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A person has at least six reasons to feel happy. , of course, depends on a sense of responsibility for your life and on the understanding that you can change everything for yourself at any moment. But there are six statements that are universal for everyone, bring positive emotions and fill life with meaning.

1) You are alive. If this thought doesn't make you feel any happier, think about what the alternative might be. If you often feel depressed and hopeless, find out for yourself what causes them and try to eliminate it. Sometimes the basis of the occurrence negative emotions and lie internal diseases, requiring immediate appeal see a doctor. The reason could also be psychological disorders: , complexes that would also be nice to solve with professional help. If the thought that you are alive does not bring you a feeling of joy, delve into yourself and find out why this is happening. And then start working intensively on the cause.

2) There is at least one person in your life who loves you - yourself. Your self-perception is formed from a certain amount of self-esteem and self-esteem. If you have a harmonious, positive self-perception, rest assured that it is based on real achievements and a logical sequence of actions, and not on a painfully heightened sense of ego. If your self-perception is negative, you need to do everything you can today to start feeling good about yourself. Make attempts in the area where you are sure to succeed. And then step by step larger ideas, strengthening self-confidence.

3) Your existence has purpose and meaning. There is something that brings greater satisfaction than your job. This is an understanding of the need for the work we do. We all earn money and reputation by working for the benefit of people. That's why unnecessary people no, society needs us all.

4) Simple pleasures are free and exist everywhere. Wonderful sunsets and sunrises will give you positive impressions. Observing children will give good mood. Seeing how people smile and how they help each other is also a positive emotion. Look around carefully, notice the most unexpected pleasures, and exchange your impressions. And remember: the more you are, the easier it is for you to be happy.

5) Your thinking is limited by prejudices and views on life. All inventions and innovations are invented by man. Everyone can become a creator. Think big. about more. Turn your world upside down. Turn your idea 180 degrees and look at every detail from a new perspective. There are no boundaries for the mind! Enjoy his exploration. Write a book. Write a poem. Invent a gadget that will solve a problem that is bothering you. Do something that will improve the world around you, even just a little. You can do it! You need to at least try to see: you can do it.

6) Count everything that life has blessed you with. Most of us can make a long list of everything that life has given us. Many have their own cozy home, loved one, adored children, interesting work. Think how much this means to you. Feel what a gift it is, how good it is that you have all this. In conclusion, I would like to recall the already widely known words that everything is known by comparison:

  • If you woke up healthy this morning, you are happier than 1 million people who will not live to see next week.
  • If you have never experienced war, imprisonment, torture or famine, you are happier than 500 million people in this world.
  • If there is food in your refrigerator, you are clothed and shod, you have a roof over your head and a bed - you are richer than 75% of the people in this world.
  • If you can go to church without fear or threat of imprisonment or death, you are happier than 3 billion people in this world.
  • If you have a bank account, money in your wallet and some change in your piggy bank, you belong to the 8% of wealthy people in this world.
  • If you are reading this, you are not one of the 2 billion people who cannot read.

So much has already been written by everyone, since antiquity, about happiness, about what it takes to become happy. And everyone wants to be happy, but everyone puts their own understanding into the concept of “happiness” and how to achieve it. Happiness, by the way, experts say, depends on our temperament and personal qualities, what we dream about, what we achieve, who we love and with whom we are friends... But place of residence, social circle, external circumstances and well-being have the least impact on happiness.

  • To be happy you need to be grateful. Grateful for everything: for a prestigious job, for good news, for a child’s smile, for loved ones and friends, for a clear day... for all the good things in life.
  • To be happy you need to be able to smile. A smile is a sign happy people. Even if there is no reason to smile, remember at least something good and smile.
  • To be happy, you don’t have to compare yourself with others, you don’t have to constantly think about what others will think of you. Happy man will not pay any attention to it. Otherwise he will not be free and happy. Never compare yourself to others. One way or another, there will always be someone who is smarter, luckier, more beautiful, more talented than you. Move in your direction without looking around or comparing.
  • To be happy you need to be able to find in everything good points and believe in the best, as they say, failures can also teach us something good. And if you learn to live with a feeling of joy, then you are already happy. And joy and happiness will definitely come.
  • To be happy, communicate more with other people. Just like that, for no reason. And do not spare your words, emotions, experiences and sympathy in communication. And meeting new people always increases the likelihood of meeting good luck and happiness.
  • To be happy, you must constantly take care of your soul and body.
  • To be happy, you need to do what you like more often. For some it's his professional activity, for some, playing chess, reading books, swimming, fishing... It doesn’t matter what you do, the only thing that matters is that you enjoy it.
  • To be happy, sometimes become a child and don’t be shy about it. If you look at the world through the eyes of a child, you become simpler, cleaner, happier.
  • To be happy, you must be able to enjoy what you already have.

Happy people enjoy every minute of their lives. It is important that past life didn’t worry, the present didn’t bother me, and the future didn’t frighten me. You need to live today, in all the fullness of your feelings, without postponing anything for later. IN everyday life so many joyful and happy moments. Japanese writer R. Akutagawa said: “To make life happy, you need to love everyday little things. The glow of clouds, the rustle of bamboo, the chirping of sparrows, the faces of passers-by - in all these everyday little things you need to find the highest pleasure.”

  • To be happy, you must be able to forgive people. Most of us do not know how to do this, but if we learn this, then life will become much easier and happier, without a burden on the soul. And you should never forget the following truths that are necessary to feel happy:
  • Happiness is contagious
  • You must have a sense of humor
  • Be active and busy
  • Communicate more with other people
  • Work
  • Try to worry less
  • Plan your life
  • Look for more positive things in life
  • Don't set too high goals for yourself
  • Live in the moment

And remember the thought of I.S. Turgenev that happiness has no tomorrow and no past time. We need to seize today's moment!

  • Observe healthy image life.
  • Always be yourself.
  • Make relationships with loved ones a source of happiness.
  • Learn to appreciate happiness.
  • And always remember that no one can make you completely happy, only you.

“If you want to find a person who can overcome any, even the most difficult, misfortune and make him happy when no one else can: just look in the mirror and say: “Hello!” R.Bach.

Spiritual and personal development, motivation and good mood. Get answers to your questions from experts

Every woman imagines herself happy differently. For some, a couple of fashionable dresses, a new handbag and shoes are enough. high heels. And for others, happiness is in a little daughter or son, around whom their whole life revolves and no amount of shopping can replace the attention and boundless love that they give only with their presence. There are also young ladies who prefer a free life and travel even to the happiest family life. But every girl deserves to feel happy.

Often, many women, in the whirlwind of daily bustle, devoting themselves entirely to children or immersing themselves in work, literally “lose themselves.” They forget the last time they did something for themselves and dedicated their free time to make your own dreams come true. Because the reality is that a woman, coming home from work, takes care of the children, the house and has no energy or time left for anything else. Even if you have everything materially, this does not make you absolutely happy. After all, we are always missing something in life, for some the attention of a beloved man, for others extra hours in the day to get a good night’s sleep and completely relax, and for others just a change of scenery to look at their life differently.

Why should a woman be happy?

According to psychologists, the feeling of complete happiness needs to be learned and is worth striving for. After all, how many people on earth simply live, go to work, raise children and do it out of habit, out of inertia, forgetting to enjoy every day, and do not see happiness in the little things. They think that first they need to earn a lot of money and their life will improve. But this is far from true. Of course, money brings short-term joy from increased opportunities. But you need to learn to be happy here and now. After all, this is what we live for.

In addition, a woman must first of all be happy not only for herself, but also for her husband and children. She, like a source of energy, charges everyone with her emotions. After all, you must admit that when a mother walks around the house gloomily and every now and then, takes it out on the children and on her spouse, this does not benefit the family and mutual relationships.

It's no secret that all living things are drawn to the sun, because it gives warmth and light. Likewise, a happy woman radiates positive energy and shares it with her loved ones. positive emotions and a smile. She is attractive and you want to be around her.

If a woman is happy, then her children will be happy too. After all, when you are in constant tension or carry certain fears within yourself, it is difficult for you to give something to your child. In addition, as you know, children are very emotionally attached to their mother and subtly sense her condition. They take over everything and if mom is sad and always tired, the children unwittingly begin to repeat her mood, especially girls. Also psycho emotional state a woman is very important to her husband. After all, when she is happy, there are fewer quarrels in the family and the wife does not nag her husband over every little thing.

Therefore, you always need to learn, find time for yourself and think about your dreams and desires. This, of course, does not mean that you need to be selfish and think only about yourself, forgetting about others. But your emotional state should come first. To do this, try to look for ways for yourself quick removal tension and stress:

  • find your favorite hobby;
  • read books that interest you;
  • take a relaxing bath with essential oils at least once a month;
  • sign up for yoga courses;
  • Don't dwell on troubles.

It is more comfortable to live in a state of happiness than in constant stress. Therefore, learn not to be distracted by negative thoughts and experiences. Think about it, is it worth it? Of course, there are situations when you cannot do without emotions. But you shouldn’t exaggerate them too much and get hung up on them. Instead of wrapping up negative thoughts in yourself: “Why can’t I do this” or “what will happen next?” Better try to relax and make yourself a little happier easy and in a way accessible to you. Think about what brings you the most joy, what inspires you the most and brings you the most joy and happiness. For example, meeting friends, reading interesting book or favorite job. Try to devote yourself to your favorite activities longer time. In your free time, instead of watching TV or spending a few hours on the Internet, spend time on your preferences.

How to become happier

No one will make us happier if we don't want it. Therefore, you need to try to learn to please yourself, hope for the best and get rid of negative thoughts. There are several simple ways to feel at least a little happier.

Always try to restore your peace of mind and peace. Don't accumulate negative thoughts and learn to cope with problems. Say them out loud, look for ways out difficult situations. Any problem that worries you greatly must be solved. Because it is impossible to live fully and enjoy every day if some unresolved issue weighs on you every day.

Look for the positive. Look around and think about what gives you joy. It simply does not happen that nothing pleases a person and does not give him at least a momentary feeling of joy. This may be some little thing, or just a walk in the park, watching nature, or a job successfully completed, but for some it is the smile of your own baby, which energizes you for the whole day.

Listening to birds singing, walking barefoot on the grass and finding solitude with nature - useful actions for inner peace and connection with the world. Enjoy the simplest things. They always charge you with positive energy, give you a sense of harmony and allow you to be distracted from bad thoughts and feel happier.

Take action. Our life reminds vicious circle and sometimes you want to change something and start from scratch. For example, start running in the morning or do renovations in your apartment. But, after a while, everything remains the same and it bothers us. Don't wait for an opportunity, start acting right now. If you really want a new life, don't be afraid to take the first step. Any attempts to change the situation and attitude towards life will bring you closer to happiness.

Get carried away. You should definitely have something you love – something that inspires and energizes you. Creative activities and sports allow you to express yourself and cope with stress. But this can be more than just a hobby. For example, realizing yourself as a caring wife, loving mother or good grandmother allows you to feel truly happy woman at any age.

Rest and take care of your health. It is difficult to feel happy if something hurts or you constantly want to sleep. Look after your health, do preventive manipulations for your chronic diseases, visit doctors more often, do not allow critical physical condition. Always find time for good sleep. Only after a good night's sleep can you quickly restore strength and put your thoughts and feelings in order.

How to live and feel happy?

Happiness is here and now

Sometimes it seems that happiness is wandering very close by: “I’ll endure a little longer (lose weight, meet great love) - and finally everything will be fine.” Alas, the idea that happiness is somewhere in the future, around the corner, around the bend, is a big and crafty illusion. If there is no feeling of happiness now, there will be none tomorrow either. Notice everything bright and good that you have today, and you will notice how many reasons you have to feel happy. What we ourselves fill our lives with is our happiness - the choice of friends, favorite activities, hobbies, travel, communication with those who are dear to us and who are willing to spend their time on us. What else is there to be happy about?

Happiness is in the details

Many people are waiting for . And therefore they look for it in some global things and fantastic states - mind-blowing love, constant luck, enviable achievements, absence of problems. It's a trap. You can come up with any sky-high heights and never achieve them. Or you can move from one feasible goal to another and feel joy and pride from small but real victories.

Our existence is a constant stripe. There is no success without failure. You can't just rejoice and never cry. Happiness is not the absence of problems and troubles. Everyone has them. The whole question is how to perceive them - as proof of one’s own bad luck or as a new life experience. It is not always joyful and pleasant, but in any case it is very valuable. Experience helps you realize and not repeat mistakes, grow and learn something new. Any experience gives us something and enriches us in some way: if you were shortchanged in a store today, it means that tomorrow you will be more attentive. If you made an offensive mistake at work, it means that you won’t make it next time.

Remember: everything that happens in your life is necessary and right for you personally. Even if you build relationships with the “wrong” people over and over again and step on the same rake, it means that you need this rake for something. They help you understand what is wrong and what needs to be done differently.

Happiness is in you

Just like self-confidence, you can’t get it from the outside. No one can make another happy. Happiness “grows” only from within. To feel comfortable and harmonious, accept yourself as you are - with all your shortcomings and imperfections. Learn not only to internally blame yourself, but also to defend yourself, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try to do something for yourself every day. It is not circumstances that make a person happy, but the ability to rejoice in what is. Therefore: do not chase happiness. It is always within yourself.

Everyone deserves happiness

Many people live with the attitude that happiness is difficult to achieve, it must be “earned”, “suffered”, but it is not given just like that. This is not true. We can get all the best things in life - smiles, kisses, hugs, laughter, good memories, communication, meetings - for free, that is, for nothing. As I said Mother Teresa, there are none. The door is always open.

What should you do to be happy?

Take care of yourself, hear and satisfy the needs of soul and body.

Do what brings you pleasure more often, pamper yourself.

See all the good things in life (and thank the universe for it).

Collect ways to cope with difficulties into a treasury of wisdom.

Think positively, but the main thing is to be able to enjoy life. Real life the one that exists now, and not the one seen in dreams or waiting “around the corner.”



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