Restoring immunity after illness. What is dangerous about decreased immune activity? Should I help my immune system?

You probably don't think much about how your immune system works until you start eliminating or. But every day, your immune system works hard to fight off germs.

Neil Schechter, MD, pulmonologist, lung disease specialist at the Icahn School of Medicine Medical center Mount Sinai in New York (USA), talks about what the condition depends on. By the way, a pulmonologist is a general practitioner whose activity is limited to the treatment of diseases that arise in the respiratory system.

There are many ways to strengthen your immune system: from eating apples (they really help so much that you start staying away from doctors!), to love games in bed. We bring to your attention quick guide to action on how to stay healthy, especially in cold weather, until spring.

1. Autoimmune diseases: women are out of favor

For example, of the 23.5 million Americans who have autoimmune diseases(for example, lupus and psoriasis), 3/4 of them are women. Why is this happening?

"Based on animal studies, sex hormones, especially estrogen, play a role important role in this process,” says Abby Abelson, MD, a rheumatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, USA.

"Your body's immune cells actually have sex hormone receptors that estrogen binds to," explains Dr. “Accordingly, excess estrogen can provoke the development of an inflammatory process that causes the immune system to become highly active,” Abelson adds.

Scientists from the National Jewish Medical and research center, located in Denver, has some good news. When she observed how some diseases progressed, the symptoms of the disease were often milder in women than in men, Dr. Abelson says.

2. The intestine and its connection with the immune system

In addition to the fact that there is a clear relationship between the work, it is known that about 70% of the cells that help the immune system work properly are located in gastrointestinal tract. “A lot of people don’t know about this. But the job of the intestines is to rid the body of toxins,” explains Anish Sheth, MD, director of the department of gastroenterology at Princeton University Medical Center (New Jersey, USA).

According to Sheth, the best way to keep your immune and digestive systems in top shape is to eat healthy:

  • eat unsweetened foods;
  • Eat foods rich in fiber (such as whole grains).

These foods help maintain the balance of microflora in the intestines and promote growth. beneficial bacteria.

Also, talk to your doctor about which probiotic is best for you. ? These are live, beneficial bacteria. Studies show that certain strains of bacteria (for example, Lactobacillus GG) increase immunity.

3. The influence of sex, stress and sleep

Speaking of sex, a study showed that college students who had sex once or twice a week produced 30% more immunoglobulin A than those who had no sex at all. sex life or who made love more often. Immunoglobulin A is an indicator of immunity. This is a globular protein that is secreted by special cells of our body (B-lymphocytes) and is involved in the formation of the immune response.

As for stress, it not only makes you more susceptible to various germs and viruses, but also reduces the body's ability to eliminate inflammatory organism in the body on its own. Scientists made these conclusions based on a study conducted in 2012. In addition, due to stress, the disease affects a person for a long time.

When you're in chronic stress, the body produces a lot of cortisol, which negatively affects the immune system, says Dr. Schechter.

How does sleep affect the human immune system? If: a person sleeps less than 6 hours during the night, then he is 4 times more likely to get sick if he comes into contact with viruses, compared to those who sleep at least 7 hours a night. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted in 2015. While you rest in your sleep, the number of T cells in your blood that fight viruses increases.

4. The role of immunotherapy

Clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of immunotherapy in treating the following diseases:

  • types of melanoma;
  • lymphomas (tumors of lymphatic tissue);
  • lung cancer.

Immunotherapy uses a person's own immune system to fight disease.

5. The best time for vaccination is morning

You know the flu shot will best protect you during cold and flu season. Doctors say it is best to get vaccinated in the morning. Recently, scientists from the UK conducted a study. They concluded that people who took the vaccine between 9 and 11 a.m. had better health after one month. more antibodies that helped fight the flu. Patients who came to be vaccinated between 15:00 and 17:00 had fewer antibodies.

6. Products to boost immunity

Scientists, thanks to their research, have listed 4. Among them are:

  • garlic;
  • alcohol;
  • apples;
  • chicken broth.

People who took food additives with garlic for 3 months had fewer colds than those taking placebo. The study was conducted in 2014.

Research shows that drinking alcohol in moderation (one drink a day for women) helps the immune system. At the same time, remember that excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is fraught with consequences.

Apples are rich in soluble fiber. It helps strengthen the immune system, according to a study conducted by the University of Illinois (Illinois, USA).

Chicken broth contains carnosine, an aminocarboxylic acid compound that helps the body fight the flu by early stages. This is evidenced by the results of a study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

Every second a person comes into contact with millions of microorganisms invisible to our eyes, most of them are capable of causing various diseases.

The candidate talks about how immunity works medical sciences, researcher at the allergology department of the clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexey Agafonov.

At the forefront of defense

The first barrier that stands in the way of hostile aliens is formed from factors nonspecific protection.

Because skin and mucous membranes are in direct contact with the world around us; it is in them that the maximum protective forces. Human skin is impermeable to most microbes, and it also produces bactericidal substances that kill harmful microorganisms.

Another protective factor is that top layer The skin consists of dense horny scales, which are constantly renewed and exfoliated, taking with them microbes located on the surface.

Mucous membranes, for example, in the mouth or nose, are more delicate and easy to damage, which means making them more accessible to bacteria. But here, too, the body hedges its bets - human saliva and tears contain various protective substances that are harmful to uninvited guests.

IN stomach waiting for them unpleasant surprise in the form of destructive enzymes gastric juice And hydrochloric acid. These are not the only non-specific protection factors, and all of them are imperfect and do not provide 100% protection.

Heavy artillery

If harmful microbes still manage to break into the body, it comes into play immune system. Its representatives are found in every corner of the body.

There are like organs immune system- spleen, thymus, lymph nodes. And there are also special cells that move freely along with the blood throughout the body - phagocytes and lymphocytes.

In war - like in war

The first to meet the aggressor phagocytes. Some of them end up at the site of the invasion, where they capture, absorb and digest the invading aliens. The rest play the role of a filter: they capture harmful microorganisms and particles, neutralize and remove them from the body.

Phagocytes are able to cope with the microbe on their own if it is not too strong. In this case, the uninvited visit is asymptomatic and unnoticed by the owner.

However, when killing and digesting the aggressor, phagocytes release special substances - cytokines, working in the body as an alarm system. Cytokines induce lymphocytes, and they then find specific measures to combat an overly aggressive invader.

Lymphocytes are divided into two categories: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. The first ones produce antibodies - immunoglobulins that kill germs. They can be stored in the body for many years and protect it from repeated attacks.

Thanks to this ability of the body to remember invaders, it works vaccination: A person is injected with weakened infectious agents, and B cells produce antibodies to destroy them, which will be immediately activated when an active and viable infection occurs.

More common in the body T lymphocytes perform different functions. Some help B lymphocytes produce antibodies. Others strengthen or weaken, if necessary, the strength of the immune response to infection. And still others work as “cleaners” - they destroy damaged or incorrect developing cells own body.

If for some reason normal function T-lymphocytes are disrupted, allergic processes, immunodeficiency states or tumors can form in the body.

Where does human immunity come from?

The very first antibodies to various infections the child begins to receive while still inside the mother - through the placenta. After birth, antibodies are supplied through breast milk. This immunity is called natural passive.

Natural active immunity is one’s own merit and experience gained during life in the fight against hostile invaders. This is the same reserve of antibodies produced by B lymphocytes.

Artificial immunity is formed through vaccinations and inoculations. Passive artificial immunity - as a result of the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body. A active- the result of the immune system fighting a weakened microorganism from the vaccine.

Decreased immunity is a phenomenon that many people face today, although a century and a half ago this issue practically did not affect humanity.

Most often, health problems arise due to wrong image life (lack physical activity, poor nutrition etc.), environment and taking medications containing large amounts of chemicals.

How does weak immunity manifest itself?

There are several factors that indicate a weakened immune system.

  • Profuse colds (about 10 times a year). Such diseases last about ten days and are accompanied by the appearance of herpes. It is believed that a person with a good immune system gets sick no more than twice a year. Many people who have reliable protection, are not exposed to illness even in the place of accumulation large quantity carriers of infection.
  • Feeling unwell. Indicates decreased immunity constant fatigue, which leads to muscle pain, headaches, problems in digestive system And allergic reactions. Worth highlighting last symptom, which is a sign that the body wants to get rid of dirt. Another manifestation of fatigue can be a constant tendency to sleep (or insomnia). These illnesses are fraught with serious problems.
  • Indicates that the immune system is weakened poor condition skin (bags under the eyes, pale surface, presence of rashes, lack of blush). The disease is also accompanied by problems with hair, which becomes more brittle. As the level of defense decreases, the cover loses its ability to continue to cope with threats.
  • A sign of weak immunity is poor condition of nails - these formations lose their strength, attractiveness and shape. As a result, records break and become dull. If the nail bed becomes pale, then the reduced level of protection leads to anemia. In such cases inflammatory processes occur very often.
  • Mental instability - decrease good immunity may manifest itself as nervousness and irritability. If a person has health problems, it is difficult for him to control his emotions. As a result, loosening occurs nervous system, which indicates that the patient’s immunity is weak.

Causes of decreased immunity

All situations that lead to increased vulnerability of the body should be divided into two categories: human factor and environment. The first risk group includes the following reasons:

  • Not proper nutrition(carbons dominate in the diet);
  • abuse of mental and physical stress;
  • self-treatment (a person “prescribes” medications to himself);
  • Immunity weakened by alcohol.

Environmental factors are worth considering in more detail.

One of the signs of a weakening body is disease of the internal organs. When you notice the first symptoms, you must undergo medical examination. Parents can answer the question of what to do in this situation.

Immune system disorders are inherited (for example, when a mother ignores vitamins during pregnancy). This information will help you choose a treatment method - most likely, the doctor will prescribe immunostimulating drugs.

Most colds falls in spring and autumn, since these seasons are accompanied by sudden changes climatic conditions.

Immunity reduced by fever can be strengthened with special medicines and plants (read). All prescriptions and combination of medications will be indicated by the doctor - self-medication can have a bad effect on your health.

Often, experts recommend interferons, which are biological substances. Means plant origin are considered more useful - they are used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. With weak immunity, sea buckthorn, ginseng, rosemary, cranberry and other components help well.

To prevent the development of diseases in children, parents must constantly monitor them mental state. If the child comes from school to bad mood, then he is bullied or gets bad grades. After some time, the child will have a weakened immune system - you can prevent this by visiting educational institution. Also, take full care of your child so that he feels as comfortable as possible at home.

According to scientists, cats help improve the condition of the nervous system. Get yourself an animal that will help you survive stress and even overcome colds.

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of health. Eat only high-quality products (for example -), and periodically add fish or meat to your dishes.

Also, fruits, vegetables and greens should always be present in your diet.

To prevent your doctor from having to prescribe medications containing interferon, drink milk and kefir daily.

If you have a weakened immune system, add this to your diet. green tea, and water the dishes olive oil. Avoid dyes found in carbonated drinks.

In spring and autumn period forget about diets, since the immune system will be weakened when the supply of nutrients to the body stops.

Doctors say that hardening helps strengthen the body. They recommend alternating cold water with hot - ideal option is a douche after a bath.

Of course, it is impossible to strengthen the immune system without an active lifestyle (read -). In this case, a person will not need to make much effort, because it is enough to do morning exercises and a jog. It is important not to overdo it, because excessive loads can make the immune system weakened.

After a grueling workout or a hard day at work, you need to relax well. Soothing music, a warm bath and positive thoughts will help.

The following actions will help strengthen your immune system:

  • consumption of decoctions of ginseng, lemongrass, licorice and echinacea;
  • eating foods containing probiotics (bananas, garlic, onions);
  • fight against dysbacteriosis;
  • healthy sleep (at least eight hours) and the fight against insomnia;
  • taking vitamins if there is a decrease in weather immunity.

In the latter case, the cause is vitamin deficiency. To correct this deficiency, it is necessary to take medications containing A, C, D, B5, F and PP. When a person gets magnesium, iron, iodine and zinc in insufficient quantities, he faces serious illnesses.

Medicines are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. To prevent the development of the disease, it is worth paying attention to medications special attention during the cold season.

There is no point in placing all your hopes on everyday food, since the products from our supermarkets are not of ultra-high quality.

This deficiency can be compensated for with the help of dietary supplements.

What to do if weak immunity? The Japanese will answer this question. It is the specialists from the land of the rising sun who produce the highest quality biological supplements, which are used as a supplement to food.

Modern technologies make it possible to constantly expand the range of these drugs. They all contain natural ingredients, including those that are rarely found on our market.

These include the following substances:

  • (hit of the 2014-2015 season);
  • - effectively fights reduced immunity.

When using medications, you must follow the dosage, which you can calculate yourself. A person’s daily requirement for vitamin C is 1500 mg, while about 50 mg is stored in one capsule of the domestic medicine. Based on this, you will find out the optimal amount yourself.

When purchasing Japanese dietary supplements, a person will need to drink no more than 3-5 tablets daily, since they contain an order of magnitude more vitamins.

For effective absorption of imported medicines, it is advisable to periodically take a vitamin bath, which will strengthen weak protective barrier. To prepare it, you need to brew lingonberry, rose hip, rowan and sea buckthorn fruits, as well as raspberry leaves, with boiling water. The resulting liquid is poured into the bath, where a few drops are also added essential oil. Duration water procedure is 20 minutes.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the weak protective immunity may occur for various reasons.

We also came to the conclusion that dietary supplements cope best with ailments. One of the most effective in this direction is the agaric mushroom (Orihiro), which protects the body from viruses and bacteria, and also prevents the formation of tumors. After taking this medication, no decrease in a person’s immunity will disturb.

Observations show that health problems rarely affect people who lead active image life. It will not be difficult for you to devote half an hour to a morning run with exercises.

In this case, a person performs two tasks: strengthens the immune system and gets ready for work. If the work day turned out to be very difficult, that is, high probability insomnia. You can prevent it by going for a short run the night before bedtime.

Very often, experts observe weakened immunity in winter. As a rule, such problems arise in people accustomed to living in a warm place. After a long stay in comfortable conditions, the body cannot effectively adapt to the cold environment when going outside. Therefore, if your home has autonomous heating, then you should not set the programmer to 25 degrees. It is enough to wear clothes that correspond to the season, and also use dietary supplements (for example, Black Garlic).

Now you have a whole arsenal of information at your disposal that will help strengthen your immune system. These recommendations should be taken seriously, since ignoring them often leads to serious illnesses. Remember: when playing sports and consuming quality products, a person forever forgets about such a concept as weak immunity. If you feel that these measures are not enough, then combine a healthy lifestyle with dietary supplements.

Proteflazid (drops) is classified as an antiviral herbal medicine. During the laboratory research its effect has been proven for the following diseases: hepatitis, herpes, papillomavirus, HIV infections and acute respiratory diseases. It helps boost immunity and has antioxidant properties.

At long-term use brings it back to normal immune indicators the patient's body. The flavonoids present in the composition help inhibit DNA polymerase (this process occurs in cells that have been infected). After entering the body, the process of inhibition of these enzymes occurs, the replication of the virus’s DNA is suspended and it completes its growth of reproduction in cells.

After oral administration, one part is absorbed in the stomach (from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, reaching C max in 20 minutes), and the other in small intestine. A small part disintegrates during passage through the liver. The most interesting thing is that the main part of the medicine enters the infected cells of the organs and kills the virus, but the drug does not affect uninfected cells.

Release form and composition of the drug

It is produced in a dark glass (plastic) bottle of 25, 30 and 50 ml (with a droplet dispenser). The liquid inside is green (dark green). During long-term storage, it may transform into a gel-like structure (just shake the bottle well).

The composition contains the following substances:

  • Ground reed herb 50 mg/100 ml.
  • Turf pike grass 50 mg/100 ml.

Auxiliary components: ethanol 96%

Instructions for use

Proteflazid can be taken internally and externally. Orally administered 15 minutes before meals (with viral hepatitis 2 hours after eating). Using a dropper dispenser, drop into water (1-2 tablespoons of water) according to the following scheme:

  • From birth to one year - one drop/day.
  • 1 - 2 years - one drop twice a day.
  • 2 - 4 years - two drops twice a day.
  • 4 - 6 years - four drops twice a day.
  • 6 - 9 years - 9 drops twice a day.
  • 9 - 12 years - 10 drops twice a day.

Children under six years of age are recommended required dose dissolve in water with sugar. The course of treatment is usually determined by the attending physician 14 days(but depending on the severity of the disease, the course can range from 2 to 4 months). For frequent infections, a course of the drug 3-4 times a year is possible.

Adults and children over 12 years old - 12-15 drops twice a day.

Externally used by adults in the form of lotions (38 drops/10 ml of saline solution on a piece of gauze and apply 3 times a day) and vaginal tampons (75 drops/20 ml of saline solution and on gauze swab, carry out the procedure up to 2 times/day). The maximum course of treatment is two weeks.

Contraindications and negative effects of drops on the body

Contraindications are intolerance or sensitivity of the body to the components of proteflazide. It is not recommended for patients with stomach or duodenal ulcers.
Negative effects on the body as a whole:

  • Digestive system - gastrointestinal disorders(vomiting, diarrhea, nausea).
  • General indicators: when taking the drug, the temperature may increase, but when the dose is adjusted, it normalizes on the 2-3rd day of use.
  • Allergic reactions (itching, rashes) occur extremely rarely.

Cases of overdose have not been proven.


On at the moment analogues with similar antiviral effect are:

  • Flavoside drops and syrup.
  • Immunoflazid.
  • Arbidol.
  • Ingavirin.
  • Kagocel.
  • Imusstat.
  • Panavir.

Pricing policy for the drug

Since the drug is exported and is manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies average price from 900 rubles to 1500 rubles across different regions.

We cannot live without our immune system. This is the first line of defense in the war against hostile microorganisms. The functioning of the immune system reflects the incredible complexity of the human body.
More details below.

About immunity in general

Our immunity- this is very efficient system recognition and destruction of most microorganisms that enter our body. To do this, the immune system must distinguish between “friends” and “strangers”, in other words - normal tissue or an organ and an “intruder”.

Microorganisms can get inside our body in various ways- you can just inhale them. They can enter the stomach with food and drink. They can enter through a cut or bite, or through any natural openings in our body, such as the ears or vagina.

How to boost your immunity?

The immune system is strengthened by following a healthy lifestyle, that is, a daily routine, a healthy diet, quitting smoking, regular physical exercise, effective fight with stress. All this has a beneficial effect on our health.

There are also special supplements that can be prescribed by a doctor to boost our immunity. But still there is nothing better solutions lead healthy life. You should not expect an improvement in your immunity without quitting smoking, alcohol, fatty foods And sedentary image life.

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

It is important to strengthen your immune system without waiting for illness.

Experts have identified 10 important things you need to know to stay healthy.

1. Antioxidants directly improve the performance of the immune system. Increase your dietary intake of antioxidants. You need vitamin C, vitamin A, beta and mixed carotenes, vitamin E and selenium.

2. It is important to consume natural products containing antioxidants rather than dietary supplements - studies have shown that these may be harmful to your health.

3. Fruits and vegetables daily. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily ( 250 mg of vitamin C in one glass, this is enough for daily needs a child in winter, but an adult needs a little more).

4. Control your stress levels. To do this, you need to choose a relaxation method that suits you. Constant stress puts a huge strain on the immune system, and this makes you susceptible to viruses.

5. Drink more tea. Researchers in Boston found that people who drank 5 cups of black tea every day improved their immunity.

6. Porridge and cereal. French and Spanish researchers have found that the cereal is rich in polyphenols, which restore the immune system and increase lifespan.

7. Soy. Prebiotics, such as oligosaccharides found in soy, help our immune system cells grow faster.

8. Pre- and probiotics. Pre- and probiotics are powerful immune boosters. Prebiotics provide food for the beneficial bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract. And probiotics are special cultures of bacteria that create a beneficial environment in our intestines; they retain important microelements and prevent their premature loss.

9. "Essential" microelements. Vitamin A, iron and zinc increase immunity in both old and young. Vitamin A reduces the risk of infection. Iron boosts immunity through a chain of important enzymes and immune factors. Zinc plays an important role in normal growth tissues and increases the production of antibodies.

10. Reduce your calorie intake. Limiting calorie intake helps our immune system cells fight infection, researchers say. An experiment with macaque monkeys showed an increase in the number and effectiveness of T cells when calorie intake was limited.



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