Compatibility astrology: the happiest unions of the zodiac signs. Couples with the same element

The potter who molded the clay of our heads,

He surpassed any masters in his field.

He overturned the cup over the table of existence

And filled her to the brim with passions.

(Omar Khayyam)

Below are the most powerful and passionate unions of the zodiac signs.

Aries - Libra

A distinctive feature of Aries is his strong leadership qualities, which he demonstrates both in his personal life and at work. Therefore, all other zodiac signs like Taurus, who also strive to dominate a partner in a relationship, are not recognized by Aries. Honesty is the most important thing he looks for in a soul mate. When it comes to the intimate part of the issue, the flame of passion burns Aries from the inside. Therefore, Scorpio or Leo can be a good match for such people, but only Libra is ideal for them. Aries is attracted by Libra's honesty and simplicity of character, and the latter's need for emotional dependence complements Aries' desire for control. When Aries and Libra start dating, they form a strong and passionate union together.

Taurus - Virgo

Taurus are family people. They get more pleasure from winning love than from the feeling itself. Being romantics, those born under this zodiac sign are well compatible with Virgos, who, like them, prefer a quiet family life. Virgo's love for all things sensual matches the nature of Taurus, and this makes them a very strong couple. Taurus needs to stay away from Sagittarians because they love adventure and will never make their other half happy.

Gemini - Sagittarius

Cheerful and joyful Geminis can make great friends. But when it comes to love, it turns out to be very difficult for all other zodiac signs to build relationships with him. Geminis are scared of commitment because it makes them feel tied down. They look for intelligence and wit in their other half, and therefore those born under the sign of Sagittarius are most suitable for them. Sagittarians are also very afraid of losing freedom and understand Gemini better than anyone. Sagittarius's sense of humor will captivate their partners, and when these two start dating, they feel the happiest and most secure. The worst match for Gemini can only be Capricorn.

Cancer - Taurus

Cancers are known for their empathy. They always crave long-term and serious relationships in which they can emotionally lose themselves in their partner. Serious and emotional Taurus is the best match for such sensitive personalities. Outspoken and sometimes arrogant zodiac signs like Leo can hurt Cancers instead of making them happy.

Leo - Aries

Despite his pride, Leo usually has no end to admirers and admirers. But his egocentrism prevents other zodiac signs from entering into long-term romantic relationships with him. Aries' passion makes them the best match for Leo. Those born under these signs express their feelings for each other so elegantly that they simply have no equal in this. But the strength of their love is fully consistent with the cruelty of their quarrels. However, they manage to overcome their differences and solve problems together. The only worst partner for Leo is Scorpio - their characters do not get along together, which leads to mutual bullying.

Virgo - Scorpio

Virgo is one of the most calm and methodical signs of the Zodiac. Being perfectionists, they are both reserved and attentive to their other half. Passionate Scorpios are ideal for them. Such a couple develops a very strong emotional connection. Virgo's endurance and discipline help restrain Scorpio's dynamism, and the latter's sexuality helps convince Virgo to stop hiding behind an impregnable wall. Sagittarius is the worst partner for Virgo because it suppresses her thirst for adventure.

Libra - Gemini

Libras are born diplomats who can resolve any conflict. Despite the acute feeling of loneliness, they prefer not to get involved with people of weak intellectual development. Always curious, these individuals love to make new acquaintances and study their interlocutors. Geminis are simply made for them. Two signs are very good at expressing their thoughts, and this attracts them even more to each other. In addition, Libra helps Gemini stay grounded in their dreams. Most of all, Libra is incompatible with Virgo.

Scorpio - Pisces

Heartless and tough, Scorpios are very vindictive and emotional by nature. They do everything with passion, they are aggressive and love to dominate when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Together, Pisces and Scorpio are invincible, and their union seems to have been destined in heaven. Scorpio understands the emotional nature of Pisces like no one else, and submissive Pisces help Scorpio to fully realize themselves. Together, those born under these constellations create a very intuitive couple. Both Pisces and Scorpios need to avoid relationships with superficial Aries.

Sagittarius - Aquarius

If there's one thing that can piss off Sagittarius, it's the lack of movement. Free Sagittarians are born to travel and literally need freedom. In relationships and in life, they crave new sensations every day. And who else can understand this need better than Aquarius? Equally loving freedom, Aquarius will bring stability in relationships with their openness and love of adventure.
Sagittarius will never be happy when paired with Taurus, who loves cozy family gatherings.

Capricorn - Virgo

All Capricorns are ambitious and loyal. They know what they want from life and are focused on achieving their goals. Even in relationships with the opposite sex, they make every effort, and therefore try to abstain from them out of fear that they may be hurt. Understanding this, well-disciplined Virgos help Capricorns maintain order in everything. Both signs are very attentive and focused, and are capable of creating a great family. The worst match for Capricorn can only be carefree Gemini.

Aquarius - Libra

Aquarius is probably the last person who continues to protest when all the other protesters have already left. If the normal order of things has been disrupted, Aquarians will not accept it. They will demand justice and fight as long as there is inequality in the world. Libra's desire for balance literally attracts Aquarius, who receive in them a partner who understands the importance of the problem and is ready to help. The desire to achieve justice and balance, in relationships, both zodiac signs respect each other. A union between Cancer and Aquarius is unlikely, since any involvement of the latter in an expressed protest only causes Cancer to become angry.

Pisces - Capricorn

Pisces and Capricorn are like two opposite poles that are attracted to each other. Dreamy and creative Pisces attract Capricorns, and their strong belief in achieving what they want only inspires a partner of another zodiac sign. Capricorns keep Pisces afloat, which plunges deeper and deeper into the abyss of the dangerous ocean. At the same time, Pisces satisfies the creative needs of Capricorns. Pisces always try to avoid Virgos, who do not understand their dreamy nature.

Who are you paired with?

The marriage union should be alien to any publicity; this matter concerns only two people - no one else, Belinsky argued. Even taking into account the fact that times have changed and not every union is a marriage, the thought is still correct. What do the stars say about strong unions? InStyle has chosen combinations of zodiac signs that, when paired together, turn out to be the most reliable.

Pisces and Scorpio

Pisces and Scorpio may have many differences, a lot of their own personal interests, but they are incredibly drawn towards each other. They may be aware that each of them is full of complexities in their character, but this does not become an obstacle to rapprochement and transformation into one whole. Yes, Scorpios and Pisces, having formed a couple, literally merge and look in the same direction. To a certain extent, this idyll is the merit of Pisces, who can - to a reasonable extent - submit to Scorpio, thus smoothing out all the corners.

Taurus and Cancer

Representatives of these signs, being together, almost never sort things out, but simply live for each other’s joy. Each of them knows how to listen, knows how to hear and is ready to help their partner in everything. Cancer and Taurus form a wonderful, strong union, which can only be threatened by the excessive focus of one of them on the goal. Yes, in this couple it is better not to have too strong ambitions and bet on personal happiness rather than on a career. If you can’t, then be prepared for difficulties, for the fact that you yourself will worry due to insufficient attention to your soul mate.

Aries and Aquarius

Aries and Aquarius have in common a dislike for violent manifestations of feelings and publicity. They prefer the formula “happiness loves silence.” They exist according to it, rarely going out anywhere, narrowing their circle of communication with outsiders to a minimum and choosing to work not in the office, but at home. You can see Aries and Aquarius walking silently in the park. They are capable of remaining silent for hours, but this is not scary. What's the use of words if everything is clear? They just feel good together, and let the rest of the world wait.

Gemini and Aquarius

But here is another option for Aquarius, just the opposite - Gemini. This is exactly the case when opposites, antagonists are attracted to each other. Restrained Aquarius puzzles over the behavior of Gemini, does not understand how one can not think about anything and just live. But then he realizes that he, a reserved and responsible Aquarius, likes this behavior. And I don’t just like it, I really like it—it delights and fascinates. No, they won’t become like that themselves, but when paired with a Gemini, they will discover that they are very good together. And all plans, affairs and deadlines are nonsense, Aquarius will take it upon themselves.

Aquarius and Libra

They always maintain mutual interest, and even when the passion passes, a strong feeling of love will remain and remain. The basis of a happy and long relationship is the ability to put up and come to compromise solutions. The Libra in this couple requires more attention, as they cannot stand being alone. Aquarius is able to give his partner everything he has, and really values ​​Libra's reliability. In addition, they often end up having the same hobbies and generally enjoy doing things together without sitting in different corners of the room.

Cancer and Scorpio

They have a lot in common and no less - different. Cancer and Scorpio can differ in all respects, except for the main thing - mutual passion. They are rarely bored with each other, even if they talk about all sorts of nonsense. The problem is that their feelings manifest themselves in waves, and sometimes such a wave can cover them completely, and sometimes they can throw them onto dry land. If you know when to stop, you can get along just fine. It is only important to monitor what is said out loud: sometimes in the heat of passion you can seriously offend your partner.

Sagittarius and Leo

Sagittarius is always looking for something, but Leo inherently chooses stability. In addition, Leo likes to be subordinate, and Sagittarius does not like commands at all. But. Surprisingly, such unions are distinguished by reliability and durability. The recipe here is simple - mutual love and the ability to give in. Moreover, when paired with Sagittarius, the narcissistic Leo will suddenly at some point realize that he has also learned to make compromises. And he will like it, although Leo will not even show that he is ready to agree with anyone.

Sagittarius and Aries

Both want to test life to its limits for the sake of new achievements and victories, but they are only capable of this by relying on their partner. They generate all their resources thanks to each other. Sagittarius and Aries are dreamers, inventors, and they have the sin of turning what they want into reality. But this is not as scary as it might seem: they know how to turn dreams into reality with the help of incredible perseverance. How these people can combine idealism and down-to-earthness is a mystery. However, it can.

Pisces and Cancer

Trembling signs, they perfectly find a common language. And having found each other, they instantly turn into one, while maintaining their individuality. The world for them is something big, tiring and sometimes dangerous. So this couple prefers to live in their own world, where silence, mutual understanding, tenderness and devotion reign. Pisces and Cancers are very vulnerable, but if their other half is threatened by something, they become furious and are able to stand up for themselves and their other half.

Virgo and Taurus

But here is a couple where the leader and follower are perfectly aware of their roles and play them easily. Or rather, they don’t play, and live their lives sincerely, never once feeling deprived or disadvantaged in any way. Virgo and Taurus quarrel easily, reconcile easily, and not only the subordinate Virgo, but also the helmsman Taurus is capable of giving in. Both signs are big fans of order and dislike chaos; they like to live in comfort and not experience stress. Taurus and Virgo are real hard workers, and persistently build their happiness in every sense. As they say, nice to see.

Libra and Gemini

Two carefree signs who enjoy each other's company. They have unusual interests that occupy their lives completely. Libra and Gemini adore everything new, they like discoveries and surprises. Give them the opportunity to travel and they will spend all their time on the road. They also support each other very well, they don’t really care about order, preferring chaos, unpredictability and emotional and heartfelt impulses. Libra and Gemini are very devoted to each other, and all they need is love and bright impressions. Sitting still is not their story, definitely.

Capricorn and Taurus

These are true friends who, however, will not lose true love for each other over the years. The relationship between Capricorn and Taurus is outwardly very smooth and reserved - these signs are not inclined to show feelings in public. However, even in private, passions rarely flare up between them, and Shakespearean passions are certainly rare. Taurus and Capricorn really value the absence of noise and fuss, and the Italian family model - with breaking plates and melodramatic scenes - does not suit them. They are just happy together, that's all.

Find out whether your relationship will work out or not to avoid a bad ending!

1. Aries and Taurus.

Aries are extremely strong-willed and Taurus are stubborn, so when a problem arises it can be very difficult to solve. Taurus constantly wants to know what stage of the relationship they are at, and this greatly irritates Aries. When breaking up, Aries just wants to leave and forget, while Taurus always demands an explanation.

2. Taurus and Sagittarius.

Taurus prefers to spend time in a calm home environment, while Sagittarius is constantly in need of some kind of adventure. Taurus simply cannot withstand the enormous energy of Sagittarius. And the latter usually do not take everything seriously and have a wealth of relationship experience behind them.

3. Gemini and Capricorn.

This union is a real disaster. Geminis love fun and constant conversation, while Capricorns are extremely hardworking and love to plan every detail of their lives. Capricorns are not characterized by spontaneity, which is very annoying for Gemini.

4. Cancer and Aquarius.

Cancers are more homebodies, while Aquarians are freedom-loving. Cancers need to know and feel that they are loved, so they will be annoyed by Aquarius's tendency to directly point out mistakes and criticize.

5. Leo and Scorpio.

Scorpio will not give Leo the praise and compliments that he so badly needs. Leos consider themselves very beautiful, which does not suit Scorpios, who are usually jealous.

6. Virgo and Sagittarius.

None of them are inclined to serious relationships. Sagittarians are too carefree (according to Virgos) and do not think about how their actions can hurt the feelings of others. When they disappear for several weeks, this is not normal for Virgos.

7. Libra and Virgo.

Virgos tend to criticize Libras, which makes them doubt themselves. Virgos always have to be right, and this gets on their nerves.

8. Scorpio and Aries.

This is a very explosive and tense union, which is good if you are the heroes of a Shakespearean play, but not for real life. Both signs are strong, strong-willed, want to have absolute control and be on top.

9. Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Sagittarius will always reproach Capricorns for not giving them enough freedom to have fun. In addition, there is little sexual attraction between these signs.

10. Pisces and Virgo.

Pisces is the most dreamy and sensual sign of the Zodiac, while Virgo is very practical and down to earth. Yes, opposites attract, but in your case it's a conflict of interest. Pisces, don't completely get rid of the Virgos in your life because you could have great long-lasting friendships.

11. Aquarius and Taurus.

These signs cannot have normal communication. Taurus will be stubborn and stand his ground, which will only push Aquarius away. Aquarians are so bohemian and quirky, while Taurus are more materialistic and conservative.

12. Gemini and Cancer.

This union can work if both have a good sense of humor. Geminis love communication and relaxation, while Cancers love staying at home, but if you show a little more patience and forbearance, everything can work out. This is not the worst option, but it has its own nuances.
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ARIES + ARIES = the union resembles a powder magazine.

ARIES + TAURUS = constant conflicts, but a joint creative or business program can keep those who have entered into an alliance.

ARIES + GEMINI = marriage is like an adventure novel. But only over time do both spouses develop optimal strategies and tactics of behavior.

ARIES + CANCER = difficult combination; after the first charming impulses, hostility and conflicts set in.

ARIES + LEO = difficult, but creative and vibrant union. By and large you can say: “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day.”

ARIES + VIRGO = difference in nature will quickly lead to a break.

ARIES + LIBRA = strong mutual influence of opposites, a perfect complement to each other.

ARIES + SCORPIO = wonderful mutual sexual nature, but everyday relationships are worse than ever.

ARIES + SAGITTARIUS = if representatives of these signs are well-mannered, mutual impulsiveness will not turn into mutual insults.

ARIES + CAPRICORN = loneliness together.

ARIES + AQUARIUS = perfect union; Active by nature, Aries is always attracted to Aquarius, who is ready for change.

ARIES + PISCES = strange, difficult, but common marriage. He can stick to any idea.

TAURUS + TAURUS = mutual stubbornness, but holding on to each other because of fear of change.

TAURUS + GEMINI = complex, ambiguous, but often encountered union; The most difficult problem is jealousy.

TAURUS + CANCER = harmony in relationships.

TAURUS + LEO = a union of love and passion, but over the years it can exhaust itself.

TAURUS + VIRGO = happy family life.

TAURUS + LIBRA = accumulating mutual reproaches and resentments, together only a position in society and work in one area can be maintained.

TAURUS + SCORPIO = excellent sexual compatibility, mutual outbursts of passion, then satiety. Marriage is rare, more often these are lovers than spouses.

TAURUS + SAGITTARIUS = joint well-being is rare. In intimate relationships they suit each other, but no more; the union can survive as a marriage of convenience.

TAURUS + CAPRICORN = the most favorable of unions; united by common interests and sexual compatibility.

TAURUS + AQUARIUS = difficult to compatible partners. In marriage, they are faced with either the cold or the heat of the relationship.

TAURUS + PISCES = a couple that gives the impression of being prosperous from the outside, but in reality the sensual Pisces is hurt by the rudeness of Taurus.

GEMINI + GEMINI = a union based only on friendship and complete freedom of relationships, but does not always bring happiness.

GEMINI + CANCER = marriage only if the relationship is easy and free.

GEMINI + LEO = friendships strengthened by marriage.

GEMINI + VIRGO = strength is possible with common interests and mutual concessions.

GEMINI + LIBRA = harmony and orderliness of relationships coming from Libra; their commonality of work and interests makes them inseparable.

GEMINI + SCORPIO = a difficult union, but often found. The leading role in it belongs to Gemini.

GEMINI + SAGITTARIUS = arranged marriage; In order not to dry out, constant renewal is required - travel, guests.

GEMINI + CAPRICORN = as a rule, leads to the collapse of the family.

GEMINI + AQUARIUS = good luck for both, although quarrels and disagreements are frequent.

GEMINI + PISCES = marriage rarely lasts, since Pisces does not forgive inconstancy.

CANCER + CANCER = it’s like a rushing stream - outbursts of emotions, tears, scandals, but also forgiveness.

CANCER + LEO = a union of love, mysterious and interesting, but unsuitable for marriage.

CANCER + VIRGO = smooth, good relationship. Virgos are more able than others to forgive and understand the whims of nervous, chaotic Cancers. Cancers like the constancy of Virgos, and Virgos like the sensuality and subtlety of Cancers.

CANCER + LIBRA = preservation of the family, subject to material well-being and position in society, but there is an invisible distance between the partners: I am me, and you are you.

CANCER + SCORPIO = mutual interest, but difficult coexistence with each other.

CANCER + SAGITTARIUS = bright, multifaceted, deceptive, like a false diamond, and a fairly common union.

CANCER + CAPRICORN = protracted conflicts, mutual attraction and repulsion and, finally, complete disappointment.

CANCER + PISCES = life together is not easy, it requires self-sacrifice from one of the partners, but it gives great happiness.

CANCER + AQUARIUS = attraction to each other and new repulsion.

LEO + LEO = union is possible, even successful, if both are atypical. As a rule, they give birth to bright and creatively gifted children.

LEO + VIRGO = misunderstanding and alienation. Well-being is promised by common high creative interests or atypical characters.

LEO + LIBRA = brilliance, harmony, constancy. Libra is the most successful partner for Leo.

LEO + SCORPIO = crazy passion, but it is impossible to live in such tension.

LEO + CAPRICORN = marriage is difficult, but possible. Capricorn is often deceived by Leo's communications. Leo gets tired of Capricorn's constantly direct life strategy.

LEO + AQUARIUS = great attraction, but only at first. Then, having realized their complete opposite, they usually disperse.

LEO + PISCES = tragic love or personal degeneration, if Leo is ready for metamorphosis and follows Pisces without looking back.

VIRGO + VIRGO = most often a successful and happy union.

VIRGO + LIBRA = complementing each other's missing qualities makes a very successful marriage.

VIRGO + SCORPIO = prosperity is possible provided both partners have strong characters.

VIRGO + SAGITTARIUS = community of interests on the path of serving society in the social or religious spheres.

VIRGO + CAPRICORN = strength and balance. Both look at life realistically, sober and practical.

VIRGO + AQUARIUS = blackening on the part of Virgo. As long as it lasts, the marriage will last.

VIRGO + PISCES = different worldviews, hence the difficulties in family life.

LIBRA + LIBRA = a successful union is possible only if Libra are of different types.

LIBRA + SCORPIO = harmony in relationships. The intimate side of life is very stormy.

LIBRA + SAGITTARIUS = love, friendship, common worldview.

LIBRA + CAPRICORN = in everything except love, they easily find a common language.

LIBRA + AQUARIUS = successful, fruitful union. They have common creative plans and joint original ideas.

LIBRA + PISCES = clearly regulated boundaries in everything.

SCORPIO + SCORPIO = boredom apart, crowdedness together.

SCORPIO + SAGITTARIUS = passionate lovers, like-minded spouses.

SCORPIO + CAPRICORN = their love is usually constant.

SCORPIO + AQUARIUS = originality, even eccentricity in love.

SCORPIO + PISCES = passion in all relationships, but Pisces often leave Scorpios because of their difficult nature.

SAGITTARIUS + CAPRICORN = either calculation or spirituality. Union is possible to the extent that it is possible to combine domestic law with public law.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS = lightness, friendship, adventurism, mutual understanding that grows stronger over the years.

SAGITTARIUS + PISCES = perfection itself if the spouses manage to understand each other, otherwise an atmosphere of irritation reigns in the family.

ARIES + ARIES = the union resembles a powder magazine.

ARIES + TAURUS = constant conflicts, but a joint creative or business program can keep those who have entered into an alliance.

ARIES + GEMINI = marriage is like an adventure novel. But only over time do both spouses develop optimal strategies and tactics of behavior.

ARIES + CANCER = difficult combination; after the first charming impulses, hostility and conflicts set in.

ARIES + LEO = difficult, but creative and vibrant union. By and large you can say: “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day.”

ARIES + VIRGO = difference in nature will quickly lead to a break.

ARIES + LIBRA = strong mutual influence of opposites, a perfect complement to each other.

ARIES + SCORPIO = wonderful mutual sexual nature, but everyday relationships are worse than ever.

ARIES + SAGITTARIUS = if representatives of these signs are well-mannered, mutual impulsiveness will not turn into mutual insults.

ARIES + CAPRICORN = loneliness together.

ARIES + AQUARIUS = perfect union; Active by nature, Aries is always attracted to Aquarius, who is ready for change.

ARIES + PISCES = strange, difficult, but common marriage. He can stick to any idea.

TAURUS + TAURUS = mutual stubbornness, but holding on to each other because of fear of change.

TAURUS + GEMINI = complex, ambiguous, but often encountered union; The most difficult problem is jealousy.

TAURUS + CANCER = harmony in relationships.

TAURUS + LEO = a union of love and passion, but over the years it can exhaust itself.

TAURUS + VIRGO = happy family life.

TAURUS + LIBRA = accumulating mutual reproaches and resentments, together only a position in society and work in one area can be maintained.

TAURUS + SCORPIO = excellent sexual compatibility, mutual outbursts of passion, then satiety. Marriage is rare, more often these are lovers than spouses.

TAURUS + SAGITTARIUS = joint well-being is rare. In intimate relationships they suit each other, but no more; the union can survive as a marriage of convenience.

TAURUS + CAPRICORN = the most favorable of unions; united by common interests and sexual compatibility.

TAURUS + AQUARIUS = difficult to compatible partners. In marriage, they are faced with either the cold or the heat of the relationship.

TAURUS + PISCES = a couple that gives the impression of being prosperous from the outside, but in reality the sensual Pisces is hurt by the rudeness of Taurus.

GEMINI + GEMINI = a union based only on friendship and complete freedom of relationships, but does not always bring happiness.

GEMINI + CANCER = marriage only if the relationship is easy and free.

GEMINI + LEO = friendships strengthened by marriage.

GEMINI + VIRGO = strength is possible with common interests and mutual concessions.

GEMINI + LIBRA = harmony and orderliness of relationships coming from Libra; their commonality of work and interests makes them inseparable.

GEMINI + SCORPIO = a difficult union, but often found. The leading role in it belongs to Gemini.

GEMINI + SAGITTARIUS = arranged marriage; In order not to dry out, constant renewal is required - travel, guests.

GEMINI + CAPRICORN = as a rule, leads to the collapse of the family.

GEMINI + AQUARIUS = good luck for both, although quarrels and disagreements are frequent.

GEMINI + PISCES = marriage rarely lasts, since Pisces does not forgive inconstancy.

CANCER + CANCER = it’s like a rushing stream - outbursts of emotions, tears, scandals, but also forgiveness.

CANCER + LEO = a union of love, mysterious and interesting, but unsuitable for marriage.

CANCER + VIRGO = smooth, good relationship. Virgos are more able than others to forgive and understand the whims of nervous, chaotic Cancers. Cancers like the constancy of Virgos, and Virgos like the sensuality and subtlety of Cancers.

CANCER + LIBRA = preservation of the family, subject to material well-being and position in society, but there is an invisible distance between the partners: I am me, and you are you.

CANCER + SCORPIO = mutual interest, but difficult coexistence with each other.

CANCER + SAGITTARIUS = bright, multifaceted, deceptive, like a false diamond, and a fairly common union.

CANCER + CAPRICORN = protracted conflicts, mutual attraction and repulsion and, finally, complete disappointment.

CANCER + PISCES = life together is not easy, it requires self-sacrifice from one of the partners, but it gives great happiness.

CANCER + AQUARIUS = attraction to each other and new repulsion.

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LEO + LEO = union is possible, even successful, if both are atypical. As a rule, they give birth to bright and creatively gifted children.

LEO + VIRGO = misunderstanding and alienation. Well-being is promised by common high creative interests or atypical characters.

LEO + LIBRA = brilliance, harmony, constancy. Libra is the most successful partner for Leo.

LEO + SCORPIO = crazy passion, but it is impossible to live in such tension.

LEO + CAPRICORN = marriage is difficult, but possible. Capricorn is often deceived by Leo's communications. Leo gets tired of Capricorn's constantly direct life strategy.

LEO + AQUARIUS = great attraction, but only at first. Then, having realized their complete opposite, they usually disperse.

LEO + PISCES = tragic love or personal degeneration, if Leo is ready for metamorphosis and follows Pisces without looking back.

VIRGO + VIRGO = most often a successful and happy union.

VIRGO + LIBRA = complementing each other's missing qualities makes a very successful marriage.

VIRGO + SCORPIO = prosperity is possible provided both partners have strong characters.

VIRGO + SAGITTARIUS = community of interests on the path of serving society in the social or religious spheres.

VIRGO + CAPRICORN = strength and balance. Both look at life realistically, sober and practical.

VIRGO + AQUARIUS = blackening on the part of Virgo. As long as it lasts, the marriage will last.

VIRGO + PISCES = different worldviews, hence the difficulties in family life.

LIBRA + LIBRA = a successful union is possible only if Libra are of different types.

LIBRA + SCORPIO = harmony in relationships. The intimate side of life is very stormy.

LIBRA + SAGITTARIUS = love, friendship, common worldview.

LIBRA + CAPRICORN = in everything except love, they easily find a common language.

LIBRA + AQUARIUS = successful, fruitful union. They have common creative plans and joint original ideas.

LIBRA + PISCES = clearly regulated boundaries in everything.

SCORPIO + SCORPIO = boredom apart, crowdedness together.

SCORPIO + SAGITTARIUS = passionate lovers, like-minded spouses.

SCORPIO + CAPRICORN = their love is usually constant.

SCORPIO + AQUARIUS = originality, even eccentricity in love.

SCORPIO + PISCES = passion in all relationships, but Pisces often leave Scorpios because of their difficult nature.

SAGITTARIUS + CAPRICORN = either calculation or spirituality. Union is possible to the extent that it is possible to combine domestic law with public law.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS = lightness, friendship, adventurism, mutual understanding that grows stronger over the years.

SAGITTARIUS + PISCES = perfection itself if the spouses manage to understand each other, otherwise an atmosphere of irritation reigns in the family.



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