

The main symptom of the disease is difficulty in nasal breathing, a feeling of nasal congestion, associated with the fact that polyps partially or completely block the nasal passages.

Impaired sense of smell, sometimes even to the point of complete loss of sensitivity to odors, occurs due to the fact that when polypous tissue grows, the functioning of the olfactory receptors is disrupted.

Sneezing: This symptom occurs as defensive reaction to irritation of the cilia of the mucosal epithelium by a foreign body.

Occurs with polyps large size, which can squeeze nerve endings. In addition, this symptom may be associated with oxygen starvation brain, since if nasal breathing is disrupted, the supply of oxygen to the organs and tissues of the entire body deteriorates. As a consequence there arises increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased concentration, and children’s school performance worsens.

Frequently appearing runny nose, mucous and mucopurulent discharge from the nose is a sign of attachment, which is also associated with impaired cleansing of the nasal passages due to the growth of polyps.

In children in advanced cases, the disease may occur irreversible changes forms facial skull. Children, long time sufferers of nasal polyposis of the third degree have a characteristic appearance: constantly open mouth, smoothed nasolabial folds, saggy lower jaw In addition, there is a violation of the formation of the dental system.

Diagnosis and treatment of nasal polyps

Diagnosis of this disease usually does not cause difficulties for a doctor. Patients undergo radiography of the paranasal sinuses or computed tomography, these studies help assess the extent of the damage. To confirm the diagnosis, a posterior rhinoscopy is performed and finger examination nasopharynx.

Treatment of nasal polyps is carried out using conservative and surgical methods.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the factors that caused the formation of polyps. It is necessary to eliminate exposure to allergens and sanitize the lesions chronic infection in the nasopharynx. In addition, very important role plays timely and correct treatment inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and allergic rhinitis. Drug treatment will not help get rid of polyps, but it can slow down their growth and is also necessary in order to prepare the patient for surgical treatment.

TO conservative treatment refers to a method in which the removal of nasal polyps is carried out by thermal exposure. It is used in cases where there are indications for surgical treatment, but for some reason it is impossible. Unfortunately, after such treatment, relapses very often occur.

Surgical treatment

Indications for surgical treatment:

  • severe nasal breathing disturbances;
  • smell disorders (in the absence of timely treatment the ability to perceive odors may not be restored);
  • recurrent sinusitis;
  • the appearance of snoring;
  • deviated nasal septum caused by polyps.

Surgical treatment can be carried out in several ways.

Most old method, used to remove polyps from the nose - they are removed using a special loop. Despite the fact that this method is very traumatic, and relapses after treatment usually occur within 1-2 years after surgery, it is often used in otorhinolaryngology.

To date, the most in an efficient way The treatment for this disease is endoscopic polypectomy. This method allows you to completely remove polypous tissue not only from the nasal cavity, but also from its paranasal sinuses In addition, during the operation the surgeon can slightly adjust the internal anatomical structure of the nose to improve drainage of the paranasal sinuses. Thanks to such manipulations, the likelihood of a relapse of the disease is reduced.

Laser removal of nasal polyps is considered the least traumatic surgical method treatment of this disease. It can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

None of the treatment methods can guarantee that the disease will not relapse and nasal polyps will not appear again. Good result Operation is considered to be the absence of relapse for 5-7 years after removal of polyps.

Which doctor should I contact?

Diagnosis and treatment of nasal polyps is carried out by an ENT doctor. Without eliminating the cause of the disease, polyps will appear again, so it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors by contacting an allergist or immunologist. A plastic surgeon will help restore the shape of the nasal septum.

The most common complications chronic rhinitis include nasal polyps. According to WHO, 1-4% of the world's population suffers from polyposis, of which 30% have an allergic disease. Men are more susceptible to polyposis; they get sick 4 times more often. The disease is dangerous because it increases the risk of chronic diseases respiratory organs. Moreover, without therapeutic measures People's life expectancy is reduced by an average of 6 years.

What is polyposis

The growing mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and forming round formations of benign origin are polyps. Nasal polyps look like mushrooms, peas or grapes. Their sizes vary from 5 mm to several cm.

They don't call pain but make breathing difficult. It goes through several stages in its development:

  • at first they are small in size and do not interfere with nasal breathing, causing slight congestion;
  • gradually grow, blocking the nasal passages: the voice changes, smells are poorly perceived, speech is deformed and hearing weakens;
  • reach their maximum size, blocking nasal breathing and causing constant discharge from the nose.

Since neoplasms develop gradually, symptoms cannot be identified immediately. The person does not experience pain, but eventually stops breathing through the nose. The disease is quite common, but it is difficult to cope with: it will not be possible to get rid of polyps quickly and painlessly.

Nasal polyps are protrusions of the mucous membrane that vary in shape and size. Their formation begins in the paranasal sinuses and continues in the nasal cavity. Polyps develop over several years, moving to new stages of development and making it difficult for a person to breathe.

Passing through nasal cavity, the air is humidified and warmed. Particles of dust and other small foreign bodies remain here, and the air passes into the lungs already clean. Nasal polyps overlap airways, and the air passes into the lungs through the mouth without delay. It is not cleaned and arrives cold, which causes various diseases respiratory tract.

The connection between the sinuses is disrupted, which leads to chronic sinusitis. The growths are also dangerous because they put pressure on small blood vessels, causing circulatory problems. The consequences of this are inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of adenoids, the development of chronic tonsillitis and otitis media. If the blood vessels burst, a bleeding nasal polyp forms, causing nosebleeds.

It is important to start treatment on time. The disease progresses, first causing difficulty breathing, then loss of smell. An army of nasal polyps completely blocks the passage of air and causes heavy discharge.

Symptoms: how the disease manifests itself

Nasal polyps can be identified by characteristic symptoms, which appear gradually:

  1. Nasal breathing is impossible because the overgrown connective tissue has completely blocked the nasal passages.
  2. When the sinuses get into the sinuses, an infection occurs copious discharge mucus, sometimes mixed with pus. Discharges form periodically or constantly, irritating a person and interfering with normal image life.
  3. The body's protective reaction is expressed in frequent sneezing. The nasal mucosa is lined with ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which perceive nasal polyps as foreign bodies and in this way they try to get rid of them.
  4. The occurrence of frequent headaches, the causes of which can be several: lack of oxygen, which does not reach the brain well; pressure on nerve endings; the process of inflammation in the sinuses.
  5. Sensitivity to odors is lost, as the functioning of the nasal receptors responsible for the sense of smell is impaired.
  6. With overgrown polyps, a “perverted taste” appears when the patient taste sensations violated.
  7. Due to the development of polyposis, a nasal tone occurs; a person speaks “through the nose.” Speech changes because nasal breathing is impaired.

Signs of nasal polyps and their manifestation are associated with the stage at which the disease is located.

If breathing through the nose is impaired, the development of cold infections, since bacteria easily enter the body through oral cavity. The disease is often accompanied by snoring.

Causes of the problem: why polyps grow

The causes of the disease are related to the mechanism of neoplasms. When a virus or bacteria enters the nasal cavity, it begins to work immune system, forming protective barrier from antibodies. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and partial detachment occurs. Hence – discharge, congestion, disturbance normal breathing.

These are temporary problems (our common colds), but they can become permanent if the immune system is weak. Then the mucous membrane, trying to fight the infection, grows and changes its structure to a more dense one. There is an increase in tissue in the paranasal sinuses. But when there is not enough space for the tissue, it protrudes into the nasal cavity and nasal mucous polyps appear.

From here the reasons for the occurrence of polyposis become clear:

  • infectious diseases and colds,
  • inflammation chronic form in the paranasal sinuses,
  • allergic runny nose or hay fever,
  • weak immune system protection,
  • hereditary factors, tendency to polyposis,
  • narrow nasal passages due to the special structure of the nasal septum.

This is a polyetiological disease, the causes of which are different. The main ones are: chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, its anatomical structure and allergic manifestations.


Externally, the disease manifests itself only in a nasal voice and a stuffy nose with periodic discharge from it. But from this it becomes clear what the problem is. The doctor performs a rhinoscopy, examining the nasal cavities with a mirror.. Nasal polyps appear as solitary or clustered growths.

If there are many polyps and they are large, surgery is necessary, then an additional x-ray or tomography of the nasal sinuses is performed. These data will give the surgeon an idea of ​​the location of the tumors, their volume, the nature of the disease and the choice of surgical intervention method.

To others diagnostic procedures prescribed by an otolaryngologist include:

  • bacterial culture to check for concomitant infection,
  • pharyngoscopy,
  • otoscopy,
  • microlaryngoscopy.

Blood is taken for analysis and allergy tests, since the disease may be of allergic origin.

If polyposis develops, surgery cannot be avoided. The nasal polyp grows, blocking the passage of air and causing various complications. It cannot be cured therapeutically, usually drug therapy used before surgery.

Drug treatment of polyposis

When nasal polyps just begin to form, you can try conservative therapy. Its goal is to eliminate factors that cause changes in the mucous membrane. The doctor draws up a treatment regimen, which includes:

  1. Elimination of factors provoking the disease, due to which the mucus layer . For example, the absence of allergens around.
  2. Relief of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.
  3. Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions to cleanse the mucous membrane of pus, infection and allergens.
  4. Elimination of focal infection and drying of the mucous membrane, for which ozone-ultraviolet sanitation is carried out.
  5. Conducting laser therapy to restore blood microcirculation, which improves tissue nutrition.
  6. Introduction of turunda with medicinal ointments, which draw out purulent secretions.
  7. Carrying out specially designed gymnastics for nasal breathing according to Strelnikova, according to the Buteyko method, self massage trigeminal nerve.
  8. Treatment with drugs to restore immunity and relieve allergic reactions.

To those appointed medications Anti-inflammatory therapy includes oral and nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines. During complex therapy immunotherapy and antibiotics are added. Prednisolone for nasal polyps is prescribed in general course treatment orally for 10 days.

Thermal effects help treat nasal polyps without surgery. New growths are heated with quartz fiber, which is inserted into the nose. At a temperature of +70C, polyps are rejected and flake off within three days. If they do not come out with nasal discharge, the doctor removes the polyps with tweezers.

Warming tumors at home is strictly prohibited. This is not just useless, but also a dangerous procedure that can increase growth epithelial tissue. Warming up and removing a polyp using the thermal method are different procedures. Thermal removal is carried out by a doctor in a hospital setting.

Sometimes used in treatment hormonal drugs. IN large doses The patient is prescribed corticosteroids, which he takes for a long time, in within three weeks or several times, the drug is injected into the sites of proliferation of epithelial tissue. Improvement occurs quickly, and then relapse is possible in the form of various side effects.

More often therapeutic treatment serves as the first step or preparatory stage to surgery to stop the proliferation of epithelial tissue. Surgery guarantees complete removal of all polyps in the nasopharynx, but does not guarantee that after some time the polyps will begin to grow again. If the cause of the disease is unknown, then it is impossible to promise a 100% recovery.

Treatment should be based on what triggered the onset of the disease. But most often exact reason it cannot be established, therefore the therapeutic course can be quite long and not always effective. More often it inhibits polyposis, rather than cures it completely.

Traditional methods

People have known about this disease for a long time, so there are recipes that help ease breathing, but do not cure the disease. Today, folk remedies can be used in complex therapy when breathing problems greatly complicate life.

You can use several recipes, the main ingredients of which are salt, herbs and essential oils:

  1. Prepare nasal drops: take 1/2 teaspoon of salt per glass of water and mix. Instill 2 drops three times a day. The same solution is used to rinse the nasal sinuses.
  2. We bury the nose with a decoction of the string. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The norm is 2 drops three times a day.
  3. We carry out inhalation: pour into a wide cup hot water and add 2-3 drops of any coniferous essential oil. You need to breathe above the steam every day for a week.

The recipes are simple, but they really make nasal breathing easier, improving the quality of life.

Surgical treatment of polyposis

There are two modern methods removal of benign formations in the nose: laser burning and endoscopic resection with a shaver. Let's look briefly at each of them.

By using laser equipment and an endoscope with a camera, polyps are burned out using a laser beam. This technique has many advantages:

  • the operation is carried out quickly;
  • no pronounced pain;
  • small risk of possible bleeding;
  • absence of possible infection;
  • small% of relapse (return) of the disease;
  • low morbidity;
  • short recovery period.

The disadvantages include the inability to remove too large growths. Complexity is also a problem complete removal remaining polypous tissue, which leads to the proliferation of new cells and the return of the disease after some time.

Nasal polyps in adults can be removed with laser as follows: due high temperature The beam heats and evaporates the overgrown cells. The vessels instantly stick together, which avoids bleeding. The cost of laser surgery averages 16,000 rubles.

The second way is endoscopic removal nasal polyps with a shaver. This is technology latest generation, which uses modern equipment. The intervention is characterized by low trauma and a low risk of recurrent complications. The technology allows you to preserve healthy tissue while completely removing diseased tissue. The risk of polyp regrowth is 50%.

When choosing a procedure, it is best to choose endoscopic FESS. It carries out navigational control of the shaver’s operation, thoroughly cleaning the nasal cavities. Thorough cleaning reduces the risk of recurrence. Look at the doctor's license, which states that he can perform such operations.

The method has many advantages:

  • no cuts;
  • medical supervision during the operation;
  • the ability to work in inaccessible areas of the nasal sinuses;
  • low injury to healthy tissue;
  • rapid remission: post-operative recovery lasts no more than a week.

For complete relaxation the patient is being used general anesthesia. During the operation, the nasal sinuses are opened, from which epithelial growths are removed. If you need to correct nasal septum, then the operation allows you to do this. The nose is covered with tampons for 12 hours.

Identification of symptoms and treatment of nasal polyps should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. After surgery or drug treatment the patient should be observed for two years by an ENT specialist, since the disease may return. If necessary, the doctor prescribes maintenance therapy, which also serves as prevention.

For treatment to be effective, it is important to know the reasons that caused tissue proliferation. And you should not look for the cause in psychosomatics if the disease returns again. Need to solve the problem with surgery or medicines and continue to live, hoping for the best.

Nasal polyps are a problem that many people face. Moreover, quite often such a disease is diagnosed in children. So what are these neoplasms? Why do they arise? Is there an effective folk remedy?

What are polyps and why are they formed?

Polyps are benign formations that are formed from cells of the mucous tissue of the nasal passages and By the way, according to statistics, men suffer from this disease approximately 2-4 times more often than the fair sex. Quite often, polyps form in the nose in children.

Despite the fact that neoplasms are considered benign, if left untreated they can be dangerous, as they tend to increase in size, gradually covering respiratory tract. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find out the cause of polyp formation. Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that risk factors are various allergic processes, dysfunction of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, as well as fungal infections, chronic inflammatory and purulent processes. The list of reasons also includes a violation of the proper metabolism of arachidonic acid, intolerance to salicylic acid, as well as cystic fibrosis.

Main symptoms of the disease

On early stages Nasal polyps are not always easy to spot. Patient reviews, however, indicate that there are some warning signs, which are definitely worth paying attention to.

Patients gradually develop persistent nasal congestion. Signs also include the appearance of discharge from the nasal passages and difficulty breathing normally. Such neoplasms compress blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to disruption of tissue trophism and a decrease in local immunity. As a result, patients are more susceptible to chronic inflammatory diseases. As the disease progresses, the voice may change (it becomes more nasal). People often complain about a decrease or complete absence sense of smell.

Nasal polyps in children are considered especially dangerous. infancy. After all, it disrupts sleep and also prevents the baby from eating. Without treatment, the child slowly gains weight.

In any case, if you have the above symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. Treatment of a nasal polyp with folk remedies is possible only after consultation with a specialist.

Conservative treatment methods

You can get rid of nasal polyps with conservative therapy, especially if we're talking about about the early stages of the disease. During the diagnostic process, the doctor must determine the cause of the appearance of tumors and eliminate it. For example, if patients have allergies, they are advised to avoid contact with allergens and are also prescribed antihistamines.

The sick person also passes full treatment all inflammatory and chronic diseases (for example, chronic tonsillitis etc.). Therapy may include anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs depending on the patient's condition. In addition, various medical procedures, including regular rinsing nasal passages and sinuses, as well as warming up.

When is surgery necessary?

If conservative therapy is ineffective, the presence of large tumors or chronic inflammatory processes, the patient needs surgical care: The doctor uses a special instrument to remove polyps in the nose. The operation is carried out both under local and under general anesthesia depending on the chosen technique. Today, tumors are most often removed using forceps or special loops. This technique has a number of disadvantages. For example, after surgery there is quite heavy bleeding. In addition, there is a high risk of recurrence of tumors.

Endoscopic removal of polyps through the nasal passages is becoming increasingly popular. During this procedure, special equipment is used, as well as fiber optics, which gives the doctor the opportunity to clearly see the tumor, completely remove it and thoroughly rinse the paranasal sinuses.

Removing polyps with laser

Today, doctors increasingly recommend that patients have nasal polyps removed with a laser. Of course, such a procedure has a number of advantages. A precisely directed laser beam helps to quickly eliminate the tumor. Moreover, the laser instantly cauterizes damaged vessels, which prevents massive bleeding. In addition, when similar procedure the risk of tissue infection is minimized. The removal itself lasts about 15-20 minutes.

As for the disadvantages of the technique, unfortunately, such “cauterization” of a polyp is impossible if the tumors have reached large sizes. In addition, the procedure is not that cheap.

Treatment of nasal polyp with folk remedies

Of course, in addition to the generally accepted ones, there are also unconventional methods fight against similar illness. Is it possible to use folk remedies to effectively treat the nose? Reviews from patients and doctors indicate that some recipes can really help, especially if used along with drug therapy.

For example, many experts recommend regular rinsing of the nasal passages with a mild saline solution- this helps to cleanse tissues of purulent and mucous masses, prevent the development inflammatory process. A decoction of celandine herb is used for the same purpose. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried herb with a glass of boiling water, leave and strain. It is most convenient to use a syringe to rinse the nose.

Some traditional healers Honey is recommended as a medicine. Soak it in it cotton swab and carefully treat the nasal passages. The procedure must be repeated three times a day.

To rinse the nose, you can also use decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, such as chamomile or calendula. But in any case, it is worth understanding that folk remedies can only be used as auxiliary measures.

Nasal polyps are benign growths round shape, which are the result of hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa. Their sizes can vary from 1 to 4 cm. Medical statistics is that nasal polyps are a common complication chronic rhinitis. They are diagnosed in 1–4% of the population. Men suffer more often from the pathology. Polyps in a child’s nose (antrochoanal) are often diagnosed.

The first symptom of the presence of pathological formations is nasal congestion and discharge clear mucus. After using the drops, the symptoms do not go away (this is the main difference between polyps and ordinary polyps). Since nasal breathing does not normalize, the person is forced to breathe through the mouth. As a result, in respiratory system air that is not cleared of dust enters. This provokes the progression of airway pathologies.

An overgrown polyp can shorten a person’s life by an average of 6 years, so it is important to promptly contact an ENT specialist to remove nasal polyps. Treatment is carried out both conservatively and operational techniques. The use of folk remedies is also possible.


There are many reasons for the formation of nasal polyps. Due to exposure to various etiological factors, the nasal mucosa ceases to function fully due to hyperplasia. This condition is usually observed in allergic and infectious diseases. As a result of tissue proliferation, outgrowths are formed.

Reasons for appearance:

  • fungal infection;
  • allergic process;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • , which entails mucosal hyperplasia.

Also, some diseases can be the reasons for the progression of pathology. Clinicians note that nasal polyps often form against the background of the following pathologies:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • chronic rhinosinusitis;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • intolerance to alcoholic beverages;
  • non-allergic rhinitis accompanied by eosinophilic syndrome.


By location:

  • antrochoanal. Pathological formations are formed from the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus;
  • ethmoidal. They are formed from the mucous membrane lining the ethmoid labyrinth.


Stage 1 – formations block a small part of the nasal passage. In this case, doctors resort to conservative treatment methods. It is also possible to prescribe folk remedies.

Stage 2 – the mucous membrane grows to such an extent that it covers the nasal space almost completely.

Stage 3 – polyps increase to such an extent that they completely cover the nasal passage.


Growths in the nose usually do not bother the patient - they do not itch, do not hurt, and do not bleed. Symptoms of the pathology depend on what stage of development is observed in a person.

Stage 1

The main symptom of the formation of outgrowths is slight nasal congestion. There are no other manifestations of the disease. It is worth noting that this symptom is characteristic of many other pathologies, including the common cold. Therefore, most people simply do not pay attention to it and do not go to see a doctor. Some use vasoconstrictor drops, but they have no effect.

The formed polyp compresses the blood vessels located in the nose, which leads to poor circulation. The body’s vulnerability increases and therefore at this stage it is easy to catch infectious agents that can trigger the progression of the following ailments:

Stage 2

Symptoms are complemented by loss of smell. If treatment for nasal polyps is not started, your sense of smell may never return (even after surgery). In addition, the patient has a nasal tone. In case of openings blocked by polyps auditory tubes, speech is distorted and hearing deteriorates. If you start the situation, such changes will be irreversible.

Stage 3

At this stage, it is much easier to identify the presence of growths in the nose, since the symptoms are very pronounced. The jaw is almost always slightly open, as a person breathes through the mouth. In addition to all this, the following symptoms appear:

  • nasal discharge;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise.


Detecting nasal polyps is not particularly difficult. The diagnosis of pathology is carried out by an ENT doctor. The standard diagnostic plan includes:

  • assessment of symptoms, clarification of life history;
  • radiography;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • feeling the nasopharynx with a finger.


Treatment of nasal polyps is carried out using conservative methods and surgical methods (surgery). The doctor chooses the treatment option based on the severity of the disease, as well as taking into account general condition the patient's body.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • therapy of infectious diseases;
  • immunocorrective therapy;
  • eliminating factors that provoke more intensive growth of polyps;
  • local treatment with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial drugs;
  • specific immunotherapy using bacterial and non-bacterial allergens;
  • It is possible to prescribe various folk remedies.

If conservative methods do not bring the desired results, then they resort to surgery. Surgical treatment is also used for:

  • regular asthma attacks;
  • snoring;
  • complete blocking of nasal projections;
  • the appearance of discharge mixed with blood.

Types of operations

  • polypotomy. During this operation, the removal of outgrowths is performed using a Lange hook. But it is worth noting that such an intervention has a drawback - the growth can grow again, and the person will have to undergo surgery again in six months or a year;
  • endoscopic surgery. Modern and high effective method. An endoscope with a mini-camera is inserted through the nasal passage. The resulting image is immediately displayed on a computer monitor. With the help of special equipment is removed pathological tissue, and also correction of nasal structures is carried out. There are no scars left after the operation. There are contraindications for such an intervention: chronic bronchitis, asthma, allergic rhinitis;
  • operation using a shaver. With the help of a shaver, it is possible to remove formations from healthy tissue as accurately as possible. The principle is this: the device destroys the growth and absorbs its remains;
  • surgery using a laser. The big advantage of the procedure is that it can be performed on an outpatient basis - there is no need for hospitalization. Using a laser, the doctor heats the growth cells and they simply evaporate. This is the least traumatic and most effective method of eliminating polyps.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies It has been used for the treatment of polyps for centuries. But doctors reject the effectiveness of various herbs for treating pathology. It is worth noting that treatment with folk remedies can only be carried out in tandem with other official methods, and only with the permission of the attending physician.

It is impossible to eliminate the cause of the disease using folk remedies, but they have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient’s body. They are recommended to be used at the first stage of progression of the pathology, but if the formation has grown and blocked the nasal passage, then only surgical treatment will help.

Folk remedies for treating growths:

  • drops from a series;
  • drops of celandine. This folk remedy is widely used, as it has a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • horsetail decoction. This folk remedy is used to rinse the nasal passages several times a day;
  • propolis ointment. This folk remedy is considered one of the most effective. Soak in ointment gauze swabs and put it in the nose overnight.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by acute or chronic inflammation, concentrated in the area of ​​the sinuses (paranasal sinuses), which, in fact, determines its name. Sinusitis, the symptoms of which we will consider below, mainly develops against the background of an ordinary viral or bacterial infection, as well as allergies and, in some cases, against the background of microplasma or fungal infection.



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