Antipyretic folk remedies: how to bring down a high temperature without medications. Effective antipyretic folk remedies

I dare say that everyone knows the normal human body temperature.

If you see numbers on the thermometer exceeding 36.6, then, naturally, you begin to worry and think that not everything is in order with your health.

However, elevated body temperature does not always indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. The fact is that many people experience temperature fluctuations for no particular reason.

Body temperature can increase:

In women during menstruation

After slight overheating

After prolonged stress

If the problem persists for several days, despite the fact that you measured the temperature with the same thermometer and at the same time, it’s time to think about the reasons for its high readings.

Without a doubt, only a specialist can understand why your body temperature is elevated. Therefore, in order not to start the disease, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

At home, you can alleviate the condition and reduce the temperature using simple methods offered by traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for fever - herbal teas

1. Tea with ginger. Throw some black tea into a teapot, add a chopped piece (the size of a nut) of ginger root and brew the mixture with boiling water. Cover the dish with a lid and let the product sit for 5-10 minutes.

Ginger is a unique plant that contains substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, ginger is an excellent immune stimulant. It has diaphoretic, expectorant, and analgesic properties.

Tea, which contains ginger, relieves chills, promotes better elimination of toxins through sweat, and cleanses the bronchi during inflammation of the respiratory system.

2. Mint tea. Throw black tea into the teapot (or directly into the cup) and add a pinch of crushed mint or lemon balm leaves. Infuse the mixture for several minutes and consume at elevated temperatures.

Mint is an excellent pain reliever and vasodilator. It has many beneficial properties and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

3. Linden tea. Pour dried linden flowers (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and let the healing potion steep for at least 20 minutes. Drink at elevated body temperatures twice a day.

Linden has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Flowers used in tea or decoction reduce pain and remove toxins through sweat. Linden relieves fever, rids the body of toxins, and treats colds.

The plant has the only contraindication - linden cannot be used for a long time. Otherwise, you may get a side effect such as blurred vision. Therefore, drink the healing infusion of linden blossom for a short time.

3. Tea made from black currant leaves. Grind the healing leaves and, taking 2 tablespoons of the raw material, pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Let the product sit thoroughly for at least half an hour.

Drink warm blackcurrant leaf tea several times a day. For greater effect, add a teaspoon of honey to the drink.

Black currant has a strong anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. The leaves of the plant contain phytoncides, which cope well with colds.

The plant has a diaphoretic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect on the body.

4. Chamomile tea. Brew a tablespoon of chamomile with boiling water in the usual way. To improve the taste and smell, add a couple of mint leaves to the chamomile. This will only make the remedy more effective. Close the container with a lid and leave to steep for a short time. Drink healthy tea for fever several times a day.

Chamomile is a well-known universal anti-inflammatory agent. In combination with mint, it relieves headaches, promotes profuse sweating, and lowers body temperature.

If you add a spoonful of oregano to this composition, you will get an effective cough remedy.

Folk remedies for fever - raspberries

Raspberries are not just a tasty berry. This is an extremely useful product to cope with colds. Raspberry-based tea removes toxins from the body, promotes active sweating, and naturally reduces body temperature.

1. Add a couple of spoons to a cup of your favorite tea raspberry jam or a product ground with sugar.

Drink this tea several times a day. After each cup, go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket.

2. Take dried raspberries(2 tablespoons) and a pinch of black tea. Throw everything into the teapot and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let the product sit for at least 15 minutes. Consume with honey before going to bed.

3. Grind dry raspberry leaves. Pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons of the raw material (1-2 cups) and let it brew for quite a long time (1-2 hours). Before use, add sugar to taste, or even better, honey, which is indispensable for colds.

With all its beneficial properties, raspberries have some contraindications. It is not recommended to consume large quantities of berries for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis, gout, bronchial asthma, and nasal polyps.

Folk remedies for fever - compresses

The simplest and most effective way to reduce body temperature is a cool compress. To prepare it, fill a container with not too much cold water, soak a towel or cloth in it, squeeze it lightly and apply to your wrists, temples, and forehead. Change the compress frequently (every 10 minutes).

To enhance the effect, you can use it instead of water. decoction of yarrow or mint. It’s quite simple to prepare: grind the medicinal plant. Take 2 tablespoons of raw material and fill it with plain water (1 glass). Place the container with the drug in a water bath and heat, stirring, for at least 15 minutes.

The result is a healing mixture, which must be allowed to cool, then strain and use for a compress.

Folk remedies for fever - enemas

An enema not only cleanses the intestines, but also helps lower body temperature. Prepare a decoction: pour chamomile flowers (4 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water, and then heat in a water bath.

After cooling, strain the broth, dilute with water (you should get 200 ml of product) and add vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). Use an enema composition.

Folk remedies for fever - rubbing

With the enormous popularity of this method of reducing temperature, it is still necessary to be aware of its negative consequences, especially for children.

Many mothers, having read often contradictory information, as they say, conduct experiments on their children: at high body temperatures, they cool the child’s skin with an alcohol-water solution.

In addition to the fact that the sick baby experiences rather unpleasant sensations with this method of treatment, he, with general intoxication of the body, also receives toxic substances through the skin.

Do you want to reduce your temperature without harming your health? It is enough to lubricate the baby’s palms and feet, thereby warming him and influencing bioactive points.

1. Drinking plenty of fluids allows for better heat transfer. Therefore, at high temperatures, drink as much tea, decoctions of medicinal herbs or rose hips, etc. as possible.

2. Create an air temperature in the room where you are not exceeding 18*C. At the same time, be warmly dressed.

3. Don't get too cold. When freezing, a spasm of skin blood vessels occurs, and this, in turn, leads to slower blood flow, less sweat formation, and less heat transfer.

5. The popular method of rubbing with alcohol or vinegar is highly questionable. Especially in relation to children.

6. The more you sweat, the more you need to drink healthy warm drinks that will prevent blood from thickening.

7. Drink decoctions and infusions at the same temperature as your body temperature.

8. Get rid of the problem gradually. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. Do not strive for the indicators to immediately become normal. It is enough to reduce the temperature quite a bit (0.5 degrees).

Any method presented in this article should be used wisely. It happens that a high body temperature is poorly tolerated, the patient has diseases of the nervous system, or the temperature exceeds a dangerous 39C and lasts a long time. In this case, it is necessary to use medications, the most effective and harmless of which is Paracetamol.

By the way, pharmaceutical products do not treat the disease itself, but only reduce the severity of its symptom - temperature. Therefore, consulting a doctor is still necessary.

Hello, dear readers. Today we’ll talk about how to bring down a high temperature using folk remedies. I think that each of us has repeatedly encountered high fever. In this article I will tell you how to reduce the temperature at home using folk remedies. Perhaps you will learn something new and useful for yourself.

The optimal body temperature at which biochemical processes occur in the body is considered to be 36.6, but there are also deviations from the norm from 36 to 37 degrees, it all depends on the organism, because each organism is individual and unique.

If the temperature rises, this already indicates an illness in the body, thus our body signals to us that “something” is not okay, which only a doctor can tell during examination and examination.

Why does the temperature rise

Most often, body temperature rises due to the presence of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc. in the body. It can also be a burn, frostbite, or a foreign body in the body. The temperature can rise to 38.5 and higher.

In case of a critical increase in temperature, antipyretics are needed, this can be like first aid for a very high temperature, and then you need to immediately consult a doctor, especially for children. You just need to keep in mind that convulsions may begin at high temperatures.

Do not self-diagnose yourself or your children, self-medication can lead to complications, remember this, even if you are absolutely sure that it is a cold, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor, and then feel free to start treating the cold .

How to measure temperature correctly

More than 90% of people, including me, measure their temperature in the armpit. The armpit should be dry; it is not recommended to drink hot coffee or tea before measuring the temperature. And after physical activity, you need to be in a calm state for at least an hour.

I consider measuring temperature in the oral cavity inappropriate. They also measure the temperature in the rectum, but for me it is most common to measure the temperature in the armpit.

I measure temperature with a regular mercury thermometer, for children with an electronic one, it is the safest. Now there are even pacifiers with an electronic sensor; with the help of such a pacifier, infants can safely measure their temperature.

Today I want to tell you how to lower your temperature using folk remedies. What do I take to bring down the temperature?

Linden tea. Linden tea helps me very well. In the summer we bring linden from my mother, dry it, and in the winter we make tea. Linden is a good diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

I brew tea like this: add a couple of tablespoons of linden blossom to half a liter of boiling water, leave the infusion for about 25 minutes under a closed lid. Then I strain and add a spoon or two of natural honey, to taste, and drink this tea warm.

Cranberry tea. Of course, you can only buy cranberries from us in season; this year we did not miss the opportunity to buy cranberries, because they are truly a very healthy berry. We ground the cranberries with sugar and put them in the refrigerator and froze some of them.

For more detailed information about the beneficial properties of cranberries and how to prepare pureed cranberries with sugar, read my article “Beneficial properties and contraindications.” I prepare cranberry tea like this: a spoonful of cranberries, grated with sugar, poured into a glass of boiling water, stirred, infused, filtered and drunk.

This drink perfectly quenches thirst, reduces fever, helps with the first signs of flu and colds, and is rich in vitamin C.

Viburnum tea. I love viburnum tea, we make it every year. Grind with sugar and put in the refrigerator. I brew viburnum tea in the same way as cranberry tea. It is imperative to drink viburnum tea warm. Viburnum has antipyretic properties and is a natural antibiotic.

Only viburnum reduces blood pressure, so if you have low blood pressure, use viburnum tea with caution. When drinking tea, you should spit out the viburnum seeds or simply strain the prepared drink. Of all the berry teas, this is the only tea my daughter loves.

Rose hip tea. This natural medicine is an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, rose hips are rich in vitamin C. It is better to brew tea in a thermos. For example, you brew it in the evening and drink tea in the morning.

For half a liter of boiling water, I take a couple of tablespoons of dried rose hips, infuse, strain, and add honey to taste.

Raspberry tea. One of my favorite drinks. My mother grows raspberries, we sometimes bring raspberries from my mother, more often we buy them at the market, and lately we have been collecting them in the forest; wild raspberries are very sweet and aromatic. I grind raspberries with sugar, and from these raspberries I make delicious and aromatic tea.

Chamomile tea. This is my wife's favorite tea. She brews chamomile tea for herself at fever. And not only at temperature. For half a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink chamomile tea warm. I don’t know about anyone, but chamomile tea helps Elena lower her temperature.

Blackcurrant tea. The result is a vitamin-rich and tasty drink that has diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties. When the temperature is high, prepare yourself hot blackcurrant tea, drink this tea throughout the day, you can drink 4 glasses of this tea per day per day. This is one of my favorite berries. I already wrote about blackcurrant on the blog in my article ““.

Tea with lemon and honey. At high temperatures you need to drink a lot; my daughter always prefers tea with lemon and honey at high temperatures. Tea with lemon perfectly quenches thirst and is rich in vitamin C. I add natural honey to my tea; I buy it from a beekeeper I know.

Tea with St. John's wort. St. John's wort tea helps very well. St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps restore our immunity. The tea should not be brewed too strongly, add a spoonful of chopped herbs to 0.5 liters of water, and be sure to simmer for about 15 minutes, or boil for 5 minutes over low heat and let it brew in a warm place.

For taste, you can add rose hips or mint, or even ordinary tea. You should not add linden to tea with St. John's wort. This tea increases body temperature. It is good for illnesses when you need to sweat.

Peppermint tea. Peppermint tea helps us fight fever and colds. As strange as it may sound, mint tea gives you energy. When brewing mint tea, add a little regular tea, especially if you drank it in the morning. It also acts as an analgesic and relieves headaches well.

It is best to brew mint tea in a porcelain bowl. One teaspoon of mint is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused in a warm place. This tea is used in the evening as a sedative.

You can also add spices to herbal teas. Such as ginger, cardamom, bay leaf, cumin and cloves. This will help your body boost its immunity. Just don't add too much, as these spices increase blood circulation and your temperature may rise a little. These teas are good to use at the first sign of a cold.

Be sure to ventilate the room and humidify the air in the room in which the patient is located. You also need to do a wet cleaning of the room.

At high temperatures, a person needs to ensure rest.

You can do vinegar rubdowns at a temperature for children and adults. I take one part vinegar and five parts water, then soak a handkerchief, sponge or napkin in the vinegar solution and wipe the body on the back, stomach, arms, legs, feet and palms, and forehead. This procedure is done every two hours. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to bring down the temperature. Only it only relieves fever and does not fight the source of the disease.

A cleansing enema can help reduce intoxication at high temperatures; an enema can be done using a chamomile decoction or just room boiled water. I heard that at a high temperature you need to give an enema in order for it to decrease, but I have never used this method myself. If you use this method to reduce body temperature and it has a positive effect, share with us below in the comments. Or if you have your own proven remedies that help you with high fever, share them with us below in the comments.

Now you know how to bring down a high temperature using folk remedies, but if the temperature does not decrease, despite the fact that you are taking all measures to combat the temperature, then call a doctor immediately.

I also suggest you watch the video “If the temperature lasts more than three days, what should you do?” I recommend you watch it, the information is informative.

High fever accompanies many different diseases in children. And in each case, the child’s fever puts the parents on “full combat readiness.” Since doctors say that fever is extremely dangerous for young children, mothers and fathers have a reasonable question about how to bring down a high temperature, preferably without the use of medications. As is known, in addition to the benefits, pills and mixtures also cause significant harm, especially for the child’s body. Traditional recipes - safe and reliable - can always come to the rescue.

Why is the temperature rising?

Everyone knows that high temperature is not an independent disease. This is a symptom, a protective reaction of the body to the invasion of some foreign agent, to the inflammatory process. Fever is clear evidence of the invisible work of the immune system, which fights the pathogens of some disease.

The heat, oddly enough, has good intentions - in conditions of elevated temperature it is more difficult for microbes to reproduce, and the replication of viruses slows down. If the thermometer exceeds 40.0, microorganisms generally lose their ability to reproduce.

But during heat and fever, phagocytes - protective cells - begin to multiply more actively. They feed on harmful invaders, both viruses and bacteria, and devour and digest them. The higher the temperature, the more actively the phagocytes “hunt”.

At elevated temperatures, several more very important processes start in the body of a sick child - the production of interferon, which is involved in the immune response to invasion, is activated, and antibodies are stimulated that are able to resist the causative agent of a particular infection.

All this is accessible and logically explains why in most cases there is no need to lower a child’s temperature at all.

There are only two cases when the positive properties of fever should be neglected: if a child is an infant and has a fever above 38.5°, and if a child from one to three years has been suffering from a fever with a temperature above 39° for about three days.

37°, 37.5°, 38° and a little higher is not a reason to immediately give your baby antipyretics. It is necessary to give the immune system a chance to develop reliable protection, and pills that reduce fever “prohibit” it from defending itself properly.

And now we invite you to watch Dr. Komarovsky’s episode about emergency care for high fever.

The reasons why temperature rises are varied. In very young children this may occur during teething. Almost all viral infections are accompanied by high fever. Fever accompanies meningitis, influenza, ARVI, sore throat, tonsillitis, sinusitis, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

What is the danger?

Heat also has its downsides. For example, a high temperature (above 38.5) significantly increases the load on the heart, which can be dangerous for children with congenital heart defects and newborns. Heat negatively affects the nervous system and brain. Excessively high heat (about 40.0) can cause irreversible changes in the structure of the brain and cause disturbances in other organs, primarily in the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

When are traditional methods not enough?

You cannot rely on traditional medicine if a high temperature rises and persists for several hours in newborns and children up to one year old. Babies that have just been born have an imperfect thermoregulation system; at high temperatures, they quickly lose heat and moisture, dehydration may occur, and convulsions and respiratory failure may begin.

There is no need to waste precious minutes and try alternative medicine recipes on your baby. He definitely needs a good antipyretic drug. Paracetamol and drugs containing paracetamol as the main active ingredient are suitable for such young patients.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky’s advice does not cover the topic of childhood fever.

Traditional methods of reducing fever should not be tried on children whose temperature has consistently remained above 39.5 for more than three days. In this situation, medications are also required; both paracetamol and ibuprofen are suitable.

Folk remedies cannot replace qualified emergency medical care with the use of antipyretic drugs, both in tablets and in injections. They are necessary if the child has a high temperature accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, or the baby complains of abdominal pain. Such conditions require an urgent response, since vomiting and diarrhea contribute to a very rapid loss of fluid, which can be fatal for a small child in case of untimely medical assistance.

You should not start home treatment with improvised means if the child has a history of serious diseases of the internal organs (congenital or acquired). In this situation, any jump in temperature to 38.0 and above should be a signal for reasonable parents that it is time to call a doctor or an ambulance.

If the fever is accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, pallor and severe lethargy, this is also a reason to urgently seek medical help and not give the baby tea with honey and raspberries.

Folk remedies

Ordinary water

Children can be cleansed with water at room temperature. This gives a minor and short-term effect, usually within half an hour the fever returns again. But rubbing with water is harmless, so they can be repeated with enviable persistence and frequency.

Small children are allowed to do enemas with warm water. For babies up to six months, no more than 60 ml of liquid is injected into the rectum, for children from 6 months to a year - no more than 160 ml. This procedure has one very important disadvantage - any enema is not very useful for the intestinal microflora, and therefore you should think carefully several times before lowering a baby’s temperature in this way.


It can also be used for wiping. Concentrated acetic acid (70%) is not suitable for these purposes, you will need a weak solution - a maximum of 9%. It must be diluted in equal parts with water at room temperature. The resulting acidic liquid is used to wipe the body of a child stripped down to his underpants, avoiding the face and genitals. Then they allow the body to dry and cover the child with a thin blanket. You can't wrap up your baby. As in the case of ordinary water, the effect of this procedure lasts no more than 30-40 minutes, then the rubdown must be repeated.

If you make small gauze lotions with such a vinegar solution on the temples, forehead, calves, and the inside of the elbow and hold until dry, the effect will be less pronounced, but a little more long-term.

Many doctors are against wiping children with vinegar and alcohol and recommend using water for wiping.

Rubbing with vinegar and lotions with an acidic solution are not recommended for small children, but there is a way out - soak the socks in the solution and put them on the baby’s feet. You should take off your socks after 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure as the fever rises again.


A very popular way to lower the temperature does not involve pure vodka, but its 50% solution with water. Rub the child with this mixture and then fan him with a towel for 30-40 minutes. This method, although labor-intensive, is very effective and in some cases one or two procedures are enough to reduce the fever and not rise again. But many doctors speak out against this method of reducing temperature.

Now let's listen to Dr. Komarovsky about wiping with vinegar and alcohol.


Compresses with this remedy are applied to the area of ​​the veins on the inside of the elbow. The skin there is delicate and thin, so it is important to ensure that the brine does not cause any aggressive irritating reaction. Many parents rate this method as quite effective.


Every family with children should have a supply of these swamp berries in the freezer. Cranberry juice in high heat is an excellent diaphoretic. It allows you to reduce your temperature within half an hour after drinking the drink. The effect lasts for several hours.


Herbal tea, which can be brewed from the flowers of this tree, promotes increased sweating, which means a fairly rapid drop in the thermometer. The herbal mixture is sold in any pharmacy; you need to brew it by taking a teaspoon of the raw material and pouring a glass of boiling water. This healing tea is steeped for about half an hour, after which you can add a spoonful of honey to it. This method is not suitable for small children, because both linden and honey are quite strong allergens.

And even if in a healthy state the little one tolerates both of these products well, then during the period when his immunity does important work in the fight against pathogenic microbes and viruses, an allergy to such a drink may well appear.


A liter jar of pine needles needs to be turned into a pulp using a regular meat grinder, mixed with honey (no more than two tablespoons). Mix everything. From the resulting mass you need to make small cakes. One of them is placed on a piece of fabric and applied to the baby's chest, the second - to the back. Hold for about 15 minutes, after which the temperature should begin to decrease within half an hour.


Ginger is peeled and grated. The resulting tart mass must be dosed carefully. For half a glass of warm tea you need to put no more than half a teaspoon of ginger mixture, stir and give the child to drink. The fever will subside almost immediately. In addition, ginger has a general strengthening effect. Ginger tea is not suitable for children under 6-7 years of age; it can cause irritation to the digestive system.

The danger of self-medication

The onset of negative consequences of fever in children, especially young ones, is several times higher than in adults. Convulsions and loss of consciousness, breathing problems and the development of acute heart failure cannot be predicted in any way; these conditions have practically no precursors.

The danger of self-medicating children's fever lies in the fact that parents who decide not to call a doctor take responsibility for the life of the baby. Lost time in cases of high fever plays a key role.

Let's listen in the next video to the dangers of self-medication of childhood diseases.

It can be very difficult to understand the reason for the rise in temperature on your own. The higher the fever, the more careful and urgent examination the child requires.

What can't you do?

  • First of all, a baby with a fever should be undressed down to his underpants or diaper. You can only cover your child with a sheet, not three blankets and a down shawl. Wrapping up a child with a high temperature is strictly prohibited!
  • When wiping with diluted vodka or vinegar solution, it is important not to rub the products into the skin, but only lightly touch them. Intense hand movements with strong pressure on the surface of the child’s body are prohibited, as they cause increased blood circulation and an additional increase in temperature.
  • In high heat, you cannot use folk remedies in the form of inhalations.
  • Massage, warming up, warming compresses at high temperatures are strictly prohibited!
  • You should not force feed a child with a fever. Lack of appetite in this situation is a wise decision of nature itself, since an empty stomach and clean intestines help to transfer the disease faster and make it easier.
  • Do not give your child cold drinks. Such drinking can cause vascular spasm.
  • Some parents advise placing a fan at the child's bedside and blowing on him until the temperature begins to drop. Such “treatment” is a sure path to pneumonia, experts say. It is better to refrain from blowing.
  • Do not bathe a child with a fever in a hot bath or hot shower. This will only contribute to overheating.
  • A sick child's temperature should be measured at least twice a day - morning and evening. if the fever rises, and the cause cannot be established in any way, there are no other symptoms, measurements should be taken every two hours.
  • There is no need to strive to quickly reduce the child’s body temperature. The heat should subside gradually. A sharp jump down can greatly harm the health of the baby. A decrease of 0.5 degrees per procedure is considered optimal. There is no need to reduce it by more than 1 degree per day.
  • A decrease in temperature should always be accompanied by an increase in fluid in the child's diet. Drinking plenty of fluids is the main requirement of both medicinal and non-traditional treatment of fever. It is advisable for the child to drink compotes, fruit drinks made from berries and fruits high in vitamin C (black currants, raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, rose hip decoction), but it is better to leave milk and fermented milk products for later.
  • In a room where a sick child with a high temperature is lying, you should not close all the windows and doors. On the contrary, the room should be well ventilated and should not be hot. If the fever occurs during the cold season, you need to hang wet towels on the hot radiators in the apartment and make sure that they remain damp. This will help increase the air humidity in the house, which, in turn, will protect the delicate mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx and larynx, as well as the bronchi and trachea of ​​the child from drying out and inflammation. The optimal indoor air temperature is 18-19 degrees, humidity is 50-70%.
  • Folk remedies will be most effective if they are correctly combined with traditional therapy. They perfectly complement the effect of some medications, enhance the effect of pharmaceutical drugs, and speed up the child’s recovery. If you have an irresistible desire and need to treat your child using traditional methods, be sure to consult a doctor. Pediatricians are quite willing to approve many of the above methods for treating fever. Unless, of course, the child has serious concomitant diseases.

Antipyretic teas and mixtures

Burdock root infusion

Preparation: Infuse 2 tablespoons of burdock root in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 2–3 hours. Strain. Add a little liquid honey for taste.

Accept 2/3 cup of warm infusion 3-5 times a day, preferably before meals.

Nettle infusion

Preparation: Infuse 1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves in 1 glass of boiling water, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain.

Accept: for a sick child, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals, for an adult - 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

Blackberry infusion

Preparation: Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dry blackberry leaves or roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat or a water bath for 15–20 minutes.

Accept 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals, can be used as a gargle.

Linden tea

Preparation: 1 teaspoon of linden flowers per 1 glass of boiling water. Drink warm several times a day, 1/2–1 glass.

Willow bark tea

Preparation: 1 teaspoon of crushed bark per 1 cup of boiling water. Drink warm several times a day, 1/2–1 glass.

In equal shares:

Thyme herb

Linden flowers

Chamomile flowers

Preparation: Immerse 1 teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink warm several times a day.

In equal shares:

Peppermint leaf

Black elderberry flowers

Linden flowers

Preparation: Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.

Accept 2 times a day, half a glass before meals.

Blackcurrant buds 1 part

Black currant berries 2 parts

Preparation: Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain.

Accept warm, 100–150 g 3 times a day as an antipyretic.

Coltsfoot sheet 2 parts

Raspberry fruits 2 parts

Oregano herbs 1 part

Preparation: Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, strain, add boiled water to the original volume.

Accept hot, 1 glass 2-4 times a day for flu and colds as an antipyretic.

In equal shares:

Linden flowers


Preparation: Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.

Accept hot, 1 glass several times a day.

In equal shares:

Peppermint leaf

Black elderberry flowers

Linden flowers

Preparation: Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 1/2 cup as an antipyretic.

Willow bark 2 parts

Black currant leaf 1 part

Preparation: Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Drink as tea throughout the day.

From the book Kidney Diseases: pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney prolapse author Yulia Popova

Herbal infusions Medicinal infusions are usually made up of 3-4 plants, selecting herbs with diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic and restorative effects.***Take equal parts of motherwort, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, horsetail herbs

From the book Heart Treatment with Herbs author Ilya Melnikov

Medicinal preparations The above medicinal herbs with cardiovascular effects can be used in various combinations. For the purpose of treating and preventing diseases of the heart and circulatory system, various types of medicinal drugs are used in folk medicine.

From the book Juice Treatment author Ilya Melnikov

Medicinal fees

From the book Golden Mustache and other natural healers author Alexey Vladimirovich Ivanov

Antipyretic teas Antipyretic teas are drunk at elevated body temperatures. It is worth noting that plant preparations with anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties are taken only warm. Recipe 1. 1 tablespoon raspberries, 1/2 teaspoon

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From the book Don't Cough! Advice from an experienced pediatrician author Tamara Vladimirovna Pariyskaya

ANTIBREUTERS In a healthy child, a normal body temperature during the day can fluctuate from 36 to 37°C. The maximum body temperature is observed between 17 and 20 hours, the minimum - from 4 to 7 hours. Increased body temperature (up to a certain limit) is

From the book Handbook of Sensible Parents. Part two. Urgent Care. author Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky

12.3.7. ANTIFEREUTIVES AND PAINRELIEF MEDICINES Currently, there are two drugs with antipyretic and analgesic effects that best meet the requirements for effectiveness and safety: PARACETAMOL and

From the book Treatment of prostatitis and other prostate diseases using traditional and non-traditional methods author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

Collections Collection No. 1 based on juniper Ingredients: Juniper fruits - 30 g, bitter licorice root - 15 g, garden parsley root - 15 g, fennel fruits - 15 g, chamomile flowers - 15 g, honey - 1 tablespoon. Method of preparation :Dry the mixture and grind it.

From the book Official and Traditional Medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia author Genrikh Nikolaevich Uzhegov

Antipyretics and diaphoretics

From the book Golden Mustache and Indian Onion for Health and Longevity author Yulia Nikolaevna Nikolaeva

Antipyretic teas Antipyretic teas are drunk at elevated body temperatures. It is worth noting that plant preparations with anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties are taken only warm. Recipe 1? 1 tablespoon raspberries,? ? teaspoon

From the book Veterinarian's Handbook. Animal Emergency Guidelines author Alexander Talko

Antipyretics Amidopyrine Analgin Acetylsalicylic acid Butadione Acid

From the book Men's Health after Forty. Home encyclopedia author Ilya Abramovich Bauman

Collection During menopause, it is useful for men to drink other herbal teas, which are usually taken 3 times a day before meals. Collection No. 1 The collection, the recipe for which we offer, will noticeably improve your well-being and health after 7-10 days of taking it. Take 20 g of woodruff. odorous

From the book Healing Teas author Mikhail Ingerleib

Collections Collection No. 1 Rose hips - 10 parts, hawthorn fruits - 10 parts, cudweed herb - 5 parts, chamomile inflorescences - 4 parts, meadowsweet flowers - 4 parts, silver birch leaves - 3 parts, lingonberry leaves - 3 parts, fireweed - 3 parts, roots

From the book How to cure diabetes with folk remedies author Kristina Aleksandrovna Lyakhova

Antihemorrhoidal teas and mixtures When treating hemorrhoids, herbal mixtures are not only drunk, but also used for medicinal enemas, baths and lotions. Both simple decoctions and infusions and complex combinations of medicinal plants are used. Root decoction

From the author's book

Vitamin teas and mixtures A lack of vitamins or an unbalanced intake of them into the body negatively affects the function of almost all organs and systems. The most important thing is a balanced and sufficient supply of vitamins during the recovery period after suffering

From the author's book

Fees Fees include several medicinal components. Collections cannot be used if the patient has contraindications to at least one component. Collection No. 1 Mix 1 tablespoon each of blueberries, wild strawberries, lingonberries, black elderberry flowers and flowers

Antipyretic herbs reduce fever and/or fever.

The most common examples are medications such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), ibuprofen, and aspirin, which come in a variety of forms. There are also many herbs that have antipyretic properties. Currently, the medical community continues to debate the benefits of antipyretics.

Most antipyretic drugs reduce fever by affecting chemicals in the body, such as interleukin, that signal the hypothalamus to raise the temperature. They can only be effective for actual fever, and they do not lower the body temperature if it is in the normal range.

Antipyretic medications

As already mentioned, the most well-known antipyretic medications are: acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen. Typically, these drugs can be easily found in pharmacies or stores, and they come in a variety of forms: tablets, liquids, and suppositories. Not every person will find benefit from every drug. Children and people with stomach pain should not use antipyretics such as aspirin. Ibuprofen can irritate the stomach lining, and acetaminophen is not a good choice for alcoholics and patients with liver problems.

There is also a wide range of herbs for reducing fever, consisting of more than 50 compounds. Among them: yarrow, catnip, ginger and feverfew.

Sometimes the temperature is so high that it must be lowered immediately. Especially children seven weeks old whose temperature exceeds 38°C require emergency care. Typically, in older children and adults, there is no need to treat a fever that is less than 38°C.

Most medical experts, however, point to the beneficial nature of fever in fighting infection, and they tend to argue that antipyretics and herbs are only beneficial for a person who does not tolerate a fever. In other words, the use of antipyretics is not always appropriate, especially if the temperature is mild.

The most comprehensive list of antipyretic herbs

Black elderberry
Cornflower blue
Field bindweed
Urban gravilate
Deskuraynia Sofia
Common cocklebur
Field toadgrass
Zopnik tuberiferous
European Zyuznik
Cardaria krupkova
Kirkazon clematis
Clover hybrid
Clover medium
Kozelets squat
Bluebell crowded
European hoofweed
White water lily
Caustic sedum
Shepherd's Purse
Austrian wormwood
Serpukha crowned
Red currant
Stellera dwarf
Susak umbrella
Poplar black
Chistets straight
Caucasian ash tree



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