Weight: male – 45-50 kg, female – 40-45 kg

Lifespan: 10 years

Colors: black, gray (dark or light), tan, red fawn, dark wheaten, fawn (dark or light), brindle (black or brown. The dark mask of fawn or brindle dogs should end no higher than the eye line. Small amounts are allowed white spots on the nose, chest or ends of the fingers.

Wool length: short, dense, shiny, small undercoat

Group: companion dog, guard dog, bodyguard

If we talk about the Cane Corso standard, the dog must meet the following external characteristics:

Head: heavy, the skull is wide, the forehead is convex in the front, flat towards the back of the head. The nose is black or the color of the mask (the absence of pigment in this area of ​​​​the skin is considered a serious defect). The muzzle is square (the length and width are the same dimensions, but sometimes the width is slightly larger). The lips hang over the lower jaw.
Italian mastiffs are characterized by a small undershot, no more than 5 mm (the lower jaw protrudes slightly above the upper jaw). The eyes are dark or lighter, but with a dark border, slightly convex, oval in shape. The ears are triangular, wide at the base, hanging.

Did you know? Cane Corso ear cropping is sometimes performed in our country, although in the civilized world such an operation is recognized as inhumane and prohibited (with the exception of cases when it is necessary for medical reasons). Today it is believed that such an operation is an unacceptable manifestation of human vanity, when the dog is perceived not as a living being, but as an exhibit that must meet someone’s subjective ideas of beauty. The issue of dog tail docking is still open, but some countries have already abandoned such operations, and there is hope that eventually dogs will stop cutting in order to comply with some standards.

Frame: powerful and strong, with pronounced muscles. The length of the neck should correspond to the size of the head. The withers rise slightly above the croup.

Tail: set high, wide at the base, should not be curled or completely raised up, but when the dog is excited, it rises a little. The standard assumes docking of the tail at the level of the fourth vertebra, and a docked tail that is too short is considered a fault.

Limbs: The front legs are very strong and long, the shoulders are massive. The hindquarters are long at the hips, the lower leg is rather dry, the hock joint is moderately expressed. The Italian Mastiff moves widely and confidently; there should be no trotting or ambling.
Among the deviations from the described standard that entail disqualification, it is worth highlighting:

  • inappropriate behavior, in particular, cowardice or, conversely, aggression;
  • a hump or, conversely, a hollow on the nose;
  • undershot (the upper jaw protrudes above the lower jaw);
  • colorless eyelids;
  • strabismus;
  • absence of a tail;
  • long hair;
  • deviation from color, including large white spots.

Important! When choosing a puppy, make sure that it does not have any defects that can be replaced at an early age. Keep in mind that a disqualified dog is not allowed not only for exhibitions, but also for breeding (at least formally this should be the case, although, of course, there are different situations). When buying a purebred puppy with a pedigree, you have the right to expect that you will have a dog that meets the requirements for it.

It should also be noted that since the official history of the breed is still quite small, the standard has not been fully formed, different experts may express different opinions about certain characteristics.

Did you know? It has been noticed that the Cane Corso has some features of its appearance that are directly dependent on its color. So, black dogs are more like Great Danes, gray ones are more like mastiffs, and light ones are more like boxers and Staffordshire terriers. Think about this feature when choosing a puppy!

Despite the fact that there are Cane Corsos among their ancestors, these animals are distinguished by their friendliness and amazing devotion. They quite easily find contact with people they don’t know well and get along well with pets. However, despite its enormous size and pronounced massiveness, the breed cannot be called phlegmatic - such a pet simply needs movement and active exercise.

Leave such a pet at home for a long time - and you can’t count on the integrity of your belongings: the animal will find something to do, and you’re unlikely to like the results of such a game.

History of the breed

Look carefully at the photo of the Cane Corso. There is no doubt that this is a serious and fearless dog, which, if necessary, can become a dangerous weapon. This is exactly how this breed was created.
Despite the fact that the official standard was approved some twenty-odd years ago, the historical roots of the breed should be sought in hoary antiquity. It is believed that the huge military and guard dogs of the Etruscans, who inhabited part of the Apennine Peninsula three thousand years ago, as well as the Macedonian (Molossian), Persian and Carthaginian warriors who fought the Romans at different periods of history, are believed to have started widely used by the latter in targeted, although initially not very consistent, selection.

The breeding material, it must be said, was truly amazing; suffice it to say that the Molossian dogs were used by the tribe of the same name both for baiting animals and as war animals, which they dressed in armor and directed at the enemy, leaving him no chance. We are really talking about a strictly Italian breed.

Did you know? The name "Cane Corso" also has Italian roots. With the first part, everything is simple: “cane” from the language of the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula is translated as “dog”. As for the word "Corso"there are several options here (and they definitely have nothing to do with the name of the Italian island of Corsica). Thus, in Latin there is a word “kohors”, meaning “protector” or “watchman”. Also mentioned is the Greek word “kortos” - “wall”, in other translations - “yard”. It is interesting that in some regions of Italy this word is used today to describe very powerful and courageous people.

The ancient Romans used the large dogs they inherited in different ways - to guard the house, as a shepherd or nanny, as well as for hunting large animals (mainly bears) and for gladiatorial fights.
With the fall of the great empire, gladiators became a thing of the past, but hunting remained, however, the aristocrats used more elegant dogs for this purpose, but the lower classes took advantage of the huge and strong animals with great hunting. However, there was no talk of any selection during this period; as a result, at a certain point the breed was on the verge of extinction.

Only in the middle of the last century, as if having come to their senses, several Italian enthusiasts decided to revive the former glory of their nation. As a result of painstaking work and searches for surviving specimens, the Cane Corso received official status in 1994.

Did you know? The breed standard was written from a male named Bazir. He and his brother Bulan were obtained as a result of an inbreeding of the bitch Aliot with her son, obtained, in turn, from mating with a male named Mirak. It was not without difficulty that a certain Paolo Breber managed to find this “original” pair of dogs, to whom we should ultimately be grateful for the fact that the breed was able to be restored.

The last adjustments to the standard were made in 2003.

Choosing a puppy

Purebred Cane Corso puppies are very expensive, and it cannot be otherwise, because compliance with all the formalities necessary to ensure “purity of blood” (exhibitions, examinations, etc.) is not a cheap pleasure. But dogs still need to be provided with normal maintenance, adequate nutrition, and vaccination.
Unfortunately, high prices for animals always attract people who strive to reduce their expenses in every possible way. Compliance with the breed with all its inherent characteristics is the last thing that interests such businessmen. That is why, when choosing a puppy, you should exercise maximum attention and caution.

Important! A pedigree for an animal is not just a “certificate of honor” confirming your status. This is a guarantee that your pet fully complies with the declared characteristics, and these are not only external signs, but also character traits. For example, as already mentioned, a Cane Corso cannot be cowardly or aggressive; the systematic disqualification of such dogs and their exclusion from breeding work provides an appropriate guarantee. However, when buying a puppy without a pedigree, you are purchasing a “pig in a poke.” And if such a “cat” weighs under 70 kg, think for yourself what awaits you.

On the other hand, a pedigree is just paper that can be forged. It is especially easy to fall for the bait if you have never been involved in dog breeding before and do not know the basic rules. Therefore, before purchasing, it is imperative to make detailed inquiries about the history of the nursery, carefully study the documents of the parents, show them to specialists and make sure that the mating is officially registered.
When making an agreement with the breeder in advance, talk to him. Ask for a photo of the puppies and parents, making sure it is genuine and not taken from an unrelated Cane Corso website. Listen to what the seller tells you about the breed, compare the information received with the corresponding descriptions on the Internet. As a rule, at this stage you can already understand whether you are dealing with a true enthusiast (and you can only purchase animals from such people) or a selfish entrepreneur who wants to get rid of the goods as quickly as possible.

By the way, self-respecting breeders always stipulate the possibility of returning the animal if for one reason or another it is not suitable for you (for example, someone in the household suddenly discovers an allergy to dog hair). Ask this question and see the reaction. Of course, making a promise does not mean getting married, but if they immediately tell you something like “the map is the place!”, think about buying a puppy from more conscientious and responsible people.

Don't buy a puppy on neutral territory. Take your time, ask to visit the breeder, look at the parents and the conditions in which the dogs are kept. Their appearance and mood will speak for themselves.

Buying any purebred animal, and especially a large breed dog, from unknown people at the poultry market is absolutely prohibited! This is irresponsible and sometimes physically unsafe (remember the joke about the man wandering around the market with a bear and unsuccessfully trying to find the person from whom he bought a Chihuahua puppy six months ago).

And, of course, the price. For a good breeder, breeding dogs is not so much a source of income as it is pleasure. As already mentioned, high prices for purebred animals are determined objectively, and not as a result of a “cartel agreement” between dog breeders. The price of real Cane Corso puppies usually starts from a thousand US dollars and, depending on the class of the parents and the baby itself, can increase significantly.
On the other hand, if there are minor defects (which you should definitely be warned about), you can buy a good animal and a little cheaper. If you are not going to engage in breeding and are ready to sterilize your dog, this option is quite acceptable. But in any case, you must understand the nature of price formation. And if a friend (or stranger) offers you to buy an excellent puppy for a hundred bucks, it’s better to take an animal from a shelter, at least you’ll do a good deed.

Of course, it would be too categorical to state that a Cane Corso cannot be kept in a city apartment, but some difficulties may still arise. And the point here is not only that we are talking about a very large animal, which will simply be cramped within the four walls of an average small apartment. We are also talking about some genetic characteristics characteristic of this breed.
For a long time, Cane Corsos were kept not in cities, but rather in private farmsteads in the countryside, and, as a rule, the dog’s habitat was a fairly spacious yard, fenced on all sides. This born guard considers all the space located inside such a “circuit” to be his territory, his jurisdictional zone.

That is why, if you are going to live indoors with a dog of this breed (it doesn’t even matter whether it is in a country house), the animal needs to clearly define the boundaries over which its “influence” extends from childhood. Otherwise, you may have problems with receiving guests or visiting the postman or plumber, since the dog will sincerely believe that it has the right to show the full depth of its feelings to anyone who has physically crossed the line that limits its space.

But even a yard dog made from a Cane Corso comes with certain reservations.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to keep such a dog on a chain. Such treatment, especially in combination with attention deficit, often creates aggressiveness in the animal, and with such dimensions, such character traits can turn into disaster.

In addition, in our far from Mediterranean climate, dogs of this breed cannot tolerate as easily as, for example, huskies. If you don’t want to keep such a large animal in the house, take care of a well-insulated winter house for it. And even in this case, puppies cannot be kept outside in winter; it is too dangerous for their fragile health.

We provide proper care

Looking at the huge Italian Mastiff, it is difficult to imagine that he needs any special care. It seems that feeding such an animal enough and giving it space to release its energy is, in fact, all that is needed. In fact, this is not entirely true. To keep your pet looking its best and feeling its best, it needs a certain amount of care and attention.

Ears and eyes

Taking care of your eyes means that they should not become sour. If you notice lumps, mucus residue, or dried crusts in the inner corner of the eye, carefully remove them with a clean, soft cloth. The eyelids of a purebred Cane Corso should not be droopy or wet. If the problem recurs, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.
Periodically, at least once a week (and certainly before the exhibition), look into your pet’s ears. All dirt accumulated there must be cleaned with damp gauze.

Important! If you have cropped your dog's ears, you need to be especially careful when cleaning them, as cropped ears become more dirty.

Pus, mucus or an unpleasant odor from the ears is a reason to show the animal to the doctor.


Even though Italian Mastiffs are smooth-haired, they still need to be brushed occasionally. It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week, using a stiff brush. The fact is that these dogs shed a lot, so brushing will remove falling hair and at the same time get rid of dead particles of the epidermis.

Trimming the nails of a large dog is not a very easy procedure, but if the nails do not grind down when walking, sometimes it still needs to be done, otherwise the animal begins to experience discomfort. If you hear the characteristic clicking sound that accompanies your pet’s walking on the parquet, it means it’s time for a pedicure.
There are two options: periodically contact a veterinary clinic or, for example, a dog groomer for this task, or get the necessary tools (the pliers must match the size of your four-legged friend’s claws) and learn how to do it yourself. There is nothing complicated in such an “operation”, the only important thing is not to catch the blood vessel located in the upper part of the claw. Ask a specialist to show you a master class, and in the future you will be able to cope with this simple task yourself.

Dental care

Fortunately, brushing your Cane Corso's teeth may not be necessary if you feed your dog dry food and follow all the instructions regarding vitamins and other supplements. Fortunately, because getting into the mouth of such a thug is still not the most exciting activity. However, if your pet is fed natural food, you will still have to periodically look into its mouth with a toothbrush.
To minimize the frequency of such procedures, it is recommended to regularly pamper your pet with a variety of “chews”, which are available in abundance in specialized pet stores. This is an excellent prevention of the formation of stones on teeth.


Most dogs enjoy swimming, keeping their owner company on the seashore or by the river. But bathing as such, as a hygienic procedure, is not at all beneficial for their skin. Therefore, if your dog is not covered in mud or if you are not preparing for a serious exhibition, there is no need to bathe him. It is enough to wash dirty paws and comb out the fur.

Walking the dog

Unlike many other large breeds, Cane Corsos are very active and athletic. If necessary, this dog can sit for a long time and motionless at your feet, but this does not mean that he does not need to move. Especially at a young age, the dog must be given the opportunity every day to run, jump and frolic in the open air, including with other dogs.
When the dog gets older, it can be content with daily (preferably long) walks on a leash, but at least sometimes the dog needs to run around to its heart's content.

Important! If the dog has not undergone special training, it may be a problem for the owner to keep it if it decides to hunt a cat carelessly caught on the road. However, the cat may have even more problems!

These points must be taken into account by novice dog breeders, as well as careless parents who frivolously send small children to “walk the dog.”

Nutritional Features

To provide energy for its sixty kilos of weight, the Cane Corso needs to eat a lot. The main item in the diet of this predator is, of course, meat. If you are not limited on funds and you do not need to add meat gravy to a bucket of porridge so that it at least smells like animal food, you still need to diversify your pet’s diet. In addition to proteins, the dog also needs other components, so porridge and vegetables are required in the diet.

Important! Smoked, sweet, floury, as well as raw river fish are taboo!

Fermented milk products, boiled sea fish, offal (various liver), as well as fruits (some dogs love them) should also be present in the diet.

Do not deny your dog the pleasure of chewing on a bone, but under no circumstances should it be a tubular one.
A healthy and very convenient alternative to all the above mentioned food varieties is. For purebred dogs, you need to use super premium or premium crackers, no lower. This type of feeding has a whole host of benefits, ranging from reducing dental problems to not having to worry about what to feed your dog if you are going on a trip with him for several days. But an animal raised on natural food looks at crackers with bewilderment, so it is best to choose which method of feeding your dog from puppyhood.

Education and training

The Cane Corso is an exceptionally intelligent, but quite stubborn and wayward dog. Like any (or almost any) pet, she will certainly try to check if she is the leader of the pack. And here it is very important not to leave the animal any illusions, because if your leadership is not undeniably recognized, both the dog and its owner, as well as (given the size of the dog) all the surrounding people and animals, will be unhappy.

You need to raise a dog from childhood, regularly, persistently and consistently. Patience and love will definitely give results, but rudeness and anger can lead to problems. This serious beast does not need special tenderness and “hugs,” but you must earn his respect.

Help your puppy make sense of the world around him. Introduce him to people who often visit your home, teach him to recognize friends and strangers.

The main indicator of a well-mannered dog is its obedience. There is no need to try to develop viciousness in an animal, even if you want to use it as a guard. The necessary qualities are already inherent in this breed; you need to learn how to manage them. A big dog is like a racing car: if an incompetent driver tries to appreciate all its advantages, an accident is inevitable, and the consequences can be very sad. But would it even occur to anyone in this case to say that the car was bad? Believe me, it’s the same story with dogs. Since the subject of our consideration is not just a large, but a very large breed, it is better for a professional to train such an animal. He will teach your four-legged pet the basic commands and tell you how to consolidate the “covered material”.

If you plan to use the dog for very specific purposes, inform the specialist so that he can place appropriate emphasis on developing those or other qualities that are most desirable for you.

Possible diseases

In general, Italian mastiffs do not complain of poor health. Much depends on heredity, as well as on how attentive the owner is to caring for his pet and preventing various diseases that can affect him.

There are a great variety of “dogs”, but each breed has its own “problem” areas.

Important! The risk area for almost all large dogs is the musculoskeletal system.

The most common disease for Cane Corso is hip dysplasia. In the absence of timely assistance, this pathology can lead to the animal becoming disabled, but even in a mild form the disease causes serious difficulties for the dog when walking.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to insure against pathology. Today it is generally accepted that the best method of protection is selective selection (one of the causes of the disease is heredity). This is another reason to refuse to buy puppies from dubious breeders. The pathology can be diagnosed at an early stage by giving the dog an X-ray examination.

Knowing about the problem, self-respecting Cane Corso owners check their dogs in this way before and remove animals affected by the disease from breeding. At the same time, early diagnosis allows the dog to be cured or at least greatly alleviate its condition, such a dog will live a long and quite happy life, delighting its owner.

Important! Long runs are not recommended for Cane Corso puppies until they reach the age of one and a half years; this can also have a detrimental effect on the condition of his joints and create problems in the future.

In addition to these health problems, dogs of this breed may experience allergic reactions, problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, bloating, and, less commonly, epileptic seizures. The organs of vision are also at risk: cataracts, inversion or entropion of the eyelid, etc. Most problems can be avoided by carefully monitoring the condition of your pet, remembering to undergo regular vaccinations and follow all the recommendations described above for maintenance, nutrition, care and hygiene.
So, the Cane Corso is a beautiful, energetic, intelligent and loyal animal. However, only experienced and responsible dog breeders who have enough strength, patience, time and money to provide such an animal with the proper conditions and not turn it into a formidable weapon that falls into the wrong hands can afford to choose this breed.

The ancestors of the Cane Corso are the most ancient Molossian gladiator dogs, brave warriors and fearless guards. The canes themselves are universal dogs that performed a lot of functions - from guarding the home to looking after children. Of course, they were more flexible than their fighting relatives, but some qualities were still passed on to them. The breed has undergone changes over the centuries and has even been on the verge of extinction more than once, but it still exists to this day. And future owners who decide to have such an extraordinary pet should know that training and education of a Cane Corso is necessary. It is not recommended for beginners to have such a pet, and even an experienced owner not only gains a loyal and brave friend, but also takes on great responsibility.

Just looking at this large, powerful animal, it becomes clear that the Cane Corso is a timid person, he has self-esteem, is confident in himself and is always ready. An outwardly calm dog, when danger arises, gathers and attacks in almost seconds.

Experts confirm that the Corso Italiano can be very dangerous, and it is important for the owner to prevent his pet from becoming a threat to others. For a dog to become a full-fledged member of society, it needs to undergo a training course and learn to completely obey its owner.

Representatives of this breed are very independent, and experienced breeders know how to use this quality. But beginners in dog breeding can face serious problems. In any case, the owner should know that the Cane Corso is naturally distrustful and dominant, therefore, only after winning his trust can one begin full-fledged education. What nuances need to be taken into account to make upbringing and training as easy and effective as possible?

Homeschooling: Pros and Cons

Most owners of such dogs, despite the expected complexity, are inclined to train their pets themselves. And this option has a number of certain advantages:

  • in a familiar environment, the dog will feel comfortable, nothing will distract or irritate him;
  • the owner knows better than anyone else the character traits of his pet - sometimes the dog is unwell, feels tired, or, conversely, is overly excited. Only the owner knows when to stop or even postpone training;
  • At home it is easier for him to choose the most suitable time for classes;
  • The owner uses an individual approach.

But such advantages can turn into disadvantages - even as a puppy, the Cane Corso will try to manipulate a person, so it is important for the trainer not to give in to slack. If this happens, then you should not expect high results from the process of education and obedience from the dog.

When you need help from a dog handler

The owner's choice is obvious. If the Cane Corso is the first dog of this size and disposition, then you should seek help from a professional. You should not hope that the puppy will be obedient and flexible - even a small pet can cause a lot of problems. A specialist will tell you which methods are more effective for working with dogs of this breed, and how you can find a common language with your four-legged friend.

You can contact an experienced dog trainer at the initial stage to undergo initial training with your dog. It will also help in correcting behavior when negative habits have already taken root. If a Cane Corso behaves negatively, a person can make the situation worse by using the wrong methods to eliminate it. In such a situation, you need to react immediately, effectively and without rudeness.

In addition, you can take a training course under the supervision of a dog handler, when the dog already has a certain amount of skills - such a base will facilitate the subsequent process. Typically, dog owners are offered two options - individual and group lessons. There are both advantages and disadvantages in both cases.

Group training:

  • most dogs, including Cane Corsos, have a herd instinct and always watch what their brothers are doing - and someone else’s example is very contagious;
  • it is easier for the owner to work in a group - he evaluates the pet’s actions and his own, identifying mistakes and evaluating the results obtained;
  • disadvantages - the dog can be constantly distracted by extraneous stimuli, in addition, we are not talking about an individual approach.

Often, in order to reduce training time, modern trainers use the “carrot and stick” method to train Cane Corso, implicitly knowing that coercive tactics are not entirely suitable for representatives of this breed. But experienced dog handlers know that working with such dogs should be based on mutual respect and an incentive system.

If you psychologically or physically suppress a proud animal, the dog will feel humiliated - this is a sure way to get an overly aggressive or withdrawn pet. However, it is sometimes impossible to do without a whip. When does a Cane Corso really deserve punishment? It is recommended to punish your pet in the following situations:

  • if the pet repeatedly tries to dominate the owner;
  • when a dog shows unjustified aggression towards people and animals around him;
  • bad habits cannot be corrected, for example, the dog does not let a single cyclist pass and rushes after him without reacting to a prohibiting command.

You can fight outright ignoring with the help of a parfors - a strict collar. But it is not recommended to use it without apparent need.

Video about training a Cane Corso puppy

Features of raising puppies of different ages

All representatives of Molossian breeds take longer to mature than dogs of other breeds. The Cane Corso becomes an adult by the age of 2.5-3 years. This feature can both complicate the education process and provide an opportunity to correct mistakes. It is important to take into account the specific development of the puppy’s psyche, based on its age.

2 month old baby

Around this age, the puppy understands what fear is. Naturally, moving to a new home only intensifies such feelings. Experienced breeders do not recommend locking your pet in a dark room in the hope that the baby will get tired of whining and stop doing it. On the contrary, you should convince your pet that he is in a safe place and is not in danger.

From the very first days you can introduce the dog to basic commands: “place”, “fu”, “come”. He begins to get used to his feeding place and nickname. It is important that all household members understand that the pet’s place is an inviolable territory, guests and children should not intrude on it.

4 month old puppy

By this age, the puppy has received all the required vaccinations and can go for walks. It is important that he undergoes full socialization - visiting new places, meeting strangers and dogs, traveling in transport - personal and public.

You can start teaching the following basic commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “near”, etc. Most often, Molossians are not prone to fetching, so this point can be omitted for now. The owner must be sure to distinguish whether the pet is wary or overly aggressive towards strangers. Reasonable mistrust is encouraged, aggression is suppressed.

Six-month-old puppy

This is a difficult adolescence, when the dog begins to fight for the best place in the “pack”. He grows up and tries to dominate his owner. The bitch is in heat, and the male does not miss the opportunity to have a conflict with his relatives. Experts recommend that owners show character and not indulge their whims - in any case, a person should not give up his leadership position.

7-8 month old Cane Corso

The adolescence continues, and the dog does not stop rebelling. She may ignore commands, execute them too slowly, or offer her own solution. You shouldn’t be too protective of your grown-up pet, but some loyalty won’t hurt either.

The maturity stage of the Cane Corso lasts a long time - up to 4 years. During this time, the pet finds its place in the family hierarchy and occupies a free niche. What it will be like depends only on the owner - if he gives up his pedestal as the leader, then trouble will not be avoided - the dog will definitely occupy him and will not obey.

Ideally, a pet should become a family pet - faithful, devoted, efficient and obedient. The dog should not be oppressed or belittled, but it should be made clear that he is slightly lower on the hierarchical ladder than the owner and his family members.

When a dog appears in the house, training and raising a dog plays an important role.

This dog breed dates back to Ancient Rome, and at the genetic level it has a tendency towards guarding and protective functions.

The Cane Corso belongs to the category of large, strong dogs with developed muscles and increased physical activity.

With proper upbringing, she will become a reliable protector for the whole family.

Cane Corso are by nature intelligent, good-natured dogs that are great with children. However, like people, animals need gradual development of abilities, i.e. in education and training.

Unlike humans, their behavior is based on instincts.

During the evolution of the breed, the Cane Corso gained mass , which gradually moved to the genetic level.

In order for them to become the norm of dog behavior, they must be developed as much as possible, suppressing negative and unwanted manifestations.

For a dog, training is training, i.e. development of the necessary instincts.

Constant education and proper training should become an integral part of a pet’s life.. Only in this case can you raise an intelligent and well-mannered dog.

Cane Corso is a dog, and its appearance can scare people, and incorrect behavior causes panic. Obedience, calmness and a sense of proportion are especially important for this breed.

It is necessary to develop a reserved attitude towards other animals.

Secrets of education

By nature, Cane Corso dogs are highly trainable. Taking into account the psychology of the animal and its individual characteristics, Cane Corsos are happy to follow commands and are prone to obedience.

That is why training can be carried out by the owner himself, if he has sufficient patience and willpower.

At what age should training begin? Raising a dog must be carried out from the first day the puppy appears in the house. The ideal time to start training is 3 months of age, but even before that the pet should be accustomed to the collar and respond to its name. It is advisable to toilet train. Serious professional training is most effective when the dog reaches 3 years of age.


If for some reason the initial stage of education is overdue, then you should not despair.

In principle, the Cane Corso can be trained at any age. You just need to take into account that the older the dog is, the more difficult and longer the training course takes.

Where does education and training begin?

First of all, the following issues need to be resolved:

  • Prepare and accustom the dog to a training choke collar with a leash. It is composed of ringed metal links. The size of the collar should exceed the head circumference by 25-30 mm. The leash is made of leather and has a width of 20-25 mm and a length of 2 m. The training collar allows you to control the behavior of your pet, because tugging on the leash causes the loop to tighten, and the dog immediately feels the owner’s reaction.
  • A stimulating treat. The first lessons should be based on encouraging correct actions, and a tasty treat is an excellent incentive. The owner must choose what his pet loves most.
  • Choosing a place to study. It should be absolutely safe for the puppy when running and jumping. No one and nothing should distract him from his studies. It is best to choose a place that the dog has already explored. In a new place, unknown smells will constantly distract her. Sniffing will take a long time.
  • Providing psychological contact. During training, the owner must remain alone with the pet. Any right actions must be accompanied by affection and kind words.

When conducting training, you need to choose the right voice intonation.

The optimal conditions for conducting classes are considered to be an air temperature of about 13-17 degrees in the absence of precipitation and strong wind.

It is better to conduct training in the morning and evening before feeding the dog. You cannot train a sick pet, a nursing dog, or a female dog in heat.

During training, the dog must be given rest. It is recommended to alternate exercises with game elements and free movement.

Various ways

Cane Corso training can be done in various ways.:

  • Taste-enhancing technique. The method is used often and is based on food motivation. For the correct action, the dog receives a tasty treat. The lesson is recommended to be carried out 4-5 hours after feeding. The disadvantage is that not all skills are taught through treats.
  • Mechanical technique. It is based on encouraging stroking or forced influence (jerks with a leash, hand pressure, the influence of a training collar). It is used mainly when training with adult animals.
  • Contrast method. It combines elements of the 2 previous methods. A treat is used as a reward, and in case of incorrect behavior, mechanical stimuli are used.
  • Game method. The main advantage is the reduction of nervous stress on a young dog. Disadvantage: low efficiency. The technique is considered auxiliary and is usually used in combination with other methods of training.
  • Imitative way. It is based on the instinct to imitate the behavior of other dogs. The greatest effect is obtained when training in the presence of the mother, from whom the puppy takes an example. The technique can also be used in collective training. It is recommended to use as an additional method in combination with other methods.
  • Push method. Its essence is to force the action to be performed using hands or a leash. It can be used at the initial stage of puppy training and should not cause pain.

The choice of training method depends on the dog’s age, its individual characteristics, and the state of the nervous system. When training on your own, it is better to coordinate it with an experienced dog handler.

“An experienced dog trainer is able to accurately determine the most effective way to train a Cane Corso. In early puppyhood, these dogs are easy to train using a contrasting technique in combination with play elements. This breed is characterized by increased playfulness, which allows you to captivate the puppy and include educational elements in the game. The dog quickly gets used to commands, and correct actions must be rewarded with treats.”

Getting Some Skills

One of the first skills to be taught is toilet training.

It is too early to accustom a small pet to the outdoor toilet, and therefore he settles down at home.

To do this, you can use a tray with filler, newspapers or a disposable diaper. They should always be located in one place, and the puppy should do “his business” only here.

In order to toilet train your pet, you need to be patient - this process is quite long.. First of all, in the apartment where the puppy has settled, it is better to remove carpets and rugs from the floor - they attract the pet and retain the smell for a long time.

When relieving himself, he is guided by instincts, and therefore he usually chooses a certain place. This is where the toilet should be placed.

It will be much easier to accustom the animal to such a place.

As a rule, such places are located next to the door, under the window, in the corner or on the balcony.. It should be provided with free access at any time and not frighten the pet while relieving itself.

If the puppy has chosen an unsuitable place, then it must be weaned from it. To do this, substances are used that repel the dog.

You can use the Antipis tool. A dog will never defecate where food is located. This option can also be used.

Team "Place"

The next important step in raising a puppy is the execution of the “Place” command.

This command has two meanings. At home, this is how the dog is instructed to go to its bedding and not disturb people. The pet usually quickly understands what they want from him and leaves with resentment for a while. Then he leaves the litter, but no longer gets bored.

On the street the meaning of the command is different. The “place” becomes the object or area to which the owner points.

This command is taught in this way. At home, you can use a taste-enhancing method.

After giving the “Place” command, you should lure the puppy onto its bedding and reward it with a treat. After repeated repetition, this action will become a reflex.

On the street it is worth thinking about the special skills of the dog - guard. To do this, place a bag or backpack in a certain place that is well known to the animal.

Naturally, the dog’s guard instinct is triggered, and it lies down or sits next to him. Then the owner moves a few meters to the side and calls her to him.

After that, he points to the thing and orders the dog “Place”, and he returns back. After some time, things no longer lie down, but simply pointing to an object is enough. The correct action of the pet should be rewarded.

Features of executing various commands

When training a puppy, it is important to teach a few basic commands.:

  • "To me". This is a basic command that a puppy learns to use immediately after learning its name. To present it, the dog’s name is clearly stated, and then pronounced in a demanding tone, “Come to me.” At the beginning of training, you should show your pet a treat, which will make him want to follow the command.
  • "Ugh". The command prohibits lifting anything. When teaching, a mechanical method is used. Food is placed on the ground (floor), but when the dog tries to pick it up, a command is pronounced and a prohibiting action is carried out - a tug on the leash, tightening the collar loop, a light slap on the face with a newspaper or a fly swatter on the head. The action must indicate the existence of danger posed by the object.
  • "Near". With this command, the puppy must stand close to the owner on the left. When training the puppy, the correct execution of the command is indicated with the help of a leash, and after its execution, he is rewarded with a treat.
  • "Sit". This command is duplicated by raising the palm to chest level, while the arm is moved to the left side. When training with your fingers, the dog's pelvic area (lower back) is pressed. With such pressure, the animal’s instinct is triggered, and it sits down. Don't forget about encouragement.
  • "Lie". For a guard dog, this command is important. In order for the puppy to comply with the command, you need to press with your hand in the area between the shoulder blades. After execution - an incentive.
  • "Hold" or "Wait". The command can be performed while standing, lying down or sitting. In the first case, the dog must remain in a given position for at least 10-15 seconds, and in the second - up to 0.5 hours. Compliance is achieved by rewarding with a treat. At first, the owner does not leave the dog’s visibility, but gradually disappears as the interval of absence lengthens.
  • "Give". Initial exercises are carried out with a puppy toy. After pronouncing the command, the toy is taken from the puppy’s mouth, and his attention is diverted to another object. Action is encouraged. Skills are reinforced with food (a bowl of food, a bone). If the puppy shows aggression, it is recommended to apply pressure with your hand in the area between the shoulder blades, forcing him to lie down. With such training, it is important that the dog understands who is “boss” in the house. She must give away any item.
  • "Aport". Classes to master this command are held outside the home. During the first “lessons,” a favorite dog toy is used. She rushes, then the puppy runs and grabs her. Next, the command “Come to me” sounds, and after its execution - “Give”. In subsequent classes, you can use any other items. Usually dogs engage in such training with pleasure, because... it's very game-like.
  • "Face". This team should be the final one in training. It is only permissible for an obedient dog, because... can teach unexpected aggression. For training, an assistant with protective clothing is required. Training is carried out when the dog reaches one year of age.

The listed commands can be attributed to the basic set. Training is carried out alternately.

Some of them are impossible without mastering other skills.

In general, the duration of training for puppies should not exceed 45-60 minutes with rest breaks.

Training an adult dog

When the puppy age for training is missed, it can be done with adult dogs, but this will require special patience. The animal has already developed certain reflexes, and its psychology must be taken into account during training.


The most important thing is to teach your dog to behave correctly outside.

To do this, first of all, you will need commands such as “Near”, “Exposure”, “Wait”, “Sit”. In principle, the training is not much different from training puppies, but in the incentive part you should not get carried away with treats.

You can’t scold her, but praise will give the desired result.

You should talk to your dog more.

A serious problem arises when an adult dog displays unprovoked aggression towards people or animals on the street. First of all, we need to find out the reasons for this behavior.

Very often her instinct to protect her territory is triggered (shown in the photo). In this case, it is necessary to remove as much as possible objects that may become the object of protection.

You may need to change your walking location to prevent your dog from becoming accustomed to one area.

Step-by-step training

When training a Cane Corso, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of the dog.

We can distinguish the following main stages of education and training::

  • Up to 3 months. It is considered optimal to purchase a puppy at the age of 2-4 weeks. He does not yet feel fear of novelty and easily adapts to a new environment. Fear appears around the age of 2-2.5 months, and such puppies require special attention. During this period, it is important to create confidence in your pet’s safety. He must master the entire apartment and assimilate all the familiar smells. It is necessary to provide his own place, which cannot be touched by strangers. At this stage, the commands “Place” and “Fu” are taught.
  • Age 4-5 months. During this period, vaccination is completed, and the puppy can be taken outside the home. You can start teaching the commands “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Give”. It is useful to start socializing with other dogs. At this stage, it is important to promptly stop emerging aggression, excessive caution and timidity. A reasonable balance of activity and caution must be ensured.
  • Age 6-7 months. The dog develops a “pack” instinct. She begins to look for her place in the hierarchy. It is important not to miss the moment, because the role of the “leader” is being decided, and the authority of the owner must remain unquestioned. The learned commands can be replenished - “Fetch”, “Voice”.
  • Age 8-12 months. This is a difficult stage of puberty and hormonal surges. The dog develops aggression towards dogs of the same sex. At this stage, sometimes you have to periodically repeat previously learned commands. During this period, fear and phobias develop especially actively, which should not be allowed.
  • Up to 4 years of age. This is the dog's maturity stage. It is still possible to carry out training, but it must be done taking into account the current psyche. Starting from the age of one, you can teach the “Fas” command. If necessary, professional training is provided as a watchman. At this age, you cannot put too much pressure on the animal’s psyche, humiliate and oppress it. It is strictly not recommended to hit a dog.

Raising and training a pet, in principle, occurs throughout its life.

Periodically it is worth reminding half-forgotten skills and getting rid of unwanted reflexes.

Conclusion and conclusions

The Cane Corso dog is quite easy to train, but it must be done with knowledge of the characteristics and in stages.

A well-bred pet combines enormous strength and high physical activity with composure, obedience and complacency.

An adult dog is capable of protecting the entire family, but will never show aggression without good reason.

Individual training at home will be very effective if the dog is treated with respect and rewards are used.

Cane Corso training at home. How to train and raise Cane Corso dogs Find a good Cano Corsa trainer

Important stages of learning in the first year of life

In the first year of a Cane Corso puppy’s life, it is extremely important to consistently go through all stages of education, socialization and training. We will now tell you how to do it correctly.

Training a Cane Corso puppy, when to start

Cane Corso puppy training is essential start from the first days the presence of a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although quite widespread. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated rigid methods are used, and with the right approach, training from the first days will be, on the contrary, very useful, since it allows you to immediately make contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

Raising a Cane Corso puppy at 2 months

At 2 months old, your Cane Corso puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is not yet allowed to go for walks. Therefore, it’s time to start raising a puppy in familiar home conditions.

The first step is to accustom the puppy to going to the toilet with a diaper on. At the same time, it should be remembered that any learning is a rather complex thing, and seeing the first positive results, you should not think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training according to the method, so that after a while you do not have to start all over again.

The second important point will be training the puppy to the collar and leash. Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes outside for the first time, wearing a collar will not be additional stress for him, but is already a familiar thing, and he can begin to explore the world around him, rather than trying get rid of an unknown object.

The third point, which causes the greatest difficulties for new puppy owners, will be the puppy’s determination boundaries of what is permitted:

  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Explain that you cannot bite your hands even in a game;
  • Establish the correct daily routine, establishing the rule that in the morning you need to sleep and not wake you up;
  • Stop chewing furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Teach to stay home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: that constant and excessive punishments following almost every action of the puppy have a detrimental effect on his fragile psyche and can lead to the fact that the Cane Corso puppy grows up cowardly and embittered. For normal natural development, a puppy must have the opportunity to explore the world around him, which is currently limited to your apartment or house.

You should also start now introduction to basic commands obedience in a light playful form, while focusing on rewards for fulfillment, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Socialization of a Cane Corso puppy at 3 months

Three months is an important stage in a Cane Corso puppy’s introduction to the outside world. Your first walks should be short and not too tiring for the puppy.

At this age it goes development of the puppy's nervous system, so it is necessary to show him as much as possible: noisy streets, large crowds of people, etc. This must be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy and not frighten him.

It is also necessary to introduce the puppy to friendly dogs and people so that the puppy does not subsequently develop aggression or cowardice caused by the fear of new things and the inability to communicate and make new acquaintances. And this is currently, unfortunately, not uncommon in the behavior of adult dogs, but a fairly common problem with which people turn to our specialists for help.

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

  • Now you can and should go to the toilet on the street, rather than steadfastly endure and carry everything home;
  • Not every new person or dog wants to communicate, so you don’t need to run headlong to meet everyone;
  • Not all food is healthy, so it should only be taken from the owner’s hands.

Training a puppy follows the same principles as at 2 months. It should be remembered that at this age puppies develop conditioned reflexes quite easily, but they are also quickly forgotten, so you should not scold the puppy for not following commands, especially if they have not been repeated for a long time, but you should pay more attention to learning new things and repeating already learned material .

Training a Cane Corso puppy at 4 - 5 months

By this time, the Cane Corso puppy has already become accustomed to your home and usual walking areas, and no longer needs your support and care so much. Therefore, he begins, flirting with other dogs, pretending that he does not hear you when you call him, and showing a certain persistence and disobedience when performing various commands.

So, it’s time to move on to full training. In classes at this age you can already be persistent and demanding. At the same time, the most important thing is not to overdo it, remember that classes should bring joy to both you and your dog, and only then you can achieve the desired result.

What commands are practiced by a Cane Corso puppy at 4 months:

  • Calm movement nearby with the owner with a leash and without a leash, with landing when stopping, with a change in pace and direction of movement
  • Return to you upon request
  • Excerpt in a free or certain position (sitting, lying, standing) for a long time: if necessary, wait for the owner on the street, when visiting a store or other establishment
  • Indifferent attitude towards treats scattered on the ground
  • Prohibiting command to stop unwanted actions
  • Executing a set of commands "sit", "lie down", "stand" at a distance and near the leg, when giving commands by voice and gestures
  • Stop barking upon request.

Training a Cane Corso puppy from 6 months

At this age, the puppy begins puberty and the real rebel awakens in him. He begins to re-test the boundaries of what is permitted and, sometimes, deliberately does not respond to your commands, only in order to look at your reaction. If she is not what the puppy expects to see, then he may decide that now he can no longer carry out your commands.

It should be remembered that the puppy still remains a child, and excessive harshness can forever undermine his trust in you.

At this stage of the Cane Corso puppy’s growing up in training, all the shortcomings made at the previous stages, which were smoothed out by his young age, become clearly visible. And if they appear, then it’s time to correct them.

In many training schools, there is an opinion that a puppy needs to be trained in two stages, the first at an early age, and the second at 8 - 10 months, in order to “consolidate” what has been learned. This is not an entirely correct position; this opinion appeared when newer operant training methods began to be added to the old “DOSAAF” rigid training methods, where they began to work with the puppy strictly after 6-7 months, including working with the method of pointing and following the “target”.

Their weakness was that it two different techniques, which began to be used without adapting to each other, having a huge gap between their tools for developing training skills. The difference between them is like between choreography lessons in kindergarten and army drill training. Therefore, they required training in two stages, which were in no way connected with each other.

The fundamental principle in training any dog ​​is to start at an early age. Cane Corso is no exception. The dog must be familiar with the surrounding world in all its diversity.

In the photo: Cane Corso

The most serious mistake in training a Cane Corso is to try to raise an aggressive dog. Aggression, as well as cowardice, are a problem in this breed. It is better to devote time to socialization and practicing obedience skills.

You can complete the general Cane Corso training course on your own or contact an instructor. A good dog should be controllable in any situation. However, representatives of this breed study and work with great pleasure - they are eager to please their beloved owner. Moreover, these dogs are well trained, even if the main characters are children (over 13 years old).

If you decide to use outside help to train your Cane Corso, be careful when choosing an instructor. He must know and understand the breed. A skilled trainer can create the perfect dog, but an incompetent one can break a pet.

The first task of training a Cane Corso is to establish contact with your pet. And only after that you can start learning. First, choose places where there will be no distractions for the young student. Later the location can be changed.

Negative manifestations must be suppressed - effectively, quickly, but at the same time gently. The education system should be based on mutual respect and encouragement. You should not hit a dog - this can create cowardice or aggressiveness. Coercion is sometimes necessary (for example, if the dog is trying to get the better of you or intends to attack a cyclist), but before you consider using a restraint collar, make sure the dog understands you.

The Cane Corso reaches maturity late, at 2.5 - 3 years. This can be a plus, as it will allow you to correct mistakes in training.

What does training a Cane Corso at home include?

The first thing a puppy is taught is “Place” and “Fu”. At the same time, if there are children in the family, explain that the dog’s place is an inviolable territory.

Then follow the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “Stand”.

It is necessary to properly introduce the baby to other animals and people. This will help you find a middle ground between wariness and gullibility. Reasonable suspicion is encouraged, aggression is suppressed.

Six-month-old puppies often try to climb the hierarchy ladder. This is a difficult period. Males are trying to dominate their fellow breeders; females are in their first heat. The Cane Corso may refuse to come and follow commands that have already been learned. Your job is to understand that this is a teenager and not get too annoyed.

The Cane Corso cannot be humiliated and broken as “punishment” for his attempts to occupy a higher hierarchical step - you yourself will regret it later, having raised a cowardly, cunning or aggressive dog. You need to look for an approach using all your negotiation skills. There can be no universal advice here, since every dog ​​is unique.

A pet at this age can also become reacquainted with already known objects, but at the same time become terribly frightened. It is necessary to interest the dog in the “monster”, encourage it to approach, and praise it for its heroism in sniffing the vacuum cleaner.

The Cane Corso, or Italian Mastiff, is huge, self-confident with a tenacious, attentive gaze and muscles playing under the smooth skin, leaving no illusions with its deceptive calm as to what will happen to the unfortunate person who decides to show the slightest aggression towards its owner. But before purchasing such a protector, think three times whether you are ready for such responsibility, because caring for an animal of this size cannot be simple by definition.

Description and photo

Country: Italy

Height at withers: male –64-68 cm, female –60-64 cm (deviations in both directions are allowed no more than 2 cm)



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