I dripped cold drops into my ear. How to put drops in the ears correctly: a feature of treating children

Children often suffer ear diseases, which in most cases can be treated with drops. Therefore, it is important for every parent to know how to properly put drops in their baby’s ear. Let's consider the preparation rules and the algorithm for carrying out this process, as well as what precautions should be taken.

Benefits of treating ear diseases with drops

Otitis media, which occurs in every child at least once in their life, is mainly treated with drops. If the process is carried out incorrectly, achieve therapeutic effect it won't work. Therefore, a parent should know some features of how to properly place drops in their child’s ear and not cause harm.

Ear diseases are almost always painful sensations And possible increase child's body temperature. To reduce discomfort and pain in the baby, local therapy is used.

The advantages of treatment with drops are as follows:

  • pain is reduced;
  • decreases inflammatory process in the ears, since the drops act on the source of the infection, destroying it from the inside;
  • possibility of application ear drops from birth (the medicine acts locally and is practically not absorbed into the blood);
  • affordable price and economical use of the medicine (almost every product has a special dropper cap, which makes the drug easier to use).

Despite the ease of use and availability of such products, it is worth consulting an otolaryngologist before using them in children in order to avoid negative consequences.


Before putting drops into your child’s ears, you should consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions. You can find it at the pharmacy huge assortment medicines for local application, which are indicated for various pathologies.

In most cases, ear drops are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • pain, itching, or a feeling of fullness in the ear;
  • when a cerumen plug forms in the ear canal;
  • an inflammatory process affecting the middle ear (otitis media), maybe different shapes and degrees.

Only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Sometimes ear drops are used in conjunction with other medications: nasal sprays or tablets. All of them are used depending on the composition.


Before administering local therapy to your child, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. It is important to observe the dosage of ear drops for children, which directly determines the result of treatment.

It is also worth knowing when to use local therapy in the ears is contraindicated:

  • discharge of blood from the ear canal;
  • copious discharge yellow or green color from the ears;
  • injuries to the middle ear or ear canal;
  • the integrity of the eardrum is compromised;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

It's also worth remembering that independent use medications, even local ones, can be dangerous for children. This, in turn, can lead to the development of complications, so only a doctor can select the correct composition of the drug.

General rules for preparation and conduct

Before carrying out the procedure you should know correct dosage ear drops for children. It is determined by the doctor based on the composition of the drug. Also, each instruction contains a description of how much to drip depending on the age of the baby.

General rules preparation and implementation of instillation are as follows:

  1. Ear medications should be at room temperature, not cold. If they are stored in the refrigerator according to the instructions, then you should take them out an hour before instillation and hold them in your hand before the procedure so that the liquid warms up. You can also pour a small amount of the medicine onto a hot spoon to warm it up, but it is important not to overheat the drops, as this may cause them to lose their properties.
  2. When using a glass pipette, you should pour boiling water over it to prevent infection in the ear canal.
  3. First you need to prepare several balls of clean cotton wool, which will be needed at the end of the procedure.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly place drops in a child’s ear

The process of instilling medicine into a child’s ears has its own characteristic features. This is due to anatomical structure ear in children. So, in children, especially under three years of age, the eardrum is horizontal (in adults it is vertical), the auditory canal is more curved (in an adult it is flat).

The algorithm for instilling medicine into a child’s ear is as follows:

  1. The ear canal is cleaned with cotton swabs.
  2. The baby lies on his side, with the affected ear up (it is better to hold newborn babies in your arms).
  3. The earlobe is pulled slightly down and back.
  4. The drug, preheated to a temperature of 37 degrees, is instilled into the ear canal (the dosage is determined depending on the pathology or composition of the drug).
  5. The ear is slightly pressed against the tragus several times, which helps the drops penetrate deep into the ear canal.
  6. A small amount of cotton wool is placed in the ear for a while.
  7. After instillation, the child should lie in this position for 5-10 minutes.

What to do if the drops do not go into the ear?

Some parents are faced with the fact that the medicine does not pass into the ear canal due to severe swelling this area or the presence of a wax plug that prevents the passage of the medicine. In this case, the question arises of how to put drops in a child’s ears.

Here it is important to get rid of the accumulation of sulfur by cleaning with cotton swabs. The procedure must be carried out carefully, with gentle movements, so as not to disrupt the integrity thin walls ear canal. If there is swelling, you should consult a doctor.

If drops flow out of the baby’s ear, or he is still too small to lie in a position on his side for 5 or 10 minutes, then it is worth covering the ear canal with cotton balls, which will prevent the leakage of the medicinal liquid. A turunda made of pure cotton wool is inserted nearby, and after half an hour you can remove it.


Before putting drops into your child’s ears, you should take the following precautions:

  1. Drops are administered only into the previously cleaned ear canal. The wax or wax plug is removed because it prevents the medication from entering and the quality of therapy is reduced.
  2. Rinsing the ear canal under pressure is not recommended for either a child or an adult. This can damage the integrity of the eardrum.
  3. It is best to lie on your side for up to 15 minutes, but babies usually cannot stand that much, so cotton balls are recommended for them.
  4. An open bottle of medicine should be stored for as long as indicated in the instructions. After the expiration date, it loses all its properties.
  5. Before you put drops in your child’s ears, you should make sure that the medicine is at room temperature (you need to put drops in at a temperature of 36-37 degrees).
  6. To prevent an air lock from forming, it is worth injecting the medicine along the side wall.
  7. It is prohibited to change the dosage or number of instillations per day prescribed by your doctor.


It is important to know not only how to properly put drops in a child’s ear, but also measures to prevent ear diseases.

To avoid diseases associated with the hearing organs, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • otitis, especially in acute form, should be treated under the supervision of a specialist until full recovery(an undertreated inflammatory process can transform into chronic form, which can lead to hearing loss in the baby);
  • a hat or bandage covering the ears should be worn by the child in cold or windy weather;
  • foreign objects should not be used as means for cleaning the ear canal (pins, matches, paper clips) - only soft cotton swabs are allowed;
  • a runny nose should be treated promptly, since the nasal and ear canals, through which infection can pass, are closely connected;
  • regular examination by an ENT doctor.

It is also important to contact a specialist not only when acute pain in the baby's ear, but also with the slightest decrease hearing, which may indicate inflammation that is painless.

Drops, no matter what they are intended for, are medicine. They are usually used for diseases of the eyes, nose and ears. These organs are vital for a person and the medicine should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, especially if a newborn child needs to be treated and instilled with drops.

Modern medicines for instillation, they usually have a special dropper cap, which is convenient to use. But if it is not there, at the same time as purchasing the drug, you should also take care of purchasing a pipette. It should be remembered that pipettes for the ears, eyes and nose are mandatory must be separate.

It is very difficult for small children to put drops on their eyes, ears or nose; the child does not understand and is scared, but let's try to do it together.

General rules for preparing and carrying out the drop instillation procedure

  • If you have to use a pipette, first place it in a glass container and pour boiling water over it;
  • Prepare a few balls of clean cotton wool;
  • When instilled, you will only need 2-3 drops of the medicine, so you should not fill the pipette completely to avoid an overdose. Dial up the required volume and make sure that drops do not fall into the rubber part, but to do this, hold it vertically.

Important to know!

Medicines intended for instillation should not be cold. This is especially true for ear and eye drops. Before use, they must be warmed at least until normal temperature bodies. If the drops are packaged in an ampoule, you can hold them in your hands for a while. If the drops are in large volume, then you can take a small container (for example, a teaspoon) and lower it into hot water. While the spoon remains warm, pour a few drops of medicine into it, which will take heat from it. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to overheat the drops, which may lose their quality due to exposure to temperature.

Step-by-step procedure for putting eye drops

  1. Newborn babies are usually placed on their backs; older children can have eye drops placed in a sitting position.
  2. Use your fingers to spread your eyelids apart as follows: With your index finger, pull the eyelid slightly upward, and thumb, with cotton wool placed under it, pull the lower eyelid slightly down.
  3. With your free hand, use a pipette to inject 1-2 drops of the medicine into the inside of the lower eyelid (or closer to the temporal corner of the eye, or closer to the nose).
  4. Hold on short time hand on a closed eyelid so that the child does not open it. This will increase the effectiveness of the medicine.
  5. Rub the eye with light movements in the direction from the temple to the nose.

Watch a video on how to put drops in a child's eyes:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

On topic:

Place drops in the ear

  1. Pre-clean the ear canal with a cotton swab.
  2. Place the child on his side, with the affected ear facing up.
  3. Take a few drops of medicine. Remember: the medicine for instillation in the ears must be warm.
  4. Pull back auricle slightly down and perpendicular to the head.
  5. Place as many drops into your ear as prescribed by your doctor and cover it with cotton wool for a while.

Video on how to properly place drops in a child’s ears:

Putting medicine in the nose

You can bury drops in the nose of small children in a lying position, half-sitting or sitting with their head thrown back. This procedure is best done with an assistant.

  1. Pre-clean your nasal passages infant from mucus using a small syringe. Older children just need to blow their nose ( Reading ).
  2. Place a small amount of medication into a pipette.
  3. When instilling the left half of the nose, tilt the child's head to the right and vice versa.
  4. Inject 2-3 drops into the nose, being careful not to touch the nasal passage with the pipette, so as not to cause pain in case the child makes a sudden movement.
  5. Leave the baby's head in the same position for a short time so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the nasal mucosa.
  6. Also instill drops into the other nasal passage.

See the article on how to properly bury a newborn's nose

A small draft or hypothermia is enough for otitis media to appear, which will have to be treated comprehensively. The otolaryngologist may prescribe antibiotics, antifungal drugs and drops. The tablets act on the entire body, removing inflammation and destroying the source of infection, and the liquid product works locally, relieving headaches and discharge. How to put ear drops in your ears to relieve the symptoms of otitis media and speed up recovery?

Stage 1: Preparation

Earwax constantly accumulates in the ear canals. The body produces a substance to trap dust and dirt particles that, when they come into contact with eardrum may damage the thin septum. During inflammation, the ears secrete a small amount of pus along with wax. Both substances mix and settle on the walls of the ear canals, preventing the absorption of droplets. To medicines worked properly, you need to thoroughly clean your ears before instillation, but this procedure has its nuances.

In inflamed auditory organs Water should not get in, so you should forget about water and soap until complete recovery. Doctors recommend getting special ear swabs, which are different from regular cotton swabs. If the latter have an oblong shape and fit completely into the ear canal, then the former resemble a spinning top. These sticks have a thin tip and a wide base that does not fit into the ear.

Why is this unusual shape? Sulfur plaque covers the entire ear canal, but only the layer located at the entrance needs to be removed. The body removes the sticky substance mixed with dirt to clear the excess from the ears, and if the Q-tip is inserted too deeply, the discharge can be pushed back. A sulfur plug forms, which clogs the canals and causes partial hearing loss.

A cotton swab can be soaked in water or peroxide solution to disinfect the ear. Need to squeeze out excess liquid so that it does not get into the inflamed ear canal. Be sure to warm the water or peroxide to room temperature.

Gently insert a cotton swab into the ear canal and twist around once or twice own axis. If a yellowish or grayish coating remains on the tip, take a new cleaning accessory and repeat the manipulations. It is necessary that there is no wax or pus left in the ear. After hygiene procedures throw away dirty ones cotton swabs, rinse your hands with antibacterial soap and take drops from the first aid kit.

Stage 2: Working with the medicine

Hold the bottle with the solution in your hand for 10–20 minutes or dip it in a container with hot water. The drops should be warm. Both too cold and hot products, when they get into the ear, cause vasospasm. Headaches occur, double vision occurs, and some patients lose consciousness. Instill only a solution warmed to room temperature.

Suspensions should be shaken thoroughly so that the dry sediment dissolves in the liquid. First warm up the bottle and then shake vigorously for 10–15 seconds.

After opening the bottle of drops, you should carefully examine the tip of the pipette. Some specimens have abrasions or protruding pieces of plastic that can injure the skin of the ear canal. If you are going to put drops in your baby’s ear, it is recommended to heat the pipette in hot water.

Stage 3: Treatment

Place the patient's head on a pillow, turn him on the right or left side so that sore ear turned out to be on top. Take a little medicine with a pipette and insert it 5–6 mm into the ear canal. Do not push too deep to avoid damaging your eardrum.

The ear needs to be pulled slightly:

  • in a child under 2–3 years of age, down and slightly back;
  • in an adult, up and lightly press against the skull.

For what? To open the ear canal for droplets. After instillation, you should press on the protruding part of the ear located near the cheek. When pressed, the tragus helps the solution penetrate as deeply as possible.

The pipette must not come into contact with ear canal, otherwise bacteria or fungal particles may remain on it. After use, this instrument should be wiped with alcohol or a cotton swab dipped in peroxide.

When the drops flow down ear canal, you can’t stand up suddenly. You need to lie down for at least 5 minutes for the medicine to start working. Next, the ear should be plugged with a small piece of cotton wool, which will warm and absorb the remaining solution. Remove the cork after 30 minutes and throw it away; it cannot be reused. If the inflammation has spread to both ears, you should turn over to the other side and repeat the manipulations with the drops.

During treatment and after recovery, you need to protect your hearing from drafts and water. Follow all the recommendations of the otolaryngologist and do not be surprised if the doctor prescribes not only ear drops, but also a medicine for the nose, because these organs are interconnected, and often a runny nose or sinusitis leads to the development of otitis media. Therefore, it is important to promptly treat caries and nasopharyngeal diseases, visit an otolaryngologist at the first symptoms of inflammation, and use ear drops correctly.

Video: how to properly place drops in a child’s ears

When an ear hurts, the patient consults a doctor for treatment. One of his prescriptions will be ear drops. The instructions for use indicate that the medicine helps to reach the source of inflammation within a short time and treat the disease.

How to apply ear drops correctly

The effectiveness of recovery depends on how correctly and efficiently the application procedure is carried out. medicinal solution in the ears. Drip yourself sore ear problematic, it is recommended to use the help of a relative or close friend. This creates a greater chance that the ear drops will reach their intended destination. Must be adhered to general recommendations How to properly treat if your ear hurts. It is recommended to divide the procedure into several stages.

Preparation stage

First, wash your hands thoroughly with water liquid soap. Dry with a clean towel. The instructions for use stipulate that the pipette must be boiled to ensure sterility of the instrument.

Cleansing the external auditory canal from serous accumulations:

Ear drops are checked for expiration date. After the ears have been treated to remove wax, you need to warm the bottle of medicine with your palms. Hold until bottle reaches temperature human body.

It is forbidden to instill cold drops into the ears, the action will lead to a greater inflammatory process!

Do not heat the medicine. If you fail to check, there is a high chance of overheating! You can burn the delicate mucous membrane inner ear. When overheated, the chemical components of the medicine evaporate and are lost healing properties drug.

They advise you to do it differently: heat the pipette, take cold drops, and drop them into your ears.

Otherwise, there is a risk of irritation of the inner ear, the lining of the brain, which leads to piercing pain, dizziness, and convulsions.

Drug administration stage

Having completed the steps of the preparation stage, it is necessary to administer the medicine - drop ear drops. Instructions for use should be in a visible place, treat according to it. Exists specific sequence steps on how to instill ear drops:

To increase the effectiveness of home treatment, you need to learn how to administer the medicine correctly. Enough simple procedure contains several important aspects which must be followed in order to treat the ears correctly. It's straight shortcut To speedy recovery no complications!

When treating any diseases associated with the ears, medications instilled directly into the ear canal must be prescribed. This is very effective method, allowing you to influence the source of inflammation from the inside. However, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, you need to learn how to bury your ears correctly.

Using drops to treat ear diseases is very convenient. It is the drugs in drops that are able to penetrate into the very epicenter of inflammation, so not a single particle active substance will not be wasted. Modern drugs for instillation into the ear, they are placed in special bottles equipped with a dispensing pipette - this will not only allow you to easily apply the product, but also not make a mistake with the dosage.

In addition, the harm from droplets is minimized - due to local impact the body receives a tiny dose medicinal substance. This is the main advantage of drops over tablets and injections.

Important. Thanks to all of the above, ear drops are suitable for use on patients of completely different age groups, starting from infancy.

If we consider various means for instillation into the ears, the most effective include:

  1. , disinfect the ear canal and warm it up.
  2. is capable of perfectly cleaning the ear canal from sulfur deposits and even dissolving even the densest sulfur plugs, at the same time disinfecting the surface.
  3. has powerful anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties due to the content of carbolic acid.
  4. has antibacterial effect, therefore its use is excluded for fungal or viral nature diseases.
  5. , effective against bacterial infection. Before using them, the doctor must determine accurate diagnosis and take into account the age of the patient, because these drugs are not allowed for use on children.

Preparing the medicine

Before using drops on both adults and children, first you need to warm them up a little, to approximately room temperature. To do this, you can simply hold the bottle in your palm for 10 minutes or in warm water.

Important: both excessively hot and cold drops can provoke vasospasm in the ear. This can cause headaches, double vision, and even loss of consciousness.

If the drug for instillation is sold in powder, then it must be properly diluted. In order for the product to be suitable for instillation, the powder must be completely dissolved.

Before instillation, you need to inspect the pipette on the bottle - it should not have uneven plastic protrusions that could injure the ear canal.

After use, close the bottle tightly. If after the end of treatment there are still some drops left in the bottle and they are not intended to be used in the near future, then they may have to be thrown away. Once opened, the bottle cannot be stored for more than 6 months.

How to put drops in the ear

In order for the treatment to bring positive results, it is important to know how to properly place drops in the ear of a child and an adult.

For children

To put medicine in the child's ear, he must be as calm as possible. Therefore, before the procedure, the baby needs to be distracted with something. To do this, you can give an example using your favorite toy, thereby showing that there is nothing wrong with this.

After the child understands everything and calms down, he is placed on his side, so that the sore ear is at the top. For better penetration of the medicine, before instilling the drops, you need to clean the ear canal with a cotton swab. However, if a child shows by his behavior that this procedure is painful for him, there is no need to insist, but immediately proceed to instillation.

Important. Before using ear drops, make sure they are warm.

To instill, you need to slightly pull the child’s earlobe down and slightly to the side. You need to bury it along the wall of the ear canal. The dosage depends on the doctor's prescription and can range from 3 to 5 drops. If drops flow out of the ear, you need to lightly cover the ear canal with cotton wool, without pushing it inside.

For adults

Carrying out the procedure for an adult is undoubtedly easier. Before instillation, the ear canal is cleaned of wax. This is done as carefully as possible, without penetrating too deeply to avoid injury to the eardrum.

Just as in the case of children, you need to pre-warm the drops to a comfortable temperature - cold drops feel very unpleasant in the ear.

For instillation, you need to lay the patient on his side, with the affected ear facing up. It is necessary to drip so that the product flows down the ear canal. The dosage should not exceed that prescribed by the doctor. If you need to immediately instill in the second ear, then you need to lie down for about 15 minutes to allow the product to be absorbed in the first ear and prevent drops from leaking out. After instillation, the sore ear is also closed with a cotton swab.


The presence of fluid in the ear after instillation may not cause too much pleasant sensations. In some cases, dizziness, loss of balance, and other symptoms may even occur. negative consequences. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, you just need to lie down or sit for a while in a relaxed state.



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