Homemade way to get out of binge drinking. How to get out of binge drinking - tips

With prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages, acute alcohol intoxication occurs, which is dangerous to human health and life. Therefore, it is important to know how to get out of binge drinking at home, give up alcohol for a long time, recover, and regain the joy of sober life. Withdrawal syndrome is not only a physiological problem, but also a psychological one, so treatment must be comprehensive, affecting all areas of an alcoholic’s life.

What is binge drinking

Long-term intake of increased doses of ethanol into the body is considered a drunken state. Without motivation, the help of a doctor and the sincere desire of an alcoholic to quit drinking, it is difficult to effectively treat and can become chronic. There are four stages of alcoholism, and binge drinking is more typical for stages 3–4 of the disease. To remove the remnants of ethyl alcohol from the systemic bloodstream after drinking, you need to consult a narcologist, recognize the problem and begin intensive therapy.

The difference between withdrawal symptoms and hangovers

After a noisy feast, you should not consider yourself a binge alcoholic if you have a severe headache the next morning. This is a clear sign of a hangover, which is temporary and can be successfully treated with internal administration of analgesics and antispasmodics. As for the withdrawal syndrome, there is a certain difference: the pathological condition consists of internal discomfort, painful and depressed sensations in the absence of a new dose of alcohol. A person turns into an addicted drug addict who can no longer imagine his life without alcohol.

If withdrawal symptoms appear after just one drinking session, we are talking about a serious internal disease that gradually progresses. The person does not realize this, but the immediate environment must clearly notice and take all necessary measures. When, after the first drink, withdrawal symptoms form and a person enters a dangerous state of binge drinking, the problem becomes widespread. In such a clinical picture, it is clearly impossible to do without additional treatment with official and alternative methods, but you can act only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Is it possible to quit binge drinking on your own?

In painful conditions after drinking alcohol, a person realizes that drinking is bad and mentally prepares himself for a sober life. In the case of chronic alcoholism, this is not easy to do, since ethanol continues to be absorbed into the systemic circulation in high concentrations. Vigilant relatives and timely access to a drug treatment clinic come to the rescue. You can get out of binge drinking yourself, but this requires good motivation (in other words, you need to find your own benefit).

Personal motivation

If a drinker is not able to completely give up drinking alcohol, he needs to be properly motivated. Otherwise, toxic addiction will continue to reduce the quality of life and decompose the once integral personality. To achieve radical changes in the consciousness of an alcoholic, you need to attract the following plans, dreams and aspirations:

  • the desire to preserve the family and respect of loved ones;
  • persistent desire to restore one’s good name in society;
  • plans for obtaining a new, promising job;
  • the desire to start a family and healthy offspring;
  • the desire to prove to the masses that an alcoholic is still worth something;
  • desire to move up the career ladder and achieve personal growth;
  • panic fear of death, incurable diseases.

What factors influence the success of the procedure?

The desire alone is not enough to quickly and effectively get out of such a state without additional help from a doctor; it is necessary to realistically assess the prevailing clinical picture, taking into account the internal mood of the addicted person to quit drinking. Below are the main factors that can play a decisive role in the life of a binge alcoholic:

  • duration of exposure to ethanol (the more you drink, the harder it is to be treated and remove intoxication products from the blood);
  • daily doses of ethanol (the more alcohol consumed, the more serious the health complications for a binge alcoholic);
  • the presence of chronic diseases against the background of withdrawal syndrome (under the influence of ethanol, a relapse of the underlying disease progresses, and it is difficult for doctors to predict the health consequences);
  • previous head injuries (in this case we are talking about a concussion with loss of consciousness or short-term amnesia);
  • the quality of alcoholic beverages consumed (low-quality products significantly increase the risk of death).

How to get out of binge drinking on your own

To effectively remove acetaldehyde from the blood and stomach, action must be taken immediately, and without medical intervention, stable positive dynamics can be ensured at home. If the binge lasts no more than 2 days, it is important to strictly adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Immediately stop the intake of ethanol into the body, i.e., stop further drinking alcoholic beverages.
  2. In the morning, you first need to take 1.5 liters of water orally, then drink 2 - 3 tablets of activated carbon (another sorbent). Drugs for the liver and stomach become an auxiliary treatment for visible symptoms.
  3. Afterwards, you need to drink high-fat broth and take a contrast shower to invigorate and stimulate systemic blood flow.
  4. Day and evening, it is important to repeat such procedures, starting with the intake of sorbents and ending with water sessions involving cold and hot water.
  5. Throughout the day, natural juices and berry fruit drinks are recommended, as well as increased physical activity in the absence of chronic fatigue.

If the question of how to get out of a binge without a doctor relates to alcohol intoxication that lasts longer than 2–3 days, the first step is to artificially induce vomiting. This is important so that the stomach can no longer adsorb ethanol with further distribution into the circulatory system. After introducing the remaining toxins, sorbents must be ingested, according to the weight category. In the future, carry out symptomatic treatment at home.

What is needed for treatment

Before quitting a binge without a doctor, you need to recognize the health problem. Then act according to the established scheme: first induce vomiting, then take sorbents, carry out symptomatic therapy. In such a clinical picture, it is necessary not only to take individual medications from several pharmacological groups, but also to individually correct nutrition, habitual lifestyle, and bad habits. Here's what you'll need to effectively treat binge drinking without the presence of a doctor:

Medicines. The main goals of therapy, how to get out of a long binge without a doctor, are to stop the effects of ethanol on the kidneys, heart and other important organs; accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body and promote the restoration of organic resources. Representatives of the following pharmacological groups are welcome:

  • enterosorbents necessary to restore gastric mucosa damaged by ethanol and stimulate intestinal motility: Polysorb-MP, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon;
  • antiemetics and saline solutions for removing intoxication products: Cerucal, Regidron;
  • heart drugs to stabilize blood pressure, combat arrhythmia and tachycardia, provide a long-term effect without relapse for the myocardium and cardiovascular system: Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin, Valerian in the form of a decoction or tincture;
  • oral antispasmodics and analgesics to eliminate acute migraines, attacks of pain of unknown etiology, to alleviate general well-being: No-shpa, Analgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpalgin;
  • diuretics internally are necessary for the productive removal of ethanol residues from the body of a drinker, normalizing the functioning of the kidneys and kidneys: Furosemide, rosehip decoction;
  • sedatives and tranquilizers to calm and relax the nervous system, eliminate cravings for alcohol, combat depression: Phenazepam, Metronidazole, Tiapride, Diazepam, Aminalon;
  • multivitamin complexes a complete treatment course for quickly relieving muscle and emotional tension, strengthening local immunity, for example, Pikovit, AlfaVit, Duovit;
  • injection solutions for drip administration to restore the water-salt balance, rid the organic resource of intoxication products, symptoms of long-term binge drinking.

Foods that help detoxify the body. To help get out of binge drinking, you need to change the drinker’s menu, enrich it with valuable sources of water, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Such adjustments speed up the process of getting rid of withdrawal symptoms and have a tonic and restorative effect. The following food products have proven themselves to be effective:

  • citrus fruits, rich in acetylsalicylic acid to remove toxins and free radicals;
  • sour berries or berry fruit drinks to increase the permeability of vascular walls and strengthen the vessels themselves, increase appetite;
  • low-fat dairy products which, during binge drinking, removes harmful, toxic substances from the body;
  • beef or chicken broth to tone the whole body, reduce the severity of signs of alcohol intoxication;
  • mineral water or brine, which not only quench thirst during hangover symptoms, but also have bactericidal properties;
  • light porridge, which do not overload systemic digestion and normalize intestinal motility.

How to deal with short-term binge drinking - the three-day method

If the patient has finally decided to quit drinking, and has sufficient willpower due to the specific nature of his character, he can use the “three days” method of getting rid of toxic addiction, which is effective in practice. This technique is appropriate in the early stages of alcoholism, if we are talking about a short-term drunken state. You can implement it at home, the main thing is to follow the proposed sequence of actions, the chronology of the required stages, you can involve a course of massage.

Day one

The first step is to completely give up alcoholic beverages and eliminate their presence at home. It is necessary to vigilantly check that there is not a drop of alcohol left. The main task of the patient at this stage is to refuse the hangover after waking up in the morning, to show willpower and the desire to quit drinking forever. It will not be easy, since you may encounter symptoms such as dizziness, excessive sweating, internal chills, temperature changes, painful sensations in the head, and confusion. These symptoms are bedridden.

To normalize the general condition, an alcoholic needs to sleep and drink more, completely give up physical and emotional stress, and switch his thoughts from drinking alcohol. To accelerate positive dynamics, it is necessary to take sorbents such as Enterosgel and activated carbon. This is important for the productive removal of toxins, pain relief, calming and relaxing a tense nervous system. You need to drink 1.5 liters of water and take 2 - 3 tablets of activated carbon, then drink fatty broth and sleep.

Day two – intensive detoxification

The next day of an alcoholic should begin with a cup of sweet, strong tea, since the intake of glucose into the body has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and provides the organic resource with the necessary energy. Do not drink coffee and do not smoke under any circumstances, since caffeine and nicotine negatively affect the condition of the vascular walls.

In addition, after a long binge, be sure to drink more liquid, for example, chicken broth, herbal infusions, and berry fruit drinks. If necessary, in order to neutralize the effects of toxins, it will not hurt to take sorbents, a contrast shower and get more rest. Gradually introduce fermented milk products, lean cereals, and natural vitamins into the therapeutic diet.

Day three - restoration of body functions

The recommended intake of fluid into the body is 2–3 liters, but we are not just talking about water. The intake of herbal decoctions, berry fruit drinks and natural juices with a high content of vitamin C is encouraged. The patient's appetite significantly increases, and pronounced signs of fever and alcohol intoxication disappear. To speed up the natural healing process, you can not only increase physical activity, but also adhere to a therapeutic diet. To restore liver function, oral administration of hepatoprotectors is necessary, as an option - Gepabene, Essentiale Forte.

What to do if the binge lasts 7 days or longer

During a long-term binge, a patient should not be overtired; he must strictly adhere to bed rest. Restoring general well-being at home will not be easy, but solving the main problem of how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor is almost impossible. An alcoholic can be given ammonia to drink, which must first be diluted in water. The second option for a painless recovery is to eat sour cabbage soup or a whole lemon. You can eat a raw egg or drink milk and honey. Mustard plaster on the back of the head or a contrast shower help.

The main goal is to avoid dangerous health consequences and hospitalization in such a clinical picture (with a week-long binge), and restore normal liver function. It is possible to use medications in the form of infusions to perform droppers (administration of the medicine is indicated very slowly, by drip). When answering the question of how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor, difficulties immediately arise, since not everyone can install such a system at home.

Gradual reduction in alcohol dose

Doctors report that if you quickly quit drinking, the patient may be overtaken by a state of deep depression. But this is not the worst of the complications, since in addition to mental balance, physical health is also significantly impaired. Among the potential consequences of abrupt ethanol withdrawal, doctors identify the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • alcoholic delirium;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • emotional instability;
  • extensive brain damage;
  • tendency to aggression (anger at the whole world);
  • symptoms of angina, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • complaints about vision loss;
  • major heart attack, stroke;
  • tremors and cramps of the limbs;
  • symptoms of withdrawal (in advanced clinical pictures);
  • pathologies of the pancreas, pancreatitis.

Neutralization of toxins

Before quitting a binge without a doctor, you need to think several times. The body is in a state of acute intoxication, so delay in this matter can cost a person’s life. There are many medications available at the pharmacy, but only a knowledgeable specialist can prescribe the most effective and safe ones. Below are medications to combat hangover syndrome that can neutralize the effects of toxins in the body:

  1. Activated carbon. Prevents the absorption of ethanol from the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Glycine. Restores injured nerve cells and prevents the destruction of healthy ones.
  3. Succinic acid (in tablet form). An important component of energy metabolism, it is necessary to speed up the cleansing process.
  4. Alkazeltzer. Effervescent tablets in the fight against acute intoxication of the body are sold in any pharmacy.
  5. Aspirin or Paracetamol. Accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, has a positive effect on local immunity, and thins the blood.
  6. Enterosgel. Additionally, it has hepatoprotective properties and has a systemic effect in the body.

Taking medications

When deciding how to quickly get out of binge drinking without a doctor, it is important not to forget about the help of drug therapy. The first step is to carefully read the instructions for use of each medication and eliminate potential medical contraindications:

  1. Limontar. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water, add baking soda on the edge of a knife. It is advisable to take it before a meal and the question of how to get out of binge drinking will be resolved after 2 - 3 days.
  2. Glycine. It is important to take such small tablets, one 4 times a day, to quickly regain consciousness and eliminate nervous attacks. You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy without a prescription.
  3. Afobazole. This is a sedative with a maximum daily dose of 5 tablets (it even successfully treats psychosis). It is advisable to take the pills between meals; you can supplement your treatment with a relaxing bath or contrast shower.
  4. Donormil. When solving the problem of how to quickly get out of a binge without a doctor, this remedy is not suitable, since it is sold in a pharmacy strictly according to a prescription. There are contraindications and side effects.
  5. Anaprilin. This medication is necessary when blood pressure rises above 150 mm. rt. Art. and pulse from 90 beats. per minute The medicine is not compatible with alcohol, so it only intensifies the symptoms of acute intoxication of the body.
  6. Engilok. This is a complete analogue of the drug described above, which can be purchased without a prescription. To regulate blood pressure, you need to drink 1 tablet three times a day.
  7. Cavinton. This medicine is appropriate for surges in blood pressure and flushing of the face. Doctors recommend taking pills before a noisy feast in order to significantly reduce the intensity of the hangover.
  8. Gepabene. It is a hepatoprotector that can restore impaired liver functions. The drug is not harmful, you can participate in the discussion of the topic of how you can get out of binge drinking without a doctor.
  9. Essentiale Forte (Essliver Forte). Another hepatoprotector of plant origin, necessary to support liver functions. Capable of breaking down ethanol and facilitating the work of the “human filter”.
  10. Phenibut. A drug with anxiolytic activity in the form of tablets for oral administration. The recommended dose is 1 pill three times a day for 10–14 days, depending on medical indications.

Traditional methods of combating alcohol poisoning

Alternative medicine methods also provide stable positive dynamics during long-term binge drinking. They must be used in combination with official medications, but after gastric lavage against the background of digestive upset. This is a good way to recover faster and significantly reduce the list of potential health complications. Below are time-tested recipes for health:

  1. Calendula. It is necessary to prepare a decoction according to the classic recipe - 1 tbsp. l. raw materials for 1 tbsp. boiling water Infuse, strain, use instead of tea. Calendula can be replaced with chamomile; it also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Motherwort root. Grind the dried raw materials, then in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. powder pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and simmer over moderate heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Infuse, strain, take a third of a glass orally three times a day until the withdrawal syndrome completely disappears.
  3. Marigold. You need 1 tsp. crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Use the strained and slightly cooled composition instead of tea, thereby suppressing unbearable gag reflexes.
  4. It is recommended to eat a whole lemon, having previously divided it into slices. Vitamin C quickly restores vascular tone, has a positive effect on systemic blood flow and local immunity. You can replace lemons with carrot or apple juice, which is even good for a hangover.

Normalization of nutrition

It is important to know how to get out of binge drinking without a doctor, so that if necessary, you can apply such knowledge in practice. For example, you can dilute glycerin with water and take it orally or use ammonia. In addition, it is important to radically reconsider the daily diet of an alcoholic and make certain adjustments to it. Below are valuable recommendations on a given topic:

  1. As soon as the symptoms of vomiting pass, the addicted person develops a strong appetite. It is advisable to start the treatment menu with small portions of chicken broth, gradually introducing low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, whey).
  2. Among the methods of how to quickly get out of binge drinking without a doctor, it is important not to forget about the benefits of sour cabbage soup, sauerkraut, tomatoes and cucumbers. Such food ingredients must be included in the menu of an alcoholic; bread kvass is also useful.


Holidays and parties happen on occasion in every person's life. For some people, the holiday drags on for weeks. When drinking drinks for a long time, control is lost and it becomes impossible to stop. Understanding comes from feeling unwell. There is a desire to move away from binge drinking and stop drinking. What prevents you from going to a narcologist is a feeling of shame and a reluctance to advertise your weaknesses. You can break out of binge drinking at home by applying your knowledge of the problem of alcoholism.

How to get rid of binge drinking without consequences

Alcoholism is considered as a type of disease. Alcohol addiction has a psychological component. This disease is considered based on the duration of drunkenness. Chronic alcoholism is determined by the presence of characteristic signs:

  • Resistance to alcohol. Lack of intoxication, requires more alcohol to feel the effects of alcohol.
  • Constant craving for drink. Incessant thoughts about alcohol. Alcohol becomes a necessity of life.
  • Disturbances and psychological disorders after quitting alcohol.

Stages of alcoholism

Depending on the frequency of alcohol consumption and the amount drunk, the stages of alcoholism are distinguished.

Initial stage. Drinking alcohol becomes the meaning of life. The very fact of drinking has the main goal - intoxication. The amount of alcohol consumed is no longer controlled and can be in large volumes (vodka up to 400 grams). The only way to stop drinking is to eliminate alcohol altogether. There is no concept of drinking standards.

Drinking continues until the last drop. A sober attitude to drinking is not addictive. Talking about drinking shows interest and improves your mood. At this stage it is easy to quit drinking. Life is no different from normal existence. Work, family and hobbies take precedence over the desire to get drunk. But alcohol is not considered as something bad and harmful to the human body.

On the contrary, alcoholic drinks are perceived as a cure and a relief from boredom. The body does not reject large amounts of alcohol. Natural reactions are dulled. The urge to vomit is converted into the need for an additional dose of booze. The effect of ethanol is felt less and less. At this stage, drinking is not accepted as a disease and is not advertised.

Alcoholism in the first stage is hidden from friends and relatives. Each new dose is explained by the need to relax, to escape from the hardships of life. The amount of alcohol consumed is increasing. A clear sign of drunkenness is the lack of physical activity. Conversation takes precedence over actions. Changes occur in the human psyche. After drinking, problems with constructing logical expressions. There is cloudiness of consciousness.

A drunken person does not realize the need for help to get rid of it. Binge drinking is rare and it is possible to get out of it on your own without harm to health.

Second stage. The volumes of alcohol consumed exceed reasonable quantities (vodka more than half a liter per day). Sustained resistance to the effects of alcohol is replaced by a great need to increase the dose of alcohol. Long periods of heavy drinking are possible. In a sober state, fatigue and lethargy are observed. Depressive states develop. Reflections take place in the spirit of alcoholic drinks and rarely deviate from the topic.

There is a pronounced dependence on alcohol. The circle of vital interests and surrounding people narrows. Dating is dominated by people who consume alcohol, and teetotalers are blacklisted. Painful conditions provoke unbalanced behavior. Revival occurs after the first glass taken.

The presence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome helps determine this stage of alcoholism. The popular name for the syndrome is hangover. At this stage, the onset of a hangover occurs within a very short time. The desire to drown out a painful condition leads to an avalanche-like increase in alcohol consumption. Physiological manifestations of the second stage:

  • tingling in the heart;
  • manifestations of vomiting;
  • migraines;
  • shaking hands;
  • slurred speech when sober.

Third stage. Manifested by a complete lack of control over drinking alcohol. Changes in the human psyche. The behavior of an alcoholic is characterized by lies and a lack of concepts of morality and responsibility for actions. Goal number one is to find a new dose of alcohol. The meaning of life is lost, mental disorders develop from a lack of alcohol per day. The volume of drinking is unlimited and drinking continues as long as there is drink.

Sobriety is completely despised. Life rules are built around a glass of alcohol. In a sober state, there is no interest in surrounding people and circumstances. Dependence on ethanol develops at the physical level. In the absence of alcohol, painful withdrawal of the body begins. The appearance is gradually losing its human face.

There is a mental disorder in dependent individuals. There is a growing sense of danger from abstaining from alcoholic beverages. Alcoholics of the third stage have chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys and nervous system. Poor health leads to loss of orientation in space and time. There is no complete understanding of what is happening around the drug addict.

The third stage of alcoholism ends with the course of serious illnesses that do not allow drinking alcohol. In this situation, patients are not able to recover from binge drinking on their own. Drunkenness continues until the end of life and is accompanied by long binges. Vodka is a common drink among addicts due to its prevalence and low cost.

Preparatory steps for quitting binge drinking at home

A narcologist can determine how to break out of binge drinking at home. The purpose of the method includes taking into account the severity of alcoholism and its stage, and the patient’s health condition. At the same time, the type of psychological disorder is taken into account. The beginning of helping to get rid of binge drinking lies in preparatory measures. First of all, help begins with convincing the patient of the need to begin treatment.

At the same time, medications are prescribed to relieve stress in the body while limiting alcohol consumption. First of all, they put in an IV. The dropper helps relieve the effects of long-term drinking and improve physical well-being. Some chronic diseases prohibit the use of this method. Using a drip at home on your own can cause irreparable damage to your health. The use of a dropper is prescribed by a narcologist after examining the patient.

Measures to prepare the body for proper treatment:

  • Drinking large amounts of fluid helps accelerate the removal of waste products from the body. You can use diluted juices, milk, mineral water or lemon water as a liquid. At home, you should ensure a constant supply of fluid at regular intervals.
  • The use of adsorbent preparations removes the resulting secretions from internal organs.
  • The use of psychotropic substances by the patient restores normal sleep.
  • The use of aspirin thins the blood and normalizes intravenous pressure.
  • Nutrition in accordance with the patient's regimen. It has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the internal flora of the stomach and intestines. Nutrition reduces psychological stress and reduces the negative development of chronic diseases.

You should completely stop drinking alcohol. Do not quench your hangover with alcohol in the morning. It is advisable to cope with the negative consequences of alcoholism using folk remedies. Strong tea for headaches, contrast shower to normalize blood pressure. Herbal drinks before bed.

Treatment methods for binge drinking

To quickly get out of a drunken state, an effective way is to go to the clinic. The narcologist will choose an individual treatment method taking into account chronic diseases and mental state. Treatment will begin with the administration of sedatives. The beginning of recovery is a turning point and the body experiences enormous stress. At such moments, the person’s psyche may not be able to stand it and the person being examined will fall for another glass of alcohol.

Let's look at methods for quickly quitting binge drinking:

Of the considered methods of combating intoxication, a dropper is a fast-acting method. For many patients, it is enough to undergo one instillation under the supervision of a narcologist. In more advanced cases, several instillations are used. The dropper helps with disorders of the liver and kidneys. Cleansing of toxins occurs without going through the internal organs. The stomach and intestines are not affected.

Flushing preparations act directly on the blood, thinning it. This normalizes blood pressure and has a relaxing effect. After the drip, restful sleep is recommended. A person can sleep for a long time and wake up with a feeling of clarity in his head. The alkaline composition in the intestines is normalized. At the same time as dripping, you can add vitamins to restore the body.

Substances used in the dropper:

  • thiamine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • magnesium and potassium;
  • glucose;
  • sodium chloride.

Each person's body reacts to medications differently. You shouldn't make rash decisions. Incorrectly chosen substances for an IV can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. The set of medicinal substances is determined by a narcologist. The selection is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the person:

  • allergic reactions;
  • past illnesses;
  • chronic ongoing diseases;
  • physiological characteristics of the body;
  • stages of alcoholism.

Proper nutrition reduces the risk of developing diseases when you quit binge drinking. Consuming honey has a positive effect. Honey contains potassium, the replenishment of which reduces the craving for alcohol. Hangover syndrome is relieved with homemade folk medicine - “brine”. Brine is a home-made anti-binge remedy. The acid contained in the brine neutralizes substances harmful to the body.

Titova Valentina Romanovna

Binge drinking is prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages (when a person drinks constantly for 3-4 days). The body, bombarded with toxins, does not receive complete sobering, becoming more and more intoxicated. Every morning for a drinker begins with a painful hangover. To relieve an unbearable condition, a person takes another dose of alcohol.

How to get out of a vicious circle when binge drinking lasts 7 days, what to do? You can go to a specialized clinic where the poisoned body will be completely cleansed. But there are ways to overcome binge drinking yourself at home. This is what we will talk about.

Hangover syndrome leads to the development of life-threatening conditions

A drunken state (or hangover syndrome) occurs at stage 2 of alcoholism. This is a severe exacerbation when alcohol no longer brings the expected relief, but serves only as short-term support for an organism exhausted by poisons. You can understand that a person is in a drunken state by the following signs:

  1. At the sight of a new portion of alcohol, a person becomes excited.
  2. After the next dose of alcohol taken, there is no feeling of intoxication.
  3. All thoughts are focused on drinking, the person is not interested in any other problems.
  4. An alcohol addict is unable to remember the events of the previous day (memory lapses).
  5. One loses track of time and the amount of alcohol consumed (the person is not able to answer how much alcohol he has already taken and for how long).

How the body reacts

A hangover syndrome is accompanied by severe intoxication. The unhappy liver is no longer able to cope with the removal of toxins. The poison gradually spreads throughout the body.

The hangover syndrome in addicted people is fundamentally different from the hangover state in healthy individuals.

The whole range of unpleasant sensations experienced by addicted people every morning leaves an imprint on their health:

  • blood vessels are destroyed;
  • the liver suffers greatly;
  • the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted;
  • problems arise in cardiac activity;
  • changes occur in the functioning of the brain.

A chronic drinker never admits that he is sick and in need of help. Alcohol dulls the sensations of your own body, which frantically signal trouble. And such signals are very noticeable; a loved one can notice them by asking the addict about how he feels:

Pain in the lumbar region. This is a signal of kidney problems. In chronic alcoholics, such pain sometimes reaches critical levels, leading sufferers to suicide attempts.

Signs of alcoholism

Headache. This syndrome is a consequence of the destruction of blood vessels in brain cells under the influence of ethanol molecules. Blood vessels in the brain develop blood clots, which often leads to stroke. Gradually, entire sections of the brain begin to die off in a drunkard, causing death.

Trouble swallowing saliva. This is a signal from the thyroid gland suffering from poisons. If a drinker has difficulty swallowing, he needs a thorough check of all organs of the endocrine system. The problem is confirmed by growing weakness, weight loss and high fatigue.

Painful urination. In this case, we can talk about awakened kidney stones or the development of cystitis. A constant companion of a binge alcoholic is a nagging pain that is noted on the right side. This sign is an alarming signal about the onset of liver cirrhosis.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Types of hangover syndrome

Narcologists and psychiatrists distinguish two types of hangover syndrome. Let's characterize them:

Pseudo-binge. The most common form of drunkenness. It is characterized by a more adequate perception of reality by the drinking personality. A person can drink every weekend and then go to work without forgetting about his responsibilities. Or the individual has a significant factor-reason for drinking: a holiday, grief.

True binge. This type of hangover syndrome is much more acute and severe. Being in a state of true binge drinking, a person can no longer take a break from alcohol on his own. There is an absolute dependence of the individual on alcohol. A severe withdrawal syndrome develops, and the obligatory hangover does not bring satisfaction.

How to quit binge drinking at home

When starting to get out of a drunken state on your own, be prepared that the person will feel very bad in the coming days. To keep discomfort to a minimum, make sure you have the following essentials in your home:

Medicines. To get out of binge drinking at home, you need some pharmaceutical products. Without their use, it is impossible to cope with binge drinking. To maximally neutralize the destructive effects of alcohol on the body, powerful therapy is needed, including the following types of medications:

  1. Sorbents that help cleanse the body of toxins and alcohol breakdown products. The simplest and most effective sorbent is activated carbon. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. But it is not recommended to use charcoal for more than 2-3 days, otherwise beneficial substances will begin to be washed out of the body. In addition to coal, you can use Essentiale Forte, Polyphepan, Mezim, Enterosgel.
  2. The stress that will accompany the body when fighting binge drinking will affect the condition of the heart. Stock up on Valocordin, Corvalol or Panangin.
  3. Painkillers that can be used to relieve pain in the joints, head, aches, and tremors. Aspirin or No-spa will help.
  4. To improve digestion, replenish your home medicine cabinet with products that restore intestinal motility. These are Festal, Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Penzital.
  5. Mild sleeping pills: Melaxen, Donormil, Novo-Passit, Persen-Forte. Such sedatives will improve night and daytime sleep.
  6. If you plan to break out of binge drinking over a long period of time, you can follow the advice of doctors and arm yourself with: Clonidine (the drug lowers blood pressure, has a calming effect and stops tremors of the limbs). Tiapride (a neuroleptic that removes alcohol aggression) or Carbamazepine (removes convulsions and helps remove waste products from the body) will help cope with binge drinking.
  7. Vitamin complexes. Necessary for calming and restoring the nervous system, regenerating memory and thought processes. When choosing a suitable complex, please note that it must contain ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

Important Products. To understand how to get out of binge drinking on your own, you should seek advice from our elders. Our ancestors successfully used products that help relieve hangovers and restore strength. These are brines, pickles, lemon, fermented milk products, apples. Cook more meat (preferably beef) broth.

According to narcologists, getting rid of a drunken state at home, surrounded by family and friends, is much more successful than in a clinic.

There are two ways to say goodbye to a destructive condition and cleanse your body of toxins. Choose the one most suitable for your case.

Quick method

This method is suitable for people who have enough strength and will to stop drinking alcohol and restore the body. In this case, the patient’s relatives will help to quickly get out of the binge with their moral support.

A quick exit from binge drinking is dangerous due to its severe consequences for the psyche of a drunkard. Before adopting this method, evaluate all the pros and cons.

To achieve your goal and quit binge drinking in 1 day, you need to adhere to one main rule: detoxify at the same time as protect against dehydration. To put it simply, along with taking supplements, a person will have to drink a lot:

  • on the first day of the fight it is better to stick to simple non-carbonated mineral water;
  • on the second day, the drinking diet can be diversified with fruit drinks, juices, and weak tea with lemon (green or black).

Morning. The most stressful time is when the addicted person feels the worst and reaches out to recover from the hangover. It is strictly forbidden to help the body by taking even low-alcohol drinks. You will have to be patient and drown out the desire with brine or mineral water in the amount of 1-1.5 liters.

Consequences of long-term alcohol consumption for the body

Then take a couple of tablets of activated carbon and some additional sorbent. After 15-20 minutes, drink the cordial. Now I have to force myself to eat a little. Meat broth, a piece of bread, tea. Then go to the bath and invigorate your body with a contrast shower.

According to psychologists, the most difficult time is leisure. Here family and friends will come to the rescue. A person coming out of a binge should definitely be constantly distracted by something from the idea of ​​drinking alcohol.

Dinner. Lunch time begins with taking the same medications (sorbents). Now you need to measure your blood pressure. If the indicators are normal, this is very good. This means that the body has started recovery processes. At lunch you should eat well: broth, bread, sauerkraut, tea with lemon or water.

During the entire process of breaking out of binge drinking, you should drink as much as possible. The liquid helps cleanse the body of breakdown products of alcohols and toxins.. After lunch, try to get some sleep (sleeping pills will help you fall asleep).

Evening. The next intake of sorbents is in the evening (after 17-18 hours). By this time, a good appetite is usually developed. But don’t load your body with heavy, fried, fatty foods just yet. The liver has not yet come out of the stressful state and still requires rest.

Have dinner with the usual dishes that you ate for lunch, take a warm bath and go to rest, taking a sleeping pill. Tomorrow will be easier. The next day will not differ from the regime of the first day. But my health has already improved noticeably.

Consequences of alcohol poisoning

Move more, go for a walk and be sure to get a good and full night's sleep. The next 24 hours are dangerous due to emotional disturbances. A person may experience depression, panic, and anxiety.

Such sensations are quite predictable and can be easily relieved by taking antidepressants and mild sedatives. But please note that sedatives should be in tablet form, and not in the form of an alcohol solution.

How to get out of binge drinking quickly, personal advice from people who have encountered a similar condition will help you get through this path with the least amount of emotional loss:

  1. Take a cool shower every hour. If a person who is on a drinking binge is unable to move, sit him in a bathtub and run a stream of water from his neck down his body.
  2. The best food for the time of recovery from binge drinking is rich beef broth. Eat it as often as possible.
  3. Natural honey is an excellent helper. You should eat a teaspoon every 20-25 minutes (honey can be diluted with milk). In total, you are allowed to eat up to 6-7 servings of honey per day.
  4. Use decoctions of medicinal herbs. The most suitable option is chamomile tea.
  5. The basis of any therapy is sound sleep. When coming out of a binge, it is important to sleep a lot, until you feel that you are no longer able to lie with your eyes closed. Mild sleeping pills will help you get enough sleep.

The main task of the process of recovering from a hangover syndrome is to instill in a person the idea that something pleasant can be obtained not only with the help of alcohol. You need to learn to see and receive satisfaction from other activities. Only then the body itself will begin to perceive alcohol as poison and poison.

Lingering method

The method of long-term relief from hangover syndrome is based on a gradual reduction in the dose of alcohol consumed. The entire period of recovery from a drunken state with a long-term method should not exceed 15-20 days.

The main thing in this method is the development of a competent, nutritious diet with mandatory regular intake of vitamins. Thanks to this, the body will gradually restore physical strength and protective functions.

During this period, drinking alcoholic beverages is permitted, but only if the person experiences severe painful symptoms. For a short time (1-3 days) it is recommended to completely deprive the addict of alcohol. During this period, withdrawal symptoms and an indomitable thirst to drink may occur.

But you will have to endure to the limit of your own capabilities. Each new break gets longer. Don’t forget to take recommended medications and products that help in the fight for health..

Classification of stages of alcoholism

To understand how to get out of binge drinking correctly, you should pay attention to personality psychology. It is very important to keep a person busy during this time. This will help prevent the development of depressive conditions. Be sure to remove from the apartment everything that reminds you of drinking: bottles, glasses, wine glasses, cut glasses.

How long does it take to rehabilitate?

It is impossible to predict the timing of complete recovery from hangover syndrome. How quickly a person returns to the outside world and sober life depends on the following factors:

  1. Duration of drinking. The longer the period of heavy drinking, the more difficult it is for a person to return to sobriety.
  2. Alcohol quality. Getting out of a hangover after first-class alcohol is much easier and faster than cleansing the body after counterfeit alcohol of poor quality.
  3. Existing diseases. Getting rid of a hangover is complicated by the presence of any chronic illnesses.

The hardest, most terrible time when fighting binge drinking is the first 2-3 days. It is at this time that breakdowns often occur, severe painful reactions and aggressive behavior are observed. But the game is worth the candle. After all, a drunken state leads to complete physical and degradative destruction, and in the worst cases, to the death of a person.

The question of how to get out of binge drinking as quickly and painlessly as possible usually concerns people with alcohol addiction. Less often, it interests people after severe stress or tragedy.

If drinking alcohol continues for more than two days, then it is better to take action immediately. The longer the binge lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it.

Why can't you suddenly stop drinking?

Alcohol has similar effects to drugs. It affects the parts of the brain that are responsible for states of euphoria and joy. It is very difficult for a person who is in a heavy, long-term binge to get out of it at home, and a quick way out is completely impossible. The consequences of even a week-long binge are gradually eliminated.

A sharp refusal causes a “breaking” effect. The body, when trying to get out of a binge, will with great force demand another portion in order to return to a relaxed state.

Withdrawal syndrome is manifested by headache, tremor, nausea, vomiting, etc. Getting rid of it will be the main task when trying to quit the binge.

How many come out of binge drinking?

It is impossible to immediately determine how long it will take to come out of a deep binge on your own at home. The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the following factors:

  • duration of drinking;
  • amount of alcohol consumed;
  • quality of alcohol;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • method used to remove the patient.

After a long binge, withdrawal symptoms persist for up to 6 days. It is very difficult to break away from binge drinking. In especially dangerous cases, delirium tremens cannot be avoided. It is impossible to get a person out of binge drinking in a day.

How to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol?

If the patient has made a firm decision to quickly get out of a long-term binge and wants to alleviate his condition, then perform the following actions:

  1. Buy 1 bottle of high quality alcoholic drink. Take a glass or glass with a capacity of 30 ml. Large containers cannot be used to break the binge.
  2. Cook a thick broth from beef or chicken. Sandwiches are prepared with butter, with sausage and lard placed on top. The food should be very fatty so that the fat can coat the walls of the stomach and prevent the absorption of alcohol.
  3. They include an interesting film, or better yet a TV series. The main thing is that there is no desire to break away from it. This will help you get out of the binge faster.
  4. Once every 1.5-2.5 hours, drink 1 glass of alcoholic drink, snacking on fatty foods. To get out of a binge, you need to have a snack in any case, even if you say “I can’t.” The second glass is taken at a shorter interval - 10 minutes. In other cases, the time is strictly observed.

In this way, drink no more than 0.5 liters of drink per day. The patient provides the body with small doses of alcohol. On the second day he will wake up without a severe headache or desire to drink. After this stage, it is easier to get out of the binge and now they begin to cleanse the body.

So that the patient does not feel tempted and everything works out correctly, there should be no more alcohol at home. During the day, take drinks that quench thirst well and restore water balance, for example, mineral water, kvass, juice or homemade infusions. To get out of a binge, after waking up the next day, a person should immediately drink a glass of clean water or kefir.

Important. The same type of alcohol is consumed all day. Mixing is not allowed!

How to get out of a long drinking binge?

If you have been drinking for a week or more, then the time to recover from binge drinking using home methods increases significantly. After sleep, a person should drink about 0.5 liters of brine or alkaline mineral water. This will replenish the lack of moisture in the body and activate the liver.

After drinking plenty of water, take 7 tablets activated carbon. What medications will replace it:

They will help the liver cope with the load and draw alcohol out of the body, minimizing the unpleasant consequences of trying to break out of binge drinking. After taking medications, eat fatty pork or beef broth.

If the patient has stomach problems, then the soup is made from chicken. In addition to meat, carrots and onions are added to it. They cannot be fried. The broth is eaten with breadcrumbs. For a daytime meal while trying to get out of binge drinking, the patient can prepare himself an omelet, slimy porridge and salad and vegetables. After lunch, drink green tea with lemon slices.

A couple of hours after the first dose of medication, it is advisable to drink "Essentiale Forte" or "Mezim." The first helps the liver, and the second the stomach when trying to get out of binge drinking. After 4 hours they take it again activated carbon.

Essentiale Forte

To get rid of hand tremors and headaches after drinking, drink "Noshpu" or "Analgin" but maximum 2 times a day. For insomnia during recovery, take Donormil. It can be consumed no earlier than 12 hours after the last drink.




Daily routine

The main conditions for a smooth independent exit from binge drinking are sleep, rest, drinking plenty of fluids and proper nutrition. After eating and taking hangover pills, you should sleep or watch TV.

Exercises and long walks after long binges are prohibited. On the first day, the body must restore strength in order to quickly get out of the binge.

TV will distract you from the thought of alcohol and push the desire for a hangover into the background. The patient should try not to smoke at least until 8 pm on the first day. You can remove the anxiety and nervousness that arises during any attempt to quit binge drinking. decoction of valerian roots. Alcohol infusions are contraindicated, as they can provoke a breakdown.

Will help you relax and get out of binge drinking baths With chamomile or mint. After completing the procedure, drink herbal tea With honey. You cannot refuse meals. They increase the metabolic rate and help remove harmful substances from the body.

Valerian root


Herbal tea with honey

The rehabilitation course is carried out until the patient returns to normal. When you manage to get out of the binge, gradually add regular food and physical activity.

How to get out of a short-term binge?

It’s much easier to come out of a four-day binge than after drinking for 2 weeks. It doesn’t matter whether it’s beer or regular. This method will help a person who is trying to get out of binge drinking at the initial stage. Before this, some preparation is carried out:

  • buy activated carbon, analgin and medicines for the liver and stomach;
  • provide a supply of milk, honey, mineral water, brine and rich meat broth;
  • stop drinking alcohol in the evening of the previous day and do not resort to a beer hangover.

In the morning after drinking, while trying to get out of the binge, the patient should drink 1.5 liters of prepared liquid and take 2 tablets of activated carbon. If necessary, take analgin and other medications.

The patient should eat fatty broth with bread. The whole day is spent doing something exciting, but not tiring: reading, watching movies, etc. We don't go outside yet.

In the middle of the day, in order to relieve a hangover painlessly, they repeat the procedure for taking medications, after which they have a hearty lunch. Still you need to drink a lot of liquid, for example, warm milk with honey and fruit juices.

Folk remedies for getting out of binge drinking with the help of infusions are also relevant. The patient should move a lot, for example, go for a walk. In the evening he drinks activated angle again, has dinner and takes a shower. The next morning, the charcoal intake is repeated.

How to quit binge drinking at home

  1. Ammonia. Add 4 drops of ammonia to a glass of water. Taking the solution helps a person return to normal and get out of binge drinking. Afterwards, it is recommended to take a cool shower. The method is not suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Inducing vomiting. To rid the patient's body of toxic substances, vomiting is provoked with two fingers. To get out of binge drinking, they are inserted into the patient’s mouth to irritate the receptors. The best effect is observed if you drink the solution beforehand. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a glass of water.
  3. Enema. Against the background of stages 2-3 of alcoholism, you can do cleansing enemas using herbal infusions. To prepare chamomile, pour 2 tablespoons of the flower into a glass of boiling water.
  4. Rosehip infusion. 150 grams of fruits are placed in a thermos and filled with cooled boiled water. After half a day, the liquid will absorb the beneficial substances from the rose hips. To relieve a hangover, you need to drink up to 2 liters of infusion per day.
  5. Lemon drink. 3 lemons are cut together with the skin and poured with 1 liter of cold water. The mixture is put on fire and boiled for 30 minutes. To gradually get out of a long drinking binge, drink the drink throughout the day.
  6. Solution with glycerin. You can buy glycerin and distilled water inexpensively at the pharmacy. To prepare the composition, they are taken in a ratio of 1:2. It is taken 50 ml three times a day. Helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms.


Is it possible to stop drinking without the person’s knowledge?

It is almost impossible to help an alcoholic without his knowledge. Of great importance during treatment will be the desire of the man or woman himself to quit the binge.

To help and guide the patient to the right thought, family members should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not make a scandal or swear, as a person in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication is not responsible for his actions. It doesn’t matter if they help a mother, a husband, or another loved one get out of binge drinking.
  2. Help provide the patient with adequate sleep conditions. Having slept, he will respond more adequately to help.
  3. Manipulations to get out of a protracted binge should be carried out when symptoms of a hangover appear. These include increased heart rate, weakness, and the search for a new dose.

To better understand the situation, you can visit websites where patients share their personal experiences. Other information resources are also suitable, for example, Alcosaurus.

When should you see a doctor?

When a person suffers from alcohol addiction and goes on a classic binge, withdrawal from heavy drinking at home often turns out to be ineffective.

If the binge lasts 7 days, what remains to be done - contact specialists for treatment in a hospital for free. This method is also used when the patient has pain in the heart and stomach and the amount of alcohol consumed is more than 1 liter per day. In case of severe pain, call a doctor urgently.

First, detoxification and infusion therapy are carried out in the hospital to get rid of binge drinking. The first manipulation is designed to rid the body of toxins, and the second from dehydration. All these tasks will be completed installation of a drip with glucose, diazepam and vitamin B1. Sometimes they give Popov's mixture- a product consisting of alcohol and sleeping pills. It helps to get out of binge drinking in particularly difficult cases.



Vitamin B1

The selection of the following treatment methods occurs with medication and is determined individually. Treatment drugs are used from the following groups:

  • vitamins;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropic;
  • psychotropic;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • cardioprotectors;
  • diuretics.
  1. It is strictly prohibited to have a hangover in order to get out of a binge. Many patients are tormented by the question of whether they need a hangover when coming out of a binge. Although the method temporarily relieves the painful symptoms and becomes easy, the desire to drink still returns. As a result, a hangover after a binge leads to the fact that the body continues to be poisoned, and the person continues to drink alcohol.
  2. In the first few days of withdrawal from binge drinking, you should not take a contrast shower or engage in physical activity. The body already works in an intense mode, and the additional load when trying to get out of binge drinking can provoke irreversible consequences.
  3. Traditional sedatives can be harmful. Taking Valocardine, Corvalol and other medications is prohibited.
  4. When trying to quit binge drinking, you should not take psychoactive substances without a prescription from a specialist. During withdrawal symptoms, the body's reaction to such drugs should be monitored by physicians.
  5. Before leaving the binge, it is better for the patient to prepare. 1 day or several before this event, the body is given minimal doses of alcohol. To do this, you can dilute alcoholic drinks with water. The taste will let the brain know that a full dose is being taken, and at this time the concentration of alcohol in the blood will gradually decrease.

Hello friends! And all those who came here for the first time, hoping to find sobriety. The New Year holidays are coming to an end, it’s good if during these days you managed to relax and gain strength for the whole year.

But, for sure, some of you have never parted with the bottle; moreover, you cannot get out of a multi-day binge on your own.

Actually, this is what I wanted to talk about today (or rather, not me... I just took a recommendation on one of the sites from the comments and corrected it a little), I think that everything said below will help you somehow minimize the health losses associated with overdoing it during the holidays...

Personal experience of quickly recovering from binge drinking at home

The last time I came out on my own almost at home, without outside help, so my case may help those who have been drinking for more than a week.

It means that now and while you can still move, you need to force yourself to get to the nearest pharmacy and buy powders and tablets there. Still crawl to the store and buy legs, chicken or bouillon cubes to cook chicken broth.

Reducing the dose after binge drinking

Do not try to suddenly stop drinking after many days of drinking. Try to reduce the dose and drink no more than a glass at a time, be sure to have a snack before giving up alcohol completely. It would be better if they were strong drinks. Beer and wine are unlikely to help. If you can reduce your daily intake to 300 grams, that will be good.

Medications for detoxification

At the same time, start taking the purchased medications to help you stop drinking.

First in line is Limontar. One tablet per glass of water, you can also add baking soda to it on the edge of a knife). Drink before meals while you can eat.

Then "Glycine". Take 4 times a day. Relieves headaches and restores consciousness.

You need to start drinking all this at the same time you start reducing the dose of alcohol you take.

As soon as the dose is reduced, that’s it - we give up alcohol in the evening! Next begins the most difficult stage, since on the first night of refusal, you need to fall asleep.

It’s great if you have Phenazepam, although you can’t buy it openly, but active alcoholics always have it, but if not, then Donormil, although it may not be sold at the pharmacy. Then any sedative, like Afobozol, or for quick sleep, which is available in the pharmacy, you just need to drink about 5 tablets.

Pressure! This is the most important point. It is necessary for someone to measure it, and if it rises above 150, and the pulse is more than 90, take Anaprilin (Indap, Egilok). Keep in mind that alcohol is contraindicated when taking these pills!!!

Sleeping after a binge

Try to sleep! Even if it doesn't work out...

The hardest first day... No stress... If the stomach can accept food, we eat. Just nothing sweet, spicy, or fatty; in small portions several times a day.

Now your liver and stomach are overloaded, do not overload them. It is best to eat broth from the chicken offal that you bought in advance. Drink salted mineral water, releasing gases from it. You shouldn’t drink a lot, your kidneys can’t handle it yet and the liquid can cause high blood pressure. Continue taking your medications.

“Glycine” - three times, “Asparkam” two tablets twice a day, you can “Cavinton” if you feel like your brain is exploding from the rush of blood, “Aspirin” once and “Limontar” three times a day. Essential Forte or Hepa Merz are very helpful for the liver. To calm the state of mind - Phenibut twice a day.

Of course, now even a minimal amount of alcohol can greatly alleviate the condition of an alcoholic, and some advise diluting a little vodka with water and drinking, but this can simply be replaced with kvass, kefir, ayran, because after taking the pills, alcohol is no longer allowed.

Lie down more, sleep if possible, without stress, now everything should be quiet, calm and measured, and without sedatives you definitely won’t fall asleep today. Watch your blood pressure.

The next days of quitting binge drinking at home

Second day.

Drink, eat and take everything the same as yesterday. If you're tired of the broth, steam some food if you can.

Monitor the pressure and, if it rises, knock it down with tablets. Start getting back to real life: watch TV, movies, listen to your favorite music, and so on.

On the third day

continue to take medications and eat broths. If your stomach digests food normally, you can eat some dumplings or boiled meat. Today you can occupy yourself with something, for example, wash and clean the house. This is important after a binge.

It's still important to sleep. If you don't sleep these days, you will have hallucinations. You’ve eaten, cleaned up, and want to sleep—go straight to bed and sleep. Even one or two hours of sleep during the day is a victory. Of course, Phenazepam helps best...

Fourth day

It should bring relief. If the tremors in your hands continue, a feeling of guilt sets in, and your body feels weak, continue taking the pills. Today you can eat well and load yourself with housework, but do not forget to monitor your general condition, pulse and blood pressure. Drink more water.

The remaining days of recovery from binge drinking

In the next days, it will become much easier, and you will be able to choose your own daily routine. I felt better after eleven days, when my body started working as it should....

I will add on my own behalf.

Although there is a rational grain in this, everything described above is not a call to action. In any case, consultation with a specialist is required. Quitting binge drinking at home can end in disaster without outside help or medical help.. Any sane doctor will tell you this.

Binge drinking - discord! Such recommendations may help if you have been drinking for a short time, stand on your feet a little longer and move around the apartment, but are absolutely contraindicated for those who, after a long binge, lie down and cannot even crawl to the toilet.

The only way out is to call a doctor or team and urgent hospitalization in a drug treatment center. In this case, there can be no talk of any independent treatment!!!

Remember this, stop drinking so you don’t have to break out of your drinking bout at home, and live long!

Good sobriety and health to everyone!



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