Changes in stool during pregnancy: what to do. Loose stools during pregnancy

Loose stools in pregnant women can occur due to various diseases. To make a final diagnosis, a pregnant woman is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Medical indications

During pregnancy, various problems occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is considered the norm, since the woman’s body is constantly being rebuilt, and the organs begin to work in a new way. Some changes are accompanied by diarrhea.

Loose stools during pregnancy are characterized by the rapid passage of stool through the large intestine. In this case, pregnant women may have foamy, dark, bloody, loose stools.

The condition in question is not an independent disease, since loose stools during pregnancy are considered the body’s response to a malfunction of certain organs.

This phenomenon may also indicate the presence of a certain irritant in the body.

To eliminate loose stools in a woman during pregnancy, it is necessary to identify the primary cause of its occurrence.

Obstetricians-gynecologists identify the following etiology of diarrhea in a pregnant woman:

  • poor nutrition;
  • toxicosis;
  • extensive GP in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • In the last months of pregnancy, the body prepares for the upcoming birth. If loose stools are not accompanied by other dangerous symptoms, then therapy is not required.

Diarrhea in a pregnant woman can be caused by serious illnesses, since during this period the immune system weakens.

Loose stools bother pregnant women for the following reasons:

  • intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • hereditary deficiency of certain substances in the body.

Early onset diarrhea

In the first months of pregnancy, diarrhea appears in the morning. It may be accompanied by signs of toxicosis, including weakness and nausea.

In a similar way, a woman’s body adapts to a new life and hormonal changes.

During the formation of the placenta during the first trimester of pregnancy, the functioning of some systems is disrupted. Similar changes affect the gallbladder and pancreas.

Against this background, gross changes in carbohydrate and protein balance occur.

If pregnant women in the 1st trimester have loose stools once in the morning and do not cause discomfort, therapy is not required.

If, against the background of these changes, a woman’s weight decreases and her general health worsens, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Diarrhea in the last stages

Loose stools in pregnant women, which appear from the 39th week, indicate an imminent birth.

By increasing the excretion of feces, the body tries to remove negative substances, which will ensure the good progress of labor.

Strong and frequent loose stools indicate that labor will occur in the next 24 hours.

If such a clinic is observed 3 weeks before the expected date, gynecologists do not advise considering this condition as a sign of labor. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests.

If loose stools during this period of pregnancy are accompanied by mucus, blood, high fever, abdominal pain, and increased uterine tone, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Such symptoms can provoke premature labor.

Classification of diarrhea

During pregnancy, the following types of diarrhea may occur:

  • acute – duration 2 weeks. This phenomenon is of viral origin. Liquid stool disappears on its own;
  • not passing - lasting longer than 14 days. The reasons for its appearance are a lack of enzymes in the digestive organs, lack of necessary treatment for a virus or bacteria, dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic – lasts longer than a month, and the intestinal walls become inflamed.


If the following symptoms occur during any stage of pregnancy, an urgent consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required, who is seeing a woman in the following position:

  • loose stools bother you more than 5 times a day;
  • Additionally, the patient is worried about weakness, sweating, and pale skin;
  • vomiting appeared;
  • body temperature increased;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • there is blood in the stool;
  • black, loose stools indicate internal bleeding.

To find out the etiology of diarrhea, the patient's medical history is collected before and during pregnancy.

The doctor must be informed about the food consumed the day before. The patient talks in detail about the nature of the stool.

During pregnancy, you can undergo gastro-, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. But these methods are applicable in the early stages of gestation. In later stages, you can do an ultrasound.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a coprogram, undergo bacterial culture and tests for helminths. Using biochemical tests, changes in the balance between acids and alkalis are detected.

Also, this technique reveals abnormalities in liver tests, disorders of the pancreas, and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Self-diagnosis based on the nature of stool

To find out whether the clinic in question is dangerous during pregnancy, the consistency and color of stool is studied.

If it has a black tint, and there are also lumps of uncooked food in it, the woman has dysbacteriosis.

Tar-black stool during pregnancy that smells unpleasant indicates intestinal bleeding.

More often it is localized in the upper parts of the digestive organs. In such cases, it is necessary to hospitalize the woman.

Dark brown stool that has a putrid odor and contains undigested food indicates a clear malfunction of the pancreas.

In such cases, defecation is observed in the morning or 30 minutes after eating.

Gray-white feces during pregnancy indicate liver and bladder diseases.

If at the same time the temperature has risen, even to a febrile level, and the apples in the eyes have additionally darkened (to a light yellow tint), a full examination is required.

Such a clinic indicates hepatitis. This disease is very dangerous during pregnancy for the woman and the fetus. In this case, the outcome of the disease does not depend on the etiology. Most often, with jaundice, pregnancy is terminated.

Frequent loose bowel movements with light yellow or gray feces indicate enteritis, amyloidosis, and scleroderma.

With such diarrhea, the smell of rancid fat appears. This condition is characterized by inability to digest fats and carbohydrates. The fetus does not develop a skeletal system.

Dyspepsia is classified into 2 types:

  • putrefactive – when food stagnates in the intestines and is not digested;
  • fermentative – an increase in the frequency of bowel movements against the background of accelerated metabolism.

All of the above conditions during pregnancy require medication. They can be prescribed by a doctor only after examining the patient.

Taking medications on your own during pregnancy is prohibited. This may have a negative effect on the fetus.

Particular attention should be paid to diarrhea, which occurs with fever, vomiting, and bloody feces. This condition is associated with infection of the female body, which requires hospitalization.

Carrying out therapy

If you have diarrhea, you need to avoid fatty, spicy, strong broths. The basis of nutrition is oatmeal and rice porridge.

The doctor may add certain medications to the nutritional correction:

  • Activated black charcoal – effectively and quickly removes toxins accumulated in the intestines, without interfering with the development of the fetus;
  • Smecta - promotes the production of mucus in the intestines, which envelops its microflora, removing microbes naturally. The drug cannot cross the placenta;
  • Enterosgel – promotes the evacuation of bacteria and toxins from the intestines, while preventing their absorption into the CS. Taking it improves the functioning of the stomach, kidneys and liver. At the same time, Enterosgel protects the intestines from the inflammatory process and the appearance of erosions;
  • Regidron - prevents the process of dehydration, normalizing water and electrolyte balance, effectively combats acidosis.

Preventive techniques

To prevent the occurrence of intestinal disorders, it is recommended to follow the preventive advice of gynecologists.

The expectant mother needs to eat only high-quality products and refuse to visit public catering establishments.

The main thing is to maintain personal hygiene and avoid stressful situations. Diarrhea in any trimester is a serious test for an expectant mother.

In order not to jeopardize your health and the condition of the baby, it is recommended to control your diet throughout all months of pregnancy, and at the first symptoms of diarrhea, seek gynecological help.

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Women in an interesting position are very sensitive and attentive to their own health. And such a nuisance as loose stool becomes a serious cause for alarm. After all, diarrhea in pregnant women can be a sign of a serious illness. What symptoms are considered alarming, and when should you see a doctor?


Signs of diarrhea during pregnancy may include:

  • emptying the rectum more than 4 times a day;
  • liquid stool, which may contain foam or blood;
  • specific smell of feces;
  • stomach ache;
  • flatulence.


Loose stools during pregnancy are differentiated by the duration of symptoms:

  • Acute diarrhea - lasts about 2 weeks, its nature is most often viral. Such diarrhea goes away on its own after the body defeats the virus. There are acute intestinal disorders of bacterial origin.
  • Persistent diarrhea lasts more than 2 weeks.
  • Chronic diarrhea: symptoms persist unchanged for more than a month and are often associated with inflammation of the walls of the small or large intestine.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy and in later stages can be caused by the following reasons:

If the diarrhea was caused by eating some food and happened once or twice, there is no need to worry. Also, diarrhea provoked by nervous experiences should not cause concern. Everything will go away after the woman’s well-being stabilizes and she takes a sedative (to prescribe sedatives, you must consult a doctor). When is it necessary to consult your doctor for advice?

  • if diarrhea was more than 5 times a day;
  • if diarrhea is accompanied by weakness, sweating and pallor;
  • if diarrhea was accompanied by vomiting;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • with sharp painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • when there were streaks of blood in the stool;
  • with nausea accompanying frequent diarrhea;
  • when the color of the stool changes to dark (may be a symptom of internal bleeding) or light (a sign of hepatitis).

What are the dangers of diarrhea?

Frequent and profuse diarrhea is especially dangerous during pregnancy in the early stages and at the end of the third trimester (35 - 39 weeks):

  1. Dehydration of the body of the expectant mother, removal of vitamins and beneficial microelements along with the liquid.
  2. Potential threat of spontaneous abortion (intestinal contractions can provoke uterine contractions).
  3. Intoxication of the mother's body and the danger of abnormal development of the fetus.

Treatment at home

If diarrhea during pregnancy was not accompanied by the above dangerous symptoms, it can be treated at home, after consulting with your doctor:

  1. Hydration is the most important thing for diarrhea. It is important to drink as much fluid as possible. The most common water, herbal decoctions, infusion of rose hips, and strong black tea will do. You can prepare a Regidron solution or make a saline solution yourself.
  2. Follow a diet so that the stomach and intestines rest and unload: eat low-fat fermented milk products (especially natural yoghurts without additives - they contain beneficial bifidobacteria), water porridge, white bread crackers. You are allowed to drink strong black tea and water. Chicken, meat, butter, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be eaten without heat treatment.
  3. Drug treatment should always be discussed with a doctor. It is unacceptable to take medications during pregnancy without the approval of a doctor - this can cause serious harm to the baby.

Prevention of diarrhea

During pregnancy, you should follow some rules to maintain your own health and the well-being of your unborn baby:

  1. It is unacceptable to eat expired food, products with damaged packaging, or foods that cause concern.
  2. It is better not to eat food with an unpleasant taste and smell.
  3. Maintain good hygiene (wash hands before eating, wash fresh fruits and vegetables).
  4. Women who are predisposed to diarrhea should take the following diet as a basis for nutrition during pregnancy:
  • You can safely eat bananas, apples (preferably baked), dried bread made from wheat flour, rice and rice porridge with water, boiled or baked vegetables, noodles and pasta, lean meat and poultry, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, kefir;
  • eat in small portions, always with water for better absorption;
  • stay away from spices, smoked meats, fatty foods, pickled vegetables, milk and dried fruits.

Diarrhea during pregnancy can be dangerous to the life and health of both mother and baby. Therefore, at the first signs of diarrhea, you should consult your doctor for advice and prescribe medication, if necessary.

Loose stools in pregnant women are a common pathology that can develop as a physiological condition, and can also be a sign of a disease that requires serious treatment. Changes in the consistency and color of stool should always attract attention, as this can be a serious pathology. Statistics show that problems with the gastrointestinal tract in women during pregnancy come to the fore in the first trimester and take second place in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is necessary to promptly diagnose any changes in the health of a pregnant woman that pose a threat to the unborn baby.

ICD-10 code

A09 Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of suspected infectious origin

Causes of loose stools in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life when all organs and systems work differently. At this moment, the body is rebuilt to provide another circle of blood circulation and this can affect all organs. This is due to the formation and functioning of the placenta as a place for the development of the child. During the period of placenta formation, there is still no clear boundary that would allow separating all processes, so a woman may be bothered by various problems in the form of early toxicosis, which lasts throughout the first trimester of pregnancy and corresponds to the period of placenta formation. It is in the first trimester that a woman is bothered by problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. In this case, very often there is a change in the nature and color of feces, which occurs under the influence of hormones and normally does not require any action. But it is necessary to distinguish such a normal state from pathological symptoms and differentiate, first of all, the causes of the development of this condition.

First, you need to define the concept of loose stool - a stool that is characterized by three or more episodes of liquid stool during the day.

The reasons for the development of loose stools in pregnant women can be divided into those that are normal and those that require careful diagnosis.

The appearance of loose stools due to the consumption of certain foods is often considered the norm. During pregnancy, a huge amount of hormones, hormone-like substances and biologically active substances are released, which can enhance not only intestinal motility, but also increase the sensitivity of the nervous apparatus of the mucous membrane to the action of certain foods. At the same time, food products that a woman previously consumed without any problems can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and increase motility or secretion with manifestations of loose stools. Such food products can be dairy products, salty foods, oatmeal, prunes, plums, beets, watermelon. All of these foods can cause loose stools in pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to analyze the diet of a pregnant woman and make a correction; if the consistency of the stool becomes normal, then the problem is solved and there is no need to worry. Moreover, if such a change in stool is not accompanied by any other symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract or intoxication manifestations.

Very often, loose stools occur during pregnancy after using medications. Such drugs can cause both increased motility, and some components can be osmotically active substances and stimulate a hyperkinetic type of diarrhea. Most often this happens in the case of the use of vitamins and multivitamin complexes.

There is another reason for diarrhea when taking medications - this is the development of dysbiosis in the case of antibiotic therapy. If a woman takes an antibiotic for some reason, then a violation of the symbiosis of normal microflora very often develops. This is also due to the state of relative immunosuppression that a pregnant woman has, which inhibits normal flora and increases the activity of opportunistic intestinal flora. In this case, loose stools are very often observed as a manifestation of this condition.

The reasons that can often lead to loose stools during pregnancy and which must be taken into account and sought help are infectious diseases of the intestine of an inflammatory nature. In this case, the causative agent can be either a bacteria or a virus. Among the most common causes of bacterial diarrhea are intestinal yersiniosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, pseudotuberculosis, and escherichiosis. Among the viruses, diarrhea caused by enteroviruses of various types, as well as rotavirus infection, are more common. These diarrheas have distinctive features, but they are united by the symptom of loose stools, which during pregnancy can become a dangerous condition due to dehydration.

Therefore, it is very important to promptly diagnose the infectious causes of loose stools in pregnant women and promptly begin treatment to prevent complications.


The pathogenesis of the development of loose stools in pregnant women when consuming food is that some foods simply increase intestinal motility by contracting intestinal smooth muscle fibers. Some foods or medications act in a different way: they have components that stimulate the release of secretions into the intestinal cavity and thus, due to swelling, increased excretion of these products occurs.

Infectious diarrhea also has several pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of loose stools. Some bacteria penetrate the intestinal wall, destroy its structures, and cause an intense inflammatory process, which is accompanied by all the symptoms of inflammation - swelling occurs, disruption of the intestinal barrier function and increased secretion, which contributes to the formation of loose stools. Some viruses and bacteria act as secretory diarrhea - they increase the level of substances that attract water and, increasing the volume of fluid in the intestinal cavity, they cause diarrhea.

you need to clearly understand when loose stools in pregnant women signal danger, and when it is simply a manifestation of dietary features.

Symptoms of loose stools in pregnant women

Various symptoms from the digestive system of a pregnant woman may indicate certain pathologies. The nature of the stool, its consistency, color, quantity - all this is an indicator of the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. Therefore, loose stools in pregnant women may be one of the symptoms of the disease. It is also necessary to distinguish the time of onset of diarrhea. Loose stools in pregnant women in the early stages can develop due to early gestosis. In this case, diarrhea occurs together with nausea, vomiting and is one of the normal manifestations that does not require special etiological treatment. Loose stools in pregnant women in later stages are a more dangerous symptom, as it makes one think about a possible infectious cause.

If loose stools in pregnant women are a manifestation of an intestinal infection, then in this case the symptoms of changes in stool will be accompanied by other clinical signs. In this case, there will be abdominal pain of a spasmodic or constant nature, symptoms of intoxication in the form of increased body temperature, chills, headache, and nausea and vomiting are also possible. All these clinical signs indicate an intestinal infection, which requires urgent comprehensive treatment using antibacterial agents. At the same time, loose stool has its own characteristics depending on the pathogen - it can have different characteristics in the form of pasty, watery, mucous, and can also have a different color - from green to black. All of these features are diagnostic signs of certain infections.

Intestinal infection is often accompanied by symptoms of intoxication and dehydration. In this case, dry skin and mucous membranes develop, intoxication manifestations in the form of increased body temperature, exhaustion, dizziness, fatigue, and headache. All these symptoms require careful attention and diagnosis due to their possible infectious nature.

Complications and consequences

The main complications that can occur with diarrhea in a pregnant woman are not only the impact on her condition, but also the impact on the child. Any toxins in a woman’s body are potentially dangerous for the child, since they penetrate into the blood, from where they reach the child. The main complications of loose stools that occur most often are severe dehydration. In this case, the blood supply to all organs is disrupted due to thickening of the blood, including the placenta, which is accompanied by oxygen starvation of the child.

Complications of loose stools are possible if they are caused by an intestinal infection. In this case, intestinal bleeding, anal prolapse, intestinal obstruction, and intussusception may develop. These consequences occur rarely due to timely and adequate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of loose stools in pregnant women

Diagnosis of loose stools in pregnant women should be perceived from the very beginning as a serious phenomenon that requires the exclusion of acute intestinal infection.

It is very important to find out all the detailed data and carefully collect anamnesis, then this is the key to a possible diagnosis. When a pregnant woman contacts, it is necessary to clarify the duration of pregnancy, the presence of gestosis, and anamnestic data regarding diseases of the digestive system. If diarrhea in early pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, then this may be a manifestation of early gestosis. It is necessary to detail the complaints and find out how many times loose stools were observed, whether there was a change in color, its consistency, as well as the presence of nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It is necessary to find out the details of the pregnant woman’s diet and the use of medications that could affect the nature of the stool. Sometimes only at this stage it is possible to find out the cause of loose stools and no additional diagnostic methods are required. But if there is any suspicion of an intestinal infection, then additional research methods must be carried out.

The tests that must be taken during pregnancy are general clinical ones - a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, and a stool test. Stool analysis should be carried out with a bacterial examination and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. If it is not possible to identify the type of pathogen, then an accurate diagnostic method is the polymerase chain reaction. This method allows you to detect the DNA of a bacteria or virus. This also allows for an accurate diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of loose stools in pregnant women must be carried out primarily between intestinal infections and a normal phenomenon during pregnancy due to the use of foods or medications. An intestinal infection or foodborne toxic infection is accompanied not only by loose stools, but also by other gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as intoxication syndrome. In case of an intestinal infection, there will be characteristic blood tests, coprograms, as well as a general condition.

In the case of loose stools, as a manifestation of dietary characteristics, the general condition does not change. If loose stools in pregnant women are not accompanied by an increase in frequency or do not affect the general condition, then this is a normal phenomenon, provoked by hormonal changes.

Treatment of loose stools in pregnant women

Intensive treatment of loose stools in pregnant women is necessary only if it is a pathological symptom and the etiology of the disease is confirmed. In treatment, medications and non-drug methods are used - traditional methods and homeopathy. It is very important to adhere to the diet and diet during acute intestinal infection, especially if loose stools have other manifestations.

A pregnant woman's regimen should exclude excessive stress, but at the same time it is necessary to have minimal physical activity. If the etiology of an intestinal infection is confirmed, then it is necessary to adhere to bed rest for the acute period.

It is very important to maintain an adequate drinking regime with control of incoming and outgoing fluids. It is necessary to take into account pathological losses not only with loose stools, but also with vomiting, sweating and diuresis. Therefore, you need to drink a lot of alkaline liquids in non-carbonated form. Mineral water is recommended - “Borjomi”, “Luzhanskaya”, “Polyana Kvasovaya” without gas. It is very important to monitor the degree of dehydration and the condition of the child and amniotic fluid.

Since the processes of normal etching, absorption and evacuation function are disrupted, it is necessary to adhere to the following diet:

  • The caloric content of food should be the lowest, without complex saturated fats and with limited dietary fiber, since they stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is better to take food boiled, warm, not hot or cold, as this is an additional burden on the digestive tract. You can eat water soups with any grain except buckwheat, without fat, meat or fish.
  • Sour, salty, smoked foods should be completely excluded. Potatoes can be boiled as mashed potatoes in water or baked potatoes in the shell.
  • It is necessary to exclude “simple” carbohydrates - sweets, buns, cookies, candies. Fresh white bread should also be excluded, as it tends to form adhesions in the intestines. It is recommended to eat rolls, diet cookies, and loaf croutons.
  • The diet must be replenished with complex carbohydrates; the ideal option is oatmeal, which has an enveloping effect, as well as all water porridges, except buckwheat.
  • Dairy products should be excluded in the acute period, as they cause fermentation.
  • It is necessary to exclude sweet fruits and fruit juices in the acute period with severe diarrhea.

These are the basic principles of dietary nutrition, which are a mandatory component of the complex treatment of loose stools in pregnant women.

In the case of a proven intestinal infection of bacterial etiology, complex treatment using an antibiotic, probiotic and sorbent is mandatory. But drug treatment has its limitations, since many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy. When prescribing antibiotics, preference should be given to those drugs that do not affect the fetus. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the child’s condition and be ready to take measures if complications arise.

If a woman has experienced severe vomiting and diarrhea, then it is necessary to replenish the water balance orally, which is pathogenetically an important stage of treatment, and also in the case of intestinal bleeding, it will replenish the volume of circulating blood. It is also necessary to carry out infusion therapy in a volume that will replenish all pathological losses.

In the case of a proven infectious genesis of liquid feces, a necessary component of treatment is the prescription of antibiotics, but given the possible negative effect on the fetus, it is necessary to choose the type and dose. In pregnant women with loose stools, intestinal antiseptics of the nitrofuran series, as well as antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group, should not be prescribed, since they have a pronounced effect on the development of the fetus. Preference is given to antibiotics of the cephalosporin group, which are relatively safe due to the lack of proven harmful effects on the child. Therefore, for bacterial intestinal lesions in pregnant women, cephalosporins are the drug of choice.

Cefepime– a beta-lactam antibiotic from the group of 4th generation cephalosporins, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, that is, it covers a huge spectrum of microbes. Available in the form of powder for injection, 1 gram. The drug is used in a dose of 1 gram per day, administered intramuscularly or intravenously at intervals of 12 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Contraindications to use are allergic reactions to penicillins or other beta-lactam antibiotics.

No negative effects on the fetus were detected during pregnancy. Side effects are possible from the gastrointestinal tract, allergic manifestations, reactions of the nervous system in the form of headache, drowsiness, dizziness.

Antibacterial therapy for colitis during pregnancy should be carried out with strict monitoring of the condition of the mother and fetus. It is important to test antibiotic sensitivity before prescribing therapy and then be guided by the results obtained.

Today there are a huge number of sorbents, but some of them are preferred due to the possibility of taking them during pregnancy. Loose stools of any origin are accompanied by a violation of the intestinal excretory function and the accumulation of a huge amount of toxins and metabolic products, so the use of sorbents allows you to cleanse the intestines and restore normal flora.

Smecta– a sorbent of natural origin that is capable of adsorbing viruses and bacteria, and also has a protective effect by stabilizing the mucous-bicarbonate barrier and increasing the amount of mucus. The drug reduces the symptoms of bloating and heartburn.

Available in 3 gram bags.

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation, since it is not absorbed but is excreted unchanged. Side effects are rare, allergic reactions may occur. The drug is contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to it. Precautions - It should be taken at least 2 hours apart from other medications as it reduces their absorption.

Dosage – 3 grams of the substance (one sachet) must be diluted in half a glass of warm water and taken 3 times a day, course – 5-7 days.

During treatment with antibiotics, as well as taking into account the disruption of the normal intestinal biocenosis during diarrhea in pregnant women, it is necessary to prescribe probiotics as part of complex therapy.

Linux– a drug that contains lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria and helps normalize the intestinal flora and, in addition, has an antidiarrheal effect. Available in the form of 1 gram capsules. The drug has no significant side effects and can be used during pregnancy. Dosage – 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals, the course of treatment for colitis is at least three days.

Antispasmodic drugs are most often used as an anesthetic, which can further reduce the tone of the uterus.

No-shpa (Drotaverine)– an antispasmodic drug widely used in surgery and gynecology. It is available in tablets in a dosage of 40 milligrams, as well as in ampoules in the same dose of 2 milliliters. Side effects of the drug are tachycardia, a feeling of a rush of heat to the face, increased sweating, dizziness, allergic reactions. No significant harm to the fetus is detected, since the drug does not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier. Contraindications for use are closed-cut glaucoma, prostate hyperplasia. The drug is used for colitis in a pregnant woman to relieve intestinal spasms during pain. Dosage – 40 mg per dose. Can be taken as a tablet, but it is better to inject it in the same dose, no more than 3 times a day.

It is better not to take vitamin therapy in the acute period of diarrhea.

Surgical treatment of diarrhea is possible in extreme cases when complications occur in the form of intestinal bleeding, intussusception and obstruction. Such complications occur very rarely.

Alternative treatment for loose stools in pregnant women

Traditional methods of treating diarrhea are widely used by expectant mothers due to minimal harm to the child. There are many treatment methods using herbs, folk remedies and homeopathic medicines. The main effect of such treatment is the restoration of water and electrolyte balance, a bactericidal and restorative effect.

Basic methods of traditional treatment:

  • Propolis tincture reduces inflammation of the intestinal wall, promotes epithelial regeneration and has a bactericidal effect. To prepare the tincture, 10 grams of propolis should be boiled in boiled water for about 20 minutes, this solution should be infused for at least an hour, after which it should be applied orally, a tablespoon 2 times a day.
  • The use of a natural remedy - mumiyo - is widespread in the treatment of diarrhea, especially during pregnancy. This substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic effect. To prepare the product, you need to dissolve 100 milligrams of mumiyo in a tablespoon of water and take it orally 2 times a day for seven days. Such a solution can inhibit normal intestinal microflora, so it is necessary to take probiotics.
  • Starch tincture, which is prepared from one tablespoon of starch dissolved in a glass of warm water, helps normalize the consistency of stool and is a good antidiarrheal agent.
  • Herbal treatment also has its advantages, since herbal medicine, in addition to local action, has a general calming effect, and it also replenishes the body after severe dehydration.
  • An infusion of rose hips, which is boiled for five to ten minutes in hot water, replenishes the water balance and helps normalize liver function, which enhances its antitoxic function.
  • Chamomile infusion, which is prepared from three tablespoons of chamomile leaves, which are brewed in a liter of boiled water. Before taking, add a spoonful of honey and take it as often as possible in the acute period, at least a liter per day.
  • Raspberry leaves and raspberry juice are boiled in water and a sour compote is made, which is taken randomly in the acute period for rehydration.

Homeopathic remedies:

  • Nux vomica-Homaccord is a combined homeopathic medicine that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa. Available in drops, dosage – 10 drops per tablespoon of water 3 times a day. Side effects in the form of an allergic rash.
  • Mucosa compositum is a homeopathic remedy that has a regenerative, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug also has a mucolytic effect and is able to enhance intestinal motility. Available in the form of an injection solution in a dose of 2.2 ml. Dosage – 2.2 ml intramuscularly or subcutaneously, for acute conditions once a day, and for chronic colitis once a week. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy; side effects may include allergic reactions.
  • Traumeel S is a complex homeopathic remedy that is available in the form of tablets and injections. Has anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. Dosage in the acute period - 1 ampoule of 2.2 ml per day, later or for chronic colitis, take 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Viburkol is a homeopathic drug that has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and sedative effect. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. Use one suppository 2-3 times a day. Can be taken during pregnancy, side effects are not common in the form of allergic reactions. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug.



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