Intelligence map of political systems. Buzan mental maps - an associative method of activating thinking

An interesting question: at what point did a person begin to think? The greatest scientists, perhaps, will not be able to give an exact answer to this question. But today, people’s thinking processes, the order of constructing logical chains, and an approximate diagram of how the brain works have already been perfectly studied.

This allows you to manage your thought process with the greatest efficiency if you use your brain correctly using modern programs, for example, mind maps.

More than one scientific work touches on the topic of the psychology of thinking; many techniques were developed at the threshold of the 20th century by eminent luminaries in the field of psychology and biology. One of these scientists is recognized by the world community as Tony Buzan, an English professor who has written more than 100 books on psychology and thinking methods. The scientist paid great attention to methods of memorization, thanks to which he received many prestigious titles. As proof that his theories work, he set a world record for memorizing vast amounts of information.

The results of Tony Buzan's work were the creation of mind maps - i.e. effective way of thinking, remembering, solving various problems, written down on paper. Using the mind mapping method, you can teach yourself not only to think effectively, but also to make adjustments to your thought processes, sort ideas into shelves, and build the right logical chain

Reflecting thoughts on paper allows a person to clearly see the thinking process- this is an important factor, because People perceive most information visually.

In order for intelligence maps to work as required, the following parameters must be taken into account when compiling them:

Use emphasis when constructing (additional highlighting of important elements):

  • The main image should be located in the center;
  • The use of graphic images is mandatory;
  • Feel free to paint with different colors, use at least three shades for one drawing;
  • Draw three-dimensional images so that the volume is visible;
  • The size of the font, letters, writing style, line shapes - all this should be different, the creation of a diagram should not be done according to typology;
  • The elements should be located at the optimal distance relative to each other so that when looking at the drawing your thoughts are not confused.

Try to associate elements:

  • To reflect the relationship between the elements of the diagram, draw arrows;
  • Remember to use different colors for association, for example: nature is associated with green, new technologies with gray, laws with blue;
  • For association, when building mind maps, use coding.

Try to express your thoughts on paper clearly and clearly:

  • Each keyword is assigned only one, its own line;
  • Do not write ornate letters with various complex elements for the future diagram - they can get confused with each other, and writing such letters takes time. It is best to write in regular printed characters;
  • Keywords are placed directly above the lines that correspond to them. At the same time, the length of the line should not be more than the keyword in order to maintain the thread of thought;
  • The main lines on the mind map should intersect in one place, preferably in the center, and they should be drawn with thick, smooth strokes;
  • Do not use complex drawings with a large number of elements, this makes it difficult to perceive;
  • When writing, place the words only horizontally, otherwise you will have to turn the paper over or turn your head - this interferes with the concentration of thought and prevents you from seeing the “whole situation.”

Where can I find examples?

It is necessary to maintain hierarchy and consistency using the mind map method, otherwise all efforts can be considered meaningless. You should end up with a drawing in the center of which the main element will be located, reflecting the goal of thinking, and around it, connected by lines, there will be interconnected elements. You can build such schemes yourself by taking a piece of paper, as well as in other ways, fortunately it’s the 21st century!

To create mind maps, you can use programs for both computers and mobile devices. On the World Wide Web you can easily find a program that is used to create mind maps. Such a program is distributed either on a paid basis or free of charge. And if you don’t want to install any software on your hard drive, then you can find resources that allow you to create mind maps on the Internet, or, as it is also called, online.

Creating a mind map in a special program:

Having decided to use the mind mapping method for the first time and simply reading on the Internet what it is, it is quite difficult to correctly draw the required diagram. Therefore, don’t be lazy to look at examples of work on how to draw intelligence maps correctly.

The best example can only be set by the original source, and therefore, contacting the author directly is the best decision. Tony Buzan's textbooks provide a lot of examples of how mind maps are created, how to use them, which associations are best suited for work, and which ones to exclude. Finding books by Tony Buzan on the Internet will not be difficult, fortunately, he is the author of many scientific works.

If you decide to seriously train your memory, your thinking abilities, then start by studying the books of this author, and after that, you can try to draw diagrams, mind maps and try to apply similar methods to solve everyday, life problems.

Yuri Okunev School

Greetings to you, friends! Planning time, studying, solving complex problems, making decisions - all this is not easy. Therefore, smart people are developing auxiliary techniques designed to systematize these processes. One such tool is a mind map. Read on to find out why it is needed and how to draw up an intelligence map correctly.

The concept of a map was introduced by the famous British psychologist, lecturer, author of numerous works on the topic of improving memory and enhancing thinking capabilities, Tony Buzan. His works are known all over the world and are very popular. The finished product is a sheet of paper on which information is applied taking into account the rules for compiling mind maps.

Interestingly, the scientist himself was the first to use this technique to work with poorly performing students. For active learning methods, the mind map is still one of the main tools today. It motivates, stimulates logical, spatial thinking, develops imagination and creativity.

Its main function is effective visualization, systematization of even the most complex multi-level data, decomposition into simple, understandable components. This, in turn, makes it possible to use the entire creative and mental potential of a person in the analysis, avoiding confusion and loss of important aspects.

Goals of building mind maps:

  • Planning. For example, if you need to understand which tasks and in what sequence should be solved to achieve a goal. Or when you need to prepare for a wedding and organize an event, not forgetting about a bunch of small nuances.
  • Memorization various things. In particular, business lists for the day, a shopping list, or the principle of preparing a delicious but incredibly complex dish.
  • Education. Using the technique, you can very easily, in detail, visually, but at the same time simply display, for example, some data on history or biology. The sequence of events of the Cuban missile crisis or the principle of operation of the digestive system. Also, using the technique, you can take notes based on the results of reading a book or lecture. You can draw up a work plan for a coursework or diploma project.
  • Brainstorm. If you need to develop a design project, find a way out of a difficult situation. What ideas does anyone have? What points to consider? What should I check with the customer? Mind map technology will help you not to forget about anything.
  • Making decisions. You have some complex problem. Before making a final decision on the problem that is tormenting you, write down all the pros and cons on paper and analyze them.
  • Presentation. It will be much easier to present basic information on the project to the investor using ordinary Whatman paper and a couple of markers.

Universal technology of mind cards

The bottom line is that a key element corresponding to the theme of the card is first placed in the center of the sheet of paper. If this is a vacation plan, then you can draw an island in the ocean with palm trees. If opening a textile store, then a roll of fabric. Examples of mind maps can be found online.

Further, clockwise, starting from the upper right corner, information is applied to systematize all the data on the topic under consideration. This is a basic rule that will allow even a stranger to quickly understand how to read a map. If you need to find a solution to a problem, then the following questions should be arranged clockwise in strict sequence:

  • When?
  • Why?

This way you will make the presentation not just colorful and interesting, but truly understandable, informative, and therefore useful.

Mind Mapping Software

Do you prefer working with gadgets? Numerous applications have been developed especially for you that allow you to do this type of visualization on smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

Utilities can be either paid or partially free, meaning that without payment you will only have access to a limited set of functions. There are also completely free programs, but they usually involve working online, which will not be convenient for everyone.

I will list some popular applications:

  • iMind Map (developed by Tony Buzan himself).
  • FreeMind.
  • Сoggle
  • The Personal Brain.
  • MindManager
  • XMind

My experience

I was introduced to the mind mapping technique in 2004. And since then I have been actively using it.

Types of tasks that mind maps help with:

  • Reflections
    • New ideas with all the accompanying thoughts.
    • Searching of decisions

  • Development of the structure of trainings, seminars, documents.

  • Abstracts of books, articles, seminars.

Today, there are about 500 files in my mindmap folder.

I use it, I’m happy and I recommend it to you.

I will tell you even more information on effective methods of competent planning on my page. There we will also work them out in practice. You can sign up right now.

And if you still have questions, I invite you to an individual consultation. Details.

If you have any questions, tell us about them in the comments to the article. I will definitely answer everyone! There is still a lot of new and interesting things ahead. Subscribe so you don't miss anything. All the best! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Hi all! Today I will tell you about mind maps. I first met them during a training session.

To gain access to a new lesson, homework was required. And one of the points was to draw up a mind map of the lesson completed.

At first I thought it was pointless. But after making a few cards, I realized how brilliant this method is.

Now, in order to remember some points of the lesson, there is no point in watching it again. Just look at the map and everything you need will immediately come to mind. It's really cool!

But let's talk about everything in order. I'll tell you what, why and how.

What are mind maps

A mind map (mental map, mind map, mind map, associative map, mind map) is a graphical way to present ideas, concepts, information in the form of a map consisting of key and secondary topics. That is, it is a tool for structuring ideas.

Map structure:

  • Central idea: question, subject of study, purpose;
  • Key topics: structure, headings;
  • Subtopics: detailing key topics.

To create mind maps, keywords, pictures, and symbols are used. But, as they say, it’s better to see once. Therefore, I offer several examples of mind maps:

Examples of mind maps

There are many ways to create maps, both simple and complex.

One of the blog articles is dedicated to the 6 hats method. If you haven't read it yet, then you should.

And a couple more examples:

Use both sides of your brain

Why are mind maps better than traditional notes?

This method, created by Tony Buzan, is taught to young Finnish schoolchildren. And Finland has the best academic performance among European countries.

This way of taking notes is playful, fun and enjoyable to use. Simply listing a few keywords and then organizing them logically can generate new ideas and also encourage more employee engagement during meetings.

Research by Tony Buzan (a cognitive scientist) emphasizes the dominant role of the left hemisphere, both in school and in society at large, to the detriment of the right hemisphere.

The left hemisphere is responsible for words, the hierarchy of ideas, numbers, while the right is associated with creativity, it controls space, analyzes information through colors and rhythms.

In a nutshell, the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right is responsible for creativity.

When taking regular notes, you use only the left hemisphere, but when creating mind maps, you use both hemispheres.

A mind map combines text with images. A parallel can be drawn with the difference between and a film: it is easier to remember a film, since it consists of images and sounds.

If you want to learn more about mind maps and increase your productivity with them, then this is the place for you.

Scope of application

Cards can be used for:

  • memorizing the contents of books and courses,
  • taking notes,
  • searching for new ideas,
  • solving complex problems,
  • memorizing speeches,
  • structuring ideas,
  • memorizing movies,
  • for memory training
  • to develop creative abilities,
  • for organizing events,
  • to start the project.

If you are a blogger, then you can use cards when creating a course or e-book, to write down new ideas for articles, to draw up a plan for working on a blog, to give a presentation.

You can also use the mind map as a sign-up bonus. In addition, you can create a map to remember the main ideas from.

How to make a mind map

To create a map you will need a sheet of paper, pencils or colored pens. At the same time, take your mind off the computer.

You always start from the center of the page. This is the heart of your mental map. You can write a word that symbolizes your problem, such as “vacation 2015,” or draw a picture that symbolizes it.

Do you need to be good at drawing to create a map? No! This is a misconception. You create a mind map for you. The main thing is that you can recognize what is drawn!

Around the central idea you note key themes. Use colors!

Your brain loves colors and will remember information better! Use only one word per topic!

You need to write not sentences, but concepts, keywords! Draw more, a small picture is worth a thousand words! Sometimes you can even replace words entirely with pictures.

For example, instead of writing “phone call,” you can draw a phone, your brain will remember the image better.

Perhaps the first map will not be perfect, but over time you will become a master in this matter. By the way, this method can be used to create .

Creating a mind map is a fun task, but you should set aside a certain time limit for this activity in advance, otherwise you may spend more time than necessary and add unnecessary elements to the map.

If you think that you are not capable of drawing, then this is not a problem. There are special services with which you can create a mind map online for free in no time.

I talk about one of them in the video.

“Mental map... Esoteric again?” - I thought when I first read this title more than six months ago. Then I got into it and tried to draw my plans for the week in this format. It turned out surprisingly easy and interesting.
Here I could write that since then I began to use cards constantly, but this is not so. I forgot about them. And I remembered only in August, when I was planning a vacation trip. That's what came out of it.

What are mind maps
Several months passed after the first meeting with the cards. I planned my time: the Pomodoro timer rang, the Eisenhower Matrix worked, the calendar was filled with activities and painted in different colors. But I had the feeling that there was some other cool method, but I couldn’t remember it.

And suddenly, having accidentally stumbled upon a review of services for mind maps, I realized what tool I was missing. The puzzle came together and away we go - a map for going to the store, for planning life goals, for work. Maps, maps, maps...They were blue and multi-colored, in mindmaps and on album sheets. Now the euphoria has subsided, and I use them more soberly. I'll tell you how and when.

Mind maps and me
These gizmos are effective where you need to sketch out a general vision of the situation and detail it step by step. With the help of maps, my colleagues create semantic cores, design a site map, conduct marketing research, generate ideas, prepare for presentations, organize events, plan a budget and simply make a to-do list for the week.

Where can I use the cards?

1. Working with information (presentations, speeches)

What am I doing
Using cards I collect information and sort it. What I know about the subject: properties, disadvantages, features, use - all this easily fits into the mind map scheme.

What should you do
Replace a boring lecture with a simple presentation and you will capture the audience's attention. Replace it with an interesting presentation and you will also win the respect of your audience.

2. Learning and remembering

What am I doing
The same as in the previous paragraph: I highlight the main issue, put it into sections. A huge plus of cards is that you can complete the drawings of branches if a new thought suddenly comes to mind. That's why I always draw with reserve. I’m not very friendly with services yet; I prefer a snow-white sheet of paper and colored markers.

What should you do
Create notes for lectures or books, write various texts (coursework, dissertations, articles), analyze the text. You can use detailed maps (1 map - 1 question), you can write down basic schemes.
By the way, most of you have seen something like mind maps in textbooks - these are flowcharts of the main questions of the course.

3. Brainstorming.

What am I doing
I come up with ideas (what to give for a holiday), solve problems (where to find time to study) - this is how cards help with brainstorming. I can draw cards alone or with colleagues, in any case it is effective.

What should you do
Maps for brainstorming are drawn as usual. In the center is the problem, large branches are solutions, small branches are features or consequences. If you need to generate ideas, then there will be a topic in the center, and the ideas themselves are large branches.

4. Decision making.

What am I doing
I am a logician to the core. Intuitive decisions are not my strong point. And here I have differences with Tony Buzan, the founder of the mind mapping method. It is believed that drawing and the use of symbols stimulate creative thinking, which means that the brain is tuned to search for an effective and non-standard way out of the situation (I don’t argue with that). And at such moments, intuition turns on and we make a decision based on it (here’s the catch).
Therefore, I simply write the problem in the center of the sheet, with branches of the 2nd level I designate all possible solutions, and with branches of the 3rd level I denote the consequences of these decisions.

What should you do
You write down the problem and turn it around from all sides, at the same time writing down everything that comes to mind. We organized our thoughts and saw the solution. Those who find it easier to handle facts and figures write them on branches. And whoever relies on intuition will bet on the associativity of the cards.

5. Planning.

Plan work and personal projects, budget or time.

What am I doing
First, I wrote down on the map all the books I want to read. Then I singled out from the book the form in which I would learn the material (synopsis, summary). And I created a similar goal on SmartProgress.
And then a big drawback of the cards emerged - it is difficult to tie them to deadlines. On a Gantt chart, for example, it is clearly visible which event should take place and when, and the temporal relationship of events is visible. And on the mind map you can only sign the deadline by which the task must be completed. In SmartProgress you can set intermediate deadlines, there are deadline reminders. So these two tools work well together.

What should you do
In the center of the sheet, indicate a goal, for example, “to celebrate a wedding anniversary.” And then write down the associations. Choosing a venue, list of guests, menu, budget, program - these are the key lines of your mind map. From each large ray, several more small rays depart, specifying who and in what way you will invite, what elements of the program will be, and who is responsible for them.

Why is this particular form advantageous?
Any incoming information must first be formed into an image. Then it will be remembered much easier and for a longer period. The role of cards is to organize, systematize, and visually present information. It doesn't matter whether you're planning an anniversary or organizing team work on a project, all the basic data can be fit on one large sheet.

The larger the volume of the cerebral cortex is connected to the perception of information, the better it is remembered. The brain does not think linearly, but associatively, so for most people, mind maps are a suitable tool for planning or working with large amounts of data.

Pros and cons of mind maps
I have already written about the shortcomings - there is no interconnection with deadlines.

And now about the advantages.

The brain first focuses on the key areas of the project. This helps you prioritize.
All main and auxiliary stages of the project are clearly visible. Contradictions, interference, and overlaps are also noticeable.
It is convenient to mark the paths already taken.
It’s easy to expand the project by adding new branches.
You can place heterogeneous elements on maps: megabytes coexist with the number of people.

What if you use mind mapping to plan goals? In combination with SmartProgress It turns out quite effectively. The main directions are determined on the map, and discipline occurs using the service.

How to build maps
Principles of drawing maps

In the center of the sheet or a little higher, draw a central image (idea, goal, problem). Draw from it first-level branches (sub-ideas), with associations or key concepts that slightly reveal the central image. From the branches of the 1st level, take the branches of the 2nd level. If necessary, add 3rd level branches.

12 Tips for Drawing Maps

1. Include imaginative, creative thinking and associative skills. This helps the brain approach a problem from different angles and look for an unusual but effective solution.
2. Use different colors of branches to separate directions of work. If this is a map with tasks for employees, mark the branches with a specific color for each project participant. There should be no more than 8 colors so as not to get confused. The highest speed of perception is for red, yellow and orange colors. The lowest is in brown, blue and green.
3. The number of branches of 2 and subsequent levels should not be more than 5-7.
4. The map reflects the style of thinking, so do not try to standardize it.
5. Exaggerated examples are better remembered. Therefore, feel free to draw unusual pictures.
6. Freehand drawing stimulates thinking. Despite the various convenient services, do not neglect white paper and markers.
7. Make images vivid and memorable so that they evoke emotions. This will help the brain work in the right direction.
8. Build the structure according to hierarchy: important concepts are closer to the center, details are further away. You can number the branches if necessary.
9. Less words, more drawings. If there are several words, then write them down in one line so that the eye does not make unnecessary movements.
10. Come up with your own symbols. Lightning is fast, eye is control, light bulb is important.
11. Draw the first level lines thicker to see the importance of actions. The length of the line is equal to the length of the word. Vary the size of the letters to emphasize the importance of the branch.
12. Delimit branches by drawing them into blocks, connecting them with arrows to show the relationship.

Services for mind maps
If you don’t like to draw by hand (and very wrongly!), then choose paid or free programs for drawing maps on your computer. They differ in design, methods of exporting images, the ability to connect To-do List, and compatibility with platforms.
I use the online service MindMeister. It is combined with Meistertask (scheduler). Plus, you can connect paid PRO packages. The data is stored on the cloud, so I can load maps from any laptop. Bright, lots of possibilities for creativity, intuitive to use. There are templates, I don’t know who cares, but that’s enough for me for now.

Psychologists believe that it is best to draw by hand, activating creative thinking as much as possible, then you will think and solve problems much more effectively. And the modern rhythm of life suggests using any service you like. Well, it's up to you. But mind maps are a really cool tool, I recommend them.

In the new millennium, when the volume and nature of information have become colossal, new methods and programs for their rapid assimilation have become urgently needed. Such methods soon appeared and were called "mind maps". Their creator is Tony Buzan, and the author of many books on self-improvement and thinking. His most famous work, the book "Super Mindset", created together with his brother, is a hit and a fulcrum for many of his followers.

What is a mind map for?

(from English mindmap, or - is a creative way of revealing a topic, concept, idea, any object of thought or even a story. They will help you in:

Intellectual maps from Tony Buzan have gained wide scope due to the simplicity of their implementation. Their effectiveness lies in increasing work productivity, often on a fairly large scale.

How to create?

A smart map is very easy to create - all you need is a pen and a piece of paper, you can also use the screen of a computer, tablet, or laptop. The brain absorbs a multi-colored and multidimensional mind map more easily than a regular gray outline with diagrams and tables, so it is better to use multi-colored pens or pencils.

As you can see, the smart map can be easily supplemented with additional branch elements and associations, is easy to read, and easy to understand.

How does the brain work?

In order to understand how the mind map works, we first need to understand the principles. We all know: the brain consists of two hemispheres, each is responsible for a functional set unique to it. For example, the left hemisphere is responsible for logical meanings and sequences, words, numbers, formulas, diagrams and analysis. While the right is the perception of rhythm and space, imagination and representation of images. Most people rely mainly on the left hemisphere when solving their problems, and constant load on only one lobe of the brain atrophies the second, as a result of which the entire brain loses, since the main potential is not used.

Maps overload the whole brain

The brain functions perfectly when both hemispheres are connected, which is what Tony Buzan tried to achieve when creating his new method. Drawings connect the right hemisphere to work, and the connections between them connect the left hemisphere; a competent relationship between both allows you to use those reserves that were not previously in demand. This way, a mind map will help your entire brain work, and its constant use will make working with images habitual, which is a key point in all areas of life. T

So, many people note that after working with cards for a long time, they notice that they are completing them in their heads when reading or communicating, and this does not introduce chaos, but, on the contrary, increases understanding. By using your brain with such intensity, you will be able to ensure its normal functioning and performance.

Smart cards: programs

Nowadays, special programs are very popular in the world, with the help of which you can quickly and competently create mental maps. About two hundred different programs have now been created in the world in different categories:

  • paid;
  • free;
  • online services.

Working with them is quite simple: first you need to go to the editor menu and start with “Create a new mind map”. A convenient option will immediately arise in which you will need to start creating a mental map by introducing a keyword - the program will immediately create a colored central symbol with your word. After this, you will need to enter additional keywords that will be responsible for the branches emanating from the central symbol. The program will draw and color each branch itself, and you can edit all aspects, from color to the structure of all branches. You can also copy and propagate branches, move them, delete them as desired. Very convenient, isn't it?

What are the advantages of the programs?

A smart map will help you correctly distribute all the information and outline its key points. But what to do if the volume of information is simply enormous and cannot be included in standard schemes written on a sheet of paper? This is why the programs have gained such popularity - they will help you create three-dimensional and multidimensional maps, with large amounts of information and sections.

Megamind maps are large-scale intellectual maps, examples of which you can find in an editor program or online service. This method is popular in industry and large companies, but it can be useful for anyone who uses this technique. They will help you improve your performance, and your map will acquire hyperconnections with multi-level information, the development of idea centers for new maps - after all, each such mind map will be part of a larger whole, created to help you in any endeavor.



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