Effective gymnastics for bags, swelling and wrinkles around the eyes. Effective exercises for wrinkles around the eyes Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

At the age of 20, it seems that wrinkles and other age-related troubles appear in women well past 40. Crow’s feet can appear under the eyes, persistent swelling or bags can appear by the age of 25. This is due to the way of life, the special vulnerability of the most delicate area. You can prevent early aging and reduce its extent in adulthood with the help of proper care. Cosmetics are not the only thing you can do. There is a special exercise technique - face building for the eyes. Gymnastics will help strengthen the muscles of the orbital and nearby areas, preventing the premature appearance of problems.

Characteristics and features of the technique

Facebuilding for the eyes is one of the areas of facial fitness. Special gymnastics, developed by the German Reinhold Benz, helps strengthen the muscle frame, remove imperfections, and form the correct facial contours. Regular gymnastics has a beneficial effect on your appearance. Developed and toned muscles support contours and prevent the skin from sagging.

The name of the technique “facebuilding” was created by analogy with the term “bodybuilding”, meaning the targeted formation of body curves by building muscle mass. Gymnastics for the face works on a similar principle. Special exercises are guaranteed to strengthen natural contours and create the desired shape.

Gymnastics is based on alternating exercises that intensely strain the muscles with periods of muscle relaxation. Each group is processed separately.

Attention! A daily approach to training will provide a tightening effect without surgical intervention. Achieving a guaranteed result is associated with an integrated approach to facial exercises.

Beneficial effect of training

It will not be possible to completely reverse the aging process with the help of face building, but it will be possible to significantly slow down the passage of time in external manifestations. Gymnastics can significantly reduce the number of wrinkles or delay their occurrence. Generally, Thanks to Facebook building the following effects are achieved:

  • muscle tone improves, which affects the smoothing of wrinkles;
  • the flow of lymph and blood accelerates, activating all internal processes;
  • metabolism in tissues is normalized, reducing swelling and “bruising”.

Regular gymnastics improves your appearance. The skin looks healthy, elastic, fresh. By doing face-building exercises, you can improve your vision, which depends on the condition of your muscles. By eliminating drooping eyelids, visual correction of the incision and width of the eyes is achieved. The look becomes more expressive.

Exercise program

To achieve different effects, you will need to perform complex training. To better understand the approach, it is advisable to study the location and principle of operation of the muscles of the facial zone. The quantity and intensity of gymnastics exercises are selected in a targeted manner.

Mandatory warm-up

To prevent unwanted consequences, each active session is preceded by a calm muscle warm-up. Carry out the following actions:

  1. “Butterfly wing stroke”: blinking your eyes from slow to fast (30 seconds).
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction (3-4 times).
  3. They close their eyes: alternate between light and strong.

Important point! In addition to the warm-up, which warms up the muscles, before starting the main warm-up complex, it is recommended to complete a single exercise by relaxing the muscles and lightly blinking (butterfly).

For puffiness and bags under the eyes

To achieve a “visible” effect, the exercise is performed in the morning. The best option is in the first hour after waking up.

  1. Close your eyes tightly.
  2. Place your fingers on your cheekbones (you need to feel the movement of your eyes).
  3. They work with the pupils: they lift up with the eyes tightly closed.

The action is like trying to look up despite the veil of the eyelids. When performing gymnastics, you need to ensure that your eyes are still closed. The result of initial training can be pain in the organ. This feeling gradually goes away as the muscles are trained. At least 5 repetitions are performed at a time. Performing a series of 10–15 movements is guaranteed to help against bags and swelling.

For wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes

There are different options for preventing crow's feet around the eyes. Those that are easiest to reproduce are selected. It is better to do paw exercises in 2 sessions: in the morning after waking up, before going to bed in the evening.. The universal option is as follows:

  1. The pads of the index fingers are applied to the upper eyelids at the outer corner of the eyes.
  2. Pull the skin slightly towards the temples.
  3. Cover your eyes, forcefully connecting the upper and lower eyelids.

Exercises require up to 60 repetitions. Regular exercise will help reduce the depth of wrinkles and prevent their formation.

To enlarge the eyes

The visual enlargement of the eyes is facilitated by preventing the sagging of the upper eyelid. Actions must be taken to train the muscles that support it. Carol Maggio's gymnastics are ideal for this:

  1. The middle fingers are placed in the space between the eyebrows, the index fingers are placed on the outer corners of the eyes.
  2. Squint slightly, moving the lower eyelid upward.

The actions are repeated at least 10 times. At the end of the approach, a delayed squint is performed: the lower eyelid is held in a raised position for 30–40 seconds.

Video: eye exercises from Carol Maggio.

For edema

The “Shiva's Look” exercise, performed after waking up, will help you quickly get rid of unnatural puffiness and swelling. The steps are simple:

  1. Perform a zigzag movement of the gaze.
  2. The eyes move from top to bottom.
  3. They try to visually draw a line in the viewing area.

It is necessary to repeat the “drawing” up to 10–20 times.

A single gymnastics approach is performed according to the principle:

  • warm-up;
  • active series of muscle work;
  • relaxation.

Before starting classes, be sure to cleanse your skin. It is advisable to improve your breathing by alternately exhaling volumetrically through your mouth and taking deep breaths through your nose. Gently warms up the muscles. After gymnastics, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and apply a suitable cream.

Pay attention! It is advisable to perform most exercises in the evening, shortly before bedtime. This way, tense muscles will be able to fully relax. If necessary, the one-day session is divided into 2 parts.

The degree of muscle involvement and the intensity of the load are increased gradually. Relaxed muscles should not tense unexpectedly. The complex is selected individually. Complications and introduction of new exercises are based on the level of training.

Efficiency depends entirely on the regularity of exercise. An intensive course of exercise lasts at least 3 months. Correction of the eye area usually takes 2–5 months. Daily involvement - at least 5 times a week. The best option is training seven days a week.

Features of face building after blepharoplasty

Surgical intervention in the eye area of ​​a cosmetic nature is not a reason to refuse face-building in this area. Gymnastics is one of the necessary procedures that facilitate postoperative recovery after blepharoplasty.

Exercises will strengthen muscles, help remove excess fluid faster, and prevent stagnation. Puffiness, swelling, bruising, and the risk of postoperative complications are reduced.

Start training one day after surgery. A set of restorative activities will be recommended by the surgeon. You should not perform your usual exercise sessions unless they have been approved by your doctor. In the process of performing muscle movements, overexertion is unacceptable. Repeat the exercises no more than 5-6 times. Movements are carried out at a slow pace. Physiotherapy and massage according to indications can speed up the recovery process.


  • increased blood pressure (chronic disorder or isolated case);
  • the presence of pathologies of the facial nerve;
  • previous operations (recovery period);
  • Botox injections.

To get the expected effect It is important not to overload the body. The alternation of exercises is accompanied by a short relaxing break. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in muscle spasms.

Facebook building is recognized as one of the ways to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. The technique is not considered difficult and can be performed independently. Charging does not require much time and effort.

Useful video

We correct the eye area with face-building exercises from Evgenia Baglyk.

To prevent many wrinkles from appearing around the eyes ahead of time, you need to do exercises. Special gymnastics will not take much time, but if you do it regularly, you will see results.

Today the site Podglazami.ru will share with you some techniques.

"On the Horizon"

You need to point your fingertips towards your temples so that your little fingers are near the outer corners of your eyes. Now you need to look into the distance, close your eyelids a little - as if you want to look at something that is in the distance.

There is no need to strain your eyes; you shouldn’t squint too much either. This exercise only works the muscles around your eyes. During this exercise for wrinkles around the eyes, you need to tense the muscles gradually, while your fingers should gently stretch the skin.

When the tension is maximum, you need to freeze in this position for five seconds, after which - three minutes of relaxation. Repeat this exercise for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes - somewhere from three to five times.

When almost a month of such gymnastics has passed, you can speed up the pace of execution.

In this case, the muscles tense for a couple of seconds and then relax for a second. Training at this pace should last about the same amount of time, maybe two or three weeks. Then you can alternate - perform it at an accelerated pace, then at a slow pace. You need to do five approaches. And the gymnastics itself - at least three times a week.

This exercise for wrinkles around the eyes is useful and effective: it reduces tear sacs, and it is also a good prevention of small folds in the eyelid area.

"Tight Collar"

The pads of your fingers should be directed towards the cheeks, near the bases of the temporal zone. In this case, the muscles should be tensed - the muscles of the chin - as if there was a need to loosen a too tight collar or tie. Gradually, you need to tighten the muscles of the temporal part, as well as the neck and chin.

At the peak of tension, you need to stay in this position for four seconds, and then relax for a couple of seconds and repeat again. So – 5 approaches. After three weeks, the number of approaches increases. Gradually - up to ten times. Then gymnastics is done seven to ten times a day.

Such effective actions help smooth out wrinkles, reduce bags under the eyes, tighten the skin in the temporal area, and make it more elastic.


The peculiarity of this exercise for the emerging wrinkles above and below the eyes is that you need to close your eyelids tightly, but do not squint too much.. Squeeze your eyelids gradually more and more.

When the tension reaches its peak, stay in this position for five seconds, then relax for three seconds. The pace of repetitions is 5-7 times.

When a couple of weeks have passed, you can speed up, as with the previous exercises. All of them are effective against wrinkles if you tense for 2 seconds and relax for one. And you need to do this for a couple of weeks, and then alternate with a more measured pace.

These exercises are effective because they help increase the elasticity of the skin in the eye area.

"With eyelids wide open"

You need to open each eye as wide as possible and gradually tighten the surrounding muscles more and more. When you reach the maximum setting, you should hold it for about seven seconds, and then you will have a three-second relaxation. Repeat - five times.

As three weeks pass, the pace picks up. Tension - 4 seconds, and a couple of seconds - on the contrary, relaxation. We train like this again for a couple of weeks. Then the paces alternate.

The benefit of this exercise is that it helps strengthen the ring-shaped muscles of your eyes.

"Day and Night"

Eye gymnastics for deep wrinkles can be supplemented with another exercise. This is initially done in the same way as with “eyes wide open”. The index and middle fingers should be held with a “fork” in the form of the letter V. With the pads of your middle fingers, you should touch the bridge of the nose from the inner edges of the eyebrow arches.

In this case, the index fingers - namely the tips - need to be directed to the outer edges of the eyebrows and pressed slightly. The lower eyelids should be tensed as if the person wants to squint, then you can relax. This work involves the muscles of the lower eyelids, and the upper ones need to be kept relaxed.


The exercise considered has one more provision - the person must close his eyes. The lower eyelids continue to tense, while you should close your eyes very, very tightly and hold in this position for about forty seconds, after which you relax.

The optimal repetition of the exercise considered is 10 times. This gymnastics is relevant for people with small eyes as it is believed that it helps make them bigger.

"Thoughtful Lady"

The starting position is when your eyes look forward. Use the pads of your middle fingers to touch the inner edges of your brow arches. Use the tips of your index fingers to reach the outer corners of your eyebrows, then apply light pressure to the skin. Look forward and slightly upward. Tighten your lower eyelids, as if trying to squint. Then - pleasant relaxation. But don't move your upper eyelids. Do this ten times.

There is another starting position for this exercise - when we look up with our eyes. You need to continue to tense your lower eyelids, try to roll your eyes, as if you are trying to look at an object hanging above your head. You should hold out in this position for about forty seconds, then you can relax.

This workout is good against lower eyelid wrinkles.

"Up and Down"

You need to look up, as if you want to look at your own forehead, you need to stay in this position for five seconds, and relax for two. Then you need to look down to try to see your own chin. Again - tension and relaxation of the muscles for 5 and 2 seconds, respectively.

With this exercise, you only need to move your eyeballs. Apart from the eyes, nothing else should move - neither the neck nor the head.

After a couple of weeks, you need to speed up the pace of execution. And then everything is as in the exercises described earlier.

This activity helps strengthen muscles, which indirectly is an excellent prevention of the formation of wrinkles.


You need to raise your eyes and immediately look to the right. And look at an invisible point for some time - for five seconds. Relax for a couple of seconds and then look down. This time - left and down. The muscles need to be tensed for five seconds, and then relaxed for two.

With the same frequency, you should look left and up, then right and down. During this gymnastics you should not move your head. The exercise is done five times.

Then you need to increase the number of repetitions and increase the pace. And so - alternate for a couple of weeks, as with all previous exercises for wrinkles - the principle is the same.

Everyone chooses different ways to preserve and strengthen the periocular muscles. But this gymnastics - if performed regularly - will be extremely useful.

  • Age-related skin changes;
  • Solarium, stress, lack of sleep - all this affects the condition of the skin;
  • Poor vision, in which the woman constantly squints. Only gymnastics against wrinkles around the eyes will help here;
  • Long hours of work at a PC, processing a large number of documents;
  • Dry skin is a consequence of improper care, low humidity, smoking or staying in an air-conditioned room;
  • Constant work outside during periods of high solar activity or in the cold.

Naturally, it will not be possible to eliminate all causes, so exercise against wrinkles around the eyes will be an excellent assistant in the fight against crow’s feet and bags.

Herbs, steam, lotions

Don't forget about herbal decoctions, which can be frozen as ice cubes and wiped on your face.

However, for severely stretched eyelid skin, wrinkles after burns and frostbite, this method is not recommended.

Therefore, exercises against wrinkles around the eyes and cream will be the only alternative in this case.

If desired, you can also use steam baths to moisturize the skin.

However, they are done no more than twice a month. Such activities can be combined and after this procedure, exercises against facial wrinkles can be done.

How else can you help?

Not only facial exercises for wrinkles around the eyes will help solve the problem, but also strawberry, parsley, and raspberry juice.

Garden gifts are an excellent whitening agent; they help relieve swelling and eye fatigue, give the skin moisture and vitamins, and make it more free in expression.

You can make masks from improvised materials. For example, from oatmeal, sesame seeds or aloe juice. All these remedies have been tested and have a beneficial effect on the thin epidermis.

Watch the video

You can watch how to perform facial gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes on YouTube. There you can watch with interest how girls solve the problem of aging eyelid skin.
All of the above methods are great for facial rejuvenation. And anti-wrinkle eye exercises take about ten minutes a day.

Therefore, if you want to look 100%, don’t be lazy to take care of yourself!

Age and poor lifestyle can make adjustments to your appearance. Some of them can be successfully hidden. Hair dye or a hat can help remove gray hair. A high collar or scarf can hide a sagging neck. But wrinkles on the face are difficult to hide, even by covering them with an impressive layer of makeup. To avoid having to wage an unsuccessful fight against deep furrows and crow's feet, you need to practice exercises for wrinkles around the eyes.

Why do wrinkles appear?

The earliest wrinkles around the eyes appear in women who have been endowed with dry skin by nature. Also, this problem begins to bother people early on with active facial expressions, who often squint their eyes or laugh.

Wrinkles can appear from prolonged lack of sleep, frequent stress, and poor nutrition. Prolonged exposure to the sun, smoking, and poor environmental conditions can make the skin less tight and elastic.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

The early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes can be genetically or anatomically determined. If a person has naturally drooping eyelids, deep-set eyes or drooping eyebrows, he will have to deal with the appearance of wrinkles before others. The same reason contributes to the appearance of sagging bulldog cheeks.

FYI. The use of low-quality cosmetics, creams not intended for the area around the eyes, the use of aggressive substances to cleanse the face - all this negatively affects the skin, causing sharp premature aging, the appearance of folds and wrinkles.

Spending too much time on the computer can also cause premature aging of the skin around the eyes. After all, eye strain causes contraction of thin muscle fibers, paralyzing blood flow.

Pay attention! The main cause of wrinkles is age-related skin aging. It begins already during puberty. But at first this process is slow and imperceptible, which is why wrinkles appear in older women.

Basic gymnastics complex

There are several simple exercises for the eye muscles that can help relieve tension, swelling and eye fatigue. By regularly carrying out such training, you can restore elasticity to the skin, make it tightened, and also significantly slow down the process of the appearance of new wrinkles and visually rejuvenate the face.

Gymnastics complex for wrinkles around the eyes

A basic complex of gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes consists of the following exercises:

  • Vision is focused on a distant object for several seconds. Then they sharply focus on an object close to the eyes;
  • A pendulum or a clock on a chain is swung in front of your face. You need to follow them with your gaze, without moving your head, for about 5 minutes. After resting a little, the exercise is repeated, but the pendulum is suspended higher;
  • Close your eyelids tightly and count to three, after which you open your eyes. After counting to three again, they close it. You need to repeat the action at least 8 times;
  • Place a small object on a string at a distance of 25 cm from the eyes and follow it with your eyes. An improvised pendulum is moved in a circle and from side to side. You cannot move your head;
  • Three fingers are placed on the eyelids of closed eyes so that the index finger supports the outer corner, the middle one presses on the middle of the eyebrow, and the ring finger on the inner edge of the eye. The eyelids are tensed, as if squinting, and your fingers lightly press on the skin, creating resistance;
  • Raising and closing the eyelids while pressing with your fingers on the areas where crow's feet appear is also considered a useful exercise;
  • Looking forward, the lower eyelid is gently pulled with two fingers towards the upper. After a couple of seconds, the eyelid is released;
  • By placing your fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, gently stretch the skin so that the palpebral fissure narrows. Holding the eyelids in this position, blink several times;
  • Without moving their head, they look up and count to five. Then they look forward, also for 5 seconds, and lower their eyes. From movements from top to bottom they move to movements from left to right, according to the same pattern.

Pay attention! To tighten not only the skin on your eyelids, but also the shape of your face as a whole, you need to watch your diet. Gymnastics for the face, cheeks, and crow's feet under the eyes and a sagging chin, combined with a well-designed diet, can give excellent results.

Folk remedies

To increase the effectiveness of skin gymnastics, you can apply olive oil to your eyelids. It will promote skin elasticity and saturate it with useful substances. Aloe juice will bring no less benefits, as it has the ability to rejuvenate and improve the overall appearance of the skin. By combining these two components, it is possible to obtain a completely natural and very effective remedy.

Another remedy that helps restore skin tone is ice cubes. Pure water or herbal decoction is frozen and applied to the skin around the eyes for 2-3 minutes. It is useful to do this after gymnastics.

Aloe and olive oil mask will tighten your skin

Gymnastics against bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes look even more noticeable than wrinkles. It is all the more important to get rid of puffiness.

This can be done with simple exercises:

  • Every morning after washing, apply a suitable cream to your face. It is driven with fingertips into the skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes;
  • To reduce swelling, you need to do an exercise with squinting your eyes. The eyelids are compressed and held tense for about 10 seconds. You need to repeat the action 12-15 times;
  • Exercise to do outdoors. Legs spread wide, completely relaxed. Palms rub against each other. Then, as you inhale, place your hands on your face and rub with force until it turns red. You need to repeat it twice. Hands must be clean.
  • Sitting on a chair, rest their elbows on the table. The palms are pressed to the temples, stretching the skin near the eyes. After 10 seconds they are released. You need to repeat 3-4 times;
  • Sitting on a chair, support your cheekbones with your hands, counting to 10. Repeat also 3-4 times;
  • By placing your fingers on the lower eyelid, gently press the skin. Close your eyes and hold them in this position for about 5 seconds. Repeat 4 times;
  • The lips stretch into a wide smile, trying to tense the facial muscles as much as possible. After 10 seconds they relax. Repeat about 10 times.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

The results of the exercises will be noticeable within a week, but only if factors that provoke the appearance of swelling and wrinkles are eliminated.

Each year of life adds several wrinkles, not only around the eyes, but also in the forehead and cheeks. It will not be possible to remove them completely, but it is quite possible to make them less noticeable. You just need to take the time to care for your skin at home.

Taking care of your skin should be regular; all its rules should be learned as a lesson. Every day, morning and evening, it is necessary to allocate time for caring procedures. Moreover, this applies not only to middle-aged women, but also to young 20-year-old women. Already at this age you can begin to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

If a cream is applied to the skin, it must be suitable for its type. You should pay attention to the application technique itself: rub the cream in with strong movements, do not tighten the skin too much.

Pay attention! A prerequisite for preventing the appearance of wrinkles is hydration. Washing your face alone is not enough; you must have a cream on hand that can nourish the skin not only with useful substances, but also with moisture.

Even after a hard day, it is necessary to remove makeup from the face, especially from the area around the eyes. You can't go to bed wearing makeup. After spending 15 minutes on cleansing, you won't have to spend weeks restoring healthy skin.

Gymnastics for eyelids, lifting and rejuvenating which makes the face noticeably younger, has helped more than one woman. By giving the go-ahead to daily exercise, you can achieve noticeable results in a fairly short time. Unlike surgical operations, anti-wrinkle eye exercises are safe and accessible to everyone.

The delicate skin around the eyelids is the thinnest on the body, so it needs protection and care after 20 years. The first signs of aging are noticeable on it much earlier than on other parts of the face.

And you need to take care of this area comprehensively, using not only high-quality cosmetics and natural masks, but also performing special exercises for wrinkles around the eyes. There are several complexes, and every woman can choose the most convenient one.

Causes of wrinkles

Some women experience wrinkles much earlier than others.

And these are not individual characteristics of the body, but the consequences of poor care or specific factors affecting a person:

  • Reluctance to wear glasses is fraught with regular squinting and the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • Reading while lying down or in poor/too bright lighting leads to wrinkles;
  • Ultraviolet radiation, which directly affects the epidermis, also negatively affects it, so in summer it is important to wear sunglasses;
  • The only individual feature that leads to wrinkles, in which even gymnastics may be ineffective, is the expression of facial expressions and emotionality;
  • Daily use of decorative cosmetics;
  • Rubbing and stretching the epidermis after washing;
  • Incorrect application of the cream - it needs to be lightly pressed in with pads at the top from the inner corner to the outer, and vice versa at the bottom;
  • Wrinkles often appear due to prolonged absence of teeth or in the process of sudden weight loss;
  • Hormonal disorders, infections and problems with the digestive organs and nervous system also lead to this pathology.

Gymnastics against wrinkles around the eyes does not require much time and can be performed in almost any conditions.

Complex of basic gymnastics for wrinkles

With the help of exercises for the eye muscles against wrinkles, you can improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids, relieve fatigue from the eyes, and also get rid of mild puffiness. The skin becomes elastic, and new wrinkles form at the lowest rate. You can use special decoctions and oils before exercise that help moisturize and tone.

Let's look at the exercises that are included in the complex:

  • You will need a pendulum clock or any weight on a string. Without turning your head, watch his movements for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat exercise No. 1 for another 5 minutes, but hang the watch higher and do not raise your head.
  • They look carefully at a distant object for several seconds, then sharply turn their eyes to a close object.
  • At a distance of 25 cm, a small object is suspended in front of the eyes, then they begin to move it in different directions, and follow with their eyes without turning their heads, after which you need to make several circular movements in different directions.
  • Having closed your eyelids tightly, count to 3, then sharply open your eyelids and count to 3 again. You need to repeat the exercise at least 8 times.
  • The eyes are tightly closed and sharply opened several times, and the muscles where the “crow’s feet” form are held with the index and middle fingers.
  • Close your eyes and place 3 fingers on top. The index finger should hold the outer corner, and the middle one should hold the middle and eyebrows, while the ring finger should focus on the inner corner. They try to squint their closed eyes, and resist with their fingers.
  • They look forward, and with 2 fingers they pull the lower eyelid towards the upper eyelid, count to 2 and release the eyelid;
  • This exercise will help with light bags around the eyes - the eyelids are closed, the eyes are raised up, the lower eyelids should straighten.
  • Fingers are placed to the outer corners of the eyes perpendicular to the wrinkles, the skin is pulled back, the palpebral fissure should decrease. Open and close several times.
  • Keep your head still and straight, looking forward. You need to raise your eyes up, counting to 5, then look forward and lower your eyes, counting to 5.
  • Another effective exercise against wrinkles under the eyes is to hold your head straight, look forward, move your eyes very slowly to the left, count to 5 and return to their place. Repeat on the right side.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles, you need to start monitoring your diet. Eating right is very important for the overall health of your skin.

List of folk remedies for massage and gymnastics

Olive oil is perfect for the epidermis. Just apply it before gymnastics. It will improve the skin, increase its elasticity, improve blood circulation and saturate it with important minerals. You can also use pure aloe juice, which is deadly for all facial wrinkles around the eyes. You can prepare a recipe using aloe juice and olive oil.

Ordinary ice also helps to cope with swelling and unpleasant folds around the eyes. You can freeze not only plain water, but also healthy herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula and others. Use ice after gymnastics, applying it around the eyes for 3 minutes.

Special complex from bags

If dark circles and puffiness constantly appear under the eyes, then you can also get rid of this with the help of special gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes. However, first you need to determine the cause of the swelling and eliminate it, otherwise not a single exercise will be effective enough:

  • Edema occurs due to alcohol abuse or excessive fluid intake before bedtime;
  • Bad cosmetics often lead to darkening of the skin and the formation of bags;
  • Too much salty foods in food inevitably leads to this pathology after 30-35 years;
  • Excess weight also causes severe bags, and many other problems leading to fluid accumulation are added to this;
  • Heart disease, kidney disease and allergies often lead to the formation of bags.

If all the symptoms of the disorders are eliminated, you can use a small set of exercises that will remove the bags and help smooth out the resulting wrinkles:

  1. In the morning you need to cleanse your skin and then apply a special cream that suits your type. It is driven in with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes. The procedure helps resolve swelling.
  2. Eye squinting exercise. Squeeze your eyes tightly to tense the muscles under your eyes, hold for up to 10 seconds and relax. You can repeat 12-15 times.
  3. This exercise is best done outdoors. Spread your legs wide and completely relax, straightening your shoulders. You need to rub your palms against each other and stretch your hands. Then, while inhaling, place your palms on your face and begin to rub it intensively until it turns red. You need to repeat it 2 times. Don't forget to wash your hands well before class!
  4. Sitting on a chair, rest your hands on the table. You need to press your palms to your temples, stretching the skin near the eyes, count to 10 and release the skin. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Again, sitting on a chair, place your palms on your cheekbones and count to 10. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. While standing, straighten your shoulders and relax your arms well. Open your eyes as much as possible to feel the tension. Count to ten, then close and relax your eyelids.
  7. Place your fingers on the lower eyelids and press the skin. Close your eyes and count to 5. Repeat 4 times.
  8. The lips are stretched into a smile, trying to put the facial muscles into tension as much as possible. Count to 10 and relax. Repeat about 10 times.

The effect of exercises against wrinkles around the eyes will be noticeable after 7-10 days, but only with regular exercise can significant results be achieved.

The anti-edema complex, when used correctly, gives a noticeable reduction in bags, with the exception of other unfavorable factors, already on 3-4 days.



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