How to properly cut dog nails. How to trim a dog's claws correctly - all about dogs - Useful information - catalog of articles - "Exotic Star"

Trimming a dog's nails is an extremely important procedure, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance. Not only does it improve your pet's appearance, but it also prevents nails from breaking, which is quite painful for your pet and can cause infection. Nails that are too long can even affect your dog's gait and cause damage to bones and joints. Don't be afraid to trim your pet's nails. The procedure will take very little time if you know how to do it and are confident in your abilities!


Part 1

Preparing for nail trimming

    Choose the right nail clippers. There are two options. The first type of nail clippers are similar to scissors and work in a similar way. The claw is placed between the blades, after which the handles of the tool are compressed. Nail clippers of the second type have the appearance of a guillotine with a hole into which the claw to be trimmed is inserted. When the handles are squeezed, the blade of the tool slides down and cuts off the claw.

    • Both types work, but the guillotine nail clipper can sometimes be difficult to trim the thick nails of some particularly large dogs.
  1. Stock up on everything you might need. Have styptic powder ready in case you accidentally cut your nail too short. Also, stock up on treats to distract your pet's attention during the procedure and reward him for his patience at the end. This will make both the upcoming and subsequent nail trimming procedures easier.

    • While trimming nails too short should be avoided at all costs, even experienced professionals are not immune to the occasional mistake.
  2. Choose the right time. Try to trim the nails when the dog is in a relaxed state, choose a comfortable place. It’s good to do this after your pet has eaten or returned tired from an active walk. In this case, the animal may be too tired to break free and resist.

    Calm your dog. Talk to her in a calm, quiet voice, convincing her not to worry. If you've never trimmed your pet's nails before, gradually prepare him for it by holding his paws in your hands from time to time. Several times a day, sit down next to your dog for a couple of minutes, gently stroking its paws. Once your dog is used to you touching his paws, take the nail clippers and touch his paws with them.

    Part 2

    Nail trimming
    1. Determine where to make the first cut. Find the living part of the claw. This part contains blood vessels and nerve endings, so it should not be cut off. If your dog has white, clear or light-colored nails, this will make your task easier. The living part of such claws will appear as a pinkish or reddish tube running down the center of the claw and ending in front of the top of the claw. In the case of black or dark claws, you will not be able to see their living part, so you will have to rely on other methods. Even if you manage to see the living part, it may go further than it seems.

      • Always start by trimming the very tip of the nail, taking less than you think you could. It is never too late to cut off the remainder, while if you take in excess, you will cause pain to your pet, discourage him from continuing the procedure, and possibly provoke bleeding.
    2. Hold your dog's paw in your hand, holding it securely but gently. Position yourself in front of your dog with your hand along his paw. Gently place your fingers under the dog's paw pads and use your thumb to secure the dog's toe whose nail you are cutting. This position is most convenient when trimming claws on the front paws.

      • Try not to touch the spaces between the toes, as many dogs feel ticklish when doing this and involuntarily jerk their paws.
    3. To trim the nails on the back legs, lay the dog on its side. This will make your work easier. Place your pet on a table so you don't have to bend over. Hold your dog by placing your hands on his body and holding a paw in one hand and a nail clipper in the other.

      Pay attention to the shape of the claws. The claws are relatively straight at the base, curving near the tip. Use a nail clipper to trim the curved area, leaving a straight line for the growth of the claw and being careful not to touch the living part. You should check that the nail clipper blade is located exactly in the place where you are going to cut the claw. Some nail clippers are not entirely clear where the blade is positioned, so pay attention to this.

      • Always cut from top to bottom rather than from the sides to prevent the claw from splitting. Also try to cut perpendicular to the claw, avoiding sharp corners.
    4. Start cutting off the tips of the claws little by little. While holding your dog's finger, cut off the very tip of the nail. Continue cutting the claw into thin slices until you reach the desired length or see the cut surface begin to take on an oval shape. The latter means that you are approaching the living part of the claw.

      • If your pet has a vestigial claw, be sure to trim it off. This claw is located slightly higher on the inside of the paw. Often, the vestigial claw should be trimmed more often than the rest, since it does not wear off from contact with the ground.
    5. Calm your dog if you accidentally hit a live part. No one is immune from mistakes, and you can cut the living part of the claw. In this case, while remaining calm, speak kindly to your pet. Immediately offer your dog a treat to distract and calm him down. It will be easier to calm your dog if you position him correctly before you begin trimming his nails. Bend over your pet with your whole body, holding it with your hands. This will prevent your dog from slipping out of your hands and running away after you hit the live part of the nail.

      • If your dog acts irritated and aggressive when having his nails trimmed, it may be worth taking him to a veterinarian for a professional trim.
    6. Sharpen your claws. After trimming, the claws will be uneven around the edges. Using a nail file, file each claw until smooth.

      • Some dogs do not need individual or even all of their nails trimmed because their nails wear down naturally.
    7. Try to keep the dog calm. When a nail is trimmed, your pet may instinctively recoil. Remaining calm, immediately calm the dog, thereby letting him know that this is exactly what was supposed to happen. Dogs learn with our help, and if you calm your pet and move on to trimming the next nail as a matter of course, he will quickly understand the meaning of what is happening.

      • At first, your pet may need a break after trimming a few nails. With each new trim, try to trim more nails until you can finally trim all the nails in one session.

    Part 3

    Treatment and prevention of wounds
    1. Keep the situation under control. When trimming nails, act confident and calm, but be prepared to deal with possible complications. If you accidentally damage the living part of the nail and it begins to bleed, do not let the dog turn around and run away from you. This will reduce pain and prevent further damage to the claw. Try to calm your dog and reduce bleeding.

    2. Stop the bleeding. Immediately apply styptic powder to the damaged area. While continuing to hold the paw, press the powder onto the tip of the claw until the bleeding stops completely. This may take a few minutes, but the longer you rub the powder in, the more effectively you will stop the bleeding.

      • If you don't have styptic powder, you can use cornstarch, flour, or even a bar of soap.
    3. Encourage your pet. Try to keep your dog calm and quiet. Offer her a treat that will distract and calm her down. Do not allow your dog to walk or run for 15 minutes after nail trimming. This will prevent further bleeding and further damage and contamination of the claw.

      • Comfort your dog so that he continues to trust you and does not associate negative emotions with trimming his nails.
    4. Try grinding down the claws instead of cutting them off. In the future, use an electric grinder, which allows you to grind down the claws rather than trim them. This will prevent the formation of burrs, sharp edges, and splitting of claws that occur when trimming. Some dogs prefer the grinding, while others don't like the vibration and noise the machine makes.

      • When using the sander, be careful not to allow it to come into contact with your pet's paw pads, as this can cause irritation and severe pain, and the dog will not want to repeat this procedure in the future. Remember also that paw pad injuries heal very slowly.
      • Never cut off a nail if something is preventing you from seeing it. Wool should never block your view.
      • Each trimming of the claws will slightly speed up the retreat of the living part of the claws to their base. This is especially important if your dog has black nails.
      • If the dog does not sit quietly, enlist someone's help and ask the assistant to sit behind him, put his hand around his neck, fixing his head, and take the animal's paw with the other hand. This will prevent your dog from escaping and will keep him securely in place to avoid injury. However, use this technique as a last resort, as it will likely lead to negative associations with the procedure, making it more difficult to perform in the future.
      • If your pet is given a sedative before any other procedure, ask your veterinarian to trim its nails at the same time. Many doctors will agree to do this at no additional cost.


      • If your dog has previously been so severely injured that he tries to bite when trying to pick up his paw, it may be more humane and less traumatic to consult a veterinarian who will always have sedatives and a professional approach to the matter.
      • If the nail continues to bleed after 30 minutes despite continuously applying powder to the wound, seek veterinary attention.

Most dog owners believe that caring for their pet consists only of proper feeding and walking their four-legged friend. At the same time, many owners forget that it is necessary to regularly clean the pet’s eyes and ears, brush its teeth and monitor the condition of its claws, trimming them on time. After all, overgrown long claws prevent the animal from walking normally and can even cause problems with the musculoskeletal system. Trimming a pet's nails is a rather complicated process, so some owners trust it only to specialists. But you can trim your dog’s claws at home, if you know how to do it correctly and what tools you will need for such an important procedure.

Can dogs have their nails trimmed?

Many owners of four-legged pets never trim their nails, believing that this should not be done, since such a procedure can cause harm to the animal. This opinion is wrong; cutting a dog’s claws is not only possible, but even necessary!

The dog must have its nails trimmed.

First of all, such a procedure is necessary because Dogs, unlike cats, do not wear down their claws on upholstered furniture or special equipment. Of course, in animals that spend all their time outdoors, overgrown claws wear down a little on hard asphalt and do not cause them any visible inconvenience. But not all dogs are allowed by owners to run freely on the street, walking them only under supervision. In addition, for walks, owners choose parks or squares where the ground is covered with soft grass rather than asphalt, so The dog cannot sharpen his claws on his own.

How often?

Why is it so important to trim your dog's nails? The fact is that if the claws become too long, the animal’s gait changes, as they prevent the dog from placing his paw straight. Over time, which in turn leads to problems with the musculoskeletal system and even paralysis.

Long nails prevent the dog from walking straight.

Dangers of Long Claws

  1. Another danger of overgrown claws is that the dog, when trying to scratch itself, he might hurt himself with them . At the same time, do not forget that your pet’s paws are not clean and when scratching, he often introduces an infection into the wound.
  2. During play or when executing the “give paw” command, the animal may scratch the owner or small child , whose skin is especially delicate and sensitive.
  3. It is also important that the dog, with its long claws, damages furniture, parquet or linoleum in the house. In addition, there are often cases when a four-legged pet breaks an overgrown claw, catching it on the carpet pile , after which the dog experiences severe pain and limps when walking.

Long nails can injure your dog when scratched.

If you neglect such a procedure as trimming the claws, then they can grow into the pads of the paws. To solve this problem, you will have to seek help from a veterinarian, because only surgery can rid your dog of ingrown claws.

What parts does a dog's claw consist of?

Before starting a dog pedicure, it is advisable for the owner to familiarize himself with information on how a dog’s claw works.

The structure of a dog's claw.

Dogs' claws are triangular in shape with a wide base and a sharp, tapered tip. The entire claw consists of a hard part - cornea, and inside is pulp, in which nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated.

The pulp is very sensitive and if it is damaged while trimming the claws, it will will cause the dog severe pain and cause heavy bleeding. Therefore, the owner’s main task when carrying out this procedure is to carefully cut off only the keratinized tip of the claw, without catching the pulp with the instrument.

Where is the pulp located?

The difficulty is that it is quite difficult to determine where the pulp is, especially in those animals whose claws are dark in color. To avoid harming a pet with black claws , only the small sharp tip should be cut and carefully inspect the cut site. If blood does not start to flow from the stump, and a dark dot is noticeable in the center of the cut claw, then the owner has done everything correctly and you can move on to the next claw.

Only the tip of the claw needs to be trimmed.

It is much easier to determine the location of the pulp in dogs with light-colored nails. If you hold a dog's paw up to the light, then you can see a pinkish pulp inside the claw and the owner can easily cut off only the keratinized part without touching the blood vessels.

As the claw grows, the pulp also grows with it. And what’s noteworthy is that with regular trimming of a dog’s nails, the pulp becomes shorter, which greatly facilitates the process of dog pedicure.

What tools are needed to trim nails?

In order to trim a dog’s claws at home, the owner will need various accessories that will help you cope with this difficult task.

  • First of all, you should purchase special nail clippers . This tool comes in two types. The first version of nail clippers resembles ordinary nail clippers with sharp rounded blades. This accessory is convenient to use if your pet’s claws are very hard and thick. Claw-guillotine is an object with a round hole and a side blade. An animal's claw is inserted into the hole, then the handles of the accessory are squeezed to cut off the desired part with the blade. The second option is more suitable for small breeds of dogs, since the claws of large pets do not fit into the hole of the guillotine nail cutter.
  • After trimming, animal claws have sharp and jagged edges, so It would be a good idea to purchase a nail file for a dog pedicure. , which can be used to sand the cut area and give the claw a neat oval shape.
  • Sometimes you can't trim your pet's claw without catching the pulp. For wound treatment hemostatic and antiseptic agents should be prepared (green stuff, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, powder and potassium permanganate).
  • Most dogs hate nail trimming. To make it easier for a four-legged pet to endure this process you can appease him with his favorite treat , which the dog is treated to before and after a pedicure.

Nail clipper for dogs of all breeds.

Important information: to trim your pet’s claws, use only special accessories purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Ordinary nail scissors or tweezers are not suitable for this purpose and can harm the animal.

Basic rules for cutting

Before starting such an important procedure, it is necessary to prepare not only the tools for trimming claws, but also choose the place that is most convenient for the owner and his four-legged pet.

If the dog is small, then it is best to trim its claws on the table, covering it with a sheet or an old blanket. You can also give a large pet a pedicure on the floor, sitting next to it on the floor or on a low chair.

Small breed dogs should be placed on a table before being clipped.

Haircut stages

  • First it is advisable wash your pet’s paws and trim off tufts of hair growing between the pads . You can bathe your dog before the procedure, because after warm water the claws will become softer, which will make cutting them much easier.
  • Before starting the process itself, you should calm the dog, treat her with a piece of her favorite cookie and let them sniff the cutting tools.
  • Claws should be trimmed like this: the owner should take the animal's paw with your hand and carefully cut off the sharp tip of the claw . Repeat the procedure with each claw, paying special attention to the so-called dewclaw (fifth) finger. The fact is that it is located at some distance from the other fingers and does not reach the floor, so the dog cannot grind it off on the asphalt. If the claw on the dewclaw becomes too long, the dog can catch on some object and break it, and this will cause pain and discomfort to the animal.
  • When all the claws are trimmed, it is advisable sand their edges with a nail file, giving them an oval shape . After this procedure, your pet’s paws will look well-groomed and attractive.
  • If during a pedicure the owner still catches the pulp and blood begins to ooze from the dog’s nail, under no circumstances should you panic. You should calm your pet with gentle words, at the same time treating the wound with peroxide, then sprinkle it with talcum powder.
  • After all the manipulations done, it is necessary praise the dog and, as an encouragement, treat them to a piece of their favorite treat.

Before grooming, you need to wash your dog's paws.

If the owner has never trimmed his pet’s claws and is not sure that he will do everything correctly, then in this case you can turn to a specialist for help, asking him to show how this procedure is carried out.

How to prepare your dog for nail trimming

In order for the dog to calmly endure this process and not be nervous, it is necessary to prepare it for this in advance.

  1. First of all, the owner must be in good spirits . If the owner is in a bad mood, then the animal will begin to get nervous, because dogs sense the owner’s mood very subtly.
  2. Best way to trim your pet's claws after feeding or water procedures so that the dog is in a relaxed or even half-asleep state.
  3. So that your pet gets used to this procedure and does not feel afraid of it, you can turn this process into a game . You should pick up the paw of your four-legged friend, gently shake it, stroke it and touch it from time to time with a nail clipper, without cutting the claws themselves. Over time, the dog will get used to the sight of the tools and the fact that the owner is doing something with his paw, so he will not be afraid of the nail trimming procedure.
  4. If during the process the dog still pulls out his paw, whines and tries to run away from the owner, then you shouldn’t continue cutting his claws by force . This can lead to unwanted paw injuries and the pet will forever remember that such a procedure can be painful and will subsequently try to avoid it.

It is advisable to trim your dog's claws after feeding.

A dog will accept nail trimming much easier and calmer if you teach it to it from early childhood.

When and how often should you trim your dog's nails?

Determining when it’s time for your pet to get a pedicure is quite easy. Usually too overgrown long claws make a characteristic clicking sound when the dog walks. It can be heard especially clearly in rooms with parquet or tiled flooring.

A dog with long nails will make a sound when walking.

To ensure that your animal's paws are always well-groomed, it is enough to trim its claws. once a month. The only exception can be in winter, when the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow and the dog cannot sharpen its claws while walking on hard asphalt. In winter, it is advisable to take care of your animal’s nails. once in two weeks.

It should be remembered that a dog’s claws grow back more slowly if this procedure is carried out regularly and you carefully care for your pet’s paws.


A caring and loving owner can easily cope with the procedure of lying in wait.

To prevent a pedicure from turning into a nightmare for a dog, the owner must remain calm and attentive during this process. Feeling the care and love of the owner, the dog will obediently entrust his paws to him to carry out a difficult but necessary procedure such as trimming his nails.

Video on how to trim a dog's nails

Inexperienced owners sometimes do not know how to trim a dog’s nails, considering this task to be very difficult. But a haircut is necessary to ensure the health of a pet of any breed and size. The exception is working dogs, which run a lot on hard surfaces and their nails wear down naturally. A signal that it’s time to trim your pet’s claws will be a characteristic clicking sound when walking on a flat surface (smooth floor, tile, laminate).

Why should a dog have its nails trimmed?

It turns out that dogs need to have their nails trimmed regularly. You can do this at home yourself or visit a veterinarian for this purpose. To avoid problems with nail trimming in the future, you should accustom your dog to this procedure while still a puppy.

If you don't do this, then:

  • over time, the pet may develop a curvature of the spine due to pain in the paws and changes in gait;
  • long claws tend to be undermined by sudden movements and, as a result, the animal experiences blood poisoning from an infection that gets into the wound;
  • a dog with overgrown claws injures its owners (especially children), as well as itself when it itches;
  • claws damage carpeting and furniture in the house.

Many dogs have so-called dewclaws on their paws. If they were not removed during puppyhood, then if they remain, they can cause inconvenience to the animal. Since they are located high on the paw, the claws do not have the ability to grind down when walking or running. If they are not trimmed in time, they cause discomfort to the dog, growing into the skin and injuring it or regularly being undermined during active games. Therefore, every owner who cares about the health of their pet should know how to trim their dog’s nails.

How often should a dog's nails be trimmed?

Regardless of the time of year, the growth rate of claws is constant. But in winter, when the ground is covered with snow, they do not have the opportunity to wear off on the asphalt as in summer. Therefore, in winter they need to be given a little more attention. On average, a dog's nails are trimmed once a month or a little more often. If this time is increased, then the vessel located at the base of each claw (pulp) will grow in length, and then it will simply be impossible for the dog to trim the claw without injuring the blood vessel.

How to properly trim a dog's nails?

To carry out the procedure correctly, you should cast aside all doubts and not worry that the dog will be hurt. It's just like cutting your own nails. The main thing is to know how to cut them correctly, and for this you should examine the animal’s claws from the inside, especially if they are black claws in which it is impossible to see a blood vessel. Having discovered it, you should visually mark a distance of 2-3 mm, and then the success of the enterprise is guaranteed.

Actions must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Before the procedure, you should wash your dog's paws clean.
  2. Choose a comfortable, well-lit place.
  3. To treat the front paws, sit the dog between the legs and take its paw in your hands.
  4. Lightly pressing on the pad, force each claw alternately to move out of the bed as much as possible in order to visualize the pulp, which cannot be damaged.
  5. Using nippers, quickly bite off the extra claw.
  6. If necessary, file the edges of the claw with a coarse abrasive file.
  7. Such actions are carried out alternately with all paws.
  8. It is more convenient to work with the hind legs if the dog lies on its side, and the owner kneels next to it or places it in front of him on a table or sofa.
  9. If trouble happens and the vessel is damaged, you should stop the bleeding with hydrogen peroxide and cauterize the injured area with iodine.
  10. At the same time as trimming the nails, it is recommended to remove the hair between the toes.

How to trim a puppy's nails?

While the puppy is still small, it is quite possible to carry out manipulations with the claws at home, without resorting to the help of professionals. You should try to consolidate in a young dog the most pleasant emotions associated with trimming claws:

  1. Before the procedure, the baby needs to be given a good walk to reduce his physical activity.
  2. After washing his paws, you should put him on your lap and play with him a little to calm him down.
  3. The puppy needs to familiarize himself with the tool - the nail clipper - in advance, so as not to be afraid of its smell and the sounds it makes. It is recommended to keep all the tools for caring for the animal within sight and then, once he gets used to it, he will not react violently when he sees them.
  4. Before grooming, you need to stock up on treats for the puppy so that the procedure turns into an expected reward for him, and not torture.
  5. As a rule, the puppy’s claws are still soft and transparent, so there are no problems with detecting the pulp.
  6. Place the edge of the claw in the hole of the claw cutter and bite it off.
  7. Then we process the uneven edge of the claw with a file.

Choosing a nail clipper for cutting a dog's nails

It is not advisable for even a small puppy to trim his nails with ordinary scissors. An animal's claws are much stronger and scissors will only separate them. When purchasing a dog, you need to immediately take care of equipment for it, if you do not plan to regularly visit the grooming salon. A nail clipper for cats is not suitable for the same reason – the different hardness of animal claws.

Nail clippers for dogs have the same function, but they look very different and their operating principles are also different.


  • wire cutters;
  • guillotines;
  • pruners;
  • infrared cutters with cut boundary detection;
  • electric sanding files.

Regardless of the nail trimming method you choose, you should rely on the size of the dog. For kids, a small tool is required, and the larger the dog, the larger the nail clipper should be purchased. It is important that it fits comfortably in your hand and has rubberized non-slip handles. Knowing how to trim a dog's nails can provide it with freedom of movement and a cheerful mood for many years to come.

For a puppy, place him on a flat floor and see if they touch the ground - if so, they need to be trimmed. If you hear a knocking sound when walking on hard surfaces, then it’s time to take up the scissors, or rather, special devices - nail clippers that resemble a guillotine. Buy such a tool at a veterinary store.

Puppies do not like the procedure of cutting their nails, but they must be accustomed to it from childhood, doing it regularly. At this time, praise your pet, talk to him kindly and comfort him. Handle your dog carefully, but if you see that he is very nervous, reschedule the haircut for the next day. It is better to choose a time when you are tired and go to bed.

The first time, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian or dog groomer, especially if it is a pet - it may be difficult for you to understand where, and you will injure the dog. The sensitive part is clearly visible on the white claw; it is pink. Ask to show how to use a nail clipper correctly. Once you get the hang of it, you can trim your nails yourself.

Carry out the procedure in a well-lit place, ask someone to shine a flashlight on the claws. When choosing a cut location, look at the underside of the finger - the tissue is more noticeable there. Trim gradually, watching the dog's reaction. When you notice a dark spot in the center of the claw, it means that blood vessels and nerve endings are close. After trimming, you can proceed to the next claw, or you can process it with a nail file.

The article focuses only on current issues that are directly related to cutting dog nails, because this is a real problem that everyone who has a four-legged pet in an apartment or private house faces.

No less interesting will be the information collected in other thematic sections of this project, as it provides answers to the basic questions of those who breed or who have puppies of different breeds at home.

Is it necessary and possible to cut a dog’s nails if they are black and very long?

If the claws are black, you can see the claw bed by placing the dog down and shining a lamp from below onto the claws to see the location of the blood vessels. Long claws are dangerous not only for humans, but also for dogs.

Is it possible to trim a dog’s nails to the root, does it hurt or not?

Under no circumstances should nails be cut to the root, so as not to damage the blood vessels; cutting to the root is very painful for the animal.

How to trim a dog’s nails at home and what to use if it doesn’t give in, it breaks out, bites, so that it doesn’t bite

Trim with special nippers (trimmer), if the dog is calm about the procedure, hold the paw firmly. If she breaks out or bites, you need an assistant to help hold her and put on a muzzle.

How to trim a dog's nails without a nail clipper, with a guillotine, on the hind legs, with a nail clipper, with regular scissors, with wire cutters, step by step instructions

The guillotine is suitable for thick nails and cuts faster. If the claws are thin, you can use regular scissors or nippers. Before you start, prepare a place so that there are no distractions. Next, carefully take each finger in your hand and trim the nail.

How to cut your dog's nails with dog pruners yourself

It is very important to trim so as not to damage the pulp. Hold the paw gently but firmly during the procedure. Talk to your pet so that he doesn’t get nervous.

Dog nail trimming, cost of service and where to order, at home

Many pet salons offer dog nail trimming services at home. The cost varies from 200 rubles. Depending on the breed.

How to trim the nails of a large breed, large and small breed dog

A small dog is easier to trim and easier to hold. There may be problems with a large one, in such cases there should be an assistant and a muzzle. If the dog knows the commands, it will sit and wait for the end calmly.

Trimming dog nails: how to stop bleeding if it starts

If it so happens that you inadvertently touched the claw bed and blood began to flow. You can stop it with 3% hydrogen peroxide, then, if necessary, treat the area around the wound with iodine.



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