For prominent representatives of Cancer, the month of April will be a somewhat turning point. The thing is that the latter are accustomed to being insecure and indecisive people, so in life, in addition to luck, they also met serious problems. And now the horoscope for Cancer for April indicates that the spiritual qualities of the representatives of the zodiac can change dramatically. Cancers are expected to make numerous acquaintances ahead, and many of their new acquaintances will become very special for the representatives of the zodiac. significant people. If a zodiac sign radically changes its own views on everyday life, then many extraordinary, but positive situations are predicted for it ahead. Cancers are the kind of people who, if they get burned once, don’t bother a second time. The experience gained over the years will now help representatives of the sign to become much more successful; in addition, intuition and inner voice will help representatives of the sign get around all the sharp corners of life and achieve more in their own destiny.

For some time now, representatives of the star sign have had to experience difficulties modern life, but now the experience gained will help the latter deal with past situations and understand that all the problems that have ever existed were not so terrible. The time is ideal to sincerely admit your mistakes. It’s probably worth asking some people for sincere forgiveness. Or it may happen that enemies come to Cancer with repentance.

The time for the zodiac sign is expected to be quite successful; success and luck shines for them in almost every life sphere. But Cancers may encounter hostility coming from close relatives or once faithful friends. Now you can’t get angry or irritated; you need to learn to approach all problems wisely. Representatives of the zodiac are advised to completely eliminate irritability from their souls, because because of it they cannot find contact with the right people.

In April, Cancers cannot devote all their personal time to active pursuits, it is important to find moments to relax. At the same time, rest should not be active or emergency at all, it should correspond to a quiet pastime. During this period, it would be good to improve relationships that were once upset with children or your own parents. It is important to learn to forgive insults, and also to try to break yourself and be the first to ask for a word of apology.

Horoscope for April 2016 for the Cancer woman
The most beautiful representatives of Cancer should not now take drastic actions to change their own personal lives. The time is not very suitable for marriage, as well as for starting the search for potential life partners. The best thing ladies can do is to dedicate their free moments only to themselves. It’s very good for women to take care of their own appearance; for example, it wouldn’t hurt for Cancers to visit a beauty salon or dramatically change their hairstyle.

But in the service everything is going quite well. Women adore their work, but at the same time they do not want to work directly for someone, and devote all their work only to their own material well-being. In April likely sharp jump By career ladder some particularly determined and purposeful ladies.
Horoscope for April 2016 for the Cancer man
The strongest half of the zodiac sign is in a dual state of mind. On the first hand, they are quite satisfied with their own family life, and the other side of the soul indicates that they are overly controlled. Such duality can serve the latter badly. If men are lonely individuals, then now it’s not very favorable moment to find a potential life partner. If Cancers belong to family individuals, then they should stock up on confident patience and just wait out the exciting feeling that has awakened in their soul.

But at work everything is going just fine. For Cancer men it promises professional growth, while the latter will not need to apply any of their own efforts to their luck.

Love horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer
Now is not a good time for romance and true love. The love horoscope for Cancer for April 2016 recommends that representatives of the star sign wait for a more successful period if they want to somehow radically change their personal life. Despite the fact that the moment will be filled with various acquaintances, you will not be able to find something worthwhile. April gives the representatives of the zodiac a charming appearance, so Cancers will have no end to their fans. But potential partners will not be at all inclined to serious relationship, and from the Cancers themselves they will only want to receive entertainment and flirtation.

Family representatives are recommended to stay within the family more often. The partners are already dissatisfied with the behavior of the latter, and if they also avoid family responsibilities, then a major scandal will not be avoided at all.
Health horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer
A slightly dangerous and unexpected period in terms of health is coming for representatives of the sidereal zodiac. Special attention will require internal organs, in particular the liver. At the slightest painful symptoms and their manifestations, Cancers need to take action emergency measures to cure the disease.

In April, the weather is not yet stable enough to completely change into spring clothes. First of all, all this concerns Cancers, because they love to be fashionable. The health horoscope for Cancer confidently warns that a direct discrepancy in outer clothing can lead to a serious aggravation of existing chronic diseases or to the manifestation of new colds.

Representatives of the sign need to be more attentive to their internal state, perhaps they should extend the duration of sleep or radically reconsider their daily diet.

Financial horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer
A fairly successful period is predicted for the bright representatives of the star sign. The latter practically do not need to make strenuous efforts to achieve promotions in a professional sense. It is likely that many Cancers will receive an offer to change their place labor activity. You may even receive an offer to move to another city. Cancers should be obviously wary of such surprises of fate, although the month does not promise any negativity at work, it still wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at potential future employers for Cancers.

The financial horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer assures the latter that they will not have any problems with material and financial wealth. But you don’t need to make super huge expenses either. If you have excess savings, it is recommended to invest them in real estate or purchase a car.

Promoting professional ideas and making a profit will be possible thanks to new promising acquaintances.

The horoscope pushes Cancer to experiment - a sharp change in type of activity, place of residence, circle of friends. All innovations will be successful in April.

Luck will accompany enterprising and proactive Cancers, but it will turn away from those who take unjustified risks and get involved in adventures.

Also, April will be a month of new acquaintances and romantic encounters.

Love horoscope for Cancer

In April, Cancers become the center of love affairs and dizzying romances. But in order to meet a serious person and get a chance for a long and lasting relationship, you need to be natural and not let the new person in on your sadness and problems.

Flirting and affairs will surround Cancer everywhere. But in order to single out a worthy party among everyone, he needs to listen to his own intuition. In general, nothing will interfere with Cancer’s romantic mood and plans. Throughout the month he will be surrounded by love and understanding.

Close people will support Cancers in everything, but minor disagreements and quarrels are not excluded. Therefore, it is necessary to control your emotions and even in the heat of the moment control your speech so as not to offend your loved one.

Business horoscope for Cancer

If proactive Cancer made professional plans for April, then everything will work out well for him - both in career and material terms. All transactions, contracts and signing of agreements will go off with a bang! However, you should focus on local partners, without chasing foreign investments and connections.

In a team you need to be calm and optimistic, not give in to provocations and not quarrel with colleagues. The Cancer boss needs to be more supportive of his subordinates, otherwise competing companies will quickly lure away valuable employees.

Health horoscope for Cancer

Nothing threatens the health of Cancer in April. He will be cheerful and energetic, which will positively affect all areas of his life. But at such a dynamic pace, it is important to have proper and quality rest. If possible, it is recommended to do Raku as often as possible in April. But the intensity of work (or entertainment) with the computer should be reduced, because there is a high probability of vision problems.

In April 2016, the planetary influences for Cancer are contradictory, so the development of situations largely depends on your behavior. Those who are practical and sensible will have a wonderful time for love and relationships, but frivolity will have unpleasant consequences.

On April 5, 2016, the planet of love Venus moves into the career house of Cancer. Its influence can be expressed as a connection between personal life and work, for example, together with your loved one you will implement a business project or help each other in performing professional duties. There is a possibility that an office romance will begin or a romantic meeting will occur with a person of high social status.

From April 19 to April 26, there is a conjunction between Venus and Uranus, the planet of change. This period contains a powerful potential for renewal, when relationships may undergo changes. Get ready for unexpected turns plot! Perhaps an event will occur that will wake you up and push you to decide on refreshing changes.

Under the influence of the full moon on April 22, 2016, which illuminates the Cancer house of love, the theme of love takes on special significance. In the light of the full moon, many things are seen more clearly, and intuition becomes sharper. Use these abilities to understand the deeper meaning of relationships and your own expectations from your partner.

IN last days month, the love atmosphere for Cancers will become calmer and more pleasant. If you already have a significant other, you will communicate a lot and there will be opportunities for entertainment. If there are any problems in your relationship, your friends or family will help resolve them. Those who are still single may meet someone by chance or through friends.

Horoscope for April Cancer favorable days. Symptoms of drug allergies

Now is the time to find out what the horoscope for April 2016 Cancer has in store for us; a woman will never refuse to find out such things, because it’s important!

Work horoscope for April 2016 Cancer

Mid-spring is the time when Cancer women will be able to devote more time to work. The first half of the month will be especially favorable. By comparing your employment during this period with the last months that have elapsed, you will feel a significant increase in it. It's nice that in April you will feel not only the stability of your own financial well-being, but also an incentive to actively work further. Even during a crisis in the country, your professional activity will delight you with new hopes and favorable prospects.

Cancer love horoscope for April 2016

Basically, April 2016 is a quiet month for personal life Cancer women. It promises to pass quietly, peacefully, without any shocks or unpleasant scandals. This is the right period to strive for new goals and search for new opportunities. Also, the love horoscope for Cancer Woman for April 2016 recommends refraining from any praise of your person in front of people around you. This can play with braggarts cruel joke- people will simply lose interest in them.

Married Cancer women may become involved in minor scenes of jealousy in April. There is a particularly high probability for Cancers to suspect their significant other of infidelity. Manifestations of jealousy are confirmation of the fidelity of one of the partners. Consequently, those who were suspected of infidelity may not worry about their spouse’s fidelity to them.

Single Cancers may feel some difficulties in communicating with people around them in April - acquaintances and strangers. Single women representatives of this sign should not demonstrate categoricalness and adherence to principles, as well as be overly active when communicating. Otherwise, the period of loneliness may extend significantly over time. The Cancer horoscope for April 2016 recommends that they behave softer and more friendly.

Now you know the horoscope for April 2016 Cancer (woman), next time you will find out what the horoscope for May promises you.

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April is a great time for any endeavor. This is exactly what the horoscope promises for April 2016; Cancer is ready to take decisive steps in a new direction and the stars are on his side. If you have been wanting to do something for a long time, now is the time to do it.

General horoscope
April of this year promises Cancers the opportunity to complete their current affairs and do something completely new. However, you should not leave unfinished business and unresolved problems behind.

Be sociable, new meetings are welcome and business dating. People who come into your life in April will actively help you get closer to your goal.

Work, career and money
According to the forecasts promised by the horoscope for April 2016, Cancers will be at the top of the wave. Your inspiration will allow you to generate new, valuable ideas, many of which will find their way practical application. Of course, Cancer's enthusiasm will be rewarded.

There may be some friction with work colleagues. Be polite, correct and don't lose your head. The confrontation will be temporary and will pass quickly.

Be careful with money, there may be unexpected expenses that will lead to losses. Do not make rash purchases or risky transactions.

Love horoscope
The personal life of Cancers in April will become more than intense. New acquaintances, unexpected and intriguing offers - you will be surrounded by a whirlwind of new feelings and emotions.

Remain yourself, believe in the charm of Cancers and their intuition - and you will conquer your other half, entering a new round of old relationships or starting a new one. Throughout April, Cancers will have a very romantic mood, which will serve as a reason for good mood and hidden hopes.

Relationships and family
Cancers are full of energy and enthusiasm. Everything is in their hands, and problems that previously seemed insurmountable are solved easily and naturally. Household members cannot help but notice this. Representatives of this sign will find harmony and support at home in all their endeavors.

However, in the second decade there will be dangerous days for relationships with family, when Cancers should remain silent without aggravating the conflict. This will benefit both Cancer himself and his family.

Reading this horoscope for April 2016, Cancer is obliged to reconsider its daily routine. The stars warn: try to go to bed early to get the amount of sleep necessary for your health. Do not overuse the computer and gadgets, give your eyes a rest.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for April 2016

The month will be a turning point for many representatives of your sign, because the new moon on April 7, 2016 in the Cancer career house kicks off a period of transformation. Significant progress has been made active people ready to act and win. Cancer's career house is filled with planets - the Sun, Venus and Uranus are here. Moreover, all these planets form a harmonious relationship with Saturn in your house of work, which will be reflected in increased productivity, professional success and achievements.

Being in the Cancer career sector, Venus will make your path to success smoother, help you successfully negotiate, establish fruitful cooperation, and make a favorable impression on your business partners. Transits of the Sun and Uranus highlight the role of creativity and innovation. Business development and career growth will be achieved through the implementation of new ideas and the implementation of innovative projects. If you like the job you have now, learn new skills and abilities. But if there is no satisfaction, then it’s time to think about new prospects. You may decide to look for another job that better suits your needs.

As for finances, the month is quite favorable for Cancer. Possible luck in money, profit from things you didn’t expect, or cash receipt from an unexpected source. Just remember that managing your finances wisely is another important task. Try to refrain from irrational spending.


The month is active and dynamic, a lot of things and events are expected and, as a result, overwork will come. Treat yourself with care! Cancer's house of health is home to Mars, which begins its retrograde cycle on April 16, 2016. The effects of Mars retrograde cannot be called positive, so if you feel signs of any illnesses, take them seriously. At the same time, this the right time for diagnosis, examinations, resumption of treatment that was interrupted and not completed in the past.

Be diplomatic, avoid conflicts in the family and at work!



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