Is it possible to have a human allergy? Allergy to touch

Contact dermatitis and other allergies

Skin dermatitis is quite common. Clinical manifestations occur 2–3 days after contact with the allergen, and more often occur with repeated contacts.

Depending on the severity and duration of the disease, contact dermatitis can manifest itself in the most various changes skin - from slight redness to pronounced weeping blisters from swelling in early stage to thickened scaly plaques with chronic course. The presence of a chaotic and asymmetrically located rash suggests that the cause of its development is external factors. This is evidenced by the presence of a lesion of an unusual shape. They say that nature does not draw corners, and if the area of ​​​​the skin lesion has square shape, then the cause is always contact dermatitis. Allergens: metals (chrome), jewelry, watch bracelets, cosmetics and perfumes, hair dyes, creams, perfumes, formaldehyde, photoreagents, polymers, rubber, rosin, in healthcare workers pharmaceutical industry– medicines (antibiotics, vitamins). The most recent report came from Barcelona - people who held a coin of one or two euros in their hands found a rash on their skin. The allergy in this case was caused by the presence of nickel in the banknote. This metal generally often provokes allergies. Ointments (fluorocort, flucinar) are used for treatment. For prevention, it is necessary to avoid contact with the allergen. In everyday life, each of us must be attentive, observant and moderately careful.

There is an expression: “I am allergic to this person.” It is true, because there are allergic diseases purely due to nervousness, during communication with this or that person who is unpleasant to you.

Poor women can be insidiously lured by modern cosmetics, the scale and types of application of which are truly global. The point is that allergic reaction sometimes occurs on any component of cosmetics. It is almost impossible to protect yourself, as well as to give up beauty altogether. There is only one way out - than simpler substance, the lower the risk.

Your office can also cause allergies. British Allergy Association chairman Muriel Simons says the growing problem is only just beginning to receive attention. Allergies can be triggered by ozone emitted by modern equipment, modern detergents, plastic coatings - in just one office there are more than 300 harmful substances.

Inflammation at the end of the penis - dermatitis from diapers (according to N. Semenova)

Sometimes boys develop sores around the opening of the urethra. In this case, the inflamed tissues can swell and block the passage of the canal, making urination difficult. Such wounds appear due to diaper rash. In this case, it is best to keep the wound open for as long as possible. When the penis needs to be covered, the wound must be lubricated with an ointment containing Vaseline or lanolin; this must be done before going to bed. If your child is in severe pain because he or she cannot urinate for a long time, you can sit him in a bathtub of warm water and encourage him to urinate in the water. If this does not help, you should consult a doctor.

Inflammation at the tip of the penis and urinary tract infection, in our opinion, are a natural consequence of using diapers when caring for a baby boy. The named diseases are just “flowers” ​​from the great joy of pediatricians that “boys’ butts are dry.” When you look at the joyful faces of doctors advertising diapers, you always think that the people on the screen are not doctors, but robots with a program to destroy the human race.

Every doctor, every nurse and every person who is even more or less interested in the health of a boy, a young man or a man, of course, knows how Nature has taken care of the male reproductive system. The testicles, as “a special laboratory where the mind of Nature turns into human seed,” are removed from the body and must have their own temperature regime and individual physical parameters. An increase in temperature of even one degree immediately turns off spermatogenesis, and the growth and development of the reproductive system slows down.

In England, the prototype of diapers has been used for a long time in sheep farming. If many rams were born, then several sires were left in the herd. They grew up as usual, ate grass and very soon showed their sheepish interest in the sheep. Lambs were born. A lot of breeding rams in the herd were not required, so that they did not organize fights with balls and did not divide the lambs. The rest had to fatten up the meat, so that later they could go to barbecue, pilaf, shurpa and the like. These rams were put on a warm bag over their testicles, very similar in drying properties to today's diapers. The testicles of the rams did not develop. The rams grew up calm, had no complaints about life and the sheep, due to their mutton obedience, went to the slaughter. And their testicles were dry.

Our boys in diapers today are going the way of calm sheep. Distracting parents from the danger of impotence fostered by diapers, pediatricians talk in advertisements about the “dry bottoms” of babies, while keeping silent about drying up testicles. One can only be surprised that the honest people in Russia do not hear how “22 pieces of silver ring” in the palms of those selling the future of Russia already in diapers.

In addition, boys in diapers, providing peace to lazy mothers, do not require changing wet underwear. This means that no one practices the conditioned reflex of asking to use the potty. It may very well be that in the future our boys will have a quiet life in adult diapers. There are already plenty of them in stores. But the “butts are dry.”

Could my husband be allergic?

Theoretically, there is a possibility of an allergy to some human tissue components: dandruff, hair, sperm. The latter is an extremely rare option. In particular, after sexual intercourse, irritation, burning in the genital tract, and sometimes vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling may occur. The trouble is that most married couples prefer to hide such ailments if they occur in a less aggressive form, which in turn poses a risk of developing a more serious illness in the future. The worst thing is that infertility may occur, hence the breakdown of the family.

But all this may be associated not only with allergies. More often than not this is a sign infectious process. We must forget about the emotional reaction associated with the relationship between people. If people are in a state of conflict, constant opposition, then such a tense situation can lead to an exacerbation of existing not only allergic, but also other chronic diseases.

A similar picture is found in men: asthma in men from dandruff, hair, even from their favorite perfumes and cosmetics used by their wife.

Aquarium owners know that fish develop better if there are plants, and plants if there are animals (fish).

Allergy to animals

One of the most common allergens are animal allergens, their source is both domestic and farm animals. Allergenic activity is caused by wool, dander, feathers, saliva, as well as urine and excrement of animals. Dogs, cats, horses, sheep, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, rats and parrots can all cause allergies.

Allergic reactions to animals most acutely manifest themselves in the form of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Moreover, they can play a significant role in the development bronchial asthma, despite the fact that the main allergens in bronchial asthma are household ones. People who are allergic to animals find it very difficult to part with their beloved dog or cat. But, unfortunately, often this decision is the only correct one. It is difficult to achieve a positive result in treatment if, if you are allergic to an animal’s fur, you continue to come into contact with it.

In the opinion of experts, the best solution to the problem is to avoid contact with the source of allergens, and above all, to abandon keeping pets.

Unfortunately, sometimes this is enough for full recovery, because animal allergens, including epidermal ones, are easily transported in the air and on the clothes of other people.

Nevertheless, the first thing the patient should do is to minimize contact with the animal; if removing the animal is unacceptable to you, wash it at least once a week, but carry out this procedure yourself. Make your bedroom a place that is isolated from all other rooms and completely inaccessible to your dog or cat. To reduce the content of animal epidermal particles in the room, it is better to remove carpets, upholstered furniture and anything that can accumulate dust. Air purifiers must be used.

And one last thing. Even if you do not have allergies and decide to get a pet, remember that the relationship between early, in infancy, contact with animal allergens and more late manifestations Allergies to animals are generally accepted. You should seriously weigh the pros and cons, especially if your close relatives have had or have allergies.

The main symptoms of an allergy to animals:

1) nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing;

2) itching and redness of the eyes, lacrimation;

3) wheezing in chest, dry cough;

4) difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, suffocation);

5) signs of eczema or urticaria.

In spring and summer, the gardening season begins. Urban and rural residents will begin cultivating land, trees, and plants. In this case, various chemicals will be used. Can they cause allergies?

Of course, any chemical compounds can act as allergens. But those chemical compounds that are used to treat plants against pests are most often not allergens, but strong chemical irritants. Therefore, there are certain rules for working with these connections. The mouth and nose must be covered with respirators. A person must ensure that chemicals do not come into contact with exposed areas of the body: skin, mucous membranes. And each such chemical compound for treating plants is given special instructions, which you can read carefully before you start working with this or that drug. After working with chemicals, you need to take a shower, wash yourself thoroughly, and wash your hands with soap so that no traces of these compounds remain on the skin and mucous membranes.

Which pillows cause allergies?

Can feather and down pillows become allergens?

Any feather pillows can cause allergic reactions. House dust accumulates in down and feather products, fluffy carpets, fleecy surfaces of sofas and armchairs, in which microscopic mites easily settle. They feed on desquamated particles of human epidermis. The mites themselves and their metabolic products easily become airborne. In a favorable environment, mites reproduce easily and quickly, eventually reaching such a concentration that causes a severe allergic reaction respiratory tract. In a house where there is a patient suffering from allergies, it is undesirable to have down and feather pillows and blankets. It is better to use padding polyester products in which mites do not reproduce.

Bedding should be cleaned regularly.

Well, what if you don’t want to part with your favorite pillow?

The pillow of a person who does not want to suffer from allergies should be such that it can be easily washed once every three weeks, constantly ventilated or fried in the sun (balcony, loggia). You also need to clean other bedding: blankets, mattresses, thick bedspreads. Small house dust mites love to settle in fluffy carpets and fleecy surfaces of sofas and armchairs. The man who decided to cure allergic runny nose before taking hormonal pills and drops, should pay attention to the dear interior with an abundance of carpets, pillows and other dust collectors.

Reaction to the Mantoux test

Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to the Mantoux test?

Intradermal Mantoux tests are a common test for the early detection of tuberculosis. They must be carried out for adults and children. An excessively expressed test indicates that a person is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

There are exceptions to this rule: some patients with allergic reactions may react to the introduction of tuberculin with a strong reaction. In this case, the allergist and TB specialist should work together to understand the causes of the excessive reaction. There are skin tests for glanders, brucellosis and other diseases.

Is there such a thing as a “cold allergy”?

Cold can provoke a worsening of the condition of patients with other manifestations of allergies. For example, it is well known that patients with allergic rhinitis, when exposed to cold air, begin to feel worse, and their nasal congestion may increase. When exposed to cold air, their bronchospasm may increase. Such forms of manifestation of exacerbation of the disease are not a real irritant, a nonspecific factor provoking an already existing allergic process.

For example, girls walked around during the cold season (in the 40-50s of the 19th century) without stockings - and their skin became bluish, swollen, and vascular veins appeared on their knees.

When walking in winter without hats, young people lost hair on their heads (baldness).

As the song says: there is no fluff or feather on your head.

Some people experience cold urticaria after swimming.

Dead air

Do you ever wonder why you get tired quickly when you spend a long time in a room that is not ventilated at all, or in a room where there are a lot of people. The fact is that in the air there is a “skew” in the natural ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide. As you know, our body (primarily the brain) needs oxygen for normal functioning, and we exhale carbon dioxide. Increased carbon dioxide content in the air - lethargy, drowsiness. Thoughts begin to get confused, and my head doesn’t think well. If the situation worsens, that is, the room still remains closed, then the accumulation of carbon dioxide causes a headache, even fainting. According to statistics, more than 30% of men and more than 50% of women noted at least one of the symptoms listed above in the office workplace. Moreover, air conditioners do not solve the problem because they are not able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. They only cool the air and slightly clear dust. Also in indoors An imbalance occurs between positively and negatively charged air ions. Quantity positive ions increases, which is unnatural for the air composition necessary for human health. In addition, pollutants of animal, human and plant origin are added to the air, which are constantly carried in it. Thus, according to Swedish research, the largest dust particles remaining after cleaning settle 1 m in 2 s, and the smallest (the same distance) settle in 6 days. Further, there are open combustion products from gas stoves, volatile substances from various perfumes and detergents that irritate the respiratory tract, and various microorganisms. For example, peeling oranges causes an increase in volatile content. organic matter by hundreds of milligrams per cubic meter of air for many hours, and children's games can incredibly increase the amount of dust in the air.

All these factors together significantly worsen the composition of the air, and an increase in the content of various particles increases the load on the respiratory tract. In addition, they can be carriers of pathogens, as well as irritants and allergenic agents, if they themselves are not such. All pollutants can be absorbed by indoor surfaces and then released from them, as well as interact with each other, creating new substances, including allergens.

Drug allergy

As a result of the development of industry, including the chemical industry, it was obtained large number a variety of medicines that have become firmly established in practical medicine. Along with the positive therapeutic effect, they also have side effects. There is an increase in the use of medicines among the population throughout the world. Moreover, quite often people prescribe medications to themselves, that is, they self-medicate. The most popular among people in this sense are antibiotics, sulfonamides and antipyretics. Accordingly, cases of side effects arising from drug therapy have become more frequent. Among them, drug allergies occupy a significant place. At drug allergies there is an increased sensitivity of the body to drugs. As a rule, a reaction occurs with repeated use of drugs, less often with a long initial course of treatment.

A.D. Ado divides drug allergies into 3 groups: acute, subacute and prolonged. Acute ones develop instantly or within the first hour from the moment of entry into a sensitized organism and are clinically manifested by anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, and an attack of bronchial asthma. Subacute reactions occur during the first day after administration of the drug. These include urticaria and sometimes fever. Protracted reactions develop several days or weeks after the administration of the drug allergen. Clinically they manifest themselves as eczema, urticaria, and bronchial asthma.

In an infant, an allergy can also manifest itself through breast milk if the mother received the medicine.

Prevention of drug allergies consists of primary and secondary measures. Primary activities are held in following cases. We share the opinion of B.E. Votchal, who pointed out that medications should be prescribed only when they are absolutely necessary, when it is impossible not to prescribe, because the harm of inaction will undoubtedly be greater than the effect of medication. You should not take the same medications for a long time. When carrying out treatment, it is necessary to remember the possibility of drug allergies.

The goal of the second prevention is to prevent the development of an allergic reaction in an organism sensitized to medications. Before taking the medicine, you should exclude the presence of hypersensitivity (itching, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma).

The patient may find himself in a situation of choice - to be treated in order not to suffer, or not to be treated in order to suffer even more.

Maybe the truth lies with the old people, and the world was safer and more livable before? Now you won’t surprise anyone with banal rhinitis and urticaria from citrus fruits - their place has been taken by much more strange reactions of the body.

Top unusual allergies

These mysterious manifestations, caused by seemingly the most ordinary things, forced the entire scientific world to strain their brains. Fortunately, such medical phenomena are very rare and do not threaten the first person they meet.

Allergy to money

They say that counting money calms your nerves and improves your mood. But capital is not a powerful antidepressant for everyone - for some, it turns into a whole host of medical problems. Several years ago, British citizen Yvonne Simon was forced to forget about cash payments and use only a bank card. This is due to an allergy to nickel and paint components used in the production of money.

The poor woman can't even use gloves to take change in the store - she also has a history of latex intolerance. We can only be glad that Yvonne does not work as a cashier and is not known for her love of numismatics.

Allergy to cold

According to statistics, every hundredth allergy sufferer becomes a victim. inadequate reaction to the cold. Instead of just chattering your teeth and tap dancing to try to stay warm, your body becomes covered in red spots. Allergies to low temperatures are much more dangerous than hives. It is often accompanied by fainting, anaphylactic shock and can lead to death. The reason for this unpleasant disease is a failure of the body's protective functions.

Cold allergy can provoke mumps and measles, problems with the thyroid gland, dysbacteriosis or even blood cancer. Be careful: if severe itching in the throat and blisters are added to a runny nose and watery eyes, you should consult a doctor.

Allergy to marital debt

When Julie and Michael exchanged vows and set out to explore the most exciting side of marriage, they were in for a nasty surprise. The very first intercourse turned out to be hives and terrible itching for the newly-made wife.

When the symptoms of unexpected trouble disappeared, the couple returned to the marital bed. For two years, every intimate experience was accompanied by a mysterious allergy. As it turned out, Julie’s body was incompatible with Michael’s seminal fluid and reacted to it as if it were a foreign protein. Having said goodbye to the dream of having a child together, the couple stocked up on condoms and started thinking about adoption. Scientists from the University of Manchester claim that up to 12% of women suffer from an allergy to male semen.

Medical journals are replete with stories of exercise intolerances and atypical reactions to condoms, cell phone allergies, and even wireless hypersensitivity. But one doctor's story is of particular interest to the ladies.

Is it possible to be allergic to solariums?

Even ancient healers, knowing about the healing properties of sunlight, practiced heliotherapy. They prescribed light baths both to those who suffered from skin diseases and to those who suffered from deep depression. But what about people whose bodies cannot tolerate the rays of the Sun? The number of patients visiting a doctor due to an incorrect reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation is growing by leaps and bounds. Symptoms of photodermatitis resemble ordinary urticaria. In areas of the skin exposed to radiation, redness, burning and annoying itching appear.

Doctors suggest that the allergen is not the sun's rays, but their interaction with substances that come into contact with the skin. A solarium can also be a similar irritant to the immune system. Instead of excellent artificial tanning, people with problems with the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys face blisters and swelling of the skin.

Allergies to people: reality or joke?

Once upon a time, the editors of the weekly “Arguments and Facts” received an interesting letter. “Are people allergic?” - asked a reader from Noginsk. It turns out that as soon as her colleague entered the office, the lady started coughing and periodically sneezed. The head of the National Clinical Center for Allergology and Immunology assures that such intolerance can be caused by hair or particles of substances on the skin. Briton Daren Young also faced the same problem. For several years now he has been suffering from an allergy to his wife. Should she use some cosmetic product or just take toothbrush as the husband begins to choke. Its allergen is polyethylene glycol, which is contained in household chemicals. If you are not part of the circle of three unfortunate people who shared Young’s share, then most likely the reason for your allergy to people is psychological intolerance.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the number of allergy sufferers in Russia has increased by 20% over the past 10 years. Every sixth resident of New York suffers from a spring exacerbation, every fourth inhabitant of Berlin and every third inhabitant of Moscow. But what diagnosis surprised doctors around the world?

The most unusual allergy in the world

Little Caleb Bassenshut, born in Australia, became the unluckiest person on the planet. It's not just intolerance to honey, chocolate or oranges that worries him. Any food that enters the baby’s body causes severe pain, a gag reflex and a severe allergy attack. Having connected the child to a probe and injected small doses of solution to maintain life, the doctors began extensive research.

By eliminating grains, milk, nuts, smoked foods and fruits, they tried feeding Caleb light and dietary food. Everything turned out to be unsuccessful. Even a few crumbs of food caused upset digestive system, a cure for which has never been discovered. Only God knows how long a victim of the most unusual allergy in the world can live without a panacea.

Only experienced specialists can deal with such allergies. .
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Incredible facts

Millions of people suffer from allergies, and they may be caused by more than just pollen, peanuts and pets.

Allergies are just immune system response to a harmless substance and a person, in principle, can be allergic to anything.

Strange types of allergies that have become known:

1. Allergies to all food and drinks

This medical condition is so rare that it has not yet been named. There are children who are so sensitive to food and drinks that water is the only product they can safely consume. One of the most serious cases involves Caleb Bussenschut(Kaleb Bussenschutt), a 6-year-old Australian boy who can Consume only water, ice and one type of lemonade. If he eats anything else, he develops ulcers and begins to experience excruciating abdominal pain. The boy receives essential nutrients through a feeding tube that is connected directly to his stomach 20 hours a day.

Doctors remain baffled about Caleb's case, but believe he suffers from multiple food allergies and severe violation absorption of food, which does not allow his body to cope with food. Food allergies affect one in 20 children, but an allergy like Caleb's remains very rare.

2. Allergy to mobile phones

Allergists and dermatologists record everything more cases cell phone rash that appears around the jaw, cheeks and ear. In fact allergy occurs to nickel. The widespread use of mobile phones has led to our increased exposure to nickel, a metal often used in phone buttons, LCD screens and headsets. But there are also people who experience allergy to electromagnetic waves from mobile phones.

Nickel allergy affects about 17 percent of women and 3 percent of men. Women are more likely to get cell phone rash because they are more sensitive to nickel through pierced ears. If you notice that you get a rash after touching coins or your skin rubbing against a belt buckle or jeans button, you may also have a nickel allergy.

3. Allergy to vibration

4. Allergy to sex

Believe it or not, there are people who are allergic to sex or something like that. This rare form of allergy actually is allergic to seminal fluid , or hypersensitivity to human seminal plasma.

Symptoms include feeling burning, rash, scars, which is why this allergy is often confused with sexually transmitted diseases. The only real sign of a semen allergy is the fact that these symptoms appear within minutes of exposure.

According to Dr. Jonathan Bernstein(Dr. Jonathan Bernstein) from University of Cincinnati, sperm hypersensitivity affects approximately 20,000-40,000 women. The cause is still unknown, since it is impossible to know whether one woman is allergic to all men. The treatment is to always put on a condom or gradually accustom your body to small doses of sperm until it gets used to it.

5. Allergy to kisses

Although a person may not be allergic to the act of kissing, a passionate kiss can be the kiss of death for some people who have severe food allergies or allergies to cosmetics and medications. Close physical contact and exchange of saliva can lead to food and chemical particles are transferred to the partner, which can even become fatal if a person is allergic to some product.

This incident happened to a 17-year-old Jamie Stewart(Jamie Stewart), who suffered anaphylactic shock and was hospitalized after he kissed an employee who ate peanuts.

About 11 million Americans suffer from food allergies and about 200 of them die every year. But what to do if you like shrimp, but your other half is allergic to seafood? Doctors say brushing your teeth and chewing gum won't save you from problems and it's best to Avoid this product completely.

6. Allergy to water

Considering the fact that the human body is made up of approximately 60 percent water, it seems incredible that a water allergy could exist, but 40 people around the world have been diagnosed as such.

Known as watery urticaria, it causes painful welts on the skin when in contact with water and in severe cases, a person may experience swelling in the throat when drinking water.

Michaela Dutton Michaela Dutton, a UK woman who developed a water allergy after giving birth to her son, drinks Diet Coke to survive - her body can handle it even though it contains carbonated water. .

How do such people wash themselves, you ask? Very quickly and carefully, as even short contacts with water can cause them an itchy rash that lasts for hours. Doctors do not know what causes the allergy to water, but they assume that it is to blame increased level histamine.

7. Allergy to cold

In people with cold urticaria, allergies occur on cold temperature and impact cool air or cold water , which causes redness, itching, rash and swelling of the skin.

While walking past the frozen food section of a store may seem like a mild discomfort for such people, swimming in cold water can cause a severe full-body reaction ranging from fainting, shock, and death.

The cause of this allergy is unknown, but it is possible that some people have overly sensitive skin cells due to genetic predisposition or medical conditions.

8. Allergy to heat

Just as you can be allergic to cold, some people are allergic to heat. In people with heat urticaria, the skin becomes itchy, red and swollen when they are exposed to temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius.

This reaction usually occurs when body heat increases after intense workouts, hot showers, saunas and even spicy food.

9. Exercise allergies

If someone tells you that they are allergic to physical exercise, you are unlikely to believe him. However, about 1,000 people have suffered from exercise-induced anaphylaxis, a severe exercise-induced allergic reaction that is associated with certain foods or medications taken before physical activity.

Fatigue, itchy skin, rashes, and swelling of the neck, torso, and limbs typically occur during or immediately after exercise, and these symptoms can last for hours.

A more serious reaction may include symptoms such as choking, vomiting, increased blood pressure and even death, so such people are advised to always carry an adrenaline kit with them.

10. Allergy to touch

People with dermatographism Sensitive to pressure and touch, and depending on the severity of the case, even the slightest touch can cause an allergic reaction, causing itchy red rashes.

It is not known why this allergy occurs, but about 2-5 percent of people suffer from it.

11. Allergy to modern life

Talking on a cell phone, heating food in the microwave, using a computer, cleaning the bathroom and driving a car have become a normal part of the 21st century, but performing these normal activities can cause pain in some people. Man with multiple chemical sensitivity experiences flu-like symptoms and headaches when exposed to anything from perfume to laundry detergent.

There are also people who are allergic to electromagnetic waves from computers, phones, cars and microwaves.

Electrosensitivity syndrome is not recognized as a separate medical condition, and doctors say it is difficult to prove a link between electromagnetic fields And poor health. But many people claim to suffer from this condition, experiencing painful rashes, headaches, nasal discharge and swelling of various parts of the body. So, Debbie Bird(Debbie Bird) believes she is allergic to modern technology and states that she gets a rash and her eyelids swell when she gets into a car, uses a microwave, or is in range of Wi-Fi. As a result, she transformed her home into an EMF-free zone by placing protective films on the windows, using special paint and even sleeping under a silver-plated mosquito net.

The inner surface of the nose is covered with a huge number of small vessels. When an allergen or antigen enters the nasal cavity, the vessels of the nasal mucosa dilate and blood flow increases, this is a kind of defense system of the immune system. A large influx of blood causes swelling of the mucous membrane and provokes copious discharge mucus. Decongestants act on the walls of mucosal vessels, causing them to narrow, which reduces blood flow and reduces swelling.

These drugs are not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as well as for nursing mothers and people with hypertension. It is also not recommended to use these drugs for more than 5-7 days, since with prolonged use they can cause a backlash and increase swelling of the nasal mucosa.

These drugs may also cause side effects such as dry mouth, headaches, and weakness. Very rarely, they can cause hallucinations or an anaphylactic reaction.

You should consult with your doctor before starting to use these medications.

Leukotriene inhibitors(Montelukast (Singulair) are chemicals that block reactions caused by leukotrienes (leukotrienes are substances released by the body during an allergic reaction and cause inflammation and swelling of the airways). Most often used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Leukotriene inhibitors can be used together with other medications, since no interactions with them have been found. Adverse reactions are extremely rare and can manifest themselves in the form of a headache, earache, or sore throat.

Steroid sprays(Beclomethasone (Beconas, Beclazon), Flucatisone (Nazarel, Flixonase, Avamis), Mometasone (Momat, Nasonex, Asmanex)) - these drugs, in fact, are hormonal drugs. Their action is to reduce inflammatory processes in the nasal passages, thereby reducing the symptoms of allergic reactions, namely nasal congestion. The absorption of these drugs is minimal so that all possible adverse reactions disappear, however, with long-term use of these drugs, in rare cases such adverse reactions as nosebleed or sore throat. Before using these medications, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Hyposensitization(immunotherapy) - In addition to avoiding contact with allergens and drug treatment There is such a treatment method as: immunotherapy. This method involves the gradual, long-term introduction of gradually increasing amounts of allergens into your body, which will lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of your body to a given allergen.

This procedure involves the administration of small doses of the allergen in the form of a subcutaneous injection. Initially, you will be given injections at intervals of a week or less, while the dose of the allergen will be constantly increased, this regimen will be followed until a “maintenance dose” is reached, this is the dose at which there is a pronounced effect of reducing the usual allergic reaction. However, once this “maintenance dose” is reached, it will need to be administered every few weeks for at least another 2-2.5 years. This treatment method is usually prescribed when a person has a severe form of allergy that is difficult to control. conventional treatment, as well as for certain types of allergies, such as allergies to bee stings, wasp stings. This type treatment is carried out only in specialized medical institution under the supervision of a group of specialists, since this treatment method can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

Anaphylaxis(Anaphylactic shock)

This is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. People most often affected by anaphylaxis are:
  • Respiratory tract (provokes spasms and pulmonary edema)
  • Act of breathing (breathing disorder, shortness of breath)
  • Blood circulation (lowering blood pressure)
The mechanism of development of anaphylaxis is the same as that of an allergic reaction, only the manifestation of anaphylaxis is tens of times more pronounced than with ordinary, even quite strong allergic reactions.

Causes of anaphylaxis

The causes are generally similar to common allergic reactions, but it is worth highlighting the causes that most often cause anaphylactic reactions:
  • Insect bites
  • Certain types of food
  • Some types of medications
  • Contrast agents used in diagnostic medical studies
Insect bites– despite the fact that the bite of any insect can cause an anaphylactic reaction, bee and wasp stings cause the development anaphylactic shock in the overwhelming majority. According to statistics, only 1 in 100 people have an allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting, and only a very small number of people have an allergic reaction that develops into anaphylaxis.

Food– peanuts are the main cause of anaphylactic reactions among food products. However, there are a number of other foods that can cause anaphylaxis:

  • Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts
  • Milk
  • Shellfish and crab meat
The following products are least likely to cause an anaphylactic reaction;
  • Bananas, grapes and strawberries
Medicines– there are a number of medications that can provoke the development of anaphylactic reactions:
  • Antibiotics (most often from penicillin series (penicillin, ampicillin, bicilin))
  • Anesthetics (substances used during operations, intravenous anesthetics Thiopental, Ketamine, Propofol and inhalational anesthetics Sevovlurane, Desflurane, Halothane)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen)
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (drugs used in the treatment of hypertension Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril)
People taking any drugs from the above groups, except angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, may cause an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis at the first dose, which will manifest itself within a short time after taking the medication, from several minutes to several hours.
An allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock can be triggered by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor drugs, even if the patient has been using these drugs for several years.

However, the risk of any allergic reactions when taking any of the above drugs is very low and cannot be compared with a positive one. medical effects achieved in the treatment of various diseases.
For example:

  • The risk of developing anaphylaxis when taking penicillin is approximately 1 in 5,000
  • When using anesthetics 1 in 10,000
  • When using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 1 in 1500
  • When using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 1 in 3000
Contrast agents are special chemicals that are administered intravenously and are used to detailed research any part of the body or blood vessels of any organ. Contrast agents are used in diagnostic medicine most often in studies such as computed tomography, angiography and x-ray examination.

Risk of developing an anaphylactic reaction when using contrast agents is approximately 1 in 10,000.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis

The time at which any symptoms appear depends on the route the allergen enters your body, so an allergen ingested through food can trigger the onset of symptoms from a few minutes to several hours, while an insect bite or injection can trigger the onset of symptoms within from 2 to 30 minutes. Symptoms vary and will depend on the severity of the reaction; in some people they may be mild itching and swelling, and in some they can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis include the following:

  • Red rash with severe itching
  • Swelling in the eye area, swelling of the lips and limbs
  • Narrowing, swelling and spasms of the airways that can cause difficulty breathing
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Feeling of fear
  • A sudden drop in blood pressure, which can lead to severe weakness, dizziness and loss of consciousness

Diagnosis of anaphylaxis

At this stage of medical development, it is not possible to determine in advance whether you will develop anaphylaxis. The diagnosis of anaphylaxis is made already at the time of the onset of an anaphylactic reaction based on symptoms, or after the occurrence of this reaction. Monitoring the development of all symptoms is also not possible, since in most cases they lead to a sharp deterioration in health and can lead to death, so it is necessary to immediately begin treatment at the first signs of this disease.

After the occurrence and treatment of an anaphylactic reaction, studies are carried out aimed at detecting the allergen that caused this reaction. If this is your first manifestation of anaphylaxis and allergies in general, you will be prescribed a range of tests used in making an allergy diagnosis, including some of the following specific tests:

  • Skin tests
  • Blood test for IgE
  • Skin or patch tests (Patch-testing)
  • Provocative tests
The main purpose of the study after an anaphylactic reaction is to detect the allergen that caused this reaction, also depending on the severity of the reaction to detect the allergen, it is necessary to use the safest possible test to in order to avoid a repeat reaction. The most safe research is:

Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) This study allows you to determine the allergen that caused an anaphylactic reaction. as follows: a small amount of blood is taken from the patient, then small amounts of suspected allergens are placed in this blood, if a reaction occurs, namely the release of a large number of antibodies, the identified allergen is considered the cause of the reaction.

Treatment of anaphylactic shock

Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and requires immediate qualified medical attention.

If you notice any of the symptoms in yourself or someone else, you must immediately call an ambulance.

If you notice possible reason symptoms develop, such as a bee sting site with a protruding sting, it is necessary to remove it.

If you, as an allergy sufferer or a survivor of anaphylactic shock, or a victim have adrenaline auto-injectors, you must immediately administer a dose of the drug intramuscularly. These autoinjectors include:

  • EpiPen
  • Anapen
  • Jext
If any of them is available, one dose must be administered immediately (one dose = one injector). It should be injected into the thigh muscle on the dorsal lateral surface; injecting into adipose tissue because then no effect will follow. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions before use to ensure correct administration. After administration, it is necessary to fix the injector within 10 seconds in the same position in which the drug was administered. For most people, the condition should improve within a few minutes after administering the drug; if this does not happen, you will need to re-administer another dose of the drug if you have another auto-injector.

If a person is unconscious, it is necessary to turn him on his side, bending the leg on which he lies at the knee and placing the hand on which he lies under his head. This way he will be protected from vomit entering the respiratory tract. If a person is not breathing or has no pulse, resuscitation measures must be carried out, but only if you know how to do this, resuscitation measures are carried out until breathing and a pulse appear or until the ambulance team arrives.

Treatment in hospital will be carried out with drugs similar drugs, which are used in the treatment of allergies.

Typically, the patient can be discharged from the hospital 2-3 days after anaphylaxis.
If you know allergens that can cause you an allergic reaction or even that can cause anaphylactic shock, you should avoid contact with them as much as possible.

How long does an allergy last?

In general, allergies as a disease can last a lifetime. In this case, allergy means hypersensitivity of the patient’s body to certain substances. Since such sensitivity is an individual characteristic of the body, it remains very long time, and the body will always react with the appearance of corresponding symptoms upon repeated contact with the allergen. Sometimes allergies can only occur in childhood or during serious violations in the functioning of the immune system. Then it goes away within a few years, but the risk of a reaction upon repeated contact in the future still remains. Sometimes, with age, the intensity of the manifestations of the disease simply decreases, although the body’s increased sensitivity still remains.

If by allergy we mean its symptoms and manifestations, then their duration is very difficult to predict, since this is influenced by many different factors. The functioning of the immune system and the pathological mechanisms underlying allergic reactions are not fully understood. Therefore, no specialist can give a guarantee when the manifestations of the disease will disappear.

The duration of an allergic reaction is influenced by the following factors:

  • Contact with an allergen. Everyone knows that an allergic reaction occurs due to contact of the body with a specific substance - an allergen. The first contact in life does not cause an allergic reaction, since the body “gets to know” and recognizes the foreign substance. However, repeated contact leads to the appearance of pathological changes, since the body already has a set of necessary antibodies ( substances that react with the allergen). The longer the contact with the allergen, the longer the symptoms will be. For example, an allergy to pollen will last the entire flowering period of a certain plant if a person is constantly outdoors. If you try to spend more time at home, away from forests and fields, then contact with the allergen will be minimal, and the symptoms will disappear faster.
  • Allergy form. Allergic reactions after contact with an allergen can take various forms. Each of these forms has a certain duration. For example, hives can last from a few hours to several weeks. Watery eyes, coughing and irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are usually caused by the allergen and disappear within a few days after stopping contact with it. An attack of bronchial asthma caused by allergens can last several minutes ( less than hours) after termination of contact. Angioedema ( Quincke's edema) occurs upon contact with an allergen and is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. After the start of treatment, it stops increasing, but completely resolves only after a few days ( sometimes hours). Anaphylactic shock is the most severe but short-lived allergic reaction of the body. Vasodilation, drop in blood pressure and breathing difficulties do not last long, but without medical attention they can lead to the death of the patient.
  • Treatment effectiveness. The duration of the allergy manifestation largely depends on what drugs are used to treat the disease. The most rapid effect is observed from glucocorticoid drugs ( prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.). That is why they are used for severe allergic reactions that threaten the patient’s life. Antihistamines act somewhat slower ( suprastin, erolin, clemastine). The effect of these drugs is weaker, and allergy symptoms will disappear gradually. But more often, antihistamines are prescribed for allergies, since glucocorticoids are similar in action to a number of hormones, which is why they can cause serious side effects. The sooner treatment is started, the faster it will be possible to eliminate allergy symptoms.
  • Immune system status. A number of diseases of the thyroid, adrenal glands and other endocrine glands ( glands internal secretion ), as well as some pathologies of the immune system can affect the duration of allergy manifestations. When they occur, systemic disorders are observed that enhance the body’s immune response to exposure. various substances. Treatment of such pathologies will also lead to the disappearance of allergic manifestations.
To get rid of allergies faster, you should first consult an allergist. Only a specialist in this field can identify the specific allergen or allergens and prescribe the most effective treatment. Self-medication for allergies not only leads to a longer course of the disease, but also does not make it possible to avoid repeated contact with the allergen. After all, the patient can only guess what he is allergic to, but does not know for sure. Only a visit to the doctor and a special test will help determine which substance you should be wary of.

How quickly does an allergy appear?

There are several stages in the development of an allergic reaction, each of which is characterized by certain processes in the body. Upon first contact with the allergen ( a substance to which the body is pathologically sensitive) symptoms usually do not appear. The allergy itself occurs after repeated ( second and all subsequent) contact with an allergen. The time of onset of symptoms is very difficult to predict, since it depends on many different factors.

Upon repeated contact with an allergen, the body begins to release special substances, class E immunoglobulins ( IgE). They affect several types of cells scattered throughout the body, destroying their membrane. As a result, so-called mediator substances are released, the most important of which is histamine. Under the influence of histamine, the permeability of the vascular walls is disrupted, and some of the fluid leaves the dilated capillaries into the intercellular space. This causes swelling. Histamine also stimulates contraction smooth muscle in the bronchi, which can cause breathing difficulties. This whole chain takes some time. Nowadays, there are 4 types of allergic reactions. In three of them everything biochemical processes proceed quickly. In one there is a so-called immune reaction slow type.

The rate of occurrence of various manifestations of allergies is influenced by the following factors:

  • Type of allergic reaction.There are 4 types of allergic reactions. Usually immediate reactions predominate.
  • Allergen quantity. This dependence is not always visible. Sometimes even a small amount of an allergen causes certain symptoms to appear almost instantly. For example, when a wasp stings ( if a person is allergic to their poison) almost immediately there is severe pain, redness, severe swelling, and sometimes rash and itching. In general, however, it is fair to say that the more allergen that enters the body, the faster symptoms will appear.
  • Type of contact with allergen. This factor is very important, since in different tissues of the body there are different numbers of immunocompetent cells that recognize the allergen. If such a substance comes into contact with the skin, for example, itching or redness will appear after a longer time. Inhalation of pollen, dust, exhaust gases ( contact of the allergen with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract) can almost instantly cause an attack of bronchial asthma or rapidly increasing swelling of the mucous membrane. When an allergen is introduced into the blood ( for example, contrast in some diagnostic procedures) anaphylactic shock also develops very quickly.
  • Clinical form allergies. Each of the possible allergy symptoms is a consequence of exposure to mediators. But the appearance of symptoms requires different times. For example, redness of the skin is due to the dilation of capillaries, which can occur very quickly. The smooth muscles of the bronchi also contract rapidly, causing an asthma attack. But swelling occurs due to the gradual seepage of fluid through the walls of blood vessels. It takes more time to develop. Food allergies usually do not appear immediately. This is due to the digestion of food and the release of the allergen ( it is usually a component of the product) takes time.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Each body has a different number of cells, mediators and receptors that take part in an allergic reaction. Therefore, exposure to the same allergen in the same doses different patients may cause different symptoms to appear at different intervals.
Thus, it is very difficult to predict when the first allergy symptoms will appear. Most often we are talking about minutes or, less often, hours. When a large dose of an allergen is administered intravenously ( contrast, antibiotic, other medications) the reaction develops almost instantly. Sometimes it takes several days for an allergic reaction to develop. This most often applies to skin manifestations of food allergies.

What can't you eat if you have allergies?

Nutrition and proper diet are the most important component of treatment for food allergies. However, even if you are allergic to substances that do not enter the body with food, proper nutrition is of a certain importance. The fact is that most people suffering from allergies have a hereditary predisposition to this disease and certain individual characteristics in the functioning of the immune system. Because of this, there is a high chance that their body is hypersensitive to several different allergens ( substances that provoke manifestations of the disease). Following a diet allows you to avoid eating foods that are potentially strong allergens.

For patients with any form of allergy, it is advisable to exclude the following foods from their diet:

  • Most seafood. Seafood contains a very large amount of various microelements and vitamins. This explains their benefits for most people. However, it should be remembered that contact with new substances is a burden on immune system, and for people with allergies - additional risk exacerbation of the disease. You should limit your consumption of fish ( especially sea), and from caviar and seaweed It's better to give up completely.
  • Dairy products. They should be consumed in moderation. From fresh milk and fermented milk products homemade should be abandoned completely. They contain a large amount of natural proteins, which are potential allergens. Factory-made dairy products go through several stages of processing, during which some of the proteins are destroyed. The risk of allergies remains, but is significantly reduced.
  • Canned foods. Most industrial canned food is prepared with the addition of a large number of food additives. They are necessary to preserve the taste of products, extend shelf life and other commercial purposes. These additives are harmless to healthy person, but they are potentially strong allergens.
  • Some fruits and berries. A fairly common option is an allergy to strawberries, sea buckthorn, melon, and pineapples. Sometimes it manifests itself even when eating dishes made from these products ( compotes, jams, etc.). Citrus fruits are very strong potential allergens ( oranges, etc.). In this case, it will be regarded as a full-fledged food allergy. However, even for people, say, with allergies to bee stings or pollen, consuming these products is undesirable due to the burden on the immune system.
  • Products with a large number of nutritional additives. A number of products already include a wide range of different chemical food additives in their production technology. These include sweetened carbonated drinks, marmalade, chocolate, and chewing gum. All of them contain a large number of dyes, which themselves can be allergens. Sometimes sweeteners and dyes are found even in improperly prepared dried fruits.
  • Honey. Honey is a fairly common allergen, so it should be consumed with caution. You need to be equally wary of nuts and mushrooms. These products contain a lot unique substances, with which the body rarely comes into contact. The risk of developing an allergy to such substances is much higher.
It would seem that the diet of patients with allergic diseases should be quite meager. However, this is not entirely true. The above products are not strictly prohibited. Patients should just carefully monitor their condition after consuming them and not eat them often or in large quantities. It is recommended to follow a more strict diet with the complete exclusion of this number of products during exacerbations of allergies ( especially after angioedema, anaphylactic shock and other dangerous forms of the disease). This will be a kind of precautionary measure.

If you have a food allergy, you need to completely exclude those foods that contain a specific allergen. For example, if a patient is allergic to strawberries, they should not eat strawberry ice cream or drink fruit tea with strawberry leaves or flowers. You need to be very careful to avoid contact with even small amounts of the allergen. In this case, we are talking specifically about pathological sensitivity to a previously known substance. Modern methods treatments can help gradually get rid of this problem ( for example, using immunotherapy). But for preventive purposes, the diet should still be followed. More precise instructions regarding permitted products for a particular patient can only be given by an allergist after all the necessary tests have been carried out.

Do allergies happen during pregnancy?

Allergic reactions in pregnant women are quite common. In principle, allergies rarely appear for the first time after conception. Usually women already know about their problem and notify their doctor about it. With timely intervention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions during pregnancy are completely safe for both mother and fetus. Moreover, if the mother is allergic to any drugs that are used to eliminate serious problems, treatment may well be continued. They will simply add additional medications to the course that eliminate the manifestations of such allergies. In each individual case, doctors determine separately how to manage the patient. There are no uniform standards due to the wide variety of forms of the disease and various conditions female patients.

In pregnant women, allergies can take the following forms:

  • Bronchial asthma. This disease may be of an allergic nature. It usually occurs when an allergen is inhaled, but can also be a consequence of skin or food contact. The cause of the disease and the main problem is spasm of smooth muscles in the walls of the bronchioles ( small air passages in the lungs). Because of this, breathing difficulties arise, which in severe cases can result in the death of the patient. In case of pregnancy, prolonged breath holding is also dangerous for the fetus.
  • Hives. Represents a skin allergic reaction. Most often it occurs in pregnant women in the last trimester. Itchy rashes appear on the stomach, less often on the limbs, which cause a lot of discomfort. This form of allergy is usually easily relieved antihistamines and does not pose a serious threat to the mother or fetus.
  • Angioedema ( Quincke's edema). It occurs mainly in women with a hereditary predisposition to this disease. Edema can be localized in almost any part of the body where there is a lot of subcutaneous tissue. The most dangerous swelling is in the upper respiratory tract, as it can lead to respiratory arrest and hypoxic damage to the fetus. In general, this form of allergy in pregnant women is quite rare.
  • Rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is a very common problem in pregnant women. This form is especially common in the 2nd – 3rd trimester. Rhinitis is caused by allergen contact with the nasal mucosa. As a result, swelling occurs, fluid begins to leak from the dilated capillaries, and nasal discharge appears. At the same time, breathing difficulties arise.
Thus, some forms of allergies in pregnant women can be dangerous for the fetus. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor for medical help at the first manifestations of the disease. If the patient knows that she has an allergy, then it is possible to prescribe certain medications prophylactically to prevent an exacerbation of the disease. Of course, it is necessary to avoid contact with known allergens at all costs. If contact does occur, the focus is on adequate and prompt medical treatment.

Options for drug treatment of exacerbations in various forms of allergies in pregnant women

Allergy form Recommended drugs and treatment
Bronchial asthma Inhalation forms of beclomethasone, epinephrine, terbutaline, theophylline. In severe cases of the disease - prednisone ( first daily, and after the main symptoms are relieved - every other day), methylprednisolone extended ( prolonged) actions.
Rhinitis Diphenhydramine ( diphenhydramine), chlorpheniramine, beclomethasone intranasally ( baconase and its analogues).
Bacterial complications of rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis
(including purulent forms)
Antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial complications - ampicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin, cefaclor. Ideally, an antibiogram is performed to select the most effective drug and most effective course. However, antibiotics are started even before the results are received ( then, if necessary, the drug is changed). Beclomethasone is indicated locally ( baconase) to eliminate an allergic reaction.
Angioedema Subcutaneous epinephrine ( urgently), restoration of airway patency if swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat is observed.
Hives Diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, tripelenamine. In more severe cases, ephedrine and terbutaline. For prolonged periods, prednisone may be prescribed.

A very important point in the management of pregnant women with allergies is childbirth itself. The fact is that in order to successfully carry out this procedure ( or caesarean section, if planned in a particular case) you will need to administer a large number of drugs ( including anesthesia if necessary). Therefore, it is important to notify the anesthesiologist about previous use of anti-allergy medications. This will allow you to optimally select drugs and doses, eliminating the risk of adverse reactions and complications.

The most severe type of allergic reaction is anaphylaxis. It manifests itself as serious circulatory disorders. Due to the rapid expansion of capillaries, blood pressure decreases. At the same time, breathing problems may occur. This creates serious threat for the fetus, since it does not receive sufficient quantity blood and, accordingly, oxygen. According to statistics, anaphylaxis in pregnant women is most often caused by the administration of any pharmacological drug. This is quite natural, since at different stages of pregnancy a woman receives a significant amount of different medications.

Anaphylaxis in pregnant women is most often caused by the following medications:

  • penicillin;
  • oxytocin;
  • fentanyl;
  • dextran;
  • cefotetan;
  • phytomenadione.
Treatment of anaphylactic shock in pregnant women is practically no different from that in other patients. To restore blood flow and quick fix threats, epinephrine must be administered. It will narrow the capillaries, dilate the bronchioles and increase the pressure. If anaphylaxis occurs in the third trimester, the possibility of a cesarean section should be considered. This will avoid danger to the fetus.

Why are allergies dangerous?

In most cases, patients with allergies do not see their disease as particularly dangerous. This is due to the fact that severe cases of allergies that actually threaten the health or life of the patient are extremely rare. However, the danger should not be ignored. Experience has shown that people who have suffered from hay fever or eczema for years may develop anaphylactic shock ( the most severe type of allergic reaction) upon new contact with the same allergen. It is quite difficult to explain this phenomenon, since the mechanism of development of allergic reactions has not yet been fully studied.

  • rash;
  • skin redness;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • nasal discharge;
  • burning in the eyes;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • dry eyes;
  • tearfulness;
  • sore throat;
  • dry mouth;
  • dry cough;
  • sneezing.
All these symptoms in themselves do not pose a serious threat to the patient's health. They are associated with local destruction of mast cells, mastocytes and other cells involved in the development of an allergic reaction. A special mediator is released from them - histamine, which causes local damage to neighboring cells and corresponding symptoms. However, in severe cases, allergies also affect the functioning of the cardiovascular or respiratory system. Then the disease becomes much more serious.

The most dangerous forms of allergic reactions are:

  • Bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma is a disease in which the small bronchi in the lungs narrow. Often this occurs precisely after contact with allergens, if the patient has hypersensitivity. An asthma attack is a very serious and dangerous condition, as breathing is impaired. Air does not enter the lungs sufficient quantity, and the person may suffocate.
  • Angioedema ( Quincke's edema) . With this disease, the entry of allergens into the body causes swelling of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In principle, swelling can develop in almost any part of the body, but most often it is localized on the face. A life-threatening form of Quincke's edema is localized near the windpipe. In this case, due to swelling, the airways will close, and the patient may die.
  • Anaphylactic shock. This form of allergic reaction is considered the most dangerous, as it affects various organs and systems. The greatest significance in the development of shock is the sharp expansion of small capillaries and a drop in blood pressure. At the same time, breathing problems may occur. Anaphylactic shock often ends in the death of the patient.
In addition, allergies are dangerous due to bacterial complications. For example, with eczema or rhinitis ( inflammation in the nasal mucosa) local ones weaken protective barriers. Therefore, microbes that have entered the allergy-damaged cells at this moment receive favorable soil for reproduction and development. Allergic rhinitis may develop into sinusitis or sinusitis with accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinuses. Skin manifestations of allergies can be complicated by purulent dermatitis. This course of the disease occurs especially often if the patient has itching. In the process of scratching, it further damages the skin and introduces new portions of microbes.

What to do if your child has allergies?

Allergic reactions in children, for a number of reasons, occur much more often than in adults. Most often we are talking about food allergies, but almost all forms of this disease can be found even in early childhood. Before starting treatment for a child with allergies, it is necessary to determine the specific allergen to which the patient’s body is sensitive. To do this, contact an allergist. In some cases, it turns out that the child does not have allergies, but is intolerant to some food. Such pathologies develop according to a different mechanism ( we are talking about a lack of certain enzymes), and their treatment is carried out by pediatricians and gastroenterologists. If an allergy is confirmed, treatment is prescribed taking into account all age-related characteristics.

A special approach to treating allergies in a child is necessary for the following reasons:

  • young children are not able to complain about subjective symptoms ( pain, burning in the eyes, itching);
  • a child’s immune system is different from the immune system of adults, so the risk of allergies to new foods is higher;
  • Due to their curiosity, children often come into contact with various allergens in the house and on the street, so it is difficult to determine what exactly the child is allergic to;
  • some strong drugs Allergy suppressants can cause serious side effects in children.
In general, however, allergic reactions in children involve the same mechanisms as in adults. Therefore, priority should be given to the same drugs in appropriate dosages. The main criterion when calculating the dose in this case will be the child’s weight, and not his age.

Of the medications used in the treatment of allergies, preference is given to antihistamines. They block receptors for the main allergy mediator, histamine. As a result, this substance is released, but does not have a pathogenic effect on the tissue, so the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The most common antihistamines are:

  • suprastin ( chloropyramine);
  • tavegil ( clemastine);
  • diphenhydramine ( diphenhydramine);
  • diazolin ( mebhydrolin);
  • fenkarol ( quifenadine hydrochloride);
  • pipolfen ( promethazine);
  • arolin ( loratadine).
These drugs are prescribed mainly for allergic reactions that do not threaten the child’s life. They gradually eliminate urticaria, dermatitis ( skin inflammation), itchy, watery eyes or sore throat caused by an allergic reaction. However, in case of serious allergic reactions that pose a threat to life, it is necessary to use other means with a stronger and faster effect.

In emergency situations ( Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, bronchial asthma attack) urgent administration of corticosteroids is necessary ( prednisolone, beclomethasone, etc.). Drugs in this group have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The effect of their use comes much faster. Also, to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it is necessary to administer adrenaline or its analogues ( epinephrine). This will dilate the bronchi and restore breathing during an asthma attack, and increase blood pressure ( important for anaphylactic shock).

With any allergies in children, it is important to remember that the child’s body is more sensitive in many ways than an adult. Therefore, even ordinary manifestations of allergies cannot be ignored ( watery eyes, sneezing, rash). You should immediately consult a doctor who will confirm the diagnosis, give appropriate preventive recommendations and determine the appropriate course of treatment. Self-medication is always dangerous. The growing body's response to an allergen can change with age, and the risk of developing dangerous forms of allergy if not treated correctly is very high.

What are some folk remedies for allergies?

Folk remedies for allergies should be selected depending on the location of the symptoms of this disease. There are a number of medicinal plants that can partly affect the immune system as a whole, reducing the symptoms of allergies. Another group of funds can interrupt pathological process at the local level. These include ointments and compresses for skin manifestations.

Of the folk remedies that affect the immune system as a whole, the following are most often used:

  • Mumiyo. 1 g mumiyo dissolves in 1 l hot water (high-quality product dissolves even in warm water quickly and without sediment). The solution is cooled to room temperature ( 1 – 1.5 hours) and taken orally once a day. It is advisable to take the product in the first hour after waking up. The course lasts 2 – 3 weeks. Single dose for adults – 100 ml. Shilajit solution can also be used to treat allergies in children. Then the dose is reduced to 50 - 70 ml ( depending on body weight). This remedy is not recommended for children under one year of age.
  • Peppermint. 10 g of dry peppermint leaves are poured with half a glass of boiling water. Infusion lasts 30 - 40 minutes in a dark place. The product is taken three times a day, 1 tablespoon for several weeks ( if the allergy does not go away for a long time).
  • Calendula officinalis. 10 g of dried flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water. Infusion lasts 60 – 90 minutes. The infusion is taken twice a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Swamp duckweed. The plant is collected, washed well, dried and ground into a fine powder. This powder should be taken 1 teaspoon three times a day, washed down with plenty of boiled water ( 1 – 2 glasses).
  • Dandelion root. Freshly picked dandelion roots are well scalded with boiling water and ground ( or rub) into a homogeneous paste. Pour 1 tablespoon of this slurry into 1 glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly. The mixture is drunk, shaking before use, 1 glass per day in three doses ( one third of a glass morning, afternoon and evening). The course can last 1 – 2 months if necessary.
  • Celery root. 2 tablespoons of crushed root should be poured into 200 ml of cold water ( approximately 4 - 8 degrees, temperature in the refrigerator). Infusion lasts 2 – 3 hours. During this period, you should avoid direct sunlight on the infusion. After this, the infusion is taken 50–100 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals.

The above remedies are not always effective. The fact is that there are several different types of allergic reactions. There is no universal remedy that suppresses all these types. Therefore, you should try several treatment regimens to determine the most effective treatment.

As a rule, these recipes relieve symptoms such as allergic rhinitis ( for allergies to pollen), conjunctivitis ( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes), asthma attacks. For skin manifestations of allergies, preference should be given to local treatment methods. The most common are compresses, lotions and baths based on medicinal plants.

For skin manifestations of allergies, the following help best: folk remedies:

  • Dill juice. The juice is best squeezed from young shoots ( in the old ones there is less of it, and more dill will be needed). After squeezing out approximately 1 - 2 tablespoons of juice, they are diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Gauze is moistened in the resulting mixture, which is then used as a compress. You need to do it 1 - 2 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Mumiyo. Shilajit can also be used as a lotion for skin allergies. It is diluted in a concentration of 1 to 100 ( 1 g of substance per 100 g warm water ). Clean gauze or a handkerchief is generously moistened with the solution and the affected area of ​​skin is covered. The procedure is done once a day, and it lasts until the compress begins to dry out. The course of treatment lasts 15–20 procedures.
  • Pansies. Prepare a concentrated infusion of 5 - 6 tablespoons of dried flowers and 1 liter of boiling water. Infusion lasts 2 – 3 hours. After this, the mixture is shaken, the petals are filtered and poured into a warm bath. Baths should be taken every 1 to 2 days for several weeks.
  • Nettle. Mash freshly picked nettle flowers into a paste and pour boiling water over them ( 2 – 3 tablespoons per glass of water). When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, moisten gauze in it and apply lotions to the area of ​​allergic eczema, itching or rash.
  • Hop cones. A quarter cup of crushed green hop cones is poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is mixed well and left for at least 2 hours. After this, gauze is soaked in the infusion and compresses are applied to the affected area. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
The use of these remedies in many patients gradually eliminates itching, redness of the skin, and eczema. On average, for a noticeable effect you need to carry out 3–4 procedures, and then until the end of the course the goal is to consolidate the result. However, treatment with folk remedies for allergies has a number of tangible disadvantages. It is because of them that self-medication can be dangerous or ineffective.

The disadvantages of treating allergies with folk remedies are:

  • Nonspecific action of herbs. Not a single medicinal plant can compare in strength and speed of effect with modern pharmacological drugs. Therefore, treatment with folk remedies, as a rule, lasts longer, and the chances of success are less.
  • Risk of new allergic reactions. A person who is allergic to something is usually predisposed to other allergies due to the way the immune system works. Therefore, treatment with folk remedies can lead to contact with new allergens that the patient’s body cannot tolerate. Then the manifestations of allergies will only worsen.
  • Masking symptoms. Many of the above folk remedies do not affect the mechanism of allergy development, but only its external manifestations. Thus, the state of health when taking them can only improve externally.
Based on all this, we can conclude that folk remedies are not best choice in the fight against allergies. With this disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the specific allergen that the body cannot tolerate. After this, at the request of the patient, the specialist himself can recommend any remedies based on the action of medicinal herbs, which are the safest in this particular case.

Is there a human allergy?

In the classical sense, an allergy is an acute response of the immune system to the body’s contact with any foreign substance. In people like a certain biological species, the structure of the tissues is very similar. Therefore, there cannot be allergic reactions to the hair, saliva, tears and other biological components of another person. The immune system simply will not detect the foreign material, and the allergic reaction will not start. However, in medical practice, allergies in very sensitive patients may regularly appear when communicating with the same person. However, this has a slightly different explanation.

Each person comes into contact with a very large number of potential allergens. At the same time, the carrier himself does not suspect that he is a carrier of allergens, since his body does not have increased sensitivity to these components. However, for a patient with an allergy, even a tiny amount of a foreign substance is enough to cause severe symptoms of the disease. Most often, such cases are mistaken for “human allergies.” The patient cannot figure out what exactly he is allergic to, and therefore blames the carrier.

Most often, sensitivity to the following allergens is mistaken for human allergies:

  • Cosmetics. Cosmetics ( even on natural basis ) are strong potential allergens. Contact with lipstick, inhalation of perfume, or tiny particles of powder can be taken as an allergy to a person. Of course, during everyday contact these substances enter the environment in negligible quantities. But the problem is that for people with specific hypersensitivity, even this is enough.
  • Industrial dust. Some people who work in manufacturing are carriers of specific allergens. The smallest particles of dust settle on the skin, clothes, linger in the hair, and are inhaled by the lungs. After work, a person, coming into contact with his friends, can transfer dust particles to them. If you are allergic to its components, this can cause a rash, redness of the skin, watery eyes and others. typical symptoms.
  • Animal fur. The problem of “human allergies” is well known to people with allergies to pets ( cats or dogs). Owners usually have a small amount of their pet's hair or saliva on their clothes. If you are allergic ( person with allergies) comes into contact with the owner, a small amount of the allergen may come into contact with him.
  • Medicines. Not many people think about what happens in the human body after taking any medications. Having fulfilled their therapeutic function, they are usually metabolized by the body ( bind or split) and are output. They are mainly excreted in urine or feces. But a certain amount of components can be released during breathing, with sweat, tears, sperm or secretions of the vaginal glands. Then contact with these biological fluids is dangerous for a person with an allergy to the medications used. In these cases, it is very difficult to detect the allergen. It is misleading if the patient believes that the rash occurred after, say, contact with the sweat of another person. Indeed, it is easier to mistake this for a human allergy than to trace the path of a specific allergen.
There are other options when a very specific person is a carrier of a specific allergen. Even an allergist is not always able to understand the situation. In these cases, it is important to temporarily stop contact with the “suspect” ( so as not to provoke new manifestations of the disease) and still contact a specialist. An extensive skin test with a large number of different allergens usually helps to identify what exactly the patient is sensitive to. After this, you need to talk in detail with the potential carrier to find out where the allergen could have come from. Changing your perfume or stopping any medications usually solves the problem of “person allergies.”

In rare cases, a person's allergy may occur due to certain mental disorders. Then symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or watery eyes are not caused by contact with any allergen, but by a certain “psychological incompatibility.” At the same time, manifestations of the disease sometimes appear even when a person is mentioned, when physical contact with him is excluded. In these cases, we are not talking about allergies, but about mental disorders.

Is there an allergy to alcohol?

There is a common misconception that some people are allergic to alcohol. This is not entirely true, since ethyl alcohol itself, which is meant by alcohol, has a very simple molecular structure and practically cannot become an allergen. Thus, allergies to alcohol, as such, practically do not exist. However, cases of allergies to alcoholic beverages are not uncommon. However, here it is not ethyl alcohol that acts as an allergen, but other substances.

Typically, an allergic reaction to alcoholic beverages is explained as follows:

  • Ethyl alcohol is an excellent solvent. Many substances that are insoluble in water dissolve easily and without residue in alcohol. Therefore, any alcoholic drink contains a very large amount of dissolved substances.
  • A small amount of allergen sufficient to trigger a reaction. The amount of allergen has no of decisive importance for the development of an allergic reaction. In other words, even negligible impurities of any substance in alcohol can cause an allergy. Of course, the more allergen enters the body, the stronger and faster the reaction will appear. But in practice, even very small doses of an allergen sometimes cause anaphylactic shock - the most severe form of an allergic reaction that threatens the patient’s life.
  • Low quality control. In quality alcoholic products The composition of the drink and the quantity of ingredients are always indicated. However, currently the production and sale of alcohol is a very profitable business. Therefore, a significant proportion of products on the market may contain some kind of impurity that is not listed on the label. A person may be allergic to these unknown components. Then it is very difficult to determine the allergen. Alcoholic drinks produced at home are even more dangerous for people with allergies, since the composition is simply not carefully controlled.
  • Incorrect storage conditions. As mentioned above, alcohol is a good solvent, and only a small amount of the substance is needed to develop an allergy. If an alcoholic drink is stored incorrectly for a long time ( Usually we are talking about plastic bottles), some components of the material from which the container is made may get into it. Few buyers know that plastic packaging also has an expiration date and must also be certified. Low-quality plastic or plastic that has expired begins to gradually deteriorate, and complex chemical compounds gradually pass into the contents of the vessel in the form of a solution.
  • Drinking alcohol internally. Allergies can occur through various types of contact with an allergen. When it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages, the allergen enters the gastrointestinal tract. This contributes to the development of a more intense and faster allergic reaction than if the allergen came into contact with, say, the skin.
In recent years, cases of allergies to various alcoholic beverages have become more frequent. People with hereditary predisposition or allergies to other substances should be very careful when choosing drinks. It is advisable to exclude those products that contain various natural flavors or additives. As a rule, components such as almonds, some fruits, and barley gluten in beer are strong potential allergens.

Patients may experience the following manifestations of allergies to alcoholic beverages:

  • attack of bronchial asthma;
  • redness of the skin ( spots);
  • hives;
  • angioedema ( Quincke's edema);
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • eczema.
Some doctors note that alcohol may not itself lead to allergic reactions, but rather stimulate their occurrence. According to one theory, in a number of patients, after drinking alcohol, the permeability of the intestinal walls increases. Because of this, more microbes can enter the blood ( or their components), which normally inhabit the human intestine. These microbial components themselves have a certain allergenic potential.

You should consult a doctor if there are any signs of an allergic reaction after drinking alcohol. The fact is that in this case we are often talking about bad habit (alcoholism), which is a drug problem, and about allergies that can pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. Therefore, the allergist should, if possible, identify the specific allergen and notify the patient about his sensitivity to this component. The patient will definitely be advised to undergo a course of treatment for alcoholism ( if such a problem exists). Even if in the future he drinks drinks that do not contain the detected allergen, the very influence of alcohol will only aggravate the situation, further disrupting the functioning of the immune system.

Can you die from allergies?

Allergic reactions are an increased response of the immune system to contact with any foreign body. This activates a whole series various cells in the human body. It is very difficult to predict the manifestations of an allergic reaction in advance. Often they come down to fairly “harmless” local symptoms. However, in some cases, the enhanced immune response can affect vital important systems body. In these cases, there is a risk of death of the patient.

Most often, allergies manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • runny nose with “watery” nasal discharge;
  • the appearance of spots or rashes on the skin;
  • dry cough;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes.
All these manifestations can seriously worsen the patient’s quality of life, but they are not life-threatening. In this case, there is a local release of a special substance from the cells - histamine ( as well as a number of other, less active substances). They cause local expansion of capillaries, increased permeability of their walls, spasm of smooth muscles and other pathological reactions.

In some patients the reaction is more severe. Biological mediators released during allergies disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Symptoms typical of ordinary allergies simply do not have time to develop, as much more dangerous disorders come to the fore. This condition is called anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis.

Anaphylactic shock is the most severe form of allergy and without special treatment can lead to the death of the patient within 10 - 15 minutes. According to statistics, the probability of death without first aid reaches 15–20%. Death during anaphylactic shock occurs due to the rapid expansion of capillaries, a drop in blood pressure, and, as a consequence, a cessation of oxygen supply to tissues. In addition, a spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi often occurs, which causes the airways to narrow and the patient practically stops breathing.

Main distinctive features Anaphylactic shock from common allergies are:

  • rapid spread of redness or swelling at the site of contact with the allergen;
  • breathing problems ( noisy breathing, shortness of breath);
  • drop in blood pressure ( disappearance of pulse);
  • loss of consciousness;
  • sharp paleness of the skin, sometimes blueness of the fingertips.
All these symptoms are not typical for a local allergic reaction. If possible, the patient is given assistance on the spot ( if any necessary medications ) or urgently call an ambulance for hospitalization. Otherwise, anaphylactic shock can be fatal.

Another dangerous form of allergy is Quincke's edema. With it, the same mechanisms lead to rapidly increasing swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. Swelling may appear in various parts of the body ( on eyelids, lips, genitals). This reaction in rare cases can also lead to the death of the patient. This happens mainly in children when the swelling spreads to the mucous membrane of the larynx. The swollen mucous membrane closes the airway, and the patient simply suffocates.

Are there any allergies to medications?

Allergic reactions to medications are a fairly common problem in modern world. Almost 10% of all side effects from various drugs are allergic in nature. This high frequency is also facilitated by the fact that nowadays people receive a large amount of pharmacological products from childhood. Because of this, there is a higher chance that the body will develop pathological sensitivity to certain components of the drugs.

Allergies to medications are considered a very dangerous phenomenon. It often takes serious forms ( Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis), life threatening patient. If contact occurs at home, there is a risk of death. In medical institutions, the risk is less, since in any department there is always special set for first aid for anaphylactic shock.

The danger of allergies to medications is due to the following reasons:

  • many medications are administered intravenously in large quantities;
  • modern medicines have a high molecular structure and strong potential to provoke allergic reactions;
  • patients who are allergic to a certain drug are already sick ( because the drug is prescribed for a disease), therefore they suffer an allergic reaction even more severely;
  • frequency of anaphylactic shock ( most dangerous shape allergies) higher than with allergies to other substances;
  • many doctors neglect special tests for drug tolerance and immediately administer large doses of drugs to patients;
  • neutralize the effect of certain drugs and completely remove them from the body within short term it can be difficult;
  • Much of today's pharmaceutical products come from the so-called black market and may therefore contain various impurities ( which cause allergic reactions );
  • It is difficult to immediately diagnose an allergy to a drug, since it can give other side effects of a non-allergic nature;
  • Sometimes patients are forced to take medications to which they are allergic, simply because effective analogues against the underlying disease.
According to modern research, it is believed that the risk of developing hypersensitivity to a particular drug after its first use averages 2 – 3%. However, it is not the same for different pharmacological groups. The fact is that some medications contain natural components or high molecular weight compounds. They have a higher potential to trigger allergies. Other drugs have a relatively simple chemical composition. This makes them safer.
  • local anesthetics ( lidocaine, novocaine, etc.).
  • Many other drugs can also cause allergic reactions, but much less frequently. Sometimes even drugs with low molecular weight can cause allergies due to the impurities they contain.

    Manifestations of drug allergies can be very diverse. Immediate reactions include anaphylactic shock, acute urticaria or angioedema ( Quincke's edema), which may appear within the first minutes after administration of the drug. Within 3 days after contact, so-called accelerated reactions may occur. Their manifestations range from a minor rash or spots on the body to fever with severe general condition. The latter is more common if the drug is taken regularly. There are also cases of delayed reactions that develop only a few days after administration of the drug.

    The severity of allergy symptoms to medications is very difficult to predict. It is also almost impossible to predict in advance a patient's sensitivity to a particular drug. The fact is that some drugs do not detect their allergic activity in reactions in vitro with the patient’s blood. Intradermal tests can also be false negative. This is due to the influence of many different factors ( both external and internal).

    The likelihood of an allergy and the severity of its manifestations may depend on the following factors:

    • patient's age;
    • patient's gender;
    • genetic factors ( hereditary predisposition to allergies in general);
    • concomitant diseases;
    • social factors ( place of work - doctors or pharmacists come into contact with drugs more often, and the likelihood of developing specific sensitivities is higher);
    • simultaneous administration several medications;
    • duration of first contact with a certain medication;
    • quality of medicine ( largely depends on the manufacturer);
    • shelf life of the drug;
    • method of drug administration ( on the skin, subcutaneously, orally, intramuscularly, intravenously);
    • drug dose ( does not play a decisive role);
    • metabolism of the drug in the body ( how quickly and by what organs it is normally excreted).
    The best way to avoid drug allergies is good health. The less sick a person is, the less often he comes into contact with various medications, and the less likely he is to develop allergies. Additionally, before using a potentially dangerous drug ( especially serum and other drugs containing complete antigens) a special skin test is performed, which most often allows one to suspect an allergy. Small doses are administered fractionally intradermally and subcutaneously. If hypersensitivity occurs, the patient will experience severe swelling, pain, redness at the injection site. If the patient is aware that he is allergic to certain drugs, you must notify your doctor about this before starting treatment. Sometimes patients, not hearing a familiar name, are not worried about this. However, there are many analogues of drugs with different trade names. They can cause serious allergic reactions. Only a qualified doctor or pharmacist can figure out which drugs are best to prescribe.

    Are there allergies to water, air, sun?

    Allergic reactions by their nature are a consequence of activation of the immune system. They are triggered by contact of certain substances ( allergens) with specific receptors in the skin, mucous membranes or blood ( depending on how the allergen entered the body). Therefore, there cannot be an allergic reaction to the sun, for example. Sunlight is a stream of waves of a certain spectrum and is not associated with the transfer of matter. We can talk about allergic reactions to water or air conditionally. The fact is that allergens, as a rule, are substances that are quite complex in their chemical composition. Molecules of water or gases from the atmospheric air cannot cause allergic reactions. However, both air and water usually contain a large number of different impurities, which cause allergic reactions.

    Over the past decades, several reports have been made of cases of allergies specifically to water molecules. However, most experts question their reliability. Perhaps the researchers simply could not isolate the impurity that causes the allergy. Be that as it may, there are very few such cases, so there is still no reliable information on them. More often we are talking about allergies to substances dissolved in water. In city water supplies this is usually chlorine or its compounds. Composition of well, spring or river water depends on a specific geographic area. There are, for example, areas with high content fluorine and other chemical elements. People who are allergic to these substances will experience symptoms of illness after contact with ordinary water. At the same time, contact with water in other geographical areas will not cause such a reaction.

    An allergy to impurities in water usually manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    • dry skin;
    • peeling of the skin;
    • dermatitis ( skin inflammation);
    • the appearance of red spots on the skin;
    • the appearance of a rash or blisters;
    • digestive disorders ( if the water was drunk);
    • swelling of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx ( extremely rare).
    An allergy to air is simply impossible, since it is necessary for breathing and a person with such a disease would not survive. In this case, we are talking about any specific air or the impurities contained in it. It is their exposure that usually causes allergic reactions. Additionally, some people are very sensitive to dry or cold air. Exposure to it can cause allergy-like symptoms in them.

    Allergic reactions to air are usually explained by the following mechanisms:

    • Impurities in the air. Gases, dust, pollen or other substances that are often present in the air are the most common cause of such allergies. They get on the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, respiratory tract, skin, and mucous membrane of the eyes. Most often, the patient's eyes become red and watery, a cough, sore throat, and nasal discharge appear. In severe cases, there is also swelling of the laryngeal mucosa and an attack of bronchial asthma.
    • Dry air. Dry air cannot cause an allergic reaction in the generally accepted sense. Most often, such air simply causes dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat, nose, and eyes. The fact is that normally ( at humidity 60 – 80%) cells of the mucous membranes secrete special substances that protect tissues from the effects of harmful impurities in the air. Due to dry air, these substances are released in smaller quantities, and irritation occurs. It can also manifest itself as a cough and sore throat. Patients often complain of dry eyes, a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, and redness.
    • Cold air. Allergies to cold air exist, although there is no specific allergen that triggers the reaction. It’s just that in some people, exposure to cold air causes the release of histamine from special cells in the tissues. This substance is the main mediator in allergic reactions and causes all the symptoms of the disease. Allergy to cold air is a very rare disease. People suffering from it usually have allergies to other substances. Often they also have some kind of hormonal, nervous or infectious diseases. In other words, there are third-party factors that explain this non-standard reaction body to the cold.
    Sun allergy is often called photodermatitis. With it, the patient's skin is too sensitive to the sun's rays, so various pathological changes. By and large, it is not entirely correct to talk specifically about an allergic reaction in this case due to the absence of an allergen. But histamine is under the influence ultraviolet radiation may stand out, and the symptoms of photodermatitis sometimes closely resemble skin manifestations allergies.

    Increased sensitivity to sunlight may manifest itself in the following ways:

    • the appearance of a rash;
    • rapid redness skin;
    • thickening of the skin ( its coarsening, roughness);
    • peeling;
    • rapid appearance of pigmentation ( tan, which is usually unevenly distributed in patches).
    Such reactions to sunlight usually occur in people with serious congenital diseases ( then this is an individual feature of the body due to a lack or excess of any cells or substances). Photodermatitis can also appear in people with diseases of the endocrine or immune system.

    Thus, allergies to water, air or sunlight, by and large, do not exist. More precisely, exposure to these factors under certain conditions can cause symptoms similar to allergies. However, these manifestations do not cause severe attacks of asthma, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and other life-threatening situations. If there is a pronounced allergic reaction to water or air, we are most likely talking about the impurities that they contain.

    Are allergies inherited?

    It is currently believed that the characteristics of the immune system that predispose to the development of allergic reactions are genetically determined. This means that certain people have special proteins, receptors or other molecules ( more precisely - an excess of certain cells or molecules), responsible for the development of immune reactions. Like all substances in the body, these molecules are a product of the implementation of genetic information from chromosomes. Thus, a certain predisposition to allergies can indeed be inherited.

    Numerous studies conducted around the world show in practice the importance of hereditary factors. Parents who are allergic to anything have a very high chance of having a child with similar immune system characteristics. However, it should be noted that the correspondence of allergens is not always observed. In other words, both parents and children will suffer from allergies, but one of the parents may have it, for example, to pollen, and the child may have it to milk proteins. Hereditary transmission of hypersensitivity to any one substance over several generations is quite rare. This is because in addition to genetic predisposition, other factors also play a significant role.

    The following factors may predispose to the development of allergies:

    • artificial ( not breastfeeding) feeding in childhood;
    • early contact in childhood with strong allergens;
    • frequent contact with strong chemical irritants ( strong detergents, industrial toxins, etc.);
    • life in developed countries ( It has been statistically shown that natives of third world countries are significantly less likely to suffer from allergies and autoimmune diseases);
    • the presence of endocrine diseases.
    Under the influence of these external factors allergies can occur even in people who do not have a hereditary predisposition. In people with congenital defects of the immune system, they will lead to more severe and frequent manifestations of the disease.

    Despite the fact that the occurrence of allergies is influenced by hereditary factors, it is almost impossible to predict it in advance. Often parents with allergies give birth to children without this disease. Currently, there are no special genetic tests that can determine whether the disease is inherited. However, there are recommendations prescribing what to do in case of allergies in a child.

    If a child shows signs of an allergy to something, and his parents also suffer from this disease, the situation should be approached with the utmost seriousness. The fact is that a child can be hypersensitive to a number of different substances. In addition, there is a risk of an extremely strong immune system response called anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening. Therefore, at the first suspicion of an allergy, you should consult an allergist. He can perform specific tests on the most common allergens. This will allow you to promptly identify the child’s hypersensitivity to certain substances and avoid contact with them in the future.

    Imagining the situation of an allergy to a person, especially a neighbor, becomes unpleasant and even wild. It is common to believe that a person cannot be allergic to another person. However, the article debunks this topic, making it a myth or reality. What could be the reasons this phenomenon and what treatment methods to eliminate the problem will also be discussed in the article.

    Human allergies - reality or myth?

    An allergy is a response of the immune system to foreign substances affecting it. It is generally accepted that it only appears in response to inanimate objects (for example, fur or pollen). However, the history of human allergies becomes quite real. Previously it seemed like a myth. Today it is a reality.

    Allergies to humans manifest themselves in various forms, which are accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Pain in the eyes.
    • Edema.
    • Runny nose.
    • Cough.
    • Irritation in the nose.
    • Hives.
    • Sneezing.

    An allergy to a person is expressed as a rejection of the impact he has on you or his personality. Between close people, this reaction often develops when relatives get involved in your affairs without asking. Sometimes it seems that you cannot breathe the same air as the person you hate.

    Human allergies are becoming more common, aggressive, popular and frequent. This is due to large concentrations of people in one area, disrespect for personal boundaries and other factors.

    The allergy in question is a psychological one, where you become unbearable to be in the company of another person. However, there are also manifestations of an allergic reaction to people who absolutely do not evoke any emotions in you and even attract you. What could be the reasons?

    Doctors on the site claim that human allergies do not exist, they are a myth. The reality is that a negative reaction occurs in response to substances that are on the body or clothing of another person. Allergies do not occur to a person, but to the allergens that he carries on himself. These could be:

    • Smells cosmetics or perfumes.
    • Pollen from plants.
    • Fur from a pet that has been in contact with a person.
    • Smells of allergenic food, etc.

    A person himself cannot be an allergen. However, it can produce or carry substances that provoke allergies. In this case, your personal attitude towards him becomes unimportant.

    Causes of human allergies

    The main causes of allergies to a person are called rejection of the individual or a reaction to the individual’s saliva, hair, or epithelium. Symptoms that appear:

    • Skin itching.
    • The desire to scratch.
    • Cough.
    • Tears.
    • Rash.
    • Sneezing.
    • Edema.
    • Rhinitis.

    Scientists observe this allergic reaction as a manifestation of psychological problems in relationships between people. Developing selfishness and lack of personal space cause internal and deep hatred of others.

    Doctors note a genetic predisposition to the physiological causes of human allergies. If a parent had allergies to their loved ones, then the child may exhibit the same abnormal immune response. And yet, the causes of allergies to people are identified in psychological factors:

    1. A negative reaction to a person who is opposite or dissimilar in character or temperament.
    2. The smell of another person is annoying.
    3. Hormonal explosion due to similarity with a person in character and temperament, which leads to malfunction immune system.

    Experts note an increasing increase in the development of allergies among people to each other. They note the reasons for the growth of selfishness and the lack of sufficient personal space for everyone. People get involved in each other's affairs, want to manage, control other people's actions. This causes resentment.

    What kind of selfishness can cause an allergic reaction?

    Yes, almost any:

    • When another person is concerned only with his own desires and interests, imposing them on others.
    • When another person gets involved in other people's affairs without hearing what they are asked to do.
    • When another person infringes on the freedom of others by not wanting to admit their mistakes.
    • When a person considers himself to be the only one right, demanding change, change and perfection from those around him.

    To all this are added negative emotions, which today are more commonly expressed than happiness and love. Happy man they try to “lower” it, bring it back to real life, devalue it. When a person is unhappy, his emotions are supported by society.

    This causes internal resentment. A person does not feel full, free, strong and healthy. Aggression is directed at surrounding people who support the individual’s “unhealthy” state. As a result, an allergic reaction occurs as a somatic disorder to people who internally irritate, oppress, or cause hatred.

    From a philosophical point of view, an allergy to a person arises as a result of selfishness and cynicism, inflated demands on the individual. Everyone considers themselves normal and right, while demanding changes from others.

    Obviously, there are many reasons for human allergies. There are both medical and psychological factors that provoke this disease modern society, where subconsciously people simply hate each other if they do not agree on opinions, interests and character.

    Treatment of human allergies

    Treatment methods for human allergies depend entirely on the causes of its occurrence. It has already been noted that the reasons are physiological and psychological.

    1. If a person develops an allergy with obvious hostility or hatred towards another individual, then he should consult a psychologist to solve the problem.
    2. If a person has an allergy in the absence of any negative emotions or even with good attitude to another individual, then you should contact an allergist. He will conduct diagnostic measures (skin tests) that will help identify which allergen a negative reaction occurs to. Most likely, another person is a carrier or producer of some allergen to which the individual has a negative immune reaction.

    If the causes of allergies are caused by physiological factors, then they should be treated in the usual ways, for example, with the help of antihistamines, corticosteroids, and vitamin complexes. You should exclude the allergen from the environment, for example, ask the other person not to use perfumes to which you are allergic.

    If the causes of allergies are caused by psychological factors, then there is only one treatment - consult a psychologist. There are many internal conflicts that a person will have to resolve together with a psychologist. Eliminating them will allow you to get rid of allergies, which exist as long as a person is irritated, nervous, and stressed.

    Main directions psychological treatment are:

    • Stop contact with the person to whom you are allergic. If the lack of communication does not affect the quality of life, then you should break up with your partner.
    • Showing patience with the other person's idiosyncrasies. You should accept the fact that other people have the right to be different from you.
    • Stopping prejudice against those people to whom an allergic reaction occurs.
    • Eliminating excessive demands on others and stopping pressure from others on yourself by allowing yourself to be imperfect.
    • Finding a personal territory where you can rest, be alone, relax.

    Preventive measures to help prevent human allergies are:

    1. Stop contact with the person to whom you are allergic.
    2. Walks in the parks sea ​​coast, forest. Fresh air promotes psychological relaxation.

    Allergy to humans is a rare phenomenon from a medical point of view. Often somatic symptoms appear due to psychological factors. Social problems that arise in relationships between people should be eliminated. At the same time, whatever the reasons, while the problem is being solved, the allergen, that is, the person, should be excluded from the environment.


    Allergies to a person do not affect life expectancy. This is a type of allergy that is not provoked by complications such as anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. However, it can significantly reduce quality of life when a person experiences “unhealthy” symptoms that worsen their health status. The prognosis is unfavorable, since with reduced immunity a person becomes susceptible to various infections.

    The psyche affects the state of health. Stress and irritating factors of a constant nature affect psycho-emotional state. A person stops taking care of his own health while he is busy eliminating factors that irritate or depress him.

    The modern civilized world is full of situations where a person is forced to obey someone, be constantly visible, have no opinion and give up personal desires. The selfishness of others provokes selfishness in the person himself.

    Genetic predisposition, which many experts blame, can also be attributed to the child’s tendency to repeat the behavior pattern of his parents. If parents are selfish, cynical and irritated towards others, leading to the appearance of allergic symptoms, then the child will develop similar qualities.



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