IVF: what doctors don’t warn about. Personal experience

How to decide on IVF and stop being afraid?

Nature has endowed a woman with an excellent ability to bear children. But what if for some reason long-awaited pregnancy never came? Most women turn to specialists for help, who ultimately advise them to undergo artificial insemination.
But how to decide on IVF and overcome various concerns about this?

Should I do IVF? Myths and misconceptions

There are several misconceptions about this procedure that arise due to incompetence.
Let's look at the main ones.

  1. – it is very painful and unsafe.

In fact, this procedure lasts less than an hour and is performed using anesthesia. Therefore, painful sensations are basically excluded. Also, you should not be afraid of any complications, since experienced and competent specialists will be with you all the time.

  1. IVF can be performed regardless of the woman’s age.

It is believed that every woman has a certain number of eggs in her body. Childbearing age, of course, is determined individually in each specific case, but it is advisable to adhere to general indicators. From the age of 27 it gradually begins to deteriorate. Therefore, when thinking about whether to do IVF, we must remember that it is up to this age that the effectiveness of such a procedure will be much higher.

  1. Artificial insemination is always the cause multiple pregnancy.

This statement is also not entirely true. The fact is that with this procedure, the likelihood of having several children increases, but this does not mean that this will definitely happen. This process depends on many factors, and in one case several embryos may implant, and in another none.

  1. IVF is carried out as an independent one-time procedure.

This is not true, because the entire preparation period for such an operation is about 3 weeks. At the first stage, the woman is prescribed hormonal agents that stimulate active work eggs, after which laboratory conditions Several of them are fertilized and after some time they are introduced into the uterine cavity.

IVF: pros and cons

Disadvantages of IVF

The biggest fear for all those who are thinking about whether to do IVF is negative aspects this procedure. So, how does this manifest itself?

The most important side effect which may happen during in vitro fertilization, - This . In addition, as a result of taking medications, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver may be dramatically impaired, or allergic reactions. Sometimes doctors have to, which can then negatively affect the pregnancy and cause a miscarriage. Also, during the passage from the female body, bleeding may occur or an infection may enter the uterine cavity. Another complication that may arise during IVF is unsuccessful embryo transfer, and as a result, .

In addition to other disadvantages, one can highlight severe psychological state women during this period, which consists in long-term stress and anxiety, which in some cases can lead to neuroses, psychoses and other similar mental disorders. And of course, the big disadvantage is that such a procedure is very expensive, and not every couple can afford it.

Benefits of IVF

The IVF procedure, for and against which there are many opinions and judgments, still has more advantages than disadvantages. After all, we should not forget about the most important thing, for the sake of which this action takes place - about the little creature that will definitely appear if you believe in it. And don't worry about possible occurrence the future baby congenital pathologies or abnormal conditions - this procedure does not affect this in any way.

In addition, artificial insemination allows you to carry a child to term even if you are sick or male infertility. The effectiveness of this procedure has long been proven, so it is also an indisputable advantage.

Contraindications to the artificial insemination procedure

It may also happen that after considering the option of an IVF protocol, for which you have formed different opinions for and against, and have come to the conclusion that it is still worth deciding on it, the specialist suddenly puts forward restrictions. It is better to foresee this in advance.

So, the contraindications for in vitro fertilization include the following:

  • various inflammatory processes in the body;
  • ovarian tumors of any nature (malignant or benign);
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Is it worth doing IVF? The right mental attitude

Of course, whether you should do IVF or not is up to you to decide. But, in any case, why not use the chance that nature did not give, but fate gave?

To accept the right decision, just try to distract yourself from various stressful situations and other problems. For example, at work you can take a vacation and allow yourself to spend as much time as possible in a pleasant and relaxing environment. You can walk and breathe sea ​​air, because it perfectly helps to shed excess negativity and find harmony with yourself. Feel how important it is to realize yourself as a mother, and what you are willing to do for the sake of your future baby. So the necessary solution will come by itself.

And if, while thinking about whether to do IVF, you nevertheless came to a positive conclusion, you should not be afraid that your family or friends will judge you for agreeing to such an operation. From them you can only get support and understanding, because they love you, which means they are always on your side! If you have a fear of the possibility, remember that the percentage successful pregnancy after artificial insemination very high, because it is not without reason that it is considered so effective!

So we looked at possible advantages and disadvantages of in vitro fertilization, as well as the most common misconceptions about this procedure. But there is no clear recipe for deciding on IVF, since each woman must determine for herself the significance of this protocol.

Methods assisted reproduction suggest discomfort, as they involve stimulation of the ovaries by injected hormones, which are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. But these sensations are not too painful. IVF procedures can be much more traumatic for a woman’s psyche. You should prepare yourself for this.

IVF practically repeats natural processes conception, therefore the stages of the IVF program quite logically follow one after another.

The FIRST stage of the IVF program is stimulation of superovulation. Special preparations stimulate the maturation in the ovaries of not just one, as usual, but of many eggs. After all, the more eggs that are fertilized, the greater the chance of a new life.

The first stage begins on the second day of the cycle and lasts 12-15 days. Ultrasounds are done at certain intervals to determine how fast the follicles are growing. If necessary, during the growth of follicles, hormonal studies. At the same time, at each appointment, the doctor can change the dosage of the drugs, depending on what picture he observes.

Around day 12 of the cycle, the doctor can already estimate how many days later ovulation should occur. This is when the second stage begins.

The SECOND stage of IVF is the extraction of mature eggs from the ovaries. To do this, a puncture of the follicles is performed. Under general short-term anesthesia (3-4 minutes), each mature follicle is pierced in turn with a long needle under ultrasound control and all the liquid is sucked out of them along with the egg. After the puncture, the patient comes to her senses very quickly, spends 1-2 hours in the recovery room, and then goes home.

The most unpleasant sensations accompany the collection of eggs for in vitro fertilization, which is done by transvaginal puncture of the ovaries under ultrasound control, so this procedure is done using weak sedatives, helping to carry it easier.

The THIRD stage of IVF concerns the process of fertilization itself. Embryologists in their laboratory look through all the fluid taken during puncture and look for all the eggs. They are processed and fertilized with the sperm of the husband or donor (as provided in the program). Each egg is then placed in a separate cell and grown in a special thermostat. Every day, all cells are examined, non-viable embryos are eliminated, and viable ones are cared for.

The FOURTH stage of IVF is the implantation of one, or less often, two embryos into the patient’s uterus. This procedure is performed without anesthesia, as it is painless and takes 1-2 minutes. After the transplant, the woman stays in the ward for an hour and then goes home.

In principle, the IVF program itself ends here. But no less important is the next stage, which can be considered as the FIFTH stage of IVF.

This is the support of the most early stages pregnancy. For two weeks they go very important processes, which do not appear outwardly: the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. If this succeeds, then pregnancy occurs.

Finally, 2 weeks after the embryos are transferred into the uterus, a blood test for hCG is performed, which determines whether the pregnancy has occurred.

The entire IVF program in most cases takes 4 weeks: 11-13 days - stimulation of superovulation, 1 day - puncture, 4-5 days - fertilization of eggs and growing embryos, 1 day - transfer of embryos into the uterus, 14 days - pregnancy support.

If you decide to have this procedure, you may only need to find a suitable clinic. You may not even need that much money for IVF, since there are now free programs. I advise you to read the information on the Test Tube forum at the link http://www.probirka.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=139

Demchenko Alina Gennadievna

Reading time: 2 minutes

Many women who decide to undergo IVF are worried about whether embryo transfer is painful. Doctors are often asked what it will feel like, whether there may be blood during or after the procedure. To dispel all fears and doubts, let’s look at the issue in detail.

The date of the transplantation is determined by the doctor. Usually you need to count on the 2nd – 5th days after the collection procedure. Embryo transfer can be carried out at the blastomere stage or later at the blastocyte stage.

Don’t be nervous and prepare yourself for the possibility that there will be pain, blood and other unpleasant sensations during or after the transplantation. This is absolutely painless procedure, and the most unpleasant thing you can feel when transferring embryos into the uterus is mild discomfort. This is why anesthesia is not practiced during transplantation. Located on gynecological chair A speculum is inserted into the patient, then a flexible catheter is inserted into the cervical canal. This is the path followed by embryos in a drop of nutrient medium, which can be seen on the monitor of an ultrasound machine. Usually no more than 2-3 embryos are transferred, since multiple pregnancies can be life-threatening for the expectant mother. If there are still embryos left, they undergo a freezing procedure and the patient can count on them later, in case unsuccessful procedure refills.

What should the patient do during the transfer?

The main task will be simply not to strain, relaxing the body as much as possible. The lower abdomen should also be relaxed to make it easier for the doctor to insert the catheter. After the embryo transfer is completed, the woman should lie down for about 20-30 minutes without getting up from her chair. After completion, some remain in the hospital for a day, while others go home to rest. It is advisable that the woman be accompanied. At home, you should distract yourself, think about good things and not worry every minute about the result of embryo transfer. Mothers who are too nervous may be left in the hospital for several days upon request. It all depends on the psychological barrier and nervous system: Some people feel more comfortable being at home with their family, while others are less nervous when constant monitoring doctors.

The main thing is to take care of yourself for the first week, not allowing yourself to worry and get nervous. You must try to surround your life exclusively positive emotions. You should definitely measure your body weight every day, control the number and volume of urination, the size of your abdomen, and your own pulse rate. If something deviates from the norm, pain of an unknown nature or blood suddenly appears, you should immediately contact the IVF center.

After the procedure, the IVF center gives the woman sick leave for a period of about 10 days so that she can spend the days before implantation in complete peace. Further sick leave, if necessary, will be extended by a gynecologist from antenatal clinic at your place of residence.

Presence of pain during embryo transfer

Research shows that cases of pain during and after embryo transfer are extremely rare and can only occur in women who have a large pregnancy. If painful sensations there was no change during the transplantation, and the state of health remained normal, then the chances of successful IVF are quite high.

At isolated cases pain and the appearance of blood during catheter insertion or failure after replantation, the next transfer should be carefully thought out by the doctor. It may be necessary to dilate the uterus and use a different catheter. If pain does occur during insertion of the catheter, you should calm it down after penetration and give time to get used to the foreign object.

4 days ago

In what cases is IVF the only option to get pregnant? Is this procedure painful and how long does it take (from the first consultation to the news of pregnancy)? Specialist at the Life Line reproduction center Anastasia Mokrova explained how in vitro fertilization works and how many times it can be done.

Anastasia Mokrova Reproductologist, gynecologist at the Life Line reproduction center

1. There are cases when IVF is the only opportunity to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child

The first is when a woman lacks both fallopian tubes(they were removed in previous operations due to ectopic pregnancy, severe adhesions or inflammatory process). When they are not there, get pregnant naturally impossible - only IVF.

The second case is difficult male factor when either a chromosomal disorder is observed on the part of a man (and, as a consequence, a disorder of spermatogenesis), or it late age when stimulation of spermatogenesis does not lead to anything, or hormonal factors.

The third case is genetic. This means that the couple has severe chromosomal disorders, which do not prevent them from living, but prevent them from giving birth to healthy children. In this case, an analysis is made not only of the existing 46 chromosomes that determine the genetic composition of the embryo, but also of changes in the karyotype, which can be decisive for each pair. Theoretically, such a couple can give birth without intervention healthy baby, but the probability of success is small.

2. IVF can help if a woman has exhausted ovaries or wants to have a baby while in menopause

After 36 years, a woman is at a late reproductive age (no matter how good she looks). The likelihood of conception is extremely reduced.

For some women, menopause or changes in the ovaries that reduce follicular reserve occur early. There is still menstruation, but the cells are no longer there, or they are of poor quality. In this case, an IVF program is carried out to obtain a healthy embryo and transfer it to the uterine cavity.

If a woman in menopause wants to become pregnant and carry to term healthy child, we also resort to IVF. In this case, an egg is taken healthy woman from 18 to 35 years old, is fertilized with the sperm of the patient’s partner, and the embryo is implanted into her using IVF.

3. IVF has contraindications

There are very few contraindications for IVF, but they do exist. It's heavy somatic pathology, which is rare in women planning pregnancy. Such patients with heart, lung, severe mental disorders usually do not reach reproductive specialists. However, if the disease is in remission and narrow specialists they give the go-ahead for pregnancy planning, we work with the patient.

Oncological diseases - absolute contraindication for stimulation for IVF. The oncologist must conclude that the patient is in stable remission.

4. IVF is possible at any age from 18 years old

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the age at which a woman can undergo IVF is not limited and starts at 18 years old. With older couples, the issue of pregnancy is discussed individually. Some people can give birth to a healthy baby at the age of 50, while others experience difficulties at 35.

5. The older the woman, the less likely she is to get pregnant with IVF.

I have already said that after 36 years a woman enters late life. reproductive age. By the age of 40, even with IVF, the pregnancy rate is no more than 15. This is due to a decrease in the number of cells produced by the ovaries and a deterioration in their quality. For comparison, the probability of pregnancy with IVF before this age is about 70%.

6. Success in IVF depends 50% on the man

On initial appointment I recommend that a couple come to a fertility specialist together. Based on the medical history, the doctor issues an individual list of examinations that a woman and a man need to undergo. It makes no sense for one woman to be examined. It happens that a couple for a long time beats around the bush, trying to determine the problem on the woman’s side, and only then does some heavy male factor become clear.

7. Short IVF protocol - the most comfortable for a couple

This is the most gentle program that requires minimal physical and material costs. At the same time, it has virtually no complications (including ovarian hyperstimulation), and is preferred by reproductive specialists all over the world. Especially for women with a good follicular reserve.

By short protocol stimulation begins on day 2-3 of the cycle (before this, the doctor does ultrasound examination) and lasts about two weeks. When the stimulation is completed, the reproductologist sees follicles of a certain size and prescribes a trigger drug in order to carry out the puncture on time and bring the cells to maximum maturity.

The second stage is transvaginal puncture. On the day of the puncture, the partner must also donate sperm.

The third stage is embryo transfer. Between the second and third stages, embryologists work to fertilize eggs and monitor the development of embryos. On the 5th-6th day of development, the couple is informed how many of them have been produced, what quality they are and how ready they are for transfer. A woman can find out about pregnancy 12 days after the puncture by doing a blood test for hCG.

I note that during IVF a woman may have more copious discharge. It may seem to her that she is about to start ovulating, but in reality this is not the case, because the whole process is controlled by a fertility specialist. During the IVF process, a woman is prescribed vitamin therapy and blood thinning medications to reduce the risks of hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting) and blood clots.

8. Before and during IVF, avoid heavy physical activity and adjust your diet

During the period of preparation for pregnancy, it is better for a man to avoid alcohol, saunas and hot bath. When entering the IVF program, a couple is not recommended to have severe physical activity and active sex life- this can lead to maturation large quantity follicles, which will cause injury to the ovaries.

During IVF, I advise you to focus on protein food(meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, seafood) and drink a lot (from 1.5 liters of liquid per day). This is necessary to ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible this month.

9. The IVF procedure is painless

Don't worry about this. Stimulation injections are made with a tiny needle into the subcutaneous fat layer of the abdomen and may cause very mild discomfort (but not painful sensations). As for transvaginal puncture, it is done under intravenous anesthesia for 5 to 20 minutes. Immediately after, heaviness may be felt in the lower abdomen, but under the influence of the painkiller, the discomfort goes away. The patient is allowed to go home on the same day, and the next day she can work.

10. The average pregnancy rate as a result of IVF is 35-40%

These figures are relevant both for Russia and for Western countries. The success of IVF depends on the age of the patient and her partner (the higher, the smaller it is), the quality of his spermogram, previous manipulations with the uterus (curettage, abortion, miscarriages, etc.). The quality of the cells also plays a role, but there is no way to know about this before IVF.

11. IVF has no side effects if you trust a competent specialist

If the patient follows all the recommendations, the only side effect is pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. At the same time, it is important to trust a competent reproductive specialist. If stimulation is performed incorrectly, ovarian hyperstimulation is possible, intra-abdominal bleeding, ectopic pregnancy(extremely rare if there was already pathology of the fallopian tubes).

12. A cold without complications is not an obstacle to IVF

If you are not taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs, you can't get up high temperature, then a cold will not affect IVF in any way. This does not impair the quality of cells and embryos.

But if there are complications after ARVI, then the embryo transfer is temporarily canceled. A man is also not recommended to take antibiotics two weeks before donating sperm.

Previously, after IVF there were indeed many cases of multiple pregnancies. Now reproductive specialists around the world recommend one embryo for transfer. This is done in order to get a healthy child.

Multiple pregnancy is difficult to bear female body, and often it all ends premature birth, which is risky for children.

It is much better for the patient to become pregnant after the second embryo transfer than to immediately give birth to twins with cerebral palsy.

14. Children after IVF are no different from children conceived naturally

Of course, these children also suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, they have a certain heredity, they may somatic diseases, but they are in no way inferior to other children in physical development and mental potential.

15. There are no restrictions on the number of IVFs

Typically, patients undergo IVF until results are obtained. In this case, embryos can be used from the first program, which are frozen and stored for as long as the patient wishes. You can try again after an unsuccessful IVF attempt the next cycle or every other cycle. It is not advisable to wait 3,4,6 months, but I advise you to discuss it with a fertility specialist possible reason failure to become pregnant.

16. You can freeze your eggs “for the future”

Many couples do this. For example, if a man and woman in a couple are 33-34 years old, and they are planning a child by the age of 40, it makes sense to think about freezing oocytes - by this time the quality of their own cells will deteriorate.

This is also done when a woman is not sure about her partner or wants to have a child for herself in the future. Then no additional stimulation is required, you will only need to prepare the endometrium and conduct an examination of the body.

17. IVF can be done for free

To carry out IVF within the framework of the compulsory health insurance program, you need to contact your doctor at the antenatal clinic to receive a quota based on the results of tests and indications. This is done by doctors at the place of residence. I would like to note that in private clinics, reproductive specialists perform IVF only on the basis of ready-made referrals.

18. A single woman can also undergo an IVF program

For this purpose it is used donor sperm from the donor bank, which passes thorough examination and maximally fertile.

19. There is a relationship between IVF and cesarean section

Often, women after IVF undergo a cesarean section during childbirth. This happens because their body has already undergone a single operation, there is adhesive process abdominal cavity, somatic anamnesis. Plus, for many women after IVF, pregnancy is a very long-awaited pregnancy, they worry about everything and are simply not in the mood for natural childbirth.

I am for natural childbirth (this is right for mother and baby). But it all depends on the indications at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy and the woman’s mood.

He may be a wonderful professional, but he will not suit the couple intuitively, you will be uncomfortable. This is very important factor, as well as the number of patients in the corridor. A doctor who sees 2-3 patients a day is probably not in great demand. If patients tell their friends about the doctor, share reviews and return to him for subsequent children, this is an indicator of qualifications and human relationship to the couple.

There is no choice of clinic of great importance, because in one medical institution where IVF is done, completely different specialists can be assembled.

The clinic may be young, but there is a real team working there. Price also does not play a determining role; in this case, advertising may simply work.

In vitro fertilization has become so firmly established medical practice that even people far from medicine know about the existence of such a method. However, despite this, few of the expectant mothers and fathers preparing to become eco-parents for the first time can explain exactly how the IVF procedure occurs.

So what exactly is the process of creating a test tube baby?

What is IVF

The abbreviation IVF contains two words: “in vitro” and “fertilization.” The term “extracorporeal” means “happening outside the body (organism),” that is, the fusion of female and male reproductive cells does not occur in the body of the expectant mother, but in laboratory conditions—“in vitro.”

The totality of all medical appointments and manipulations that are necessary for successful artificial insemination, embryo development and implantation are called the IVF protocol.

Depending on how IVF occurs, protocols can be divided into 2 large groups.

  1. IVF in natural cycle, which uses only eggs formed as a result of natural menstrual cycle.
  2. IVF with ovarian stimulation, if female reproductive cells are obtained by stimulating multiple ovulation with drugs.

In turn, IVF protocols with ovarian stimulation, depending on the scheme used, are divided into several types:

  • super long protocol, at which expectant mother at the first stage using special drugs(diferelin, buserin) is introduced into artificial menopause, lasting from 2 to 6 months;
  • long, which begins on days 21-25 of the menstrual cycle and involves the use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists to control ovarian function;
  • short, not involving a regulatory phase and starting on the 3rd day of the cycle directly with ovarian stimulation;
  • Japanese protocol (Teramoto protocol), it uses minimum doses hormonal drugs;
  • The cryoprotocol consists of 2 stages: at the first stage, embryos are obtained and cryopreserved, and at the second stage (after careful preparation of the endometrium) the implantation is performed.

Who is IVF for?

In vitro fertilization is one of the extreme methods overcoming infertility. Therefore, the indication for it is the inability of a married couple to conceive a baby naturally when other methods of treating male and female infertility have been unsuccessful.

Since the in vitro fertilization protocol uses medicines, which place a serious burden on the entire body of the expectant mother, and also impose strict requirements on the quality of the eggs and sperm obtained, then great attention focuses on the presence of contraindications to IVF on the part of future parents.

If the father or mother has diseases or conditions that prevent the procedure, married couple this method may be refused and an alternative solution, for example, surrogacy, may be offered.

The legally established list of contraindications for IVF does not include a clause on the permissible age of future parents, so mothers are often concerned about the question of up to what age IVF is done. Achievements modern medicine allow women to experience the joy of motherhood even at the age of 50.

It all depends on initial state women's health and the body's reaction to injected drugs. However, it should be borne in mind that after 40 years the chances of successfully completing the protocol drop sharply.

How does in vitro fertilization occur?

The stages of the IVF procedure can be divided into 2 large blocks.

  1. Additional, which vary depending on the type of protocol.
  2. Basic ones, implying direct artificial insemination.

Additional procedures

IVF in a natural cycle
For IVF in a natural cycle, drugs that stimulate superovulation are not used. The reproductive specialist receives exactly as many eggs as nature intended in a particular cycle.

IVF with stimulation

Depending on the type of protocol, the following procedures may be additional steps.

Artificial menopause in a super-long protocol

This is a condition in which the work of both the pituitary gland and the ovaries is suppressed with the help of special drugs - gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. In this case, dominant follicles do not grow in the ovary. The duration of the stage is from 2 to 6 months, depending on the health status of the expectant mother.

The main indication for prescribing a super-long protocol and, accordingly, artificial menopause is endometriosis.

Control of ovarian function in a long protocol

This stage is included in the classic (long) IVF protocol and consists of suppressing the function of the ovaries and pituitary gland in order to further stimulate superovulation. The long protocol is usually started on days 21-25 of the menstrual cycle.

Stimulation of superovulation

The main goal of the IVF stimulation protocol is to obtain as much more mature eggs. Since nature has endowed a woman with the ability to mature 1 (maximum 2-3) eggs, the role of a stimulant is assumed by hormonal drugs, which are administered to the expectant mother from 3-5 days of the cycle. As a result, it matures up to 25 dominant follicles. Simultaneously with the eggs, the endometrium also undergoes maturation, which will receive the future baby.

Main stages of IVF

These steps remain the same for any IVF protocol. They include medical manipulations, following each other in strict sequence:

  1. An injection of a trigger (provoking) dose of the hCG drug.
  2. Puncture of mature follicles.
  3. Direct fusion of egg and sperm through “natural” in vitro fertilization or ICSI.
  4. Growing the resulting embryos.
  5. PGD ​​– preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
  6. Transfer of the embryo into the uterus.
  7. Prescription of hormonal support.
  8. Implantation.
  9. Pregnancy test at 14 DPP (day after transfer).

The most important thing in the IVF procedure is obtaining mature eggs. It is necessary that all dominant follicles, developed in the natural cycle or during stimulation, mature at the same time, and female germ cells are at the same stage of development.

The introduction of a trigger dose of the drug helps streamline this process. hCG hormone exactly 36 hours before the intended puncture. The criterion for the right moment is the diameter of the dominant follicles; it should be 20-23 mm.

Puncture of mature follicles

34-36 hours after the administration of the trigger dose of hCG, the expectant mother undergoes follicular puncture. It's small surgery, during which all mature follicles are punctured through a puncture in the vaginal wall with a special hollow needle placed on the head of an ultrasound probe and connected to a pump and follicular fluid containing eggs is collected.

At the same moment, the husband (partner) donates sperm to the clinic, and when using donor sperm, they are defrosted.

Artificial insemination

If the quantity and quality of sperm are good, then during the IVF procedure they, together with the resulting eggs, are placed in a test tube with a special nutrient medium, and then transferred to a thermostat (a device that maintains a strictly specified temperature and humidity), where the process takes place within 24-48 hours fertilization.

If the sperm does not meet the criteria for quality or quantity, then ICSI technology is used to fertilize the egg - intracytoplasmic injection, in other words, the artificial introduction of one sperm inside the egg.

Growing the resulting embryos

If fertilization is successful, then the resulting embryos are grown in nutrient medium in an incubator until 3-5 days of age, this is necessary so that the embryologist can assess the ability to divide, viability and quality of the resulting embryos.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

A procedure, the cost of which is not included in the total cost of the IVF protocol and is paid separately by future parents. It is mandatory if the mother, father, both parents or immediate relatives suffer from any hereditary diseases. And also when the family already has sick children with genetic abnormalities, with frequent frozen pregnancies, miscarriages early stages, numerous unsuccessful IVF attempts (3 or more).

PGD ​​allows you to select only the healthiest embryos for transfer.

Embryo transfer to the uterus

In accordance with modern legislation in the field reproductive technologies For women under 40 years of age, no more than 2 embryos are implanted into the uterus. This allows you to avoid multiple pregnancies and the associated problems of IVF.

If the expectant mother is 40 years old or older, then 3 embryos are transferred, since the chances of implantation of all embryos are much lower.

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is painful to do IVF, and in particular, the embryo transfer procedure. This is a painless procedure active phase which lasts no more than 5 minutes. The embryo is placed into the uterine cavity using a thin catheter, which easily penetrates through the cervical canal into the organ.

After the transfer, it is advisable to lie down for about 30 minutes, and then avoid stress and physical activity for the first 48 hours.

Prescribing hormonal support

After the embryo is implanted in the uterus, the expectant mother is prescribed maintenance therapy with the hormone progesterone. It improves the quality of the endometrium, accelerates implantation, and protects the uterus from tone.

Progesterone is prescribed as vaginal capsules, vaginal gel, injections.


Implantation is the attachment of an embryo to the wall of the uterus. Unlike natural conception, IVF is characterized by late implantation, that is, the embryo can attach only at 9-10 DPP, and not on the 6th day from the moment of fertilization, as in a normal pregnancy.

Pregnancy test

As a rule, at 14 DPP, the expectant mother takes a blood test for hCG level. A level of more than 80 units indicates pregnancy. At positive result blood is donated over time to track the development of the embryo.

Here brief description how IVF is done in any human reproduction clinic. Of course, each patient is unique, and the doctor may make some changes to the scheme for introducing the in vitro fertilization protocol. However, knowledge of the main stages of IVF will help future parents better prepare for the procedure and make it easier to endure.



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