How to resolve conflicts correctly. Examples of conflict situations and ways to successfully resolve them

Various quarrels and unspoken grievances seriously spoil our mood and relationships with others. How to avoid conflicts, can this be learned? Constantly radiating positivity is not so easy, because unpleasant surprises and attacks from other people await us at every step. But it is simply vital to fight all this negativity.

Why is it so important to stop swearing?

The main reason to think about how you can avoid conflict is your own mental health. Remember the last quarrel you were involved in? Dissatisfied, skeptical statements quickly turn into real screams. But now you and your opponent have already parted ways, and you’re still shaking for a good half hour. It’s impossible to concentrate on anything, and all that remains is to scroll through all the insults received in your head and think which of them are deserved. But indeed, if someone around you constantly treats you with disdain, over time your self-esteem can significantly decrease. Have you ever seen husbands who have been nagged by their wives for years, or work colleagues who are hesitant to take on serious projects because the boss constantly says that they cannot handle it? Of course, a bad peace is better than a colorful war. It is always better to have polite neutrality or friendly relations with everyone you know, rather than making enemies. And this is the second reason why it is better not to bring the situation to open confrontation.

Learning to understand and respect

Universal advice on how to avoid conflicts is to learn to respect everyone around you. It doesn’t matter who is in front of you: a homeless person trying to beg for alms or the boss of a large company. Each of them is human, and if you have to speak, maintain a friendly tone of communication. Often conflicts occur due to misunderstandings. Listen carefully to your opponent, do not interrupt, ask additional and clarifying questions. If you think that the interlocutor is wrong, or is saying some nonsense, briefly retell everything that you understood from what you heard, and ask again if this is what he wanted to say. Never take information critically, remember that every person has the right to their own opinion.

Never start a conflict first

Think about it, how often do you provoke conflicts? In order to start a quarrel, sometimes one careless word is enough. If you openly provoke, inciting your interlocutor with statements that insult him personally or the beliefs he has, it’s time to seriously think about your behavior. Perhaps you need a personal reminder “How to avoid conflict.” Remember that it is always easier to smooth out the situation, quarrels are never useful, you need to be able to achieve your goals through peace.

Think positively, wish well

Never accumulate evil within yourself. Popular advice from psychologists on how to avoid conflict at work or at home is to simply remain silent. In practice it actually often works. But even if a quarrel does not happen, the resentment will remain in your soul for a long time. Did you know that many people suffering from serious diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems prefer to remain silent until the last moment? All complaints against others should be expressed, but at the appropriate time and in a friendly manner. This is the key to a happy family life. If your family rarely helps you, do not make a scandal, but simply point out to them their mistakes and ask for help. In a similar way, you can find a way out of many situations leading to conflict.

Do not spread gossip and criticize consciously

Such is the essence of human nature that in the absence of mutual acquaintances we like to talk about them. Not only women, but also men are prone to “bone washing.” You should get rid of this habit. If you judge someone, say it to the person's face. Prying into your personal life if you were not initiated into it is, at the very least, uncivilized. To speak unkindly behind your back about those with whom you personally communicate well is real meanness. It is better to refrain altogether from categorical comments addressed to third parties. If the situation requires your comment, try to gently but clearly tell the person everything to his face, as it is. Is it possible to avoid conflict if you want to express criticism but do not have solid arguments? Of course yes. It is enough to emphasize that all your words are your personal opinion, and it is up to your opponent to decide whether to listen to it or not.

To argue or not?

Some people are born debaters; they like to prove their opinion to the last. It is not the result that is important, but the process itself. How to avoid conflict with friends or loved ones out of nowhere? Learn to respect other people's interests. Let's say your wife likes green tea without sugar, and you prefer sugary coffee with cream. Are you going to fight over this? Rather, everyone will brew a cup of their own invigorating drink and drink it with pleasure. So why stoop to mutual insults and shouting over musical preferences, politics or religion? The most useful thing to do is to note in advance a list of topics on which it is better not to talk with a specific person.

Agree and... do it your way!

Common at work - teachings and instructions. The most difficult situation to resolve is when you are sure that you are doing everything correctly, but a less competent person suggests a different course of action. If you try to defend the truth, conflict cannot be avoided. This is the very situation when it is important for the attacking side to emphasize its authority. If the boss “teaches” you to work correctly, but even though he is still satisfied with the results today, you should not try to point out errors in his judgment. Rarely does a boss admit that he does not have sufficient knowledge and actually came up with complete nonsense. Listen carefully, agree, promise to fulfill. Wait for the right moment and continue working in the usual algorithm. This advice on the eternal topic: “How to avoid conflicts” will also help at home. Put on a hat before going out in May for retired parents. Or promise your wife not to drive at speeds above 80 km/h. As soon as you turn the corner of the building, the headdress can be removed, but how you drive the car is your own business. But everyone was happy with each other, and the mood was high for each potential participant in the quarrel.

If a scandal has started...

An entire branch of psychology is busy developing a universal formula for how to avoid conflicts. The rules don't always work. And if you are nevertheless drawn into a showdown, your task is to stop the quarrel as quickly as possible. Focus on the problem and try to find a compromise. The most important thing is to find out and understand what the other side wants. Never resort to insults and do not remember the past; it is also advisable to abandon generalizing formulations. This is the main secret on how to avoid conflicts in the family - never say “you always say...” or “you always act...”. Such criticism is dangerous; the addressee perceives phrases of this type as the harshest criticism. By generalizing, you make it clear that you are always dissatisfied with the behavior of your interlocutor and perceive him as an unworthy person.

A good mood is salvation from scandals

If you don't know how to avoid conflict, learn to remain calm in any situation. Do not raise your voice and maintain a friendly intonation. It is also useful to keep a calm smile on your face. When someone criticizes you, listen carefully and sincerely thank them. If you are dealing with someone higher than you (boss or parents), emphasize the authority of the speaker. Admit that without his instructions and advice you would never have thought about this on your own. You say: “But why obey your parents in adulthood if it took you all your childhood?” In fact, knowing how to avoid is useful for everyone. Appreciate your closest relatives; minor concessions to prevent a quarrel on your part are nothing compared to the well-being in the home and a warm atmosphere.

Tricks of life without scandals

It is always very difficult to please everyone. It’s one thing to remain silent during a quarrel and dress once a month the way your mother wants you to. But it’s completely different to dedicate your life to an unloved profession or give up your own desires. When you are going to give in to someone on something, try to assess how much this action will harm your life? Being able to defend your interests is also an art. In some situations, it is better to survive the quarrel, but continue on your way to the existing landmark. Is there a universal way to avoid conflicts with your parents if they wanted a completely different life for you? Of course, it’s worth trying to explain your position and come to an understanding. But if conversations don’t work out, you should leave this topic for a while. After all, we all know that it is quarrels with the closest people that are the brightest and strongest, but reconciliation usually happens very quickly.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to avoid conflict at work or at home. It is enough to stop taking to heart the opinions of others and criticism addressed to you. It is necessary to treat everyone around you with understanding and not feel hostility towards anyone. Learn to forgive people and eliminate unworthy people from your life without regret. In some situations, it’s easier to give in than to stand up for what’s right. If you are confident in yourself and your knowledge, do as you see fit. Don't forget to listen to your opponent. Only by understanding his point of view can you find a compromise or end the quarrel in another way.

Some conflicts have serious consequences. After an argument, you could lose your job. Or your friend will not want to communicate with you further. Even if the conflict ended with a formal reconciliation of the parties, it will take some time to restore previous relations. Assess the consequences of the quarrel, so that no matter what happens, you should not perceive what happened as an apocalypse. If during a quarrel you behaved unworthily or unfairly insulted your interlocutor, you should apologize. The first time after a conflict has occurred, it is better to communicate to a minimum; you will definitely be forgiven and understood, but it will take some time. But after a couple of days you can move on to conciliatory steps. Just try to talk to someone with whom you recently quarreled, please this person with something. If you have conflicts at work, you should try to perform your duties at the highest level and not give new reasons for criticism and reproach.

If we paraphrase the famous poems of Vadim Shefner, the following will come out: “You don’t choose work, you live and die in it.” In times of a society based on competition, you can move from one to another, but such swimming is still not endless.

Since the work team is selected spontaneously, people with personal taste preferences and value systems end up there. The latter come into conflict with each other, which gives rise to conflicts at work. Regardless of whether an individual person likes the state of war or not, it has a negative impact on labor productivity. The microclimate among employees is generally extremely important. Therefore, managers organize trainings to unite the group. But psychological techniques are meaningless if there are conflicts at work that have not been resolved.

Conflict is a contradiction between the interests, beliefs, values ​​and needs of two parties.

Types of conflicts at work

  1. Person-to-person is the most common type of conflict at work. It is difficult to find a monolithic team. Interpersonal clashes act as a filter for personnel selection. Two people may dislike each other because of conflicting worldviews or political preferences, but more often, people disagree in their ideas about how to work. If a dispute arises between a superior and a subordinate, then the positions are clear. The first one thinks: he’s not working hard enough, and the second one believes: If we are talking about a horizontal conflict (between colleagues), then the reason is competition or personal hostility. True, sometimes people argue because they have different ideas about the degree of cleanliness of the workplace if they share it.
  2. Between the individual and the group. The role of the “person” is played by the newly arrived boss, and the role of the group is played by the enterprise staff. The reasons for each specific case are different, but more often the confrontation arises due to the fact that “a new broom sweeps in a new way.” It’s a different story when a newly arrived employee manages not to win over his colleagues. In this case, if it is not possible to establish contact, the newcomer quickly drops out of the game. No one can in hell. If a person is strong in spirit and needs a job, then he is able to turn the situation around and change the attitude of the team towards himself, however, this is a painstaking and intense process.
  3. Between groups in a team. When the microclimate in a company is healthy, the team is relatively monolithic. There are no cracks in it. It is clear that there is a struggle, but this does not affect work, and no conflicts arise. An indicator of the painful state of the collective is fragmentation into separate warring (on professional or ideological grounds) groups.

These are the types of conflicts at work, and now let’s pay attention to those that occur more often than others.

If there is a conflict with a colleague at work, what should you do?

First, a brief classification of “colleague pests” and methods of combating them. So:

  • “A talker or a brawler” is a boring type who distracts other people from their professional duties. In every office, people “work” - “passengers”. They are serving the number. They are not interested in work. In their activities, such entities primarily love salary. Such colleagues feel tolerable at work only two days a month - during the payment of advance payments and salaries. The rest of the time they suffer from and talk a lot to ease their pain from. Only one flaw worries others about this type of worker: him.
  • - harmful type. At work, as in the world, there are people who are very annoying. And they try to knock the rider out of the saddle and plot. A person comes to a team, does not yet know the balance of power and asks such a person to help, and that person takes it and substitutes him.
  • “An oppositionist or a sycophant of the leadership” is a dangerous type (“spy” or “informer”). Two facets of one phenomenon. Such an employee either likes or does not like his superiors and informs every colleague about this.

Ways to deal with human distractions:

  • Those who like to talk and throw out their world culture opinions on a person should be fenced off and protected by an impenetrable screen. In everyday terms, this is expressed by the phrase: “Sorry, the topics are interesting, but I have urgent tasks, we’ll talk another time.” The colleague will go looking for another interlocutor.
  • With the second type, you need to keep your eyes open and avoid dependence on him in your work. Be polite and not quarrel, so as not to get into trouble in the future.
  • Not discussing your bosses at work is the main principle in the fight against spies and informers in the team.

So, the answer to the question, if there is a conflict with a colleague at work, what to do, stands on a simple but effective basis: “less words - more action.”

Hazing, personal relationships reduce labor productivity. At work you need to work, not make friends. If a person firmly believes in these simple rules, then he is not afraid of any conflict with a colleague.

If the soul still requires understanding even in the place where you need to work, then you can get on a first-name basis with a colleague only after lengthy reflection and weighing of all the pros and cons.

Conflict at work with your boss, what should you do?

You should not argue with your leader, remembering one covenant:

  1. The boss is always right.
  2. If the boss is wrong, see point one.

But leaders are not so hopeless. Sensible people, even if they are superior, make contact in complex and significant disputes. First of all, you should find out what is the reason for the misunderstanding? Is the fault due to professional unsuitability, or did the conflict at work with your boss happen because of the employee’s personal qualities?

Personal hostility is a phenomenon that cannot be eradicated. The mass boils down to the fact that ineffective personnel become successful and beloved by management. In life, the boss is consistent in his decisions and fires anyone he doesn’t like.

The employee's behavior strategy boils down to the fight for the right to work where he likes. This means:

  • It is dignified and polite to respond to your boss’s reproaches.
  • Keep your distance (do not lose your temper, do not show irritation).
  • If there is another official above the boss, and work has not erased everything human from him, turn to him, he will help. True, the employee must have ironclad evidence of the guilt of his immediate supervisor in his hands.

If there are specific professional complaints against an employee, the algorithm is as follows:

  • The man talks with the boss in detail about the problems.
  • A person identifies his weaknesses.
  • A person rushes into the abyss of labor.

Resolving conflicts at work. Ways to behave in a conflict situation

  1. Rivalry. When one or both participants in a dispute perceive the dispute as a battle. Very tough demeanor. People prove that they are right, even with another person - “winners are not judged.” If a person easily and quickly goes into confrontation, then he will not stay in the team. The state of war does not last long; it takes too much effort.
  2. Device. The behavior of an altruist who forgets about his interests and defended positions for the sake of the team. The strategy is suitable for resolving minor controversial issues. If a person gives up during important negotiations, then people lose respect for him. Moreover, the behavior of the one who gives in does not always come from the heart. In this case, the strategy is destructive for a person who deliberately smooths out corners.
  3. Avoidance. A person goes into the shadows, allowing contradictions to exist, in the hope that the dispute will subside on its own. And again: minor disagreements can be resolved in this way, but serious problems need to be discussed.
  4. Compromise. A person who professes this behavior sacrifices a pawn in order to get the king. He creates the illusion for the enemy that he has won, and bargains for himself bonuses and advantages.
  5. Cooperation. The behavioral strategy involves winning for both parties. A wise and complex move, but not suitable for every person and situation.

As behavior strategies show, conflict resolution at work exists, but it is different for each specific situation.

The most constructive way to resolve conflict at work is to talk with your opponent (dissatisfied party)

Renegade anthropologists believe: in ancient, prehistoric times, before humans developed articulate speech, people communicated with each other telepathically. Then our ancestors switched to verbal communication. Since telepaths are rare these days, it is more productive to voice complaints out loud.

Methods of relieving emotions in a conflict are based on a substantive conversation, discussion of problems, when the disputing parties analyze what does not suit them in the interaction and eliminate the shortcomings together. If all disagreements are resolved, life is more fun and free, and labor productivity increases and the atmosphere in the team improves.

The main problem with people is that they do not know how to negotiate and discuss disagreements openly. Colleagues, subordinates and bosses, husbands and wives - in social and private life - people hush up pain points that worry them and in vain, this leads to increased pressure and emotional outbursts. To relieve the tension that arises, you need to enter into a dialogue with another person. Conversation is the most constructive thing at work and at home. A spoken word at the right time saves people's lives and careers. The opposite is also true: if a person is silent when he needs to speak, a disaster is inevitable.

Conflicts in work and personal life are exhausting and aging.

If the situation is tense, but it has not come to an open conflict, then ignoring and remaining silent (if possible) helps. When the confrontation turns from silent to screaming, then you need to talk and discuss everything down to the smallest detail. Analyze objective and subjective barriers to a peaceful agreement between the parties. Understand another person

How to avoid conflicts at work? Carefully select the area of ​​activity and analyze the team

Conflicts are a part of life, and they accompany a person all the time. And thinking about work and professional interests will not hurt even at a tender age. When a person is faced with a choice whether to go or not to join a team, he needs to ask himself about three things:

  • Do you like the job?
  • Do your colleagues leave a good impression?
  • Is your boss harsh but fair?

The main thing is that the answer to the first question is positive. In the realities of modern society, it rarely happens that you can truly choose your job.

The cardinal answer to the question of how to avoid conflicts at work is this: don’t work, don’t merge with the team! But this is a utopia. A person needs to work to live. Otherwise, he will starve to death on the street.

In every human relationship there are disagreements from time to time. Conflict situations occur at work, in the family, and in relationships between lovers. Many people experience them quite painfully. And completely in vain. You need to learn to treat such situations correctly and know how to competently resolve the conflict.

Psychologists advise treating things positively as an opportunity to clarify and even modify relationships.

Learning to resolve conflicts

If a conflict arises, you should definitely let your partner blow off steam: try to listen to all his complaints calmly and patiently, without interrupting or commenting. In this case, internal tension will decrease for both you and your opponent.

After the emotions have been spilled out, you can offer to substantiate the claims. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the situation so that the opposite side of the conflict does not again switch from a constructive discussion of problems to an emotional one. If this happens, you need to tactfully guide the debater to intellectual conclusions.

You can dampen your partner’s negative emotions by giving him a sincere compliment or by reminding him of something good and pleasant from a common past.

A respectful attitude towards your opponent is a prerequisite for how to resolve a conflict correctly. It will impress even an extremely angry person. If in such a situation you insult your partner and get personal, you will definitely not be able to resolve the conflict.

What to do if your opponent couldn’t restrain himself and started shouting? Don't get caught up in scolding in return!

If you feel guilty about the conflict, do not be afraid to apologize. Remember that only smart people can do this.

Some methods of behavior in a conflict situation

There are several proven techniques on how to resolve conflict.

Reception No. 1. Try to imagine yourself as a commentator observing a quarrel. Look at the conflict from the outside, and first of all, at yourself.

Mentally fence yourself off with an impenetrable cap or body armor - you will immediately feel that the barbs and unpleasant words of your opponent seem to break against the barrier you have set up, and no longer hurt so sharply.

Having seen from the position of a commentator what qualities you lack in a conflict, endow yourself with them in your imagination and continue the argument as if you have them.

If you do this regularly, the missing qualities will actually appear.

Reception No. 2. How to resolve conflict between disputants? This very simple technique often helps not only relieve tension, but also avoid confrontation altogether. You just need to step away or move further away from the enemy. The closer the conflicting parties are physically, the stronger the intensity of passions.

Reception No. 3. Surprise your opponent at the moment of conflict with a non-standard phrase or joke. This is simply a wonderful way to resolve conflict. It’s difficult to quarrel with a person who is in the mood to joke!

Reception No. 4. If it is absolutely clear that the interlocutor is deliberately provoking a conflict, insulting and simply not giving a chance to answer, in such a situation it is better to leave, saying that you do not want to continue the conversation in this tone. It's better to postpone it "to tomorrow."

Taking a time out will help you calm down and give you a break to find the right words. And the person who provoked the quarrel will lose his confidence during this time.

What should not be allowed during a conflict

Good self-control is the key to success

You need to learn to restrain your emotions and in case of conflict with partners or clients, the following are strictly prohibited:

  • irritable tone and swearing;
  • a clear demonstration of one's own superiority;
  • criticism of the opponent;
  • searching for negative intentions in his actions;
  • abdication of responsibility, blaming the partner for everything;
  • ignoring the interests of the opponent;
  • exaggeration of one's role in the common cause;
  • pressure on sore spots.

The best way to get out of a conflict is to avoid it.

Psychologists advise treating conflict as a positive factor. If at the very beginning of building a relationship, having noticed conflicting issues, you do not hush them up, you can nip serious quarrels in the bud.

We must try to “put out the fire” even before it flares up. Therefore, the best way to resolve a conflict is not to bring it to a head. After all, life already has a lot of difficulties, and nerve cells will still come in handy.

Often the cause of confrontation is the accumulation of unspoken negativity. A person is irritated by something in the behavior of a colleague or is simply enraged by some habit of his loved one, but he does not know how to say about it so as not to spoil the relationship. Therefore, he endures and remains silent. The effect is exactly the opposite. Accumulated irritation sooner or later spills out in an uncontrollable form, which can lead to a serious conflict. Therefore, it is very important not to bring it to the “boiling point”, but to calmly and tactfully express your complaints as soon as they arise.

When not to avoid conflict

But there are times when it’s not worth it, because it’s the one that will help solve the problem. You can consciously enter into conflict if:

  • you need to defuse the situation by clarifying the painful issue with a loved one;
  • there is a need to break off the relationship;
  • to give in to your opponent means for you to betray your ideals.

But you need to remember that when intentionally going into conflict, you need to sort things out intelligently.

Memo “How to competently resolve a conflict”

To get out of a conflict situation as quickly as possible and with the least losses, we suggest the following sequence of actions.

1. First of all, the existence of a conflict must be recognized. We cannot allow a situation where people feel opposition and act according to their chosen tactics, but do not talk about it openly. It will not be possible to resolve such a conflict without joint discussion between the parties.

2. Having recognized the conflict, it is necessary to agree on negotiations. They can be either face to face or with the participation of a mediator who suits both parties.

3. Determine what exactly constitutes the subject of the confrontation. As practice shows, the parties to a conflict often see the essence of the problem differently. Therefore, it is necessary to find common ground in understanding the dispute. Already at this stage it is important to determine whether a rapprochement of positions is possible.

4. Develop several solutions, taking into account all possible consequences.

5. After considering all the options, settle on the one that suits both parties. Record the decision in writing.

6. Implement the solution. If this is not done immediately, the conflict will only deepen, and repeated negotiations will be much more difficult.

We hope that our advice will help you, if not avoid conflicts, then get out of them with dignity.

Conflict at work is commonplace. According to studies, disputes take up about 15% of working time. The most common reason is complete incompatibility between employees due to a discrepancy in their views on life or a certain situation. What is absurd for one is acceptable for another.

But sometimes conflict at work can be beneficial. They help to come to a common decision. In such a stressful situation, employees can see each other's true colors. But the main positive result is to find a solution to the problem and end the quarrel.

Causes of conflicts

The work team is selected spontaneously. First of all, the professional skills of the employee are important. Personal qualities come second. This is why employees cannot always find a common language and maintain normal relationships.

The main reasons for disputes at work:

  • differences in culture, status, level of power;
  • illiterate and unclear tasks;
  • violations of management principles by managers;
  • poor attitude of superiors towards subordinates;
  • psychological incompatibility of employees;
  • lack of an objective system for assessing the success of work;
  • differences in professional goals;
  • different salary levels;
  • the importance of each employee to varying degrees;
  • distortion of information (rumours, gossip), etc.

In many ways, the microclimate in a work group depends on the leader. His task is to create a cohesive team built on trust and respect.

Otherwise, there will be tension and misunderstanding in any work situation.

Types of conflicts

The parties to conflicts at work can be different. The most common tandem is a quarrel between 2 employees. And also, conflict at work often arises between one employee and the team or with management. The main thing is to stop in time.

Between 2 workers

The main reason is the difference in views on work activity. One believes that it is enough to do one’s job well; for another, self-development and improvement of skills are also important. It happens that one employee underworks, while another overfulfills the plan. The first considers his colleague to be lazy and a bad employee, the second calls the enemy a despot obsessed with work.

Conflict between two employees

Another popular cause of conflict is the cleanliness of the workplace. For some, it is important that everything around them is tidy and neatly folded. For others, the norm is chaos and slight disorder. In this case, it is better to create separate workplaces for workers and seat them further away from each other.

Between employee and team

Occurs when a new employee joins an established team. He finds it difficult to make contact. Any violation of norms of behavior is a cause for conflict.

Another typical situation is a newly arrived boss. People often react negatively to changes, so at first they may not perceive the new leader.

Between employee and superiors

Competent bosses are sensible people. They will not create conflict situations over trifles. Most often, a quarrel arises due to professional incompetence. The employee failed to meet the sales plan, made a serious mistake in the report, submitted all the work after the deadline - the reasons are very different.

In this case, the positive aspects of the conflict:

  • desire to make the employee a professional;
  • employee training;
  • eliminating a systematic problem;
  • clarifying relations with the boss with a positive outcome, etc.

But there is another popular reason for conflict with managers - personal hostility. If the boss is tolerant, he will not attach any importance to this. Otherwise, he will not hide his irritation from being next to such an employee. His comments will concern appearance, gait, demeanor, pronunciation and other things.

Conflict with boss at work

The solution to conflict situations in this case is dismissal. The boss may not do this himself, but will push the employee to take this step in every possible way. If an employee loves his job and wants to stay, he needs to know how to behave during conflicts.

Basic Rules:

  • respond to reproaches with dignity and politeness;
  • keep your distance (don’t lose your temper, restrain your emotions);
  • ask for a specific reason for the conflict;
  • offer to resolve the conflict;
  • listen carefully to the leader.

If the boss’s work is controlled by a person with a higher position, you can contact him. Personal hostility is an indicator of poor competence, because a manager must be tolerant of every employee. The only caveat is that the employee must have counterarguments and evidence of the boss’s guilt.

Between groups in a team

In this case, conflicts arise in a team with an unhealthy microclimate. Personal antipathies have a very clear and negative impact on relationships between employees. They begin to divide into small warring groups. Most often, they are united by the same views on professional activities.

Subsequently, the race begins for the title of “best group” in the form of increased productivity, successfully completed projects, etc. For management, this is a positive aspect, because there is an opportunity to increase profits. But such competition will negatively affect other, less successful groups.

Group conflict

Another situation is the presence of an informal leader. He gathers around himself active, enterprising people who are ready to work for the idea.

But there will always be those who are categorically opposed to such an outcome. For them, leaving their comfort zone and working in a stressful situation is an unacceptable option. Therefore, hostility arises between activists and passive workers.

Types of behavior in conflict situations

Some people keep social distance. They practically do not make contact, and accordingly, in conflict situations they can take a neutral position. Such employees do not understand why they should waste time and energy on others, so they direct it into work. Any conflicts are considered meaningless.

Another behavioral strategy is aggressors. Most often, it is they who provoke conflicts, fiercely defending their interests. They completely refuse to take into account the reasoning of others. By temperament type, aggressors are choleric. For them, conflicts, quarrels, scandals are energy recharge.

Characteristics of aggressors:

  • do not get pleasure from work;
  • the main goal is to receive a salary and increase personal income;
  • productivity is low, because they are often distracted by extraneous matters.

Another participant in conflicts at work are intriguers. They compare their salaries with those of others. If their income is lower, envy appears. The victim is ridiculed and reproached. Any manifestation of humiliation on their part brings great pleasure. Promotion, transfer to a better office, a separate office and other successes cause irritation and hatred among colleagues.

Professional conflict due to jealousy

The oppositionist is the boss's favorite. Few people notice him, but he watches everyone. He knows all the details of his personal life and work issues, which he reports to management. Such a person is not liked in the team and they are trying to “survive”. He does not build friendly relations with anyone. Does not enter into conflict situations, otherwise remains silent and neutral.

Consequences of conflicts

Most often, conflict has negative consequences. But there are situations when it has a positive effect on all parties to the dispute. First, it allows you to identify a diversity of views, learn the peculiarities of thinking and opinions of colleagues. It provides useful additional information regarding the cause of the conflict.

Consequences of conflicts that were promptly resolved and eliminated:

  1. Employees feel involved in the team and in the discussion of important work topics. They feel important. In the process of solving a problem, hostility and injustice are eliminated.
  2. Employees become more cooperative. They develop their own position and strategy of behavior. They understand how not to behave so as not to become the initiator of another quarrel.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of groupthink. Employees learn to express their opinions tolerantly and competently. In the process of discussing a conflict situation, they learn to respect each other.
  4. But if the conflict is not resolved immediately, the outcome will not be very happy. A person will form a certain opinion about the other participant in the dispute, as an enemy and adversary. He will perceive his decisions as correct and logical, and the actions of the other side as absurd and stupid. Subsequently, such an employee will become self-centered and will react negatively to other people's suggestions and ideas. It is especially dangerous if this person is a boss.

Ways to resolve conflicts

The first correct decision is to find out the original source of the deterioration in relations with colleagues. This is done during the discussion process. Gather all participants in a dispute or conspiracy together. The disputing parties explain their positions. They analyze what exactly does not suit them in the current work situation.

Resolution of a quarrel occurs only if every dissatisfied employee takes an active part. Next, possible options for resolving the conflict are proposed and the one that suits everyone is selected.

Chief's position

It is necessary to have only reliable information. Rumors and gossip are something you can never rely on. The second rule is not to reward for denunciations! This significantly lowers the image and worsens the reputation of the boss in the eyes of his subordinates.

If some adversities have been noticed in the conflict, it is better to observe the employees. This will allow you to determine the initiator of the quarrel and the cause of the next dispute.

  • Don't start public fights. If there are problems with only 1 or several employees, it is better to have an individual conversation.
  • Do not take sides in a conflict. Have your own position and explain it competently to the team.
  • Don't put yourself above others. Despite a high position, you need to know your place and not cross boundaries. It is better to follow the collective rules (if there is no smoking in the room, then the manager should not do this either).
  • Initially, you need to realize that a conflict is brewing. In this case, you need to be able to control your emotions and think about the consequences. If the situation allows, it is better to leave the office or get away from the aggressor.
  • Another effective method is touch switch manipulation. The point is to distract colleagues from the conflict so that it does not achieve its goal.
  • If the conflict is provoked by 2 people, you need to analyze the strengths of the enemy. You can ask to evaluate the work from the point of view of a professional or find out his opinion about some work moment (if this was not the cause of the quarrel). Remember, a compliment is the best weapon.

Conflict resolution is mandatory

Other ways to resolve conflict with employees:

  • Sniper technique. Pretend that you didn’t hear the provoking phrase.
  • You can ask again indifferently. In most cases, the initiator of the conflict is lost, and the dispute does not develop further.
  • Intimate talk. Ask your opponent directly what exactly irritates him. This is how the argument turns into a constructive conversation. Most often, the conflict exhausts itself, and people learn to analyze their own mistakes and behavior.
  • Ignoring. If hostility is not substantiated in any way, then it is better to simply ignore it and react neutrally to the aggressor. He will see that he is not of interest to the enemy and will calm down.
  • Admitting a mistake. If the cause of the conflict is poor quality work, the employee should apologize and redo the work.

Remember, in any conflict situation you need to remain calm.

Confident intonation, moderate rate of speech, low timbre of voice, straight back are the main tools.


Conflict situations at work can arise at any time and for various reasons. The main thing is to prevent their development in time or completely eliminate them.

Do not forget to remain human in any situation. People are different, and this is worth taking into account. Learn to remain calm in any situation, and conflicts will not take up precious working time. Focus your energy on increasing your productivity.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand why a conflict occurred at work, how to behave in this situation, and to avoid this in the future.

Almost all quarrels at work differ in nature. It is impossible to predict ways out of such a crisis in advance, but based on the recommendations of psychologists, the problem can be significantly simplified.

Initially, it is necessary to identify the root of the conflict and its subject. Try to assess the hidden threat. It is important to know that debates are not always about finding out the truth. The motive may be hidden resentment, personal hostility, the possibility of humiliation in the eyes of others, “liberation” from accumulated anger.

We must also remember that the other side chooses a different line of behavior, which must be correctly assessed. An adversary confident in his personal strength will not shy away from investigating his involvement. Its complete opposite does not reveal the subject of the conflict and relentlessly stands its ground. It is difficult to resolve conflicts at work, how to behave if the opponent is stubborn, primitive, and has a certain sphere of influence at work.

An intellectually narrow-minded or unbalanced person who is guided by emotions rather than common sense is dangerous. The conflict with him cannot be brought to its logical conclusion. When all the argumentation is over, the final justification may be physical force.

Strategic rationale for conflict

  1. The next stage is choosing a strategy for resolving a conflict situation. There are five main behavioral styles:
  2. Competition, rivalry is a tough style, the struggle of both sides is equal. It is used when your own strengths exceed those of your opponent, and the end result is significant for you.
  • Avoiding a dispute. They are used when the resolution of kurtosis can and should be postponed to a later period. This line of behavior is optimal in a dispute with superiors. Choosing this strategy is advantageous in the following situations:
  • defending your own views is unprincipled;
  • the priority is to maintain consistency and tranquility;
  • awareness of being wrong;
  • the hopelessness of the conflict;
  • large-scale intellectual and time costs;
  • In the first place is the desire to maintain good relations with the opponent.
  1. Device. Here you need to rebuild your line of behavior, smoothing out antagonism, sacrificing your principles. From the outside, it seems as if there is no dispute as such. Choosing this style is obvious if you need to gain time. An important incentive is moral victory or maintaining good relations with the opposing side.
  2. Cooperation strategy. This is the formation of a solution through joint efforts, taking into account mutual interests. The process is lengthy, contains several stages, but is beneficial for the overall benefit of the business. The strategy is applicable in situations where a joint solution to a problem is required and the time period allows for this. This line of behavior should be chosen if the desire to maintain relations with the opposite party prevails. And finally, the strategy is good when the opponents have equal capabilities.
  3. Compromise strategy. Mutual concessions help resolve disagreements. It is preferred at the moment when it is impossible to obtain the final result without joint efforts.

Possible options:

  • accept a preliminary conclusion;
  • adjust starting tasks;
  • receive a fixed portion to avoid a total loss.

This strategy is ideal for resolving a dispute at work; it’s easiest to understand how to behave. But this line of behavior is applicable if:

  • the arguments are convincing on both sides;
  • it takes some time to solve more complex problems;
  • showing your own superiority will not lead to success;
  • the conflicting parties are endowed with identical powers and have common interests;
  • the short-term solution takes precedence over winning the dispute;
  • getting a partial result is more important than losing all opportunities.

Way out of a conflict situation

Having determined your line of behavior, it is important to follow it clearly and skillfully maneuver. There are certain rules of conduct in the event of a conflict of interests:

In conclusion, there is one general rule for all occasions: during an argument, it is impossible to take a closed pose and look directly into the eyes of your opponent. This will only provoke unnecessary aggression.



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