Innovative activities in warehousing logistics. Implementation of innovative ideas for the benefit of business through the hands of the business itself, using the example of a specific company - Logistics Agency "20A"


Mikheeva Valeria Igorevna 1, Shmankova Anna Andreevna 2, Sheven Lyudmila Nikolaevna 3
1 Smolensk State University, 4th year student in the direction of training “Management”, profile “Logistics and supply chain management”
2 Smolensk State University, 4th year student in the direction of training “Management”, profile “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”
3 Smolensk State University, senior lecturer at the Department of Management

This article is devoted to the analysis of the evolutionary development of warehouse logistics, and also focuses on the development of innovative technologies in this area. It pays special attention to the introduction of automated warehouses into enterprises. An automated warehouse is a modern system that plays an important role in the organization, management and control of material flows.


Mikheeva Valeriya Igorevna 1, Shmankova Ann Andreevna 2, Sheven Lyudmila Nikolaevna 3
1 Smolensk State University, 4th year student department of “Management” profile “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”
2 Smolensk State University, 4th year student department of “Management” profile “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”
3 Smolensk State University, Senior Lecturer Department of Management

This article is about the evolutionary development of warehouse logistics and development of innovative technologies in this field. It focuses on the implementation of the enterprise automated warehouses. Automated warehouse is a modern system, which plays an important role in the organization, management and control of material flow.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Mikheeva V.I., Shmankova A.A., Sheven L.N. Evolution and innovation in warehouse logistics // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2015. No. 4. Part 3 [Electronic resource]..03.2019).

The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that the warehouse is one of the main elements of the enterprise’s logistics system. And in our opinion, the most important indicators of the technical, economic and financial sustainability of an enterprise can be confidently called: efficiency, accuracy, speed of assembling a consumer’s order. Therefore, the introduction of innovations for warehouse logistics is the most pressing issue at the moment for any enterprise.

The most important element of warehouse logistics is warehouses and the surrounding infrastructure. A modern warehouse is a complex technical structure, equipped with modern warehouse equipment and consisting of many interconnected elements. It has a certain structure and performs a number of functions, such as storage and accumulation of goods, transformation of material flows and distribution of goods among consumers. Therefore, the warehouse should be considered as an integrated part of the logistics chain, which allows it to perform the main functions of the warehouse and achieve a high level of profitability.

An efficient warehousing system allows for optimal placement of cargo in the warehouse and efficient management of it. In this regard, when developing a warehousing system, it is necessary to take into account all the relationships between the external and internal flows of the facility and the factors associated with it (technical means, characteristics of the cargo, warehouse parameters, etc.).

Today there are three types of warehouses: warehouses with manual operations, mechanized and automated warehouses.

A manual warehouse is one of the most classic types. Goods in such a warehouse are stored on shelves or in special containers. Workers, moving around the warehouse, select the necessary goods from the shelves, then put them in containers for further movement. All cargo movements are controlled by the workers themselves. Such warehouses are suitable for storing goods only of small size, light, and convenient to work with. Shelves should be no more than 2 meters high so that a worker can reach them, and located close and compact to reduce the overall distance. The conditions in such a warehouse should be comfortable, i.e. it must be illuminated and heated.

Mechanized warehouses are by far the most common. Their main task is to transfer part of the physical work of humans to machines. To create mechanized warehouses, you need a fairly large room, because... Some types of equipment require wide aisles to maneuver. But in order to optimize such a warehouse, high racks are used, their height reaches 12 meters or more. Typical mechanized equipment includes: forklifts, conveyors, stackers, cranes, towing ropes, carousels, etc. In such a warehouse, the entire mechanized system is controlled by an operator.

Today, traditional and even mechanized warehouses tend to have high operating costs. Therefore, many enterprises are trying to solve this problem by using an automated warehouse. Thanks to the introduction of this innovation, operating costs are reduced and the level of service is significantly increased, but, unfortunately, the creation of such a warehouse requires very high investments in equipment. That is why only very large enterprises with large warehouses that can accommodate a large volume of materials should do this. Automated warehouses that are used today are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Examples of automated warehouses (table compiled by the authors)


Operating principle of an automated warehouse

Advantages of use

1 KARDEX REMSTAR SHUTTLE XP – vertical high-rise automated elevator-type warehouse for industrial warehouse systems This warehouse consists of modules and is designed on the principle of building up vertical blocks. In it, each unit of cargo is controlled by a special computer-controlled manipulator, which delivers the required pallet to the unloading point, and then returns it to a free shelf using a lift device.
  • saving the client time and money;
  • reducing the area of ​​the warehouse;
  • introduction of new production equipment;
  • ensuring the safety of cargo;
  • high speed of order processing;
  • use of an elevator warehouse as an intermediate warehouse right in the production area;
  • implementation of the basic principle - FIFO (first in, first out)
  • The principle “goods to people” is fulfilled.
2 Automatic rotary warehouses: vertical MEGAMAT and horizontal HORIZONTA An automated carousel warehouse is an automated elevator-type rack that is controlled using a special computer. It can be used as a central warehouse or integrated into existing material flows .
  • saving space and time for performing the operation;
  • reducing the use of physical labor;
  • the accuracy of placing a consumer order increases;
  • safety of inventory items (can be equipped with anti-theft means);
  • promotes the most convenient and safe work for employees.
3 Warehouse Management System – warehouse management system This is a software platform for intelligent management and automation of warehouse processes. It is installed on the control equipment. WMS allows you to monitor the warehouse system and also transfers data within the enterprise information system.
  • efficient use of space;
  • automation of work in a warehouse;
  • efficiency.
4 Mobile shelving They are structures mounted on the movement mechanism. Mobile shelving is used for both storage and archives. Their main feature is the presence of primary and additional security systems.
  • Optimization of warehouse space;
  • reduction of operating costs;
  • safety.

Optimal placement of goods in a warehouse and effective management of them are extremely important factors in the development of warehouse logistics. In this regard, most enterprises are trying to move away from warehouses with manual operations and even mechanized ones to full automation. An automated warehouse is an innovative technology in modern logistics, because... in the near future, they will be the ones managing all warehouse operations. Today, such a warehouse requires significant investments associated with the costs of debugging and implementing complex equipment that is controlled remotely. As soon as this innovation is put into operation, it will help the enterprise solve many previously arising problems: personnel costs will be minimal, costs from damage, damage, theft of goods will be reduced, the useful area of ​​the warehouse will increase, the accuracy and speed of collecting consumer orders will increase, etc.

In general, in recent years, many innovative technologies have been introduced in the logistics sector, including the City Express company, which is primarily due to technological progress. As for changes in business models and business processes, there are no fundamental changes happening here, since everything is quite standardized. Business models and business processes in different companies may differ in some nuances, but in general they are typical - reinventing the wheel here is quite risky. Russian companies mainly adopt and adapt the successful experience of their Western colleagues.

The main innovative solutions introduced into the logistics system in recent years have proven their effectiveness:

  • One of the most common innovations that has appeared in many logistics companies is satellite monitoring of the movement of vehicles and containers with cargo. It allows operators, shippers and consignees to track the location of cargo online. Here we can also note such an innovative solution as Cargo tracking. This technology makes it possible to monitor online the passage of cargo through all links of the logistics chain. The shipper has the opportunity to receive information about the passage of cargo around the clock to plan his further actions. Using a protected account guarantees a high level of system security .
  • The next innovative solution is electronic declaration. It uses a whole range of hardware and software systems, which allows for customs clearance of goods in electronic form. This significantly speeds up the registration procedure.
  • It is no secret that one of the most problematic links in the logistics chain is the passage of cargo through customs. In order to speed up this process, an innovative solution has been found: remote cargo release. This technology allows all customs procedures to be carried out in the internal customs department when the cargo is in temporary storage warehouses near checkpoints on the Russian border. Information exchange takes place electronically, the customs declaration is submitted to the internal customs department, and direct control is carried out at the border customs department. The advantage of this technology is, in particular, that document flow is reduced and the influence of subjective factors is minimized.
  • Another innovation that allows you to optimize cargo delivery times is the ability to enter data into the database immediately after issuing a customs declaration. Thanks to new technologies, information is displayed, including in Cargo tracking, within a matter of minutes. This greatly speeds up the movement of goods.
  • In addition, almost all Russian logistics companies, including City Express, implement logistics process automation systems, allowing, for example, to forecast sales, purchases, and warehouse balances.

City Express not only adopts experience, but also actively interacts with Western companies. In particular, last year the company signed a cooperation agreement with one of the most famous players in the global courier brokerage market, Mail Boxes Etc. This allowed us to expand the range of services provided for the transportation of correspondence and cargo, focusing on serving private clients.

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Innovation in logistics will be useful for companies engaged in e-commerce, manufacturing and construction enterprises with their own warehouses, as well as companies providing transport and warehousing services

High speed packaging

The French company Savoye has developed the E-Jivaro packaging machine, which itself calculates the required height of boxes in accordance with the contents and seals them. It is capable of packing goods into boxes that easily fit into mailboxes (packaging format - A4, minimum thickness - 30 mm). The first to introduce the new product was Photobox, a company known in Europe for its achievements in the field of reproducing and storing photos on the Internet. The machine is expected to revolutionize e-commerce.

Who will be interested in the new product: e-commerce companies, logistics firms.

Neat cart

The Australian company Quattrolifts has released a trolley that can be used to move and install glass in workshops, warehouses and construction sites. To use this device to transport sheet glass weighing up to 400 kg and a length of 4500 mm, as well as lift it to a height of up to 4.5 m, one or two workers will be required. Glass can be unloaded directly from the truck rack, transported and installed in window openings. In addition, the trolley itself is easily dismantled.

Who will be interested in the new product: manufacturing and construction companies, logistics companies transporting and installing glass.

Innovations in transport logistics

Intel Corporation (USA) and the KamAZ company are developing a system for the Russian transport services market, which is positioned as an infotainment system. It is equipped with 3G, LTE, Wi-Fi wireless communication modules, allows you to connect mobile devices, has a browser for accessing the Internet, makes it possible to contact the traffic police, etc. In addition, the system will be equipped with sensors that will monitor not only the health of the machine, but also the driver’s condition – to determine the presence of alcohol vapor in the cabin. This information will be available to the owner of the car.

Who will be interested in the new product: motor transport enterprises.

  • Reducing logistics costs: 4 most effective ways

Opal humidity sensors

Scientists from Novosibirsk have learned to make humidity sensors based on opals. According to their observations, if opal is treated with a certain chemical composition, then when the humidity increases above the permissible level, it becomes transparent. It is assumed that chemical and food industry enterprises, as well as warehouses (specializing, for example, in food storage) will be interested in the devices. The opal-based sensor is not subject to electrical and magnetic interference and is not susceptible to dust.

Who will be interested in the new product: warehouse terminals, food and chemical industry companies.

Expert opinion

Leonid Shlyapnikov, General Director of the company "Sovtransavtoexpedition", Moscow

1. Before reaching the buyer, cargo passes through at least three or four terminals. In such a situation, the quality of packaging plays an important role. At the same time, in the field of e-commerce, the winner is the one who manages to process parcels faster than competitors. The declared packaging speed is at least three to four times higher than the productivity of the conveyor with packaging equipment on which the operator is involved. The result is increased productivity and savings on personnel.

2. Sheet glass is a material whose handling requires special skills from personnel. Therefore, a device that facilitates the work of employees and meets additional requirements (maximum mobility, the ability to work with various warehouse topologies) will be of interest to such companies. Similar fixtures and stands are widely used in the American, Australian and New Zealand flat glass markets.

3. We are already actively using data received from the vehicle using CAN technology (from the English Controller Area Network - a network of controllers). For a large transport company, the use of GPS/GPRS receivers or Glonass sensors has become common practice. The next stage in the development of these technical means is interesting, involving the use of collected information. This is not only monitoring the work of the driver and transport, but also building behavioral models and motivational schemes based on the information received.

4. Humidity and temperature conditions are extremely important for the storage of certain types of goods, such as food, paper and hygiene products. The risks of damage and loss of such products stored in warehouses are high, but “smart” warehouse technologies are still not cheap. The emergence of inexpensive devices for humidity control is certainly of interest to any company that provides storage services.

Timofey Pirogov, Head of the Department of Logistics Development, Implementation and Projects at STS Logistics, Moscow

1. Large manufacturers and distributors strive to fill the volume of the vehicle as much as possible during transportation. From the point of view of saving transport costs, the use of new packaging technology is justified if the client is charged, for example, for the volumetric weight of the transported products. This is especially true when transporting light and bulky goods. In Russia, the described packaging machine may be of interest to distance selling enterprises that use courier automobile delivery to the recipient. For logistics companies, the advantages of such packaging are not yet so relevant, because cargo is transported in boxes of different standard sizes and it is always possible to choose a smaller box for a product of a specific volume in order to save on the cost of packaging.

2. A trolley for transporting glass will reduce losses when moving such a fragile product, because any damage renders it completely unusable. The second important factor is the ability to reduce the number of people employed in transportation, thereby reducing fixed costs.

3. Of course, for the development proposed by Intel and KamAZ, there are many options for application in the field of both freight and passenger transportation. The ability to combine different functions (additional security, information, entertainment) in one system sets it apart from the developments of competing companies.

4. It is unclear whether the opal based sensor is reusable. If it is a cheap, disposable sensor, it can be used to monitor the storage conditions of moisture-sensitive goods in warehouses and during transportation. If the sensor is reusable, then its usefulness, in my opinion, is questionable. I would prefer an electronic device from which data can be retrieved remotely.

Question 4. Innovation in logistics systems

With the development of international commodity distribution standards in Russia, the need for high-quality logistics services also increases. Modern conditions require a comprehensive innovative approach to storage and processing of products.

Innovation is a process of scientific and technical activity, the result of which is innovation of a technical, technological, organizational or managerial nature. In technical terms, innovation is manifested in the emergence of new products, both industrial and consumer, with higher technical, economic and operational characteristics - quality, reliability, power, productivity, efficiency, environmental friendliness. From a technological perspective, innovation is the manufacture of products using technological processes that are more advanced than existing ones, allowing to reduce the labor intensity of production operations and reduce production costs.

Innovation in the field of organization is considered in two directions. The first direction is the development of organizational structures of business entities that allow establishing an optimal balance of structures with the external environment. The second direction is associated with the development of rational options for organizing labor - cooperation, specialization, division of labor, which make it possible to reduce costs during organizational interaction within and between business entities. Innovation from a management perspective is considered in the form of projects of planned management changes - the number of management levels, the degree of management influence, control over management decisions, as well as their subsequent implementation, which allows obtaining a certain economic or social effect.

Almost all types of innovations listed above are relevant to logistics and logistics decisions.

At the beginning of 2011, the Coordination Council for Logistics conducted a traditional annual study of the logistics of companies in Russia. The materials were presented at the plenary session of the XIV Moscow International Logistics Forum. The annual study involved managers and employees of 47 companies from various sectors of the economy. The responses received showed that innovations in logistics are very important and there is a need for their development and implementation.

How important is it for your company to use innovative solutions/technologies in logistics?

1. 51% recognize the importance of innovation and technology in logistics, but plan to engage in this work in the medium term.

2. 38% are already using innovative solutions in their practice.

What methods of optimizing logistics processes do you consider the most effective?

As a result of summarizing the answers, the list included:

1. Introduction of innovative solutions, systems and technologies - 24%;

2. Better personnel management and motivation -18%;

3. Effective supply chain management - 12%;

4. Increasing the efficiency of warehouse logistics - 11%;

5. Reducing logistics costs.

Innovative logistics is the most relevant component of logistics activities, designed to study the need and possibility of introducing progressive innovations into the organization of current and strategic management of flow processes in order to identify and use additional reserves by rationalizing (optimizing) this management.

Structurally, logistics consists of a number of subsystems, which are already established independent areas - “supply logistics”, “production logistics”, “warehouse logistics”, “transport logistics”, “distribution logistics”. Accordingly, “innovative logistics”, by its purpose, is also considered as an independent direction of logistics activity, which faces its own specific tasks.

Objectives of logistics activities:

1. creation of new ideas in the field of flow process management, based on the use of general scientific and technical achievements and their application in innovative logistics;

2. development and creation of a system of logistics new formations and logistics systems for various purposes through their element-by-element and stage-by-stage formation.

In this case, innovative logistics systems are understood as: specialized innovative logistics business centers; industry research institutes and departments of functional logistics subsystems; scientific research departments of higher educational institutions; consulting centers conducting research on existing and evaluating new logistics projects; public logistics structures - international, national and regional logistics associations.

Logistics innovations in theoretical terms are based on four logistics concepts, which represent the initial basis for the development of flexible logistics models for various areas of production and economic activity.

The following logistic concepts are accepted:

1. concept of general logistics costs - determination of differentiated logistics costs;

2. the concept of reengineering business processes in logistics - identifying the relationship between functions and the degree of intermediation and cooperation;

3. concept of an integrated logistics strategy - quality of customer service based on demand and supply forecasts;

4. logistics concept for managing the complete supply chain - organizing the entire process of product distribution - from the initial supplier to the final consumer.

Logistics innovations are used in the organization and management of material production and the service sector, as well as the improvement of operations and procedures used in logistics systems. At the same time, logistics innovations, experiencing the need for regular renovation of technical means, actively influence the development of scientific and technological progress, which stimulates research and development work (R&D) in the field of new equipment, technology and materials used in logistics systems. In terms of processes, modern logistics consists of 90% information technology. Only the remaining 10% is directly transported goods. Without information technology, the modern cargo transportation industry will simply cease to exist - IT is used in all areas and at all stages of cargo transportation. Two levels of IT application can be identified as key: “strategic”, which represents the automation of cargo transportation and logistics management processes, and the “application” level, aimed at automating cargo flows. The demand for automation of cargo transportation is growing at an accelerated pace. According to various estimates, costs increase annually by 15-20%, while costs for automation of management processes increase by 8-10% annually. Let's look at examples of information technologies used in logistics. The functions of a 3PL provider, that is, a full-fledged logistics partner of the company, are gradually beginning to be introduced into the practice of Russian organizations. The functions of a 3PL provider are extensive and include not only direct transportation, warehousing management, shipment consolidation, forwarding and other basic services, but also customs brokerage services, information systems design and support, tariff negotiations, and consulting services. Each organization must monitor and control the accuracy and order of both sending and receiving cargo to ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of the organization, which will help avoid production costs. Let’s say that if an operator delivers a pack of flour not at 10 o’clock, but at 10:30, he will pay a fine for an idle shelf. And if he does not remove the products from the factory, this threatens to stop production. A study of the logistics services market showed that 3PL operators are already working in Russia, but mainly in the field of consumer goods. In the field of manufacturing logistics, the 3PL market is at an early stage. Another example of innovation in logistics is information technology, which is being successfully implemented in the Russian market by the Microsoft Dynamics AX program. The system is a comprehensive solution for automating the entire life cycle of production, accounting, control and analysis of cargo flows. This system supports the work of a transport and logistics company. The introduction of an automation system will lead to the following results: warehouse productivity will significantly increase, processing will be completely eliminated, costs for processing goods flows will be reduced, and stable operation of the facility in the established mode. In addition, this system will help increase staff motivation, improve control over the work of the organization’s employees, improve the processes of interaction between employees of various departments, and the speed of processing customer requests will increase. When working with cargo, logistics companies use RFID tags to mark transported goods, which help track the location of the cargo or the contents of the cargo. A goods control system that allows the owner to determine the condition of the goods (damaged as a result of impact, shaking / packaging opened).

Transport logistics is unthinkable without the active use of information technology. It is difficult to imagine the formation and organization of the work of goods delivery chains without intensive operational exchange of information between participants in the transport process, without the ability to quickly respond to the needs of the transport services market. The determining factor in management is the speed of data processing and obtaining the necessary information. Turnover

information affects the efficiency of enterprise management and its financial success. The practical implementation of innovations in logistics is becoming a powerful tool for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the products they produce and the services they provide.

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An efficiently operating transport and logistics system can act as a fairly powerful argument that guarantees a stable supply of enterprises with material and technical resources, sustainable sales of finished products and their positive performance in general. In this regard, optimization of logistics product distribution management processes, reduction of logistics costs along the entire path of logistics processes, organization of flexible functioning of a transport and logistics system capable of absorbing the achievements of scientific and technological progress is one of the strategic objectives of the enterprise.

Logistics is a science that requires constant development and improvement. Therefore, innovation is a necessary phenomenon for the productive functioning of modern logistics systems.

What innovations are being successfully applied today?

1. Electronic declaration. This is a set of hardware and software that allows for customs registration of goods and vehicles in electronic format. Communication between the customs broker and the inspector takes place via electronic communication channels, which can significantly speed up the procedure for releasing goods.

2. Remote release of goods. This innovative technology involves performing all customs actions in the internal customs department when placing goods and vehicles in temporary storage warehouse areas in places close to the border of the Russian Federation. In this case, information is exchanged electronically, the declaration is submitted to the internal customs department, and control is carried out at the border unit. This allows you to optimize logistics schemes, minimize the influence of subjective factors, and reduce document flow.

3. Cargo tracking is a development that allows online control over the passage of cargo through the main points of the logistics chain. Using a secure account, the customer can receive accurate information about the cargo and plan further actions at any time of the day or night.

4. Radio terminals - devices that allow you to enter data into the database a few minutes after the declaration is issued. Information about this is reflected in cargo tracking, which ensures the movement of cargo without loss of time.

5. Satellite monitoring is a system that allows you to track the location of a container with cargo as accurately as possible.

An innovative direction in organizing logistics activities will be the process of concentrating logistics functions around the supply of enterprises with materials, raw materials, components and around the sale of finished products in accordance with modern methods of providing transport and logistics services and doing business. The set of activities carried out on these issues can be conditionally attributed to the first stage in the formation of a transport and logistics system in Russia.

The second stage will involve the implementation of processes related to the grouping of logistics functions into individual areas of activity, for the provision of services for the delivery of goods from manufacturers to consumers.

The third stage will be a set of measures to create a unified logistics system at each enterprise, when all logistics operations will be transferred to a higher level of management and subordinated to one division. As a result, the status of logistics services will increase and the range of their duties, powers and responsibilities will significantly expand.

At the fourth stage of the formation of logistics structures, the prevailing tendency will be to group logistics functions through organizational structures and combine them into a single logistics system with general leadership and responsibility. The planning and coordination activities of such structures will be aimed at improving the management of material and technical flows in order to maximize profit through the reduction of all types of costs and expenses and at the same time improving customer service.

The experience of organizing logistics relations in developed countries of the world shows that the effectiveness of their functioning is largely determined by the level of development of contract logistics. The introduction of a contract form of transport and logistics services ensures a reduction in total transport and logistics costs at industrial and commercial enterprises by 15-20%. In addition, the effectiveness of outsourcing technologies for transport and logistics services depends on the quality of these operations carried out at industrial and commercial enterprises.

The conclusion of long-term logistics contracts for a period of 3 to 5 years should be preceded by a set of measures that include:

* analysis of the financial and economic activities of enterprises with a preliminary determination of transport and logistics costs as part of the price at which the products will be sold;

* development of long-term plans for the development of enterprises to reach parameters that ensure the fulfillment of concluded contracts, taking into account the reduction of total transport and logistics costs by 15-20% for large-tonnage cargo and 25-30% for small-tonnage and high-value cargo;

* development of a business plan for organizational and technical measures to fulfill all terms of the contract;

* development of options for creating a working group for the business plan and an operational group to service the provisions of the contract for the entire period of its validity.

In the context of large-scale targeted deployment of the contract form of transport and logistics services, the logistics component in the total volume of services provided by the Russian transport complex can reach 25% by 2015 and provide three-quarters of the increase in profit. The accelerated development of the logistics component, based on the contract form of servicing industrial and commercial enterprises, is one of the most important conditions for increasing the profitability of the transport complex.

The introduction of a contract form for the provision of transport and logistics services in the economic sphere is possible in several ways:

* through the creation of a joint-stock company (or association) performing all types of transport and logistics services on the basis of contractual agreements. With the prevailing form of state ownership and contractual coverage of at least 40% of the total volume of transport and logistics services by 2015, the resulting economic effect from its implementation will belong to the state;

* through the formation at the state level of a regulatory legal framework that will ensure the creation of conditions for the dynamic introduction of a contract form of transport and logistics services, which will open free access for European and Russian companies to the Belarusian market, including in the field of transport and logistics services, provided to domestic industrial and commercial enterprises. Russian enterprises will gain experience in organizing high-quality services in the field of transport and logistics operations, but most of the profits received will remain with foreign companies;

* through the creation of joint transport and logistics enterprises with a certain share of state ownership and foreign partners, which ensures the economic interests of the two parties.

The transition to a contract form of transport and logistics services involves the development and implementation of specific organizational and control measures in the form of a special program for large-scale outsourcing coverage of the maximum number of domestic enterprises. It is possible that, as an experiment, it would be advisable to first introduce a new form of logistics relations at one or several large industrial or commercial enterprises, during which the features of transport and logistics management actions under various forms of ownership should be established and, on this basis, a package of documents for the phased transition of other organizations should be developed. with the participation of specific foreign companies, future strategic partners to improve the operation of the transport and logistics system, including servicing export-import deliveries.

The introduction of a contract form of transport and logistics services will help accelerate the implementation of processes related to the integration of the transport and logistics system of the Republic of Belarus into the pan-European transport and logistics system, increasing the competitiveness of the national transport sector, and raising the status of our country at the international level. In this regard, certain provisions of our country’s road transport policy must be clarified in terms of its correlation with European transport policy, especially in compliance with international environmental parameters, easing the load on the road network, reducing road accidents and other problems.

Automation of information flows accompanying cargo is one of the most essential technical components of logistics. Modern trends in information flow management consist of replacing paper transportation documents with electronic ones. Attempts are being made to simplify transportation documents, freight tariffs, and a system of mutual payments for transportation between senders, recipients and transport organizations. But, in fact, the outdated technology of commercial work is superimposed on modern technical means of automation.

The organization and formation of the transport and logistics system must be structured in such a way that during its operation the changes made do not violate its integrity and it continues to function as a single, well-coordinated mechanism, subordinate to the achievement of a common goal - adaptation and adaptation to market conditions, a specific environment, while simultaneously improving the quality of services provided and reducing all types of costs. Below are the shipping methods:

Rice. 1. Transportation methods

The transport services market today is very promising. Improving transport technologies involves not only changing traditional methods of transportation, but also changing the traditional physical state of cargo. This achieves a significant reduction in cargo transportation time, energy and labor costs.

The problem of ensuring high quality of logistics operations can be solved by introducing innovative ways and methods of their implementation, also using all technical and technological innovations. One of these methods is the use of modern transport and technological logistics systems (TTLS). TTLS is a set of mutually agreed technical, technological and organizational measures in the field of transporting goods from supplier to buyer at specific sites in the transport chain in order to achieve maximum efficiency from the use of modern methods of transporting goods.

Rice. 2. Types of transport in logistics

The transport company's innovative processes have also affected such an important area as warehouse operations. A variety of technical means (trolleys with automatic direction of movement, transport and loading and unloading technologies, etc.) have been created in response to the problems posed by optimizing warehouse activities.

The logistics of transport and warehouse complexes is based on the use of modern achievements in the field of computer science and automation. Important from the point of view of control over the implementation of transport operations is the GPS (Global Positioning System) system - an automated global satellite system designed to determine the exact location of a vehicle, which allows car owners and cargo owners to control the movement of goods. A transport company also uses various computer systems. With their help, the tasks of increasing the efficiency of transport operations are solved, as well as control over the movement of goods. The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is quite common, with the help of which in logistics the volumes and directions of material flows, the sequence of movement of goods to storage locations are determined, warehouse activities are managed, the movement of vehicles with cargo goods is controlled, issues of packaging, labeling, loading are resolved. - unloading works. transport logistics cargo innovative

Thus, we have identified the main directions of technical, technological and organizational innovations in transport and technological logistics systems, which make it possible to ensure the effective functioning of a transport company in modern conditions.

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    thesis, added 01/20/2011

    Analysis of the modern multimodal transportation market. Basic concepts of foreign trade logistics. Review of the transport system of the Delta-M company. Ways to improve the efficiency of transportation and road transport on international routes.

    course work, added 08/12/2011

    Analysis of the modern multimodal transportation market. Analysis of the transport company "Delta-M". Ways to improve the efficiency of using road transport on international routes. Calculation of an effective multimodal logistics chain.

    thesis, added 08/11/2004

    Study of the system of road freight transport in the transport system of the Russian Federation, the structure of their organization and ways of improvement in this direction. Conducting consumer segmentation and developing technology for stimulating freight transportation.



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