Avocado: how to choose a ripe one and how to eat it. Avocado

Original and nutritious, this exotic fruit is famous for its beneficial properties. What does avocado taste like, how is it eaten, what dishes can be prepared from it? Let's look at it in this article.

Avocado - description, composition and calorie content

Alligator pear - the fruit received this name due to its green peel, reminiscent of the skin of a toothy reptile, and the specific shape of the familiar fruit. The official name of the avocado is Persea americana, because it was on this continent that the evergreen plant was discovered. Today it is grown in many tropical countries.

There are about 400 varieties of avocados. The fruits vary in shape, size and oiliness.

Perseus are:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • pear-shaped.

The length of the fruit is from 5 to 20 cm, weight is from 200 g to 1.5 kg. The peel of a ripe alligator pear has a rich green tint, the inside of the fruit is yellow and oily. The fruits have a stone 2–3 cm long.

A fruit of medium ripeness has a high calorie content: about 150–200 kcal per 100 grams. This allows the fruit to be a valuable source of energy. Avocado dishes are hearty and healthy, because the fruit contains many nutrients.

Main components:

  • groups of vitamins E, C, B, K, PP, D;
  • oleic and pantothenic acids;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium;
  • polyunsaturated acids;
  • zinc, molybdenum, iron, manganese, copper, iodine;
  • alimentary fiber.

Thanks to this special composition, the benefits of avocados include a healing effect on the body.

Thus, the fruit, when consumed regularly, has the following effects:

  1. Supplies the necessary energy resources.
  2. Improves brain activity.
  3. Increases concentration and work activity.
  4. Reduces the risk of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Improves vision.
  6. Normalizes blood pressure.
  7. Relieves anemia.
  8. Strengthens the immune system.
  9. Improves metabolic processes.
  10. Increases stress resistance.
  11. Rejuvenates the body and has antioxidant properties.
  12. Improves skin regeneration.

Avocado is an affordable product for vegetarians. It replaces animal fats and eggs, supplying the body with vitamins and microelements.

Perseus has no distinct taste.

  • If the fruit is ripe, it resembles cream with notes of nuts and greens.
  • Many people experience the taste of pine needles or pine nuts when tasting avocados.
  • If you taste an unripe hard fruit, you will feel bitterness. To some, this fruit resembles raw pumpkin.
  • An overripe alligator pear turns to mush inside.

What does avocado taste like? This exotic fruit is the fruit of the American Persea. The latter belongs to the evergreen plants of the Laurel family. This fruit must be chosen correctly and, of course, stored. The article will tell you what avocado tastes like and how it differs. In addition, here you will find many interesting recipes using this product.

How to choose the right fruit?

What should an avocado taste like? How to determine that a product is of high quality and ripe? It turns out that the taste of a fruit directly depends on its degree of ripeness. In order to prepare any dish using this product, you need to know how to choose it correctly.

High-quality ripe fruit has several distinctive features. So, its color should be dark green. If the color is too light, this indicates that this store sells unripe avocados. A photo of a fruit, of course, cannot convey what the product tastes like. But thanks to the color scheme in the picture, you can determine its ripeness. So, you should not buy black fruits. Because they are either spoiled or too overripe. Exceptions include fruit varieties such as Haas. Its skin is blackish in color.

The consistency of the avocado should be soft. When you press on it, a dent forms. But after that it quickly smoothes out.

Also, one of the characteristic signs of fruit ripeness is the seed. In ripe fruit it will be easily separated from the pulp. Since there is no way to do this in the store, you can simply shake the avocado. A ripe fruit will make a knocking sound.

There is a case when the buyer is faced with the choice of which fruit to choose: overripe or underripe? It's best to go with the second option. It must be kept for several days at room temperature. After this, the peel of the fruit will darken. As was said, this is a sign that he has ripened.

What does avocado taste like and how to eat it?

First you need to try this fruit. This is done so that you know what products you can use it with. Different types can have interesting, different flavors. So, a ripe fruit is somewhat similar to butter with herbs.

What does avocado taste like raw? It should be noted that it is quite fresh. Therefore, almost no one undertakes to eat it in its pure form. As a rule, it is served with seasonings and sauce.

What does avocado taste like and what is it like? It is impossible to clearly determine what this quality of the fruit looks like. Because in different variations it has a different taste.

Thus, the pulp is used in the preparation of various types of pastes and as a component of main dishes.

What does avocado taste like and what do you eat it with? As noted above, this quality of the fruit tends to vary depending on the main ingredient with which it is combined. So, when combined with salted fish and spicy cheese, the fruit does not stand out. It only gives the finished dish originality and a soft consistency.

How many avocados can you eat per day?

People who are prone to obesity should refrain from consuming this product. Because it is very high in calories. It is best to eat one fruit per day. It should be combined with whole grain bread. The fruit can also be added to a salad.

Avocado helps to quickly satisfy hunger. But if you eat several fruits, a feeling of heaviness appears afterwards.

This fruit is a leader in terms of fat content. But it is considered easily digestible. In addition, it saturates the body with useful substances and amino acids. It is allowed to be consumed by diabetics. Because the sugar content in it is minimal.

What should you know before cooking?

First you need to prepare the fruit. You should also know how to properly peel an avocado. Otherwise, the pulp may be damaged. In a ripe fruit, the peel can be easily separated. To do this, just pry it slightly with a knife. And then you can peel the fruit by hand. If the peel holds tightly, this indicates that the fruit is unripe. Therefore, it should be postponed for several days. Once you have peeled the avocado, you will need to remove the pit. This process should also occur easily and without any effort.

This method of cleaning the product is suitable for preparing salads or slices from it. Those who like to eat the fruit raw may not need to do this procedure. It will be enough to divide the avocado into two parts and remove the pit. The pulp can be eaten with a spoon.

How many calories are in an avocado?

When using fruits for food, you need to be aware of their high nutritional value. The calorie content of a product depends on its variety. So, 100 g of fruit can contain from 110 to 240 kcal. Because of this, nutritionists do not advise girls who would like to lose weight to use it regularly.

About the benefits of fruit

One of the advantages of the fruit is that it is easily and completely absorbed by the body. In addition, it does not cause any digestive disorders. It also contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. And the oleic acid in its composition allows you to satisfy the feeling of hunger, even if you eat a small amount.

How to properly store fruit?

As mentioned above, unripe fruits should be stored at room temperature until ripe. They must not be placed in a refrigeration unit. Because there they become soft and begin to deteriorate.

Once the fruit is ripe, you can place it on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Here the temperature is about +4...5 degrees. This action allows you to slow down the process of further softening of the product.

Under these conditions, the product can be stored for about five days. After this period, it must be eaten. Otherwise, the fruit will soften and spoil.

In addition, you can store half an avocado in the refrigerator if you haven’t finished it. It needs to be sprayed lemon juice and place in a container. This is done so that the fruit does not turn black, or rather, the oxidation process does not occur. In this condition, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

How are avocados used in different countries?

It should be noted that this fruit can be used in various dishes. Its neutral taste goes well with eggs and vegetables, shrimp and fish.

Thus, in Europe it is usually eaten raw. It is used to make salads and sandwiches. Avocado pulp contains tannins. Therefore, when cooked, it begins to taste bitter. Because of this, it is used fresh and added to various dishes. It is also simply spread on bread, seasoned with salt or pepper.

In Mexico, soups and main courses are prepared from this fruit. Guacamole sauce is also famous.

In the USA, avocados are used to make rolls. But in Southeast Asia it is part of a non-alcoholic milkshake. In addition, it is also added to ice cream. Also, the famous alcoholic drink “Lawyer” was previously made from this fruit. Then they started adding egg yolks to it, which made it just as thick in consistency.

Which ones to eat with fruit?

So, for breakfast you can make sandwiches with avocado. To do this, the fruit is peeled and the pulp is spread on bread. You can top it with bacon or red fish, fresh vegetables and cheese.

Also, ripe fruits can be used as a side dish for various types of meat. Since avocado is a high-calorie food, it should be served in small portions.

You can add sauces or pomegranate seeds to meat dishes with this fruit. Avocado pulp goes well with salmon. To do this, it is pre-baked in the oven and poured with sauce. Avocado in this case is served in the form of slices.

There are a large number of salad recipes with this fruit. They include greens, red fish, feta cheese or feta cheese, omelet, as well as various types of meat. The ingredients can be combined. For example, sauces, seasonings and herbs are added to them.

As a main dish, you can prepare avocado soup when your guests arrive. To do this, the fruit pulp is whipped in a blender. Chicken broth is added to it, which was previously brought to a boil. Afterwards, the contents must be beaten again. Fried pieces of garlic are added to the finished soup. The dish must be served hot. It is usually decorated with sprigs of greenery. This soup is very filling. Therefore, for the second course it is best to cook baked vegetables or fish.

There is also a lower calorie version of this dish. Instead of chicken broth, add spinach and water. Afterwards the contents will need to be brought to a boil. You can add crackers or pieces of salted fish here.

I came across this fruit when I was actively losing weight. I bought a couple of pieces a week. I noticed that avocados are often on sale when they become soft and ripe. This omission of supermarkets only benefits me. I buy more at a reduced price.

How to store avocados

Avocados store well at room temperature, especially if the fruit is still hard. In 10-12 days it fully ripens and becomes soft inside.

Cut halves last longer if you do not remove the pit. Try placing an onion nearby. This fruit does not absorb odor; the taste of avocado will remain the same. The easiest way to store it is to wrap it in foil.

How to cook avocado

I like a breakfast of cottage cheese and avocado. I just mix cottage cheese and diced avocado based on taste. Salt and pepper, it will be tastier. You can simply eat it with a spoon, and if you mash it more, use it as a pate for bread.

Avocado is versatile. You can endlessly experiment with it in the kitchen. Used as one of the ingredients in salad, or as a base for sauce and cold cream soup. It does not have a distinct taste, but it gives dishes a new texture and goes well with all foods and sauces.

List of leaders to whom I happily send avocados:

  • red salted fish, cheese, pepper and salt for sandwiches;
  • shrimp, pineapple, egg for original serving and appetizers;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce and greens for simple vegetable salads;
  • boiled chicken, turkey, ham for hearty salads;
  • yogurt, cottage cheese, any other dairy products for puree soup.

Avocado peels can be used as salad plates.

How to save money on avocados

Avocados will interest botanists. A seed placed in water under normal conditions in Russian apartments, even in winter, can produce a strong sprout!

Of course, one sprout is not enough to grow a fruit-bearing tree. You will have to make an effort, but the result should please you. Your own avocado should taste better than store-bought!

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Avocado is pretty specific product, so not everyone likes it. I fell in love only a year ago, and before that I absolutely did not understand this fruit. He has a weak nutty taste and a little bit oily consistency.

What dishes can you add avocado to?

When purchasing, you need to ensure that the fruit is not overripe. To do this, press a little on it, the skin should be a little elastic and push through. If the fruit is very hard, you need to let it lie for a while in a dark place and reach the end. When it is ready to eat, you can start cooking.

Avocados are eaten mainly fresh, without any processing. The healthy fruit is used for cooking cold snacks, salads, and puree soups or smoothie. Great option cocktail- This is a smoothie made from avocado, spinach, apple, kiwi, lemon juice.

Avocado sandwiches and toast

There are many different cooking options toast with this fruit. My favorite is the combination black bread, cottage cheese and avocado. Additionally, you can add a little salt and even pepper to the fruit. Mexican toast is very popular guacamole sauce. The sauce includes avocado puree, spices, onions, tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. Sometimes other ingredients are added. I tried it in a Mexican restaurant in Spain. I liked it very much. Another snack option - toast with avocado, egg, tomatoes and herbs.

What does avocado go with in a salad?

Avocados are often cut cubes and add in salads. Here are some combination options:

  • avocado, tomatoes, garlic, cheese, herbs, spices;
  • avocado, corn, herbs, lime, spices;
  • avocado, olives, tomato, cucumber, wine vinegar, spices;
  • avocado, boiled chicken breast, apple, lemon juice, spices;
  • avocado, fish, herbs, spices.

Avocado is great source of vitamins. This fruit is very high-calorie and contains many microelements, which affect skin condition, blood pressure, cholesterol levels. Try it out before jumping to conclusions about whether you like it. several dishes with it in combination with various ingredients.

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Tender and buttery, like olives, avocado is a must-try. Which is what I did during my Indian trip. From there I brought interesting culinary discoveries. Don't know, what do you eat avocado with? different peoples of the world, but I will tell you how this fruit is prepared in my family.

How to eat avocado for breakfast

What I really like about the fruit is its nutritional value. If you simply cut it up, add salt, sprinkle with lemon and eat it, you will get a pleasant feeling of fullness. In the morning (if you don't have to go to work, of course) is good avocado cocktail, onion, garlic, milk, cream, parsley and lime juice. The ingredients are simply mixed in a blender, salt and pepper are added. And this is all called "Avocado Lassi" in Indian.

We also love all kinds sandwich pastes from this fruit. For example, unsweetened yogurt, a little garlic, spices and herbs are added to avocado puree. This is all mixed, spread on bread, crackers, croutons. Sometimes we put fish slices, meat, cheese on top.

What are avocado salads made with?

The product is especially gentle, with long-term interactionwith air it darkens and loses color, so I advise you to leave the processing of avocados until the very last moment. If you sprinkle the pulp with lemon juice, it will not oxidize so quickly.

Combination options for salads that I have already tried:

  • eggs, shrimp, greens;
  • squid;
  • trout;
  • tuna;
  • salmon, lettuce, purple onion;
  • tomatoes, feta, lettuce;
  • cucumbers, Chinese cabbage;
  • cucumber, sweet pepper, tomato, onion;
  • crab sticks, cucumber, greens;
  • salmon, tomatoes, paprika, mix of different types of lettuce.

I'm constantly experimenting. I recommend dressing salads olive oil, but you can also use mayonnaise. Provencal herbs, mustard, and celery root add piquancy.

How else can you eat avocado?

In an Italian cafe I tried sorbet, which unusually successfully combined avocado with honey, lime, maple syrup and cilantro. The menu included green ice cream, chocolate pudding, brownies and even cakes. And it never occurred to me that Avocado can be fried. If you peel it, turn it into slices, salt and pepper, sprinkle with flour and basil, and then fry and sprinkle with sesame seeds, you will get a beautiful, interesting dish.

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As a housewife and mother in a large family, I try in every possible way to diversify the diet of my household. When avocado appeared in supermarkets, I began to introduce it into our menu.

What are the benefits of avocado?

Avocado- one of the few fruits in which Andperfect combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The polysaturated acids of this fruit promote the absorption of vitamins contained in any other products. Particularly good for use in vegetable and fruit salads. The vegetable fat contained in avocados is similar in composition to the already familiar and so healthy olive oil. Dietitians recommend eat avocado for food if:

  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • high pressure;
  • thick blood;
  • and all people aged 40+.

How I choose an avocado

As a result of trial and error, I determined a method for myself avocado selection:

  • the fruit must be at least medium size;
  • peel- no longer glossy, but the pimples are smoothed out;
  • fetus it should be slightly soft;
  • V stretched avocadothe pit is smaller than in a round one. Accordingly, such a fruit is preferable.

Sometimes I take it "in reserve". Then I deliberately choose hard fruits. When I get home, I put them in a bag with apples and close them tightly. After 2-3 days, the avocados are completely ripe. Some people put bananas instead of apples. This method didn't work out for me. While the avocados are ripening, the banana simply spoils during these 2-3 days in polyethylene.

What and how to eat avocados

In my opinion, this fruit has a huge advantage - the absence of a pronounced taste, only light nutty taste. In the countries where avocado comes from, it is consumed mainly in the form of freshly prepared puree with all sorts of flavoring additives. I had a chance to try it in Mexico guacamole- avocado salad sauce with fresh sweet peppers, blue onions, tomatoes and garlic. Tasty. When I decided to cook it at home, it turned out to be quite labor-intensive. I cook extremely rarely.

Has taken root in our family sandwich mass, sometimes called avocado pate. Mash the ripe pulp with a fork, add lemon juice and salt. Ready. Fast, simple, cheap and cheerful. Sometimes I add chopped garlic or herbs. You can sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Avocado is a fruit-vegetable, an evergreen fruit plant of the laurel family. Many of us have little idea of ​​how to properly consume a fruit that is not typical for our area (and cooking). The fruit's stereotypical meaning tells us that the fruit is supposed to be sweet, but in reality, avocados have virtually no taste or smell. It is impossible to compare avocados with any other known food.

How to choose an avocado

What do avocado fruits look like? Single-seeded berries can be spherical or elongated (pear-shaped) from 5 to 20 centimeters in length. Ripe fruits are covered with thin, dark green, slightly rough skin.

To choose the right product, you should not look at the color of the peel, but determine the elasticity of the fruit. How can I check this? Just take the avocado in your palm and squeeze your fingers lightly; if you feel resistance, then this fruit is suitable.

What do you eat avocado with?

Avocados are practically not eaten separately. Be sure to add the berry as one of the ingredients, then you will experience the truly unsurpassed taste of the fruit (tender and buttery).

The pulp of the fruit goes harmoniously with meat, fish, seafood, and vegetables. Methods for processing the product are different: in the cuisines of different countries, avocados are fried, boiled, baked, stewed or eaten raw. Why is avocado healthy? It contains a lot of fatty acids and vitamin E.

How to properly peel and cut an avocado

Take the fruit and be sure to wash the skin. Wipe the avocado and get ready to cut. Using a sharp knife, cut the pulp around the circumference of the fruit (it is better to cut lengthwise). When you come across a hard seed, don't try to cut it.

When you have cut the circle, grab both halves and turn your palms slightly; the flesh will easily separate from the pit. Carefully remove the pit from the half, take a teaspoon and simply scrape the pulp from the peel, first drawing cubes or plates with it. Craftsmen sometimes first cut the pieces with a knife (so that they are then equally even), and then scrape out the pulp with a spoon.

What to cook with avocado?

Recipe No. 1. Fish appetizer with avocado is prepared like this. We take the cut fruit into pieces and wrap each one in a thin salted fish slice (you can use trout). Place the rolls on a plate, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice, sprinkle with herbs and that’s it, you can serve.

Recipe No. 2. Sandwich spread. You need to make a puree from the avocado; you can grind the product in a blender, food processor, meat grinder or mixer. Pour low-fat unsweetened yogurt into the puree, squeeze out a little garlic, season to taste with spices and herbs. Beat the mixture well until it forms a paste. You can serve with croutons, crackers or plain bread. Additionally, you can put anything on the sandwich: meat, fish, cheese, vegetables.

Recipe No. 3. Salad. Take the avocado and cut into cubes (as described above). Boil eggs and shrimp. Peel one and the other and chop; medium-sized shrimp can be added whole to the salad. Season this salad with olive oil, add spices (salt, pepper) and herbs to taste. The seasoned salad can be served immediately.

Recipe No. 4. In fact, this is not a recipe, but another way to eat avocado. Take a spoon and simply eat the pulp straight from the peel. Some people season fresh avocados with lemon sauce, spices or olive oil to add a sharp taste (you can add spices directly to the half, that is, to the hollow of the pit).

Attention! If you are going to cook a dish with avocado, know that the product loses color and darkens very quickly, so leave the processing of the berries until the very last moment of cooking. Additionally, the pulp can be sprinkled with lemon juice, then it will not oxidize so quickly, and the lemon will add a special note to the almost tasteless fruit.

If you want to create a delicious dish that your whole family will enjoy eating, don’t be afraid to experiment with avocados!

Avocado is a healthy and tasty fruit that has been eaten for many centuries. Even in ancient times, they learned to prepare nutritious and tasty dishes from it, since the southern countries were abundant in avocados.

Today, the culture of eating fruit comes down to maintaining your body in good and vigorous condition, as a result of which many medical specialists classify avocados as dietary products. In other words, eating an avocado means filling yourself with energy, health, and at the same time not gaining weight, but, on the contrary, fighting it. In addition, the fruit contains many useful compounds and is free of fat. Doctors have long established that when you eat avocados, you can expect to receive an effective substance that will work to break down cholesterol. It is for this reason that significant consumption of common foods (potatoes, pasta, etc.) can take place in a standard mode: avocados will ensure that a person leads a healthy lifestyle without burdening his body with not entirely useful substances.

In cases where the consumer asks the question of how to eat avocados, it is necessary to highlight several interesting and tempting recipes with which you can decorate any table, as well as maintain and strengthen your health without gaining excess compounds and weight, respectively.

Today, many people do not choose the right fruit in the places where it is sold. It is worth focusing on appearance product: its peel and the shell itself as a whole must be clean, with no visible damage or dark spots.

IMPORTANT: The presence of many cracks or spots on the fruit is a sign that it is overripe, so you should not buy or eat it.

Before the final purchase, you should examine the fruit for strength, press it with your finger and watch the reaction of the shell: it should press easily. This indicates that the fruit is completely ready for consumption after preliminary washing under water. In cases where the avocado is somewhat hard, you should either put it aside or purchase it and then give it a little time to ripen.

What recipes can be used when preparing avocados?

In order to eat avocado correctly, you need to know the secrets of several recipe features, since over several centuries people have learned to prepare wonderful dishes from the fruit that are not only healthy, but also tasty.

  • The first recipe is to cook a raw avocado. If you want to set the table perfectly and impress your guests, you need to cut the fruit lengthwise (remove the pit at the very end), and then carefully place the slices on a plate. If possible, add toothpicks to the slices. The result is so-called “hedgehogs” that are convenient to pick up and eat.
  • As noted above, many people are confused about how to eat avocado, since the above recipe is the most common. However, there is a second suggestion for use, and it consists of preparing a salad from the fruit. For this, a person will need:
  1. Lettuce leaves of your choice – about 100 grams
  2. 1 avocado
  3. Onion (onion or green) - about half a fruit or several tails
  4. Tomato
  5. 1 lemon fruit
  6. A few spoons of olive oil
  7. If possible - mustard

All ingredients must be mixed, but at the very beginning you should cut the avocado into slices and dip them in olive oil. Next, finely chop the onions and tomatoes. At the end, after general mixing, place lemon slices on top. In general, the salad is ready to eat.

  • The next recipe is eating avocado with cheese. To do this, the consumer will need a microwave oven, cheese and the fruit itself. To make the dish, you need to take an avocado, cut it into slices, and then cut the resulting particles again into smaller cubes. Grate the cheese, sprinkle it onto cubes and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. The end result is a delicious dish that even true gourmets will enjoy. Is it possible to eat avocados in this form? – This question should be answered in the affirmative, since many people, after eating the dish for the first time, become firmly attached to such a recipe and prepare the fruit in exactly this format.

How can you grow fruit yourself?

Buying and preparing an avocado can be done by absolutely anyone, but growing the fruit yourself and then making a wonderful dish from it is not an easy task. Why? – The avocado itself grows from seeds that people are used to throwing in the trash. In the case when a person needs to grow a fruit and start preparing dishes from it, it is necessary to take a seed, insert it into the surface of the earth and maintain the temperature of the growth process at 18-19 degrees. Of course, don’t forget about regular watering.

After the fruit has grown, you can think about answers to questions about how to eat avocado correctly and what can be prepared from it.

Today, the culture of choosing and preparing avocado dishes comes down to the rules for purchasing the fruit, as well as the use of several useful recipes, which are described above. Still, what information might people not know?

  1. To prevent the fruit pulp from changing color, you can apply a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  2. The skin of the fruit may vary. In one case, one may be dark (brown), in another – green or black.
  3. For successful long-term storage, it is necessary to place the fruit in the refrigerator.
  4. The ripening time of the fruit is about 6-10 months.
  5. If you dive into nutrition, fruits can be much more valuable in terms of energy saturation of the body than, say, eggs or meat. It is for this reason that it is recommended to be eaten by those who want to fight excess weight, but do not deny themselves sweets.
  6. Doctors have found that eating avocado can have a beneficial effect on the heart, reducing the risk of developing vascular disease problems.

Additional information on eating fruit

You can eat avocado in different ways, and there is more likely no exact answer to the question of how to eat an avocado. The thing is that fruits themselves are universal ingredients in preparing any salad, so you can supplement existing lists with the following steps:

  1. You need to take the fruit, peel it and cut it into slices. Take a few hundred grams of boiled shrimp and mix them with fruit cubes. Pour olive oil over everything and serve.
  2. Another option is to use crab sticks and salmon. The cooking method is similar.

IMPORTANT: A colorful recipe for site readers: You need to take a few tomatoes, cut them on a board, mix with dill and add a few cubes of fruit to the resulting consistency. To taste – add oil (sunflower, olive). The finished salad will bring a lot of positive emotions and awaken in a person the receptors responsible for the feeling of pleasure.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that anyone can buy fruit at the market, so you should not neglect the gifts of nature: this can improve your health, lose excess weight and fill you up at any time in the morning, lunch or evening.



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