Instructions for use of Javel Solid. Javel Solid: what is it, instructions for use

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1 INSTRUCTIONS 5/14 for the use of the Javel Solid disinfectant produced by Eurotab Operations, France (chlorine tablets) Moscow 2014

2 INSTRUCTIONS 05/14 for the use of the Javel Solid disinfectant produced by Eurotab Operation (chlorine tablets). 2 The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of Disinfectology” of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Authors: Fedorova L.S., Levchuk N.N., Panteleeva L.G., Pankratova G.P., Krylov A.V. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 The product is a round, regular-shaped white tablet with a faint odor of chlorine, weighing 3.2±0.2 g, based on the sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid 85±10% and auxiliary components. The active ingredient is active chlorine, which is released when the main component is dissolved in water. The mass of active chlorine in one tablet is 1.5 ± 0.2 g, the disintegration time of the tablet is no more than 5. The shelf life of the product is 5 years in unopened manufacturer’s packaging, working solutions are 5 days. The product is supplied in 1 kg hermetically sealed plastic jars. The product has an antimicrobial effect against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including bacillus spores, particularly dangerous infections, mycobacterium tuberculosis - tested against Mycobacterium terrae), viruses (Coxsackie, ECHO, polio, enteral and parenteral hepatitis, rotaviruses, noroviruses, HIV, influenza, including strains A H5NI and A HINI, adenoviruses and other pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, herpes, cytomegaly), fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes, molds. The product according to the parameters of acute toxicity according to GOST belongs to 3 class of moderately hazardous substances when administered into the stomach, class 4 low-hazardous substances when applied to the skin; according to K.K. Sidorov’s classification, when administered parenterally (into the abdominal cavity), it belongs to class 4 of low-toxic substances; when exposed to inhalation in saturating concentrations (vapors), it is highly dangerous, according to the classification of inhalation hazards of products by degree of volatility (hazard class 2); upon direct contact causes severe irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes; does not have a sensitizing property. Working solutions of 0.015% - 0.06% (according to AC) in the form of vapors do not cause irritation to the respiratory system, and with a single exposure they do not have a local irritating effect on the skin. Working solutions containing active chlorine of 0.1% or higher when used by irrigation and wiping methods cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the eyes.

3 MPC for chlorine in the air of the working area - 1 mg/m The product is intended for: - indoor surfaces, hard furniture, sanitary equipment, external surfaces of instruments and apparatus, glassware, including laboratory glassware (including disposable glassware), pharmaceutical glassware , items for washing dishes, items for patient care, personal hygiene products, linen, cleaning equipment, blood, including rejected and expired, cerebrospinal fluid, secretions (sputum, vomit, feces, urine), flushing fluids (endoscopic , after rinsing the pharynx, etc.), food debris, medical waste from textile and other materials (dressing material, cotton-gauze napkins, tampons, disposable medical products, disposable underwear before disposal), toys, rubber and propylene mats, shoes from rubbers, plastics and other polymer materials when carrying out preventive, current and final disinfection in medical organizations, pharmacies, clinical, bacteriological, virological and other diagnostic laboratories, points and stations for blood transfusion and collection, on ambulance transport, in infectious foci, in case of emergency situations; - for carrying out preventive disinfection on rolling stock and facilities supporting all types of transport (railway, including subway - trains, electric trains, subway cars; automobile; sea, river; city - buses, stations, trams, trolleybuses; vehicles for transporting food products); at the facilities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense; at public service enterprises (hotels, hostels, hairdressers, massage and beauty salons, solariums, saunas, beauty salons, baths, laundries, public toilets); in shopping and entertainment centers; at public catering and trade establishments (restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens); in food and industrial markets; in educational, cultural, recreational institutions, balneology, sports facilities (swimming pools, sanitary inspection rooms, cultural and health complexes, offices, sports complexes, cinemas, museums, etc.); in penitentiary and social security institutions (homes for the disabled, elderly, etc.); at vital activity facilities of military units and formations; for final disinfection in children's institutions; - for disinfection of waste collection equipment, garbage trucks, garbage cans, garbage containers, garbage chutes, equipment); - for disinfection of medical products made of corrosion-resistant metals, rubbers, plastics, glass; - for surfaces affected by mold fungi; - for disinfection of surfaces of industrial premises and equipment, furniture, external surfaces of instruments and equipment in rooms of cleanliness classes A, B, C and D at enterprises of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries; - for general cleaning; 3

4 4 - for household use - strictly in accordance with the Household Label. 2. PREPARATION OF WORKING SOLUTIONS 2.1. Working solutions of the product are prepared in enamel (without damaging the enamel), glass or plastic containers by dissolving the appropriate number of tablets in tap drinking water at room temperature (Table 1). To impart washing properties to working solutions of the product, a synthetic detergent can be added to them in the amount of: 5 g per 1 liter of solution, 25 g per 5 liter of solution, 50 g per 10 liter of solution (0.5% solutions). working solution according to AC, (%) Table 1 Preparation of working solutions of the product from tablets 1 Number of tablets (pcs.) required to prepare the working solution (l) 5 l 10 l 20 l l 0, , Note: sign (1) means that the mass of the active chlorine in one tablet - 1.5 g 3. USE OF PRODUCTS FOR DISINFECTING OBJECTS 3.1. Solutions of the product are used for objects specified in paragraph. Disinfection of objects is carried out by wiping, irrigation, immersion and soaking. Surfaces in rooms, hard furniture, surfaces of devices, devices are wiped with a rag soaked in a solution of the product at a consumption rate of the working solution of the product 150 ml/m 2 of the treated product surfaces or irrigate at the rate of 0 ml/m2 when using a hydraulic remote control and Automax or 150 ml/m2 when using a “Quasar” type sprayer. After disinfection is completed, wet cleaning should be carried out and the room should be ventilated; Wipe parquet floors, polished and wooden furniture with a dry cloth.

5 5 When adding detergents approved for use in medical organizations (at the rate of 5 g/l of solution), when treating surfaces using the wiping method, the consumption rate is 100 ml/m2 for a single treatment. Surfaces affected by mold are preliminarily mechanically cleaned with a brush , scraper or other devices and dry; then they are treated once with a solution of 1.0% concentration with a disinfection holding time of minutes or treated twice with an interval of 15 minutes with a solution of 0.5% concentration and an exposure of 120 minutes and with an interval of 5 minutes with a solution of 2.0% concentration and an exposure of 15 minutes. Surfaces with traces of blood (blood stains, dried blood stains) are wiped twice with a rag soaked in a solution of the product, at a consumption rate of the working solution of 150 ml/m 2 of the surface to be treated. Sanitary equipment is treated with a brush, ruff or wiped with a rag soaked in the solution means at a consumption rate of 150 ml/m 2 of the treated surface, when processing by irrigation - 0 ml/m 2 when using a hydraulic remote control and automax or 150 ml/m 2 when using a “Quasar” type sprayer. Upon completion of disinfection, sanitary equipment is washed with water. Rubber mats are disinfected by wiping with a rag soaked in a working solution of the product, or completely immersed in the solution of the product. After disinfection is completed, they are washed with water. Patient care items (beds, oilcloth linings, urinals, personal hygiene products, enema tips, etc.) are completely immersed in a container with a working solution of the product or wiped with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution. At the end of the disinfection period, they are washed with running water. Small toys are completely immersed in a container with a working solution of the product, preventing them from floating, large toys are wiped with a rag soaked in the solution, or irrigated with a working solution of the product. After disinfection is completed, they are washed with running water. The linen is soaked in the working solution of the product at a consumption rate of 4 liters per 1 kg of dry linen (for tuberculosis - 5 l/kg of dry linen). Cover the container tightly with a lid. At the end of the disinfection period, the laundry is washed and rinsed until the smell of chlorine disappears. Cleaning equipment (rags, rags, brushes, ruffs) is soaked or immersed in the working solution of the product. After disinfection is completed, rinse and dry. Dishwashing utensils (sponges, brushes, etc.) are immersed in the product solution. At the end of disinfection, rinse and dry. Tea and tableware, freed from food residues, are completely immersed in the product solution. Consumption rate - 2 liters per set of tableware. The container is closed with a lid. After disinfection is completed, the dishes are washed with water until the smell of chlorine disappears. Disposable utensils are disposed of after disinfection.

6 6 Working solutions of dish disinfectant without food residues can be used repeatedly during a work shift if the appearance of the solution has not changed. When the first signs of a change in appearance (change in color, turbidity, etc.) appear, the solution must be replaced. Laboratory glassware (test tubes, flasks, cover glasses, Petri dishes, rubber bulbs, plastic and rubber stoppers, etc.), pharmaceutical, including single use, completely immersed in the working solution of the product. At the end of the disinfection period, it is washed with running drinking water until the smell of chlorine disappears, and the disposable dishes are disposed of. Shoes made of rubber, plastics and other polymeric materials are immersed in the working solution of the product. At the end of the disinfection period, wash with water until the smell of chlorine disappears and dry. Medical devices are completely immersed in the working solution of the product. Detachable products are immersed in the solution in disassembled form. Products with locking parts are immersed open, having previously made several working movements with them in the solution for better penetration of the solution into hard-to-reach areas of the products. During disinfection exposure, channels and cavities must be filled with a solution of the product (without air pockets). The thickness of the layer of solution over the products must be at least 1 cm. After finishing the treatment, the instruments are removed from the container with the solution and washed to remove any remaining product under running water for 5 minutes, paying special attention to rinsing the channels (using a syringe or other device) and avoiding contact with the washing liquid. water into a container with washable instruments. Biological secretions (feces, vomit, urine, sputum) are disinfected with solutions of the product. Feces, vomit, and sputum are collected in containers and filled with a disinfectant solution. The containers are closed with a lid. After disinfection is completed, they are disposed of. Add the required amount of tablets to the urine and mix until they are completely dissolved. The containers are closed with a lid. At the end of disinfection, the urine is poured into the sewer. Biological fluids (blood - without clots), collected in a container, are carefully (avoiding splashing) poured with a certain volume of the product solution. The container is closed with a lid for the disinfection period. Upon completion of disinfection, the mixture is disposed of. Blood spilled on the surface of various objects is carefully collected with a rag moistened with a solution of the product, which is then immersed in a container with a solution of the product for the duration of the disinfection period. After completing the cleaning of spilled blood, as well as if there are dried (dried) drops of blood on the surfaces, the surfaces are wiped with a clean rag, generously moistened with a solution of the product. Spittoons with sputum are loaded into containers and filled with an equal or double volume of the solution of the product. The containers are closed with lids. By

7 7 After disinfection, the spittoons are washed with water until the smell of chlorine disappears. Containers containing excretions (feces, urine, sputum, etc.) and biological fluids (blood) are immersed in a solution of the product or filled with a solution. The container is closed with a lid for the disinfection period. Upon completion of disinfection, containers containing secretions are washed with running drinking water, and disposable dishes are disposed of. Medical waste from textiles and other materials (cotton swabs, used dressings, disposable underwear and bed linen, staff clothing, masks, etc.) is immersed in the container with solutions of the agent of 0.2% or 0.3% concentration with a disinfection holding time of 120 minutes, respectively, and glassware (including laboratory, single-use medical devices) are immersed in a container with a solution of the agent of 0.2% concentration for minutes. The technology for processing single-use products is similar to that set out in paragraph Disinfection of single-use injection syringes is carried out in accordance with MU “Requirements for the disinfection, destruction and disposal of single-use injection syringes”. Upon completion of disinfection, medical waste is disposed of. Surfaces in transport (sanitary, for transporting food products, public vehicles - buses, trams, trolleybuses, garbage trucks, etc.) are wiped with a rag soaked in a solution of the product, or irrigated with a hydraulic remote control, automax or a Quasar-type sprayer " The consumption rates for solutions of the product are indicated in paragraph Sanitary transport after transporting an infectious patient is disinfected according to the appropriate infection regimes Disinfection of objects in swimming pool premises The following are subject to disinfection in a swimming pool: - surfaces of the room where the pool bath is located, bypass paths, ladders, railings, sports cabinets, foot baths ; - floors, walls, doors, door handles, cabinets, rubber mats, wooden grates, taps, sanitary equipment in locker rooms, showers, bathrooms; - floors, walls, doors, door handles, furnishings in common areas and utility rooms. Sanitary equipment should be cleaned using a brush or brush soaked in a solution of the product. Disinfection of the pool bathtub and foot baths is carried out after draining the water, mechanically treating it with a brush , soaked in a solution of the product, or irrigated at the rate of 0 ml/m 2. At the end of the exposure time, the remaining solution is washed off with warm water. Disinfection is carried out according to the regime for dermatophytosis. Rubber mats are disinfected by wiping or soaking; wooden gratings are disinfected by wiping.

8 Cleaning equipment is soaked in a solution of the product after use. Upon completion of the disinfection exposure, they are washed with water and dried. Disinfection of the internal surfaces of containers for storing and transporting water (tanks, tanks, barrels, canisters, etc.) is carried out by wiping, irrigation or filling with a working solution of the product. The consumption rate of the working solution for wiping and irrigation is 100 ml/m2 of the treated surface. When disinfecting using the filling method, the container is filled with water and the required amount of product is added, in accordance with Table 16. At the end of the disinfection soak, the container is washed with tap water. Disinfection modes for objects for various types of infections are given in the tables. When carrying out general cleaning in medical organizations, it is necessary to follow the modes presented in table Surfaces affected by mold are treated according to the regimes presented in the table Disinfection regimes for various objects contaminated with spore-forming infectious agents are given in the table Disinfection regimes for objects with particularly dangerous infections of bacterial etiology are treated according to the regimes presented in the table Disinfection regimes for secretions and biological fluids with solutions of the product are given in the table Disinfection regimes for medical devices are presented in the table Preventive disinfection and general cleaning at public service enterprises (hotels, hostels, catering establishments, industrial markets, etc.), on vehicles for transporting food products, in penitentiary and social security institutions , at transport system facilities (buses, trams, trolleybuses) are carried out according to the regimes presented in the table When carrying out preventive disinfection in hairdressing salons, bathhouses, swimming pools, sports complexes, etc., the product is used according to the regimes presented in the table Disinfection regimes for water storage containers are given in the table Disinfection modes for various objects in swimming pool premises are given in Table 17.

9 Table 2 Disinfection regimes for various objects with solutions of Javel Solid for bacterial (except tuberculosis) infections 9 Objects Indoor surfaces, hard furniture, external surfaces of instruments, apparatus, etc., sanitary transport 1 working solution for active chlorine (AC ), % 0.015 0.03 Time, Wiping or 0, Double wiping or twice Sanitary equipment 1 0.06 irrigation at intervals of 15 Dishes without food residues 0, Immersion Dishes (including single-use) 0.1 120 Immersion with food residues Laboratory glassware (including single-use 0.1 120 Immersion for use) Uncontaminated linen 0.015 Soaking Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 120 Soaking Cleaning equipment for processing premises 0.03 Immersion (soaking) Cleaning equipment for processing sanitary equipment equipment 0.2 120 Immersion (soaking) Care items 0.06 0.1 90 Rubbing or immersion Toys 0.03 Rubbing or immersion Note: sign (1) indicates that disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent .

10 Table 3 Disinfection modes for various objects with solutions of Javel Solid for viral infections Objects Indoor surfaces, hard furniture, external surfaces of instruments, apparatus, etc., sanitary transport 1 working solution for active chlorine (AC), % 0.015 0 .03 Time, Wiping or 0, Double wiping Sanitary equipment or two-fold equipment 1 0.06 multiple at intervals 15 Dishes without food residues 0, Immersion Dishes (including single-use) with food residues 0.1 120 Immersion Laboratory glassware (including 0.1 120 Single-use immersion) Uncontaminated linen 0.015 Soaking Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 120 Soaking 0.3 Cleaning equipment for processing 0.2 120 Immersion of sanitary 0.3 (soaking) equipment Cleaning equipment for room treatment 0.03 Immersion (soaking) Patient care items 0.06 0.1 90 Rubbing or immersion Toys 0.06 15 Rubbing or immersion Note: sign (1) indicates that disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent means. 10

11 11 Table 4 Disinfection regimes for various objects with solutions of Javel Solid for tuberculosis (tested against Mycobacterium terrae) Objects of the working solution for active chlorine (AC), % Surfaces in rooms, 0.2 hard furniture, external surfaces of devices, apparatus, etc. .d., sanitary 0.3 transport 1 Sanitary 0.3 equipment 1 0.6 Dishes without food residues 0.06 0.1 Dishes (including single-use) with 1.0 0.6 food residues Laboratory glassware (including single use) 0.3 0.6 Time, Wipe or Wipe twice or twice with an interval of 15 Immersion Immersion Immersion Uncontaminated linen 0.06 Soaking 0.1 Linen contaminated with secretions 0.3 120 Soaking 0.6 Cleaning equipment for 0.3 120 Immersion treatment of sanitary equipment 0.6 (soaking) Cleaning equipment for the treatment of premises 0.2 0.3 Immersion (soaking) 0.3 Immersion Patient care items 0.6 0.3 0.6 Double wiping or twice with an interval of 15

12 Toys 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 Immersion 12 Wipe twice or twice at intervals 15 Note: sign (1) indicates that disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent. Table 5 Disinfection modes for various objects with solutions of Javel Solid for candidiasis Objects of working solution for active chlorine (AC), % Time, Indoor surfaces, 0.06 Wiping or hard furniture, external surfaces of devices, apparatus, etc., sanitary transport 1 0.1 Sanitary equipment 1 0.1 Wipe twice or twice at intervals 15 Dishes without food residues 0.06 Immersion Dishes (including single-use) with food residues 0.2 0.4 120 Immersion Laboratory glassware (including single use) 0.2 120 Immersion Uncontaminated linen 0.06 Soaking Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 Soaking Cleaning equipment for processing premises 0.1 Immersion (soaking) Cleaning equipment for processing 0.2 Immersion sanitary (soaking ) technical equipment Patient care items 0.2 Wiping or immersion Toys 0.1 Wiping or immersion Note: sign (1) indicates that disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent.

13 Table 6 Disinfection modes for various objects with solutions of Javel Solid for dermatophytosis 13 Objects Indoor surfaces, hard furniture, external surfaces of instruments, apparatus, etc., sanitary transport 1 working solution for active chlorine (AC), % 0, 06 0.1 Time, Wiping Sanitary equipment 1 0.1 120 Wiping twice or twice with an interval 15 Uncontaminated linen 0, Soaking Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 120 Soaking 0.4 90 Cleaning equipment 0.2 120 Immersion (soaking ) Care items 0.2 Rubbing or immersion Toys 0.1 Rubbing or immersion Laboratory glassware (including single-use) 0.2 0.3 45 Immersion Rubber mats 0.1 120 Rubbing or immersion Note: sign (1) indicates that disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent. or

14 Table 7 Modes of disinfection of various objects with solutions of the Javel Solid disinfectant during general cleaning in medical organizations 14 Room and profile of the institution (department) Operating units, dressing rooms, treatment rooms, manipulation rooms, clinical laboratories; sterilization of surgical, gynecological, urological, dental departments and hospitals; maternity rooms in obstetric hospitals Ward departments, functional diagnostics rooms, physiotherapy, etc. in medical institutions of any profile (except infectious diseases) Infectious medical organizations Anti-tuberculosis medical organizations Dermatovenerological organizations medical working solution for active chlorine (AC), % 0.06 0.1 0.015 0.03 Time, Wiping or Wiping or According to the regime of the corresponding infection 0.2 Wiping 0.3 or irrigation 0.06 0.1 Wiping or Table 8 Disinfection regimes for surfaces affected by mold with solutions of Javel Solid" Surfaces in solution rooms according to AC, % Object Time, 1.0 Wiping or 0.5 120 Wiping twice or twice with an interval of 15 2.0 15 Wiping twice or twice with an interval of 5

15 Table 9 Modes of disinfection of various objects with solutions of Javel Solid when contaminated with bacillus spores Object of solution according to AC, % Time, Indoor surfaces, 1.0 90 Wiping or hard furniture, external surfaces of devices, apparatus, etc., sanitary transport 1 Dishes without food residues 0.6 120 Immersion Dishes (including single-use 1.5 120) with food residue Laboratory glassware 1.0 90 Immersion Linen contaminated with secretions 1.5 120 Soaking Corrosion-resistant medical products 1 ,0 90 metals, Immersion glass, rubber, plastics Patient care items, toys 1.5 120 Immersion or wiping Sanitary equipment 1 1.0 120 Wiping or Medical waste (used dressings, napkins, cotton swabs, etc.) 1.5 120 Soaking Cleaning equipment 1.5 120 Immersion 15

16 Table 10 Disinfection regimes for various objects with solutions of Javel Solid for particularly dangerous infections of bacterial etiology (except anthrax) 16 Objects Surfaces in rooms, hard furniture, surfaces of instruments, equipment working solution according to AC, % 0.03 0.06 Time , Wiping or Sanitary equipment 0.03 0, Wiping twice or twice at intervals 15 Dishes without food residues 0.03 15 Immersion Dishes with food residues 0.1 120 Immersion Laboratory glassware (including 0.1 120 Immersion including single use ) 0.2 Patient care items, toys 0.1 120 Irrigation, wiping or immersion Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 120 Soaking Medical products 0.1 120 from corrosive- Immersion resistant metals, glass, 0.2 plastics, rubber Medical waste 0.2 120 Immersion Cleaning equipment 0.2 120 Immersion (soaking)

17 Table 11 Regimes for disinfection of secretions and biological fluids with solutions of Javel Solid for infections of bacterial (except tuberculosis), viral and fungal etiologies Object Blood (without clots) in containers, serum, red blood cells Containers of blood, serum, erythrocyte mass of the solution according to AC, % Time, 0.3 120 Mix blood with the product solution in a ratio of 1:2 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 Sputum 1.0 2.0 Containers for secretions (urine) , liquids after rinsing the throat) Vomit, food debris Surface after collecting secretions from it Urine, liquid after rinsing the throat, flush water, including endoscopic water, etc. Containers for secretions (feces, fecal-urinary suspension) 0.1 0.06 0.1 120 Mix blood with the solution in a ratio of 1:1 Immersion or pouring the solution Mix sputum with the solution in the ratio 1:1 Immersion or pouring the solution Mix secretions with the solution in the ratio 1:2 Mix secretions with the solution in a ratio of 1:1 Double wiping with an interval of 15 0.1 Mix secretions 0.3 with a solution of the product in a ratio of 1:1 - Mixing urine with tablets until they dissolve in a ratio of 1 tablet per 1.5 liters of urine 1.0 Immersion or pouring solution 17

18 18 Feces, fecal-urinary suspension Containers for secretions (sputum) Containers for secretions (vomit, food debris) 0.5 1.0 240 Mix the secretions with the product solution in a ratio of 1:2 2.0 Mix the secretions with a solution of the product in a ratio of 1:1 1.0 2.0 Immersion or pouring the solution 0.5 120 Immersion or pouring the solution Table 12 Disinfection regimes for secretions and biological fluids of the Javel Solid product for bacterial (including tuberculosis), viral and fungal infections Object Blood (without clots) in containers, serum, erythrocyte mass Containers of blood, serum, erythrocyte mass solution according to AC, % 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 Sputum 2.0 2 .5 3.0 Vomit, food debris Urine, liquid after rinsing the throat, flush water, including endoscopic, etc. Containers for secretions (feces, fecal-urinary suspension) 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time , Mix blood with the solution of the product in a ratio of 1:4 Immersion or pouring the solution Mix sputum with the solution of the product in a ratio of 1:4 Mix with the solution of the product in a ratio of 1:4 - Mix 1.5 liters of urine (wash water, etc.) with 2 tablets, stir until they dissolve 0.5 1.0 90 Immersion or pouring solution

19 19 Containers for secretions (urine, liquid after rinsing the throat) Containers for secretions (sputum, vomit, food debris) Surface after collecting secretions from it 0.3 0.6 0.2 Immersion or 0.6 flooding solution 3.0 Immersion or pouring solution Wipe twice with an interval of 15 Type of products being processed Medical products made of corrosion-resistant metals, rubbers, plastics, glass. Table 13 Disinfection regimes for medical devices with solutions of Javel Solid. Type of infection Treatment regime for active chlorine (AC), % Exposure time, Viral, bacterial (including tuberculosis) and fungal (candidiasis, dermatophytosis) Viral, bacterial (except tuberculosis) and fungal (candidiasis) 0.3 0.6 0.2 Immersion

20 20 Table 14 Regimes of preventive disinfection of surfaces and general cleaning with solutions of Javel Solid at various facilities: hotels, cinemas, dormitories, catering places - restaurants, cafes, canteens, etc., offices, industrial markets, public toilets, children's institutions, social security institutions, penitentiary institutions, vehicles for transporting food products, etc. Objects Surfaces in premises, hard furniture, external surfaces of appliances, apparatus, etc., vehicles for transporting food Sanitary equipment working solution for active chlorine (AC ), % Time, 0.015 Wiping 0, Wiping twice with an interval of 15 minutes Dishes without food residues 0, Immersion Dishes (including single-use dishes) with food residues 0.1 120 Immersion Uncontaminated linen 0.015 Soaking Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 120 Soaking Cleaning equipment 0.2 120 Immersion (soaking) Care items, personal hygiene products 0.06 0.1 90 Rubbing or immersion Toys 0.03 Rubbing or immersion

21 Table 15 Regimes of preventive disinfection and general cleaning with Javel Solid solutions at service and sports facilities: hairdressing salons, massage and beauty salons, saunas, beauty salons, baths, swimming pools, cultural and health complexes, sports complexes, sanitary inspection rooms, etc. Objects Indoor surfaces, hard furniture, external surfaces of appliances, apparatus, etc. Sanitary equipment of working solution for active chlorine (AC), % 0.06 0.1 Time, Wiping 0.1 120 Wiping twice with an interval of 15 minutes Uncontaminated linen 0, Soaking Linen contaminated with secretions 0.2 120 Soaking Cleaning equipment 0 .2 120 Wiping (soaking) Care items, products 0.2 Rubbing or personal hygiene immersion Toys 0.10 Wiping or immersion Waste (disposable products, tools, capes, caps, underwear, cotton swabs, napkins, etc.) 0.2 120 Immersion Bath sandals, slippers and other products made of rubber, plastic, synthetic materials 0.2 Immersion Rubber mats 0.1 120 Rubbing or immersion 21

22 Table 16 Disinfection regimes for water storage containers and cleaning material with solutions of Javel Solid for bacterial (except tuberculosis) infections Objects Water storage containers (tanks, etc.) Cleaning equipment for treating water storage containers with active chlorine working solution ( AH), % Time, 0, Wiping or 0.0025 Filling with solution 0.2 120 Immersion (soaking) 22 Table 17 Modes of disinfection of various objects with solutions of Javel Solid in the premises of swimming pools Objects Time, Surfaces of swimming pool bathtubs, foot baths, showers and bathrooms, changing rooms, wooden gratings Sanitary equipment (toilet rooms) Surfaces in common areas, utility rooms Footwear (sandals, slippers made of rubber, plastic and other synthetic materials, rubber and polypropylene mats) Cleaning equipment for sanitary treatment technical equipment of working solution for active chlorine (AC), % 0.06 Wiping or 0.1 0, Double wiping 0.06 or twice with an interval of 15 0.015 Wiping or 0.03 0.1 120 Immersion or 0.2 wiping 0, 2 120 Immersion 0.3 (soaking)

23 4. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Persons with hypersensitivity to chlorine-active agents are not allowed to work with the product. When preparing working solutions in concentrations up to 0.3%, the use of personal protective equipment is not required. Work with solutions of 0.015% concentration of active chlorine using the wiping method can be carried out in the presence patients Work with solutions of 0.03-0.06% active chlorine concentration does not require the use of personal respiratory protection, but work should be carried out in the absence of patients Work with solutions of 0.1% active chlorine and higher by irrigation and wiping must be carried out with respiratory protection using universal respirators such as “RU-M” or “RPG-67 with cartridge grade B” or an industrial gas mask; eyes - sealed glasses. Treatment should be carried out in the absence of patients. The treated areas are ventilated for at least 15 minutes until the smell of chlorine disappears. All work with the product and its solutions is carried out with rubber gloves protecting the skin of the hands. Containers with working solutions for disinfecting medical devices, patient care items, linen, dishes, toys, and cleaning material must have lids and be tightly closed. After disinfection, dishes and linen are washed with water until the smell of chlorine disappears. Medical products made from different materials are washed under running water for at least 5 5. FIRST AID MEASURES 5.1. If precautions are not followed, acute irritation of the respiratory system (sore throat, cough, profuse nasal discharge, rapid breathing, possible pulmonary edema) and mucous membranes of the eyes (tearing, pain and itching in the eyes) may occur, and headache may occur. When the first signs of acute irritation of the respiratory tract appear, it is necessary to take the victim out into fresh air or into a well-ventilated area, provide rest, warming, rinse the throat, mouth, nose, and give a warm drink or milk. If necessary, consult a doctor. If the product gets on your skin, rinse it off under running water. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them under running water for several minutes. If the mucous membranes are irritated, drop a 20% or % solution of sodium sulfacyl into the eyes. If the product gets into the stomach, drink several glasses of water with crushed activated carbon tablets. If necessary, consult a doctor.

24 6. TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE The product is transported at temperatures from minus 20 0 to plus 35 0 With all types of transport in accordance with the rules of transportation in force for each type of transport and guaranteeing the safety of the product and container. The product is stored in tightly closed polymer containers in the original packaging of the enterprise - the manufacturer in a dry, dark room at a temperature from 0 0 to plus 35 0 C, separately from oxidizing agents, acids, medications and food products, in places inaccessible to children. When spilling the product, use personal protective clothing (overalls, boots) and personal protective equipment : for the respiratory system - universal respirators of the RPG-67 or RU-M type with a cartridge of grade B or an industrial gas mask, for the eyes - sealed goggles, for the skin of the hands - rubber gloves. When cleaning up spilled product, you should collect the tablets in containers and send them for disposal. Wash the residues with plenty of water, avoiding neutralization with acid, because This may result in the release of chlorine gas. Environmental precautions: Do not allow undiluted product to enter wastewater/surface or groundwater or sewer systems. 7. PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS OF QUALITY CONTROL OF JAVEL SOLID The disinfectant JAVEL SOLID is available in the form of tablets. JAVEL SOLID tablets are controlled according to the following quality indicators: appearance, color, smell, average weight, disintegration time and mass fraction of free chlorine. The table below shows the controlled parameters and standards for each of them. Controlled parameters Table 17 Standards for tablets Appearance Round tablet of regular shape Color White Odor Weak smell of chlorine Average weight, g 3.2±0.2 Disintegration time, No more than 5 minutes Content of active chlorine in the tablet, g 1.5±0, 2

25 TEST METHODS. 1. Determination of appearance, color and smell. Appearance and color are determined by visual inspection. The smell is assessed organoleptically. 2. Determination of the average weight of tablets. To determine the average weight of the tablets, 20 tablets are weighed. The average mass of tablets is calculated using the formula: M = m/n where m is the total mass of weighed tablets, g; n number of weighed tablets. 3. Determination of the disintegration time of the tablets. 1 tablet is added to a conical flask with a capacity of 500 cm 3, 500 cm 3 of tap water is poured, a stopwatch is turned on, and the disintegration time of the tablets is noted when the flask is gently rocked. 4. Determination of the content of active chlorine in tablets Equipment, reagents and solutions: General purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST E with the largest weighing limit of 200 g. Volumetric flask according to GOST Flask Kn /29 TS, kn THC according to GOST Burette, 1 ,1 or,1 according to GOST Cylinder 1-50 or 3-50 according to GOST Cup SV-14/08 according to GOST Soluble starch according to GOST. Sulfuric acid according to GOST 61-75; 10% aqueous solution. Potassium iodide according to GOST; 10% aqueous solution. Sodium thiosulfate. Distilled water according to GOST Performing analysis. The tablets weighed when determining the average weight (according to clause 2 of this section) are crushed, and the resulting powder is thoroughly mixed. A sample of the resulting powder (from 1.0 g to 2.0 g), weighed with an accuracy of 0.0002 g, is transferred quantitatively into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cm 3, 80 cm 3 of distilled water is added; the analyzed sample is dissolved and the volume is adjusted to the 5 cm 3 mark with distilled water, the resulting solution is transferred to a conical flask with a capacity of 100 cm 3, 10 cm 3 of distilled water, 10 cm 3 of 10% sulfuric acid and 10 cm 3 of a 10% aqueous solution of potassium iodide are added. After keeping the flask in the dark for 5 minutes, the released iodine is titrated with 0.1 N. sodium thiosulfate solution until the solution becomes discolored. Before the end of titration, 0.5 cm 3 of an aqueous solution of starch is added to the light yellow titrated solution. Processing of results The content of active chlorine (X) in grams per tablet is calculated by the formula: 25

26 V K 20 M Х= m 26 where 0 is the mass of active chlorine corresponding to 1 cm 3 0.1 N. sodium thiosulfate solution, g.; V volume used for titration is 0.1 N. sodium thiosulfate solution, cm 3; K correction factor 0.1 n. sodium thiosulfate solution; 20 dilution ratio; m mass of the analyzed sample, g; M is the average weight of tablets, determined according to claim 2. The arithmetic mean of 3 determinations is taken as the result of the analysis, the absolute discrepancy between which should not exceed the permissible discrepancy of 0.15 g per tablet. Permissible absolute total error of the analysis result: ±0.20 g per tablet with a confidence level of 0.95.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION GUIDELINES for the use and methods of quality control of the disinfectant "Javel Solid" from the company "Jazol" (France) GUIDELINES

DESCRIPTION White tablets with a characteristic odor of chlorine, which, in addition to a disinfectant effect, also have cleaning properties. Tablet weight - 5.0 g. Shelf life: 3 years. Shelf life of the working solution

INSTRUCTIONS 4/16 for the use of the disinfectant "Dezon-Chlor" (tablets, granules) Moscow 2016 INSTRUCTIONS 4/16 for the use of the disinfectant "Dezon-Chlor" (tablets, granules) Instructions

AGREED BY NIID surveillance G. Shandal 2006 APPROVED On behalf of the company “Ets. Linosier" Commercial Director of "RusBio" I.A. Rybkina 2006 INSTRUCTION 1/07 for the use of Javelon/NoveltiChlor product from the company

INSTRUCTION 1/10 for the use of the disinfectant "CHLORMINAT" The instructions were developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor (FGUN NIID Rospotrebnadzor) Authors:

INSTRUCTION 1/06 for the use of the disinfectant "JAVELIN" from Hengshui Damei Trading Co. Ltd., China, in medical institutions, infectious foci, and in public utility enterprises

INSTRUCTION 1 for the use of the disinfectant "Purjavel" from the company "Arch Water Products Franz", France. The instructions were developed by the Federal State Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L.S., Panteleeva

INSTRUCTION 1/06 for the use of disinfectant "Javelin" from Hengshui Damei Trading Co. Ltd., China, in medical institutions, infectious foci, in public utility enterprises

INSTRUCTION 04/1-17 for the use of the disinfectant "Almadez-Chlor" (tablets, granules) Moscow 2017 INSTRUCTION 04/1-17 for the use of the disinfectant "Almadez-Chlor" (tablets, granules)


1 INSTRUCTIONS for the use of disinfectant "CHLORMISEPT" produced by "EURO TABLETS B.V.", NETHERLANDS Authors: Strelnikov I.I., Sergeyuk N.P. (ILC State Unitary Enterprise MGCD), Khilchenko O.M. (Polysept LLC) 1.

INSTRUCTIONS 7/5 for the use of the product "Chlorapin" (JSC "Petrospirt", Russia) in medical institutions for disinfection St. Petersburg 2007 INSTRUCTIONS for the use of the product "Chlorapin"

SODIUM DICHLOROISOCYANURATE Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid in tablets) manufactured by ACHLOR DONGE LTD, China NG/T 3779-2005 1 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Means

INSTRUCTION 22/B-19 for the use of the disinfectant “Chlorine attack” The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of Disinfectology” of the Federal Service for Supervision of Rights Protection

MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION INSTRUCTIONS 1/4 on the use of the disinfectant "DP-2T" JSC "Altaikhimprom" (Russia) Moscow 2004 2 INSTRUCTIONS on the use of the disinfectant

INSTRUCTIONS 23/08 for the use of the disinfectant "CHLORTAB" LLC "Samarovo" The instructions were developed at the Federal State Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L.S., Panteleeva L.G., Levchuk N.N., Pankratova G.P.,

INSTRUCTIONS 3/12 for the use of the disinfectant “Javel SIN Extra” (JAVEL CHIN EXTRA)” 2 Instructions developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L.S., Panteleeva L.G.,

AGREED Director of the Federal State Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.G. Shandala 2008 APPROVED by Director of LLC PKF "West" O.G.Popov 2008 INSTRUCTION 2/2008 on the use of the disinfectant "Des-Chlor"

INSTRUCTIONS 20/08 for the use of the disinfectant “GLAVKHLOR”, MK VITA-PUL LLC, Russia The instructions were developed by the Federal State Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L. S., Panteleeva L. G., Levchuk N. N.,

INSTRUCTION 6 for the use of the disinfectant “Septolite-DHC” (Satellite LLC, Russia) The instructions were developed by the ILC of the Federal State Institution “RNIITO named after. R.R. Vreden" of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development (RNIITO) and Satellite LLC.

INSTRUCTIONS for using the disinfectant "Abacteril-Chlor" (tablets, granules) The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of the Federal Service for Surveillance in

INSTRUCTION 16 for the use of the disinfectant "Abacteril-Chlor" (tablets, granules) Moscow 2015 -2- -3- INSTRUCTION 16 for the use of the disinfectant "Abacteril-Chlor" (tablets, granules)

INSTRUCTIONS 20/08 for the use of the disinfectant “GLAVCHLOR”, MK VITA-PUL LLC, Russia Moscow, 2008. INSTRUCTIONS 20/08 for the use of the disinfectant “GLAVCHLOR”, MK VITA-PUL LLC, Russia

INSTRUCTIONS for using the disinfectant "Di-Chlor" LLC "Dezsnab-Trade", Russia The instructions were developed at the Research Institute of Disinfectology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

INSTRUCTION 22/B-12 for the use of the disinfectant "Chlorine attack" Moscow, 2012 INSTRUCTION 22/B-12 for the use of the disinfectant "Chlorine attack" 2 The instruction was developed at the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research

INSTRUCTION 22/B-11 for the use of the disinfectant "Chlorine attack" Moscow, 2011 2 INSTRUCTION 22/B-11 for the use of the disinfectant "Chlorine attack" The instructions were developed at the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research

INSTRUCTIONS for the use of BabyDez (Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH, Germany) in public utilities, education, culture, sports, trade and public catering enterprises,

2 INSTRUCTIONS 1/12 for the use of the disinfectant “JAVEL CHIN” The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L.S., Panteleeva L.G., Levchuk N.N.,

INSTRUCTION 02-M/06 for the use of disinfectant KLORSEPT 25 (tablets) "MEDENTEC Ltd", Ireland The instructions were developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor.

INSTRUCTIONS 16 for the use of the disinfectant "Abacteril-Chlor" (tablets, granules) Moscow 2015 INSTRUCTIONS 16 for the use of the disinfectant "Abacteril-Chlor" (tablets, granules) 2 Instructions

AGREED Director of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor APPROVED General Director of AVANSEPT MEDICAL LLC N.V. Shestopalov V.G. Litvinets December 13, 2011 December 13, 2011 INSTRUCTIONS 11/20

INSTRUCTION 1/12 for the use of the disinfectant "Pervochlor" Moscow 2012 INSTRUCTION 1/12 for the use of the disinfectant "Pervochlor" 2 The instructions were developed at the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research

INSTRUCTION 9/05 of 2005 on the use of the disinfectant “Chloreffect” (ZAO “VITAR Ready-Mold Plant”, Russia) The instruction was developed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Panteleeva

1 INSTRUCTION 1/11 of 2011 on the use of the disinfectant "SulfochloranthinD" The instructions were developed by the Federal State Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor (NIID) and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Scientific Center of Applied Microbiology effectiveness

INSTRUCTION 15 for the use of the disinfectant "Chlor-A-Dez" (tablets, granules) Moscow 2015 - 2 - - 3 - INSTRUCTION 15 for the use of the disinfectant "Chlor-A-Dez" (tablets, granules)

INSTRUCTIONS 25/08 for the use of the disinfectant "Clorsept" (tablets and granules), produced by Samarovo LLC. The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal State Budgetary Institution "SSC PMB" Authors: Panteleeva

INSTRUCTION 2/06 for the use of the disinfectant "UltraChloranthin" from the company "Hengshui Damei Trading Co. Ltd", China, in medical institutions, infectious foci, in public utility enterprises

INSTRUCTIONS 1/13 for the use of the disinfectant "Alodez-Chlor" Instructions developed by: Federal Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Rights Protection

INSTRUCTION 10 for the use of the disinfectant "Lizanin OP" (JSC "Petrospirt", Russia) Moscow 2005 INSTRUCTION 10 for the use of the disinfectant "Lizanin OP" (JSC "Petrospirt", Russia)

INSTRUCTIONS 23/08 for the use of the disinfectant "CHLORTAB" LLC "Samarovo" Moscow 2008 INSTRUCTIONS 23/08 for the use of the disinfectant "CHLORTAB" LLC "Samarovo" The instructions were developed in

INSTRUCTION 01/07 for the use of the disinfectant "CHLOREL" LLC "Hematek", Russia The instruction was developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor (NIID) and the State Scientific Center

INSTRUCTION 1 for the use of the disinfectant "DesChlorantin" Moscow 2012 1 INSTRUCTION 1 for the use of the disinfectant "DezChlorantin" The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research

INSTRUCTIONS 25/08 for the use of the disinfectant "Clorsept" (tablets and granules) produced by Samarovo LLC 2 The instructions were developed by the Federal State Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal State Institution "SSC PMB" Authors: Panteleeva

INSTRUCTIONS 08/29/11 on the use of the disinfectant "MEDICHLOR" Moscow, 2011 INSTRUCTIONS 08/29/11 on the use of the disinfectant "MEDICHLOR" The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research

AGREED Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rosportebnadzor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.G. Shandala 2009 APPROVED General Director of Voskhod Firm LLC I.R. Zaripov 2009 INSTRUCTIONS 1/09 On the use of the product

INSTRUCTION 1 for the use of the disinfectant "Astera" The instructions were developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor (NIID) and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Scientific Center

AGREED BY APPROVED Director of the Federal State Institution NIID General Director of Rospotrebnadzor LLC "AVANSEPT MEDICAL" Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, M.G. Shandala V.G. Litvinets September 14, 2010 September 14, 2010 INSTRUCTIONS 10/20

INSTRUCTION 2/2017 on the use of the disinfectant "DP Altai" Moscow-2017 1 2 INSTRUCTION 2/2017 on the use of the disinfectant "DP Altai" LLC PKF "West" (Russia) Instructions developed

I N S T R U C T I O N 08/29/11 on the use of the disinfectant “MEDICHLOR” The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of Disinfectology” of Rospotrebnadzor (NIID) and the Federal State Budgetary Institution “State

INSTRUCTIONS 1/10 for the use of the disinfectant “JAVEL CHIN” 2 Instructions developed at the Federal State Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L.S., Panteleeva L.G., Levchuk N.N., Pankratova G.P.,

INSTRUCTION 19 for the use of the Ecochlor disinfectant 1. General provisions 1.1 The Ecochlor product is tablets weighing 1.7 and 3.4 g and granules from white to yellowish in color with an odor

TRIOSEPTMIX Concentrated disinfectant with a cleaning effect Award “DEZREESTR OPTIMA AWARD2008” for the optimal balance of consumer characteristics. An effective and economical product

AGREED BY APPROVED Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Disinfectology General Director of Rospotrebnadzor, LLC TPK VITAR Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.G. Shandala L.G. Khazan 2010 2010 INSTRUCTIONS 1 / 10 on the use of the product

INSTRUCTION 1 for the use of the disinfectant "DezChlorantin" Moscow-2012 1 2 INSTRUCTION 1 for the use of the disinfectant "DezChlorantin" The instructions were developed by the Federal Budgetary Institution "Research

CJSC "Northern Medical Company" INSTRUCTIONS 19/07 on the use of the disinfectant "Amifline Plus" (CJSC "Petrospirt", Russia) Moscow, 2007 CJSC "Northern Medical Company"

INSTRUCTIONS 1/10 for the use of the disinfectant “JAVEL CHIN” The instructions were developed at the Federal State Institution NIID Rospotrebnadzor Authors: Fedorova L.S., Panteleeva L.G., Levchuk N.N., Pankratova G.P.,

INSTRUCTION A-18/06 for the use of Alaminol (FSUE State Scientific Center "NIOPIK, Russia) for disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning.

INSTRUCTION A-18/06 for the use of Alaol (FSUE State Scientific Center "NIOPIK, Russia) for disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning. PREPARATION OF WORKING SOLUTIONS Working solutions of the product are prepared in glass,

The destruction of harmful pathogenic microorganisms is impossible without the use of special disinfecting solutions and preparations. Disinfectants "Javel Solid" from the French manufacturer "Jazol" belong to the group of the most effective drugs. Due to their properties, they are widely used in various fields.

Javel Solid what is it, how is it used and where is it used?

Technical characteristics and release form:
The basis of the drug is antibacterial substances - sodium salts of dichloroisocyanuric acids. The disinfectant is produced in round white tablets with a characteristic chlorine odor, packaged in jars of 150, 500 and 1000 grams. Each tablet contains 3.2 g of active ingredient.

This drug can be used for disinfection of various surfaces, containers, medical equipment, food utensils and much more. Powerful antimicrobial properties easily cope with pathogens of intestinal infections, salmonella bacteria, staphylococcus, streptococcus, yeast-like and moldy fungi.

The use of Javel Solid in kindergartens, schools and other public institutions significantly reduces the possibility of the appearance of harmful bacteria and effectively combats their pathogens.

Preparation of the Javel Solid working solution depends on the purpose of use. The tablets are diluted in a large container with water. Objects made of plastic and glass, as well as rubber, metal and other materials are treated by immersion in a prepared solution for a certain time of 15 minutes. up to 2 hours, depending on the type of items and their purpose. How to properly dilute Javel Solid and calculate the working consistency of the solution is detailed in the instructions.

To prepare des. Javel Solid solution for school; the instructions for use indicate all the proportions required for processing, and the instructions will also help you correctly calculate the consistency of the working solution for use in kindergarten.

How to dilute the disinfectant Javel Solid depends on the scope and purpose of use. In the instructions for use, you can familiarize yourself with all the parameters for using the drug and a description of disinfections that can be carried out using this solution. Indoor surfaces and hard furniture are disinfected by wiping or irrigation with an active chlorine concentration of 0.015% for 60 minutes. Toys are dipped in a 0.03% working solution or washed to destroy bacterial infections in a 0.06% solution against viral bacteria for 15 minutes or 60 minutes.

  1. Ease of transportation.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Economical dosage.
  4. Long-term storage (3 years).
  5. Effervescent additives allow them to dissolve quickly in water.
  6. High bactericidal activity.
  7. Does not contain dyes.
  8. Combines with detergents.

Large selection of detergents and disinfectants in the catalog.

LLC PTK "PolymerPlast" - all information about disinfectants 23-03-29, 39-07-44



By application and quality control methods

disinfectant "JAVEL SOLID" from JAZOL (France)

Moscow 2003


on the use and methods of quality control of the disinfectant "JAVEL SOLID" from the company "JAZOL" (France)

Guidelines were developed by the Research Institute of Disinfectology of the Russian Ministry of Health

Instructions for use are intended for personnel of medical and preventive institutions, workers of disinfection enterprises and other institutions that have the right to engage in disinfection activities.


1.1. The product “JAVEL SOLID” is produced in the form of tablets weighing 3.2 g, containing the sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid as the active ingredient. When 1 tablet is dissolved in water, 1.5 g of active chlorine is released. The shelf life of the product is 3 years.

1.2. The product "JAVEL SOLID" is highly soluble in water. Aqueous solutions are transparent and have a slight chlorine odor. The shelf life of working solutions is 3 days.

1.3. The product "JAVEL SOLID" has an antimicrobial effect against bacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis), viruses (including hepatitis and HIV viruses), fungi of the genus Candida, and dermatophytes.

1.4. According to the parameters of acute toxicity when administered into the stomach, the product "JAVEL SOLID" belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Has a slight irritating effect on the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs.

1.5. Solutions of the "JAVEL SOLID" product are intended for disinfection of indoor surfaces, furnishings, including during general cleaning, sanitary transport, and vehicles for transportation.

food products, linen, tableware and laboratory utensils, patient care items, medical products, sanitary equipment, cleaning equipment for bacterial (including tuberculosis), viral (including hepatitis and HIV infection) and fungal (candidiasis, dermatophytosis) infections etiology in health care facilities, at communal facilities (hotels, hostels, baths, laundries, swimming pools, hairdressers, etc.), catering and food trade establishments, during preventive, current and final disinfection in children's institutions.


Working solutions are prepared in enamel, glass or plastic containers by dissolving Javel Solid tablets in water (Table 1).

Table 1.

Preparation of working solutions

Active chlorine content, %

Number of tablets per 10 liters of water


3.1. Solutions of Javel Solid are used for disinfection of medical products, including disposable ones (before disposal), and patient care items made of corrosion-resistant metals, glass, polymeric materials, rubber; tableware and laboratory utensils, linen, vehicles for transporting food products; furniture, toys, sanitary equipment according to the modes presented in tables 2-4.

3.2. Patient care items and medical products are completely immersed in a disinfectant solution. Detachable products are processed in disassembled form, the channels and cavities are filled with solution, avoiding the formation of air pockets. After disinfection, they are washed with running water for 3 minutes.

3.3. Tableware, freed from food residues, and laboratory utensils are completely immersed in a disinfectant solution at the rate of 2 liters per set. After disinfection is completed, the dishes are washed with water for 3 minutes.

3.4. Toys (plastic, rubber, metal) are immersed in the solution, preventing them from floating up. Large toys are wiped with a rag soaked in a disinfectant solution. After disinfection is completed, toys are washed with water for 5 minutes.

3.5. Linen (except wool, silk and synthetic) is soaked in the solution at a consumption rate of 4 liters per 1 kg of dry linen. After disinfection is completed, the linen is washed and rinsed.

3.6. Floors, walls, indoor furniture, ambulances, and vehicles for transporting food products are wiped with a rag soaked in a solution at the rate of 100 ml per 1 sq.m. or irrigate at the rate of 300 ml per 1 sq.m. treated surface. After disinfection is completed, the premises are ventilated for 15 minutes, parquet floors, polished and wooden furniture are wiped with a dry cloth.

3.7. Sanitary equipment is wiped with a rag soaked in the solution, or irrigated with a solution of the product. Cleaning material (rags) is soaked in a disinfectant solution. After disinfection is completed, it is rinsed and dried.

Table 2.

Disinfection modes for various objects using solutions of the product

"JAVEL SOLID" for infections of bacterial (except tuberculosis) and viral (including hepatitis and HIV infection) etiology

Disinfection objects

Viral infections

Bacterial infections

Disinfection method

Concentration according to act.

Disinfection time, min.

Concentration according to act.

Disinfection time, min.

Medical products made of corrosion-resistant metals, glass, plastics, rubbers


Immersion or rubbing

Dishes without food residues


Dishes with leftover food


Laboratory glassware




Immersion or rubbing

Indoor surfaces, hard

furniture, ambulance transport, auto

transport for transportation of products *

Rubbing or


Wipe twice

Cleaning equipment


Table 3.

Modes for disinfecting objects with solutions

means "JAVEL SOLID" for tuberculosis

Disinfection object

Disinfection time, min.

Disinfection method

Medical products

made of corrosion-resistant metals,

glass, rubber, plastic


Patient care items made of glass, plastics, rubber

Dive or


Dishes without food residues


Dishes with leftover food


Linen not contaminated with secretions


Linen contaminated with secretions



Indoor surfaces

hard furniture *



Sanitary equipment *

Wipe twice

Cleaning equipment *


* Disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent.

Table 4.

Modes for disinfecting objects with solutions of the product

"JAVEL SOLID" for candidiasis and dermatophytosis

Disinfection objects

Solution concentration for active chlorine, %

Disinfection time, min.

Disinfection method

Glass medical products,

plastics, rubbers, corrosion-resistant metals


Nursing Items

Immersion or rubbing

Dinnerware with food leftovers**


Tableware without food residues**


Linen contaminated with secretions


Linen not contaminated with secretions


Indoor surfaces

hard furniture *

Rubbing or


Sanitary equipment *

Wipe twice

Cleaning equipment


* Disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent.

** The regimen is given for disinfection for candidiasis.


4.1. When preparing working solutions of JAVEL SOLID, the use of personal protective equipment is not required.

4.2. Work with solutions in concentrations higher than 0.1% of active chlorine, as well as work using irrigation methods, should be carried out with respiratory protection using universal respirators such as RPG-67 or RU-60M with a cartridge of grade B and eye protection with sealed goggles.

4.3. All types of work with solutions in concentrations up to 0.1% of active chlorine by wiping or immersion can be carried out without respiratory protection, avoid contact with eyes.

4.4. All types of work with the product should be carried out with rubber gloves protecting the skin of the hands.

4.5. The treatment should be carried out in the absence of patients.

4.6. Cover containers with solutions with lids.

4.7. After treatment, ventilate the room for 15 minutes.

4.8. Persons with hypersensitivity to chlorine preparations are not allowed to work with the product.

4.9. When working with the product, you must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Smoking, eating, drinking is prohibited. After work, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

4.10. The product should be stored separately from medications and food products, out of the reach of children, in tightly closed packaging from the manufacturer.



5.1. If precautions are not observed, as well as in persons with hypersensitivity to chlorine-containing agents, acute poisoning with JAVEL SOLID is possible. Acute poisoning manifests itself in irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract (lacrimation, sore throat, cough).

5.2. When the first signs of acute poisoning appear, the victim must be taken to fresh air and provided with rest. Rinse your mouth, nose, and throat with water, then give warm milk with baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of milk). If necessary, consult a doctor.

5.3. If the solution gets into your eyes or skin, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.



The disinfectant JAVEL SOLID is available in tablet form.

JAVEL SOLID tablets are controlled according to the following quality indicators: appearance, color, smell, average weight, disintegration time and mass fraction of free chlorine.

The table below shows the controlled parameters and standards for each of them.

Controlled parameters

Standards for tablets


Round regular tablet

Faint smell of chlorine

Average weight, g

Disintegration time, min

No more than 5 minutes


1. Determination of appearance, color and smell

Appearance and color are determined by visual inspection. The smell is assessed organoleptically.

2. Determination of the average weight of tablets

To determine the average weight of the tablets, 20 tablets are weighed.

The average weight of tablets is calculated using the formula:

where m is the total mass of weighed tablets, g;

n – number of weighed tablets.

3.Determination of tablet disintegration time

1 tablet is added to a conical flask with a capacity of 500 cm 3, 500 cm 3 of tap water is poured, a stopwatch is turned on, and the disintegration time of the tablets is noted when the flask is gently rocked.

4. Determination of active chlorine content in tablets

4.1. Equipment, reagents and solutions

General purpose laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 24104-88E with the largest weighing limit of 200 g.

Volumetric flask 2-100-2 according to GOST 1770-74.

Flask Kn-1-250-24/29 TS, kn-2-250-34 THC according to GOST 25336-82.

Burette 1-2-25-0.1.2-2-25-0.1 or 3-2-25-0.1 according to GOST 20292-74.

Cylinder 1-50 or 3-50 according to GOST 1770-74.

Cup SV-14/08 according to GOST 25336-82.

Soluble starch according to GOST.

Sulfuric acid according to GOST 61-75; 10% aqueous solution.

Potassium iodide according to GOST; 10% aqueous solution.

Sodium thiosulfate.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709-72.

4.2. Performing an Analysis

Weighted when determining the average mass (according to clause 2 of this section)

The tablets are crushed and the resulting powder is thoroughly mixed.

A sample of the resulting powder (from 1.0 g to 2.0 g), weighed with an accuracy of 0.0002 g, is quantitatively transferred into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cm 3, 80 cm 3 of distilled water is added, the analyzed sample is dissolved and the volume of distilled water is adjusted water up to the mark. 5 cm 3 of the resulting solution is transferred to a conical flask with a capacity of 100 cm 3, 10 cm 3 of distilled water, 10 cm 3 of 10% sulfuric acid and 10 cm 3 of 10% aqueous solution of potassium iodide are added. After keeping the flask in the dark for 5 minutes, the released iodine is titrated with 0.1 N. sodium thiosulfate solution until the solution becomes discolored. Before the end of the titration, 0.5 cm 3 of an aqueous solution of starch is added to the light yellow solution being titrated.

4.3. Processing the results

0.003545 V K 20 M

X = ─────────────────

where 0.003545 is the mass of active chlorine, corresponding to 1 cm 3 0.1 N. sodium thiosulfate solution, g.;

V – volume of 0.1 N used for titration. sodium thiosulfate solution, cm 3;

K – correction factor 0.1 n. sodium thiosulfate solution;

20 – dilution factor;

m – mass of the analyzed sample, g;

M is the average weight of tablets, determined according to paragraph 2..

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of 3 determinations, the absolute discrepancy between which should not exceed the permissible discrepancy equal to 0.15 g per tablet.

The permissible absolute total error of the analysis result is 0.20 g per tablet with a confidence probability of 0.95.

Javel Solid - chemical composition and release form

The key component of the disinfectant is dichloroisocyanuric sodium salt 73%. Available in tablet form. The weight of one tablet is 3.2 g. In order for the medicine to release chlorine in an active state, it must be dissolved in water. The working solution remains valid for up to three days. When stored in original packaging, shelf life is 3 years.

Javel Solid tablets: instructions for use

The disinfectant is used for cleaning in schools and public catering, processing egg shells in incubators, in health care facilities - for cleaning medical consumables, clothing of patients and staff, care items for the disabled, instruments made of corrosion-resistant metals, glass, polymers, rubber. The procedure for disinfection in the food industry and catering sector, household elements, sanitary equipment according to the developed methodological regime:

  • Medical equipment is dipped into the dissolved drug, the objects are disassembled and disinfected in parts, the gaps of cylindrical objects and holes are filled with chlorine, forming water plugs.
  • Laboratory and cafeteria dishes must be pre-treated to remove waste and then left in 2 liters of disinfectant per set. Afterwards, remove the chemical substance under pressure of water (about 5 minutes).
  • Toys, when filled with disinfectant, are covered with something, preventing them from floating up. To complete disinfection, be sure to rinse with cold water for 10 minutes.
  • The laundry is soaked at a consumption rate of 4 liters per kilogram of dry laundry, then the clothes are washed and rinsed.
  • The premises, sanitary and public transport are treated with a rag soaked in a chlorine solution at the rate of 100 milliliters per 1 m². You can also disinfect by irrigation at the rate of 300 ml per m². Using the product, you should ventilate the room for half an hour, after which the surfaces should be wiped with a clean cloth.
  • Sanitary equipment is wiped or rinsed with a disinfectant that instantly destroys pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic organisms (tuberculosis, scabies), viruses and fungi.

Preparation of working solution Javel Solid

A reminder on how to dilute: you need to cook in a bowl that is resistant to the action of an oxidizing agent. A certain number of tablets must be placed in a container and dissolved to obtain the desired concentration.

Technological map of Javel Solid

Purpose of disinfection% of substanceWater fraction (l)table/weightExposure time (min)Method, consumption
Cleaning in an outbreak where an infectious agent is present0,020 % 11 1/3.2 g at all points1 Use 0.1 l per m2
General cleaning (surfaces)0,020 % 11 1 Consumption 0.1 l per m2
Sanitary/technical devices0,059 % 3 2 Wipe twice with 20 min intervals and use 100ml per m2 for each cleaning
Disinfecting contaminated clothing0,21 % 0,8 2 The need for a solution of 4 liters per kg of clothing
Handling washed dishes0,11 % 2 2 Consumption 2l per set
Disinfection of instruments0,11 % 2

Analogues of Javel Solid

There are many analogues: Javelin, Zhavilar "Plus", VITACHLOR, AQUA-CHLOR, Laina XL, Javel Absolute, etc.

The requirements for the technical characteristics of the substance in terms of toxicity are fixed by GOST 12.1.007-76 (3rd hazard class). According to the OKPD 2 classifier, the disinfectant for treating medical instruments is assigned code The supplier TD "VeraMed" sells products that have passed production quality control and meet the requirements of current state standards.

Javel Solid: manufacturer

The catalog includes an assortment from the manufacturing plant “JAZOL” (France). The company's products have positive customer reviews. Javel Solid is sold and supplied in quantities of 320 tablets. One package contains recommendations in the form of a manual describing the application. You can order the disinfectant Javel Solid Comus by contacting the company’s employees at the specified contacts.

Javel Solid: certificate of conformity

The disinfectant is available, accompanied by documents confirming certification: certificate, declaration, certificates, which can be downloaded on this page.

Measures aimed at disinfecting environmental objects make it possible to get rid of dangerous microorganisms. To do this, you should use special tools. Instructions for use of “Javel Solid” contain information about the range of effects of the product and methods of its use. Let's take a closer look at this information.

Description of the product

Currently, pathogenic microorganisms multiply and spread in the environment at tremendous speed. It is simply impossible to prevent infection without observing safety measures. It is recommended to use special-purpose disinfectants to treat surfaces. Instructions for use "Javel Solid" belongs to this category of products.

It is impossible to do without disinfection in hospitals and beauty salons. It is necessary to treat not only the work surface and tools, but also your hands. In medical offices, containers used for storing masks and used materials must be processed.

Indications for use

Instructions for use Javel Solid is positioned as a universal disinfectant. The product in tablet form is used in the following cases:

  • general cleaning of premises;
  • disinfection of cosmetic and medical instruments;
  • processing of instruments and equipment;
  • cleaning vehicles for transporting patients;
  • disinfection of dishes.

"Javel Solid": instructions for use in dentistry

Dentists know better than anyone how important it is to treat the instruments and devices used in the dental treatment process. After all, every person’s oral cavity contains a huge number of both harmful and beneficial bacteria.

To treat surfaces and tools with a disinfectant based on the sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid, you need to dissolve the tablet in water. The instruments are processed for 15 minutes. Instructions for use of Javel Solid recommend using 100 ml of the prepared solution per square meter.

Disinfection regimes for various objects using Javel Solid (except tuberculosis)

Disinfection objects

Viral infections

Bacterial infections

Disinfection method

Decontamination time, minutes

Concentration of active chlorine

Decontamination time, minutes

Products made of corrosion-resistant metals, glass, rubber, plastics


Patient care items made of glass, plastics, rubber *


Dishes without food residues


Dishes with leftover food


Linen soiled with secretions


Linen soiled with blood


Linen not contaminated with secretions


Immersion or rubbing

Indoor surfaces, hard

Wiping or irrigation

Sanitary equipment *



Cleaning equipment


* Disinfection can be carried out with the addition of 0.5% detergent.

** Disinfection of room surfaces for intestinal infections can be carried out with solutions containing 0.015% active chlorine / 1 table. for 10 liters of water/.


The product "Javel Solid" has a mild irritating effect on the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs.

DEOCHLOR TABLETS /company P.F.C., France/:

A jar weighing 1 kg / the size of a 1 liter jar / contains 300 tablets, which corresponds to 2 bags of chloramine. Shelf life 3 years, no odor, not afraid of accidental flooding, frost-resistant. Does not damage the processed products, does not have a corrosive effect.

A universal product for general disinfection. For disinfection of surfaces by wiping - 1 table. for 10 liters of water. For disinfection of medical instruments 4 tables. for 10 l. water /exposure 60 min./. From 1 jar you can prepare 750 liters of solution.

CHLORSEPT /Megentech, Ireland/:

It has bactericidal / including tuberculocidal /, virucidal and fungicidal activity. Has a slight irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Has a corrosive effect on metal products. For disinfection, a 0.3% solution is used for tuberculosis, 0.2% for candidiasis, and a 0.1% solution for bacteria and viruses. Exposure time 60 minutes.

SEPTABIC /Abik company, Israel/:

It has a broad microbicidal effect, but is not active against tuberculosis.

"Javel Absolut" is a tableted chlorine product produced by domestic manufacturers. It comes in the form of white, quick-dissolving tablets. The main active ingredient is the sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid in a volume of no more than 84%; the composition also contains additional elements that improve the rapid dissolution of the drug in water.

The weight of one tablet is 350 mg, and when dissolved in the working fluid, active chlorine is released in the amount of 150 mg. The disinfectant "Javel Absolut" has a strong antimicrobial effect. It is used to combat bacteria of gram-negative and gram-positive organisms (including tuberculosis), viruses (poliomyelitis, HIV, hepatitis, strains of avian influenza, SARS, adenovirus and others), fungi such as Candida and dermatophytes, especially dangerous infections such as plague , cholera, tularemia, anthrax in spore form, as well as various anaerobic infections.


A unique domestic preparation, Javel Absolut, is used as a highly effective disinfectant. Instructions for use contain all the necessary information for a specific product. Thus, the drug can be used for prevention and elimination of possible foci of infection as a disinfectant solution.

Scope of application

It is used in honey. institutions such as:

  • clinics;
  • hospitals;
  • sanatorium and rehabilitation centers;
  • day care hospitals;
  • medical stations and medical units;
  • specialized homes for the elderly and disabled;
  • maternity wards (excluding neonatology);
  • dental clinics;
  • dispensaries;
  • transplantation centers;
  • blood transfusion stations;
  • disease diagnostic centers.

And also "Javel Absolut", the instructions of which contain recommendations to use the drug if necessary, are successfully used:

  • on transport transporting patients;
  • in children's institutions;
  • in public utility organizations (for example, in hotels, saunas, hostels, hairdressers, beauty salons, laundries, industrial markets, catering, public toilets);
  • in educational institutions;
  • in cultural and sports organizations, for example, in swimming pools, sports schools, sports complexes, cinemas, etc.;
  • at social welfare centers.

The drug "Javel Absolut" is used to eliminate possible foci of infection with tuberculosis bacteria, nosocomial infections, and anaerobic organisms. Instructions for use in schools indicate that disinfection should be carried out as a final step. It will prevent children from becoming infected with viral infections: polio, HIV, hepatitis, bird flu, SARS, and fungal diseases.

Disinfection methods

"Javel Absolut", the instructions for use of which contain information about existing ones, are used for processing various objects and surfaces. So, it is used for:

  • disinfection treatment of various surfaces in premises, as well as pieces of cabinet furniture, the outer surface of various household appliances and apparatus, sanitary equipment, as well as fabrics, linen, appliances, utensils, including laboratory items, sanitary cleaning material, children's toys, general plastic products use, rubber coverings and items;
  • disinfection of medical items made of corrosion-resistant materials (rubber, plastic, glass);
  • processing of origin (dressing materials, bed linen, including disposable ones, medical workers’ clothing and other items) before disposing of them;
  • disinfection of special equipment and tools used in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, clubs and other institutions serving the public;
  • disinfection of vehicles for transporting passengers, food products and industrial goods.

This is an approximate list of areas of application for Javel Absolut. The instructions for use contain information that must be read before use.


Potent components provide high performance properties of the Javel Absolut 300 disinfectant. Instructions for use contain information on the composition of the drug:

  • sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid (up to 84%);
  • sodium carbonate;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

Toxicity classification

According to the toxicity classification according to GOST 12.1.007-76, Javel Absolut is also classified as dangerous. The instructions for use contain information on the main parameters. Thus, the products belong to the 3rd class for moderate hazard if they enter the gastrointestinal tract, the 4th class of toxicity for skin damage, and the 2nd class for toxic volatility (vapors). According to Professor Sidorov's classification, the drug is low-toxic when administered parenterally, acts as a local skin irritant, has a pronounced effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and does not have a sensitizing effect.

Solutions containing a small amount of a toxic component (0.015-0.06%), when they come into contact with the skin surface once, do not have a harmful effect on the skin, may cause slight peeling and dryness, and when exposed to the mucous membrane of the eyes - minor irritation. Vapors from a working solution with a component content of 0.015% by weight belong to the 4th class of low-toxic drugs, with a volume of 0.03-0.06% there is a 3rd class of toxicity, 0.01-0.025% - to the 2nd class dangerous active substances.

How to prepare the solution

To prepare the solution, you must prepare an enamel, undamaged glass or plastic container. The required amount of the tablet is dissolved in it in drinking water at room temperature (18-22 degrees). The working solution has a shelf life of three days, after which it must be disposed of and a new one prepared if necessary.


Any chemical disinfectant has a number of features for use. Detailed information can be found on the packaging of Javel Absolut. Instructions for use, consumer reviews and advice from disinfectants can also help when using the drug. In any case, you must follow the safety recommendations:

  1. Do not use the product for people with a tendency to allergic reactions and chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  2. When using the drug, wear protective gloves.
  3. The preparation of the working solution must be carried out in a closed container.
  4. The rooms in which the disinfection process is carried out must be well ventilated, and the containers in which materials are soaked must be sealed.
  5. Cleaning of medical materials and products from disinfectant must be carried out under running water (glass, metal - 3 minutes, rubber and plastic - 5 minutes).
  6. At the end of the disinfection process, it is recommended to ventilate the room until the smell of chlorine is completely eliminated.
  7. Do not allow the working composition and undissolved tablets of the drug to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. If contact occurs, rinse with running water for 3-5 minutes.
  8. It is prohibited to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat food during treatment. After finishing working with the disinfectant, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


"Javel Absolut" is a highly effective drug for disinfecting premises and objects for various purposes. According to reviews, the product has the expected effect and has good performance in eliminating possible residual effects.

In medical institutions, kindergartens, schools, patients and parents often ask what disinfectants are used. They often answer that this is Javel Solid, the composition is effective and safe. Details are usually not given, citing the busyness and compliance of the drug with norms and regulations. You can also hear that the instructions for using des. Javel Solid products in a specific organization are approved by management and approved by regulatory authorities.
This answer gives quite truthful, although not sufficiently detailed information. It is true that Javel Solid disinfectants comply with standards, are approved and recommended for use in medical and child care institutions, in the service sector, in transport and in the food industry.

Technical characteristics of Javel Solid

The disinfectant is produced by the French manufacturer Jazol. The drug is part of a line of chlorine-based formulations; the name of the series, “Javel,” reminds us of this.

Interesting fact. The name "Javel" has a toponymic origin. In the XVIII–XIX centuries. this was the name of the liquid for cleaning and disinfecting linen. The first chlorine-based preparation intended for clothing and dishes was made by the French chemist Berthollet. At that time he was working in the small town of Javel, located near Paris. The composition got its name in honor of him.

The product is available in tablets for dissolution in water. One tablet contains 73.25% sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid. Each package of the drug comes with instructions for using Javel Solid tablets.

Description of disinfection "Javel Solid"

General sanitation procedure: Preparation of the Javel Solid working solution.

Use of the composition - irrigation, soaking, washing, washing. The method of application depends on the type of surfaces to be treated and the degree of contamination.

Rinse. The solution is washed off with running water or removed in several steps using a damp cloth, which is thoroughly washed after each wipe.

How to properly dilute Javel Solid

To prepare the solution, you need to take a plastic, glass or enamel-coated metal container.

Important! The Javel Solid disinfectant is diluted so that the solution does not come into contact with exposed metal or wood. If you use, for example, an enamel bucket, check that the enamel is intact and without defects.

One or more tablets are dissolved in clean water. Typically tap water is used. Cold and hot are mixed to obtain water at room temperature or lukewarm.

For 10 liters of water you need from 0.5 to 20 tablets. The concentration of the solution depends on the place where sanitation is carried out and its type. So, according to the instructions for processing egg shells in the food industry, a 0.01 percent solution is used. To obtain it, 1 tablet is dissolved in 15 liters of water. Similarly, there are Javel Solid instructions for kindergartens, schools, catering establishments, hotels, swimming pools, etc.

Standards for child care institutions

How to dilute the Javel Solid disinfectant for use in schools and kindergartens depends on two factors:

Type of processing – planned processing or emergency. Urgent treatment is carried out when there are sick children or teachers.
Composition of the treatment – ​​one or several drugs are used.

The general principle is as follows. To use Javel Solid in a kindergarten or nursery, small concentrations are sufficient: up to 4 tablets per 10 liters of water. During routine treatment at school or when using several drugs, 4-5 tablets per 10 liters are needed.

In case of emergency sanitary measures, the instructions for using Javel Solid at school recommend a solution with a high content of active chlorine (up to 0.2%), that is, up to 14 tablets per 10 liters of water.

Important! When working with concentrated liquid - above 0.1%, more than 7 tablets per 10 l - it is recommended to wear a universal respirator and sealed goggles.



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