Cheap for sore throat. Good medicine for sore throat: review of the best drugs

The pharmacy assortment of drugs for sore throat is saturated with drugs that differ not only in dosage forms and effect, but also in price range. It is difficult to understand this diversity. How to choose an effective and cheap remedy from the throat, let's figure it out.

Review of inexpensive pharmacy products

To choose an effective drug, you first need to establish the causes of a sore throat. Only a doctor can do this.

Incorrect treatment, especially at the initial stage, can increase pain and lead to complications. And, as you know, the more severe the form of the disease, the more expensive the treatment.

All the medications proposed in our article have an anti-inflammatory effect; in addition to the anesthetic, they contain antibacterial components.

Throat lozenges and lozenges

  • Grammidin

Contains: cetylridinium chloride, gramicidin C.

Daily dose: adults – up to 8 pcs., children under 12 years old – 3 pcs.

Treatment lasts 5-6 days.

Contraindicated in breastfeeding and sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Minimum cost: 195 rubles.

  • Strepsils

Active ingredients: dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol.

Minimum price: 144 rubles.

The greatest effect from uses of Strepsils noticeable in mild forms of the disease or in combination with other drugs.

Sprays for sore throat

  • Kameton

Contains: chlorobutanol hydrate, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil.

The throat is irrigated 4 times a day.

Despite the simplicity of the composition, the drug is prohibited for use by children under 5 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Minimum price: 35 rubles.

  • Stopangin

Active ingredients: hexetidine, herbal essential oils, levomenthol.

The spray is used three times a day with at least 4-hour breaks. The duration of treatment is 1 week.

Prohibited for use in case of pharyngitis, children under 8 years of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding and intolerance to the components of the aerosol.

Minimum price: 175 rubles.

  • Bioparox

Contains fusafungine.

The drug acts locally. Apply 4 throat irrigations for 7 days.

Contraindicated in individual intolerance fusafungine, children under 3 years of age, allergy sufferers.

Minimum price: 240 rubles.

Bioparox is indispensable for serious illnesses throat. Being an antibiotic local action, it not only relieves pain, but also fights inflammation. The result of the treatment can be seen within 2 days after the first application.

For mild forms of throat diseases, it is not advisable to use an antibiotic.

Gargling solutions

Active ingredients: calendula, chamomile, yarrow.

Minimum price: 26 rubles.

  • Propolis tincture

Forty drops of a 10% solution should be diluted with a cup of water and gargled twice a day.

Minimum price: 21 rubles.

  • Tantum Verde

Active substance: benzydamine hydrochloride.

One tablespoon of the drug is added to a glass of warm water. Rinsing is recommended every 2-3 hours.

The solution is contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age, as well as in those with intolerance to the components.

Minimum price: 254 rubles.

On early stages illness or for mild forms of rinsing based on herbal ingredients- An effective remedy for sore throat. If treatment is started untimely, solutions are used in combination with other drugs.


  • Faringosept

Contains: ambazon.

Prescribe 4-5 pieces. per day. Treatment lasts 3-4 days.

Do not use if you are intolerant to the substances included in the composition.

Minimum price: 106 rubles.

  • Imudon

Contains: lysates of microorganisms.

Dosage depends on age. People over 14 years old are allowed no more than 8 pieces. per day. Children from 3 to 14 years old - no more than 6. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Cannot be taken if you are sick immune system, as well as children under 3 years of age.

Minimum price: 375 rubles.

  • Falimint

Active substance: acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

It is allowed to take 3-5 tablets per day.

Cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Minimum price: 179 rubles.

The presented tablets are effective, but the result of their action will appear later than, for example, when using sprays. Therefore, when acute pain in the throat they are unlikely to be an emergency treatment.

5 cheap folk remedies for sore throat

Recipes traditional medicine They are always inexpensive, and in some cases they may be a priority not only in price, but also in terms of effectiveness.

With the onset of cold weather, almost everyone suffers from colds. In this regard, everyone is interested in what helps with a sore throat. Fortunately, the condition can be alleviated with both medication and folk remedies. However, you should not equate the elimination of pain with a complete cure.

Main reasons

When looking for a solution that helps with a sore throat, you first need to understand the causes of the ailment. They may be as follows:

  • viral infection or pathogenic bacteria;
  • allergies to food, medications, household chemicals or other substances;
  • irritation (may be caused by tobacco smoke, evaporation, etc.);
  • indoor air is too dry;
  • laryngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis and other diseases;
  • fungal infection.

What medications help with sore throat

When there is no time to “catch” a cold and get treatment grandma's methods, come to the rescue medicines. So, for a sore throat, the following medications work well:

  • Yox spray has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. This is due to increased content iodine in its composition.
  • Givalex copes well with pathogenic microbes.
  • The main advantage of Ingalipt is the large amount natural ingredients in the composition. It can be used both to prevent colds and to treat sore throat at the initial stage.
  • If a sore throat is accompanied by other signs of a cold, it is recommended to take Coldrex, Anvi-Max, Tera-Flu and other drinks. They make it easier general condition, and also relieve swelling and inflammation of the larynx.
  • Such rinsing compounds as Chlorhexidine and Hexoral quickly kill germs and bacteria.
  • If you have a sore throat, tablets help temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. The most popular are Strepsils, Septolete, Faringosept, Falimint.

Folk remedies

Taking medications is not advisable without first consulting a doctor. But not always modern man there is time to go to the hospital. That is why more and more people are resorting to folk recipes:

  • Honey almost always helps with a sore throat. The main thing is that you are not allergic to this product. So, if they appeared discomfort, you need to suck on a teaspoon or dissolve it in water and drink in small sips.
  • Garlic is considered. You need to squeeze the juice out of two cloves and heat it. Now dilute a little honey in the resulting liquid. This composition should be drunk an hour after each meal.
  • To remove from the throat excess mucus And purulent discharge, requires regular rinsing. A regular one works well for this. baking soda. You can also use herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, sage, violet, plantain, lemon balm and others).
  • Make a concentrated soap solution in warm water. Soak gauze or bandage in it, squeeze it well and apply it to your throat. Next, apply polyethylene and wrap a scarf around your neck.

accompanied by cough

Significantly aggravates the problem when the throat hurts and coughs. Gentle treatment does not help, because the mucous membrane is constantly in an irritated state. The first thing to do in this case is regularly. Decoctions of chamomile, sage or calendula are best suited. However, you should not delay going to the doctor. And especially if we're talking about about dry cough. In this case, stagnation of sputum can lead to more serious consequences due to the proliferation of bacteria in mucus.

As emergency assistance The doctor may prescribe dextromethorphan. This remedy not only helps relieve a sore throat, but also suppresses a cough. In combination with it, it can be prescribed antihistamine(for example, "Diazolin"). If the disease is accompanied by pulmonary spasms, taking Ephedrine is recommended.

It is worth noting that wet cough is no less alarming symptom than dry, which is often accompanied by pain and wheezing in the chest area. An abundance of mucus can provoke pneumonia, and therefore treatment should be aimed at removing it from the body. Thermopsis, marshmallow or licorice perform this function well. They can be used in the form of syrup, tablets or decoctions.

Treatment of sore throat in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the question of what works well for a sore throat is especially acute. The fact is that almost all medicines, including cold medicines, are prohibited for expectant mothers. However, for 9 months it is quite difficult to protect yourself from a sore throat. Naturally, this symptom cannot be ignored, so as not to aggravate the problem. You should immediately consult your doctor, who may recommend the following methods:

  • constant rinsing with sea ​​salt, soda or eucalyptus;
  • on later it is permissible to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures (for example, laser therapy);
  • in some cases, it is possible to use furatsilin;
  • warm drink with lemon and honey.

Treatment of sore throat in children

In no case should it be brought to such a state when the child is one month old. Nothing helps a young body recover if the treatment is chosen incorrectly. Of course, it is better to immediately take the baby to a pediatrician, who will prescribe the right drugs in accordance with the diagnosis.

If the unpleasant symptoms are not very pronounced (or for some reason you have to postpone a visit to the doctor), there are a number of methods home treatment sore throat. So, the following remedies help children well:

  • warm drink with chamomile, linden, raspberry, lemon and honey (all these products have a pronounced diaphoretic effect);
  • It is recommended to give the baby a rosehip decoction several times a day (to increase immunity);
  • gargling with chamomile or eucalyptus decoction (it is also acceptable to use such pharmaceutical products, like "Rotokan" and "Chlorophyllipt");
  • from the age of three it is permissible to use antiseptic sprays (Tantum-Verde, Ingalipt, etc.);
  • steam inhalations for herbal infusions or essential oils.

During a cold, many children refuse to eat. Under no circumstances should you force feed them. The body should direct energy to fight the disease, and not to process food. And to support vitality child, it's worth giving him light food, rich in vitamins- fruits, fermented milk products, meat broths.

Emergency measures

The first question that comes to mind is “What will help with a sore throat quickly?” So, the following measures best help relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • suck special lollipops;
  • you can eat some warm fatty broth;
  • as an emergency, you can use an anesthetic;
  • it can alleviate the condition of the soul for a while (the water should not be too hot so as not to provoke complications);
  • will help soften your throat warm water, preferably with honey (you need to drink in small sips);
  • try to talk as little as possible.

Is self-medication always enough?

A cold is such a common thing that many people prefer to look for a remedy for a sore throat on their own. However, it is not always possible to do without medical care. So, following signs are reasons to go to the hospital:

  • I’ve had a sore throat for a week, nothing helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms;
  • absence of other usual signs of a cold (sneezing, runny nose, cough);
  • elevated temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • severe redness of the throat;
  • the presence of scarlet spots on the neck;
  • white spots on the tongue and tonsils;
  • pain in the spleen area.

Are antibiotics needed?

If your throat hurts for a month and nothing helps, then most likely folk methods and gentle medications will not help. Here we may be talking about bacterial sore throat, the treatment of which involves taking antibiotics. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • increased body temperature, which cannot be brought down with the usual antipyretics;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • enlargement of the tonsils and the appearance of plaque on them;
  • soreness not only in the throat, but also in the jaw and ear area.

Popular antibiotics

Antibiotics help with sore throats that are caused by bacteria, viruses, or infections. So, the most common means are:

  • "Amoxicillin" is synthetic drug, which fights a wide range of bacteria, causing virtually no side effects. The main advantage of this product is its resistance to gastric juice, which significantly prolongs the effect of the drug.
  • "Ampicillin" - fights streptococci and staphylococci. It can even be used to treat children starting from 2 months. But for allergy sufferers and people suffering renal failure, this remedy is strictly contraindicated.
  • "Ceftriaxone" is one of the most strong antibiotics, which copes with diseases even in severe and advanced forms. However, it has a significant drawback, which manifests itself in large quantities side effects ( headache, nausea, stool upset, dizziness).
  • "Cefadroxyl" is a gentle remedy that is used on initial stages diseases. Thanks to rapid absorption, relief occurs within 12 hours.
  • "Erythromycin" is gentle antibacterial agent, which is fused to fight staphylococcus. Thanks to low level toxicity, this antibiotic is sometimes prescribed to pregnant women.
  • "Sumamed" is an effective prolonging drug that eliminates not only unpleasant symptoms, but also the causes of the disease in 3-5 days. Works well in the treatment of advanced and chronic forms diseases. Can be used to treat children from 6 months.

Preventive measures

So that you do not have to look for a solution to help with a sore throat, do not forget about prevention. To prevent your body from catching colds, follow these recommendations:

  • The body can successfully resist diseases only if you give it the opportunity good rest. So, you need to sleep 8 hours a day (and in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of catching a cold is highest - up to 13 hours). If you can't fully rest at night, do it during the day.
  • Wash your hands as often as possible. This should be done every time after going outside, before eating, and also after visiting the toilet. It is recommended to always have a special disinfectant in case you want to grab a bite to eat in a public place.
  • Drink as much fluid as possible. This helps not only maintain but also remove toxins from the body.
  • Take a shower in the morning and evening. This not only helps cleanse the body of impurities, but also gives tone.
  • Warp strong immunity- This sufficient quantity vitamin C in the body. It can be consumed both in tablet form and with meals (citrus fruits, raspberries, etc.).
  • Garlic is a natural antibiotic, and therefore it is eaten not only for prevention, but also for treatment. colds. It can be used as pure form, and adding it to dishes or drinks.

What not to eat if you have a sore throat

It's important to know not only what helps a sore throat, but also which foods can make the problem worse. So, you should not use the following:

  • Milk and products containing it (ice cream, butter, sour cream and others) can provoke increased mucus production. It not only provokes a cough, but is also a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.
  • Limit your intake confectionery and fruits. Sugar and acid are very irritating to the throat.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures. Cold food and drinking can make your cold worse. Hot foods can provoke the development purulent sore throat. Everything should be warm.


A cold is such a common occurrence that many people do not take a sore throat and its other symptoms seriously. However, in order not to let things go serious complications, it is important to see a doctor immediately for timely treatment. Also, do not forget about folk recipes.

1 year ago

If your throat hurts, it is impossible to think about anything else, it seems as if thousands of needles are piercing it, swallowing saliva turns into torture. Local drugs come to the rescue. To choose at a critical moment the right remedy, we suggest you find out what really helps with a sore throat.

The price of the issue: how to remove pain without overpaying

IN pharmacy assortment There are cheap tablets for sore throat that eliminate inflammation, quickly relieve pain, soreness and promote faster healing mucous membrane.

List of tablets for sore throat with pronounced action and budget price includes medications that are based on both synthetic and herbal components. Here's what inexpensive drugs for sore throat can be used for sore throat, laryngitis, colds and other diseases with such an unpleasant symptom:

  • Streptocid tablets for sore throat belong to sulfonamide medications. Their action is directed against chlamydia and other bacteria. Adult dosage- 1-2 tables each. 5-6 r. per day. The powder is sprayed onto the tonsils or dissolved in water and used for rinsing. Cost 10 tablets. – from 15 rub.;
    Important! This medicine may cause serious side effects.
  • Faringosept (Romania). Their active substance– ambazon – produces a powerful antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect. Soothes sore throat, eliminates pain syndrome, itching sensation. Take 4-5 tablets. per day. Cost from 104 rubles;
  • Agisept (India). Lozenges with amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Kill germs and relieve pain. Pack of 24 tablets. costs 110-150 rubles;
  • Septolete. It has a multicomponent composition: levomenthol, thymol, mint, non-alkonium chloride, eucalyptus. Reduces inflammation, fights microbes. Price – 120 rubles;

  • Lysobacter. Includes lysocine and vitamin B6. Renders destructive effect on bacterial membranes. Indispensable for recurrent pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It will cost 130 rubles;
  • Falimint (Italy). Suppresses the development of bacteria and fungi, reduces inflammation. Tablets are dissolved in the mouth, 1 piece at a time. 3 r. per day. Appointed for 7 days. Costs from 130 rubles;
  • popular sucking tablets for sore throat - Strepsils. Lollipops with lemon, strawberry, menthol flavors. Made in the UK. Eliminate pathogenic microflora. Recommended method of administration: 1 pc. after 2-3 hours (maximum – 8 tablets per day) 3 days. Allowed from 6 years. Price for 16 pcs. - from 153 rubles, for 24 – from 167 rubles;
  • Sebedin. Contains chlorhexidine and ascorbic acid. Indicated for diseases of the ENT organs, copes with swelling, and has an antiseptic effect. Sold for 170 rubles;
  • lozenges with sage. Domestic drug, costs from 183 to 294 rubles. Possesses antimicrobial effect. You are allowed to use up to 6 pcs per day. every 2 hours. Course – from 5 to 7 days.

The best first aid for a sore throat

What is the fastest way to relieve excruciating pain? Here are the most effective tablets for sore throat with anesthetic:

  • Neo-Angin;
  • Sebidin;
  • Lysobacter;
  • Tera Flu Lar;
  • Hexoral;
  • Tantum verde;
  • Grammidin.

The best medicines for a sore throat are mucous emollients - lozenges, sprays, folk recipes that contain honey. When the larynx begins to hurt, this may be a symptom various diseases viral, bacterial or fungal in nature. Except infectious etiology, the following symptoms are given:

In this article we will tell you what the doctor prescribes for an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx.

The most common reasons painful sensation when swallowing are:

  • Angina. This is redness and inflammation lymphoid tissue tonsils It happens various types depending on the cause of infection - caused by staphylococci, viruses or fungi. The disease is transmitted through contact and household contact, so it is easy to become infected through contact with a sick person.
  • Pharyngitis. Often it is not an independent diagnosis, but a secondary diagnosis. This inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the larynx, which is localized near the tonsils. Along with a sore throat, a sore throat appears and purulent plaque on the tongue and palate.
  • Laryngitis. Resulting from dusty or smoky air, inhalation harmful fumes, chemicals, and hypothermia. Accompanied in a hoarse voice, since it is the vocal cords that are affected.
  • Adenoiditis. Happens more often in children - the child likes to drink cold drinks, shout at fresh air, thereby cooling pharyngeal tonsil. This is where the focus of the viral infection appears. Manifested by difficulty breathing, sinusitis.
Associated symptoms:
  • dry mouth;
  • tickling or cough;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • high temperature bodies;
  • sputum discharge - yellow or yellow mucus greenish color;
  • redness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • eye fatigue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck;
  • coating on the tongue and palate.

Sore throat may be associated with various pathologies. Reasons for the appearance this symptom there are viral infections, bacterial microorganisms, allergies.

Before starting treatment, it is imperative to determine the causes of the problems. To do this, you should consult with an otolaryngologist. The ENT doctor will perform necessary research and choose the best remedies for a sore throat.

Classification of drugs

Throat medications can come in a variety of forms. They differ in composition and functions. To treat pathologies that cause a sore throat, the following types of medications can be used:

Effective dosage forms

Inexpensive and effective throat substances can be produced in different medicinal forms. If an imported product is too expensive, you can choose domestic medicine. Each substance has certain characteristics:

Today, pharmacies offer quite a lot of throat therapy products - spray, ointment, tablets. Such medications contain antiseptic ingredients, analgesic components, and essential oils. To find cheap medications, you should study the list with prices.

Review of effective products in the form of sprays and aerosols

Such dosage forms have a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. They also successfully cope with pain. Aerosols are suitable for adult patients. In addition, they can be used for children after 3 years. However, this must be done under the supervision of parents.

The medicine is sprayed into the oral cavity and they try to keep it there for several minutes. It should not be swallowed right away. It is also not recommended to consume food or drinks after the procedure.

The most effective drugs in this category include the following:

The substance is released in the form of a spray. There is also a tablet form designed for resorption. Adults are prescribed 4-8 doses with an interval of 1.5-3 hours, children 3-6 years old are recommended to take 1-4 doses with the same interval. At 6-12 years old, 4 doses are prescribed. Therapy should be continued for 5-15 days.

Typically, Tantum Verde is actively used to combat viral pharyngitis in childhood, because this substance practically does not provoke side effects and does not cause laryngospasm. The key limitation to the use of the product is the presence of an allergy to the ingredients of the substance. Also, the medicine is not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age. The substance will cost about 300 rubles.

The medicine contains levomenthol and eucalyptus oil. It also contains camphor and chlorobutanol. Adults and children over 5 years old are shown 2-3 presses. They need to be done 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course of therapy is 5-6 days. Key restrictions include allergies and age under 5 years.

The medicine contains essential oils. It also contains levomenthol and hexethidine. Adults and children over 8 years of age are prescribed 2 irrigations, which are performed 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to be treated in this way for 1 week. It is not recommended to use the substance if you are allergic to the ingredients of the medicine and atrophic pharyngitis. Also, the drug is not used in the early stages of pregnancy.

The medicine contains thymol, eucalyptus oil, sulfonamide. Adult patients are recommended to do 3-4 sprays per day. After 3 years, the medicine is prescribed twice a day. Treatment is necessary for 5 days. Key restrictions include age less than 3 years and intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.

The medicine includes hexethidine. Adults are prescribed 1 dose 2 times a day. The same dosage is suitable for children over 3 years of age. The duration of the course of therapy is 5-7 days. Contraindications include allergies and childhood up to 3 years.

The drug contains benzoxonium chloride and lidocaine. Adults are prescribed 4 sprays. The medicine should be used 4-6 times a day. Children over 4 years old are recommended to take 2-3 sprays 3-6 times a day. Duration of therapy – 5 days. The drug is not used if you are intolerant to lidocaine and ammonia compounds.

Restrictions include early dates pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not prescribed to children under 4 years of age.

Products in the form of lozenges and lozenges

These products are evenly distributed during absorption and have a longer lasting effect. They should not be swallowed. Therefore, lozenges should not be given to children under 3 years of age, and lollipops are not recommended for children under 5 years of age.

To the very effective means the following can be attributed:

The substance includes thymol, levomenthol, benzalkonium chloride. It also contains essential oils - mint and eucalyptus. IN therapeutic purposes you need to dissolve 1 lozenge of the product until it is completely dissolved. It is recommended to do this at intervals of 2-3 hours.

Adults and children over 12 years of age should use up to 8 lozenges per day. Children over 4 years old are prescribed no more than 4 pieces. Patients 10 years of age are usually prescribed 6 lozenges. The course of therapy should last 3-4 days.

You should not use the composition if you are allergic to the ingredients of the substance or have congenital fructose intolerance. Also limitations are glucose-galactose malabsorption, age less than 4 years, lactase deficiency.

The medicine contains dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol. Adults and children over 5 years of age are advised to take 1 tablet every 2-3 hours. It is recommended to use the substance a maximum of 8 times. Therapy can last 3-4 days. Restrictions include children under 5 years of age.

The medicine includes ambazon. Adults are prescribed 4-5 tablets per day. At 3-7 years old it is recommended to take 3 tablets. The duration of treatment is 3-4 days. Key limitations include high sensitivity to the substance.

The active ingredient of the product is flurbiprofen. Children over 12 years of age and adults are advised to take 1 tablet before meals. The substance can be used no more than 5 times. The maximum duration of treatment is 3 days.

Restrictions include pregnancy, age under 12 years, excessive sensitivity to ingredients, rhinitis, relapses ulcerative lesion stomach, bronchial asthma.

The medicine contains gramicidin C and lidocaine hydrochloride. Patients over 12 years of age are advised to take 2 tablets, taken 4 times a day. Children more younger age 1-2 tablets are prescribed. They are also recommended to be taken 4 times a day. Therapy should last 5-7 days. Restrictions include allergies to the ingredients of the substance and lactation.

Aerosols and lozenges provide symptomatic action. U different patients it manifests itself in varying degrees. Some people benefit quickly from tablets, while others may only feel better after using sprays. Therefore, a doctor must select a specific substance.

Folk remedies

There are many effective and affordable home remedies that relieve sore throat. These include the following:

Properly selected drugs eliminate sore throat and normalize a person’s condition. To achieve good results, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the products.



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