Purple basil in cooking. What are the benefits of purple basil and how to use it correctly

Purple basil is used not only for culinary purposes, but also in recipes traditional medicine. It contains vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils and aromatic substances. Knowing the benefits of purple basil, you will definitely want to plant this beautiful plant in your kitchen on the windowsill.

Properties of purple basil

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. With regular consumption of leaves, the body is cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances. Basil has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation bladder and urinary tract.

For those who are interested in the benefits of purple basil for women who want to lose weight, it is worth pointing out that this plant can accelerate lipid metabolism, and this is important for better burning of accumulated fat. You can eat not only the leaves, but also the seeds of the plant, which also help get rid of extra pounds. Basil helps increase appetite during asthenia, after serious illnesses. A decoction made from greens copes well with inflammatory processes. For those who often face stress and suffer from, it will be useful to drink a drink made from basil and lemon. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of purple basil on the condition of blood vessels, since it helps restore their elasticity.

There is also information that with regular consumption of purple basil, you can count on it to protect the body from negative influence radioactive radiation. The plant has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. It is worth noting the benefits of basil as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Many people are interested in what purple basil is eaten with, so there are many recipes with this green. It will be an excellent addition to seafood, meat, fish, and is also widely used in salads. Due to their unsurpassed aroma, purple leaves are used to flavor canned food. A decoction of purple basil is used in cosmetics.

Another important point As for which basil is better, green or purple, it is impossible to give preference to one of the proposed options, since each has its own advantages, for example, purple basil has a brighter aroma.

This spicy plant with serrated leaves exudes a bright aroma and has an incomparable taste, adored by chefs all over the world.

More and more people are interested in the topic “Purple Basil: beneficial properties and contraindications" not only for culinary purposes: many are interested in it medicinal qualities. Let's find out how this plant affects human body, what is useful for men and women, and how it is used in magic.

Not only basil herb is beneficial for health: medicinal properties are inherent in the seeds, flowers, and young stems. They contain many needed by the body substances: mineral salts, essential oils, and there are vitamins in basil. Let's find out what vitamins and other beneficial substances in basil heal the body.

Composition of basil

  • Carbohydrates. They are easily digestible and provide a lot of energy.
  • Vitamins K, A, B2 and C. Necessary for normal functioning body.
  • Natural oils. They moisturize the skin and prevent early aging.
  • Sugar esters, improving the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Tannins. They eliminate inflammation and improve blood clotting.
  • Rutin. It enriches the blood composition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and promotes the production of red blood cells.
  • Essential Minerals(zinc, iron, potassium, etc.).
  • Flavonoids. Substances that prevent aging and the appearance of tumors, and normalize metabolism.

Note that dried basil has the same beneficial properties as fresh basil, only it preserves less vitamin WITH.

The properties of green basil, as well as the beneficial properties of purple basil, are almost the same.

Plants differ only in aroma (in the first it is less pronounced) and taste (the second has a sharper taste). Lemon basil, whose beneficial properties are identical to these types, has a more pronounced refreshing aroma.

Let's find out the benefits of green basil and other types and varieties.

Useful properties of basil

  • The plant improves heart function.
  • Protects against premature aging skin and body.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and strengthens blood vessels, reduces cholesterol.
  • Basil prevents cancer.
  • Strengthens the immune system and resists enterococcus, staphylococcus and other pathogenic bacteria.
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and flatulence.
  • The herb basil increases blood clotting.
  • Protects against the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Helps with exacerbation of arthritis.
  • Fights colds.
  • The plant is a good antidepressant.
  • Improves your health oral cavity.
  • Calms down headache.
  • Basil strengthens eyesight.

Here are the benefits of purple basil for the human body. Of course that's not all medicinal properties basilica, but the most important ones. Now we will find out what properties of purple and green basil are beneficial for women and men.

Basil: beneficial properties and contraindications for women

Purple and green basil, the beneficial properties of which are so important for the body, bring especially many benefits to women's health.

Relieves PMS pain

The properties of the basil herb relieve women of the pain that overcomes them before menstruation, improve their mood and give them vigor.

Eat more basil greens during PMS, as well as during menstruation. Basil is a source of iron, which leaves the body even faster with blood loss.

Helps with cystitis

To see how purple basil is beneficial for women, brew 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for ten minutes, cool and filter.

For cystitis, take a quarter glass three times a day.

Basil seeds for weight loss

To get rid of the pounds you have eaten, you can use basil seeds, the properties of which help normalize metabolism.

To prepare the infusion, do the following:

  • Pour 100 ml teaspoon of achenes warm water, stir and cover.
  • We wait for the seeds to swell - about five minutes.
  • Add natural yogurt or juice and drink it for breakfast.

To lose weight, you can take baths with basil leaves: they remove toxins and remove swelling. And we try to include more fresh basil in our diet.

Here's how it affects female body basil, whose beneficial properties for women are truly invaluable. It’s a pity that not all women can use it: it is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Basil: beneficial properties for men

What are the benefits of purple basil for men? First of all, by improving potency, which is especially important when it weakens: basil helps well with impotence.

Let's find out in more detail what the medicinal properties of basil are in relation to men's health.

Basil plant: beneficial properties for men

What are the benefits of purple basil for men?

Strengthens libido and increases potency. Active basil acids accelerate blood circulation and support required level sugar in male blood. Blood flows well to the genital organ, and the man’s personal life improves.

To improve potency, drink basil tea twice a day:

  • We prepare a handful (25 g) of fresh or dry raw materials - the properties of dried basil are no worse than freshly picked ones.
  • We brew the raw material with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Cover, leave for a quarter of an hour and filter.

We drink it in two doses, adding lemon juice or honey: sainfoin is better - it also copes well with impotence.

Basil makes a man focused, especially on the road. Its components improve concentration, invigorate and give great mood.

Dried basil helps get rid of belly fat. Many men are also obese: they, like women, will benefit from a basil drink, the beneficial properties of which and the recipe are described above.

Basil seeds accelerate fat burning, especially if you simultaneously give the body physical activity.

Basil replenishes strength. Basil restores strength after strong physical or mental stress thanks to vitamins and such important microelements, like iron.

Spice strengthens the nerves. The properties and uses of basil bring the nervous system into healthy condition, normalize sleep, relieve the effects of stress and anxiety.

This is how beneficial basil is for men, and why it is so important that it be present more often in a man's diet.

Basil: contraindications

Let's find out who should not eat basil in any form and use it in decoctions and teas.

Who are contraindicated with basil greens and seeds:

  • People who have had a stroke or heart attack, and those who suffer from ischemia.
  • Epileptics.
  • People suffering from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, poor clotting blood.
  • Hypotonics.
  • Children under seven years of age.

Basil tea, the properties of which are so valuable, should not be drunk in liters: mercury, contained in leaves and other parts in microscopic doses, can accumulate in tissues and poison the body. To prevent this from happening, we drink tea for three weeks, and then take a week-long break.

Let's learn how to put the beneficial properties of this plant into practice to get rid of diseases and keep the body in good shape.

Traditional medicine recipes with basil

For dry cough

  • Place 7 basil leaves and 4 garlic cloves in a bowl with 100 g of water and cook for 10 minutes.
  • We drink the decoction throughout the day.

This decoction thins mucus and facilitates coughing, and also relieves asthmatic relapses.

When tooth enamel and gums are weakened

Grind a few dry leaves into powder and brush your teeth. This “paste” heals gums and strengthens tooth enamel.

For kidney stones

We eat 7 basil leaves before each meal. Basil juice activates the secretion of bile.

If you take honey and basil juice in equal parts for five months in a row, you can completely get rid of kidney stones.

To strengthen vision

To strengthen the retina of the eyes, we regularly eat basil, preferably fresh. And if you need to relieve fatigue from the eyes, we make an infusion:

  • Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh or dried raw materials 1.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Cool and filter.
  • We wash our eyes with the infusion and apply compresses to the eyelids twice a day.

We take a 12-day course, break for 5 days and repeat. You will get rid of burning eyes, inflammation of the eyelids and pronounced blood vessels in the whites.

Basil herb for stress

Every day we use 12 leaves of this spice in several doses, chewing them thoroughly. Basil juice will calm your nerves and remove excess toxins.

For heaviness in the stomach and other gastrointestinal problems

  • Pour in 1.5 tsp. herbs 250 ml boiling water, cover and wait 15 minutes.
  • We filter and drink 2 glasses a day.

We drink the infusion for 8 days, stop for 2 weeks and repeat the eight-day course.

To strengthen the immune system

Grind 15 g of dried basil into powder and brew 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, filter and drink a quarter glass 3 times a day after meals.

For rheumatism

Brew 40 g of chopped basil raw materials with 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, filter, pour into the bath and take it for 15 minutes.

So, you know how to use basil for treatment and healing. Now let's turn to its magical properties.

It turns out that basil, whose beneficial properties and uses are usually related to health or cooking, also has magical qualities!

  • Strengthens marital bonds.
  • Improves sex life spouses.
  • Doesn't let me into the house evil forces and unfriendly people.
  • Attracts money and love, attracts good luck.
  • Strengthens mental strength and improves mood.
  • Strengthens clairvoyance abilities.
  • Keeps peace in the house, avoiding quarrels.

If you often “communicate” with this spice, you will soon notice that you have learned to look at life through the eyes of an optimist.

How to use basil for magical purposes

In magic, basil, whose properties are so diverse, can be used in different ways.

  • How to protect your loved ones from troubles on the road. Before the trip, we brew tea with basil and give each person a cup for everyone to drink.
  • How to cleanse your biofield of negativity. We take a bath with a handful of basil leaves, and the biofield will be cleared of negative energy, other people's envy and other negativity.

After taking a bath, you will immediately feel relief and elation.

  • How to protect your home from ill-wishers. We weave a wreath from basil branches and hang it above the front door - not a single enemy will pass through!
  • How to attract financial prosperity. If you are tired of not having enough money, do the following on the new moon:

*Take a sprig of basil and brew it whole with boiling water. Without covering with a lid, leave for ten minutes.

*Spray all the rooms in the house with the chilled infusion, asking the Universe to bring more money into your life.

We repeat the procedure for three new moons in a row so that the money comes in continuously. It’s also a good idea to always carry basil leaves with you.

  • How to attract love. If you need a suitor or a husband, rub your body with basil leaves every day - the result will be quick!

And if you want everything at once: peace in the family, increased passion, and monetary well-being, use universal magic way. Plant one or more plants with your own hands. Let them stand in the house all year round, and you will forget about conflicts, mutual insults, poverty and despondency!

Now you know much of what purple basil is capable of, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied since ancient times and to this day. Heal your illnesses with it, gain spiritual harmony and bring good luck to your home!

Basil is native to tropical Asia. In Iran and India, culinary specialists and doctors have been using this for more than 5 thousand years. aromatic plant. In Mediterranean cuisine, it occupies a leading position among spices due to its sharp taste and balsamic aroma. Not in vain Greek the word "basil" means king. Almost 70 plant species are known: they differ slightly appearance, taste and smell. Like all products, basil has beneficial properties and contraindications, which it is advisable to read in more detail.

Composition of basil

Basil herb contains nutrients: proteins (3%), carbohydrates (5%), 1% fat, fiber and ash. The calorie content of 100 g of fresh basil is only 23 calories. Everything that basil does is determined by its unique chemical and vitamin composition. The plant is not too rich in vitamins, but still contains the main ones:
group B - represented by thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine, niacin, choline;
A (beta-carotene);
carotene (provitamin A);
C (ascorbic acid);
E (tocopherol);
K (phylloquinone);
PP (nicotinic acid).

Macroelements in basil are potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, and microelements are copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Tannins, saponins and glycosides - all this also accumulates in fragrant leaves and stems. Their spicy smell is explained enough high content essential oil basil (from 0.02 to 1.5%). It contains linalol, eugenol, meylhavinol, cineole, ocimene, camphor. The esters contained in the oil give basil bactericidal properties and also turn it into an effective repellent (mosquito repellent).

Useful properties of basil

When wondering whether basil is useful, one finds many positive answers that lie in the plane of various branches of medicine. The question is also often asked: does the color of basil affect the percentage? useful substances? Leaf color - morphological feature, which does not change chemical composition Plants: Everything that purple basil does is equally beneficial to lemon basil, as well as green basil.

Basil herb as an infusion antimicrobial agent, used to gargle for acute respiratory infections, oral cavity for inflammation of the gums, caries, to refresh bad breath. To avoid infection of wounds, apply basil lotions to them.

Medicinal properties basil herbs applied to genitourinary systems e consist in a diuretic effect and in softening small stones in the kidneys, removing excess uric acid. Using basil as a seasoning stabilizes the functioning of the urinary organs.

What else is basil useful for - the plant is a natural antibiotic for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract at viral infections And bacterial infections, colds, asthma, tuberculosis. Preparations from the plant relieve inflammation in the joints and gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract(for colitis, gastritis, flatulence).

Has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system camphor oil. Camphor stabilizes the functioning of the respiratory and heart centers brain, thanks to which it is aligned heart rate, headaches and neurotic heart spasms are relieved.

According to the results of independent studies, essential oil Basil contains antioxidants. Together with vitamin C, they help prevent oncological diseases and protection nervous system from stress. By taking basil infusion, you can relieve mental stress, restore strength during a period of intense physical and mental labor.

The vitamin charge of basil strengthens the walls of blood vessels (vitamins C and P), synthesizes vitamin A (carotene); improves vision, as well as the condition of nails, hair, skin(vitamin A); strengthens nerves and improves mood (B vitamins).

Basil – a natural aphrodisiac

IN cultural heritage Many peoples celebrate basil as a symbol of love between a man and a woman. For example, in Romania, the bride gives a sprig of basil to the groom, agreeing to marry him. The famous herbalist N. Culpeper in his treatise “Collection of Herbs” (1653) examined the effect of the plant on reproductive system. Basil enhances aphrodisiac sexual desire partners against a background of relaxation and stress relief. The spicy smell excites lovers, accelerates the movement of blood in the vessels, enhances erection, and prolongs sexual intercourse.

Basil: beneficial properties for women and men

In addition to general useful qualities, basil has a specific effect on the male and female body. Men use the “royal herb” to increase potency. Suitable for women antispasmodic properties plants to reduce menstrual pain. Many anti-aging creams used by ladies contain basil oil, which helps smooth out fine wrinkles and tones the skin. The same component helps eliminate brittleness and prevent hair loss. If a woman is on a diet, then fresh leaves ennobles the taste dietary dishes– green basil is especially suitable for this. Not only does it help you lose weight low calorie content seasonings, but also its ability to accelerate metabolic processes and break down fats.

Use of basil in medicine

To use basil correctly, you should take into account the above beneficial properties and contraindications, which will be discussed below. Let us note the features of the use of the plant for various diseases.
Cold, fever. Tea is prepared from the leaves with the addition of cardamom grains, sugar and milk. Freshly squeezed plant juice is even more effective.
Cough, bronchitis, asthma. Honey and ginger are added to a decoction of the leaves - this remedy softens coughs and cleanses the bronchi. Basil tea with cloves and kitchen salt is an active anti-flu remedy.
Dermatological diseases. The antiseptic medicinal properties of the basil herb give noticeable results in counteracting I deprive the ringworm, acne, sometimes even leukoderma.
Depressive states, loss of strength. Basil essential oil is inhaled by adding a few drops to the aroma lamp. To strengthen the nervous system, drink tea from crushed plants (leaves, flowers and stems). A bath with basil essential oil is also beneficial. For good sleep You can put dried basil in a pillow at the head.
Nausea, vomiting. Dry basil or fresh leaves are brewed and taken orally.
Inflammation of the eyes, blurred vision. Place 2 drops of herbal juice into the eyes before bedtime or rinse the eyes with the cooled decoction.
Dental diseases. For toothache, applying cotton wool soaked in essential oil helps. A decoction is used to rinse for gingivitis.

Note that dry basil retains all the medicinal properties as well as the fresh plant.

Basil in cooking

“Royal grass” is a universal seasoning for many dishes. Dishes with basil acquire a noble and piquant taste. In cooking, the color of basil is of no small importance, as it determines the taste and aromatic characteristics of the plant. Purple basil (native to Asia) has fleshy stems and red or purple leaves with a strong clove-like scent. Lemon basil has a scent reminiscent of tropical citrus. Thai green basil has narrow, light green leaves and has a scent similar to licorice.

When adding basil to food you should know:
the leaves of the plant are combined with dishes of vegetables, meat, eggs, sauces and salads;
dried basil (as well as freshly picked leaves) is added to first courses;
Basil is the basis of the composition of the green pesto sauce, known in Mediterranean cuisine. If Parmesan is added to the recipe, Pesto acquires an original taste;
fresh basil is not heat-treated when added to prepared dishes.

Why purple basil is useful in cooking - it is indispensable in dishes with tomatoes. Tomatoes and basil harmonize perfectly in taste, both in main courses and in winter preparations. To test this, you should prepare Caprese, a famous Italian appetizer that includes tomatoes and mozzarella. Marinated, baked and even dried tomatoes with basil are famous for their taste.

When combined with various spices, basil expands the flavor palette of dishes.
Mint and basil add a unique aroma to strawberry jam. Kissels, drinks and even ice cream - mint and basil complement each other perfectly.
Not only the traditional ones are added to borscht and cabbage soup bay leaf, but also basil, marjoram, cumin and rosemary.
In sauces for meat dishes In addition to basil, chervil with anise flavor is added.
Basil and thyme are a great duo for cooking fish dishes(for example catfish fillet). Salmon is prepared by seasoning it with basil and oregano ( popular name- oregano).
You can add fennel to vegetable or fish dishes with basil.

You should not exceed a reasonable amount of spice: after all, basil has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications.

Basil taste

Basil has a sharp, fresh taste with a slight bitterness, while it resembles allspice. Lemon basil, which contains citral, tastes like lemon.

How to properly store basil

To preserve the smell and taste of basil, when purchasing, choose fresh plants, without dark spots. Short-term storage is possible in two ways;
leaves wrapped in a damp cotton napkin are placed in a plastic bag placed in the cold;
put the twigs in a glass of water, cover plastic bag, putting on an elastic band on top; In the refrigerator, with a daily change of water, the greens will be stored for a week.

Preparing basil for the winter

For long-term storage, basil can be harvested in several ways.
Freezing. After the water has drained, the washed branches are placed in the freezer on parchment paper, and after hardening, they are carefully placed in bags and returned to the freezer.
Ice cubes. The crushed leaves are placed in molds and filled with water. Frozen cubes are transferred to a bag and kept in the freezer.
Drying. The grass is cut during flowering and dried at a temperature not exceeding 35° (so that the essential oils do not evaporate) for two weeks. Dried basil is ground and stored in an airtight container.

Basil oil

Very useful product, used in cosmetology and medicine (its properties are described in more detail earlier). The leaves contain the most essential oil. It is obtained by steam distillation. 100 kg of basil produces 2 kg of oil. This colorless liquid, sometimes slightly yellowish with a pleasant sweetish smell. Basil essential oil should be in any medicine cabinet as a first aid remedy: it saves from burns, relieves headaches, treats runny nose and joints, and relieves asthma attacks. At the same time, do not forget that there are contraindications for taking the drug (it contains great content mercury), but the beneficial properties of basil oil are much more numerous.

Basil seeds for weight loss

To make the figure more graceful, use Thai basil seeds. To do this, prepare a dessert with coconut milk or cream. The seeds are brewed cold water, then they swell for several minutes. The water is drained and coconut milk is added to the seeds. The drink is no less tasty if you add French rose buds or jasmine.

Thai basil seeds help eliminate excess cholesterol, speed up metabolism, and remove excess liquid and toxins.

Basil contraindications

Along with the healing effect on the body, there is also a certain harm of basil. It is not recommended to use it for some serious diseases:

  • severe varicose veins;
  • stroke or heart attack;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • deviation from the norm of blood clotting;
  • low blood pressure.

Basil is harmful for pregnant women and nursing mothers: undesirable high rate essential oil content in the leaves. The same factor limits the use of the seasoning for everyone: when basil is consumed daily and in large quantities, mercury accumulates in the body.

Growing Basil

To grow basil, fertile, drained areas with loamy soil are allocated for it. Seeds for seedlings are sown in early April (room temperature should be 12-15 degrees). The distance between the rows of seeds is 5-6 cm. The emerging seedlings are thinned out, maintaining an interval of 2-3 cm between the bushes.

60 days after sowing, plants with 5-6 leaves are planted in beds with intervals of 20 cm in rows and row spacing of 50 cm. With regular watering, plants quickly take root and grow. Weeds should be carefully removed: they choke the basil and reduce its yield.

Having studied basil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant, you can successfully diversify your menu and use herbal preparations from the “royal herb” for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Basil is a plant that was brought to us from India. It is extremely healthy, contains so many useful substances that it is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine due to its medicinal properties. Basil has a pleasant spicy aroma that can easily compete with parsley.

Hardworking housewives have long begun to grow such aromatic seasoning in their garden beds. At proper care, it will delight you with its beneficial properties all summer and autumn, which will significantly improve your health. In addition, this spice makes the taste of dishes fresher and richer than ever. would be better suited for cooking meat and fish (vaguely reminiscent of cloves, some varieties are more similar in aroma to nutmeg).

Calorie content of fresh basil (100 g)

The fact that fresh basil is low in calories is quite natural. After all, it contains only up to 5 grams of carbohydrates, and even less fat. This plant is very useful and should be present in the diet. healthy eating. As for dried basil, the calorie content is slightly different and amounts to 251 kcal per 100 grams of dry product. Everything is due to the higher concentration of fats and carbohydrates (4 and 61 g, respectively), because enough was used to prepare such a dry seasoning large number fresh raw materials.


Vitamins: B2, C, PP

Active ingredients: essential oils (camphor, lalanool, eugenol), phytonicides, tannins, fiber, protein.

Benefits of basil for the body

Basil benefits the entire vascular system due to the presence of vitamins C and PP. They are able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the amount of cholesterol on their walls. Also, these vitamins are excellent at combating free radicals and prevent premature oxidation inside the cell.

The plant has excellent tonic properties, which are used to activate all processes in the body. Very often this herb will help in postoperative period, because she has antiseptic indications. Thanks to the essential oils of basil, which are found in sufficient quantity in the prepared infusion, you can gargle and thereby reduce inflammatory processes on mucous membranes, while it antibacterial property also extends to the oral cavity, which will reduce gum disease, remove bad smell from the mouth, stop the development of caries.

Another medicinal property of basil is its diuretic effect, which is useful for preventing the formation of sand and kidney stones. This seasoning is able to remove excess uric acid from the body, which significantly improves human health. Thanks to its tannins, basil is used to prevent diseases of the entire genitourinary system.

Provides invaluable benefits in the treatment of various respiratory diseases, because it antiseptic properties can alleviate the course of the disease, will significantly help alleviate the condition in cases of asthma, tuberculosis or other upper respiratory tract infections. A decoction of dried basil will reduce elevated temperature bodies, no worse than cranberries.

Basil is useful for its essential oils, which perfectly fight frequent headaches. Camphor reduces painful manifestations of rheumatism, and lanalool has an anticarcinogenic effect and is often recommended for patients with malignant tumors.

For the nervous system, basil is simply a salvation. After all, this seasoning has a general strengthening effect, allows you to return healthy sleep, reduce anxiety. And tea with basil and everything, if used correctly and regularly, will allow you to get rid of heightened feeling anxiety and irritability.

Fresh basil is often used in various diets. This is due to the high fiber content and active ingredients, which speed up metabolic processes and can help normalize weight. Fiber, in turn, helps reduce hunger and works as a “cleanser” of the intestines, which entails an increase in the absorption of nutrients and strengthens the immune system.

Health Benefits of Purple Basil

Purple basil doesn't have much big difference in beneficial properties from the green variety of this plant. But still, there are some.

First of all, it has a strong aroma (used mainly for marinades, meat and fish dishes). The healing properties of purple basil have been known since Russian times. It was often used for cooking healing decoctions to combat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary systems. Vitamins, minerals and essential oils in purple basil can significantly improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, provide them healthy looking and food.

Thanks to its astringent properties, it treats or prevents the development of flatulence in the intestines.

Seasoning from this plant can reduce the level of exposure to radiation on the body. Therefore, it is recommended to eat this plant in areas where there is an unfavorable radiological situation or hazardous conditions labor related to air pollution.

Useful properties of basil oil

Basil essential oil has many beneficial properties for human health. A special place in it is occupied by oils and tannins, which have an analgesic, antimicrobial, warming, antispasmodic effect on the body.

Basil oil is beneficial for the functioning of the central nervous system. All essential components can increase concentration brain activity, reduce excitability with frequent stressful situations, normalize sleep.

This essential oil is useful in the fight against various microorganisms, especially streptococcus. Maximizes its beneficial effect in tandem with lavender or eucalyptus.

As an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, the oil is used to combat frequent otitis media, toothache or migraine.

This plant has a relaxing (antispasmodic) effect on muscles internal organs Therefore, basil oil is used in the presence of stomach diseases and frequent intestinal spasms. For women, this oil has its own value - it can reduce inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries, reduce painful sensations during the period critical days and menopause.

Basil oil-based inhalations and rubbing are often used to treat chronic bronchitis, asthma (because the existing components can prevent the development of allergies, which is important in the treatment of this disease), the antibacterial property of the oil allows it to be used even in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Contraindications and harm to the body

During pregnancy, you should use basil seasoning with caution so as not to cause negative reactions. If you have allergies, it is better to refuse altogether.

May harm people with the disease diabetes mellitus, so it is better to consult a doctor.

It is contraindicated to eat basil independently and uncontrollably if there is chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to a worsening of the condition, even to the point of poisoning.

Medicinal properties have their own age restrictions, they should not be used on children of primary school age.



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