Overactive bladder in women treatment. Signs and treatment of overactive bladder

Hyperactive bladder(OAB) is a combination of symptoms caused by spontaneous contraction of the bladder muscles during the accumulation of urine. These signs include:

  • desire to empty the bladder at night;
  • uncontrollable urges, which can lead to urinary incontinence.

There are two types of hyperactivity: idiopathic (without an identified cause), occurring in approximately 65% ​​of patients, and neurogenic (caused by diseases nervous system, and so on), observed in approximately 24% of patients. Urologists also distinguish a form in which all of the listed symptoms occur in the absence of hyperactivity of the bladder muscle itself (detrusor), accounting for 11% of all cases of OAB. The latter form occurs much more often in women than in men.


The disease affects approximately one in five adults on Earth. Women are affected somewhat more often than men, especially with some forms of the disease. OAB occurs in 16% of Russian women. However, the myth that OAB is a disease exclusively of women is associated with a significantly lower frequency of men visiting a doctor about this. Largest number Patients become ill at the age of about 40 years, and over the next 20 years the incidence among the female population is higher. Among patients over the age of 60, the number of men is gradually increasing.

The incidence of this disease is comparable to that of illness or depression, meaning it is quite widespread chronic disease. The peculiarity of the disease is that even in the United States of America, 70% of patients for some reason do not receive treatment.
This is largely due to the embarrassment of patients and poor awareness of the possibility of treating this disease. Therefore, patients adapt by changing familiar image life, while its quality is significantly reduced. Long trips or even regular shopping or excursions become impossible. Violated night sleep. Patients meet with family and friends less often. Their work in the team is disrupted. All this leads to disruption social adaptation patients with OAB, making this disease a significant medical and social problem.

It should be noted that not only patients, but also doctors are poorly aware of issues related to the causes, manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.


As the name suggests, idiopathic hyperactivity has an unknown cause. It is believed that lesions are involved in its development nerve endings, responsible for the work of the bladder muscle, as well as changes in the structure of this muscle. In places where muscle innervation is impaired, increased excitability is noted muscle cells, adjacent to each other. In this case, provoked by the stretching of the bladder during its filling, a reflex contraction of the muscle cell, like chain reaction, is transmitted throughout the wall of the organ. This theory explains the development of hyperactivity by an excessive contractile reaction of cells during denervation (lack of normal nervous regulation), is generally accepted.

Factors contributing to the development of OAB:

  • female gender;
  • old age (60 years or more);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • depression, emotional instability, chronic nervous tension.

The predisposition of women to develop the disease is due, as experts today believe, to more low level in their brains of serotonin. It decreases even more during any hormonal changes, making a woman initially more likely to become a victim of the disease.

In elderly patients, the tendency to develop OAB is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the bladder muscle and its ischemia, that is, insufficient blood supply. These factors lead to the death of muscle cells and damage to the nerves responsible for correct rhythm urination. This also starts a chain reaction of muscle cells associated with denervation of the bladder muscle.

Another provoking factor, characteristic mainly for women, is inflammatory processes genitourinary tract.

Neurogenic hyperactivity occurs in people of both sexes with equal frequency. It is caused by damage to the pathways that carry nerve impulses along the spinal cord and overlying nerve centers. At the same time, the brain damaged as a result of the disease sends signals to empty the bladder when the bladder is not full, causing the classic clinic of OAB. Neurogenic hyperactivity occurs with brain tumors, severe Parkinson's disease, injuries and the spinal cord.

External manifestations

There are three main symptoms of OAB:

  • urination more than 8 times a day (of which more than once at night);
  • urgent (urgent), sudden and very strong urges at least twice a day;
  • urinary incontinence.

The most persistent symptom is frequent urination, which sometimes makes patients completely unable to work and leads to rash decisions with serious consequences.

Urinary incontinence is more rare, but it is even more difficult to tolerate. Within three years, in about a third of patients, this symptom either disappears on its own without treatment or reappears.


The patient's complaints, life history and illness are studied. The patient is asked to keep a voiding diary for at least three days. It will be a big time saver if you initial appointment The patient will go to the urologist with the diary already filled out.

The diary should record the time of urination and the volume of urine excreted. Additional information very useful:

  • the presence of imperative (“commanding”) urges;
  • episodes of incontinence;
  • the use of special gaskets and their quantity;
  • the volume of liquid drunk per day.

When collecting anamnesis, pay attention special attention to neurological and gynecological diseases, and also diabetes mellitus. Be sure to clarify information about childbirth and surgical interventions on the muscles of the perineum.

Conducted vaginal examination and a cough test (during such an examination the woman is asked to cough). Conduct ultrasound examination uterus, kidneys, bladder. A urine test is taken and cultured to detect infection. The patient must be examined by a neurologist and given a detailed report.

Urodynamic studies were previously considered an integral part of diagnosis. But they gave useful information only in half of patients with OAB. Therefore, today a complex urodynamic study (CUDI) is prescribed in the following cases:

  • difficulty in making a diagnosis;
  • mixed type of urinary incontinence;
  • previous operations on the pelvic organs;
  • concomitant diseases of the nervous system;
  • ineffectiveness of treatment;
  • planning potentially severe treatment, for example, surgical;
  • suspected neurogenic hyperactivity.

If neurogenic hyperactivity is suspected, the neurologist should also prescribe the following examinations:

  • study of somatosensory evoked potentials;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography brain and spine.


Therapy for OAB is not well developed. This is due to the variety clinical picture and individuality of manifestations. In addition, the drugs used are often ineffective and toxic.

Main areas of treatment:

  • non-medicinal;
  • medicinal;
  • surgical.

How independent method treatment, and in combination with prescription drugs is used behavioral therapy. It consists in the patient's habit of controlling the functioning of his bladder, treating it like a naughty child who needs to be carefully monitored. You need to urinate at certain intervals throughout the day, increasing them more and more. This training is especially useful for weakened urges and incontinence.

IN at a young age It is recommended to perform Kegel exercises. Many women are familiar with them from the time of childbirth, when they used them for muscle training. pelvic floor. These techniques will also train the muscles around the urethra.

Behavioral therapy and physical therapy They have virtually no contraindications, they are harmless and free, which allows them to be recommended to the vast majority of patients.

Surgical treatment includes the following operations:

  • denervation of the bladder (cessation of transmission of impulses causing detrusor contraction);
  • detrusor myectomy, which reduces the area of ​​the overreacting muscle surface;
  • intestinal plastic surgery, in which part of the bladder wall is replaced with an intestinal wall that is not capable of imperative contractions.

Such operations are complex and are carried out only according to individual indications.

Effective drug

The basis of treatment for patients with OAB is medicines. Of these, the leading ones are anticholinergic drugs. Their action is based on the suppression of muscarinic receptors responsible for contraction of the bladder muscle. Blockade of receptors causes a decrease in muscle activity, OAB symptoms decrease or disappear.

One of the very first drugs in this group is oxybutynin (Driptan), developed in the middle of the last century. It is quite effective, but has a number of undesirable effects: dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, rapid heartbeat, drowsiness and others. Such adverse events led to the search for new forms of drug administration: transrectal, intravesical, transdermal. A slow-release form has also been developed, which, with the same effectiveness, is noticeably better tolerated and taken once a day. Unfortunately, it has not yet been registered in Russia.

Trospium chloride is also widely used. It is similar in effectiveness to oxybutynin, but is better tolerated. Its effectiveness and safety have been clinically proven.

Tolterodine is specifically designed for the treatment of OAB. In terms of effectiveness, it is comparable to the first two drugs, but is much better tolerated. The drug has been well studied. Its optimal dosage is 2 mg twice a day. There is also a slowly releasing form of the drug, much less often causing dryness in the mouth. This form can be used in large dosages, allowing you to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Tolterodine has the following contraindications:

  • urinary retention (more common in men);
  • untreated angle-closure glaucoma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • ulcerative colitis in the acute stage;
  • megacolon (intestinal dilatation).

In all other patients, all symptoms decrease significantly after 5 days of use.

The maximum effect appears after 5-8 weeks of use. However, to maintain it, you must constantly take these drugs. Their cancellation will lead to a relapse of the disease.

One more possible effect after the use of any anticholinergic drugs, including tolterodine, there is a violation of bladder contractility. Incomplete emptying occurs, which can cause constant delay urine in the ureters and renal pelvis with subsequent development. Therefore, when a feeling arises incomplete emptying bladder patients receiving these drugs should immediately consult a doctor. When monitoring such patients, the volume of residual urine (not released during urination) should be measured by ultrasound monthly.

Do you feel like you always need to be near the toilet, afraid that you won't be able to get there on time? This may mean you have an overactive bladder.

Near 22% of the world's population suffers from this problem to one degree or another. However, according to various reasons many of them are in no hurry to see a doctor, trying to hide the problem not only from others, but also from themselves. Only 4–6% of patients turn to specialists; the rest hush up the problem, thereby exacerbating it.

In those suffering from hyperactive bladder a unique behavior mechanism is developed. In unfamiliar places, such a person first of all finds out where the toilet is so that he can use it at any time. Many of those who are familiar with this problem often visit the toilet “for future use” and try to empty the bladder at every opportunity, even if it is not yet completely full.

Filling and emptying the bladder is complex process interaction between kidney function, nervous system and muscles. Dysfunction of one of these links can contribute to the development of an overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.

Overactive bladder is a bladder disorder that causes an irresistible urge to urinate.

Symptoms of an overactive bladder

The main symptoms of an overactive bladder are:

  • urgent need to urinate;
  • frequent urge to urinate (more than 8 times a day);
  • visiting the toilet at night (2 times or more per night);
  • the urge to urinate after a very recent visit to the toilet;
  • the need to urinate even with a small amount of fluid accumulated in the bladder;
  • uncontrolled leakage of urine accompanying the urge to urinate.

People with an overactive bladder may have some or all of the above symptoms.

Both men and women suffer from this disease, but women are slightly more likely to suffer from this disease. There is a clear relationship between the frequency of the disease and age. The older a person is, the more often the disease occurs. In people over 75 years of age, one in three people have an overactive bladder.

Causes of overactive bladder

Causes of overactive bladder may include: neurogenic:

  • diseases of the brain and spinal cord (multiple sclerosis, tumors, dementia, Parkinson's disease, consequences of stroke);
  • brain and spinal cord injuries;
  • congenital spinal cord defects;
  • alcoholic neuropathy;
  • diabetic neuropathy.

TO not neurogenic reasons include:

  • age-related changes;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • congenital bladder defects;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Very often, doctors cannot identify the cause of an overactive bladder.

Of course, in order to receive recommendations for the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist. And don't be shy! Remember that this is a very common problem. Women need to be examined by a gynecologist, men – by a urologist for diseases prostate gland. In addition, you will have to visit a neurologist.

I won't tell you about medications and operational methods treatment of this disease, since treatment for each person is strictly individual. In this article we will focus on the methods you can use to help yourself at home.

Lifestyle correction

To solve the problem of overactive bladder, you first need to change your lifestyle.

1. Change your diet.

It is necessary to limit the intake of acidic, spicy food and spices, citrus fruits and juices from them. Avoid caffeinated drinks and foods (tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, chocolate and others), alcohol, sugar substitutes, watermelon, melon and cucumbers. These foods irritate the bladder wall and stimulate diuresis.

Products containing zinc and vitamin A have a beneficial effect on bladder function. Therefore, preference should be given to seafood, green vegetables, cereals, flax and sunflower seeds.

2. Stop smoking.
3. Control your body weight.
4. Normalize bowel function, avoid constipation.
5. Monitoring of medications.

There are drugs that have a diuretic effect ( antihypertensive drugs, antidiabetic drugs). The use of these medications should be under the supervision of the attending physician.

6. Limit fluid intake before bed.

If you often wake up at night to go to the toilet, avoid drinking liquids before bed (at least 3 hours before bed). But don’t forget to drink water during the day (daily physiological need body fluid should be distributed evenly throughout the day).

7. Try to empty your bladder completely.

To do this, try practicing the “double urination” method. When visiting the toilet, empty your bladder as much as possible of accumulated urine, and then, after relaxing for a few seconds, try to empty it again.

8. Use of special means.

Those who are concerned about urinary incontinence should use special pads and diapers for adults. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. They will relieve you from the inconvenience associated with incontinence, and those around you from the unpleasant odor.

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is an effective monotherapeutic method of treating overactive bladder that has no contraindications and does not require material costs.

This technique can bring relief to every patient with this disease, and from 15 to 20% of patients return to normal life.

Behavioral therapy will help:
  • teach the bladder to hold more fluid to reduce the number of urinations;
  • control the desire to go to the toilet, thereby improving the quality of life.

Before treatment, the patient keeps a diary of urination for several days, which shows how often and in what volume they occurred. This diary can replace a urodynamic study if it is difficult for you to do it.

Then the training begins, which consists of the fact that the patient in any environment (at home, at work, everywhere) must go to the toilet strictly according to the schedule, even if at the moment he doesn't want to go to the toilet. This helps restore control over the body. At the same time, it is necessary to wait until the time indicated in the schedule in order to teach the bladder to store more urine and thus gradually increase the intervals between visits to the toilet.

Therapeutic exercises are effectively used to reduce bladder overactivity.

Therapeutic gymnastics using the Kegel technique

The Kegel exercise system involves alternately contracting and relaxing the levator ani muscles.

Regularly performing a set of these exercises helps with many dysfunctions. genitourinary organs in men and women (overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, prostatitis), regulation sexual functions and diseases of the rectum (fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids and others).

Exercise 1 – Slow Squeeze

Tighten your muscles the same way you would when stopping urination. Slowly count to three. Relax.

Exercise 2 – Elevator

Smoothly and gradually tighten your pelvic floor muscles. First floor - strain a little and hold in this state, second - strain more and hold again, third - strain even more and hold again. And so on all the way to the “top” - strain your muscles as hard as you can. Then gradually release the muscles, also “lingering” on the floors.

Exercise 3 – Abbreviations

Tighten and relax your pelvic muscles as quickly as you can.

Exercise 4 – Push-ups

Push down as if you want to go to the toilet.

And don't forget to breathe evenly during these exercises.

Each exercise is performed 10 times, after a week 5 repetitions are added to each exercise until you reach 30 repetitions. The entire set of exercises must be performed 5 times a day.

Overactive bladder is a disease characterized by frequent urges to the emission of urine, which is often accompanied by incontinence. Since the bladder consists entirely of muscles, this means that with this disease a person is not able to independently suppress the emission of urine. With this disorder muscle tissue begins to react to even a slight accumulation of fluid, the person feels a constant fullness of the bladder and repeatedly visits the toilet. Despite such discomfort, a patient with such a disease excretes a very small amount of urine at a time, and sometimes only a few drops.

This disorder is most typical for the female half of the population - women over forty are often affected. It is much less common in males and usually affects older people, starting from the age of sixty. Very often, the symptoms of the disease appear sharply and unexpectedly, so that a person cannot hold urine on his own. In some cases, this circumstance forces the patient to wear adult diapers, because there is no other way to hide this disorder other than treatment.


The causes of overactive bladder syndrome in men and women may include: various diseases, among which:

  • benign neoplasm of the prostate gland (this causes narrowing of the urinary channel);
  • a wide variety of disorders of the brain structure, for example, traumatic brain injuries, hemorrhages, oncology;
  • spinal cord disorders - tumors, injuries and bruises, complications after surgery;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • various poisonings of the body with poisonous chemicals, alcohol, drug overdose;
  • congenital pathologies in the structure of the urinary canal;
  • hormonal changes in women, especially during the period of cessation of menstruation. That is why female representatives are more susceptible to this disease.

In addition, the long-term impact stressful situations, communication with unpleasant people, harmful conditions labor can serve as factors for the manifestation of an overactive bladder. Pregnancy in women can cause this disease, and also, since the fetus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder. Age category plays an important role - cases of such a disorder in young people are extremely rare. But in some cases, bladder overactivity is observed in children, but the reasons for this are completely different features:

  • increased activity of the child;
  • excessive fluid intake;
  • severe stress;
  • unexpected and severe fear;
  • congenital pathologies of the urethra.

It is these factors that become the causes of such an illness in the youngest age category. But we must not forget that for children younger three years, uncontrolled urination is quite typical. When symptoms of overactive bladder are observed in adolescents, it is necessary to immediately seek help from specialists, because it may be associated with mental disorders, which are best treated in the initial stages.


Overactive bladder can manifest itself in several forms:

  • idiopathic – in which it is impossible to determine the factors of occurrence;
  • neurogenic - the main causes of manifestation are associated with disorders of the central nervous system.

Despite the delicate connection between the bladder and the nervous system, in most cases the basis for the appearance of urinary incontinence disorder arises precisely because various infections and diseases.


In addition to the main symptom of overactive bladder - urinary incontinence, there are several symptoms characteristic of this disorder:

  • repeated urge to pass urine. Despite the sensation of a full bladder, a small amount of fluid is released;
  • strong urge to urinate (often so strong that a person does not have time to get to the toilet);
  • passing urine at night or during sleep. IN in good condition muscles of the bladder, a person does not get up at night to relieve his needs;
  • involuntary release of a few drops of liquid;
  • excretion of urine in several stages, i.e. after the first process has ended, after straining, a second wave of urine excretion occurs.

If a person has the urge to stool more than nine times per daytime, and at least three at night, this serves as the first symptoms that he is susceptible to a disease such as an overactive bladder. But this amount may vary depending on the amount of liquid consumed, alcoholic beverages or diuretics. Under normal conditions, this process occurs less than ten times a day and is generally not observed at night. Both women and men may experience one or more of the above symptoms.


If incorrect or untimely treatment the following consequences may occur:

  • constant anxiety and, as a result, decreased concentration on household or work matters;
  • long-lasting, which can develop into;
  • the appearance of insomnia, as a consequence;
  • loss of ability to adapt to the conditions of the social environment;
  • emergence congenital pathologies in the baby, if this disease was diagnosed in a pregnant woman.

It is worth noting that complications develop much faster in children than in adults.


The main thing in diagnosing overactive bladder is to exclude other diseases of the urinary tract. In order to do this, they use a complex diagnostic measures, including:

  • collection complete information the patient has about possible reasons occurrence, time of appearance of the first symptoms, whether they are accompanied painful sensations. Doctors recommend keeping a toilet diary, in which you need to record the frequency of visits and the approximate amount of fluid released;
  • analysis of medical histories of close relatives and hereditary factor;
  • , general and biochemical, testing according to Nechiporenko - will indicate pathologies of the kidneys or organs involved in the emission of urine, and Zimnitsky - in which a study of urine collected per day is carried out;
  • culture of urine to detect bacteria or fungi;
  • examination of the urinary tract using an instrument such as a cystoscope;
  • radiography with contrast agent, which will help identify pathologies in the structure of these internal organs;
  • urodynamic study, complex.

In addition, additional consultations with a neurologist may be necessary, since the disease is often associated with disorders of the nervous system.


Treatment of overactive bladder, similar to diagnosis, consists of several measures. The main goal of therapy is to learn to control urges and, if necessary, restrain them. The treatment complex consists of:

  • reception of individual medicines, depending on the causes of the disorder;
  • use special medicines that affect the functioning of the nervous system;
  • performing special physical exercise, helping to strengthen the pelvic muscles;
  • drawing up correct mode day. Leave at least eight hours a day for rest, do not drink liquids several hours before bedtime;
  • rationalization everyday life- consists of avoiding stress or unpleasant communication, increasing time spent in the fresh air;
  • physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, for example, electrical stimulation, current and electrophoresis treatment, acupuncture.

TO surgical intervention resorted only in cases where other methods of therapy have proven ineffective. In such cases, several types of operations are performed:

  • additional supply of nerves to the bladder;
  • insertion into the bladder sterile liquid, which will increase the size of this organ;
  • introduction into the walls of an organ using injections, special drugs, whose main task is to disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • replacement of a small part of the bladder with intestines;
  • removal of a certain part of the organ, but the mucous membrane remains in place.


In order to prevent the occurrence of this syndrome, it is necessary:

  • be observed by a urologist at least once a year for men, and at least twice a year by a gynecologist for women;
  • contact a specialist in a timely manner (at the first symptoms of urinary obstruction);
  • monitor the amount of fluid released;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • Pregnant women regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • take the child for consultation with a child psychologist;
  • lead healthy image life, do not expose children to passive smoking.

Is everything correct in the article? medical point vision?

Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Cystitis is a fairly common disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Cystitis, the symptoms of which in the vast majority of cases are experienced by representatives of the fairer sex aged 16 to 65 years, can also be diagnosed in men - in this case, the disease most often develops in people aged 40 years and older.

The topic - overactive bladder in women - treatment is in great demand for those who suffer from this problem.

It is clear that the impact on the quality of life of women is very great: families are destroyed, social connections, the work and its execution suffers.

Overactive bladder in women: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis:

This disease is abbreviated as (OAB) - overactive bladder or dysuria. A urinary tract infection is not always detected with this disease.

This is not a disease - a syndrome with or without it, accompanied by urgency, nacturia, plus frequent urination.

This can be observed in the presence of stones or tumors in the bladder. From 16 to 17% of men and women living on earth suffer.

It becomes a problem to simply go outside, and not just go to the cinema or theater. The woman continues to suffer, but is in no hurry to see a doctor because of her shyness.

Many people believe that this is how it should be - old age. Begins to urinate involuntarily a large number urine. This cannot be interrupted.

They cannot believe that medicine has excellent methods for treating this problem. We went to see a doctor and received ineffective therapy, giving up on ourselves.

Always consult a urologist and always a gynecologist.


  • A sick woman is constantly tormented by a simply irresistible desire to urinate, which appears completely suddenly and is difficult to control.
  • Often has the urge to urinate in the toilet during the day (more than eight times/day). The norm is 5-7 times.
  • Inability to reach the toilet.
  • Instant reaction to the sound of flowing water.
  • At night, a woman goes to the toilet more than once. The norm is to sleep without going to the toilet.
  • Annoys constant wearing pads, diapers, special underwear for night sleep, so as not to get wet.
  • Forced wearing of dark-colored clothing to disguise urine stains.
  • Permanent limitation physical activity or even light load.

  • , isolation, apathy.
  • Loss of self-esteem and complexes.
  • Constant fear of urinating in a crowded place.
  • Urinary incontinence occurs due to an urgent urge to urinate (i.e., you want to go to the toilet, but you can’t hold it back).
  • The older the woman, the more often this syndrome is detected in her.
  • A woman urinates 100 ml or less in 79.5% of cases.

When tested, very often women's urine is absolutely normal. Very often treated for chronic antibiotics, antiseptics, which will not help here.

The difference between cystitis and OAB (with this syndrome there is never pain).

OAB syndrome urinary disturbance:

  • Pollakiuria – visiting the toilet more than 8 times.
  • Nacturia is a trip to urinate in the toilet more than twice at night.
  • Urgency is a sudden urge to urinate, an irresistible and immediate urge. Another expression is urinary urgency.
  • Urgent urinary incontinence.

Occurs at different combinations at the same time, can be expressed in different ways.


  • Age is the main reason.
  • Hormonal background - menopause, endometriosis, after childbirth. Chronic inflammation appendages.
  • Intestinal tumor.
  • or Parkinson's disease.
  • Already common Alzheimer's disease, any damage to the spinal cord after a stroke.
  • After operations on the female genital organs (hysterectomy - removal of the uterus).
  • Stones in the bladder, inguinal hernia.
  • Ectopia of the external opening of the urethra at the entrance to the vagina.
  • Anatomical: severe genital prolapse due to disrupted connections with the bladder.
  • Heredity – the transmission of the disease through genetics also plays a role.
  • Inflammation: with recurrent cystitis there is big risk provoking the development of OAB symptoms. Bladder ulcer or inflammation. Tuberculosis process bladder, possibly even cancer.
  • Neurogenic: Damage to the nervous system can lead to symptoms of OAB. Usually these moments are necessarily present in a given disease, more or less.
  • Usually: during the first ten years of menopause, women experience stress urinary incontinence.
  • Then, the greater the estrogen deficiency, the more often OAB syndrome develops.


  • Questioning and examination by a doctor.
  • Keeping a diary of going to the toilet.
  • and blood (exclusion or confirmation of infection of the genitourinary tract itself).
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary organs (mandatory determination of residual urine). The examination is carried out to exclude serious diseases genitourinary system.
  • Uroflowmetry (act of urination).


  • The syndrome is treated with medication - the main thing.
  • Be sure to train the well-known pelvic floor muscles - a common exercise (Kegel).
  • Exercises for weak muscles pelvis
  • Physiotherapy: electrical stimulation.
  • Surgery is rare for severely ill patients.
  • Botulinum toxin for intolerance conservative treatment sick.


M-anticholinergic drugs are the main treatment for the disease.

  • Driptan (oxybutynin) – Available in 5 mg tablets. Treatment: 5 mg x 3 times/day. The dose is selected by the doctor. Poorly tolerated by patients due to many side effects, not intended for long-term treatment.
  • Spazmex (trospium) – tablets are produced in 5 or 15 mg doses. Treated with a dose of 10-20 mg 2-3 times a day. Doses
  • the doctor selects. For elderly women, a dose of 5 mg with the same dosage schedule.
  • Detrusitol (tolterodine) – Capsules 4 mg, tablets 2 mg. Treat with a dose of 2 mg/2 times a day. 4 mg capsules once.
  • Especially for overactive bladder syndrome.
  • Vesicare (solifenacin) - tablets in a dose of 5 mg. Treatment begins with 5 mg/day once. The medicine was created specifically for such a disease. Take for at least three months.

Other drugs:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid antagonists.
  • Calcium channel blockers.
  • Beta blockers.
  • Beta adrenergic agonists.
  • Alpha-andrenergic blockers.
  • Alpha andrenomimetics.
  • Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors.
  • Vanilloid receptor inhibitors.
  • Opioid receptor blockers.
  • Purinergic receptor blockers.
  • Vasopressin analogues.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Estrogens for age group women. They prescribe creams and suppositories with estrogen and are very helpful for urinary problems.
  • Tachykinins.
  • Botulinum toxin.

They start with M-anticholinergics, until the effective treatment to date. Then, according to indications, additional treatment is added.

  • The positive effect shows strengthening of the pelvic muscles and special exercise Kegel.
  • Eat bran, fiber, which helps the bladder function.
  • Eating cranberries will help protect the bladder lining and prevent stones from forming.
  • Sea buckthorn in the diet will help improve the contractile functioning of the bladder.


  • Spicy in food.
  • Coffee or products containing caffeine due to their irritating effect.
  • All carbonated drinks.
  • Salty foods.

Treatment traditional methods and means this syndrome not amenable

All that remains is to put aside all embarrassment and embarrassment and go to the doctors so that the question of what is an overactive bladder in women and treatment no longer bothers you.

Good luck!

This disease is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and frequent urge to urinate.

Overactive bladder in women and men should be treated as early as possible until the pathology develops into more serious diseases.

The most effective approaches for treatment in children and adults are described in this article.

What is overactive bladder syndrome?

Overactive bladder syndrome is a disease characterized by a frequent urge to urinate in the absence of a disease of the genitourinary system. ICD 10 code: N31.

  • Enterocystoplasty. A small portion of the organ's walls is removed and replaced with intestines. The operation is used quite often, the recovery period is short: from 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Detrusor myectomy. Partial elimination of the muscular lining of the organ.
  • Bladder denervation. A procedure that leads to the death of nerve endings. It is rarely used, since the recovery period can be very long.

Doctors select the necessary surgical method individually. The recovery period can vary from 1 to 3 weeks.

The patient is recovering after the operation certain time in the hospital. Only after this is he allowed to go home, accompanied by relatives.

How to treat the disease in children?

It is much more difficult to treat children because they are far away not every drug is suitable, may cause complications and side effects.

This syndrome occurs frequently in children.

Sometimes this is due to the growth and development of the body. It goes away during the period of growing up and leaves no consequences.

First of all, the child is prescribed special. He is prohibited from taking diuretic foods and drinks.

You should not eat watermelon, cucumbers, berries, or citrus fruits. Tea and coffee only in small quantities. The child is prescribed vitamin complexes.

Medicines are not prescribed to children as they can cause harm. Usually, their use can be avoided, since children recover quickly without them. Even if medications are prescribed, they are recommended by the doctor after examining the child and conducting tests.

When choosing medications, you need to take into account the age of the child, individual characteristics his body, heredity. It is possible that the syndrome was passed on to the child from the parents.

Folk remedies


It is enough to simply prevent the occurrence of this syndrome. You just need to do it simple preventive measures:

  • Accept vitamin complexes. They will help strengthen the body and normalize the functioning of various systems.
  • Avoidance of diuretic products and drinks. Tea and coffee should only be in small quantities. You should not drink alcohol or sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Use healthy food . Junk food can lead to improper functioning of the kidneys, liver and bladder.
  • Healthy sleep. At least 8 hours a day.
  • Execution Kegel exercises daily, at least 4 times a day.
  • Sports activities. A person must regularly perform physical activity, but it shouldn't be too big.
  • Outdoor recreation. You need to walk, breathe fresh air. Sedentary image life weakens the pelvic muscles, leading to pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  • Maintaining hygiene. Needs to be changed regularly underwear, take a shower to avoid urinary tract infections.


  • Watermelon.
  • Bananas.
  • Apples.
  • Cherries, strawberries.
  • Plum.
  • Green tea.
  • Coffee.
  • Alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Spicy, fatty and fried foods.

Healthy to eat:

  • Vegetables.
  • Cereals.
  • Vegetable salads.
  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.

The duration of the diet should be at least two weeks, can be extended in case of long recovery. During the diet, you should not drink sweet carbonated drinks. Doctors advise using pure drinking water, no gases.

Seasonings, sauces and mayonnaise prohibited, they cannot be used. You need to eat food often, but in small portions. Overeating and hunger are prohibited during the diet.

This syndrome causes a lot of harm to the human body and can cause discomfort, leads to pain and discomfort. It is necessary to fight the disease as early as possible, avoiding diuretic foods and drinks. Timely treatment will lead to a quick recovery.

You can learn more about overactive bladder and why it is dangerous from this video:



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