Chr pharyngitis treatment in adults. Treatment methods at the initial stage

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Chronic inflammation of the pharynx can occur in various forms: catarrhal, atrophic or hypertrophic. These types of pharyngitis differ radically from each other and have their own clinical distinctive features and, accordingly, require a strictly differential approach to treatment and diagnosis. So, for catarrhal pharyngitis it is characteristic chronic inflammation mucous membrane. With hypertrophic pharyngitis (posterior, lateral), the pharyngeal mucosa thickens and can significantly increase in size. With atrophy, the pharyngeal mucosa, on the contrary, becomes thinner and the secretion of the glands decreases.

Exacerbation chronic process can be triggered by many factors: infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi), allergies, traumatic injury, impact unfavorable factors(dry, dusty air, chemically, physically and thermally irritating food), radiation exposure and long-term use some medications ( vasoconstrictor drops, For example). Contributing to the exacerbation of pharyngitis are decreased local and general immunity, hypothermia, stress, alcohol abuse, the presence of chronic diseases in ENT organs ( chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.), oral cavity and internal organs(diseases endocrine system, vitamin deficiency, renal failure etc.). In addition, special mention should be made of pharyngitis, which developed against the background of diseases gastrointestinal tract. Thus, against the background of gastroesophageal reflux disease, when reflux of stomach contents occurs, the mucous membrane is under the influence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes are sure to become irritated and inflamed.

Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

  • sore throat that gets worse when swallowing;
  • a characteristic feeling of discomfort in the throat: soreness, rawness, dryness, burning, etc.;
  • the presence of sputum (mucous, mucopurulent, often difficult to calve and thick),
  • cough (usually exhausting and dry);
  • Ear pain may appear (if the side rollers are involved in the process);
  • increase cervical lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature and impaired general condition (weakness, lethargy, decreased performance) - these complaints are typical for exacerbations caused by infectious agents.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis is aimed at eliminating the root cause (acute respiratory infections, bacterial, fungal agents, allergens, dusty air, etc.) and, as a rule, is local in nature.


  • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs in the form of irrigations, rinses, etc.;
  • herbal combination products;
  • V in rare cases it is necessary to resort to systemic antibacterial therapy.

It should be noted that herbal medicine is used with great success in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic pharyngitis. In addition, you should avoid:

  • irritating foods;
  • no smoking;
  • monitor the indoor microclimate (temperature balance and sufficient air humidity are important);
  • maintain voice mode.

In general, the approach to the treatment of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis is differential and depends, as mentioned above, on the nature pathological process. Yes, when atrophic pharyngitis characterized by the presence of thick, difficult to separate sputum. Therefore, in this case, it is appropriate to prescribe mucolytics and oil solutions(usually inhalation).

For mucosal hypertrophy, treatment with cauterizing agents, cryotherapy, ultrasonic disintegration, etc. is indicated.

In case of pharyngitis, the cause of which is allergies, diseases of internal organs, it is initially important to consult with the appropriate specialists (allergist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

A special place in the treatment of chronic pharyngitis is occupied by the drug Tonzipret. This is a homeopathic medicine produced by the well-known German company Bionorica, which has been successfully used for several decades all over the world. It consists exclusively of herbal ingredients: American sweetweed, guaiac wood and capsicum. Tonsipret has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect on the pharyngeal mucosa. Thus, this drug has an effect on the main links of chronic pharyngitis, while relieving its main symptoms and significantly alleviating subjective discomfort in the pharynx for the patient. What is important is the fact that Tonzipret has established itself not only as a reliable effective remedy, and also as a drug with a high safety profile. Contraindications and adverse reactions when taking it are minimal and mainly come down to individual intolerance its individual components.

Tonzipret is available in the form of lozenges and drops for oral administration. It is recommended to dissolve the tablets, and keep the drops undiluted in the mouth for a while before swallowing. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined individually and only by a specialist. The recommended dosage regimen is as follows:

  • at the onset of the disease with severe pain syndrome- 1 tablet (or 5-10 drops) every 30 minutes or every hour ( maximum quantity should not exceed 12 tablets),
  • then, after reducing the pain intensity: 1 tablet 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Outside of exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, 1 tablet (5-10 drops) 3 times a day is prescribed.

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The complex homeopathic preparation includes medicinal plants, such as saponins, flavonoids, essential oils. Capsicum contains baked capsaicinoids, the main component of which is capsaicin (up to 77%).

Pharyngitis is infectious disease, the source of inflammation of which is localized mainly on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, often spreading to the lymphoid apparatus. The main signs of the disease are initial stage similar to the symptoms of a common cold. There are acute and chronic stages of the disease.

Chronic pharyngitis is characterized by a slow course of the disease and includes periods of exacerbation and remission.

Often, exacerbation occurs against the background of a decrease in local and general immunity, for example, as a result of viral diseases or severe hypothermia.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis in adults is determined by the form of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the presence of associated symptoms.


The causes of pharyngitis may vary. There are several main factors that provoke the development inflammatory process:

  • systematic inhalation of heavily polluted or dusty air;
  • prolonged exposure to highly low temperatures(inhalation of air whose temperature is below 20 degrees);
  • the presence of such bad habit like smoking;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • wrong or untimely treatment various inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx.

Also among the main factors provoking the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis is the presence of pathologies of the digestive system. In this case, reflux of stomach contents may occur ( gastric juice And stomach enzymes) into the pharynx (reflux), irritating the mucous membrane and causing inflammation.


To find out how to cure chronic pharyngitis, you need to understand that the treatment of the disease is determined by its form. There are pharyngitis in hypertrophic, atrophic, subatrophic forms, as well as acute and catarrhal nasopharyngitis. Moreover, both during remission and during exacerbation, the symptoms of the disease will be determined by the type of pharyngitis.

With chronic pharyngitis in a hypertrophic form, the mucous membranes in the throat become thickened, as well as an increase in the amount of lymphoid tissue. The patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • feeling of a foreign object in the throat, dryness;
  • pain when swallowing food or drinks;
  • the presence of difficult to cough up purulent viscous secretion in the throat;
  • presence unpleasant odor from the nasopharynx;
  • dry annoying cough.

The atrophic form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of constantly worsening sclerosis of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • development of a suffocating cough;
  • the presence of purulent dry crusts on the surface of the pharynx.

The chronic form of subatrophic pharyngitis also has quite severe symptoms and is accompanied by pain when coughing, dryness in the nasopharynx, a feeling foreign object.

The acute stage of nasopharyngitis is accompanied by discomfort and sore throat; significant hyperthermia (above 38 degrees) and poisoning of the body with waste products of viruses or bacteria (intoxication) are often observed.

Drug therapy

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis takes longer and requires special approach, compared to therapy acute stage diseases. The fundamental approach to treatment of this disease is to eliminate the cause of inflammation. Whereas in the chronic form of the disease it is extremely difficult to determine the causes.

Patients are often interested in how to treat chronic pharyngitis and whether it can be cured completely? Doctors agree on what to treat this form not only possible, but also necessary. Moreover, most often this can be done outside the hospital, strictly following the specialist’s instructions. The attending physician, based on an examination of the patient, anamnesis, test results (blood, urine) and others diagnostic activities, will select adequate and effective treatment.

Most often, therapy for chronic pharyngitis includes drugs and procedures such as:

  • Treatment with antimicrobial and antiviral drugs depending on the causative agent of the disease. So, if pharyngitis is caused by exposure bacterial infection, then treatment is carried out with antibiotics (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Sumamed). If the cause of the disease is viruses, then the patient should use antiviral drugs(Groprinosin, Arbidol, Amiksin, Ingavirin).
  • Sometimes the cause of pharyngitis can be allergic reaction body for dust, wool, certain products nutrition, strong odors and so on. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the cause of the allergy and simultaneously use antihistamines (Loratadine, Suprastin, Diazolin, Zodak).
  • At elevated body temperature (above 38 degrees), it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs. Most often, drugs based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen) and paracetamol (Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Grippostad, Coldrex) are used, which not only reduce the temperature, but also have an analgesic effect during severe pain in the throat.
  • Hoarseness in the throat can be reduced with antiseptic drugs, produced in the form of lozenges, lozenges, sprays (Ingalipt, Hexoral, Chlorophyllipt, Collargol, Septolete).
  • Gargling antiseptic solutions(Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt), which help moisturize the throat mucosa, liquefy viscous secretions, exfoliate and remove crusts.
  • Steam inhalations and nebulizer inhalations also have a positive effect, improving general condition patient with pharyngitis. To carry out the procedure, antiseptic (Dekasan), alkaline (Borjomi) solutions are used, as well as saline solution to moisturize the pharyngeal mucosa.
  • If chronic pharyngitis is diagnosed, treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. This can be electrophoresis, ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF), ultrasound therapy.
  • In the treatment of sluggish pharyngitis, it is advisable to use vitamin complexes and drugs to strengthen the immune system (Undevit, Virum, Duovit, Imudon, IRS-19).
  • A proper diet, excluding salty, spicy, sour, very hot and cold foods will help to quickly cure a chronic disease.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is known that in order to completely cure chronic pharyngitis, it is necessary to use the whole complex various medicinal and physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as prescriptions traditional medicine.

Important! Treatment of pharyngitis using traditional medicine methods should be carried out exclusively in combination with drug therapy and under the supervision of a doctor.

To the most effective recipes Traditional medicine in the treatment of pharyngitis includes:

  • A medicine based on garlic and honey. It’s easy to prepare: chopped garlic (a couple of medium-sized cloves) is mixed with 30 grams of honey. Take this remedy 5 ml three times a day until complete recovery.
  • Infusion of spruce and fir buds. To prepare the solution, pour the specified ingredients boiled water at the rate of a kilogram of dry matter per one and a half liters of liquid. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for twenty minutes. The broth is infused for at least an hour, filtered, a glass of honey and a drop of propolis tincture are added. Take one tablespoon three times a day.

Important! Before using any traditional medicine recipe used to treat pharyngitis, make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to each of the components included in the composition medicine.

  • It is known that one of the most effective procedures in the treatment of pharyngitis is rinsing. They use a mixture of herbs: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, linden flowers and eucalyptus, which are poured with boiling water (one part of dry matter to ten parts of liquid) and infused for half an hour. In addition to rinsing, this decoction can be used in the form of tea.
  • Also, to treat the inflammatory process in the pharynx, gargling with regular soda or saline solutions(5 grams of salt or soda per 200 ml of warm boiled water).

Experts can call chronic pharyngitis a group of diseases that affect the mucous glands, lymphadenoid granules and the lining of the pharynx. This disease is characterized by periods of remission alternating with exacerbations.

Types of pharyngitis

Experts classify the types of this disease depending on the depth of the lesion and prevalence. Separately, diffuse, catarrhal, hypertrophic, combined, limited, granulosa, atrophic, and chronic pharyngitis are distinguished. Symptoms and treatment will depend on how exactly the disease develops and what organs it affects.

Depending on what exactly caused the development of the disease, allergic, fungal, viral bacterial, and traumatic pharyngitis are distinguished. The most common causative agents of the disease (in approximately 70% of cases) are viruses. Experts especially highlight rhinoviruses - they provoke about 80% of all acute respiratory viral infections. Often, a viral infection is complicated by the entry and proliferation of bacteria in the affected organ.

Causes of the disease

The transition of pharyngitis into a chronic form begins due to the activation of a long-term inflammatory process occurring in the pharynx. This disease can also develop against the background constant colds, weakened immunity and bacterial complication, which often begins against the background of active viral infection.

But the main reason can be called the presence of microorganisms that are found in lymphadenoid formations located in the nasopharynx and pharynx. It is they who, when the immune system is weakened, can provoke chronic pharyngitis. The symptoms of this disease are always pronounced. After all, in the background chronic infection Acute forms of this disease are also getting worse.

Provoking factors

Complicating the situation are such concomitant diseases, such as tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis. Experts separately identify a number of reasons that can lead to the development of a disease such as chronic pharyngitis. Symptoms (the photo allows you to see what a sore throat looks like) usually do not depend on the causes of the disease.

The provoking factors for the development of the disease include the following:

Unfavorable environmental conditions;

Bad habits, especially smoking, eating spicy and hot food, alcohol;

Diseases leading to disruption of metabolic processes;

Genetic and constitutional predisposition;

Circulatory disorders in the respiratory tract;

Problems with the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, blood vessels.

Also, do not forget about unfavorable working conditions, dust environment. All this irritates the delicate mucous membrane.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Install accurate diagnosis should the doctor. But you yourself may suspect problems if you know the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis. Characteristic signs This disease will allow you to independently understand what is causing the deterioration in your health.

The main signs of this disease are the following:

Constant tickling sensation and foreign body in the throat;

Congestion in the upper part of the throat, in the nasopharynx;

Constant dryness and associated discomfort;

Appearance of viscous sputum in the morning;

General deterioration in health;

Slight increase in temperature.

Often patients begin to cough in order to somehow clear their throat. A dry cough is characterized by chronic pharyngitis. Symptoms when coughing do not go away, because it does not produce sputum. In addition, the disease is characterized by the accumulation of mucus on the back wall. The patient is forced to swallow it, because there is no way to spit it out or cough it up. This makes him irritable and leads to sleep disturbances.

Types of chronic pharyngitis

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, experts distinguish various shapes diseases.

Catarrhal pharyngitis in chronic form, as a rule, is mild. He has no fever or weakness. It is characterized by soreness and constant desire clear your throat. Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis worsen in cold weather. The patient also becomes worse in smoky rooms. Upon examination, the doctor sees thinned mucous membranes that look glossy. Most often they are diagnosed in smokers and workers employed in hazardous industries.

Atrophic and hypertrophic forms are considered more dangerous. When diagnosing them, it is important to listen to all medical advice and follow their recommendations.

Dangerous conditions

Atrophic chronic pharyngitis is usually pronounced. The patient is accompanied by constant discomfort and a burning sensation in the throat. The mucous membranes are thinned. Visible through them vascular network. In some places epithelial cells degenerates into white and yellow connective tissue. Certain areas of the throat may atrophy. The slightest irritation of its tissues leads to severe pain.

Hypertrophic chronic pharyngitis is distinguished separately. Symptoms and treatment for this disease in adults should be monitored by a doctor. This is the most dangerous form the specified disease. With it, the mucous membrane does not become thinner, but on the contrary, it becomes thicker and thickens. With large volumes of hypertrophy, functional epithelial cells are replaced lymphoid tissue. New ones are formed instead of affected and damaged vessels. Bright red ridges and granules form on the side and back walls. In this case, swallowing becomes difficult, pus and abundant mucous discharge are formed, and the smell from the mouth worsens.

It is necessary to treat all types of chronic pharyngitis. They not only modify the mucous membranes of the throat, but also become a constant source of infection. Foci of inflammation can migrate and lead to the appearance of new problem areas. As a rule, chronic pharyngitis occurs against a background of weakened immunity. Its symptoms and treatment methods depend on the form of the disease. You should always remember that refusal of treatment can cause serious complications.

Diagnosis of diseases

If signs indicating the development of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. It is not always enough to know the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis. After all, without an examination it is impossible to accurately determine its shape and select adequate treatment.

To establish a diagnosis, the doctor must perform a pharyngoscopy. This is an examination of the pharynx. Also, to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to make smears to examine the mucous membrane. As a rule, this is enough to understand that a person has an exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis. Symptoms of the disease can be eliminated if you listen to the doctor’s recommendations.

Action tactics

It is best to start therapy at the first signs that appear acute pharyngitis. In this case, it will be possible to prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease. But if the diagnosis was established already at a time when the disease became a constant companion, then you need to familiarize yourself with the general recommendations.

Take long breaks after the need to strain your voice;

Avoid foods that may irritate the mucous membranes.

The ban applies to all spicy, smoked foods, seasonings, coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Do not forget that smoking also irritates the delicate mucous membranes and aggravates the disease.

Preventive methods

Do not forget that the best way to get rid of a problem is to prevent its aggravation. First of all, it is necessary to remove all provoking factors (such as smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy food). It is important to devote time to hardening procedures and direct all actions to strengthening the immune system. For these purposes, you can use immunocorrectors, for example, a product such as IRS-19.

It is important to monitor the humidity in the bedroom. If you are impaired nasal breathing, then the cause of throat irritation may be too dry air. In the morning, a person who breathed through his mouth in his sleep will wake up with a feeling of irritation. You can remedy the situation by using a humidifier for the bedroom.

Also, if you notice the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, it is better to refuse food at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Experts recommend raising the head of the bed. One of the causes of throat irritation is the reflux of stomach juices into the throat during the night. They irritate the delicate mucous membrane and aggravate the course of the disease. It is advisable to make the headboard 10 centimeters higher than the foot edge. By the way, the situation cannot be corrected with a pillow. This will only bend you in an unnatural shape and increase pressure on the esophagus.

Surprisingly, doctors call changing your toothbrush one of the prevention methods. A lot of bacteria accumulate on its stubble, which can maintain inflammation in the throat.

Universal treatment

Having noticed the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis (in adults or children - it doesn’t matter), you can begin home treatment methods even before visiting a doctor. The most common of them are rinsing with soda or a solution medicinal herbs. You can also do inhalations. But the doctor will help you choose a more detailed scheme after the diagnosis has been established.

During exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease, in most cases it may be sufficient to relieve inflammation and symptomatic therapy. So, you need to switch to a gentle diet, do warm compresses on the neck area, drink milk with honey and eat foods rich in vitamin C. You can also do steam inhalations and gargle.

If chronic pharyngitis does not cause complications, then antibiotics are not required. But if the condition worsens significantly, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial therapy. In some cases, it is enough to use local drugs.

Preparations for sore throat have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of sore throat. local application- sprays, with drugs being more effective complex composition. For example, the drug Anti-angin® Formula spray, which includes chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, and tetracaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. Convenient form spray allows you to ensure the effect of the active components of the drug exactly where it is needed. Due to its complex composition, Anti-angin® has a triple effect: it helps fight bacteria, relieve pain and helps reduce inflammation and swelling. (3)

Anti-angin® is available in a wide range of dosage forms: compact spray, lozenges and lozenges. (1,2,3)

Anti-angin® is indicated for manifestations of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and initial stage sore throat, this may be irritation, tightness, dryness or sore throat. (1,2,3)

Anti-angin® tablets do not contain sugar (2)*

*With caution when diabetes mellitus, contains ascorbic acid.

1. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in dosage form lozenges

2. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a lozenge.

3. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a dosed spray for topical use. There are contraindications.

You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Drug treatment

If you know that every exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis causes complications for you, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor. He will select the most suitable treatment regimen for your case. Also, do not refuse to visit a pediatrician if you notice symptoms of chronic pharyngitis in children. Of course, in children, as a rule, the disease occurs only in acute form, but it is better to show the child to the doctor.

For example, for the hypertrophied form of chronic pharyngitis in adults, the following drugs are prescribed:

1% sodium chloride solution;

2% soda solution;

5 or 10% solution of tannin in glycerol;

Sage tea;

10% solution of collargol or protargol.

In the atrophic form, the prescriptions may be slightly different:

1% sodium chloride solution mixed with 10% iodine solution;

Lugol's solution.

These products are used to gargle or lubricate the throat. Irrigation is also recommended mineral water. Inhalations with vegetable oils, solutions of potassium or sodium iodide.

To alleviate the condition, you can use lollipops with antiseptic properties: “Strepsils”, “Faringosept”, “Septefril”. Aerosols intended for irrigating the throat are also often prescribed. These can be products such as Hexoral, Tantum Verde, local antibacterial drug"Bioparox", antiseptic "Octenisept".

In advanced situations, they can even do novocaine blockades.

Problems in children

As a rule, children suffer from all diseases in an acute form. They can often recur due to natural weakness of the immune system. However, chronic pharyngitis in children is almost never diagnosed. Symptoms and treatment of this disease are determined solely by a doctor. Of course, against the background of constant colds in older children, changes may begin that indicate the disease has become chronic.

In this case, they will experience the same symptoms as adults. Treatment should be selected by a pediatrician depending on the established form of pharyngitis. It is carried out according to the same scheme, adjusted for the patient’s age. Required dosage and the frequency of taking medications and procedures should be determined by the treating pediatrician.

Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Chronic pharyngitis, which is treated in adults based on the signs of the disease and its causative agent, is a serious illness. Symptoms of the pathology are dry throat, lump sensation, dry cough, pain and burning sensation in the throat.

The human pharynx consists of three sections:

  1. The top one is the nasopharynx.
  2. Middle - oropharynx.
  3. The lower one is the laryngopharynx.

If pharyngitis is in the acute stage, then the microbes move along respiratory tract to the lower sections. In chronic pharyngitis, inflammation is localized in one part of the pharynx.

Causes of pharyngitis

Causes contributing to the development of acute pharyngitis.

  1. Viral infections.
  2. Bacteria.
  3. Fungal infections.
  4. Allergy.
  5. Injury to the pharyngeal mucosa.
  6. External stimuli.

Chronic pharyngitis occurs for the same reasons and develops from the acute stage of the disease. It occurs due to activation pathogenic flora in the pharynx area caused by unfavorable conditions. This could be hypothermia or concomitant illnesses.

In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acidic contents can rise upward and affect the pharyngeal mucosa. Unfavorable ecology, for example, increased dust, can provoke attacks of pharyngitis. The following may also contribute to the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis:

  • smoking and alcoholic drinks;
  • concomitant somatic diseases;
  • allergic factor;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • problems with nasal breathing.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Often the symptoms are chronic and similar. The main signs of the disease in both adults and children include:

  • dry throat;
  • when swallowing you feel a lump and soreness;
  • pain may radiate to the ear;
  • front lymph nodes may be slightly enlarged and painful on palpation;
  • the cough may be dry and persistent;
  • feeling tired;
  • slight increase in temperature.

Often, in the chronic form, the patient’s general condition remains unchanged, and the temperature does not rise. A person may be bothered by a dry throat, a feeling of a lump, or an obsessive dry cough.

Mucus can accumulate on the walls of the throat, causing constant swallowing reflex. If chronic pharyngitis is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then abdominal pain and heartburn may also occur.

Main types of pharyngitis

In addition to acute and chronic pharyngitis, bacterial pharyngitis and its derivatives may occur. Bacterial pharyngitis is much more common than other types and occurs after bacteria enter the pharyngeal cavity. Distributed airborne droplet by using personal hygiene items of a sick person, dishes.

Streptococcal infection occurs in this case more often than others, and a rash and general intoxication of the body may occur. It is rare to encounter pharyngitis with pneumonia chlamydia. Pharyngitis caused by mycoplasma is even less common. There are pharyngitis that appear against the background of already existing diseases such as influenza, inflammation of the larynx, etc.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made by an ENT doctor based on complaints and general examination using pharyngoscopy.

  1. The acute process is characterized by redness of the throat, especially back wall, palatine arches and lymphoid granules.
  2. In the atrophic form of chronic pharyngitis, the mucous membrane becomes thinner and becomes covered with dry formations.
  3. forms hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue.

To find out the nature of the appearance of pharyngitis, a swab is taken from the throat to determine the pathogen. It can be viral or bactericidal in nature.

Treatment of pharyngitis

Many people ask the question of how to treat chronic pharyngitis? Treatment is carried out comprehensively and only after identifying the pathogen. In addition to taking pills and mixtures, you need to follow the following recommendations general:

  1. In order for the treatment to give positive effect, temporarily eliminate contact with sick people.
  2. Food should be well digested and not overload the stomach. It should contain vitamins and microelements.
  3. Include in your diet warm milk and warm tea: they will relieve painful sensations.
  4. Hygiene products must be individual.

The next step should be to eliminate irritating factors. These include:

  1. Smoking and drinking.
  2. Low air temperature.
  3. Bad environment.
  4. Food with a predominance of fried, salty, spicy dishes.

If the provoking factor is a stomach disease, then both diseases should be treated.

Drug treatment of chronic pharyngitis should also be carried out comprehensively. It includes:

  1. Antiviral drugs, this could be Amizon, Ingavirin.
  2. Rinses that need to be used every hour are often prescribed Chlorhexidine, Furacilin.
  3. Throat sprays and antiseptic lozenges.
  4. Expectorant syrups.
  5. Inhalations with a nebulizer.

In case of possible complications for chronic pharyngitis can be prescribed antibacterial agents. The antibiotic can be in the form of tablets or sprays. In some cases it is prescribed intramuscular injection medicines.

When planning treatment, remember that you cannot do this on your own - therapy must be carried out by an otolaryngologist.

No treatment required bed rest, but this does not mean that you need to do all the therapy on your feet. You should rest more often than usual. If you feel tired, it is better to lie down.

How adjuvant therapy can be used additional methods treatment:

  1. Hot foot baths.
  2. Steam inhalation.
  3. Gargling with antiseptics.
  4. Warming compresses.

To strengthen local immunity The drugs Imudon and IRS-19 may be prescribed. Vitamin therapy is used to strengthen general immunity. Physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of pharyngitis. UHF, electrophoresis with antiseptic drugs, and the Darsonval method are widely used.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis with traditional methods

To do this, you should use herbs containing tannins. For example, such as oak bark, birch leaves, viburnum bark, willow. Preparing a composition from these herbs is simple: take a spoonful of the product and pour 200 grams of boiling water, hold for 10 minutes in a steam bath, after which you can gargle.

To relieve inflammation, barberry, chamomile or sage are used. They are also suitable for rinsing. In addition, you should gargle sea ​​salt: you need to dilute a teaspoon in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and rinse with this product up to 6 times a day.

Inhalations can be carried out using essential oils, medicinal plants, and also these could be soda inhalations. should not exclude treatment prescribed by a doctor, these methods should be combined.

Preventive measures aimed at preventing the disease:

  1. Try to avoid exposure to various viruses.
  2. Dress according to the weather, do not get too cold.
  3. Try to give up bad habits.

Start treating diseases in a timely manner, do not allow them to become chronic stage.

Chronic pharyngitis is a pathology during which an inflammatory process develops in the mucous membranes of the pharynx. Chronic pharyngitis, the treatment of which should be under the supervision of a doctor, occurs in patients with periodic remissions and exacerbations. Inflammation can be caused by a viral infection, constant physical or mental stress, as well as reduced protective functions body.

Exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • increased respiratory viral processes;
  • untreated acute pathology;
  • prolonged interaction with components that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • chronic inflammatory processes, for example, rhinitis or caries;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal system;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • impaired breathing through the nose;
  • eating hot or spicy foods.

Chronic pharyngitis, the symptoms and treatment of which should not be determined independently, is divided into 3 main clinical forms:

  • catarrhal;
  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic.

The first form is considered the most favorable in the course of the process. In this situation, inflammation occurs upper layers pharyngeal mucosa. The patient experiences moderate swelling and slight redness. Hypertrophic course expressed in the form of neoplasms and proliferations of the membrane. Nodules or bumps may appear, which are not recommended to be eliminated on your own.

The atrophic form is considered by doctors to be the most unfavorable, as the mucous membrane becomes thinner and dries out. In this case, the attending physician will have to carry out additional examination and choose the most suitable drug treatment. The course of therapy for such inflammation is very long, so only the doctor determines how to treat chronic pharyngitis and whether folk remedies can be used.

Symptoms of sore throat

During diagnosis, the patient may experience the following symptoms of chronic pharyngitis:

  1. constant pain in the throat;
  2. soreness;
  3. feeling of the presence of foreign objects in the larynx;
  4. discomfort when swallowing;
  5. bouts of dry, unproductive cough;
  6. the presence of an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

At the time of remission of the chronic process, patients exhibit only local signs of pathology. Exacerbation of inflammation is characterized by the presence of intoxication with elevated temperature, general weakness, malaise. In addition, local symptoms increase. In this regard, patients have a question: how to get rid of symptoms in a short time.

At catarrhal form there are pronounced sore throats that increase during hypothermia, overwork, or during a viral infection. In adults, this form of inflammation is expressed by hyperemia and swelling.

If a patient develops a granulosa (hypertrophic) form of inflammation, then the first complaint is always the sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the throat. This disease may be accompanied by disordered and chaotic growths of the mucous membrane in the form of elevations and nodules.
The atrophic form is accompanied by dry throat, frequent cough And constant discomfort. During an examination of the patient, the doctor may detect thinned mucous membranes, dryness with crusts and slight hemorrhages.

At the time of exacerbation of the disease, inflammatory signs may appear in nearby organs in the form of tonsillitis, tracheitis or laryngitis. In this case, treatment of chronic pharyngitis folk remedies is not permissible, since there is a risk of developing complications with secondary infection of other organ systems.

Diagnosis of chronic pharyngitis

The examination of the patient is based on a thorough interview, as well as a careful examination. Treatment of chronic pharyngitis cannot be prescribed until pharyngoscopy has been performed. With this procedure, the doctor will be able to identify characteristic symptoms any form of inflammation.

With catarrhal form, the doctor will see minor changes in the posterior wall, that is, its redness with swelling. A small amount of pathogenic mucus may be found. Hypertrophic form appear in the form of thickenings and edema with a developed venous network. With a granulosa course, nodules up to 0.5 centimeters in size with a red tint will appear. The atrophic form will lead to thinning with hemorrhage.

That is, during the examination, the doctor will identify the main signs of the disease, by which he will be able to determine the form and course of inflammation. Such an examination will determine how to treat chronic pharyngitis.

In order to identify the causative agent of the disease, it is necessary to take a scraping from the mucous membranes of the posterior wall. The resulting structures are sent for bacterioscopic examination. A blood test during remission will not reveal any changes. At the time of exacerbation, the patient will have general inflammatory signs identified by an increase in leukocytes and ESR.

Only after all results have been received diagnostic examination, the doctor can confirm the diagnosis and begin to select complex treatment. Therapy depends on age characteristics the patient and the course of the pathology.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis

Prevention of chronic pharyngitis with its immediate treatment is carried out by an otolaryngologist. Almost always, the medication course is carried out at home, without hospitalization. But it is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, subject to all his recommendations.

First of all, doctors eliminate everything harmful effects on the mucous membrane.

  1. Spicy, salty, hot and cold foods, and alcoholic beverages are excluded.
  2. Inhalation of any irritating and harmful structures is prevented.
  3. The patient must stop smoking.

For the entire period of the therapeutic course, it is necessary to adhere to a plentiful drinking regime.
The humidity of the inhaled air masses must be maintained at an optimal level, that is, 50-65%. This is achieved using special devices - ultrasonic-based humidifiers. In addition, humidified air can be achieved folk ways. You can place an open container of water in the room and hang moistened sheets.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis in adult patients is successful using various means for gargling. Miramistin is considered the most effective, but Furacilin or Rotokan is often prescribed. From herbal decoctions It is recommended to choose chamomile, calendula or sage.

In order to cope with swelling, doctors prescribe antihistamines, such as Cetrin, Diazolin, Zyrtec.
Any patient is concerned about how to cure chronic pharyngitis in order to avoid complications. It is necessary to treat the pharynx with Lugol's solution or Protargol.

Among the locals antiseptic drugs Particularly popular are:

  • "Inhalipt";
  • "Stapangin";
  • "Hexoral".

Antibacterial compounds are applicable only in cases of exacerbation of the inflammatory process with severe bacterial nature. Among such drugs, doctors recommend using Cefixime or Amoxiclav. Self-medication with drugs of this group can provoke the progression of the pathology. Treatment with folk remedies is ineffective if the patient has clear signs inflammation.

If the patient has been diagnosed, then cauterization with silver, laser or nitrogen can be used. In this case, the doctor will recommend the most suitable procedure. In order to restore the damaged microflora of the mucous membrane in the throat, be sure to take a course of “Lizobakt” or “Imudon”.

To treat atrophic pharyngitis, the crusts are removed and the tissues are lubricated with apricot, sea buckthorn or peach oil.
Inhalation procedures based on oil solutions of peach, olive, rose or menthol are also effective. Hardware devices for physiotherapy are often used.

  • Laser therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis with medicinal compounds.
  • Ultrasound treatment.

Possible complications after chronic pharyngitis

If pharyngitis is treated incorrectly or unfairly, it may spread inflammatory signs to neighboring organs. That is, there is a risk of developing tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or lymphadenitis.

In addition, there is the possibility of the appearance of systemic inflammatory pathologies, for example, myocarditis or rheumatism. Met in medical practice cases where pharyngitis provoked glomuronephritis. But the most dangerous and severe complication with atrophic chronic pharyngitis is the development malignant form tumor represented by cancer cells.

In order to avoid extreme dangerous complications, the patient needs to visit a doctor at the first sign. Self-medication or lack of therapy medications is fraught with serious consequences and progression of pathology. Eliminate the signs and causes of the disease early stage much easier than with a running current. It is important to be treated comprehensively in order to avoid re-exacerbation. Weakened immune system leads to the development of many inflammations and other forms of diseases.

Prevention of chronic pharyngitis

Doctors note the importance and need for prevention in order to avoid exacerbation chronic forms diseases. To the main preventive measures includes giving up tobacco and alcohol. It is necessary to avoid inhaling harmful elements in air masses. In order to avoid further exacerbations, nasopharyngeal diseases should be promptly and completely eliminated. It's important to treat everything accompanying pathologies stomach and intestines and avoid spicy foods. Do not eat cold or highly heated foods.

Chronic diseases are dangerous because their exacerbation occurs with any hypothermia or other negative impact to weak human body. In order to avoid exacerbation, the patient must take care of his own health. And in order for inflammation not to progress to the chronic stage, it must be treated promptly and efficiently.

Without the help of doctors, the sick person risks developing the disease, which will lead to serious consequences. Inflammation is treated with complex medication course With additional procedures at home. They are hospitalized only in cases of exacerbation of secondary pathologies, or if the patient has a complicated advanced course. In addition, children under one year of age must be hospitalized, as their immunity is very weak.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs