What to do if clear liquid flows from the wound. Quick treatment of purulent wounds at home

All people are familiar with various injuries and wounds. For some, wounds heal quite quickly. Some people have to put in a lot of effort to get well. Why does a non-healing wound occur? There may be several reasons. We will consider them further.


A wound that does not heal for a long time is a reason to seek medical help. Only there you will receive appropriate treatment. The question arises, what time of wound healing is considered normal? Normal healing occurs within no more than three weeks. If complications arise or there are deviations, this process may drag on for one and a half months. The reasons that a wound does not heal for a long time are divided into external and internal, as well as their combination.

Internal factors: chronic diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes, exhaustion, vitamin deficiency, excess weight, circulatory disorders, varicose veins, infectious diseases, cancer. All these diseases lead to decreased immunity. How - wounds do not heal.

Getting infected

If a person is injured with a sharp object, infection may occur directly from the injury. Although this can happen in other ways. For example, infection getting into a wound during dressing. If the wound is not treated promptly with disinfectants, infection may spread. Then you will need long-term treatment.

Symptoms: body temperature rises, swelling appears in the affected area, the skin becomes red and hot, and suppuration appears. Infection is the reason why the wound site does not heal for a long time. Treatment will require antibiotics. It will also require special treatment, removal of suppuration and suturing if necessary. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe blood transfusions and vitamin therapy.

Treatment of non-healing wounds in diabetes mellitus

With this disease, any minor cut becomes a real challenge. High blood sugar has a detrimental effect on blood vessels, destroying them. Blood supply is impaired, especially in the lower legs. In addition, the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases. As a result, a person does not feel that he was injured because of this. An ordinary callus, a small cut not treated in a timely manner, can become a non-healing wound, and later turn into an ulcer.

You should be extremely careful and try to avoid injuries or cuts, and carefully check the condition of your legs. At the slightest violation of the skin, you should consult a doctor. Wound suppuration in diabetes mellitus often leads to amputation of the affected parts of the limbs.

Rapid healing is facilitated by: timely treatment with antiseptics, prescription of ointments with antibiotics, proper nutrition, foods rich in vitamins B and C, additional administration of vitamins, proper care of the affected area of ​​the body, treatment, dressing.

Traditional medicine

When treating a non-healing wound on the leg, you can combine drug therapy and traditional methods. This combination will speed up healing.

Fresh cucumber juice has an antimicrobial effect. They need to lubricate the wounds and apply compresses for several hours.

Celandine leaves have a healing effect. Both fresh leaves can be used for treatment, and the leaves should be steamed before use. Bandages are made with celandine leaves, applying them to the wound.

A mixture of burdock and celandine roots, boiled in sunflower oil, will also help. How to make it? Now we'll tell you. To do this you will need 100 ml of sunflower oil, crushed burdock roots 30 g, celandine roots 20 g. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area two to three times a day for a week.

Diabetic wounds

If a person has diabetes, how to treat non-healing wounds? Now we'll tell you. When treating a non-healing wound in diabetes, you need to remember how to properly treat the affected area and bandage it:

It is worth following the prescriptions of your doctor and consulting if you want to use traditional medicine recipes. Self-medication and the wrong choice of medications can significantly worsen the condition of the wound and slow down healing.


Effective ointments for non-healing wounds:

1. "Solcoseryl". Used for dry wounds. Accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes effective healing. 2. "Actovegin". To heal deep wounds, a gel is released, and after the wound has begun to heal, an ointment is applied. Analogue of "Solcoseryl". 3. "Levomekol". Antibiotic drug. It is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, and trophic ulcers.

4. "Baneotsin". A drug containing antibiotics that protect the skin from infection. Available in ointment and powder form.

Non-healing weeping wounds

A weeping wound is accompanied by the release of ichor in large quantities. This happens if a person is injured due to a burn (electrical, chemical, solar), there are bacterial or fungal infections, the skin is torn off, there are diaper rashes, abrasions and calluses.

In order to avoid infection in such a wound, an antiseptic bandage is needed. If there are foreign objects in the affected area, the damaged skin is separated by more than one centimeter, or severe bleeding is observed, then you should urgently go to the emergency room. If all this is missing, you can treat the wound and apply a bandage yourself.

Do not use iodine or brilliant green to wash an open, weeping wound. These products will burn the tissue and the fluid will not drain. And this can cause inflammation and suppuration. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide. It can be treated with a solution of Chlorhexidine, Unisept, Decasan or Miramistin. For subsequent cleansing and treatment of the wound, you can use a furatsilin solution or an isotonic solution (boiled water with table salt, 5 grams per glass of water). These products can be used to remove dried bandages and to treat the surface of the affected area.

Weeping wounds. Treatment

How to treat non-healing wounds that get wet? Until a crust has formed on the affected area, you should avoid ointments. For treatment, use solutions or powders with a drying effect. In this case, a saline solution works simply and effectively. How to cook it? Dilute salt in water in a ratio of 1x10.

To speed up tissue regeneration and eliminate infection, you should use antibiotic powder. For this, the following drugs are prescribed: “Streptocide”, “Penicillin”, “Levomycetin”.

Combined-action drugs aimed at suppressing bacteria and fungal environments, such as Baneocin, are also used. On the treated surface of the wound thin layer The powder is applied using a cotton swab. Then it is covered with a sterile gauze pad and bandaged. After 4-5 hours, the bandage should be moistened with saline solution. Afterwards it is worth replacing it. If the wound is healing, there is no pus or there is very little of it, you can not rinse with saline solution, but limit yourself to only treating the affected area.

If the pain does not go away, the edges of the wound darken, the inflammation spreads to nearby areas of the skin, you should urgently visit a doctor. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antibacterial drugs to avoid infection and sepsis. In addition, vitamins are necessary to maintain the body’s resistant functions.


Correct and timely treatment will give a positive result within one to two weeks. In some severe cases, therapy will be required for a month using physiotherapy: heating, quartz treatment, laser treatment, massage. Wounds that take a long time to heal lead to damage to adjacent areas of the skin and the formation of keloid scars, which can remain forever. You need to be attentive to your health.

It often happens that a wound into which microbes have entered begins to fester. It becomes inflamed and produces a thick or thin discharge that is green, white, or yellow. If the wound has festered, not everyone knows what to do. And the time required for healing will increase significantly and complications may appear, which should not be allowed. In addition, such a wound will require additional treatment.

Means for the treatment of festering wounds

Quite often you can hear the question: the wound has festered, what should I do? How to treat it? Currently, there are many drugs that can effectively help with such injuries. The main thing at home is their disinfection, removal of dead tissue, drainage and faster healing. All this can be achieved with the help of different drugs. The most suitable ointments are Vaseline and fat based.

Tetracycline or neomycin ointment;

Vishnevsky ointment.

All these drugs are excellent in treating purulent wounds at home. The size of the damage does not play a significant role. They should be applied once a day.

When treating such injuries, one cannot do without antiseptics. Preparations such as a solution of boric acid and furatsilin, and hydrogen peroxide have long proven their effectiveness. All of them have first-class antibacterial properties and can cope with almost all infections.

But complete disinfection of the wound can be guaranteed only by using the latest antiseptics such as “Dioxidin”, “Iodopyron” or a solution. If the wound has festered, doctors can explain in detail what to do.

Types of wounds

There are several types of open wounds. All of them, with proper and timely treatment, heal quickly and without complications. If severe bleeding is observed, qualified medical assistance will be required.

Open wounds are of the following types:



Surgical sutures.

Depending on the type of wound, the products used to treat them may vary. Although some drugs are universal for any type of such skin damage.

Treatment of purulent wounds on the legs and arms

Most often, wounds, including purulent ones, occur on the legs and arms. Despite the fact that recommendations for the treatment of certain injuries are similar, each specific case still has its own characteristics. For example, for some it is recommended to use antiseptics, while for others you will need dry bandages or treating the wound with hydrogen peroxide without applying bandages or plaster to it.

If the injury becomes inflamed, harmful bacteria or fungus enters it. If a wound on your leg has festered and you don’t know what to do, it is recommended to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary antibiotic and recommend the most appropriate treatment in this case. It is best to contact a traumatologist or surgeon.

Cuts, stabs and lacerations

If the wound is cut and not too deep, and the muscles and tendons are only slightly damaged, it must be treated with an antiseptic and covered with a bandage or sterile gauze. For minor damage, you can use a patch.

If, for example, a wound on your hand has festered, you don’t know what to do, and especially if it is punctured, our advice to you is: seek medical help, as it will not only need to be professionally treated with an antiseptic, but you will also need to stop the bleeding. This may require surgery.

If the wound is lacerated, treat it with hydrogen peroxide and then apply a bandage. This can be done either independently or with the help of a doctor. It all depends on the severity of the wound. The main thing is to prevent infection from getting into it, which can lead to fester.

Treatment of festering wounds on the finger

Quite often such injuries occur on or to the legs. You can cope with them yourself or seek medical help. Much depends on their character and severity.

If the infection is at an early stage, then you can treat it with an antiseptic and apply a bandage on top. This procedure should be repeated from time to time. After some time, the pus should disappear and the wound will gradually heal. Although not quickly.

If a wound on your finger has festered, you don’t know what to do, and the damage is quite serious, it is recommended to go to a medical facility. The doctor will clean it, treat it well, apply a bandage and give recommendations on how it should be treated.

As we can see from the above, the answer to the question: “The wound has festered - what to do and how to treat it?” - it’s not difficult to find. The main thing, if something like this happens, is to process it in a timely and correct manner. If you understand that you cannot cope with this task on your own, you should contact a medical institution.

wounded is called tissue damage, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes.

Based on the type of wounding weapon, wounds are distinguished: puncture, cut, bruised, chopped, torn, bitten, and gunshot.

Puncture wounds are inflicted with a piercing instrument (needle, bayonet, stab, etc.). Their characteristic feature is great depth with slight damage to the skin or mucous membranes, while deep-lying organs and tissues - vessels, nerves, hollow and parenchymal organs - are often damaged. Such wounds are very insidious, since in the first hours they do not always give pronounced symptoms of organ damage; for example, with a stab wound to the abdomen, the liver or stomach may be injured, but due to the small size of the wound there is no release of bile or gastric contents to the outside, everything is released into the abdominal cavity, and a detailed clinical picture appears after a long period of time: severe symptoms of internal bleeding or peritonitis appear . Puncture wounds are dangerous because the wounding weapon introduces pathogenic microflora into the depths of the tissue, and the wound discharge, not finding a way out, serves as a good nutrient medium for it, creating favorable conditions for the development of purulent complications.

Cut wounds are caused by a sharp object, often a knife or glass. These wounds are the most favorable in terms of healing, since the number of destroyed cells is small, the edges of the wound are smooth; it gapes, creating good conditions for the outflow of contents and for treating the wound.

Chopped wounds are inflicted with a heavy sharp object (saber, axe). They are characterized by deep tissue damage, wide gaping, bruising and concussion of surrounding tissues, which reduces their resistance, complicates treatment, and contributes to the more frequent development of infection.

Bruised wounds occur under the influence of a wide wounding weapon of large mass or an object with high speed. Their shape is irregular (twisting, star-shaped), the edges are uneven. Usually observed in car injuries, compression by heavy objects, blows from heavy blunt objects. The presence of a large amount of bruised dead tissue in the wound makes these wounds especially dangerous for infection. A type of bruised wounds are lacerated and lacerated wounds.

Scalped wounds - there is a detachment of the skin with subcutaneous tissue. Such wounds are dangerous due to shock and blood loss.

Bite wounds are caused by domestic animals (dogs, cats), rarely wild ones. Wounds of various shapes are contaminated with animal saliva. Wounds from bites from animals with rabies are especially dangerous.

Gunshot wounds differ from all others in the nature of the wounding weapon (bullet, fragment), the distance of the victim from the source of the wound; in modern conditions, when using bullets with a displaced center of gravity - extensive damage to internal organs, when one bullet hits several anatomical areas. Gunshot wounds have various characteristics (through, blind, tangential, etc.).

Wounds are divided into aseptic, infected and purulent. Aseptic wounds are clean, all others are infected. If there is a delay in the initial surgical treatment of the wound (late presentation, lack of a surgeon, lack of transport for delivery to the hospital), infectious complications develop.

According to the circumstances of infliction, wounds are divided into surgical (operational) and accidental (traumatic).

In relation to body cavities (chest cavity, abdomen, skull, joints), penetrating and non-penetrating wounds are distinguished. Penetrating wounds are more dangerous due to the possibility of damage to or involvement in the inflammatory process of the membranes of cavities and internal organs.

Depending on the anatomical substrate of the injury, injuries of soft tissue, bone, large vessels and nerves, and tendons are distinguished.

Clinic. There are local and general symptoms. Local symptoms include pain, bleeding, dysfunction of the affected organ and limb. General symptoms: shock, infection, acute anemia, etc.

The diagnosis of a wound is difficult only if the victim is unconscious and with multiple wounds, when some of the wounds can be viewed with inattentive examination. The paramedic must determine the location, size and depth of the wound, whether there is damage to vital structures (on the extremities - great vessels and nerves, on the torso - organs of the chest and abdomen; on the neck - great vessels, trachea, esophagus, on the head - brain damage) .

In case of injuries in the back area, the patient is examined to determine damage to the spinal cord, vertebrae, and in the perineal area - damage to the genital organs, urethra, and rectum.

It is important to determine the nature of bleeding from the wound: arterial, venous, mixed, since in case of arterial bleeding a hemostatic tourniquet should be applied to the limb; in the case of venous - a pressure bandage, since a tourniquet in this case will only increase venous bleeding. Unfortunately, not only paramedics, but also many doctors act according to the “bleeding - tourniquet” scheme, without bothering themselves with the differential diagnosis of arterial and venous bleeding.

Blood during arterial bleeding is scarlet in color and is ejected in a rather strong, often pulsating stream. When large vessels are injured, a sound resembling a buzzing sound is heard. Here, of course, a tourniquet is needed above the wound. With venous bleeding, the blood is dark and does not pulsate, although it can also flow out in a stream, but of much less intensity. A loose tourniquet will increase venous bleeding; a very tight tourniquet will stop the flow of arterial blood, compress the nerve trunks, and bleeding, stopped in this way, threatens with necrosis of the limb. If the wound is deep, you can judge the nature of the bleeding as follows: carefully dry the wound with a swab, press it for a few seconds and remove it. If the wound instantly fills with scarlet blood, the bleeding is arterial; if it fills slowly and the blood is dark, it is venous.

The dangers of a wound are:

Bleeding with the development of acute anemia;

Development of wound infection;

Possibility of compromising the integrity of vital organs.

Urgent Care. For superficial wounds, treatment is carried out with 3% hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin solution (1:5000); Can

use a 0.5% solution of chloramine, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. The edges of the wound are treated with a 2-5% iodine solution, a sterile bandage is applied, and the patient is sent to the emergency room.

For deep wounds with bleeding, if it is arterial, a rubber tourniquet is applied above the wound; the accompanying sheet indicates the time of its application. The tourniquet is applied either to clothing or a napkin is placed under the wound for no more than 1.5 hours. When it is applied correctly, the bleeding stops. If there is a delay in hospitalization, then after 1.5-2 hours the tourniquet is loosened, having first applied finger pressure to the vessel along its length. The tourniquet is usually loosened for 3-5 minutes. In winter, the tourniquet should be held for no more than 1 hour, loosen after 30-40 minutes. The wound is treated with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, chloramine). The edges of the wound are treated with a 5% iodine solution, then a sterile bandage is applied. Immobilization of the limb with a splint is mandatory.

In case of venous bleeding - a pressure bandage on the treated wound, cold, elevated position of the limb.

For wounds of the torso, a gauze pad is applied (at least 8 layers of gauze), which is fixed to the skin either with cleol or strips of adhesive tape. Depending on the general condition of the victim (collapse, shock), appropriate measures are taken.

Pain relief - analgin solution 50% 2.0 ml intramuscularly, or baralgin, ketorol, narcotic. Hospitalization on a stretcher in a traumatology, surgical or vascular department, depending on the nature of the damage to the underlying organs and tissues.

In case of heavy blood loss, shock, or coma, the patient should be hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

The wound should only be touched with clean hands.. The wound is washed with boiled water with some kind of disinfection - manganese, boric acid, etc. It is enough to wash small wounds and cover them with fine boric acid and tie them up. Or soak a cloth in pure alcohol or aloe juice and tie it off.

If blood flows from the wound without stopping, then you need to soak a clean rag in boiling water and apply it, the blood will stop flowing.

For major injuries, especially to the head, you should call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, without touching the wound with your hands, you just need to put clean rags soaked in warm boiled water on it all the time.

Knee wounds are very dangerous. If the bone is not affected, then it is enough to apply a warm compress of alcohol or manganese. But if the calyx is affected, then you need to consult a doctor.

If the wound is caused by the torn off upper skin, it is very painful, but not dangerous. In this case, you cannot use alcohol or iodine, but rather lubricate it with boric vaseline or, even better, rivanol ointment, then tie it off.

Dried rags with blood or pus cannot be torn off, but must always be soaked in warm water with disinfection. If the wound has rotted and an ulcer has formed, then it should be washed thoroughly, and then a warm compress of alcohol or some kind of disinfection should be applied. And if there is aloe in the house, then simply tie a clean rag moistened with aloe juice to the wound; this juice cleans rotten wounds very well and heals them.

When wild meat (a bright red mass) begins to grow from the bottom of the ulcer, then you need to put a lotion of alum or oak bark on this meat (a teaspoon per glass of water). Change the lotion four times a day until the meat disappears. And then treat the wound as usual.

If the wound has become weeping, then it is good to sprinkle it with a mixture of alum and charcoal. But if large and deep wounds rot, you should consult a doctor.

If around the wound the body suddenly begins to turn black, fever, pain, and weakness appear throughout the body, while the blackened area remains cold to the touch and insensitive to touch, then these are signs of gangrene, that is, necrosis of this part of the body. You must immediately consult a doctor, since saving from death with gangrene is only possible through amputation. In the meantime, put rags soaked in warm water on the wound, and give alcohol inside to maintain strength. When a limb is affected, keep it elevated. If for some reason there is no doctor (or will not arrive soon), then you need to try to stop the gangrene yourself by burning out the blackened area with a hot iron (nail), as is done with a snake bite.

When you have to wash dirty wounds from machine injuries, you first need to wash the circumference of the wound with gasoline or turpentine (moistening the cotton wool), and then the wound itself. Then apply a bandage. The stronger the discharge from the wound, the more often it is necessary to bandage it, each time washing it with a solution of carbolic acid or sublimate (1:1000), generally with some kind of disinfection, then sprinkle it with something, as indicated above, covering it with soft gauze, cotton wool, and bandage.

For abrasions on the feet, friction of shoes, blisters on the heel, it is good to take warm foot baths, then apply boric ointment and tie it off. Or order this very good ointment from the pharmacy: wheat starch and glycerin - 15 g each, pure tar - 4 g.

It is useful to have turpentine water in the house for washing wounds, which is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of purified turpentine per bottle of digested water. This bottle should be shaken for a whole week, then used to wash wounds, topping up with boiled water each time.

These are the tips of the famous doctor O. Morozova. She also gives home and folk remedies for various wounds:

1. Cover the wound with clean, very finely ground dry real coffee. It stops bleeding and heals.

2. Skin and muscle wounds are covered with fine powder from nettle: You need to soak the leaves and stems in alcohol for five days, then remove them from the alcohol, dry them and grind them into powder. An excellent remedy.

3. Powder made from the root of the plant is also good. calamus

4. You can tie fresh grated paper to a dirty wound. carrot, she cleans well.

5. The rotting wound is sprinkled with powder from charcoal.

6. On a stubbornly non-healing, but not rotting wound, place a clean, ordinary lead paper(like from a tea bottle) and bandaged. The wound heals quickly.

7. Blood caked on a wound can be easily soaked in acidic acid. cabbage

8. When gangrene appears, cover the sore spot with a thick layer of chewed gum and salt. black (rye) bread and tie it up. So for several days.

Herbalists, traditional medicine books and healing books recommend:

1. Calamus marsh.

Powder from the rhizomes is sprinkled on festering wounds and ulcers. Calamus rhizomes are also used in mixture with other medicinal plants.

2. Aloe arborescens. Aloe juice is used externally in the form of lotions and wound irrigation.

3. Buckwheat.

Fresh mashed leaves are applied to abscesses and purulent wounds in a thick layer.

4. Lance-shaped poop (crow's foot). Fresh and dried leaves are used externally as a healing agent for purulent wounds, ulcers that do not heal for a long time, and abscesses. In this case, poop leaves are applied in a thick layer to the sore spot (the dried leaves are pre-steamed with boiling water) and bandaged.

5. Swamp cranberry.

To cleanse and heal purulent wounds, use fresh berry juice in the form of lotions.

6. Carrots.

Grated carrots are applied to inflamed areas of the skin and purulent wounds.

7. Common lilac. Fresh leaves are applied to the affected area.

8. Horsetail.

A decoction of the herb is used for compresses for festering wounds (pour a tablespoon of chopped herb with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, strain).

9. Common blueberry.

An infusion of leaves is used for external treatment of wounds. (Brew 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes on a hot stove, strain).

10. Yarrow.

Squeeze the juice from a fresh plant and apply to the wound (anoint). Stops bleeding and heals the wound. It heals old wounds and festering ulcers well. In winter, a steam of dried flowers with an admixture of 1/3 by weight of chamomile flowers has the same effect.

In the summer, pick yarrow in a field or forest, mash it or chew it and apply it to the wound. Change the grass several times a day. The wound heals in 3-5 days.

11. Stinging nettle.

Squeeze the juice from nettles, anoint the wound, moisten rags and bandage the wound with them. You can mash the leaves to juice and apply. Mix nettle juice well with half-and-half bedstraw juice, wash the wounds with this mixture and apply cloths.

12. Resin-resin of coniferous species (cedar, fir, pine, spruce). In the forest," on a hike, one of the excellent remedies for wounds and cuts. Apply fresh resin to wounds, ulcers, cracks, splits. Lubricate daily. Healing occurs quickly.

13. Cut a piece of aloe cactus leaf and apply one of the halves to the wound or cut. Apply with the cut side.

14. Apply a compress of nettle leaf tincture, after washing the wound. Fill a 200 ml bottle almost to the top with fresh nettle leaves, then top up with 70-degree alcohol, plug it with a stopper and leave in the sun for 2 weeks.

15. Mix half and half alcohol with shellac and pour this mixture onto a fresh cut or wound. The pain will stop instantly. Then bandage the wound and fill the bandage with the same liquid. Keep the bandage on for 4 days. Even very large cuts heal in 4 days.

16. Puffball mushroom (grandfather’s tobacco). The white body of the fungus has strong wound healing and hemostatic properties. Cut the mushroom and apply the inner pulp to the wound. The bleeding stops and the wound heals quickly, without suppuration. Dusting wounds with mature spores has the same effect as mushroom pulp. The spores are well preserved during storage without losing their medicinal properties.

17. Plantain.

Fresh crushed leaves of various types of plantain are used for wounds, bruises, burns as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is also used for insect bites. Leaves crushed to juice are applied to the affected areas, changing the bandage after 2-3 hours. Grind and mix equal parts of plantain and yarrow leaves. Use as an external remedy. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day.

18. Lungwort. Grind fresh leaves to juice, apply to a wound, cut, ulcer, abrasion, and bandage. Change twice a day. Lungwort is popularly considered one of the best wound healing agents.

19. Novikov liquid. Pharmaceutical drug. Lubricate the wounds once a day. Healing occurs quickly. Heals wounds, ulcers, cuts that take a long time to heal.

20. Resin of coniferous species - 100 g. Pork lard, unsalted - 100 g. Natural beeswax - 100 g.

Place everything in a saucepan. If the resin is dry, grind it into powder. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring the mixture all the time. Remove foam from the surface. Remove from heat when warm and place everything in a glass jar. Keep refrigerated. Wash the wound with lime water. 1 tablespoon of quicklime per 1 liter of water. Let it brew for 5-6 hours, drain the water. Wash the wound with this water. Spread a thin layer of a cloth with the prepared mixture, apply it to the sore spot and bandage it. After 1-2 days, change the bandage. The wounds heal quickly.

21. Natural bee honey - 80 g. Fish oil - 20 g. Xeroform - 20 g.

Mix everything thoroughly. The ointment is applied to a cleaned wound or ulcer in the form of a bandage. Change once a day. It is used to treat long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, and fistulas. Store in a cool place.

22. Pour half a glass of quicklime with cold boiled water. Leave for several hours. Drain the top infusion into another bowl. Take the amount of vegetable oil in volume equal to the infusion. Boil the oil over low heat for 10 minutes, remove from heat. When it becomes warm, like fresh milk, pour in the lime infusion and mix well, lubricate the wounds with this composition and apply rags moistened with the same composition to the wounds and bandage them. Change daily. Wounds heal quickly.

23. Folk remedy. Wash the wound and ulcer with alcohol. Cut off a ripe wheat spikelet with a small straw end. Turn it over with the end of the ear down onto the wound and carefully move it crosswise over the wound 3 times. Do this 3 times a day: in the morning, in the middle of the day and in the evening, cutting a new spikelet each time. And do this for 3 days, using up 9 fresh ripe spikelets. The remedy may seem ridiculous, but bleeding and suppuration go away and after a few days the wound heals.

24. Sprinkle the diseased areas with ash left after burning linden or willow. Apply powder twice a day.

P.M. Kurennov gives several ways to treat wounds:

Folk method for treating gangrene and abscesses

Do readers know that the doctors of Russian folk medicine saved tens and tens of thousands of arms and legs, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of fingers and toes from amputation (for gangrene)?

Doctors with gangrene almost always resort to a knife. In the case of gangrene and abscesses, Russian traditional medicine doctors use the following remedy.

Take black, freshly baked, preferably rye bread and, having salted it enough, chew it thoroughly. The sore spot is covered with a thick layer of chewed bread and salt and bandaged. This remedy is true and unusually strong.

Several Russian doctors of official medicine tried to improve this “wild” method of traditional healers by eliminating the chewing of bread. Doctors tried to add some apothecary wisdom to black bread and salt, which, in their opinion, should replace chewing bread. All such attempts came to nothing. When chewed, bread and salt are mixed with saliva, and the latter apparently plays an important role in the treatment of gangrene and abscesses.

Although the described folk remedy is strong and reliable, in most cases you should consult a doctor, because gangrene is a very serious thing...

Unforgettable... In the thirties, a Russian lady in San Francisco had a malignant abscess on her finger, which soon turned into gangrene. The finger began to turn black, and the Russian doctor who was treating the patient advised surgery and... amputation of the finger. The operation was scheduled two days later at ten o'clock in the morning. The unfortunate lady, with tears in her eyes, began calling all her friends on the phone... Luckily for her, one of them knew the above-described remedy for gangrene, and the lady immediately began treatment with this remedy. On the day of the operation, the doctor sterilized and boiled all surgical supplies. Having removed the bandage from the patient’s finger, the doctor was amazed at the wonderful metamorphosis: the patient’s finger was white “instead of black.” Having definitely stated that the operation was completely unnecessary, the doctor became interested in the method of treatment. The lady willingly told.

In the author's secret archive there are several recipes that are as effective as the remedy described above, but these remedies cannot be placed in a medical book due to the fact that preparing the medicine requires enormous experience, knowledge and skill. In most cases, the average person will not be able to prepare this remedy correctly and... as a result, the amputation of the entire arm instead of a finger or a leg instead of a toe, etc.

Some powerful witch doctor white and yellow patches also often cure infected wounds, malignant abscesses and gangrene, including the remedies in this medicine (see remedies for wounds and cuts). In the author’s secret archive there are also more potent suction patches, but, as stated above, they require great precision in both the selection of the quality of the components and very skillful preparation.

1. 4 teaspoons crushed leaves or fruits raspberries Brew 2 cups boiling water, strain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day. Take the fruit infusion only warm.

2. Lubricate boils resin. Recovery occurs within 2-3 days.

3. Tibetan "black patch". 50 g black household soap grate, add the same amount rye flour, tablespoon vegetable oil and a tablespoon Sahara. Pour the resulting mass into 3/4 cup boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes, adding 1 church wax candle(remove the wick). Change the bandage with this mixture daily. It takes two weeks until complete recovery. At first, painful sensations are possible. This famous Tibetan “black plaster” is used not only to treat boils, but also for breastfeeding, caries, abscesses, udder knots, etc.

4. Sleeping on mattresses stuffed with fresh fern leaves helps cure the most severe forms of salt deposits, gout, articular rheumatism, arthritis and spondellosis.

5. Pine resin helps in lubricating wounds. Healing occurs after three days. Resin is also useful for stomach ulcers if taken orally in small portions.

6. Wounds that take a long time to heal should be tied with earthworms. You can apply frog skin.

7. A very effective remedy for wounds and abscesses: ointment made from pork (internal) lard and naphthalene (2:1).

8. If the abrasion becomes inflamed, it should be sprinkled with wormwood ash.

9. For burns, apply finely grated carrots to the sore spot. Or put the raw yolk in a hot frying pan. The yolk burns out - what remains is the oil, which, as experience shows, is the best remedy for burns. Or mix fresh egg yolk with a tablespoon of butter, apply the mixture to clean gauze and apply to the sore spot. The pain will go away immediately, and soon the wound will heal.

For eczema, lichen, abscesses, boils, calluses, the famous healer Lyudmila Kim recommends:

1. For eczema, pour 1 tablespoon of burdock root and the same amount of dandelion root into 3 glasses of water and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the infusion for 10 minutes. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

2. A decoction of dried young willow bark. The decoction is used for compresses and dressings.

3. Traditional healers also use this method: they set fire to a willow branch over a plate, into which resin flows from the burning branch. It is used to coat areas of eczema.

4. Pour 6 tablespoons of viburnum, ground in a mortar, with 3 cups of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Take half a glass 4 times a day.

4a. For lichens etc. For dry eczema, cranberry juice compresses are used.

5. It is good to sprinkle wet eczema with flour from the shells of river shells, as well as flour from the so-called “Devil's finger”.

6. Take any newspaper, roll it up, set it on fire from below and hold it over a cold plate. The smoke condenses on the plate and forms a yellow resin. This resin should be used to lubricate sores, including psoriasis.

7. For the treatment of lichen, traditional medicine advises. Cut, grind sultanas or raisin and thoroughly rub the ringworm with it. A positive effect is possible after the first rubbing.

8. Lubricate sore spots with any kind of milk milkweed The juice of this plant helps in the treatment and removal of various types of warts, ulcers, and nail fungus.

9. The sore spot should be rubbed garlic, and then rub it in birch charcoal mixed with fresh juice burdock root. The procedure should last up to half an hour.

10. To treat some types of fungal skin diseases, it is recommended to rub the sore spot. lemon juice.

11. Grate garlic and mix with fresh butter in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the sore spot and change daily until recovery.

12. Feet with nails affected by fungus are steamed in a decoction or infusion of milkweed. Sometimes strong coffee baths help.

Fungus on fingernails. Bulgarian healer Vanga advises: brew strong coffee and immerse your hands in its infusion several times, but do not shake the sediment. This remedy also treats foot fungus, relieves foot and ankle pain, and helps get rid of thick, flaky skin on the heels. When you repeat the procedure several evenings in a row, the fungus completely disappears, the skin becomes smooth, and the pain goes away.

Fungus on toes. Immerse your well-washed feet in a strong wine vinegar. Sleep in clean socks soaked in vinegar. Or else: immerse your feet in cool water, in which you dissolve a tablespoon baking soda and salt. Then rinse your feet with clean water.

She also gives some advice: mix crushed mint with salt and place between your toes for about an hour. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

Treatment of a festering wound

Such a wound can lead to blood poisoning, gangrene and death. Boil 250 g of alum in a liter of water, cool. Wash the wound twice a day until it heals.

Make compresses from crushed wheat boiled in wine or water. Apply compresses for a long time. Compresses made from a pulp of boiled beans or potatoes also help. Festering wounds should be washed with wine. Rubbing with fish oil also helps.

Every person at least once in his life has had to experience what an infected wound is and how long and painstaking the process of its treatment is. According to the classification of injuries, this type of wound is the most dangerous, which, if treated incorrectly and late, can cause enormous harm to health, including amputation of limbs or death.

This form of infection in wounds is caused by an imbalance between the microbes that have entered the wound and the body’s defenses. Infection develops especially often in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and circulatory disorders due to weakened immunity, which cannot fully resist the disease process. Abrasions and bruised knees in children are also a cause for concern.

Signs of purulent wounds

There are times when it is not possible to provide first aid or treat the injury site, and then suppuration begins in the wound. Pyogenic bacteria infect the wound, resulting in general blood poisoning, which can have disastrous consequences for the victim.

A clear sign of an infected wound, that is, the presence of an infection in it, is the accumulation of discharged pus. There are some features of purulent wounds that help to recognize them among other types of damage.

The main signs of infection in a wound are:

  1. Pain in the wound area, which is throbbing and aching.
  2. There is noticeable swelling around the wound.
  3. Redness around the wound at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  4. An increase in body temperature above 37 ° C indicates that the infection has begun to spread throughout the body.

These symptoms can be supplemented by general disorders throughout the body: dizziness, nausea and weakness.

The period of the first 6-8 hours is especially dangerous for humans and favorable for infection, when the pathogenic properties of microbial contamination are more strongly expressed. The presence of dead tissue is favorable for the development of infection.

In case of severe purulent infection, the body responds with a general reaction according to the nature and scale of the local process. As soon as symptoms appear in the form of edema and phlegmon, this reaction intensifies. Its striking representative is fever, which manifests itself in the deterioration of the patient’s well-being, increasing pain in the wound, changes in the blood (an increase in leukocytes, the appearance of protein and hyaline casts).

Complications when contracting a purulent infection

A serious complication when contracting a purulent infection is sepsis - a general infection of the body by microbes that have entered the blood.

This disease occurs against the background of a violation of protective immunological reactions or during a long, advanced course of a purulent wound process. With sepsis, there is a different incubation period, which can last from two days to several months.

This condition is divided into acute, subacute and chronic sepsis. In severe cases, acute sepsis can result in the death of the patient in a period of 2 days to 2 weeks, subacute - from 16 days to 2 months, chronic - from 2 to 4 months.

Acute sepsis is characterized by high temperature accompanied by fever. The patient's condition is classified as serious. The skin takes on an earthy tint. In patients, the pulse is weakly palpable, tachycardia begins, blood pressure decreases, anemia increases, and signs of leukocytosis appear. The condition of the wound is dry, with pale granulations, it bleeds easily, and a white coating appears. At the slightest suspicion of sepsis, doctors perform immediate surgical intervention. This is the most effective way to save a patient's life.

Treatment of infected wounds

If purulent discharge begins to appear in the wound, this indicates that it has become infected. For the wound to heal quickly, the infection must be suppressed by providing the victim with the necessary assistance. First, you need to ensure the drainage of pus. If it has accumulated under a crust formed on the wound, it is soaked in hydrogen peroxide and removed using a bandage soaked in peroxide or another antiseptic, applied for half an hour. If pus is secreted under the skin, it is squeezed out of the hole, which is made along the edge where the flap of skin has dried.

Mandatory procedures are daily. If necessary, the pus should be squeezed out. Levomekol ointment is a good remedy that promotes the healing of an already cleaned wound. It is recommended to apply a bandage with this ointment to the wound daily.

In case of acute suppuration (phlegmon, abscess), surgical intervention is resorted to. The wound is opened with a scalpel, non-viable tissue is excised, and wound discharge is collected for laboratory testing of the microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The wound is washed and dried several times, then tampons soaked in saline solution are applied to the site of the wound. For some patients with severe pain, saline solution is replaced with novocaine solution. Sutures are placed, which, if healing results are good, are removed on the ninth day.

Doctors very successfully use wipes with immobilized trypsin to heal purulent wounds, thanks to which local manifestations of inflammation disappear after several times of using the solution. On the first day, pain disappears, wound contents peel off, and blood counts improve. The time required for wound cleansing and further treatment after using this medicine is reduced by half. High efficiency, effectiveness and ease of use are the main characteristics of immobilized trypsin preparations.

For certain indications, patients are prescribed analgesics, antihistamines and detoxification agents. Throughout therapy, it is recommended to use immune stimulants. If there is a threat of infection spreading, according to bacteriological tests, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Monitoring the course of the recovery process, treatment and adaptation in the postoperative period is carried out by doctors during dressing procedures.

Much attention is paid to the expressiveness of inflammatory processes on the sides of the wound, studies of wound material and the patient’s blood, as well as studies of the microbial spectrum. Doctors pay special attention to patients with diabetes and people with problems in the circulatory system. Their treatment follows a different scheme and has a number of features due to the complexity of wound healing.

First aid

In the field, treatment of infected wounds consists of several stages. If the victims are on a hike, on vacation in the forest or mountains, where there are no medical facilities, then the entire treatment process lies with the team. To do this, it is worth remembering a few recommendations aimed at providing first aid when receiving a serious wound:

  • it is necessary to stop the bleeding (apply a bandage or tourniquet);
  • treat the skin around the wound with a clean swab with an antiseptic (alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide);
  • treat the wound itself with chlorhexidine, a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply a sterile bandage.

If the wound is serious, it will become inflamed within a few days. To treat it, you need to urgently consult a doctor in a nearby locality.

When leaving places of civilization for a long time, you need to have a supply of first aid medications with you: antiseptics, Vishnevsky ointment, Streptocide, Syntomethacin. And, of course, it is imperative to remember that active, timely treatment with complex and differentiated therapy, the inclusion of modern methods of rehabilitation measures will help speed up the healing process of wounds complicated by infection. Neglect of health problems can lead to irreparable disaster.

The first thing that is recommended to do when treating an open wound in the leg area is to stop the bleeding, apply a tourniquet or a tight bandage. After the procedure, treatment of the wound borders begins. You will need to thoroughly clean the wound of foreign substances (pieces of dirt or rust from a nail), anoint the edges of the wound with brilliant green, and apply a sterile bandage.

If it is noticeable that the process of infection of the leg has begun, you need to immediately wash the injury, treat it with antiseptic substances, and finally apply a bandage to the sore spot.

An open wound on a human leg must be treated carefully and may cause harm to the patient. If a person wants to treat an injury on his own, it is worth knowing things that absolutely cannot be done:

Treatment of an open wound in the human leg area

If handled correctly, treatment can be done at home. The first step is to stop the bleeding of the injured area of ​​the human leg. There are two types of bleeding: venous and arterial.

The first way to stop bleeding is direct, just take and press the affected area (it doesn’t matter whether the person has cut or pierced the limb). If the blood flows too quickly, beats in a pulsating stream, there is arterial bleeding (a puncture or cut of the artery has occurred). In case of such bleeding, it is worth applying a tight tourniquet above the affected area. If desired, a soft base can be placed under it (for further patient comfort). The tourniquet needs to be looked after; it needs to be loosened forty minutes after application. You cannot keep the tourniquet on your legs in one place for more than 2 hours; each time you need to move it a little higher or lower than the previous place. When applying, the main thing is not to compress the arteries, this will lead to the death of living tissue.

If the blood has a dark red, burgundy hue, and slowly flows out of the affected area, venous bleeding develops (cut, puncture of a vein). This type requires a tourniquet or an extremely tight bandage below the wounded area, and you should not press too hard.

At the second stage, treatment consists of treating the wound. If a person pierces his leg with a rusty nail, you need to remove the object and then disinfect the affected area. Use sterile tweezers. If a foreign body is stuck too deeply, you should not irritate the injured area again; it is better to leave the work to professionals. After cleaning the surface of the puncture, the edges of the wound are treated; it is permissible to use brilliant green or medical alcohol as a preparation, but never iodine. If you use brown antiseptic on an open wound, there is a chance of serious medical burns.

Treatment at the third stage consists of disinfecting the damaged area with antiseptic substances. For example, grind a streptocide tablet into powder and cover the affected surface. In place of the antiseptic, it is permissible to use a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, five percent or ten percent syntomycin ointment. If the above is not available, it is allowed to treat the wound on the leg with brilliant green.

If a person pierces a limb with a rusty nail, but does not take timely measures to disinfect the injured area of ​​skin, infection will occur and continue to develop. It is better to try to create the right conditions for restoration of the skin on the legs, phagocytosis and exudation, restoration of the bactericidal and immunobiological state of the human body, and help cleanse the affected area of ​​foreign substances. The main thing is not to stop treating the wound, preventing complications.

Treatment of various types of open wounds on the leg, their features, how to avoid unwanted complications

If a person has pierced a limb and received an open wound, treatment is carried out with surgery (especially with a deep wound). Signs that surgical intervention is inevitable:

If the wound does not become infected, the object that pierced the limb did not affect the nerves, arteries and vital organs, the damage along the edges is treated with various antiseptic substances, is not sutured, and a sterile bandage is applied on top. If a foreign substance is found deep in the wound, for example, rust from a puncture with a nail, the edges of the wound are widened and the object is removed, then a suture is applied. If the wound is contaminated with soil, the injured person must be vaccinated against tetanus.

If the puncture wound is found to be of greater depth, treatment will be carried out through surgery. During the operation, the boundaries of the wound are expanded, a foreign body or substance is removed, and a suture is applied.

In case of damage to the joint (from a puncture with a nail or other sharp long object), the surgeon opens the cavity to carry out an inspection, cleans the inside of blood clots and foreign substances. The joint cavity is washed with various antiseptic substances and a suture is applied with a drainage tube.

Disinfection is considered an important part in the treatment of incised wounds. There are important points in the process:

  • It is necessary to try as much as possible to disinfect the affected area, avoiding infection.
  • The medicine should be convenient for the patient and not harm the wound.
  • The dose of the antiseptic substance should be recommended by a specialist, and not the maximum. This will help avoid side effects.

With a chopped wound, there is an extremely high chance of damaging the bones (cutting off fingers, an ax stuck in the leg). In such cases, it is worthwhile to establish the anatomical integrity of the body and bones. This type of wound requires sutures for faster healing, but in most cases of a severed wound, restoration and treatment is virtually impossible; the human body does not tend to restore lost parts of the body.

If the wound is lacerated, an important point in treatment is the restoration of the anatomical integrity of the skin of the human body; disinfection of the affected area, vaccination against tetanus and gas gangrene are necessary. The suture of a wound on the leg should not be made continuous; drainage is left to aerate the wound. After such injuries, scars remain that require mandatory surgical intervention for cosmetic correction and maximum camouflage of the wound.

Treatment of scalped open wounds pays special attention to the anatomical restoration of the skin and cleansing the affected area of ​​foreign bodies and substances. As a rule, a cosmetic suture is applied while leaving a drainage tube.

What to do to avoid possible leg injuries

If you want to avoid excruciating pain and complications after an injury, you should be more careful when handling cutting objects. Injuries are not always obtained in the form of a puncture with a knife, awl or nail; damage can be caused by a fall, normal walking, in short - almost anywhere.

Beware of rusty nails, they are ubiquitous. It happened that a person, not knowing the territory of the seabed or wasteland, accidentally pierced his leg, simultaneously receiving two injuries to the skin - a puncture and a laceration. The first sensation with such a wound is a second of pain, then a feeling of shock sets in, the patient does not feel his feet, cannot walk, the treatment process is also painless. After 3 hours, severe pain begins, preventing normal walking.

Nail wounds are more often of a through nature (if the objects are long), which gives a double degree of danger to the injury received by the patient. The affected area should be treated on both sides. For a person who has pierced his lower limb, it is better to lie down for a while and not strain his leg with physical activity.



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