Headaches when tilting the head down. Pain in the frontal part of the head when bending over

– an unpleasant symptom accompanying various diseases. In this state, a person cannot think normally and perform most normal activities. There are a large number of causes of pain in the head. In order not to miss a dangerous moment, you need to know what the symptoms should be in different situations of pain.

It often happens that the head hurts simply when bending down. This process indicates possible pathological processes in the body. There are factors that can influence the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the brain:

In addition, head tilt, accompanied by pain, can be observed with the development of certain diseases:

  1. – the inflammatory process develops in the sinuses near the nose. It is caused by a poorly treated respiratory disease or flu. The following forms of sinusitis are distinguished: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis.
  2. Hypertension is characterized by a sharp increase in blood pressure. The disease occurs chronically throughout life. The disease cannot be ignored; due to the lack of treatment, in its advanced form, hypertension can provoke a stroke.
  3. Severe intoxication of the entire body with harmful vapors or its own waste as a result of intestinal constipation - in most cases it is manifested by pain in the head.
  4. Temporal arteritis is often observed in older people with weakened immunity.
  5. – is accompanied not only by pain, but also by loss of coordination of movement, problems with speech, and clarity of perception of the world.

If the problem that arises becomes periodic and constantly gets worse, you need to urgently consult a specialist for advice and diagnosis. First, you should see a therapist. During examination and history taking, he will refer you to a more specialized specialist.

Sinusitis as a cause of headache

It is a sign of acute sinusitis. The latter occurs in cases of protracted colds and infectious diseases. Patients are treated for rhinitis for a long period without success, unaware of the growing disease.

With sinusitis, there is pain in the head when a person bends down. This suggests that a large volume of internal secretion of purulent content has accumulated in the cavity of the maxillary sinuses.

As the disease develops, it affects not only the sinuses, but also the nasal mucosa, causing swelling inside the nasal passages. The lower the tilt is, the stronger and more pronounced the pain grows, which is localized in the temples and frontal area.

What diseases cause a headache on the left side: factors that cause pain

If left untreated for a long time, sinusitis grows and covers large areas. The patient, no longer bending over, feels pain above the eyes, in the facial muscles and on the bridge of the nose. Stoically tolerated sensations at the beginning of the disease become sharp and unbearable as they progress.

As a result, a large accumulation of pus from the maxillary sinuses begins to flow into the throat, the nose is completely blocked, and taste is lost. There is an increase in body degrees. In such a situation, home treatment is not effective. You should see a doctor, get tested and begin therapy.

Types of pain

The pain that appears when the torso is tilted forward varies. Their manifestation indicates various ailments developing in the body:

So the pain may vary. The main thing is that when examining a doctor, you need to carefully describe all the signs of pain - in what area, under what conditions and how intense.

When immediate medical attention is needed

Cases of headaches vary in nature. Sometimes the cause of unpleasant sensations is simple fatigue or a banal lack of sleep. A regular tablet of Analgin, Aspirin, Citramon or Citropak will quickly relieve this condition. Spasmalgon or another medicine aimed at relieving the ailment can also help.

It is necessary to identify signs in which a pill alone is not enough, you need to urgently seek immediate medical help:

  1. Spasmodic attacks in the head, which not only do not go away when taking medication, but tend to increase.
  2. Constant aching pain.
  3. High temperature accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the eyeballs and facial muscles.
  5. Ailments with attacks of dizziness, unclear consciousness, loss of coordination and general weakness.
  6. Painful feelings of an intense nature with frequency of occurrence.

What to do if you have a constant headache: first aid

Diagnosis and treatment

When persistent pain in the brain is detected, you must first relieve the pain syndrome with the help of any analgesic type drug. After this, you should visit a doctor for consultation.

Initially, it is recommended to seek help from a therapist, then you can consult an ENT doctor, neurologist, cardiologist or allergist. By collecting a complete history of the patient’s life activities, the primary diagnosis will be identified.

To confirm and reveal the completeness of the established disease, it is recommended to undergo the following examinations:

  • allergy test
  • general urine and blood tests
  • magnetic resonance imaging
  • computed tomography
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs
  • cardiogram

After all the test results are collected, the doctor can confirm the previously made diagnosis or refute it by determining a new one. After determining the final version of the disease, which constantly causes unpleasant sensations in the head, an effective treatment is established.

The following treatment methods are distinguished for various diseases:

    for inhalation of vapors with essential oils, administration of corticosteroids for the nasal sinuses (Beclomethasone, Fluticasone), administration of nasal sprays and nebulizers that contain antibiotics, use of antihistamines (Zyrtec, Diazolin). In addition, it is recommended to install a humidifier in the house. If conservative methods are unsuccessful, surgical intervention is required.
  1. Tension pain - analgesics and oral anti-inflammatory drugs are administered. With this type of ailment, you should spend more time in the fresh air and start doing physical exercise.
  2. Temporal arteritis requires treatment in the form of steroids to restore the patency of plasma in the capillaries and relieve the inflammatory process in the affected area.
  3. Intracranial pressure can only be cured with surgery. This is the only way to get rid of a formed hematoma.
  4. maintained at an optimal level by certain vascular medications.
  5. In the event of an allergic reaction that causes severe pain, the patient should be immediately protected from irritants and started taking antihistamines.

If the patient has suffered a neck or spinal injury that causes severe pain, it is recommended to do relaxing massages. You are constantly required to perform therapeutic exercises and undergo various physiotherapy procedures.

More serious injuries must be treated with strong anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective medications.

Thus, you should first find out the cause of the pain syndrome that has arisen. Only after this should you begin treatment. Therapy is prescribed individually for each patient, based on the indications and signs of the problem.

Exercises to relieve headaches

If medications do not help or the discomfort is just beginning to have a negative impact, you can try to eliminate the problem. A large number of different procedures have been developed for these purposes:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, straighten your back, and tilt your head, reaching your chin to your chest. Sit in this position for up to 20 seconds. Then exhale and relax for 0.5 minutes. Then repeat the exercise a total of 15 times.

  2. After examining the skull, you need to find pain points. They are located between the first vertebra and the skull. Gently press on them with the thumbs of both hands, massaging thoroughly, using circular movements. Rotate your fingers clockwise at least 15-17 times. After completing the exercise, it is recommended to press them and hold them in this state for 1-2 minutes.
  3. It is convenient to sit on a chair, with the palm of one hand you need to clasp your head on the side where the throbbing pain is most felt. The index finger is placed at the level of the beginning of the auricle. Straining your hand, turn your head to the “healthy” side. The second palm is placed on the chin and cheek, which is not covered by the palm. After inhaling, you need to look at the floor for 10-12 seconds. Then relax for 6-10 seconds, looking at the ceiling. Turn your head slightly to the side and repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Drink tea that contains mint. This will save your nerves from stressful situations.
  • In case of hypertensive diseases, it is imperative to control blood pressure. If it increases, immediately take action to reduce it.
  • Introduce healthy and balanced foods into your diet. Heavy, spicy, sour, fried foods negatively affect the digestive system, forcing it to work harder, especially at night.
  • Avoid diets that require you to stop eating after 6 p.m. Or go to bed until the stomach gives a signal about the desire to eat food.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Ventilate the living space more often and for a longer period of time.
  • Distinguish between hours of active work and productive rest.
  • Frequent manifestations of pain indicate the occurrence of some disease in the body. Unfortunately, this disease affects not only older people, but also young people and even children.

    To prevent pain when tilting your head down, you need to carefully monitor your own health and consult a doctor at the first symptoms of illness.

    Oct 16, 2017 Violetta Doctor

    Some people suffer from headaches. Sometimes it happens that when you tilt your head down, it puts pressure on your head. Such sensations can arise for various reasons and always indicate some kind of protracted illness. At best, this is an advanced runny nose that turns into sinusitis, and at worst, it can be a tumor.

    If you experience any pain in the head when bending over, you should consult a specialist and undergo an examination. If the pain that presses on the head is acute and unbearable, then you can temporarily alleviate the condition by using special medications or using one of the folk recipes. But in order to choose an effective remedy, you need to at least roughly know the cause of the feeling of squeezing in the head.

    Probably every person has experienced a headache. Of course, there is no need to panic, but you should definitely pay attention and understand the reasons. So why does my head hurt?


    Pressing sensations in the head when tilting can occur both in individual parts and throughout the head. Sensations of squeezing of the head are accompanied by increased pain. The nature of such sensations and the place of their occurrence may provide an answer to the question of why headaches occur when tilting the head.

    It is very common to get a headache when bending over as a result of stress during the day. Such pains usually appear in the evenings, after a day of work, when you come home and try to relax. In this case, the sensations are expressed in muscle tension on the forehead, and there is a feeling of pressure on the eyes when the head is tilted forward. With such symptoms, herbal infusions or teas brewed with soothing herbs and good restful sleep help well. If you have a headache when bending down, it is highly advisable to see a doctor.

    Pain in the back of the head indicates problems in the cervical spine. Dilatation of blood vessels in the brain also causes discomfort in the head. Vasodilation indicates increased brain activity, which can be caused by a variety of reasons. In this case, the headache is accompanied by attacks of nausea and loss of strength. In this case, for example, a source of bright light, loud sound or other irritating factor may be unpleasant.

    Manifestations of sinusitis are the most common cause of pain in the head when bending over. The pain occurs in the form of pulsation in the frontal part of the face and in the temporal region. Most typically, such sensations appear after sleep in the morning. Symptomatically, such pain is very similar to migraines. Pain as a consequence of sinusitis can manifest itself as follows:

    • sensations of pressure in the facial area;
    • any touching of the head leads to increased discomfort;
    • tilting the head causes intense pressure in the forehead and temples.

    If the cause is sinusitis, then no headache remedies will help. Here you need to get rid of the sinusitis itself. It can be very difficult to cure sinusitis on your own, so you should at least consult a specialist. Indeed, in some cases, treatment of sinusitis can only be carried out with the help of surgical intervention by a surgeon. Let's look at sinusitis as the cause of pressing sensations when tilting the head in more detail.

    As already mentioned, the largest number of all cases of pressing pain in the head is caused by sinusitis. Sinusitis occurs as a result of overflow of the nasal sinuses with pus and, as a rule, is a consequence of an advanced runny nose.

    Why does my head hurt when I bend over when I have sinusitis? The fact is that when you tilt your head down, there is a strong rush of blood, which causes pain.


    The mechanism for the occurrence of sinusitis is as follows: when air is inhaled through the nose, pathogenic microorganisms enter the body - microbes that, when the immune system is weakened, cause inflammatory processes in the sinuses, accompanied by a runny nose or, as it is called in medicine, laryngitis. If a runny nose is not treated at the beginning of its onset, then inflammatory processes begin to cause the release of pus, as a protective reaction of the body, and it accumulates in the sinuses.

    When there is a large accumulation of pus, it causes a bursting sensation even in the normal position of the head. These sensations, of course, are intensified many times over when the head is tilted forward. At the same time, sometimes it seems that something is about to explode in your head.

    Sinusitis causes local pain of a bursting or pressing nature, mainly in the facial part of the head (in the forehead and temples). Therefore, the symptoms of sinusitis are often confused with migraine pain, which has a completely different nature of occurrence. Migraines can even make you feel like you have a stuffy nose. This similarity makes diagnosing headaches a very controversial task, which can only be done by qualified specialists with extensive experience in their field.

    It can be very difficult and even dangerous to distinguish migraine from sinusitis on your own, much less undertake treatment. However, migraine can sometimes be distinguished by its reaction to certain stimuli. The main ones are light, strong odors and noise. When exposed to these irritants, the headache increases when bending over.

    Inflammation and purulent discharge in the sinuses can occur not only as a result of infection, but also due to allergic reactions of the body. All these circumstances must be taken into account when choosing medications and treatment methods. If in doubt, you need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, because headaches can be caused not only by one reason, but also by a complex of reasons.

    Head pain, in addition to the main causes, can be caused by circumstances related to other diseases or complications. These include:

    • complications in asthmatic diseases associated with changing seasons;
    • allergic reactions of the body of various types;
    • various diseases accompanied by inflammation in the nasal cavities;
    • tumors of various origins and nature;
    • Problems with the spine cause pain in the back of the head.

    In addition, headaches when bending down can occur simply due to changes in ambient air pressure. Any activity associated with changes in pressure can also easily cause headache attacks, for example, diving under water and subsequent ascent. Therefore, divers and scuba divers are prone to headaches.


    If there is pain in the back of the head, then you should treat the spine, and you need to make an appointment with a neurologist for a consultation. The back of the head is a very sensitive part of the head; pain in the back of the head should not be ignored under any circumstances.

    The diagnosis for subsequent treatment is made based on a detailed interview with the patient and the necessary laboratory tests. You may need to be examined by a specialized specialist, for example, an otolaryngologist or an allergist. During diagnosis, pain reactions are examined when exposed to certain areas of the head.

    All this allows us to draw a conclusion about the cause of pain when tilting the head and give recommendations for treatment. In most cases, doctors tend to prescribe treatment with folk remedies, as they know that many medications cause unwanted side effects. However, this is only true in the case of diagnosing minor diseases. When treating advanced diseases or intractable diseases, one cannot do without medication or even surgical intervention. Pain in the back of the head also requires detailed attention.

    Tomography provides good data for making a diagnosis. Most medical centers provide such diagnostic methods. Having made an accurate diagnosis, you can begin to treat headaches.

    For example, when pain caused by sinusitis worsens, it is common practice to prescribe antibiotics. The course of antibiotics is supported by some measures to alleviate the patient’s condition. This:

    • humidifying the air in the room where the patient is;
    • periodically rinse the nose with a special solution;
    • carrying out medicinal inhalations.

    A massage of the head and cervical region helps a lot, especially if you have pain in the back of your head. These measures are aimed at preventing re-occlusion of the nose and, as a result, help avoid headaches.

    Before using inhalations, you should consult an allergist to confirm that you are not allergic to medications. This is also true if the patient plans to use nasal sprays.

    A sudden headache usually occurs after a head or back injury. Aching pain may also indicate this.

    Treatment with medications can be completely combined with the use of folk remedies. The choice of treatment method and combination of agents depends on the form of the disease. But we must not forget about preventive measures.

    The basis of prevention is the development of immunity with the help of medicinal herbs and hardening, the transition to a healthy balanced diet with a minimum amount of fats and carcinogens, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, for example, jogging or walking in the fresh air. But you need to remember that you should not exercise if you have a headache.


    Experienced doctors will always advise how to choose an effective complex for developing immunity and maintaining it in good condition. Pain and pressing sensations in the head often notify us of some impending disease, giving us a chance to get ahead of the development of the disease and cope with it at the very beginning.

    For prevention, you need to try to smooth out conflict situations, avoid stress, and especially prevent depression.

    To prevent colds, you need to try not to overcool your body; often it is against the background of hypothermia that our immunity suffers. And to maintain the immune system in order, it is very useful to use folk remedies.

    The use of medicinal herbs and herbal infusions is an alternative, milder way to treat headaches. The main goal of such treatment is to relieve pain and strengthen the body.

    Elderberry, sorrel, verbena are the main components of herbal remedies that help get rid of headaches and discomfort when tilting your head.

    However, if you have pain in the back of your head, you should definitely see a neurologist.

    Even food supplements often contain medicinal herbs and are effective in relieving headaches. They relieve inflammation by clearing the nasal cavities and removing the cause of the pressing sensation in the head when bending over.

    Plants such as St. John's wort, wild rosemary and lemon balm, bumblebee and mullein can strengthen the immune system. These herbs are sold in pharmacies in the form of ready-made herbal preparations. You can prepare them yourself. However, they should not be taken by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant, as these herbs have a blood-thinning effect.

    The use of inhalers is very effective in the treatment of almost all colds and inflammatory diseases. You can use ready-made inhalers produced by the pharmaceutical industry, or do inhalations the old fashioned way - over steam.


    Eleutherococcus tincture is good for relieving headaches. Take the tincture 1-2 drops per day, gradually increasing the dose to 14-15 drops.

    Mint added to tea will relieve headaches if you drink a glass in the morning and evening. Lemon peel applied to the temples relieves local pain well. Propolis tincture helps with headaches if taken 40 drops per day. The tincture can be added to tea or warm water, but there may be allergic reactions to bee products.

    My head hurts when I bend down, why does this happen? The etiology of the process can be varied. In most cases, such severe pain can indicate serious damage to the body.

    This is why pain when bending over cannot be ignored. When they appear, it is important to consult a doctor for examination.

    Medical indications

    If you get a headache when bending over, you shouldn’t panic right away. Sometimes the process is based on non-medical factors, including:

    • frequent, intense nervous strain;
    • stressful situations;
    • long-term depression;
    • chronic fatigue.

    If you have a headache, the cause may be alcohol or drug addiction. Some medications may cause pain. In this case, pain is a side reaction of therapy.

    Medical etiological factors

    Throbbing pain often bothers patients. The etiology of headache may be related to:

    • with allergic reactions;
    • with neoplasms of the nasal cavity;
    • with asthmatic syndrome;
    • with seasonal exacerbations;
    • with consequences of migraine;
    • with spondylosis;
    • with osteochondrosis.

    Throbbing pain occurs most often. It can be provoked by sinusitis and other pathologies of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis is a severe inflammatory lesion of the paranasal sinuses.

    The process often occurs due to untreated influenza or a viral pathology that has become complicated.

    Sinusitis can manifest itself in the form of frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, or sphenoiditis. In this case, pulsating pain in the head always develops.

    How to suspect the development of sinusitis? There are a number of specific signs characteristic of sinusitis:

    • a feeling of pressure in the forehead, temples or eyes;
    • mucous discharge from the nose, especially in the morning, often mixed with pus;
    • increased body temperature;
    • throbbing pain in the face upon palpation;
    • sharp pain in the head when bending over;
    • aching attacks of pain when lying down;
    • malaise;
    • chills;
    • fever.

    Sinusitis almost always accompanies viral infections. It all starts with a runny nose, and there is throbbing pain when bending down.

    When damaged, an intense inflammatory process occurs in the nasopharynx. Swelling of the tissues in the nasal area develops, which interferes with normal air movement.

    Mucus tends to stagnate - microbes accumulate in it, and purulent contents appear. Because of this, pressure arises in the nasal area and unpleasant sensations appear.

    This causes pain when tilting the head. The pain can radiate to the upper jaw and teeth.

    With excessive accumulations, severe pain and pressure develops in the maxillary sinuses. This is why self-medication in such cases is unacceptable.

    Why does soreness occur in the forehead? The most common cause of such discomfort in the forehead is sinus damage.

    It occurs due to excessive accumulation of pus in the affected areas of the nose. In this case, only specialized medical care will be required to normalize the condition.

    Self-medication will not bring the slightest result. Ignoring medical care will only lead to a deterioration in health and will transform the pathology of the nasal area into a chronic form.

    The standard list of medical prescriptions includes:

    • an antibiotic that acts against this infection;
    • drugs against swelling (their use can lead to increased pain in the head and nose, so they should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor);
    • antihistamines that reduce swelling.

    In some cases, an additional painkiller is used, a means to minimize headaches and narrow blood vessels.

    Do not ignore the benefits of physiological procedures, mud treatment, and inhalations.

    It has been proven that timely treatment of sinusitis will not cause a number of complications, including brain swelling, meningoencephalitis, meningitis.

    Successful therapy is possible only after a comprehensive examination. Complex therapy for sinusitis has individual characteristics.

    Hypertension is another reason that provokes the clinic in question. It has a chronic course and a tendency to relapse.

    The clinical picture of the disease includes sharp increases in blood pressure:

    • shortness of breath;
    • the patient has a headache in the back of the head;
    • possible dizziness;
    • weakness, malaise.

    Hypertensive people are more likely than others to have problems with excess weight. If your head hurts from increased blood pressure, you should not delay treatment.

    In severe cases, the disease can cause a stroke or be fatal.

    Hypertensive patients suffer from constant surges in blood pressure. Moreover, the slightest tension provokes severe headaches when bending over. Bending over causes pain in the back of the head.

    Often discomfort begins to bother you immediately after waking up. To prevent attacks, it is useful to walk in the fresh air and normalize weight.

    Specific drug treatment is selected by the doctor on an individual basis. A number of factors are taken into account, the response to previous therapy.

    Migraine develops against the background of stress, overwork, and hereditary tendencies. In addition to pain in the head when bending, patients complain of lacrimation, photophobia, and nasal congestion.

    Additionally, the patient complains:

    • for thirst,
    • for swelling due to drinking large amounts of liquid;
    • to irritation.

    This pathology provokes episodic pain in the head, headache when bending over. During an attack, intense thirst occurs, the patient drinks a lot of liquid.

    Therefore, a clinical picture of severe swelling appears.

    Migraine etiological factors include:

    • stressful situation;
    • burdened heredity;
    • overwork;
    • drastic change in weather conditions;
    • long or too short sleep;
    • consumption of certain foods - chocolate, nuts, smoked meats, beer, wine, cheeses.

    Pathology therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. Only then can we talk about effective treatment. Self-medication can only worsen the condition.

    Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work. Provokes:

    • crunch in the neck;
    • Patients have headaches when bending over or doing physical activity;
    • aching pain in the head that radiates to the shoulders and arms.

    The nature of the pain can be episodic, prolonged, or chronic.

    To minimize the frequency and intensity of pain, physical exercises are used: the head is turned in different directions, tilted from the right side to the left, and looking up.

    Allergic reactions provoke pain in the neck and head at the slightest bend. Deterioration occurs almost immediately after consuming a dangerous product.

    Any contact with an allergen provokes an attack. If a person has a headache due to an allergy, then soon lacrimation will also occur, pain in the eyes, and swelling of the larynx will occur.

    Almost always, allergies cause rashes. Only timely medical care can normalize the condition.

    Allergy headaches appear suddenly. Headache when bending down in the forehead area. The duration of the attack is several days.

    First aid for allergic diseases:

    • absolute peace;
    • bed rest;
    • fermented milk and vegetable diet.

    For prevention, it is important to exclude any contact with allergens. On the recommendation of the doctor, procedures are prescribed: the introduction of calcium chloride, sculpting mustard plasters on the neck area, hot foot baths.

    Damage to the cervical elements is a fairly common cause of headaches when bending over.

    Mostly pain develops in the presence of spondylitis, subluxations, stretch marks of the muscular or ligamentous apparatus.

    Drafts and various curvatures of the spine also become a common cause of headaches.

    Every year the process will only progress, causing more and more new attacks and more intense pain at the slightest bend.

    Staying in one position for a long time is an important reason why your head hurts. This is due to poor blood flow and severe numbness in the body.

    Such poisoning greatly harms the body. First of all, elements of the nervous system suffer, pain in the head occurs at the slightest bend.

    Tension disorders are considered a separate factor in the development of pain when bending over. They arise against the background of prolonged stress and anxiety.

    In this case, there are frequent presyncopes that occur suddenly. Treatment for this condition requires sedatives and sometimes antidepressants.

    An important etiological factor is inflammatory damage to the vascular elements of the brain, atherosclerotic damage.

    Temporal arteritis, associated with severe damage to the vascular system, is a common cause of headaches when bending over.

    Severe depression, weight loss, sleep problems and blood pressure surges also occur. The disease mainly develops in elderly people or in those who often suffer from infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

    This is a periodic disease that is always accompanied by shortness of breath and runny nose. A pronounced loss of strength, which often leads to loss of consciousness.

    If your head hurts when bending over, you may suspect high intracranial pressure. It is localized in one of the areas of the brain.

    In this case, problems with speech and impaired coordination of movements additionally arise. Vision deteriorates, and in some cases nausea and uncontrollable vomiting even develop.

    What is the problem with divers?

    People in this profession are often prone to developing headaches. All changes and damage to the body occur during a sharp change in atmospheric pressure.

    If you experience headaches, something has gone wrong. Pain with dizziness occurs due to damage to the nasal sinuses.

    Sudden ascents or descents can lead to ruptured eardrums, embolisms and the death of the diver. In such a profession, following the rules is an important condition for a safe rise to land.

    After the first episode of headache, it is better to get examined immediately. First of all, you need to consult a neurologist, cardiologist, or ENT specialist.

    Only after a detailed survey and examination will a specialist be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a set of diagnostic procedures to clarify the diagnosis.

    In most cases, complex diagnostics are prescribed, including instrumental and laboratory research techniques.

    Therapy is selected based on the final diagnosis. A comprehensive course of treatment is selected for each patient individually, taking into account all his characteristics.

    Useful video

    This condition is familiar to almost everyone. Regardless of gender and age, I had to deal with headaches. Moreover, it is concentrated in the back of the head, temple, frontal part, left or right, as well as in the crown.

    The nature of the pain also varies. It may intensify when the position of the body changes, for example:

    • When we bend, bend or lower ourselves.
    • Let's do some things. If you cough, sneeze, blow your nose, strain, look to the left or the other side, and feel that the pain is getting worse, as well as when walking, turning the body to the side or backwards, then you must definitely find out the reason.
    • Often we notice that the brain is taken in a vice, which strongly compresses it or a pulsation is felt. It seems that the entire contents of the skull have turned into liquid and are rolling from right to left. The ear begins to ring, we feel nausea, weakness and irritability.
    • If you press your fingers on your face, you may feel increased pain.

    Such conditions can be caused by various anomalies, therefore, to eliminate it, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis to find out why this is happening, determine the reasons that cause such sensations, and only then begin treatment.

    The occurrence of pain when tilting the head down can be caused by various reasons. These are diseases and non-medical factors.

    They can be caused by both pathological processes in the body and external factors.


    Pain in the head when bending over can cause sinusitis, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. They are usually caused by complications from the flu or viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.

    Depending on the sinus in which the focus is localized, sinusitis inflammation is divided into:

    • to the front;
    • sphenoiditis;
    • sinusitis.

    In addition to headaches when bending over, patients complain of symptoms such as:

    • Compressive feeling in the temples, forehead and eyes.
    • Discharge from the nose when blowing your nose in the form of pus and mucus, occurring more often in the morning.
    • Increased body temperature, accompanied by chills and fever.
    • When lying down, the patient feels aching pain in the head, which intensifies when bending forward.

    This condition is accompanied by fatigue and weakness.

    Head pain when bending down can be caused by:

    • Hypertension.
    • Increased intracranial pressure.
    • Viral infections and colds.
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
    • Disorders of the central nervous system.
    • Allergic reactions of the body to various irritants.
    • Taking medications when pain when tilting the head down is caused by a side effect of the medication.
    • Migraine.
    • Development of formations in the nasal cavity.
    • Spinal diseases. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by limited movement of the ribs and chest. Back pain can start from the top, then radiate under the shoulder blade, down to the lower back and tailbone. And then cause a migraine.
    • Epidural or cerebrospinal fluid puncture.


    These are external factors that cause headaches when bending down. They affect the general condition and become an indirect cause of various ailments.

    These factors include:

    • Severe and prolonged nervous overstrain, turning into prolonged depression.
    • Stress.
    • Bad habits – smoking, alcohol, drugs.
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • Exhaustion of the body as a result of constant lack of sleep and unbalanced nutrition.

    Sudden pain can be caused by:

    • fright;
    • pungent and strong odors;
    • loud music or other sounds;
    • weather change;
    • hangover;
    • staying in one position for a long time;
    • deep diving and scuba diving.

    In addition, for some allergy sufferers, hypertensive patients, and heart patients, the arrival of spring can provoke an exacerbation.

    Symptoms (types of pain)

    In order to promptly identify signs of diseases that require immediate treatment, you need to know in which cases the back of the head hurts, and when the unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the frontal part or temples.

    You need to understand that you should not treat colds and runny nose on your own. With improper therapy, mucus accumulations can form in the nasal cavity and cause inflammation. Then, when bending over, pain will be felt in the upper part of the skull, in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and forehead. In such a situation, you should consult an ear/nose/throat doctor, as in the case of headaches in divers.

    If the unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the back of the head, this may indicate hypertension or osteochondrosis. For the first illness, treatment adjustments are carried out by a cardiologist, since exacerbations are associated with increased blood pressure.

    In osteochondrosis, the provoking factor is physical activity, prolonged physical inactivity or an uncomfortable position of the cervical spine, and reduced movements in the vertebrae.

    It is useful to do exercises:

    • Left and right head turns.
    • Tilts to the side.

    You also need to look up without moving your head back.

    In addition, you need to see a doctor to get a prescription.

    If a patient has a migraine, the pain is localized in some part of the skull and does not stop for several hours or days. Accompanied by nausea, it is painful to look at the light, there is dizziness and weakness.

    Clusters often bother men. They appear abruptly and can pulsate strongly. Accompanied by a runny nose and a rush of blood. This is dangerous because loss of consciousness may occur.

    When pain is localized on one side of the skull, temporal arthritis is differentiated. It occurs with sudden weight loss, insomnia, and depression.

    Often during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, women express the following complaints: “My head hurts a lot when I bend over.” This condition is part of the body's hormonal changes, which increases blood pressure. The concentration of unpleasant sensations spreads from the bridge of the nose to the back of the head. In this case, you may feel sick, spots appear before your eyes, and other symptoms may appear.


    If you notice that your head hurts when you bend over, and these conditions become more frequent and worse, then you need to consult a doctor. Because if left unattended, symptoms can worsen. Depending on the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms, consultation with a cardiologist, ENT specialist, neurologist, traumatologist, or ophthalmologist will be required. As well as urine and blood tests, MRI and CT, ultrasound of the abdomen, cardiogram.

    Before this, the doctor will ask you to describe the condition and determine the type of pain, indicate the time of occurrence of attacks and their frequency. These questions will help you understand why your forehead hurts when you tilt your head.

    Having identified the cause, the doctor will prescribe medications, folk remedies, exercise, and give advice on lifestyle adjustments.


    The treatment method is selected based on the diagnosis and is aimed at eliminating the root cause. You should not self-medicate to avoid complications.


    To prevent headaches, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, humidify the air, and avoid stressful situations. If attacks are already observed, the doctor may recommend a set of exercises and massage.

    To perform this, you need to sit up straight, tilt your head down, and touch your chin to your chest. Then pull it back. You need to lower and tilt your head slowly and repeat the movements smoothly.

    To do self-massage, you should put your hands to the back of your head and feel the sore spots there. Then, pressing lightly on them, perform rotational movements 15-17 times.

    You should also find out if you have allergies and avoid contact with pathogens.

    Spend more time outdoors and ventilate rooms. Eliminate heavy foods from your diet. Don't overwork yourself physically, emotionally or mentally.

    If you cannot bend forward, bend down, or lower your head without pain, you should consult a doctor.

    A common symptom of a huge number of diseases is headache. A neurologist most often hears these complaints from his patients. The cause in most cases is disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, which are associated with their spasms. Pain in the head area is observed in areas that are particularly sensitive: these are veins, arteries, periosteum, muscles, subcutaneous tissues, nerves, mucous membrane, eyes and sinuses. Pain in each of these areas indicates the presence of a specific disease and the method of treatment is selected individually, depending on the disease causing the pain. Such sensations also manifest themselves in different ways. Let's look at the case when a headache appears when tilting the head down.

    What is the reason?

    Typically, this symptom accompanies a fairly common disease - sinusitis. In this case, pain is observed in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, teeth, and eye sockets, which noticeably intensify when the person bends down. Pathogenic microorganisms from the outside enter the human body through the nasal passages, so it is in them that inflammation occurs first. Local immunity enters the fight against the pathogen and most often loses. The term sinusitis combines several types of inflammation, and each of these diseases causes a headache when bending down; This:

    • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinus;
    • frontal sinusitis - the frontal sinus is involved in inflammation;
    • sphenoiditis - the sphenoid sinus is affected.

    The pain itself occurs when bending over due to inflammation and congestion of the nasal sinuses. The reasons why the infection spreads in the sinuses are hypothermia, poor immunity, infections, and colds. Allergies can also cause such inflammation.

    The main symptom of sinusitis is the patient’s inability to breathe through his nose. The disease causes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which interferes with normal breathing. Despite the fact that the maxillary sinus is almost isolated from the nasal cavity, mucus accumulates in it, which, in turn, is constantly secreted. In such an environment, pathogenic microbes multiply best.

    So, the inflammatory process continues in the nasal sinuses, and pus is constantly released. The outflow of secretions from the maxillary sinus is extremely difficult; they accumulate, create a certain pressure, and are absorbed into the blood, weakening the entire body. This pressure causes the symptom of pain when bending down.

    This pain is localized in the front of the head, face and has a pulsating, deep character. It begins in the morning, immediately after getting up and, continuing throughout the day, can intensify in the evening. Since the pain of sinusitis is similar in location and nature to the pain of migraine and tension, it is necessary to find out the cause before treatment.

    What causes headaches when bending over?

    In addition to headaches with sinusitis, the following phenomena can be observed:

    • sensitivity of the face when touching it;
    • pain and a feeling of pressure in one area of ​​the face;
    • with sharp turns of the head, bending, the pain intensifies;
    • the pain manifests itself with maximum intensity in the morning, as the sinuses collect mucus all night;
    • pain begins when the first signs of a cold appear, or immediately after recovery;
    • There is also an increase in pain when there is a temperature difference, for example, when a person leaves a warm room and goes out into the cold.

    There are other signs of sinus inflammation: nasal discharge becomes yellow or green, sore throat, swelling of the nasal passages, fever, fatigue, and weakness.

    Other causes of headaches

    When a patient comes to the doctor and says, “My head hurts when I bend over,” the specialist determines what other causes, besides sinusitis, can cause this effect. Such reasons include tumors, polyps in the nasal cavity, asthma, allergies, especially seasonal complications, as well as swimming underwater or climbing to high altitudes. Thus, a doctor must determine the exact cause of this condition. The ENT specialist will find out what disease you need to be treated for: sinusitis or another whose symptoms are similar. He will determine the presence of painful sensations in the nasolabial triangle, on the face, whether there is nasal discharge and what its nature is, in what condition the nasal sinuses are. If necessary, it may be advisable to conduct other studies, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.

    In order to cure pain, you need to know its root cause. If the cause is sinusitis, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment from an appropriate specialist. If an exacerbation occurs, antibiotics are taken to eliminate the inflammatory process. In the future, experts advise carrying out preventive measures: using room humidifiers, doing inhalations, rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution, and massaging the back and neck. These simple methods will help avoid blockage of the maxillary sinuses and prevent headaches when bending down.

    Treatment methods

    Various medications are used to treat headaches when bending over. The doctor prescribes antibiotics if there is a bacterial infection. Acute sinusitis with proper treatment goes away in two weeks, and sinusitis takes longer to treat - up to four weeks.

    Corticosteroids in the form of nasal sprays reduce inflammation and allergy symptoms: runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing. Momettasone, Beclomethasone, Fluticasone are drugs that are quite effective against such symptoms, and treatment takes up to seven days.

    Antihistamines are used as nasal and oral sprays. They are used as antiallergic drugs and are sold in pharmacies both without a prescription and with one. Rapid-acting antihistamines are available by prescription and relieve moderate to mild allergic symptoms. Their action is based on blocking the release of histamine. Among the well-known drugs of this kind are Diphenhydramine, Clemastine, Chlorpheniramine. These are drugs that have been used in medical practice for a long time. They have a main drawback - they cause drowsiness. New drugs do not have this drawback: these are Loratadine, Fexofenadine, Cetrizine.

    If there is no effect from medicinal methods, specialists may recommend surgical treatment. Using endoscopic surgery methods, polyps and other formations are successfully removed. Increasing the lumen of the nasal sinuses is also carried out using this method. This way you will get rid of headaches that occur when bending down. A very effective method is rhinoplasty.

    An alternative way to treat such headaches is with herbal remedies. They strengthen the body and effectively relieve symptoms, but may have their own side effects. Therefore, consulting a doctor is extremely important here. To combat headaches caused by inflammation of the sinuses, herbal remedies are used. Among them, such drugs as Sinupret with elderberry, primrose, horse sorrel, and verbena are known. Drugs of this type make the contents of the sinuses more liquid and promote its rapid elimination.



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