Law on Accessible Environment for Persons with Disabilities. Goals and features of the state program “Accessible Environment” for people with disabilities

Taking into account the fact that almost 9% of the population of Tatarstan are citizens with disabilities, one of the directions of the socio-economic development strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan is the rehabilitation and social integration of people with disabilities.
It is necessary to create, by means of architecture, urban planning, transport, informatization and communications, conditions that provide disabled people with equal opportunities as all citizens in using social infrastructure, obtaining education, realizing creative potential, and active participation in public life.
When new design and reconstruction of public, residential and industrial buildings should be provided for the disabled and citizens of other groups of the population with limited mobility, living conditions equal to those of other categories of the population.
Barrier-free environment. This term applies to elements of the environment that can be easily entered, accessed, or used by people with physical, sensory, or intellectual disabilities.
Design solutions for facilities accessible to people with disabilities should not limit the living conditions of other groups of the population, as well as the efficiency of building operation.
The main provisions ensuring that the interests of people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility are taken into account are contained in the building codes and regulations SNiP 35-01-2001 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for groups of the population with limited mobility.”

General requirements for buildings, structures and their areas

1.1 Ramps

The building must have at least one entrance adapted for people with limited mobility (hereinafter referred to as MGN), from the surface of the ground and from each underground or overground passage accessible to MGN, connected to this building.

Areas of the floor on the paths of movement at a distance of 0.6 m in front of the entrances to the ramps must have a corrugated and/or contrastingly colored surface.
The maximum height of one rise (flight) of the ramp should not exceed 0.8 m with a slope of no more than 8%. If the difference in floor heights on the traffic paths is 0.2 m or less, it is allowed to increase the slope of the ramp to 10%. In exceptional cases, spiral ramps are allowed.
Guardrails with handrails must be installed along both sides of all stairs and ramps, as well as at all height differences greater than 0.45 m. Handrails for ramps should, as a rule, be located at a height of 0.7 and 0.9 m, for stairs - at a height of 0.9 m, and in preschool institutions also at a height of 0.5 m.

The width of the ramp for one-way traffic must be at least 1 m, in other cases - at least 1.8 m.
The area on the horizontal section of the ramp in a straight path or at a turn must be at least 1.5 m.
Sideboards with a height of at least 0.05 m should be provided along the longitudinal edges of the ramps, as well as along the edges of horizontal surfaces with a height difference of more than 0.45 m to prevent a cane or leg from slipping, which is important not only for disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders, but also for other categories of disabled people, including the visually impaired and the hearing impaired.

Barriers, guardrails, etc. should be installed under flights of open stairs that are less than 1.9 m in height to prevent falls and subsequent injuries, especially for those with visual impairments.
Areas of the floor on the paths of movement at a distance of 0.6 m in front of the entrances to the stairs must have a warning corrugated and/or contrasting painted surface.

Stairs must be doubled with ramps, and, if necessary, with other means of lifting.

The width of exits from rooms and corridors to the staircase must be at least 0.9 m.
The width of the flight of stairs is at least 1.35 m.
The width of the stair treads is at least 0.3 m,
The height of the steps is no more than 0.15 m.
The slopes of the stairs should be no more than 1:2.

Stair steps must be solid, level, without protrusions and with a rough surface. The edge of the step must have a rounding with a radius of no more than 0.05 m. The side edges of the steps that are not adjacent to the walls must have sides with a height of at least 0.02 m.

Guardrails with handrails must be installed along both sides of all stairs and ramps, as well as at all height differences greater than 0.45 m.

near the stairs - at a height of 0.9 m,
in preschool institutions also at a height of 0.5 m.

The entrance area must have: a canopy, drainage, and, depending on local climatic conditions, heating so that the entrance is accessible to any category of disabled people
Transparent doors and fences should be made of impact-resistant material. On transparent door panels, bright contrast markings should be provided with a height of at least 0.1 m and a width of at least 0.2 m, located at a level of no lower than 1.2 m and no higher than 1.5 m from the surface of the pedestrian path.

The coating surfaces of entrance platforms and vestibules must be hard, non-slip when wet, and have a transverse slope within 1-2%.

The width of door and open openings in the wall, exits from rooms and from corridors to the staircase must be at least 0.9 m.

Doorways should not have thresholds or differences in floor heights. If it is necessary to install thresholds, their height should not exceed 0.025 m.
Revolving doors and turnstiles are not allowed on MGN traffic routes.
On MGN traffic routes, it is recommended to use doors on single-acting hinges with latches in the “open” and “closed” positions. You should also use doors that provide a delay of automatic door closing of at least 5 seconds.
Areas of the floor on traffic paths at a distance of 0.6 m in front of doorways and entrances to ramps should have a corrugated and/or contrastingly colored surface to provide access to the building for visually impaired and hearing impaired persons.

  1. Buildings should be equipped with passenger elevators or lifting platforms in the case of premises used by people with disabilities in wheelchairs. The choice of lifting method for disabled people and the possibility of duplicating these lifting methods are established in the design solution.

2. Parameters of the elevator cabin intended for use by a disabled person in a wheelchair (internal dimensions):
width - not less than 1.1 m;
depth - at least 1.4 m.
The width of the doorway is at least 0.9 m.

In other cases, the size of the doorway is set in the design specification according to GOST R 51631.

Areas of the floor on traffic paths at a distance of 0.6 m in front of doorways and entrances to stairs and ramps, as well as before the turn of communication paths, must have a warning corrugated and/or painted surface; it is allowed to provide light beacons.

In public restrooms it is necessary to provide at least one universal cubicle accessible to all categories of citizens.
A universal public restroom cubicle must have the following dimensions:
– width - not less than 1.65 m;
– depth - not less than 1.8 m.

In the stall next to the toilet, space should be provided to accommodate a wheelchair, as well as hooks for clothes, crutches and other accessories.

In sanitary and hygienic premises, provision should be made for the installation of handrails, bars, swivel or folding seats.

The recommended height of curbs along the edges of pedestrian paths should be at least 0.05 m.
The height of the side stones at the intersection of sidewalks with the roadway, as well as the difference in heights of curbs, side stones along maintained lawns and green areas adjacent to pedestrian traffic routes, should not exceed 0.04 m.
Tactile aids for the visually impaired on the surface of pedestrian paths in the area should be placed at least 0.8 m before the object of information, the beginning of a dangerous section, a change in direction of movement, an entrance, etc.

The use of bulk or coarse-grained materials is not permitted for covering walkways, sidewalks and ramps.

The covering of concrete slabs must be smooth, and the thickness of the joints between the slabs must be no more than 0.015 m.

When constructing ramps from the sidewalk near a building, it is allowed to increase the longitudinal slope to 10% for no more than 10 m.

If there are underground and overground passages on the territory or site, they should, as a rule, be equipped with ramps or lifting devices, if it is impossible to organize a ground passage for the MGN.

The entrance to the territory or site should be equipped with elements of information about the facility accessible to people with disabilities.

In open individual parking lots near service establishments, at least 10% of the spaces (but not less than one space) should be allocated for transport of disabled people. These places must be indicated by signs accepted in international practice (Article 15 of Federal Law No. 181-FZ).

It is advisable to place spaces for personal vehicles of disabled people near the entrance accessible to disabled people, but no further than 50 m, and in residential buildings - no further than 100 m.

The width of the parking area for a disabled person's car must be at least 3.5 m.

Enterprises, institutions and organizations providing transport services to the population provide stations, airports and other facilities with special devices that allow people with disabilities to freely use their services. Organizations providing transport services to the population provide the equipment of these means with special devices and devices in order to create conditions for people with disabilities to freely use these means. (Article 15 of Federal Law No. 181-FZ)

A prerequisite for accessibility of the metro is the presence of a relief (tactile) strip in front of the stairs, ramps (above and below) along the entire length, as well as in front of the door, ticket office, in front of information and telecommunications facilities and at the exit from the escalator.
Strip width - 0.5-0.6 m for ramps, stairs, in front of media and telecommunications,
0.3 m - in front of the door and ticket office.
The distance of the strip to the edge of the outermost step of the stairs is 0.8 m.
The recommended width of the flight of stairs is at least 1.35 m.
The distance from the tactile strip to the edge of the outermost step is 0.8 m.
It is also necessary to have contrasting colors on the upper and lower steps of the flight of stairs and the ramp.
The presence of edges along the edges of the flight of stairs must be at least 2 cm, if they do not come into contact with the wall.

Entrance doors in a subway car must have a clear opening width of at least 90 cm. The height of the threshold when entering the car from the platform should be no more than 2.5 cm.

Landing platforms must have tactile lines along the landing edge of the platform.

It is mandatory to have an accessibility sign for wheelchair users and a contrasting warning marking on the door (bright yellow or red), the height of which should be 120-150 cm from the floor level.
It is also mandatory to have special places for disabled people and signs for the movement of wheelchair users throughout the metro.

A – symbol of accessibility for disabled people
B - symbol of accessibility for people with hearing loss
B - symbol “Telecommunication devices for people with hearing impairments”
1.2 - symbol of accessibility for the disabled
3 – place for disabled people, elderly people with children
4 – escalator (lift)
5,6 – toilets for disabled people
7 – elevator for disabled people
8 – escape routes
9.10 – entrance and exit from the premises
11 – direction of movement, turn
12 – information center (reference)

5.2 Airports (foreign and domestic experience)

Frankfurt am Main Airport (FRA) has two terminals, which are connected by high-speed trains, are free of charge and have wheelchair ramps. Free buses run between the terminals every 10 minutes.
The airport has automatic doors, adapted telephones and toilets for the disabled.
At Dusseldorf International Airport (DUS) there are rooms for the disabled and wheelchairs are available for those who request it.
Hong Kong International Airport is fully accessible to passengers with disabilities. There are numerous restrooms, elevators, ramps and escalators around the airport and at the Ground Transportation Center with wheelchair facilities. Car parking spaces reserved for disabled drivers are available in four car parks.
Wheelchairs are provided free of charge by airlines; Passengers must inform airlines in advance before travelling.
To facilitate the movement of disabled people around the building, the Vnukovo airport terminal is equipped with ramps and special elevators. The cabins are equipped with handrails, and call buttons are located at an accessible height for wheelchair users. The elevators also provide duplication of inscriptions in Braille and voice announcements of stops. In total, 78 elevators, 61 escalators and 38 travelators were built in Terminal A. In addition, the so-called “smooth floor” system has been implemented throughout the terminal, allowing passengers with limited mobility to move freely.
Information about the arrival and departure of flights at the airport is not only displayed on the board, but is also duplicated by announcements over the public address system. Blind passengers are accompanied by Vnukovo employees during all movements around the terminal.
The Ufa airport has acquired new special equipment - an ambulift. With the help of this machine, it will be easier for people with disabilities to get on or off the plane. The lift cabin can accommodate 2 wheelchairs and 2 accompanying persons. The ambulift has a so-called through corridor so that there is no need to turn around inside the cabin. The machine rises more than 5 meters and fits almost all types of aircraft.

Fig. 1 Terminal for obtaining information (convenient for both healthy people and people with impaired vision)

Fig. 2 Display with contrastingly highlighted aircraft flight names for visually impaired people

Fig.3 Special elevator for people with disabilities at the airport

Fig.4 Sanitary and hygienic room, equipped specifically for disabled people

Rice. Index of places of service for people with disabilities

5.3. Railway stations

More than 100 carriages with special compartments designed for disabled people run on Russian railways. These compartments provide everything to make travel easier for people with health problems.
The entrance to the train carriage is equipped with a special lift, with the help of which a passenger, without leaving his wheelchair, can get inside from both high and low platforms.
The double compartment, intended for a disabled person and an accompanying person, is wider than the standard one. So that a disabled person can move into a chair without assistance, there are special auxiliary belts. The sleeping bunk can be transformed into any position convenient for the sick passenger.
For the blind and visually impaired, low-lying switches, sockets, and call buttons for the conductor are equipped with signs with raised text - for reading with “fingers” - and a special sound device that provides the necessary information. An automated communication system allows you to call a conductor in an emergency.
The toilet in such carriages is also wider and larger in size than in ordinary ones, and additional handrails are installed. The toilet is equipped with a sound and light display for passengers with vision or hearing problems.

Rice. Entrance to the station

Rice. Ticket office for disabled people with handrails and ramp at the station

Rice. Accessible toilet location sign

Rice. Payphone for visually impaired people

Rice. Lifting platform for disabled access to the train carriage

Rice. Seats for disabled people on modern trains

Rice. Special compartments for disabled people in train carriages

Legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, ensuring and regulating the creation of an accessible environment for people with disabilities

“Constitution of the Russian Federation” dated December 12, 1993. Article 27 enshrines the human right to freedom of movement.

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

Article 14 “Ensuring free access to information for people with disabilities.” The state guarantees a disabled person the right to receive the necessary information.
Article 15 “Ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social infrastructure facilities.”
The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms, create conditions for people with disabilities (including people with disabilities using wheelchairs and guide dogs) for unhindered access to social infrastructure facilities (residential, public and industrial buildings, structures and structures, sports facilities, recreational facilities, cultural, entertainment and other institutions), as well as for the unhindered use of railway, air, water, intercity road transport and all types of urban and suburban passenger transport, communications and information (including means that provide duplication of sound signals for light signals of traffic lights and devices regulating the movement of pedestrians through transport communications).
Planning and development of cities and other populated areas, formation of residential and recreational areas, development of design solutions for new construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and their complexes, as well as the development and production of public transport vehicles, communications and information equipment without adapting these objects for access disabled people are not allowed to access them or use them.
At each parking lot (stop) of vehicles, including near trade enterprises, services, medical, sports and cultural and entertainment institutions, at least 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) are allocated for parking special vehicles for disabled people who are not must be occupied by other vehicles. Disabled persons use parking spaces for special vehicles free of charge.
Article 16 “Responsibility for evading the requirements for creating conditions for people with disabilities for unhindered access to engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities”
Legal entities and officials for evading compliance with the requirements provided for by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts for creating conditions for people with disabilities for unhindered access to engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities, as well as for unhindered use of railway, air, water, intercity road transport and all types of urban and suburban passenger transport, communications and information means bear administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

“Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” dated December 30, 1995 No. 195-FZ
Article 5.43. “Violation of legal requirements providing for the allocation of places in parking lots (stops) for special vehicles for people with disabilities”
Violation of legal requirements providing for the allocation of places in parking lots (stops) for special vehicles for people with disabilities shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount established by law.
Article 9.13. Evasion of compliance with the requirements for accessibility of engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities for disabled people
Evasion from fulfilling the requirements for providing conditions for access for people with disabilities to engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount established by law.
Article 11.24. Organization of transport services for the population without creating accessibility conditions for people with disabilities
Violation by the head of an organization or other official responsible for organizing the transport service system for the population and operating vehicles of the legal requirements providing for the inclusion in the transport service system of the population of vehicles accessible to the disabled shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount established by law.

"Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ
Article 2. Basic principles of legislation on urban planning activities
Legislation on urban planning activities and regulations issued in accordance with it are based on the following principles:
-providing conditions for people with disabilities to have unhindered access to social and other facilities;
- liability for violation of legislation on urban planning activities;
- compensation for damage caused to individuals and legal entities as a result of violations of the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities, in full.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 1047-r “List of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the federal law “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” is ensured:
P. 76. SNiP 35-01-2001 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility.” Sections 3 (clauses 3.1 - 3.37, 3.39, 3.52 - 3.72), 4 (clauses 4.1 - 4.10, 4.12 - 4.21, 4.23 - 4.32).

List of regulatory documents regulating the development of project documentation to ensure an accessible environment for people with disabilities.

SNiP 35-01-2001 “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility”;
RDS 35-201-99 “Procedure for implementing accessibility requirements for social infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities”;
SP 35-101-2001 “Design of buildings and structures taking into account accessibility for people with limited mobility”;
SP 35-102-2001 "Living environment with planning elements accessible to people with disabilities";
SP 35-103-2001 "Public buildings and structures accessible to visitors with limited mobility";
SP 35-104-2001 "Buildings and premises with places of work for disabled people";
SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings and structures";
GOST R 51631-2008 “Passenger elevators. Technical accessibility requirements, including accessibility for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups";
GOST R 51630-2000 “Lifting platforms with vertical and inclined movement for disabled people. Accessibility Technical Requirements";
GOST R 52131-2003 “Sign information display means for people with disabilities”;
GOST R 51671-2000 “Technical means of communication and information for general use, accessible to people with disabilities. Classification. Accessibility and security requirements”;
GOST R 52875-2007 “Tactile ground-based signs for the visually impaired. Technical requirements";
GOST 51261-99 “Stationary rehabilitation support devices. Types and technical requirements"

According to 2017 statistics, there are about 15 million people with disabilities in Russia, which is 10% of the total population. This is hard to believe, since it is rare to meet a disabled person in public places. The reason for this is the infrastructure of Russian cities, which is absolutely not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The Government of the Russian Federation intends to correct this situation with the help of the federal program “Accessible Environment”. Let us consider what the main objectives and stages of this program are, as well as what results have been achieved to date.


The authorities became concerned about creating comfortable living conditions for people with disabilities after Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in September 2008. In the same year, the government adopted, which became the starting point of the “Accessible Environment” program. Later, the program was extended more than once, and the latest regulatory document in force in relation to it is (as amended on November 9, 2017).

Timing of the program

According to the latest resolution, the total implementation period of the program is 2011-2020. It includes 4 stages.

  1. Preparation of the legislative framework in the period from 2011 to 2012.
  2. Formation of the material base from 2013 to 2015. This implies additional equipment of public facilities with special devices for people with disabilities, construction of rehabilitation centers, their technical equipment, etc.
  3. The years 2016-2018 will see the implementation of the main objectives of the state program, which we will consider later.
  4. From 2019 to 2020, a period is planned to take stock of the work done and develop further directions for development.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development was appointed as the body responsible for the phased implementation of the state program. Other participants include the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, ministries of education, sports, housing, finance and other departments. Of course, the activities and initiatives of regional authorities are also important.

Goals and objectives of the “Accessible Environment” program

The main goal of the program is to improve the quality of life of disabled people and their integration into society. Its implementation is planned by achieving the following objectives.

  1. Creating an accessible environment for people with limited mobility to vitally needed facilities and services of urban infrastructure.
  2. Providing accessible rehabilitation and habilitation (formation of new skills) services for citizens with disabilities. The same task implies access to educational services and employment.
  3. Increasing the transparency of the work of ITU experts and the objectivity of the decisions they make.

A budget of 401 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of the assigned tasks. In particular, in 2018 it is planned to spend over 45 billion rubles. The sources for forming the program budget are the federal budget and state extra-budgetary funds.

Based on each of the above tasks, separate subroutines have been compiled.

Subroutine No. 1

The first subprogram is aimed at assessing the existing level of accessibility for people with disabilities of vital urban facilities, as well as creating conditions for its improvement.

The activities within this subprogram include the following.

  1. Design of new buildings and modernization of existing ones taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. These are ramps and elevators for the free movement of sedentary citizens, the creation of additional banners that simplify the search for the desired object, etc. Not only government departments, but also residential buildings under construction need to adapt to the capabilities of people with disabilities.
  2. Installation of traffic lights and stops with sound on the streets.
  3. Equipping public transport with retractable ramps and introducing new units with a lower floor level.
  4. Providing disabled children with the opportunity to receive education on an equal basis with other peers. This concerns not only the creation of a barrier-free environment, but also the technical provision of schools with equipment for the physical and psychological recovery of children (simulators, computers for children with hearing and visual impairments, sensory rooms for relaxation, etc.). It is equally important to have psychologists on staff at the educational institution who provide support to a disabled child when problems arise in communicating with peers.
  5. Financing of sports institutions whose activities are aimed at the development of adaptive physical education and Paralympic sports.
  6. Conducting cultural events involving the participation of persons with disabilities.
  7. Introduction of sign language translation into broadcasts of the main Russian TV channels.

A budget of 35 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of subprogram No. 1.

Subroutine No. 2

The second subprogram is aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of rehabilitation and habilitation services for people with disabilities. Another important goal is to create conditions for them to receive professional training and further employment on an equal basis with those citizens who do not have health limitations.

A number of activities are planned to achieve these goals.

  1. Assessing the needs of people with disabilities and creating an industry for the production of specialized goods in accordance with them.
  2. The opening of centers focused both on general rehabilitation of disabled people through drug treatment and sanatorium-resort services, and medical habilitation in the form of reconstructive surgery and prosthetics.
  3. Introduction to the educational program of lessons aimed at developing an adequate perception of disabled children by other peers.
  4. Organization of joint events by social authorities. protection and employment centers for professional training of citizens who, due to health problems, have lost the opportunity to work in their previous specialty.
  5. Incentivizing employers with tax incentives to create jobs for people with disabilities.

Funding in the amount of 33.5 billion rubles is provided for the implementation of these goals.

Subprogram No. 3

The third subprogram is aimed at increasing the objectivity of ITU decisions. The goal is planned to be achieved through the following activities.

  1. Development of new methods for conducting examinations.
  2. Improving the criteria for assigning disability groups.
  3. Equipping the ITU bureau with modern diagnostic equipment.
  4. Creation of a system for independent assessment of the performance of ITU experts.
  5. Establishing effective interaction between ITU institutions at different levels.
  6. Improvement of employee qualifications.
  7. The creation of public councils at the main ITU bureaus that consider complaints from citizens regarding the unethical behavior of experts.
  8. Anti-corruption. To this end, it is planned to introduce modern technologies such as electronic queuing, audio and video surveillance into ITU activities.

It is planned to allocate 103 billion rubles for the implementation of subprogram No. 3.

Expected results

By the end of the “Accessible Environment” program in 2020, it is planned to obtain the following target values:

  • increasing the share of engineering and transport infrastructure facilities accessible to people with limited mobility to 55%;
  • formation in 52.5% of disabled people of a positive assessment of the attitude towards them in society;
  • equipping up to 44.7% of regions with rehabilitation centers;
  • increasing the proportion of citizens who have completed rehabilitation and habilitation courses to 53.6% among adults and to 69.3% among children;
  • increasing employment among able-bodied disabled people to 40%;
  • equipping 100% of the main ITU bureaus with modern diagnostic equipment.

These are target indicators relevant for 2018. But additions are introduced to the program every year, which also affect its final goals.

Interim results of the program

At the end of 2017, the following results were achieved in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

  1. On January 1, 2017, the federal register of disabled people began to function. It is an information service in which each participant has access to a personal account with information on all payments and benefits due to him. The system allows you to access government services electronically without visiting departments.
  2. The share of public transport retrofitted with specialized devices for disabled people was 11.1%. At the beginning of the program, the figure was 8.3%.
  3. The number of subtitled television programs has increased 5 times.
  4. The accessibility of medical institutions for people with limited mobility increased to 50.9%.
  5. The share of accessible cultural institutions reached 41.4%.
  6. Among sports facilities, 54.4% became accessible to the disabled.
  7. In the field of education, 21.5% of schools are adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. At the beginning of the program, this figure was only 2%.
  8. In 2017, a pilot project began to introduce a system of comprehensive rehabilitation for persons with disabilities in the Sverdlovsk region and Perm region. About 300 million rubles were spent on its implementation during the year.
  9. During the year, 32.84 billion rubles were allocated to provide needy citizens with auxiliary technical means, which made it possible to cover 1.6 million people.
  10. In November 2017, deputies in the third reading adopted a project to amend the federal law “On Employment in the Russian Federation.” Its goal is to bring Russian labor legislation into compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The bill involves the interaction of ITU institutions with employment centers in terms of increasing the share of employed people with disabilities. At the moment, only 25% of able-bodied citizens with disabilities have a permanent place of work. In Europe this figure reaches 40%.

The scale of implementation of the state program in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation also depends on the activity and financial capabilities of regional authorities. Some of them have achieved significant results in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. Thus, in the capital of Buryatia, an entire residential block has been designed for people with disabilities. In addition to housing, it includes medical institutions, shops, and sports facilities. Houses adapted to the needs of wheelchair users are also being actively built in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The “Accessible Environment” program has been implemented for the past 7 years. During this time, significant improvements have been achieved in the quality of life of disabled people and their position in Russian society. The first significant results confirm the correctness of the chosen direction, and therefore the government is considering the possibility of extending the state program until 2025.

On December 13, 2006, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified. This became a significant event in the lives of many people. In Russia, this date can be considered the starting point in improving the lives of people with disabilities. The main purpose of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the obligation to protect all the rights of persons with disabilities, including the right to freedom of movement, the right to education, as well as other fundamental human rights and freedoms. From that moment on, a person with a disability was recognized as a full participant in the life of society.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the document that formed the basis of the federal target program "Accessible Environment" for 2011-2020, developed taking into account proposals from Russian societies of people with disabilities.

The Federal Target Program "Accessible Environment" also interacts with SNiP (Building Norms and Rules) and SP (Code of Rules).

Implementing the goals of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” is not an easy task

The state policy towards the full integration of disabled people and people with limited physical capabilities into the life of society has recently acquired particular importance. The state program “Accessible Environment” was developed taking into account the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is aimed at realizing these rights in all spheres of public life.

The importance of implementing the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” is difficult to overestimate, since recently the number of people with disabilities in relation to the healthy population has been growing inexorably. One of the main objectives of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” is to ensure unimpeded access to social infrastructure facilities, as well as to services for people with disabilities and low-mobility groups.

Reasons that directly or indirectly complicate the full implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”:

  • Complex legal and infrastructural inheritance from the USSR. At that time, there was almost no regulatory framework for respecting the rights of people with disabilities, and there was also no necessary infrastructure;
  • Insufficient participation of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in legislative processes;
  • Insufficient practical implementation of the provisions of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” by subjects;
  • Insufficient government funding;
  • Problems in determining priority facilities and services in the spheres of life of people with disabilities and MGN;
  • Difficulties in defining a long-term strategy with consistent implementation of its points and ensuring the availability of social infrastructure;
  • Communication barriers.

The above reasons should entail changes in the regulatory framework in the field of implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

“Accessible environment”. Assessment of the regulatory framework.

Art. 14, 15 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” regulate the basic legal norms for organizing an accessible environment. These standards provide for unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social infrastructure facilities, transport facilities, communications and communications, as well as the provision of these facilities with the necessary equipment for wheelchair users, for people with hearing impairment, vision impairment and mental impairments.

A possible option for a comprehensive supply of special equipment to ensure accessibility of the facility and compliance with the principles of Universal Design involves the placement of the following equipment:

  • Ramps, elevators;
  • Equipment for contrasting identification of obstacles and steps along the route;

An accessible environment is one of the conditions for the realization of the fundamental rights of people with disabilities.

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Unfortunately, in practice this often has a declarative nature - just for show.

The scale of adaptation of social infrastructure facilities to the needs of an accessible environment in Russia is enormous. Therefore, a systematic approach, training of qualified specialists on site, carrying out research work, developing standards in the training of persons with disabilities, creating jobs for people with disabilities and complying with the standards for organizing such jobs, independent research of objects and certification of objects in accordance with accessibility requirements.

About the future of the Federal Target Program "Accessible Environment"

There is no exact date for completion of the Federal Target Program, and it is unlikely to be expected. It would be more correct to say that the “Accessible Environment” program is unlimited. You can understand this by carefully studying the UN Convention.

Recently, there has been a very clear trend towards reducing funding for this program from the federal budget and tightening requirements. The logic of the reduction is clear: there are more social infrastructure facilities with accessibility, and fewer adaptation tasks.

Yes, there will be new programs with different deadlines, where the best experience will be taken into account in order to multiply the results already achieved. In addition, negative experience will be taken into account in order to eliminate existing problems in creating a barrier-free environment, including through administrative measures. Currently, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of organizing an accessible environment provides for the possibility of introducing sanctions against unscrupulous companies that violate current legal norms. This means that unscrupulous companies will be forced not only to pay fines, but also to correct all shortcomings.

Free access to educational and cultural institutions, medical institutions, transport infrastructure facilities, as well as free access to information is an indisputable and fundamental human right. And only through joint efforts and thanks to a professional approach to business can we provide decent conditions for all citizens, including temporarily incapacitated people with injuries, mothers with children and strollers, people with mental disabilities, people with hearing and vision disabilities, and people with musculoskeletal disorders , wheelchair users and other MGN.

Avoid blatant installations of unsafe equipment like the ones in the pictures below! Contact professional companies and disability equipment suppliers.

, tactile floor guides for the blind, information signs and diagrams duplicated in Braille, as well as other equipment.

And adhere to the principles of Universal Design:

  • Equality of use;
  • Versatility of use;
  • Simple and intuitive design;
  • Ease of conveying information;
  • Ensuring safe use;
  • Minimum physical effort;
  • Space for use and access.

Consult with us and we will definitely provide you with an expert solution.

If you are faced with the task of organizing an accessible environment for MGN at your facility, we are ready to develop comprehensive solutions for you from design to equipment delivery. Our strengths are efficiency and an individual approach to each project.


Target federal "Accessible Environment" program in Russia is intended to make living conditions for people with disabilities more comfortable and of higher quality. The development of this project began even before Russia signed the international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN.

The preparatory process began already in 2008 and lasted until 2011. Its significance was explained by official sociological data on the number of disabled people in our country. By that time the figure had reached 9% of the total population. Statistics showed that 30% of the total number of people with disabilities were of working age and would like to actively participate in the life of society. Sociologists have also noted an increase in the number of children with congenital physical disabilities, who also require special conditions for life.

It was decided to carry out the state program in two stages. The first period fell in 2011-2012, when lawyers created a legal framework to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, sociologists, psychologists and other specialists conducted public opinion research, created consulting services, developed mechanisms and tools that would allow the following actions to be carried out within the framework of the program. The second stage was planned to be carried out from 2013 to 2016. In total, the federal budget allocated 168.44 billion rubles., which must be implemented at all levels by 2020.

Objectives of the “Accessible Environment” program

Implementation of this program in the Russian Federation will improve the quality of medical care for people with disabilities and create favorable conditions for their involvement in public life in various areas. Disabled people will be given all the opportunities that ordinary people can enjoy in the state.

Accessible Environment Program 2019 consists of two parts aimed at:

  • creating easy access to main facilities and services in the main areas of life for people with disabilities;
  • improving the quality of rehabilitation services and improving the entire state medical system.

During their implementation, the following should be obtained:

  • objective assessments that would improve the level of accessibility of all public and social facilities and services for people with disabilities;
  • equal access to all rehabilitation means and services for people with disabilities;
  • improving the quality of functioning of the state system of medical and social examination.



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