Bend of the uterus to the right causes and consequences. What is uterine inflexion? How does childbirth occur with this pathology?

Bend of the uterus - pathological condition, in which the organ occupies no correct position in the small pelvis. The causes of this pathology may be directly related to certain diseases. The consequences are quite dangerous, not only for health, but also possible pregnancy in the future. The normal position of the organ is a state when the apex of the uterus is tilted forward towards the pubis. If the uterus is bent, the tip of the organ is tilted in the other direction towards the sacrum.

Causes of uterine bending

According to the latest statistics, about 20 percent of women of different ages can live with a problem such as a bent uterus, and not even realize that it exists. The fact is that the symptoms of this pathology are extremely rarely pronounced. clinical picture.

It is sometimes difficult to accurately determine the cause of a bent cervix. Nevertheless, several main factors are known that can lead to the development of such a pathology:

  • adhesions in the pelvis for endometriosis, salpingitis, adnexitis, after surgical interventions, caesarean section, laparoscopy (adhesions can lead to disruption of the correct position of organs in the pelvis;
  • uterine fibroids, being benign neoplasm in the small pelvis, often leads to a violation of its position, contributing to the direction of the neck of the organ in the wrong direction;
  • pregnancy and childbirth(in some women, a bend of the uterus is observed after a previous birth due to loss of elasticity of the organ tissues).

How to recognize a bent uterus?

Women should listen to their own body and pay attention to even the slightest and insignificant changes, as they may be echoes of some pathological processes or diseases. Bend of the uterus may indicate following symptoms, manifested in varying degrees of expression:

  • strong or long-term pain during menstruation;
  • spotting in the middle of the cycle;
  • signs of cystitis;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • long periods;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

What consequences can a bent uterus lead to?

The bend of the uterus in itself does not threaten health, however, it can cause some inflammatory processes. In addition, such a defect can lead to problems with conception. Most women with a deviated cervix are infertile.

If signs of uterine bending are detected, the patient should consult a specialist. By using ultrasound diagnostics it will determine whether any changes are needed to solve the problem or not.

Having learned about the bending of the uterus during an ultrasound, as well as the cause and possible consequences, patients begin to worry about how to treat this pathology. Fortunately, therapy is indeed possible.

How to treat a bent uterus?

Your doctor may advise:

  • Kegel exercises performed independently at home according to a special scheme;
  • installation of a pessary, a special ring fixed by the doctor around the cervix;
  • exercises with the knee-elbow position;
  • surgery(required only in case of serious pathological changes in the cervix and its position).

It is possible to become pregnant when the uterus is bent if you use special positions during intercourse, as well as maintaining calm state after sex for 15 minutes. Uterine flexion is not big problem when conceiving a child, but sometimes prevents this. Consult your doctor and go additional examinations, if the bend of the uterus causes infertility. The problem can be solved at any age.

Scientists consider a bent uterus not as a disease, but as a condition that is characterized by the unusual location of this organ in the pelvis of women. It occurs after suffering an inflammatory process in the presence of insufficiency of ovarian function, and the pathology can also be congenital.

Bend of the uterus is a fairly common phenomenon. Nowadays, the disease occurs in 20-25% of the female population. You can find out about the presence of such a problem as a bent uterus during your next scheduled examination at an appointment with a gynecologist.

At normal location, this body female reproductive system located in the center of the pelvis, parallel to the vagina. This is how anatomically there are fewer obstacles for sperm on the way to fertilization.

You can do medication or vacuum abortion when the uterus is bent, however, the woman should remember about other negative consequences termination of pregnancy. It is necessary to treat the bending of the uterus, as problems may arise with reproductive health women and difficulties in the offensive long-awaited pregnancy: conception when the uterus is bent backwards is complicated.


Bend of the uterus has various causes:

Bend of the uterus after childbirth is a fairly common phenomenon. Many women find out about it in postpartum period when they come for an examination to a gynecologist.

If the bend of the cervix is ​​observed from birth, then it does not pose a danger to the woman in reproductive terms and is not dangerous to health. The curvature of the uterus does not affect sex in any way, and there is high probability that the pathology in women will go away after childbirth.


The main types of changes in the position of this organ have been studied:

  • retroflexion (bending of the uterus backwards) - the position of the fundus towards the rectum and spine, the formation of an acute angle in relation to the cervix of the organ;
  • anteversion (bending of the uterus anteriorly) - abnormal displacement of the organ forward;
  • lateroflexion – bending of the uterus towards one of the ovaries;
  • hyperanteflexia is a strong forward tilt of the organ of the reproductive system.

Bend of the uterus backwards and forwards is the most common condition - up to 70% of pathologies occur in them.


Some women may not know throughout their lives that they have a pathology, and a bent uterus does not show symptoms in any way. Some people do not experience any discomfort with a recurved uterus, other than knowing about it. But some have to face problems with the reproductive function of the body and problems with conception.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor:

  • unpleasant, painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • frequent attacks ;
  • heavy bleeding during menstruation;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • inability to get pregnant for a long period of time;
  • spotting in the middle of the cycle.

Only a doctor can diagnose a backward bend of the uterus or any other form by carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures.


Diagnosing a bent cervix is ​​not difficult for a gynecologist.

It is enough for the clinician to study:

  • medical history and patient complaints;
  • obstetric and gynecological history;
  • the functioning of the menstrual function.

Additionally, it may be assigned ultrasound examination organ in which you can track its location and exact dimensions to establish a diagnosis.


Curvature of the uterus is treated only after a diagnosis has been made by a clinician. Eliminating the root cause will help correct the bend.

The doctor prescribes the following measures:

  • taking anti-inflammatory medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • physical therapy;
  • diet;
  • surgical treatment;
  • gynecological massage.

The doctor can prescribe surgical treatment only if adhesions are detected on ultrasound, then laparoscopy is performed.

Exercises for uterine flexion are often prescribed, as they have positive influence to eliminate pathology. Kegel exercises are popular, and they also help prevent prolapse of the internal genital organs and solve problems associated with the presence and incontinence of urine.

Exercises that the doctor may prescribe:

  • contract and relax the pelvic muscles alternately;
  • strain your pelvic muscles for 6-10 seconds;
  • strain each section of the vagina in turn.

It will be beneficial to do all the exercises in different poses: standing, sitting, lying on the floor.

Clinicians noted that it is not necessary long time carry out in vertical position and do hard physical exercise: This can negatively affect the condition of the organ.

Uterine bending massage involves, and it should be carried out by a gynecologist in his office. The patient is seated in gynecological chair, in which the back is slightly tilted. The massage is carried out both from the inside, which allows the doctor to break up existing adhesions and massage the ovaries, and from the outside. If a woman feels strong, unpleasant and painful sensations during the session, then the duration of the procedure is reduced.

Gynecological massage has a number of contraindications, such as:

Gynecological massage is not performed if less than two months have passed since the birth, an abortion or any surgical intervention was performed.

It is known that healthy sperm pass in fallopian tubes within one minute, regardless of the position at the time of ejaculation. Some believe that special poses when bending the uterus play an important role. The most common posterior bending of the uterus involves postures for conception that are similar to the knee-elbow position, when you can kneel, lie on your side - there are many options. And also the postures for conception when the uterus is bent - the classic and the rear pose - have a positive effect on conceiving a child.

Doctors have proven that it takes a maximum of six months to get pregnant when the uterus is bent. Almost all women with this type of pathology in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system carry a baby perfectly.


For preventive purposes, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist once every 6 months for bimanual gynecological examination, ultrasound and colposcopy. It is also necessary to treat inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs in a timely manner, avoid heavy physical exercise, frequent shifts sexual partners to prevent STDs.

In general, if you follow preventive recommendations and take care of your health, you can prevent the development of such a pathology or complications that may arise against the background of this condition.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Uterine leiomyoma is a benign formation that consists of muscle tissue and connective tissue fragments uterine endometrium. This type of pathological process does not have clear restrictions, however, it most often occurs in women reproductive age– from 20 to 40 years. The disease is quite common and is diagnosed in approximately 25% of women.

Who doesn’t remember Leskov’s story about Tula left-hander shoeing a flea? Now such abilities are unlikely to surprise anyone. Everyone knows that left-handedness is not an anomaly at all, but a feature of brain development: when it dominates right hemisphere, becomes predominant left hand. In general, this is completely normal, although adult life may cause some inconvenience to a person. Such an analogy is acceptable to explain such a phenomenon as folds of the uterus: this is not a pathology or a disease, but a special situation reproductive organ. For most women, the uterus is located in the center of the pelvis. If the bladder is not full, its anterior surface seems to “look forward” - the body of the uterus forms an angle of approximately 90 degrees with the cervix. When deviations from this position (left, right, back, forward) are often diagnosed as “flexion of the uterus.”

If discomfort occurs

At folds of the uterus a woman may sometimes be bothered by pain in the sacral area, leucorrhoea, heaviness in the lower abdomen, as well as chronic constipation and urges to frequent urination. But similar symptoms are also characteristic of other pathologies and diseases. Sometimes menstruation can be more heavy and painful. To feel better, you need to stop exercising a few days before your period, and also active species sports It is better to sleep on your stomach - this improves blood supply to the organ, under the weight of the uterus the ligaments holding it stretch and the pain subsides.

Sometimes, to improve the condition, the doctor may recommend a so-called gynecological massage. It is performed by a gynecologist a few days after the end of menstruation. During this period, funds should be used. The fact is that if fertilization has occurred, manipulation increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

An excellent alternative to massage - regular sex life, in which the uterine ligaments naturally stretch and painful sensations disappear.

Deflection of the uterus and pregnancy

Many people believe that when it is difficult to get pregnant if the uterus is inverted. But, as a rule, no problems arise if they work well and the partner has full sperm. In some cases, it is still worth changing the traditional position. It is better to “make love” standing, the man should be behind. After completion of sexual intercourse, the woman should lie on her stomach for some time.

When pregnancy occurs (usually already at 12-16 weeks), the uterus bends back to its normal position. It increases in size, and under its weight the ligaments stretch. And after childbirth, the problems completely disappear. IN in rare cases When the uterus still maintains a posterior position, compression of the bladder or rectum is possible during pregnancy. In such a situation, sometimes it is necessary to resort to a special manipulation - reposition. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, however, if the bends are accompanied by inflammatory or pathological processes, hospitalization will be required.

Bend of the uterus: cause

Deviations in the position of the uterus are often inherited through the female line: from grandmother to mother, from mother to daughter, etc. But sometimes the reason may be different... For example, if a girl with early childhood professionally involved in sports, experiences enormous physical stress, hard work muscles of the anterior abdominal wall creates a risk for changing the position of the uterine body. Bends of the uterus often occur as a result of the formation of adhesions (due to inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity). In old age, a bend can form due to atrophy of the uterus and a decrease in its tone.

Not all women with uterine incurves feel unpleasant symptoms and need serious treatment. If such a need nevertheless arises, the doctor may prescribe restoratives, sometimes hormonal drugs, in very rare cases, surgery may be suggested.

Bend (bending) of the uterus or retroflexion is a deviation of the uterus from its normal position. Normally, the body of the uterus is suspended by ligaments almost in the center of the small pelvis, tilted forward towards abdominal wall and forms an obtuse angle with the neck. When the body of the uterus turns towards the spine (posteriorly), towards the coccyx, and the cervix - anteriorly, a bend is formed. The angle of the uterus can be both anterior and posterior.

Bend of the uterus - causes:

Bend of the uterus can occur for various reasons:

One of the reasons is functional weakness ligamentous apparatus, which does not hold the body of the uterus in the correct position.

· But most often the bend occurs due to inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, due to abortions complicated by inflammation, due to chronic

· Congenital pathology.

· The physique of a woman also has great value. The bend is most likely in young women with low weight, poorly developed muscles and skeleton, elongated chest. This type is called asthenic, in which women are highly emotional and irritable, suffering from infantilism of the genital organs. And this leads to weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the uterus. This disease threatens infertility.

Bend of the uterus - symptoms:

Symptoms of a bent uterus: very painful menstruation, constipation and leucorrhoea. But often there are no symptoms, and the disease is detected only during an examination by a gynecologist. More accurate diagnosis carried out in outpatient setting biopsy and colposcopy methods.

The bends of the uterus are divided into mobile and fixed. Fixed bending of the uterus usually the result of inflammation in the pelvis, and mobile, most often appears after childbirth, as well as as a consequence of illness or rapid weight loss. A fixed bend of the uterus causes pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, constipation, long and painful menstruation. But all this can be fixed.

Deflection of the uterus and pregnancy:

When the uterus is bent, it becomes difficult to get pregnant and carry a child to term. Sperm cannot penetrate the cavity of the curved uterus, and it is difficult for the egg to move through the tubes affected by adhesions - so conception does not occur.

During the examination, the doctor identifies the root cause of the pathology and prescribes treatment: physiotherapy, special gynecological massage, physical therapy. Treatment will help return the uterus to its natural position and restore its mobility. Then the painful manifestations disappear, and the woman can become pregnant and give birth safely.

Bend of the uterus- treatment:

Through a simple operation, which is performed without hospitalization, the doctor can install the uterus in the correct position. But the result of this operation is not long-term, since the cause of the bend of the uterus is not eliminated, which is why it is not performed often.

When the uterus is bent, a woman should monitor her diet, undergo a course of intensive vitamin therapy, and exercise. The doctor may prescribe therapeutic exercises. It must be performed regularly, otherwise there will be no benefit.

Gymnastics for bending the uterus - exercises:

Starting position for exercises 1-4: get on all fours, resting on your palms and knees.

1. Take the starting position. Inhale and hold your breath for a few seconds. During the pause, move the knee of one leg forward as far as possible. As you exhale, change the position of your legs. Hold your breath after exhaling, then return to i. n. Repeat 4 times.

2. Accept and. p. As you inhale, arch your back up, as you exhale, bend your back down and raise your head. Repeat 4 times.

3. Accept and. n. Take a smooth, calm breath. Pressing your palms into the floor, rise from your knees and stand on your feet, exhale. Repeat 5 times.

4. Accept and. p. Inhaling, touch your right elbow to your right knee, and as you exhale, return to i. n. Then do the same with the left elbow. Repeat 5 times.

5. Starting position : get on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees. While inhaling, rise from your elbows, as you exhale, turn your body and touch your heels with both hands right leg. Then straighten up, inhale, and as you exhale, turn your body into a left side touching the heel of your left foot with your hands. Without returning to the knee-elbow position, repeat 5 times in each direction.

At first, do gymnastics for 8-10 minutes a day, doing more than simple exercises. Then gradually increase the exercise time to 30 minutes, performing all the exercises. To secure therapeutic effect You need to stand in a knee-elbow position 2-3 times a day for a few minutes.

It is better to combine therapeutic exercises with gynecological massage, which is carried out in a specialized medical center.

Bend of the uterus - massage for uterine flexion:

Gynecological massage of the vagina and perineum when the uterus is bent is best combined with jet irrigation warm water. Blood circulation improves and the tone of the uterus and ligaments increases. Massage prevents prolapse of the uterus and vagina. Contraindications for massage: tumors and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins, pregnancy.

It’s good to do it at the same time as a massage. therapeutic mud applications on the perineum and tampons in the vagina. This is especially useful for prolapse of the genital organs and residual inflammation of the female genital organs.

If the uterus is bent, it is forbidden to do heavy work, lift and carry heavy objects, or stand for a long time.

One of the most common pathologies in women is a bent uterus, which occurs in almost 18-20% of those examined. Normally, the uterus is pear-shaped, slightly flattened in anteroposterior size and slightly tilted forward. This tilt is called the physiological forward bending of the uterus - anteflexio. Retroversio - pathological, which in some women is congenital, and in others - acquired as a result pathological changes(weakening of the uterine ligaments, prolonged infectious process, adhesive process).

What causes uterine bending?

As already mentioned, in half of women, the bend of the uterus is congenital anomaly, which they learn about either during a planned gynecological examination, or by complaining about unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. A hereditary factor in the formation of cervical inclination has been noted.

Acquired uterine inclination can occur for the following reasons:

  • long-term inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • excessive physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • weakening of muscles and ligaments pelvic floor and uterus (multiple births, lack of physical activity);
  • bowel dysfunction (regular constipation);
  • Irregular emptying of the bladder (tolerate a full bladder for a long time).

Posterior bending of the cervix - symptoms

This pathology is most often found in asthenic thin girls with poorly developed muscular system. The bending of the uterine body can manifest itself painful menstruation, change in the volume of menstruation as in the direction of increase? and in the direction of decrease, irregular cycle, spotting a few days before menstruation. Signs of pronounced bending of the uterus may be painful sensations after sexual intercourse, problems with conception and pregnancy.

Types of uterine bending

The following types of uterine bending are distinguished:

  • bending of the uterus to the left or right, that is, towards one of the ovaries is called lateroflexion;
  • the forward bending of the uterus together with the cervix is ​​called anteversion;
  • The deviation of the uterus back towards the rectum is called retroflexion.

How to determine the bend of the uterus?

The doctor can determine the inflexion of the uterus after he collects the woman’s complaints (painful periods, spotting), internal obstetric examination, and colposcopy. The most reliable diagnostic method is ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor and hysterography (a study using contrast).

Bend of the uterus - consequences

If the curvature of the uterus is not clearly expressed, a woman may not have any complaints, and problems with conception may also not arise. Infertility or problems with pregnancy often occur due to acquired bending (chronic inflammatory process, adhesive process). A pronounced change in the position of the uterus can prevent sperm from penetrating into it. With acquired bending of the uterus caused by attachment of adhesions to bladder and the rectum, strangulation of the uterus may occur and bladder rupture.

What are the dangers of a bent uterus in old age? – In women with weak muscles perineum and uterus in the elderly and old age Prolapse and prolapse of the uterus may occur.

We reviewed the clinical picture, causes and diagnosis of uterine bending. As you can see, the physiological curvature of the uterus does not cause discomfort to the woman and does not interfere with the conception of a child. However this state requires attention, because pronounced changes in the position of the uterus in the pelvis can not only lead to infertility, but also disrupt the process of bearing a child and complicate delivery.



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