How to determine an ordinal or cardinal number. Is it possible in Russian to combine whole numbers with fractions? §4

It is common knowledge that Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. A simple confirmation of this is the huge number of errors in oral and written speech, even among the most educated people. Oddly enough, but, according to some data, about 90% of Russian speakers do not notice these errors or do not consider them as such.

My faithful friend! my enemy is treacherous!

My king! my slave! Native language!

Valery Bryusov

Many native Russian speakers often have doubts (and this despite taking a Russian language course not only at school, but also at university) regarding "come" or "come" at the airport or at the airport , dressor wear a dress, I miss you or you. But the use of numerals and conjugation of verbs is generally a problem. Or take, for example, a section such as punctuation. There are not as many problems with the placement of commas in complex conjunction sentences as in the situation with non-conjunctive sentences. There is always confusion with colons and dashes.

We do not set ourselves the task of covering the entire Russian language course and teaching everyone to read and write, but we will try to talk about common mistakes that are made in speaking and writing. It’s easy to get lost in the intricacies of the Russian language. Let's start with the use of numerals.

Declension of numerals

Agree that numbers and quantities constantly surround us in everyday life. They are found at every step, making our lives easier, and in some cases difficult. We equally count the minutes before a long-awaited meeting, bitterly see off the passing years, react vividly to an increase in clothing size, remember the desired page of a book or phone number. Numbers and quantities... It is clear that we can no longer do without them, which means we cannot do without special words - numeral names, with the help of which we can name a particular date, tell the number or size, index or code, determine amount, difference, balance, income and much more.

However, despite the frequency of use and use in almost all areas of life, numerals presented in modern Russian language cause certain difficulties.

The greatest number of difficulties that arise when using numerals is associated with the need to use them in oblique cases. The correct choice of such forms is determined, firstly, by the type of declension to which this or that numeral belongs, and secondly, by the general rules governing the change of these words depending on the composition (simple or compound) of the numeral and what word it is with combines. And although there are relatively few independent words that are part of such a part of speech as a numeral in the modern Russian language (about a hundred), they all turn out to be distributed over a fairly large (especially when compared with nouns or adjectives) number of independent types of declension.

So, let's first remember what numerals are and how to use them correctly.

  • cardinal numbers- denote the actual quantity or number: one, two, five, fifteen, thirty, seventy, two hundred, fifty two etc.
  • collective numerals- denote quantity as a totality: two, three, six, both, both etc.
  • ordinal numbers (counting adjectives)- numerals with countable ordinal value: fifth, sixth, twentieth, seventy-fifth, thirty-second.

Cardinal numbers can be certain And uncertain (five And some); by its structure - simple(with one root: five, nine), complex(with a base consisting of two parts: fifty, five hundred, ninety, nine hundred) And composite(consisting of several words: twenty five, ninety six).

Collective numbers are used:

  • in combination with masculine and generic nouns, calling persons: five friends, met five friends; There were seven onlookers standing on the street. In such constructions, the use of cardinal numbers is also allowed: five friends, five friends; seven onlookers;
  • combined with nouns children, guys, people, faces in meaning "People": at Maria Nikolaevna's five children, met three guys, there are six characters in the play. The use of cardinal numbers is also allowed: five children, met three guys, six characters;
  • in the role of substantivized numerals and in combination with personal pronouns: five in gray overcoats, five of us;
  • in combination with inanimate nouns pluralia tantum (that is, used only in the plural form) and with the names of paired objects: five scissors, five tongs, two socks. In oblique cases the cardinal number is used: five scissors, five tongs, two socks.

How to decline numerals?

Cardinal and collective numerals are inflected like nouns or adjectives.

Modeled after third declension nouns ( night, shadow) are inclined:

  • numerals :

I. p. five

V. p. five

R. p. five

etc. five

D. p. five

P. p. o five

But: etc. – eight And eight.

  • numerals on -twenty: eleven, twelve, thirty etc.:

I. p. eleven

V. p. eleven

R. p. eleven

etc. eleven

D. p. eleven

P. p about eleven

  • numerals on -ten: fifty, sixty etc.:

I. p. fifty, sixty

V. p. fifty, sixty

R. p. fifty, sixty

etc. fifty, sixty
(NOT fifty, sixty)

D. p. fifty, sixty

P. p. about fifty, about sixty

But: etc. - eighty And eighty.

Numerals have a special declension two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals in -sot ( five hundred, six hundred):

I. p. three hundred, five hundred

V. p. three hundred, five hundred

R. p. three hundred, five hundred
(NOT three hundred, five hundred)

etc. three hundred, five hundred
(NOT three hundred, five hundred)

D. p. three hundred, five hundred
(NOT three hundred)

P. p. about three hundred, about five hundred

It is necessary to remember that:

  • numerals forty, ninety And one hundred have only two forms: forty, ninety, one hundred(I. p., V. p.) and forty, ninety, hundred(in all other cases). Therefore it is correct: with ninety rubles, about forty disciples, with a hundred problems, and NOT * with ninety rubles, about forty students, with a hundred problems;
  • numeral one and a half has two forms of the nominative case - one and a half(m.r. and s.r.) and one and a half(f.r.): one and a half liters, one and a half logs, one and a half lives. The form of all indirect cases (except the accusative) is flooratTorah. Right: about the floorata few days ago, NOT * about one and a half days, *one and a half days.

Numerals two, three, four, as well as collective numerals, words both, both, how much, as much, how much, how much inflected like adjectives:

Until how long is the library open? (emphasis on O) She works up to so many, NOT * until what time up to so much.

Remember that compound cardinal numerals have a decline for each word included in them. Right: One thousand two hundred and fifty-two textbooks are missing; talk about one thousand two hundred fifty-two missing textbooks.

For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined: by two thousand fourteen, May twenty-third.

Recently (apparently, under the influence of the widely used ordinal number two thousandth) The form began to appear in the media: two thousand and one (second, third...) year. Such use is considered unacceptable. Regulatory form: two thousand one (second, third...) etc.

Interesting to know!

In the words “fifty” and “sixty” you can see the roots of “five” and “six”. So Why do they say “forty” and not “forty”?

According to its origin, the word fourty associated with the Old Russian measure of squirrel and sable skins magpies(in bags of a certain volume, from here shirt– originally “bag”): six forty sables. Meaning of unit of count word fourty received in the speech of hunters, displacing the more ancient designation of this number - fourty.)

Surely many people doubt how to correctly: “one and a half days” or “one and a half days”?

Grammatical combination one and a half days flawed: cardinal number in the nominative case one and a half governs a singular noun ( one and a half meters, one and a half hours). But in literary language the expression one and a half days(but not one and a half days) exists. Since the word day does not have a singular form, it is recommended to express the given meaning descriptively, for example: within one and a half days, one and a half days(if the exact meaning of the word day not important). With nouns that do not have a singular form, you should use the word one and a half: Not even a day and a half had passed. The waiting time is already approaching one and a half days. Everything was limited to a day and a half. Is it worth talking so much about this day and a half?

By the way, one and a half- this is the merging of words floor And second- “half past one”, “half past one”. After the loss of reduced lvt simplified in lt.

Some may wonder: If it is correct to say “two tables”, then why can’t we say “five tables”?

Numerals two, three, four(as well as compound numerals ending in two, three, four, For example twenty two) in the nominative case are combined with a noun in the form of the genitive case and singular, for example: twenty-two tables, thirty-three misfortunes, fifty-four people. Numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine etc. and compound numerals ending in five, six, seven, eight etc., agree with a noun in the genitive plural, for example: forty-eight criminals. However, in indirect cases the agreement is leveled out: R. p. - two tables, five tables, D. p. - two tables, five tables.

This difference in the agreement of numerals is associated with the history of the Russian language. The names of the numbers 5–9 were feminine nouns and declined as, for example, the word bone. Being nouns, these names controlled the genitive case of nouns, which were used, of course, in the plural form. Hence such combinations as five cows, six tables(cf. combinations with nouns: table legs, cow hooves) etc.

The situation was more complicated with the names of numbers 2–4, which were counting adjectives and agreed in gender, number and case with nouns: three tables, four walls, three stones ( compare: beautiful tables, high walls). In this case, the name of the number 2 was consistent with nouns in a special form of the dual number (neither singular nor plural; this form was used to designate two objects): two walls, two tables, two knives(Not two tables, two knives). By the 16th century in the Russian language, the category of dual number and forms like two tables begin to be perceived as the genitive singular. The special correlation of the numbers 2, 3 and 4 (possibly grammatical belonging to the same class of words) influenced the alignment of inflectional forms of all three numerical names.

It is interesting that such inflection is an exclusively Great Russian feature, contrasting the Russian language with other East Slavic languages. Scientists hypothesize that initially such combinations were formed as a feature of the northeastern dialect.

Here's another common problem: Can one say “a pair of trousers” about one pair of trousers?

Collocation pair of trousers- colloquial. You should say: some trousers(about one subject) or two trousers, two pieces of trousers(about two subjects) In common parlance, the expression pair of trousers often replaces the commonly used some trousers. This is due to the analogy with commonly used phrases such as a pair of boots, a pair of socks, a pair of gloves- about two objects used as a pair. Uses of the phrase pair of trousers It is also undesirable due to the fact that this phrase can be understood differently by interlocutors (one will believe that we are talking about one subject, the other - that we are talking about two homogeneous objects). Use of the word pair in the role of a counting word is normative only when we are talking about paired objects ( a pair of boots, a pair of gloves, a pair of oars etc.). Use of the word pair meaning "several" ( work on a project for a couple of years, it’s a couple of kilometers from here to the station, complete a couple of tasks, go out for a couple of minutes, a couple of trifles) or “two pieces of something unpaired” ( a couple of apples, a couple of bags) is characterized by Russian language dictionaries as colloquial.

“A thousand workers” or “a thousand workers”?

Let's try to figure it out. The question is what is the word thousand- noun or numeral?

If thousand is a noun, then it must control the genitive case of the noun worker(should be: a thousand workers, a thousand workers, a thousand workers; compare: paradoxes of history, paradoxes of history, paradoxes of history etc. - the form of the controlled noun is preserved in all combinations). If thousand- numeral, then it must agree with “workers” in indirect cases. In other words, in the forms of indirect cases, all cardinal numerals must be used with nouns in similar case forms: fifty workers, six houses, five brothers.

So what is it thousand- numeral or noun?

“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova counts the word thousand in all meanings (including the meaning of “number and quantity 1,000”) by a noun. “Dictionary of the Russian Language” in 4 volumes, ed. A.P. Evgenieva (“Small Academic Dictionary”) and “Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language,” ed. S.A. Kuznetsova are not so categorical. According to these dictionaries the word thousand- a noun only in the meanings “huge quantity, multitude” and “big money, fortune.” And in the meanings “number 1,000” and “quantity 1,000” thousand- cardinal number.

The academic “Russian Grammar” of 1980 explains: Nouns that lexically denote the number or quantity of someone, in all cases, control a noun naming countable objects: a thousand people, a thousand (and thousand) people (and people), a thousand (and a thousand) rubles (and rubles); about a thousand people; a million books, a million books.

The question seems resolved: the word thousand controls the following noun. But where does the form come from in “Russian Grammar”? thousand people And a thousand rubles? Read on: If in the form of the instrumental case the word thousand does not have a definition, it can, like a numeral, agree in case with the noun that depends on it: with a thousand rubles and rubles (but only: with every thousand rubles). Therefore, agreement is allowed only for the instrumental case form thousand(Not a thousand!).

So the word thousand is a noun and in all cases controls the word dependent on it. Moreover, the instrumental case form of this noun is thousand (with a thousand rubles).

However, simultaneously with the instrumental case form of the noun thousand there is a numeral form - thousand, in combination with which coordination and control compete. Agreement is possible only if the word thousand denotes an exact number and does not have a definition: with a thousand students, with a thousand acquaintances, with a thousand rubles in my pocket. Form thousand can also mean an indefinitely large amount of something, in which case control is required instead of coordination: a man with a thousand faces, his office is filled with a thousand papers; The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles (Gogol); a thousand violent and fiery heads (L. Andreev), a thousand small injections (Korolenko).

RIGHT: thousand worker ov, million employee ov, three thousand employee ov (D.p.), thousand worker ov, millionaire employee ov, three thousand employee ov, thousand worker ami And one thousand employee ov (T.p.).

RIGHT: address twenty-five thousand students ov , BUT: appeal to twenty-five thousand hundred student am .

Numerals are an independent part of speech, indicating the number of objects, their serial number, as well as the total number. Depending on their purpose, numerals are divided into three broad groups, each of which is described in detail in this article. It also provides grammatical signs of numerals and visual examples.

Numerals are studied in 6th grade. This part of speech can denote the number of some objects, the number of an object in order, as well as the quantity as a whole. Depending on this value they are divided into 3 large groups.

Numerals can be quantitative, ordinal And collective. Each of these groups of words has its own characteristics.

Table“Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals in the Russian language” with examples

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For example: ten, thirty, seven hundred eleven.

Numerals of this category can have different case forms. For some cardinal numerals, the form of gender and number is determined. The following table reflects all the features of words in this category.

Changing cardinal numbers

How it changes Examples
1 By gender, number and case One - one, alone, alone
2,3, 4 By cases and genders Two, two, two, three
5-20,30 By cases, as a being of the 3rd class. Wed: tablecloth - ten, eleven
50-80, 200-900 By case, both parts change Fifty, three hundred
40, 90, 100 According to cases, they have only 2 forms Forty - forty

One hundred - one hundred

Ninety - ninety

1000 By cases as a noun. 1st class Wed: Candles - a thousand
1000000, By cases as a noun. 2nd class Wed: home - million - billion

Ordinal numbers: grammatical features

Numerals of this category are grammatically similar to adjectives. They can also have forms of different cases, genders and numbers.

Ordinal numbers can also have different structures. When declension of compound numerals of this category changes only the last word. For example.

Numbers from 1 to 999999 are denoted using 13 roots: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, forty, one hundred, thousand. Simple numbers consist of a root and an ending (six) or a root and a suffix (sixteen). Complex numbers are formed using two roots (sixty, six hundred). Compound numerals are formed by a combination of simple and complex numerals (six thousand six hundred sixty six).

Morphological characteristics

Let us list the morphological (grammatical) features of integer cardinal numerals.

1. Cardinal numbers up to a thousand have no gender or number. There are two exceptions: one, two.

  • Two - neuter and masculine (two seas, two continents);
  • Two - feminine (two rivers);
  • One is masculine (one continent);
  • One is feminine (one river);
  • One is neuter (one sea).
    Note. If a compound integer numeral ends in one, then the noun is used in the singular: sixty-one students (not students).
  • Alone - usually used with nouns that have only a plural form, but does not convey the meaning of plurality: one scissors, one watch, one sled. Note. The word alone in other cases acts as other parts of speech.
    There were only boys in the class (alone in the meaning of the particle “only”).
    Some important guests did not come to the meeting, while others were late (in the meaning of the indefinite pronoun “some, some”).

2. If the numerals one and two have a changeable gender category, then the numerals thousand, million, billion have an unchangeable category: a thousand is only feminine, million, billion are only masculine.

4. Cardinal numbers are declined, that is, they change according to cases without exception, but they do not have a single pattern. There are seven ways of declension.

  • The numeral one is declined as a singular adjective.
  • The numerals two, three, four are like plural adjectives.
  • Numerals from five to ten and numerals from -twenty and -ten are like nouns of the 3rd declension (like night). Both sides of numerals are inclined to -ten.
  • The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred have only two forms.
  • In the numerals fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, both parts are declined as nouns of the 3rd declension.
  • In the numerals from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts are declined: the first part as a simple numeral, and the second part as a plural noun.
  • The numerals thousand, million, billion, billion, trillion, etc. are morphologically similar to nouns. They have: gender (thousand - feminine, million - masculine), number (thousand - thousands, million - millions), and are declined as nouns (thousand - 1st declension, million - 2nd declension). Many linguists classify these words as nouns, but in the school curriculum they are considered numerals.

Syntactic functions

If numerals are used without nouns, they denote an abstract number: Six and two - eight. If numerals are used with nouns, they indicate the number of objects: Twenty-five balls were put in the basket. If the numeral is in the imp. (vin.p.), then it controls the noun:

  • the numerals two, three, four, as well as numerals ending in these numbers (twenty-two), require the placement of the noun in the genitive singular: two hoops, three hoops;
  • the remaining numerals (from five) require the placement of the noun in the genitive plural: five hoops, eleven hoops.

If a numeral is in indirect cases, then it depends on the noun and agrees with it: gender. - (what?) five balls, dat.p. - (what?) five balls, tv.p. - (what?) five balls.

69. Spelling of numerals.

  1. Complex numerals are written together (thirty);
  2. Compound and fractional numbers are written separately (forty-five, three-sevenths);
  3. Ordinal numbers that end in -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth are written together (thirty-thousandth);
  4. The numerals five-nineteen and twenty, thirty are written with ь (soft sign) at the end, and the numerals fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred ь (soft sign) are written in the middle of the word between two stems;
  5. There are two forms: zero and zero. The second is used in terminological meaning in indirect cases; both forms are found in stable expressions.
  6. The numeral gender is written as part of a compound word
  • through a hyphen if the second part of the word begins with a vowel or with l (half a liter, half a watermelon), or if it is a proper noun (half Russia);
  • together, if the second part of a complex word begins with a consonant letter (except l): half a kilogram;
  • separately if it has an independent meaning and is separated from the noun by the definition: half a teaspoon.

Note: the numeral semi- in compound words is always written together: half-breed, half-naked.

Spelling of numeral endings.

1. Declension of cardinal numbers:

The numeral one is declined in the same way as a singular adjective:

The numerals two, three, four have special case endings:

The numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and the numerals ten and two are declined in the same way as third declension nouns:

I. p.
R. p.
D. p.
V. p.
P. p

about six

about thirty

The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred have a special declension (the accusative case coincides with the nominative case, in other cases - the ending -a):

In quantitative compound numerals, each word is declined:

The numerals one and a half, one and a half, one and a half have a special declension:

3. Collective numbers are declined in the same way as plural adjectives:

4. Declension of ordinal numbers:

Ordinal numbers are declined in the same way as adjectives of the first type:

For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes when declension:

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling of numerals."

  • Simple, complex and compound numerals. Number categories. Declension of numerals - Numeral name 6th grade

Numerals are an interesting topic and somewhat more complex than it seems at first glance. Well, what’s wrong with writing or saying “one”, “ten”, “one hundred and twenty-five”. Yes, there are probably few difficulties in this. How about saying 1,265,384 out loud? Yes, and decline this number. Well, is it more difficult now? In this article we will understand what types of numerals are divided into, and also find out the features of the declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Classification of numerals

We usually use numerals without even thinking that there is some difference between them. For example, we use different types of numerals when we say that today is the twenty-third of May, or when we ask for one kilogram of apples. In the first case we use an ordinal number, and in the second we use a cardinal number. Numerals can also be simple or compound. Let's look at each type separately.

Cardinal numbers

As already mentioned, cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers are distinguished. Let's start with the first type. These numerals indicate the number of objects. One apple. Five cucumbers. Three notebooks. Hence the name of this type - quantitative. That is, when you need to count objects and say how many there are, this type of numerals is used.

Ordinal numbers

This is the second type. The name suggests when such numerals are used. There are three apples on the table - quantitative ones. The first is red and the second is green. In this case, an ordinal number is used. This type indicates in what order, in what order, objects are located. Ordinal numbers are also used when it is necessary to name a calendar number. For example: the first of May.

Simple cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers

The classification does not end with the fact that numerals can denote the number of objects and the order of their arrangement. Cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers can be simple, complex or composite. What does it mean? Let's start to figure it out in order.

Simple numbers consist of only one word, which has only one root. Examples of simple cardinal numbers: one, six, ten, million.

Example of simple ordinal numbers: first, tenth, fifth, etc.

Complex cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers

Complex numerals are also written as one word, but have two or more roots. Examples of complex cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers: sixty, sixtieth, eighty, eightieth, etc.

Compound numerals

And finally, cardinal and ordinal numbers in Russian can be compound. In this case, two or more words are used to write them. Example: one hundred fifty-three, eighty-two, three hundred thirty-three, two million one hundred twenty-six, etc.


A special difficulty for many is the declination of numerals by case. Declension of compound numerals seems especially difficult. Let's figure out how to decline a numeral correctly.

Let's start with the quantitative ones. In all existing types of cardinal numbers, all formative words are declined.

Separately, it is necessary to consider how the numerals two, three and four are declined by case.

AND Two Three Four windows
R Two Three Four windows
D Two Three Four windows
IN Two Three Four windows
T Two Three Four windows
P About two Three Four windows

All numerals, starting from five and ending with twenty, and plus the numeral thirty, are declined according to the principle of third declension nouns. Examples:

AND Eight Fourteen Thirty notebooks
R Eight Fourteen Thirty notebooks
D Eight Fourteen Thirty notebooks
IN Eight Fourteen Thirty notebooks
T Eight Fourteen Thirty notebooks
P About eight Fourteen Thirty notebooks

It is also worth considering separately the method of declension of the numerals forty, ninety and one hundred. It is necessary to remember that they have only two forms: forty, ninety and one hundred, if they are in the nominative or accusative case, and forty, ninety hundred - in all other cases.

Complex numerals, ranging from fifty to eighty, change both of their parts when declined:

AND Sixty Eighty windows
R Sixty Eighty windows
D Sixty Eighty windows
IN Sixty Eighty windows
T sixty Eighty windows
P About sixty Eighty windows

When declension of complex numerals, starting from two hundred and ending with nine hundred, two parts also change:

AND Three hundred Five hundred Nine hundred notebooks
R Three hundred Five hundred Nine hundred notebooks
D Three hundred Five hundred Nine hundred notebooks
IN Three hundred Five hundred Nine hundred notebooks
T Three hundred Five hundred Nine hundred notebooks
P About three hundred Five hundred Nine hundred notebooks

When declension of the numeral “thousand” you should focus on nouns of the first declension, and when declension of the numerals “million” and “billion” you should focus on nouns of the second declension.

And finally, when declining a compound cardinal number, you need to change each word:

AND Five thousand six hundred eighty one books
R Five thousand six hundred eighty-one books
D Five thousand six hundred and eighty-one books
IN Five thousand six hundred eighty-one books
T Five thousand six hundred and eighty-one books
P About five thousand six hundred and eighty-one books

These were the rules relating to cardinal numbers. With ordinal ones things are somewhat simpler. They are very similar to adjectives, which is why they are easier to decline. It is often intuitive how to pronounce a word correctly. Compare:

AND Fast First
R Quick First
D Fast First
IN Fast First
T Fast First
P About fast First

Agree, the declension of numerals indicating the order of objects is very similar to the declension of adjectives.

But how to inflect compounds? Everything is simple here too. If, when declension of numerals indicating quantity, each word changed, then in ordinal ones only the last one changes. Example:

One hundred thousand two hundred and thirty-three - one hundred thousand two hundred and thirty-three.

To make it faster and easier to navigate, it is worth doing exercises on ordinal and cardinal numbers. You can independently write down the numbers that come to mind, and then try to decline them according to the rules.

To begin with, you should still find out how to pronounce and write 1 265 384. And then decline this numeral.



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