How beautiful it is to wish a guy good night. Good night wishes to a man in verse

What a pity I didn't see it
I'll tell you before I go to bed,
Good night, dear,
Sweet dreams!

Let it be filled with ease
Your strong body
Good night my dear
Sleep well at night!

It's night outside the window,
And sleep is knocking on the house again.
I wish you, my dear,
In a dream, fly with just me.
Let, as if in a fairyland,
Soaring in your beautiful dream.
Good night my baby
Hear my love now.

Good night, my sweet one.
Darling, rest at night.
May it be with you this night
Only the dream and light of Venus are lush.

And if it happens by chance
You're lonely in bed -
Remember me here,
And it will become a little easier in a moment.

Good night dear,
Dear, beloved, dear.
I'll be with you mentally
I still have strength left
Still loving you
My unapproachable, ardent,
Your blue sad look
And a weak smile.
Who knew how painful it is to love like that?
And have no hope
Good night, honey. Sleep.
I kiss you tenderly.

Favorite bunny, my cat,
You're tired at work today.
I'll kiss you on the lips
And I will make the pillows in the bedroom soft,
So that your sleep is peaceful,
So that you wake up happy in the morning.
And your sleep today will be very sound
I will kiss you, wishing you good night!

Good night, dear and beloved,
I cherish your dream.
Let the light flow like a moonlit trill
And will lead you to your dream.

I will kiss your lips tenderly
And I will lean against a strong shoulder.
I know you are also the guardian of the dreams of the innocent.
The night will give us peace and beauty.

Close your eyes,
Which I love so much.
Remember me now
After all, I'm not sleeping yet.

I am writing you this verse,
May the night be peaceful.
Now the wind outside the window has died down,
And it's time to go to sleep.

The stars sang a lullaby again
And the moon casts a magical ray.
Everything fell silent in anticipation, as if
Everyone wanted to believe in the fairy tale.

Everything in the world falls asleep at night,
Plunging into a wonderful, wonderful dream.
Your wishes will come true, for sure.
Sleep, my Bunny, conquered at night.

I send you my burning kiss,
I hug you before going to bed.
My beloved, sleep! Good night!
I'll whisper in your ear lovingly.

May you dream of the firmaments,
What they pump, ringing with music.
All sunrises will enchant you,
My Kitten, I love you!

Good night my dear,
May you dream of the stars of heaven,
I'll lie with you too
Protecting with your soul.

Sleep sweetly, my baby,
May you dream of the singing of birds.
And while you sleep so quietly
I will pray faithfully.

In my prayer I ask,
So that our children are healthy
And our tender love,
She was not harmed in human life.

Sleep my beloved, my dear
Good night to you dear
And I will always be with you
No one can separate us.

The stars illuminate
Heaven has its own way.
I wish you
My dear, go to sleep!

I wish you
Warm good dreams.
My dear, beautiful,
Sleep my love!

Get into bed
Let sleep in through the window.
Bye-bye cat,
Close your eyes.

Let them dream of frost in winter.
And the world is magical, all covered in snow
And I’m here, next to you, I’ll throw off all your worries,
I’ll imagine how we are lying on the shore.

Everything will be fine, I know for sure.
Anxiety will go away and your dream will come true,
In the meantime, I'm flying nearby in my dreams
Let it be like this for many years to come.

Good night to your beloved man in your own words in prose

The silken night will envelop us with its warmth, warm us in its embrace and give us tender notes of a quiet melody of love...

Today, when the golden sun mysteriously disappears behind the horizon, I will fly to you on the ray of sunset and stay with you all night!

Our love is strong, like a diamond! The facets of love shimmer with the beautiful colors of the rainbow and illuminate our hearts this night!

Your lips just melt in my mouth, you are like heavenly chocolate, sprinkled with sweet almonds, wrapped in the most delicate coconut flakes!

Our love is like a rainbow: it shimmers with beautiful colors, captivates everyone with its unique beauty, connects two parts of the world, just like our loving hearts!

You are my most delicious chocolate, you are my softest bear! Only you are my most precious diamond! I dissolve in your body, as if in a sea of ​​love and pleasures...

This night the angels will take us to the Garden of Eden, to the seventh heaven of happiness! A night of love, a hot passionate night spent with you will be our little beautiful miracle!

You, like a fairy-tale wizard, enchanted and captivated me with your endless charm! This night we will create our Magic Universe, where our hearts will soar in the rays of cosmic radiance!

My lips touch your neck, your shoulders, your chest... I see this every night, I feel your heated body... Today I will fly to you like a hot southern wind and take you to the sultry lands of passion and love!

Let the sparks of my heart ignite a wild flame in you this night! The fire of our love will burn our hearts, like the sun in a deserted desert!

Feel - my hands gently caress your body, and my lips hotly kiss your naked shoulders, like drops of wax flowing down your tanned skin!

At night, a milky white cloud will descend from the sky and take us to the seventh heaven of happiness and indescribable pleasures!

My love is like sweet honey, my love is like a sultry summer, my love is the embodiment of your strongest, most intimate, most ardent desires!

Tonight, when the city plunges into deep sleep and the world will be shrouded in mysterious silence, we will disturb the universal peace and awaken the entire Galaxy!

I just need to hear your name- my heart will beat faster, my thoughts will float to you, as if they are carried by the stormy current of happy love and romantic experiences!

Our night is like a fire-breathing volcano! We ignite with such passion, with such love, with such fire that the light of our amorous connections illuminates the whole world!

Tonight I will pour you with delicate nectar, sprinkle you with coconut flakes and add a pinch of unquenchable passion - our signature dish of love is ready!

One day I met you, and my heart, covered with eternal cold ice, turned into a bright burning star called Love!

In the morning I opened my eyes and saw you... I saw this bright light, this burning fire, this gentle radiance of the closest and dearest person...

May you have the sweetest, most passionate and hottest dream this night! Take my gentle hand and together we will fly into the world of bliss and pleasures!

This passionate night I will give you the warmth of my body, the light whisper of my gentle breath, the timid touches of my sensual lips...

Sweet dreams to you, my dear, my most beloved man in the world! For your sake, I am ready to run barefoot along broken roads, for your sake, I am ready for any madness, just to feel you next to me!

I will fly to you in a dream on the wings of the night, and together we will plunge into indescribable ecstasy in a world of pleasures!

I constantly think about you, I give you my warmth every day and every night, my fiery crazy love warms you!

This night, beautiful stars will descend from heaven onto our bed, like angels, and unite our loving hearts!

My pure soul is filled with the most beautiful light of your love!

The divine moon will fill the room with light and illuminate our bodies on this unbearably beautiful night!

I'm grateful heavenly angels for uniting our lonely hearts into one! I am grateful to this mysterious, enchanting night for being with you...

My beautiful dream, you are sleeping quietly now. Let the night give colorful pictures that the morning cannot dispel.

Let my baby sleep come like a breath of wind, sit quietly by the bed like a moth on a flower: unobtrusively take him captive.

Sleep quietly, and let the gentle angels wave their large fans, which will drive away worries and fears.

The night is like a glass. And her dream is a crystal in which all his vanity is reflected. The slightest crack will be reflected in the crystal.

Therefore, may your night leave all the hardships of the day behind.

Now sleep will rush in on a golden chariot. Enjoy his generosity and the gifts of his imagination.

I’ll tell you without keeping silent - I always want “this”! I want it on my nightstand and on the couch! Squatting and upside down! And in the cold and summer heat, when the rain pours overhead! And even if it’s very late, I want... to say “Good night!” 1222 (6)

I’m waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you soon. I love you very, very much, hurry up and go to bed, kitten! Sweet dreams! 932 (3)

My heart wishes you good night. And my lips kiss you before bed. Good night darling... 1469

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night! 598 (1)

You're not here, I miss you,
Silent night closes my eyes,
Sleep sweetly and come to me in my dreams,
I will also fall asleep and dream about you! 363 (2)

To the most affectionate, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and Good night! 794

May you have a good dream about me, and if not, I’ll come and throw you out of bed;)! 415 (1)

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully
My soul will come to you
And kiss you tenderly... 645 (3)

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you’re nearby... I love you! 238 (1)

Look out the window, it’s already dark, it’s time for everyone to sleep, close your eyes, I love you - you know that! 107

I'll run the finger of my right hand across my cheek,
I'll run my nails down your back
I want to kiss you endlessly...
Well, is it possible to sleep with such thoughts? 331

Sleep peacefully, sweetly, remember me, close your eyes, I love you - you know. 204

With a quiet step, as in a slow motion movie, the night comes to us through a dark window, regally takes its throne... Soon it will give you the most sweet dream! Good night! 76 (1)

Let Your blanket be warmer than my hands...
Let Your pillow be softer than my lips...
Let Your dreams be brighter than my eyes...
I'm running, I'm running to hit them now! 166

There are stars in the sky, thoughts in my head, tears in my eyes, and in my heart - You... 233

There are many words that I want to say to you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby... you are not nearby! Sweet dreams, I'm thinking about you! 376

I wish you good night, kiss you tenderly, love you and hug you! 104

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one is wonderful
It shines only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The best dream! 148

Good night, my beloved kitten! May you dream of the most beautiful and magical dreams, and even if you and I are together in them! I promise that I will come into your sweet dream, give you the happiest emotions and the hottest kisses, and then when we meet, I will do the same in reality! 566

A bird sleeps in a cage, a fox sleeps in a trap, flies sleep in the web... Sleep, otherwise I’ll kill you with a pillow! 116

My darling, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most tender and restful sleep. May you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your sleep! I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and love you very, very madly!

My beloved, beloved person! I wish you a quiet and peaceful night, tranquility and bliss. May I come to you in your dreams in the form of a beautiful fairy. I will fulfill all your wishes and dreams, I will always be your beloved, friend and faithful assistant! Let the singing of birds remind you of our love, and let the stars give their distant cosmic light! I love you!

I wish you a most pleasant, calm and good night! May your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you the strength to turn every dream into reality!

My sweetie, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it’s time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to be separated even for a minute.

Good night wishes for a man in your own words

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

Good night, my beloved. I wish you to dream of a kind and wonderful dream so that you get a good night's sleep and wake up in in a great mood and with the inspiration of the soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

There is so much I want to tell you, but most of all I want to say thank you for becoming the most beloved and handsome prince of my fairy tale. And I won't trade you for anything magic wands. I believe that you will defeat all the dragons on our way, and in order to achieve victory you need to rest properly. May this night be quiet and peaceful for you. I know we will meet in a dream.

I wish you this evening to be truly good, and the night to be truly calm. May you have the most beautiful and definitely colorful dreams!

There are also good night wishes for your loved one.

Wishing good night to a girl in your own words

My tenderness, my beloved beauty, outside the windows the night has long received its powers, and you are still not sleeping. Leave everything you're doing, dive under a warm blanket in your favorite bed and fall asleep. Good night, my incredible, sophisticated, magnificent one. May you dream exclusively good dreams, which will fill your new day with lightness, brightness and joy. Go to sleep, my girl. I promise that no one and nothing will disturb your peace, as I will take care of it until the morning. I kiss your sweet lips and cute little nose. My love is with you.

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper to you my words about how much I adore, love and appreciate you, and let the stars shower your face with the tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulously, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift!

So the remains of the day burned out, and a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take everything with it anxious thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a peaceful sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

At night, the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world is becoming so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a difficult working day you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. I wish you a good and pleasant night. Let your body, soul and mind rest from the hustle and bustle of the day and fall asleep. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and each bring you a small piece of happiness.

Good night wishes to your beloved in your own words

So the long day, full of events and vivid impressions. Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep- fabulous and unique. Let it be kind and colorful, and in the morning you wake up in a great mood. In the meantime - good night!

Good night, my beloved, gentle, desired and most wonderful. May you dream of an ocean of possibilities, the shores of your cherished desires, an island of hope and our love, fabulous lands of joy and carefree life, and most importantly, I wish you to see in your dreams the key to any clues and the answer to any questions. Sleep sweetly and soundly, wake up with a smile and tender trembling in your soul. Kiss.

Night falls, dark, quiet, calm. Everything around is calming down, calming down, The bustle is behind us, and now it’s time to rest. I wish you, my beloved, good night. May your sleep be sweet and pleasant. Let you dream of a good fairy tale in which you will certainly be a princess, and I will be your prince. I will declare my love to you, and let this declaration continue in the morning, but not in a dream, but in reality. Let the stars guard your sleep and sing a lullaby. Sleep, my joy, sleep, may your rest be peaceful.

Good night, my beloved and beloved. I wish that you dream of an extraordinary miracle, that your dream will take you to the country good fairy tale so that the bright light of the moon and the twinkling of magical stars fill you with new strength and inspiration, so that the night passes calmly and beautifully, so that the morning begins with a smile and luck.

Short SMS wishes for good night and sweet dreams

Good night! Let her bring you only the most beautiful and vivid dreams. May it give you strength and energy for a wonderful day tomorrow.

Let the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

May the God of sleep shower you with white and red poppy petals, intoxicate you with the honey aroma of blooming gardens and take you with him into a sweet sleep full of bliss and tenderness! Sweet dreams my beloved!

Sweet, gentle, glorious, I wish you sweet dreams and good night. Let sleep become a happy time for you to rest and recuperate.

Beautiful and very gentle good night wishes in your own words

Your smile drives me crazy and doesn't let me sleep! They're spinning in my head last words, said by you with such a soft and gentle aspiration... You have some kind of power over me! My most favorite person on this planet, Good night! Yesterday, today, tomorrow I am yours! Kiss you!

My beloved! Let your dream be like a fairy tale, bright, colorful and magical! And in the morning I will wake you up with a gentle kiss, and we will meet a new day together! Have a good and wonderful night!

As soon as you touch me, I shudder, goosebumps run down my back, butterflies flutter in my stomach. Every tip of mine long hair feels the tenderness of your touch! The heart beats more violently, as if it wants to jump out of the chest, the lips freeze in a smile, the eyes sparkle, and there is wild excitement in the soul. What will happen to me when you fall asleep next to me? I look forward to our meetings! Sweet dreams, baby!

I love your hugs and kisses! I would give anything just to be next to you now! I want to feel these exciting touches, listen to your velvety voice, feel light breathing and hear your heartbeat! My tender words for you, baby! May this night be as long as you need to sleep! Sweet dreams!

Any man, regardless of his age, habits, life views, attitudes and upbringing, loves the tenderness and affection that comes from people close to his heart. And even if he doesn’t show it, he just doesn’t want to seem weak and sentimental. A completely understandable male desire, which is not so difficult to explain. So if you decide to please your loved one with tender and nice words, and do it for absolutely no reason, then under no circumstances give up this wonderful idea. After all, who else will please your man if not you yourself.

So, the decision has been made, so now the only thing left to do is to just come up with or choose the appropriate words for it. For our part, we will offer you to take ready-made tender wishes good night to your beloved man on our website. We have worked to ensure that you do not have problems with the choice, and have collected for you large collection for every taste.

Take any of them and give little joys to the person for whom you have such feelings. strong feeling like love. Do it today!

Darling, I wish you:
May the night pass peacefully.
And remember: I'm dreaming again,
That happiness will no longer escape.

The moon is turning white in the dark sky.
Darling, I'll tell you:
Rest peacefully at night,
After all, the days are like a mirage.

Congratulations on mobile

Good night to you, my beloved,
So that the angel of dreams is endlessly guarded,
You only saw pleasant visions,
And joy brought you rest.

I'll dream about you for a minute, maybe
But I won’t disturb your sleep.
So that the dawn comes to you with affection in the morning,
Have a beautiful day and give me the mood!

Good night, darling,
The one and only.
Responsible and reliable,
Caring and careful.

Sociable, smart, brave,
He is skilled in what he loves.
Able to do everything in the world,
You are the only one on the planet.

Close your eyes, good night!
In the dark abyss for millions of years
The stars predict the future for us,
The dawn is dozing somewhere in the distance.

Sleep well, because tomorrow is sure
It will be a delightful, wonderful day -
Will bring good luck, change,
It will take you to a new level!

Good night! Let the moon swing
Illuminating your face with a beautiful light.
And let only silence whisper in your ear,
That I love you, giving you dreams.

I will come to you in a dream, my dear,
To hug and stay close
To give you love, warmth, peace,
Under a bright and wonderful shooting star!

On a dark night, stars on a swing,
They sang funny songs,
Dreams have descended on our land,
They hid quietly behind the window.

Sleep well, let your worries
They disappear from the path of life.
And when sleep quietly goes away,
The sun will bring you morning.

Good night, my beloved,
Good night, dear.
Let it come to you invisible
A slow river of peace.

Let them be beautiful and bright
Dreams come in succession,
By pre-dawn miracles,
Indescribable beauty!

The chains are intertwined between us
They can't be broken
I don't fall asleep with you,
But I want to hug you!

Now I really miss
Love warmth in your eyes,
I wish you good night
And I know we’ll meet in our dreams!

Good night, sweet dreams.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
Even if we're not together
I fall asleep with you.

I fall asleep quietly next to you.
Just nearby and without words,
I tenderly embrace happiness.
Good night, sweet dreams...

Sweet dreams. Go to sleep, my beloved.
I will come to you in the best of dreams.
Amazing, unique
A wonderful dream is ready for you.

There will be a million kisses in it,
It's time for sun and sea...
Good dreams. I'll draw the whole world
For you. Sleep well until the morning.



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